>>12 So little did I expect you to reply to me that I am really, truly, absolutely surprised to get your message. I am sorry for being late for replying to you.
I receieved your product yesterday and found the box's seal broken. I am concerned about its safety because it is something to dose. Would you replace it for me?
I took a picture of the box, so please take a look at it.
I receieved your product yesterday and found the MF3 box's seal broken. I am concerned about its safety because it is for something to dose. Would you replace the product for me?
I took a picture of the box, so please take a look at it.
>>9 Currently, the patriotism in Japan is higher than ever. On the web, a lot of Japanese attack Chinese and Koreans. The mass media are concerned about the such thoughts, and they try to maintain good international relationships with neighboring coutries by ignoring the online patriots.
Educated Japanese-English bilinguals are concerned about the rising patriotism in Japan. We wonder what foreigners think about this recent trend, and we wish to hear from you.
>>9 on Channel-2 website, a notorious Japanese web forum, asked for Japanese-English translation to promote his thoughts of conspiracy from Japanese traditional media.
>>27 on Channel-2 website, defends >>9, a Japanese rightist who cannot translate his thoughts to English, yet wish to spread his idea out of his world.
Educated japanese-English bilinguals think that >>27 is also one of the rightists who wish to turn China and Korea down.
I'd say earning wide margines by selling and buying items\s on ebay and yahoo auctions while receiving free translation are the ones who deserves wrong translation.
>>11 Thank you for sending the item. I received it yesterday. But I found the trace of the seal on the box of MF3, which might be stripped once and pasted again. (please refer to the picture attached) I am a little worried because it is food. Is this how it always is? Can I take this as it is?
Dear foreign nations, We wish to let it be known that the mass communication in Japan, such as the newspapers and televisions, are under total gag order with regard to any opinion that may be taken as criticism against this one certain country. How on earth could this be happening in a developed country like Japan?
One Japanese actor, on Twitter, criticized a major TV station for staging an overly exaggerated Korean pop culture boom, and trying to manipulate the general public with it. Despite the fact that an overwhelming majority of the Japanese public backed his opinion, most of the Japanese TV stations not only failed to make note of that fact, but also resorted to a character attack against this actor. It was only five days from his tweet that the actor was fired from his agency.
All inconvenient opinions from the general public are being ignored and silenced. *You ask why? It is a little known fact to the general public let alone those overseas, *that the Japanese media is deeply entangled in a profitable relationship with Korea *through the Korean permanent residents in Japan. We therefore ask those from overseas to send us your thoughts on this situation. We are not asking for anything extreme, only for as many sensible opinions as possible to Japan.
To people in other countries, in Japan now criticism toward South Korea has been totally prevented and gagged by Japanese mass media including television and newspapers. Japan is said to be a developed, democratic country. Then why is it so bad to be critical, worth of dismissal?
One actor in Japan has criticized Fuji TV, one of the biggest Japanese TV station on broadcasting contents about South Korea too much. He thought and tweeted it is time for Japanese own contents to cheer up people under this time of emergency, what had happened to the country in March. Many people agreed with the opinion on twitter. His office, however, decided to kick him out only after 5 days because of what he said and the controversial consequence, and the Japanese media twisted his tweets criticizing Fuji TV as if he is a racist criticizing South Korea herself.
Our public opinion is not reflected at all in Japan. All force-out. Please comment or tweet your opinion on this situation in Japan.
今回のフジテレビ批判騒動に関して海外のメディアに発信したいです。 ・高岡くんが偏向報道を批判しただけで解雇 ・言論の自由に対する統制がある という点に注意して非常に稚拙なのですが英文を作成してみました。 下ので通じますか?何か訂正やアドバイスをいただけると嬉しいです。 I am sorry in advance for my poor English. Japan is going to be corrupted due to Japanese medias. Few days ago, on Twitter, a young Japanese actor criticized Fuji TV ,which is one of the Japanese medias, because Fuji TV has pushed Korea propaganda too much. Almost all Japanese are tired of Korea Propaganda and distorted broadcasts of Fuji TV, and many people agreed with his opinion. However Japanese mas media have never reported this truth. On the contrary, they have reported him as if he was racist. Then, he was fired from the production company to which he belonged. He has never criticized Korea itself, he just criticized distorted broadcasts and Korea propaganda of Fuji TV. Although many Japanese are furious about a series of this event, Japanese medias will never reported it. It is definitely restriction of freedom of speech. So, please tell this truth to as many people as possible. Please criticize distorted broadcasts and Korea propaganda of Fuji TV.
>>46 To people in other countries, criticism against South Korea is being totally prevented and gagged by Japanese mass media including television and newspapers in Japan now. Japan is said to be a developed, democratic country. Then why is it so wrong to criticize them; so much so that one could lose his job for it?
One actor in Japan has criticized Fuji TV, one of the biggest Japanese TV station, for broadcasting contents about South Korea too much. He thought and tweeted that now is the time to air Japanese own contents to cheer people up under this difficult time, after what Japan endured in March. Many people agreed with the opinion on twitter. His office, however, decided to dismiss him only 5 days later because of his tweets and the ensuing controversy, while the Japanese media twisted his tweets around, which originally criticized Fuji TV, and made him out to be a racist criticizing South Korea herself.
Our public opinion is not reflected at all in Japan. All forced-out. Please comment or tweet your opinion on this situation in Japan.
Japan is being corrupted by the Japanese media. A few days ago, on Twitter, a young Japanese actor criticized Fuji TV ,which is one of the Japanese media, because Fuji TV has pushed its pro-Korean propaganda too much. Almost all Japanese are tired of the Korean Propaganda and the distorted broadcasts of Fuji TV, and many people agreed with his opinion. However, the Japanese mass media have not reported this truth. On the contrary, they have reported him as if he was a racist. Then, he was fired from the production company to which he belonged to. He has never criticized Korea itself, he simply criticized the distorted broadcasts and the Korean propaganda of Fuji TV. Although many Japanese are furious over this series of events, Japanese media will never report it. It is definitely a restriction of the freedom of speech. So, please help us spread this truth to as many people as possible. Please criticize the distorted broadcasts and the Korean propaganda of Fuji TV.
It is the motorcycle which I had onwed for 6 years. Recently I gave it to one of my friends. XX-made chamber plays arousing sound like Stradivarius. I hope that this precious 2 stroke-sound will forever resound somewhere in Tokyo.
英国の出版社の著書にその人の作品の著書に 「大変教職なのですがもしお時間が有りましたら裏表紙にあなたの手書きのサインを是非ともしてくれませんか?」 と手書きで書いてほしいのですが↓で伝わりますでしょうか? Could you come to sign lit at the back of your hand your time if there is a great teacher and I? できればシンプルにしたいのですか? 胴かよりお願いおいやします。
Could you come to sign lit at the back of your hand your time if there is a great teacher and I?
>>68 Don't NHK know that Glico was forced to post a newspaper ad including childrens'postcards by the criminals, and that Glico made their emplyees make their own children write such postcards?
I beg you to pitch such ball as to challenge razing waves and whales in the front and come back with such glazing balls and establish ONB period in the Giants!
>>81 I wish for an early check-in and late check-out, but only if they are free of charge. I do not speak English, so I would like to be contacted by a Japanese speaker. Thank you in advance.
>>56 I feel the need for all to realize the importance of face-to-face communication especially in this age when superficial communication through information terminals have now become a predominant form. Perhpas the importance of face-to-face communication is being observed now that human relationships are becoming less intimate, and anxiety are being voiced over the disconnected society of today.
>>74さん。 ありがとうございます。 ただ自分のの本にサインをもらのではなく著書に何種類か注文していまして、 「それぞれの種類の1冊だけサインをおねがいできませんか」といいたいのですが? Can you please sign only one book of each type of writing ではつたわりませんか?
>>74さん。 ありがとうございます。 ただ自分のの本にサインをもらのではなく著書に何種類か注文していまして、 「それぞれの種類の1冊だけサインをおねがいできませんか」といいたいのですが? Can you please sign only one book of each type of writing
>>106 We don't understand why Morzart was so poor in the latter half of the movie 'Amadeus'. After I examined, I found out that the musical emperor died before Morzart and a unmusical younger brother assumed the throne.
そのナイフを研ぐのに使ったものは三つの砥石です。 1,diamond sharpening stone #300 grit 2,King Medium Grain Sharpening Stone #1000 grit 3,Kitayama Fine Grain Sharpening Stone #8000 grit さらに仕上げとして革ベルト+green compoundを使いました。
To: Request for press coverage to the overseas media
To our dear German friends,
This may all come as a surprise to you, but we would be grateful if you could spare us a little of your time to read this through. First of all, we Japanese, would like to express our appreciation for your donation and assistance following our recent earthquake and tsunami disaster.
Now, you may have already heard that the Republic of Korea has made it its national policy to promote Korean artists and culture around the world. Just like other Asian countries, Japanese television is ridden day in, day out with Korean artists and dramas. It is said that even the Chinese are lamenting over the overabundance of Korean programs in their country.
Japan's economic instability has become even more prominent following the March 11 disaster. This fact has startled us and have left us insecure. However, negative reports against Korean has become a taboo now that the Japanese media is under influence of the Korean capital.
This is why, we Japanese, have decided to hold a public protest against the intensely pro-Korean media. Unfortunately though, our earnest efforts would only be ignored, or be reported in a twisted manner.
For this reason, we are hoping to see this matter taken up overseas. We want you to report this in order to protect the Japanese people and their culture. We have reached the point where distrust of the Japanese media are only effective when issued from foreign countries.
>>118 I ask the people of Germany for assistance. We are planning to hold a demonstration along with our fellow Asian countries currently under the same situation. With international publicity and criticisms from overseas, we may be able to solve our country's problem.
To start off with, we have planned a demonstration against Fuji TV, the station in Japan that broadcasts Korean contents most heavily. It is scheduled to be held in the vicinity of Fuji TV station from 14:00 on August 7, 2011. We would be grateful if the German media could be there to report the event, and to assist our cause us in doing so.
Korea is now claiming origin over many things widely accepted in the world as Japanese culture. Our culture that is accepted and respected as something passed on from ancient Japan; our culture that we have held to with pride, such as 'Judo', 'Samurai', 'Japanese Sword', 'Japanese Tea Ceremony', 'Manga' and even Japanese food such as 'Sushi', are being claimed as being of Korean origin. Yet, what future does the society hold for our children when it does not condone mere criticisms even under such circumstances?
In hope for the cultural relations between Japan and Germany for centuries to come
>>125 This translation doesn't necessarily reflect the true meaning of the original. There are some grammatical or literal misrecognitions and misunderstandings. Please look at this site, keeping it in mind.
>>121 The following three sharpening stones were used to sharped that knife. 1. diamond sharpening stone #300 grit 2. King Medium Grain Sharpening Stone #1000 grit 3. Kitayama Fine Grain Sharpening Stone #8000 grit Leather belt + green compound was used to finish up.
A paper can be cut effortlessly by just pressing the blade against it.
>>127 The blade becomes sharper and stronger against chipping when sharpened into a micro convex. Please try it.
>>151 Should something like this happen again for any reason whatsoever, I will be forced to seize dealing with you temporarily.
In order to avoid such situation, you should consider shipping methods with tracking services or insuring the contents to prevent any future trouble. I consider tax a matter of grave important.「税金は重大だとおもいます。」
Also, please keep in mind that I am the major dealer here in Japan.
Could you please forgive me rather impolite e-mail? Today I sent an e-mail because I have a favor to ask of you. The Democratic Party of Japan presses forward with the Bill of Human rights Protection. However, it is a dangerous measure. This bill it is something which prohibits human rights violation such as discriminations but we have no definitions “infringements upon human rights” strictly. Therefore, Japanese government can arrest on the pretext of crime of human rights violation As evidence of fact, an actor mentioned this problem and he resigned his office. It is a virtual dismissal. The Democratic Party of Japan ignores measures of Japanese revival. It humiliates me to have to tell you this as Japanese. However, present Japanese media have no longer journalism at all. They neglect this bill and it becomes a taboo. Would you please spread this fact about the bill? I do apologize asking you this but I have no other way. Thank you in advance. Yours sincerely
- 最初の一文不要 - Today I sent an??? email -> Today I am sending this message to ask you... - お願い内容は上の文のすぐ後に持ってこい (理由なんて後; まどろっこしい) - The Democratic Party of Japan 二回目以降は DPJ - The bill IT is something which prohibits -> The bill is something that prohibits か? - Japanese government -> the Japanese government - arrest 何を? - as evidence of fact どういう意味? - Japanese revival どういう意味? - it humilitates... ? - present Japanese media どういう意味? - they neglect this bill どういう意味? they ignore...の意図? - would you please... could you please...の意図? - I apologize... 謝るならやめとけ
I got these little guys from Australian , but AU don't have a license to export plants, so I have to source food somewhere else before food comes with the insects run out. I purchased a few lbs of leaves from DoubleD, but they don't seem to know exactly what type of gum tree those leaves were harvested from, so I am reluctant to start offering those leaves mix to my insects , since their strong aromatic reminds me of lemon-scent
eucalyptus (e. citriodora). What's your experience with DD's gum leave mix? Are they 100% safe? Do you know what Eucalyptus species they're harvested from? Should I start slow and introduce those leaves step by step? Should I mix lots of other food with the leaves? I am current offering them mainly Forest Gray Gum (Eucalyptus tereticornis) leaves/mulch
>>183 I really appreciate the help we got from America when the disaster happened. BrabraBrabraBrabraBrabraBrabraBrabraBrabraBrabraBrabraBrabraBrabraBrabra. BrabraBrabraBrabraBrabraBrabraBrabraBrabraBrabraBrabraBrabraBrabraBrabra. BrabraBrabraBrabraBrabraBrabraBrabraBrabraBrabraBrabraBrabraBrabraBrabra. God bless your corporate.
>>187 There's been remarkably little visible racing games made in Japan. Is it only Gran Turismo, Ridge Racer, Initial D or stuff that released these days? In video arcades Battle Gear 4 is still at work but a little bit old fashoned ha?
>>186 I love your work. Do you make your original? 上はその人のオリジナル作品。でもオリジナルの作品って、 文脈読んでると個人を対象にした作品のように見えるが それならDo you make ones for personal?かな? Is it possible for you to make one with my dog's photos if you don't mind? また、オリジナルというのは言葉の綾で別に版権?などを所有しようと いうような気は有りません。 ↑このexcuseはどうなの?逆に怪しまれないか? If you could, I don't mind you could use the copyright of these photos. やっていただけるならこの写真の版権は使っていただいて構いませんだけど うーん、でも入れないほうがいいような。。。
>>185 I've prepared both a dog's design and a cat's design along the theme. Which do you think is better? I will submit the one according to your advice. I plan to make the background color black.
>>183 I really appreciate American help at the time of the earthquake. I like Apple's products, but there is something troublesome if we buy iphones in Japan. It is a discrimination caused by Mr. Son, president of Softbank. His ancestors are Korean, so he charges Korean Japanese only a little, taking a lot of money from us Japanese.
>>183つづき His discrimination might be unimaginable for Apple, whose products are supported and loved all over the world. But it is a fact.
So, please don't export your iphones through Softbank, but use other Japanese companies. If you do so, I will use iphone. Please cooperate us with elimination of his discrimination. Thank you for reading this message. I wish your company's glory.
>>192 You've charged me for the shipment fee as usual, but how much is the true fee? I'm not satisfied with the fee this time. What do you think about it and the fee you will charge me in the future? To put it bluntly, I am serious. I have no intention to ascribe all the delay to the shipment companies. In fact, I've received four items from my German friends this month only. Please clarify your standpoint for the future transactions. I repeat. I am serious.
>>158 Thank you for your reply. Looking at the internal siver pouch from outside, the right film is separated and stripped into a siver layer and a transparent layer, but it is closed by the inside silver film. And it seems to me that different machines have been used to seal it in the right side and the left side. This is my first time to buy MF3, so I can't judge it is normal or not. Please take a look at the picture attached.
>>199 どうもありがとうございます 3行目の closed by the inside silver film の部分は 「透明のフィルムによって〜」にしたいので closed by the inside transparent film または closed by the inside transparent layer に変えていいですよね?
>>209 Sadaharu Oh is a chairman of Softbank, but he has no right to represent the company. That is, even if Mr. Oh signs some paper, it's not a contract with Softbank. Of course if he has a letter of attorney from Mr. Son, he can, but the same thing is true to employees with no titles. Namely, Mr. Oh is only taken advantage of by Son.
Thank you for your reply. I checked internal silver pouch. The plastic film of the seal part is separated and stripped into a silver layer and a transparent layer, but it is sealed with the inside transparent layer. And it seems to me that different machines have been used to seal the right side of it and the left side of it. This is my first time to buy MF3, so I can't judge it is normal or not. Please take a look at the picture attached.
>>271 It's not urgent. It can wait. This boy, a 12-year-old kid named SlowLoris, has been sleeping in the same bed since he was a baby. If you are in need of other sample pictures, let me know. I've got hundreads of them. Once it is completed, email me to this address with the price. I think highly of any of your works, especially animals' eyes.
>>276 It hasn't been a while since the game was released in Japan, and the level of Japanese players isn't high in general. So I have some questions to ask to players overseas about the game.
>>220 I want to know much about athletic instructions and take a lisence concerning it, because in my thought I will be able to give more technical advices by getting a license.
>>234 The IP address of PC is recorded. But this information is not known to other users basically. It will be revealed only when police or justice request it.
>>238 We are not in a hurry especially. We will wait patiently. This is a 12-year-old slow loris. He has been lying in the same bd since he was born. If you need other sample images, please let me know. We have hundreds of his photos. When you are finished, please send an email to this address. I like all of your works very much, especially eyes of animals.
>>248 The theory of natual selection assumes that life was born by the above mentioned reaction. On the other hand, the theory of chemical evolution assumes that given the primitive earth cooled down just after its birth, the primitive air such as ammonia, methan, and hydrogen was collided with by radiation and then amino acid and sugar took place, and life was born.
>>275 I'm looking forward to your arrival. By the way, it's really wonderful that you spend your holidays in Italy. I want to go to Germany and visit you someday.
>>287 Ban's trasiory first love has disappeared just now. But at the same time, 'the manly magic ball' he has dreamed of and been longing for was born and whizzing through the air!!
>>288 If a picher lifts his leg and steps outside widely and pitch a screwball, the ball will make a large turn. It is a common knoledge. But if he does so, a batter will anticipate the pitch. So, a pithcher doesn't do such a thing in a real match. Ikki Kajiwara, manga story writer, made up a story of 'harakiri-shoot' in 'Samurai Giants',not knowing it. He seems to be told about it by someone, and wrote quite an opposite story in 'Shin-kyojin-no-hoshi'.
>>289 For example, Hyuma Hoshi's right-handed pitching form lets a batter anticipate the pitch. Ittetsu Hoshi advises him to step more inside when pitching a screwball.
>>316 But as for the lack of sleep, we cansay there is a big relation with longtime labor. The result is that about 19% of the workers who work for from 120 to 160 hours a week are satisfied with their time to sleep, about 11% from 161 to 200 hours, about 8 from 201 to 240 hours, about 7% from 241 to 300 or more hours. This shows us that the longer he works, the less he sleeps.
>>331 I know OO helps you with the translation of your app. I'm afraid to say this but he is a kind of person who you can't trust. He boasts about translating your app and he spits abuse at people in 2ch. I just want to tell you that depending completely on him leads to losing trust of Japanese users.
>>335 Please allow me to clarify the following. Doesn't this item come with two 1 gram greases? The explanation indicates "x 2", and the photograph also seems to show two of them. My package contained only one, so would you kindly look in to this?
>>335 Please send me another 1g grease tube. I was supposed to receive two of them but I only found one in the package. The caption on the item tells it comes with two of them and the picture of the item suggests the same.
>>417 Could you attach a tracting option like EMS? I don' t mind if the shipment fee will be a bit more expensive. Don't you have a method to deliver the item as soon as possible?
>>418 No hitter so far! Only one runner due to Mori's missing a a ball Taiheiyo's batters are completely silenced by 'harakiri-shoot'. Creating a spring storm, the samurai is pushing his way!!
>>338 Put the nuclear accident aside, people gave DPJ political power for economic recovery, employment, and social insurance policies. I don't know what is confusing DPJ, but they tried to do their best in national strategy or Futenma, which I don't understand at all.
>>425 I can't find something which might be of interest to you, so I will send that one on Monday. It's in a strange condition, so I think you'd like it if it were sent to you safe and sound.
>>442 I am still waiting to receive my order, even though I had gone through the normal ordering process and confirmed charge to my credit card. Please refund me if we you can not send to Japan.
>>451 Try and get through this difficult time by looking on this as a challenge to develop into a more wonderful person. I want you to be as attractive on the inside as you are on the outside.
>>469 Poor fellow... If his magic ball were hit, he could give up. Its power is taken advantage of so that a catcher couldn't catch, and then he fades away...
結構いい言葉だと思うが、訳すとどんな感じ? You would soon hear the last of me as things have their own ends. I would like you all to bid farewell, I would like to remind you for every once in a while that "a man named Shindo made these films" I'm coming to the end of my life and would be gone but this is my last hope. Remenber these pictures are made not by myself but with you all. That makes me alive if I'm gone.
>>500 Overworks could get worse if left untreated. I don't tell you we have no solution. It's necessary to save employees by their employers and by law. The side in employment specally has to do their best for this issue resolution without only persuing their own profits.
>>497 About shipping You set "container" one unit for shipment. Is it possible more downscaled units are available? If you could accept to modify in some condition, I'd love to know that.
>>548 If someone likes English, he will often want to major English literature. But novels are casteles in the air after all. He will never be smart, however many novels he will read.
>>549 If you don't learn economics, you will never notice that someone's profit will also become your benefit. I'm not speaking from a mental side. It is purely for economic reasons. If I explain it in detail, it will be long, and I don't have so much knowledge either. In short, if someone uses money in a convenience store, storekeepers will be paid more, and employ more people. If you are reading only novels in the department of literature, you will never understand such a thing in even one hundred years.
>>542 I've heard you'll stay in Tokyo from 10th to 20th. After finishing work, I am scheduled to leave Tokyo aroud that period for summer vacation. I don't know if you'll like it or not, but I recommend Harajuku and Omotesando, where I think you can enjoy yourself only by seeing the passengers who wear unique clothes regardless of age and gender. A lot of foreigners are in these areas, and in back-alley cafes and restaurants, they have staff who speak English.
>>524 It is prohibited to import living creatures without permission under the Japanese laws, and it is also prohibited to export them by international postal acts. But in case of small insects, it will be through the custums if you send them by EMS. Even if they are found out in the custums, they will be confiscated and that's all. Please send me about one hundred, and let me know the total amount including the shipment fee.
>>563 The regional system is a system envisaged in advance, in which some states are located over the areas except Hokkaido and given more reginal autonomous power than the current prefectures. If we realize this system, the states will be able to make solutions when some problem happens in each prefecture without the government's assistance. But when we consider the budget to realize it, we are still suspicious that there is need for change.
>>564 Karoushi(overwork death) means that a business man in his prime dies suddenly of cerebral hemorrage or heart attack as a result of mental and physical burdens after he was implicitly forced to work overtime or without holidays. ( Recently the cases of young men are increasing too) The manual of the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare defines it as follows: Induced by excessive working burdens, underlying diseases such as hypertension and anteriousclerosis worsen, then cerebrovascular disease or inschemia disease or acute heart failure begins, and then eternal working inability or death takes place.
>>580 I don't think doing away with prefectures and setting up new states mean cutting down on (the total number of) civil servants. For example, it seems impossible to me to put together 3000 workers of A prefecture, 5000 of B and 2000 of C into a state which employs only 3000 or 5000 workers. From my point of view, 10,000 or nearly that number of people will be needed. Of course, we could achieve that by lowering the quality of the public services, but that doesn't mean anything to introducing Federated states.
>>584 基本的に日本語の分かりにくさが変わってないw >知らない人からメールがきて、 >(その中に)わからない言葉があったから >この意味って何?と(私が)聞いたら >(相手に)突然そう言われた。 ということでいいのかな。 Someone e-mailed me and I found an unknown word in it, so I asked what it meant, and then the person suddenly said that. くらいだ。 この文以前に文脈がなかったら、そう言われた(said that)の意味は 相変わらず不明だが、それで大丈夫なの?
>>591 I seem to have bought a bag of Aomori rice in mistake for Akita rice. I know very well there's no problem about its quality, but can I cancel the order now?
>>616 Are you going to stay in a hotel at Shinjuku? It's a crowded and busy, though exciting and interesting, city. As for me, I'm going to my home town. It's been really hot in Tokyo now. So please make sure you don't get heatstroke.
>>617 I got a flat tire and so changed it in the weekend.
>>605 I'm a Japanese. My name is 000. I met you at000 at night the other day. Sorry to be late, but I send you some photoes which I took with my camera. As I am a poor cameraman, the photoes look faint. They are memorial photoes for you, so I'm really sorry for that. Did you have fun in Tokyo? Please have more fun in summer vacation.
>>601 The rating of the US govenrment bond was lowered from the highest rank for the first time. Do you have any comments as a manager of a small retail company?
Hi, it's ○○, a Japanese. We met at △△. I'm sorry it's taken this long to send you the photo I took of you. Seems like I'm not a good photographer. Your photo's out of focus even on my digital camera. It must have been part of your good memory in Japan. I am sorry about that. Did you have fun in Tokyo? I hope you enjoy (the rest of) your summer vacation.
>>637 We can choose any car in America, available for your preference, and drive on gas at reasonable prices. With all these conditions considered, it's natural cars are popular in general.
>>641 I heard that Kenichiro Mogi, brain scientist, tweeted in English that Keisuke Takaoka was a racist and that's caught attention in 4ch now. I wonder if there's anyone in the know about that?
I'd like you to let the fact known to people from overseas by translating Japanese messages into English that Japan's been in trouble on account of Democratic Party of Japan. I feel sorry about this lengthy message, but I'm searching for people who has a mind to cooperate.
Japan's in jeopardy now. I'll do whatever I can do. Thank you.
>>666 Hi, I am writing this mail to you because your friend Kate, who is studying Japanese, introduced me to you. I am also interested in Maya though I am not going to study it to full extent until next year. Best regards!
>>655 2 years ago, many Japanese people thought the then government was not capable and Democratic Party of Japan took over the reins of government for the first time in the after war era. DPJ, however, is comprised of those who have a lot to do with Korean organizations. It's said DPJ has funded those organizations. The problem here is that they were involved in kidnapping Japanese people and the funded money was sent to North Korea.
>>631 No problem. Don't even worry that. Please let me know when you get ready to pay for my invoice. I am ready for sending the product to you as your request.
>>657 Part of Japanese people (mostly who read online articles) knew what DPJ really was like, while most Japanese people didn't even know it. Believe me, most Japanese news agencies and such didn't even try to write about DPJ's political stance. In retrospect, many Korean companies already bought TV station's shares and had great influence on TV media. So it'd be safe to say TV stations were under so much control of "such sponsors" that they broadcast coverages just in favor of DPJ.
>>676 You will find 12 consecutive numbers such as "14142#######" over there, which are your serial numbers. Take the numbers and put them into the blanket.
>>658 Japanese TV stations have broadcast unnaturally in favor of Korea for the past few years as if they were Korean broadcasters.
>>659 Many Japanese started to think something is wrong and then Sousuke Takaoka, an actor, pointed out that TV coverages were imbalanced and one-sided and voiced his concern that the current government was trying to pass a dangerous law. And he got fired for that? That's outrageous. It's obvious such sponsors used their power. Many of the Japanese people finally noticed what the current government and broadcasters were like and started to take action on their own.
>>675 I saw the news on TV. It looks like the situation is getting harder and harder. I really care about you. Are you all right? It's kindya thing that would never happen here in Japan. I pray for all your safety.
>>661 The Japanese media don't even refer to the problematic bill as well as the fact that many people feel angry about it. Even when they touched on this, all they did was to bend the truth and to say Takaoka said something against Korea. It goes without saying Mogi labeled him as racist on Twitter the same way as TVs did.
>>662 If there appears someone who attacks Takaoka like this, please be noted he or she is likely to be someone who wants to protect Japanese media from severe criticism against them. There is no fact Sousuke Takaoka said anything racist. He only spoke his mind. Many Japanese people appreciate him for giving them a chance to wake up.
>>663 The true enemies for ordinary Japanese people are those controlled media and DPJ. That's what we should share among people around the world.
>>697 You did your packing as good as usual. There's no problem. BTW, do you happened to be enjoying your summer vacation in Italy? I wish I were you. I'll be in touch with you sometime soon.
>>632 The politician talked about the prospect of the upgarding of trasportatin network and works on soil and water sonsevation toward the end of his speech.
>>703 I'm sorry. You're right. This is Andris. You were his classmate, were you? I wonder what kind of student he was. I've heard you are also working on web designing. What page did you make? I want to look at your works again.
I saw you fugly face on youtube lolololololol! You almost made me piss my pants laughing!! What's it like having nothing better to do but mumbling shit away at the camera? roflmao And it's funny as hell watching a loser ass like you talking tough. LOL soooooo painful to watch! Add anime otaku to that... your life's worth shit. You're never gonna be like Sanji from Onepiece, get that moron?
>>726 I often introduce the writings in this thread to English native speaker. The reaction is great. They always say my English statement is perfect. I feel so envy. Thank your all for you who help me answer adequately in English.
>>725 If you can't do that, it is me who is to be blamed. Because I am a looser. I always feel frustrated because of my poor ability to handle language. So please let me alone. I don't match native English speaker.
>>736 Afeter full comparison and analsys on Chapter 4 and other chapter, we could confirmed the useful effect on this issue which might be interesting to watch.
>>743 Motobike riders often wear long sleeves even in summer to avoid scratches when fell off. We don't feel so hot when cruising because we feel the wind, but would sweat all over when stopping for a few minutes like at a railway crossing.
>>745 It's OK for you just to use the original expression written in English; you don't have to translate Japanese expression , which has been already translation of the English original, into new English translation.
>>761 I'd like to talk with you when I become able to speak English more fluently. おかしな英語でもともかく話すようにしないと、うまくなってから話すというんでは いつまでたっても話せないよ。 それとも、いやな相手からのお誘いを断るときに使うフレーズかな。
>>742 We must be careful if his weight is said to be 100 kg, becuase we don't know to which number his weight is rounded off. If his weight is rouned off to the closest whole number, his real weight is from 99.5kg to 100.5kg. But if it is rounded off to the ten, it is from 95 to 105 kg. It's impossible to imagine, but if it is rounded off to the hundred, it is from 50 to 150 kg.
>>776 I placed an order to A comapany based on your imformation. So, I can't cancel it now. The orders in Octorber were fewer than I had expected from your information. I place an additional order as follows.
>>774 When I compared A with B, I couldn't but think A is superior to B. It's relly what I thought. But in front of her, it was impossible to say so. So, I was forced to come up with a convincing reason why B was superior.
>>790 Can I cancel my appointment for tomorrow to borrow your bicycle? I know it's a bit rush to inform you but I have to change my schedule for certain reason.
>>816 I am sorry I don't have a slightest idea of what you are talking about? Could you be more specific or put it in normal English? Or Japanese. Whatever language you like.
>>855 In the long run, it is better to secure a room which can be used as a art studio, your staff's bed room, and your office, say by rental, considering cost.
>>858 Did Mr.(or Ms.)Suzuki and Mr.(or Ms.)Sato help (プロポーズした人をいれる)to ask to marry? I'm not sure the situation because I don't understand English well.
>>872 When are you going to go back to England? (Please) Let me know your schedule as soon as you're done with your vacation. I have something to talk to you. →どういう用事か分からなかったので話したいことがある、としました。
「AかB、もしくはC。」という言い方を教えてください。 “か”と“もしくは”はどちらも普通は「or」だと思うんですが それだと「A or B or C」になってしまいますが優先度が微妙に 違うとき、例えば 「8月15日(月曜日)または8月22日(月曜日)、もしくは8月16日(火曜日)」とかですが これしか思いつきません 「Monday, August 15 or Monday, August 22, or Tuesday, August 16」
Our company developed the highly incentive managing method where an individual success would directly reflects that of the company, enabling every member of the company to have a high spirit.
>>901 I sent you two pieces of works. The one is the "dog" which represents a goodwill; the other is the "cat" with image of corruption. You could choose whatever you would like to.
I don't say this way is worse ,however, I am thinking you would not get a good result. この英文でどうでしょうか? ちなみに、もし良いとしても後半の文章に「可能性が限りなく低い」をより 伝わるような副詞を一つ入れたいのですが・・・。
>>937 This is ----. I have an experience to deal with you before. Are you selling to Japan now? I want to buy this item again. Please reply if you don't mind.
>>972 I've told you that I visit there on Sep. or Oct., but I haven't find a friend to go with. I want to have fun with many people at there, so I'm going to visit there when I find a travel partner.
I hope I can go there and meet you as soon as possible.
>>972 少し直した I've told you that I'm going to visit there on Sep. or Oct., but I haven't find a friend to go with. I want to have fun with many people at there, not only you and me. So I'm going to visit there when I find a travel partner.
I hope I can go there and meet you as soon as possible.
>>984 While I was in Kumamoto, our conversation once turned to the topic of highschool baseball during which a contract worker commented, "They're basically a foreign legion.". I assumed that it was PL Gakuen that he referred to as "they". This is a nonsense from a sour loser. Why don't Kumamoto build a top level highschool baseball team for itself and recruit talented students from around the country in the same manner? He was a truly ignorant and stupid man.
>>984 When I was in Kumamoto, a temporary employee was talking about High School Baseball Championship and said, "They are French Foreign Legion" ,referring to PL Gakuen perhaps. He is a bad loser. If he felt so frustrated, why doesn't he make a big-time baseball high school in Kumamoto and gather good baseball players from all Japan? He was really an uneducated fool.