>>899 This is very interesting. What kind of image do Asians other than Japanese have about the Japanese make-up? I am a Japanese, and feel that Chinese and Korean make-ups are colorless, or don't use much color.
>>951 The other day I received an email saying your email address changed by your name. I want to confirm if it was really sent by you. It seems like a spam...
>>929 Japanese cats cry "nyan-nyan". We call a state of lying "goro-goro". As cats usually lying, we began to call them "nyan-goro". In fact, it is only I who call that way. Do you know the game of rhyming? ”Myan-goro" becomes 2(ni)8(ya)5(go)6(ro).
>>962 The spams using your old address are coming to me recently. If you are not using your old address, I will reject the address. Please let me know if you are using your old address or not.
>>919 Can you send the drug to Japan? If we yakuza resell them in Japan, the price will be ten times higher. We will pay 5% of the sales back to you, so make it cheaper.
>>969 You stipulated me to pay the remainder after you received the item. Trusting you, I did what I usually don't do. Are you going to betray me, while I was of help to you? I'm not a very easygoing person. Give me a convincing explanation quickly.
>>984 I have never taken count, but I would say around forty types. Double that if I take R and the rest of the items into account. I am thinking of putting effort into the smaller types for now.
>>985 I am unable to read the letters at the bottom of the box from the picture on your website. Would you provide me a picture with a better view? Thank you in advance.
>>991 All of your recent batch of @@@s have unfortunately died. I have absolutely no idea why. What is the optimal temperature and humidity for @@@s? If there is anything else I should be extra careful about, I'd be grateful for the information.
>>994 Being too intelligent would bring in needless offense. Being too kindhearted would bring in needless trouble Human life is often a difficult place to live in.