Jim Okay, so for this what we can do is really need for the item to arrive and if the case will be close and it was resolve then it will not mark against your account. 「オーケー、ならば、我々のできることは、really need 商品が到着、もし審査が終了し、それが解決し、 それはあなたのアカウントを mark しないであろう」
You can also try to have an agreement with buyer's if you want that they will agree to wait if they want to purchase an item from you. 「あなたはまた、あなたが欲するなら buyer's (なんで所有?) との合意成立を試み、 もし彼らがある商品をあなたから買いたいなら彼らは待つことに同意するだろう」
※ Jim イーベイのサポート case 運営に対する、不着の苦情による申立審査。 苦情が出るとおいらのaccountのレートが「苦情多い販売者」になる
>>38 I must have been under the mistaken impression that I had already applied for that exam, amidst all the other exams and courses I had applied for.
64 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中[] 投稿日:2011/06/30(木) 14:01:13.03 5年前のあの日がなかったら私は違う人生だったでしょう を英文にしたいです。 if the day was not exist in the 9 years ago, my life would be differnt. ではおかしいでしょうか?
65 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中[] 投稿日:2011/06/30(木) 14:03:20.52 >>64 書き間違えました ○ 5 years x 9 years
>>59 This is X X who knew each other in △△ the other day. Do you remember? I am sorry that I asked your address suddenly at that time. ○○ is my first American friend. I was surprised that you are a soldier of the U.S. Forces stationed in Japan. When Japan was hit by a giant earthquake in March, the U.S. forces gava us much support. I appreciate it very much! Please try to work hard from now on, too.
>>59つづき By the way, I am a university student. I also do my best to study. I'm not so proficient in English, but I would be happy if you send me email when you like. Please come to play in Tokyo!
>>60 I heard that BN is vulnerable to high temperature. Until about which month are you able to send it? Also, I think California is hotter than Tokyo. How are you stocking?
>>51 Thank you for your invitation. In fact, I have been recommended to apply for the competition of ○○ company by my British friend. I am really happy that you've contacted me directly. You allow the existing product if it is along with the theme, and I wonder this work is relevent or not. If you request a new one, I am going to challenge to make a new one.
>>50 I am very much satisfied with your faithful proposal. In this transaction, I did not notice the picture at first, so I am to blame in part. Therefore, I don't require the repayment of the total amount. If you discount a little in my next purchase, I'm all right.
>>69 I can't stop playing Thriller in my head since I was back in Japan. Am I Michael Jackson addict? I believe I am not because only that tune is played.
>>99 As I wanted to know more about *** which you sent the other day, I searched it online but there were only a few Japanese websites and even english websites had little information. Do you have any good reference?
>>88 Our warranty covers cracks on the solar battery modules caused by the problem from the factory, cosmetic wearing with performance degradation, and solar battery modules whose performances are under the lower limit (90% of nominal maximum). 二文目は日本語の意味が分からない
>>108 Because you always take a good care of me, I sent you an original T-shirt which is not available in the market, and very rare @@@. I hope you'll like it.
似たような文章を訳させるんじゃねー。というわけで後半だけ。 Do you have any idea what happened to them? Without knowing the cause, we might end up in the same situation. You told me that you'll ship them on 18th. Do you think that the temperature is proper at the time?
>>125 When I saw viewers' comments in the net concerning the movie "Koroshi- no-pot", a lot of Japanese are saying that the ending was the same as what they had expected or it was a boring movie, misunderstanding Smith was the same person as a black salesman. How about the comments there? Also, some of the Japanase say 'Smith' was not revealed until the ending. Of course, both of the comments are mistaken. Smith survived until the ending, and the salesman was just impersonating him. I'm dissatisfied that they are saying it is boring, ignoring their inability and mistakes. Maybe, Japanese subtitles were bad, so I am stupid enough to be blamed.
というわけで試訳 Eight reasons why drinking are much better than believing god.
1. No one has been killed because he doesn't drink. 2. Drinking different liquors does not cause a war. 3. Coercing minors to drink is illegal. 4. One will not be called a traitor by changing what he drinks. 5. One will not be executed by refusing offered drinks. 6. You don't have to wait 2000 years to get next drink. 7. Using tricks to sell drinks will be punished. 8. It's easy to proof you had enough drink.
>>135 1. No one has ever been killed only because he doesn't drink. 2. No war has been provoked simply because of the difference of liquors. 3. It is illegal to force minors who have poor judgement to drink. 4. One will not be called a traitor even if he changes what he drinks. 5. No one has ever been executed by burning only because he doesn't drink right liquors. 6. It is not necessary to wait for 2000 years to order the next drink. 7. To use tricks to sell drinks is punishable. 8. It is easy to prove that one is really drunk.
>>150 The reported image of these criminals was that of social outcasts. They were bullied, and committed the massacre to revenge.
The rumor that they were self-claimed neo-nazi or obsessed with gothic culture drew attentions by the media, probably because of their dark images and ghastliness.
Some reported they were gay partners.
In contrast, their story in the movie, though influenced by the media reports, gives a new impression quite different from what the media described.
>>139 I am going to have *** shipped from Sweden around 18th of this month. Do you want to have four cases of them as you did in the last month? Can I set off the payment for A against that for ***? Please let me know your intention.
>>158 I can say from my own experience of studying abroad that I'm confident my English will be improved very fast by studying hard not to mention I'll get accustomed to a local cuture and foods right away.
>>160 I have data ready to be applied to the template. Please let me know how to submit it.
I'm sending you two files. Please take whichever you like or both . I'm going to try designing another new one because I have still time untill the deadline, I'll be happy if you choose my new one if it's much better.
>>160 I will transmit two files this time. Please use both of them or either of them as you like. I'm going to make a new one because there still seems to be time until the deadline. If my new work is good, I'll be happy if you adopt it.
>>157 It is unnatural that they don't take up this impressive thing which the media took up greatly. Maybe they deleted it because its image is not general. He emphasizes the perverted and minor image ??has. By doing so, he impresses the mental instability of the chief charactor. I always take a bad attitude, so don't trust this translation.
>>155 On your product page, you send the item within one business day. But I've not yet received your contact about its shipment. Would you please tell me about when you can ship it.
>>192 Is this your new way of offending people on this thread? 192 and 173 seem to be written by the same person, while 192 and 279 are quite dissimilar.
>>195 I have two questions. The first is about shipment. I ordered ** the other day, and made payment immediately. The order status has not been changed from "Paid" since then. Would you tell me when you will ship it?
The second is about **. It is out of inventory. I would like to know whether you have a plan to start producing them again. If you do, I would like to now the schedule as well. Thank you.
National health insurance is a system that can lighten the load of the medical expense when we are injured and get sick because the people pay the specific sum of money as insurance every month. Specifically, the nation can receive medical care by bearing 30% of medical expenses because a country bears 70% of them.
>>244 俺だったらこう書くけど The National Health Insurance is a system in which people share the burden of medical expenses by paying a fixed premium every month. When we go to hospital, the government pays 70% of costs and we have to pay just 30% of them.
直したのはこっち The National Health Insurance is a system that can reduce our load of medical expenses when we are injured or get sick. People pay the fixed amount of money as insurance premium every month and can receive medical care by bearing 30% of medical expenses because the government pays 70% of them.
>>248 Since I have not changed anything about the credit card's setting, I have no idea why you could not charge on it. Maybe because it's after a off-day. Since there are no other issues such as reaching the credit limit, could you try it again after a while?
>>269 I haven't change anything since the last transaction, and have enough deposit on my account. I suspect a problems with the bank. Could you try several times more at intervals? I believe that there is nothing I could do with this problem.
Let me ask one question for clarification. You do accept payments via paypal, don't you?
290 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2011/07/13(水) 19:30:29.33 >>288 アホだろオマエ。forで終わっていいんだよ。 わからねーなら引っ込んでろ素人が。 You are an idiot! For is okay. That is over. Lick you anus and stay in behind, Fool!
>>373 I might be wrong but it seems that packages take more time for transferring in Germany and, as a result, it takes about two weeks for them to arrive after dispatch. Do you have any idea about the cause of the delay?
>>381 The packages from Germany has recently been taking a long time to reach Japan. Has there been some sort of a regulation change? Or are they just busy due to the holiday season? It used to take 7 days door-to-door, but it's now taking a week just to enter Japan. Any idea why?
>>384 Only 5 of your As reached me alive, and every one of the expensive Xs you sent me before that were old models. Do you realize just how much loss you have caused me over this past three months? I am forced to say that I have little to gain here if this is to continue in this manner.
I demand to know how exactly you plan to address this sitation, as I must seriously contemplate whether or not to continue dealing with you depending on your response.
>>430 'A' has been slightly delayed and will be dispatched on Monday the 18th. If everything goes smoothly, it should arrive here by the end of the week, so I should then be able to send it out to you on the 25th.
>>435 My friend left for □□□ immediately after returning from Thailand, and he's still there. I have requested for various kinds of ■■■, so I'm sure he'll bring something back.
>>436 Please charge me the full price. Please also tell me if this is in any way a burden to you, because I would rather give it up than inconvenience you.
>>438 I should be able to send it out on Tuesday. What do you say?
>>459 Fluorescent-labeled probes and baits have become a lot more common nowadays, however radioisotope-labeling is still the best in light of the fact that it completely eliminates the risk of molecular steric hindrances.
?adverb 1. nevertheless; yet; on the other hand; in spite of that: We have not yet won; however, we shall keep trying. 2. to whatever extent or degree; no matter how: However much you spend, I will reimburse you. 3. in whatever manner: We will allow you to travel however you please.
お手本 We have not yet won; however, we shall keep trying. I wanted to study; however, I was too tired.
馬鹿w Fluorescent-labeled probes and baits have become a lot more common nowadays, however radioisotope-labeling is still the best in light of the fact that it completely eliminates the risk of molecular steric hindrances.
Fluorescent-labeled probes and baits have become a lot more common nowadays, but radioisotope-labeling is still the best in light of the fact that it completely eliminates the risk of molecular steric hindrances.
>>496 You asked me for Japanese companies that are willing to invest in you, but is a coproduction through co-investing not an option for you? Coproduce a movie, then put it out onto each of our country's market in appropriate formats. I don't think it's a bad option at all, but what's your thought on that?
>>498 Many Japanese, both private and corporate, refer to "Windows 7" and "Office 2010" as "Windows7" and "Office2010". I would like to ask you, the intellectual property rights holder of these products, to apply pressure on large companies at least, to use the correct product names. Considering the Japanese's normative consciousness, it is likely that if the top change the bottom will follow. While this problem is not limited to your products, I chose to ask you in particular, as your products are the most commonly used out of all software products.
>>533 You asked me which company in Japan might offer its fund. But, is there another option in you that each shares the cost each other, then produce the film you are thinking of together, before each of you sell it in each own's country? I don't think this is not so bad an idea. How do you think of this?
>>539 2番目だけだけど Any effort will be rewarded someday. Tepcoが今一生懸命原発を収束させるために努力してるけど報われないとおもう。 燃料はすでに地中深く潜り込んでいるとおもう。いくら炉を冷やしたところで無駄だ。 それどころか4号機プールがやがて崩れ落ちるんではないのか?その灰が周りに飛び散る。 さらに落ちたらそれも再臨界。いくら努力をしてももう賽の目は出てしまったんだと おもう。
>>535 I have no intention of robbing my company of its business. I'm only hoping to obtain business personally from my company's clients in areas that my company is not currently involved in.
>>458 Make-ups these days are so incredible that the difference between before and after applying is as dramatic as undergoing plastic surgery. So if make-ups are allowed, then why not plastic surgery as well? Though I do think that the money spent on plastic surgery would be better spent elsewhere as other forms of self investment.
>>554 The English school that used to be here(there) was once so properous that it was caught on tax evasion about a decade ago, went out of business last year due to cash flow problems.
>>615 At busy times, customers make a lot of requests when we just walk around tables. Although each of us is responsible for one's own duty, we try to avoid mistakes, such as duplicated orders, by helping others' work and communicate with each other frequently.
>>570 You seem to be handling less variety of Ts recently. Are you thinking of placing more weight on T's in future? You and I seem to share the same taste, so I'd love to see more of it.
>>587 The refined intelligence of human beings possess potentials exceeding the level required for the adaptive purposes of prehistoric mankind, leading one to believe that something of such versatility can not be born out of natural selection. Therefore, intellectual development is not the result of natural selection.
>>588 I received A today, and am ready to dispatch to you, but I noticed something peculiar in this deal. While I'm making no profit as middleman for A, the price you stated for B and C are your selling price. I don't think this is fair. Please let me know what you think of this.
>>627 I think that the victory was God's gift to the people of Japan who were overwhelmed with grief from the earthquake and tsunami. Their feat brought cheers not only to those in the disaster areas, but to the whole country.
>>621 I was deeply moved by the fact that a child so young that writing still comes with great difficulty, had taken the effort to write me a letter to show his/her appreciation.
>>630 The story was slow and boring because with every incident, it would go into endless details on the effect it had on the society, the victim's family configuration and so on.
800 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage] 投稿日:2011/07/19(火) 20:06:59.35 >>797 I substitute margarin for butter. I (have) replaced an oil stove with a gus stove. Could you help me to replace a tire? Why are you so pale? I was bitten by a stray dog.
>>651 I wasn't able to bring myself to enter the new school building. I was, above all, saddened that it wasn't my old school anymore. I once served as the late Princess Diana's interpreter.
There are ten times as many lawyers in the U.S. compared to Japan.
>>657 In Africa, I saw many rare animals that I never even knew existed. It's more difficult for a rich man to go to heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.
>>672 You're right. It's truly interesting to learn languages from other countries because Japanese can only be used in Japan. By the way, I'm really surprised to find Japanese speakers in Spain. Their Japanese is so good that they're actually able to hold proper conversation with me. It's incredible.
>>683 The island of Takeshima is a formal Japanese territory and it's the same recognition for historically. you are controlled by anti-Japanese education for a brainwashing. even if you say that the island of Takeshima is a Koreans, please try to judge a national court for fair. but i know, why you hate to judge in a court 'Cause you'll lose. you are hence living on this island it looks like a parasite. have you got a counterargument?
>>683 Takeshima belongs to Japan. It is backed up by historical proof as well. You people have been brainwashed through anti-Japanese education. If you choose to continue insisting that Takeshima belongs to Korea, then let's get the court to decide fair and square who it really belongs to. There's only one reason why you Koreans refuse to take this matter to court. Because you can't win. So you people have resorted to forcibly inhabiting the island. Like a parasite. Care to counter this?
>>688 I received it today. The packaging was perfect and I'm very satisfied. I will probably place a few orders again next month. I shall contact you again next month.
>>678 わざわざありがとうございます。 >すぐにあきらめるからマンUはダメなんだ @rioferdy5 see the result man, will ManU defender give up after ur mate scoring? just act as a gentle footballer, shame of u as a man これなんでしょうか? ManUで調べても、どれか分かりません。
>>684 I couldn't help but realizing that he is old now. His bad complexion, deep wrinkles in his face were highlighted depending on camera angles, his facial expressions, and how lights are shed on his face.
>>725 You seem to be very busy lately. I'd hate to bother you in such a time, so would you prefer that I don't contact you when I'm in your area next month?
>>731 Spanish is a worthwhile language to learn because it is spoken in many countries. You're from Mexico, aren't you? I would love to visit the the cenotes of the Yucatan Peninsula some day.
>>633 Large companies are under legal obligation to conserve electricity by 15% compared to the previous year. Electric fans have sold out after the government also requested private homes to provide utmost cooperation to this electricity conservation. The radioactive contamination is an even bigger problem than the electricity issue. Vegetables, meat, fish, etc from the vicinity of the nuclear power plant were reported to show figures exceeding their specified values. So I can't help but be a little overly conscious of where the food was produced when shopping in supermarkets. Since the restoration of the disaster areas are now steadily under way, I can only hope for the nuclear power plant issue to settle down as quickly as possible.
>>736 I'm sorry to have to inform you that the ○○ that I promised to send was out of stock. I've looked for it in other shops but they were also unavailable. Here are other cards from the same series so please take a look through it for substitution. URL I hope you find something to your liking. Let me add one card for free as a token of my apology.
If you're yet to send your cards, I do apologize once again for this trouble.
>>464 A student of Rikkyo University fighted with someone on the platform of Ikebukuro Station, and lost the fight to death. The police investigated the incident as an accidental mortality, but couldn't find the criminal by the statute of limitation. Then they changed the accusation from accidental mortality into murder.
>>464 This is completely a capation. Furthermore, they are posting a reward of one million yen. I wonder if the criminal will be caught with such a rough facial composite of ten yearas ago. What would they do if someone caught were found not guilty? Will the reward be a waste of money?
But the troubles caused by the accident of the nuclear power plant doesn't seem to be settled down at all. Major companies are forced to save their use of energy by 15% by the law.And the government is requesting each family to save electricity, then the electric fans are running short. The contamination caused by radiation is more troublesome than saving electricity.Vegetables, meat, and fish around the nuclear power plant are showing more radiation than the defined value, they announced.It makes us more nervous about where they come from when we buy in the supermarket.Now the damaged areas are recovering step by step,so I only wish the problem of the nuclear plant would be solved as soon as possible.
>>440 The emperor asked Tojo many questions, but still were worried. Tojo reexamined the situation by the emperor's will, but the result was the same.Tojo didn't have ability to change the situation comprehensively. Only Yonai had, but he was not a minister. In the 19th year of Showa, the emperor dismissed Tojo, and appointed Yonai for his place. One year later, the war was ended.
>>772 Don't you dare insult me when you could very well be the one who gave it to me. Just be careful because this disease apparently doesn't always come with noticeable symptoms with men. もしかして前もここで糞男あての翻訳頼んだお嬢さん? とりあえず超乙 早くよくなってね
>>781 I will be staying in Bangkok for 3 nights from Aug. 5, and wish to receive a facial and an oil massage during my stay. Do you have any package which includes a facial? I wasn't able to find the price list on your website, so please tell me the price and the length of time required for each procedure. Is it possible to book for 2 (1 male & 1 female) at around 1pm on Aug. 6? If not, please tell me when you would be available for booking so that I may reconsider my schedule. Thank you very much in advance.
>>792 My beloved cat is in this photo. He is one important member of my family. He was born eleven years ago, with five brothers and sisters. But his brothers and sisters left away from my house, and he is the only one remaining in my house except his mother. Five years ago, his mother died. He is the only cat remaining in my house. Now he is very old and not as active as before. I hope he will live long.
>>800 There are fireworks events everywhere in Japan during this time. I would highly recommend that you ask tourism center or accommodation staff if something is going to be held there.
>>799 To someone who could study kanji character together Get in contact with me
>>822 I can't help you now because I've injured my hand. Besides, you definitely won't get any good results playing with me because of the time lag. You should try finding someone to play with from your own or nearby country. It's really for your best.
「彼は帰路についてる時にその事故に遭った」という表現を、決まって日本人はこう英訳する↓ When he was on way back home, the accident occoured. または The accident occoured when he was on way back home.
しかし最近海外のニュースを読んでると、このような場合 He was on way back home when the accident occoured. こういう風に表現してるのに気付いた。
>>845 Let me confirm one thing. Are you looking for someone you'll make friends with or someone you go out with? If the latter is the case, I'd have to tell you beforehand you can't expect that from me.
>>845 Let me tell you one thing. If you are seeking a romantic relation with me, you've just got a wrong person. I'm not interested. We are going to be language exchange partners. Nothing more.
>>827 He warns others, but never notices his faults. At first, he contributes photographs taken near his workplace on his blog and writes about his workplace unconcernedly. He does not notice that it should be confidencial.
>>827つづき Next, he doesn't understand the rules of Japanese language though his hope is to become a writer. For example, the names of celebrities and those of the deceaseds are usually called without honorific titles unless he or she is an acquaintance. But he attaches honorific titles to those people.
>>828 Please accept a small present attachment in the same package as a token of our apology. We don't charge you for it, of course. Sorry for inconvenience. Thank you so much.
>>859 It has passed three months since I entered my college. I made many new friends.My most favorite lesson is Korean language, which I have four times in a week. As I had loved Korean dramas and K-pops, I selected Korean. I came to be able to read Korean little by little, so I am very happy. In the second half of the school year, I will study Korean harder. I also want to travel Korea, although I don't have a concrete schedule yet.
>>860 I can only imagine how lonely you must be feeling after the passing of your husband. But I am certain that your husband is looking over you from above, so please stay strong. My heart is with you also.
>>888 It's a pity that the room type doesn't come with a bathtub. Then much more would it cost for an upgrade? I would like to upgrade to a room with eligibility for club lounge usage if possible. I am unsure as yet if I would actually upgrade as it all depends on the price, so would you please tell me the price for now?
>>896 How did you choose me among all others, and talk to me? I'm not the one standing closest to you, aren't I? Nor does my outfit look like that of a train man, right? Do I look like I am a good speaker of English?
>>888 I am sorry to hear that the room has no bathtub. How much more do I have to pay you if I choose another room with a bathtub? If possible, I want to take a room where I can use as a club lounge. It depends on the amount if I change a room, but please let me know the price first.
>>928 It was a very interesting interview. It is difficult for children to get inside a character. He says ordinary childhood is more worthy than much reward. I think experiences as a child actor is never worthless. He had an experience which ordinary people can never have. To continue the same role for ten years might make the next career tough. I wish he will have a good luck.