★☆★ 日本語 → 英語スレ: Part 371 ★☆★


Dear foreign nations,
We wish to let it be known that the mass communication in Japan, such as the newspapers and televisions,
are under total gag order with regard to any opinion that may be taken as criticism against this one certain
How on earth could this be happening in a developed country like Japan?

One Japanese actor, on Twitter, criticized a major TV station for staging an overly exaggerated Korean pop
culture boom, and trying to manipulate the general public with it.
Despite the fact that an overwhelming majority of the Japanese public backed his opinion, most of the
Japanese TV stations not only failed to make note of that fact, but also resorted to a character attack
against this actor.
It was only five days from his tweet that the actor was fired from his agency.

All inconvenient opinions from the general public are being ignored and silenced.
*You ask why? It is a little known fact to the general public let alone those overseas,
*that the Japanese media is deeply entangled in a profitable relationship with Korea
*through the Korean permanent residents in Japan.
We therefore ask those from overseas to send us your thoughts on this situation.
We are not asking for anything extreme, only for as many sensible opinions as possible to Japan.

