>>33 その用法は辞書を引くと動作を受ける主体部分とあります。 太陽の中でも光波部分を見るというこでしょうか。 またbyの目的語がwavesでleftの主語もそれならThe light waves by which we see the sun left him eight and a half minutes before. の関係代名詞省略でbyを下げたといのは正しいということ になりますが。
For that which we seek to behold is the light which gives us light, even as we can see the sun by the light of the sun we can only see the Sun by the light it emits, この二つで両方とも方法手段
>>84 手段であって手段でない。 see the sun by the light wave see the old house by the light これらは微妙に違う 太陽は光だが家は光を当てることで家を見る 微妙に違うところの言い争いだから無限に結論は出ない 上を手段と呼ぶかどうかなんて実際どうでもいい くだらない日本語の言い争い
太陽自体は見えないけど太陽が発する光波によって太陽そのものではなくその存在は見える。 見えてるのは太陽自体の水素やヘリウムではなく太陽が発する光波。 通常の物体は光波を介在して物体そのものが見える。 太陽は光波は見えるが光波の介在によって本体が見えるわけではない。 see the sun by the light waveは、光波を見ることが太陽を見ることになるという意味で、 太陽自体を見る手段として光波を利用しているわけではない。 光波を利用して太陽を見るわけではなく、光波を見ることで太陽の存在を見る。 see the sun自体が元来事実に反する表現だから、この文の分析には通常の解釈とは違う スタンスが要求される。
For that which we seek to behold is the light which gives us light, even as we can see the sun by the light of the sun we can only see the Sun by the light it emits, byは両方とも方法手段。これをどう説明するつもり? なぜこの用例の議論をしないの?
I urge, then, first of all, [ that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people ] — for kings and all those in authority, [ that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness ]. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, [ who wants [ all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth ]. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, [ who gave himself as a ransom for all people ]. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time. And for this purpose I was appointed a herald and an apostle— I am telling the truth, I am not lying—and a true and faithful teacher of the Gentiles.
直接関係ないですがおまけです。 OED by 28.a indicating the part which serves as the medium of application or direct point and means whereby an action is applied to the whole.
OEDのultramicrospicallyの引用文 Microscopicaly, we see the actual particles; ultramicrospically, we only see the light diffracted by particles themseves invisivle. >>123>>127 勉強になりました。ご指導ありがとうございました。<(_ _)>
Optional extra verses: O, [ when I see [ ungrateful man defiling ] This bounteous earth, God’s gifts so good and great, In foolish pride [ God’s holy name reviling ] And yet, in grace, his wrath and judgment wait:
[ When burdens press, and seem beyond endurance ], [ Bowed down with grief ], to him I lift my face, And then in love he brings me sweet assurance, My child! for thee sufficient is my grace:
These fees must be paid prior to commencement of the initial period of the student’s accommodation. Where the student’s period of initial accommodation is more than twelve months the fee is payable annually.
>>134 These fees must be paid prior to commencement of the initial period of the student’s accommodation. [ Where the student’s period of initial accommodation is more than twelve months ], the fee is payable annually.
>>165 [ If this invention started ], New techniques could lead to the mass prodution of the vaccine in the laboratory. (新技術は、製造所におけるワクチンの大量生産に道を開くものになるだろう)
I know it's ridiculous of me to respond to your post seriously but I can't help but point out what an idiot person you are. Crap respondents can never answer in such an accurate or polite way as you demand. Don't behave like a spoilt child!
京都に修学旅行に行った時に知り合ったPortland から来ていた白人のおばさんに facebookを勧められ、アップされる彼女の写真を楽しみにしていしてるのですが、 彼女のコメントの文章には I did go 〜 と言うように主語+did+動詞の現在形〜 という文章が結構多くあります。
先生に聞いたら、 主語+had のタイプミスでは? ← 結構多く主語+did+動詞の現在形の書き込みがある I did it. と言う様にdidを動詞のとして使用では? ← 上と同じ 南米とか英語圏以外から来た人では? ← オレゴンにグランパからと言ってた 勉強をしなかったのでは? ← オレゴン大の研究者 とどれも当てはまらない答えで、さっき検索したら おやこで英会WA に I did call you !(呼んだじゃな〜い!)と言うのが見当りました。
After this, Jesus and his disciples went out into the Judean countryside, [ where he spent some time with them, and baptized ]. Now John also was baptizing at Aenon near Salim, [ because there was plenty of water ], and people were coming and being baptized. (This was [ before John was put in prison ].) An argument developed between some of John’s disciples and a certain Jew over the matter of ceremonial [ washing ]. They came to John and said to him, “Rabbi, that man [ who was with you on the other side of the Jordan ]— the one [ you testified about ]— look, he is baptizing, and everyone is going to him.”
To this John replied, “A person can receive only [ what is given them from heaven ]. You yourselves can testify [ that I said ], ‘I am not the Messiah but am sent ahead of him.’ The bride belongs to the bridegroom. The friend [ who attends the bridegroom ] waits and listens for him, and is full of joy [ when he hears the bridegroom’s voice ]. That joy is mine, and it is now complete. He must become greater; I must become less.” The one [ who comes from above ] is above all; the one [ who is from the earth ] belongs to the earth, and speaks as one from the earth. The one [ who comes from heaven ] is above all. He testifies to [ what he has seen and heard ], but no one accepts his testimony. [ Whoever has accepted it ] has certified [ that God is truthful ]. For the one [ whom God has sent ] speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit. The Father loves the Son and has placed everything in his hands. [ Whoever believes in the Son ] has eternal life, but [ whoever rejects the Son ] will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on
>>207 さっき同僚のイギリス人に聞いたら She means "onna no ko wa ippai genki ne!" onna no ko=メイ She's saying that the girl is more like a bouncing, energetic TAMA than a little girl! だって。 >>212さんが言ってる事と同じ
“Be careful [ not to practice your righteousness in front of others [ to be seen by them ] ]. [ If you do ], you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. “So [ when you give to the needy ], do not announce it with trumpets, [ as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets ], [ to be honored by others ]. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But [ when you give to the needy ], do not let [ your left hand know [ what your right hand is doing ] ], [ so that [ your giving ] may be in secret ]. Then your Father, [ who sees [ what is done in secret ] ], will reward you.
長文失礼します。 『「〜へ行ったことがある」を英語で表すときは「I have been to 〜」であって「I have gone to〜」ではない、「I have gone to〜」では「〜へ行ってしまった」という意味になる。』 といった説明は学校で習いましたし、英文法のサイトをみても大体同じことが書いてあります。 ですが、現在完了には「継続」「経験」「完了」の3種類がありますよね。 「I have gone to〜」を「完了」として解釈すれば「〜へ行ってしまった」という意味になるのはわかりますが、 「経験」として解釈すれば「〜へ行ったことがある」という意味にもなるはずだと私は思うのです。 私のこの考え方は間違っていますか?
He always eats breakfast at 7:30, then he goes to school at 8:00. [In this sentence, he is leaving the house at 8:00.] He goes to school at 8:00, but the first class doesn't begin until 8:15. [He arrives at the school building at 8:00.] She kissed her husband good-bye when she went to the drugstore at 7:00. [She left the house at 7:00.] She went to the drugstore at 7:00, then she met her sister for breakfast at 7:30. [She arrived at the drugstore at 7:00.]
1 She turned around (turned away fer face) so that no one could see her eyes filled with tears. 2 How long has it been since man landed on the moon for the first time? How many years have passed since man landed on the moon for the first time? 3 Scientists disagree on how the cosmos originated.
>>345 1 She turned around [ so that no one could see [ her eyes filled with tears ] ]. 2 How long has it been [ since mankind landed on the moon for the first time ]? How many years have passed [ since mankind landed on the moon for the first time ]? 3 Scientists disagree on [ how the cosmos originated ].
CHRIST IS RISEN FROM THE DEAD 「He is risen, as He said.」 Matthew 28:6
Christ is risen from the dead! Darkness now no more shall reign; Thorns no more shall crown the head [ That was bowed with grief and pain ]: Christ the Lord, the mighty King, From our sin hath made us free. Where, O death, is now thy sting? Where, O grave, thy victory?
Scoffers now no more will say: [ If Thou be the Christ ], come down From the cross, and prove today [ That to Thee belongs the crown ]! For our risen Lord and King From our sin hath made [ us free ], Where, O death, is now thy sting? Where, O grave, thy victory?
Faith now knows [ He is the Lord, Gives assent to His decree, Trusts the promise in His Word, And is crowned with victory, [ Shouting praises to the King, [ Who from sin hath made [ us free ] ] ] ]. Where, O death, is now thy sting? Where, O grave, thy victory?
Scoffers now no more will say: [ If Thou be the Christ ], come down From the cross, and prove today [ That to Thee belongs the crown ]! For our risen Lord and King From our sin hath made [ us free ], Where, O death, is now thy sting? Where, O grave, thy victory?
Faith now knows [ He is the Lord, Gives assent to His decree, Trusts the promise in His Word, And is crowned with victory, [ Shouting praises to the King, [ Who from sin hath made [ us free ] ] ] ]. Where, O death, is now thy sting? Where, O grave, thy victory?
The country's natural resources may have seemed infinite to early settlers,but now Americans are learning they are not. Oil wells,for example,eventually run dry. The pouring of untreated waste into lakes by factories kills the fish. Once having a big,gas-guzzling automobile seemed almost an American birthright. After the Arab oil embargo of 1974,Americans realized how vulnerable they were to world conditions and began buying more fuel-efficient cars.
>>366 The country's natural resources may have seemed infinite to early settlers, but now Americans are learning [ they are not ]. Oil wells, for example, eventually run dry. [ The pouring of [ untreated ] waste into lakes by factories ] kills the fish. [ Once having a big, gas-[ guzzling ] automobile ] seemed almost an American birthright. After the Arab oil embargo of 1974, Americans realized [ how vulnerable they were to world conditions ] and began [ buying more fuel-efficient cars ].
>>354 More important [ if that argument were in [ writing ] ], how would she know [ that she knows [ that she had to answer that question [ before it was asked ] ] ]?
>>366 The country's natural resources may have seemed infinite to early settlers, but now Americans are learning they are not. アメリカの天然資源は初期の移住者には無限に思えていたかもしれない。 しかし今やアメリカ人はそうではないことを知っている。 Oil wells, for example, eventually run dry. 例えば油井はゆくゆくは干上がる。 The pouring of untreated waste into lakes by factories kills the fish. 工場の未処理の廃棄物は湖へと注いで魚が死ぬ。 Once having a big, gas-guzzling automobile seemed almost an American birthright. かつては大きな燃費の悪い自動車を持つことはアメリカ人の生まれながらの権利であるかのように思われていた。 After the Arab oil embargo of 1974, Americans realized how vulnerable they were to world conditions and began buying more fuel-efficient cars. 1974年の中東の石油輸出規制以降、アメリカ人はいかに自分たちが世界情勢の変化に対して 弱いかを認識し、そして低燃費の自動車が多く売れ始めた。
The Nagoya-based company says the decision will force it to stop supplying power to eastern Japan, which it started doiing. この2つのitとwhichは何を指しているのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。
>>378 The Nagoya-[ based ] company says [ the decision will force it [ to stop [ supplying power to eastern Japan, [ which it started [ doing(=supplying power to eastern Japan) ] ].
Offers are independently and identically distributed with probability density function g(x),x>0 Each day there is a probability 1-β that a competitor will invent a better mouse trap and make the first invention worthless.
449 名前:片岡数吉 ◆SICj0MQQUptW :2011/05/18(水) 05:03:32.76 >>438 Jeff and Jenny saved as much money [ as they could (save) ] [ to visit their uncle in Hawaii ].
>>507 【英訳】 Prince Kataoka seems to have forgotten the sentence which he had stated before. The ongoing augmentation of his clementia should be deeply worried. (^ ^)
True and False Prophets “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s [ clothing ], but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree [ that does not bear good fruit ] is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.
>>547 1 Puis-je reserver une table pour cinq? 2 Avez-vous deja decide sur votre commande? 3 Quel boisson choisissez-vou?〔Qu'est-ce que vous prenez comme boisson?〕 4 L'addition, s'il vous plait!
>>554 確かに英和辞典には「(漠然と)夜の12時、真夜中、夜半」などと書いてあるけど、 手元の2冊の英英辞書にはどちらも 12 o'clock at night としか書いてない。 ロングマン英英には in the midnight とは言わない。「夜の12時に」なら at midnight、「夜遅くに」なら in the middle of the night と言えと書いてある。
Japnanese people [ as we are today ] are supposed [ to be those [ who have come to [ what we are now ] through all the people [ who came from China, Korea and south east Asia mingling with Inu people ].
Japnanese people [ as we are today ] are supposed [ to be those [ who have come to [ what we are now ] through all the people [ who came from China, Korea and south east Asia mingling with Inu people ] ] ].
>>578 Japanese people today are conjectured to be a racial amalgam spawned as a result of a gradual mixing of the Ainu race and the migrants to Japan from China, Korea and Southeast Asia.
>>582 Japanese people today are conjectured [ to be a racial amalgam [ spawned as a result of a gradual [ mixing ] of the Ainu race and the migrants to Japan from China, Korea and Southeast Asia ] ].
英文がわかりません Even if elevator is crowded with men and there is one lady at the black of car, the men will make way for her to get out. Then they will get out, too.
>>602 [ Even if elevator is crowded with men and there is one lady at the black of car ], the men will make way [ for her to get out ]. Then they will get out, too.
All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed [ that any of their possessions was their own ], but they shared everything [ they had ]. With great power the apostles continued [ to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus ]. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all [ that there were no needy persons among them ]. For from time to time those [ who owned land or houses ] sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone [ who had need ]. Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus, [ whom the apostles called Barnabas (which means “son of encouragement”), sold a field [ he owned ] and brought the money and put it at the apostles’ feet.
However, the individual would misconceive the nuclear peril if he tried to understand it primarily in terms of personal danger, or even in terms of danger to the people immediately known to him, for the nuclear peril threatens life, above all, not at the level of individuals, who already live under the sway of death, but at the level of everything that individuals hold in common. Death cuts off life; extinction cuts off birth. Death dispatches into the nothingness after life each person who has been born; extinction in one stroke locks up in the nothingness before life all the people who have not yet been born. For we are finite beings at both ends of our existence ― natal as well as mortal ― and it is the natality of our kind that extinction threatens.
The disciples had forgotten to bring bread, except for one loaf [ they had with them ] in the boat. “Be careful,” Jesus warned them. “Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod.” They discussed this with one another and said, “It is [ because we have no bread ].”
[ Aware of their discussion ], Jesus asked them: “Why are you talking about [ having no bread ]? Do you still not see or understand? Are your hearts hardened? Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear? And don’t you remember? [ When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand ], how many basketfuls of pieces did you pick up?” “Twelve,” they replied. “And [ when I broke the seven loaves for the four thousand ], how many basketfuls of pieces did you pick up?” They answered, “Seven.” He said to them, “Do you still not understand?”
The disciples had forgotten to bring bread, except for one loaf [ they had with them in the boat ]. “Be careful,” Jesus warned them. “Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod.” They discussed this with one another and said, “It is [ because we have no bread ].”
[ Aware of their discussion ], Jesus asked them: “Why are you talking about [ having no bread ]? Do you still not see or understand? Are your hearts hardened? Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear? And don’t you remember? [ When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand ], how many basketfuls of pieces did you pick up?” “Twelve,” they replied. “And [ when I broke the seven loaves for the four thousand ], how many basketfuls of pieces did you pick up?” They answered, “Seven.” He said to them, “Do you still not understand?”
前に下の文章を教えてもらい、その後、その後の文章を自分で考えたのですが、 どうしても分からなかったので、質問します・・・ A inventor has built a better mouse trap. each day he is made an offer for it. which he may either accept or reject. Offers are independently and identically distributed with probability density function g(x),x>0 Each day there is a probability 1-β that a competitor will invent a better mouse trap and make the first invention worthless. この後の文章なのですが・・・ Find the policy that maximizes the inventor's expected return and express his maximal return as the unique root of an equation. Show that if β>1/2 , g(x) = 2/x^3,x>=1, then he should accept the first bid which is least √β/(1-β). Solution . There are only two states,depending on whether a bid has been accepted or not .Let these be 0 or 1 respectively.the optimality equation is・・・・ と式の解法に続きます・・・ 開発者の期待値を最大化するための政策を求める見たいなのですが、各変数の意味が全然読み取れません・・・ どう訳せばこの文を理解できますか? 英語以前に数式の問題だったらすみません・・・
>>646 It will do ( infinite/ him/ independent/ be/ good/ of/ to) his parents. It will do him infinite good to be independent of his parents. It (little/ as/ as/ be/ to/ may/ better/ possible/ know) about the person you're going to marry. It may be better to know as little as possible about the person you're going to marry.
As a conductor, Ms Hernandez insists that her musicians practice as regularly and as hard as she has always done herself.
>>644 A inventor has built a better mouse trap. Each day he has made an offer for it, [ which he may either accept or reject ]. Offers are independently and identically distributed with probability density function g(x),x>0 . Each day there is a probability 1-β [ that a competitor will invent a better mouse trap and make the first invention worthless ].
Find the policy [ that maximizes the inventor's [ expected ] return ] and express his maximal return as the unique root of an equation. Show [ that [ if β>1/2 , g(x) = 2/x^3,x>=1 ], then he should accept the first bid [ which is least √β/(1-β) ] ].
Solution . There are only two states, [ depending on [ whether a bid has been accepted or not ] ]. Let these be 0 or 1 respectively. The optimality equation is・・・・
>>648 It will do ( infinite/ him/ independent/ be/ good/ of/ to) his parents. It will do him infinite good [ to be independent of his parents ].
It (little/ as/ as/ be/ to/ may/ better/ possible/ know) about the person you're going to marry. It may be better [ to know as little [ as (it is) possible ] about the person [ you're going [ to marry ] ] ].
As a conductor, Ms Hernandez insists [ that her musicians practice as regularly and as hard [ as she has always done herself ].
Solution . There are only two states, [ depending on [ whether a bid has been accepted or not ] ]. Let [ these be 0 or 1 respectively ]. The optimality equation is・・・・
Now there were some [ present at that time ] [ who told Jesus about the Galileans [ whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices ]. Jesus answered, “Do you think [ that these Galileans were worse sinners [ than all the other Galileans (were) [ because they suffered this way ]? I tell you, no! But [ unless you repent ], you too will all perish. Or those eighteen [ who died [ when the tower in Siloam fell on them ] ]— do you think [ they were more guilty [ than all the others [ living in Jerusalem ] ]? I tell you, no! But [ unless you repent ], you too will all perish.” Then he told this parable: “A man had a fig tree [ growing in his vineyard ], and he went [ to look for fruit on it ] but did not find any. So he said to the man [ who took care of the vineyard ], ‘For three years now I’ve been coming [ to look for fruit on this fig tree ] and haven’t found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?’ “‘Sir,’ the man replied, ‘leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. [ If it bears fruit next year ], fine! [ If not ], then cut it down.’”
“‘Sir,’ the man replied, ‘leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. [ If it bears fruit next year ], fine! [ If not ], then cut it down.’”
いかにもネイティヴっぽい人に Can you speak English? と聞くと失礼だと聞いたことがある。 だから英語話せそうにバタ臭い顔の人には Do you speak Englsih? ということは Do you speak Japanese?は えなりかずきのような奴に聞く。 Can you speak Jaoanese?は ウエンツのような奴に聞く。
外人先生にもっと良い英語に直すよう指摘されました。 どう直せばいいか教えてください。 「1クラスしかないためクラス替えがなく、私たちは他のクラスの人と知り合うことが出来なかった」 There was no class change because it has only one class and we couldn't getto know someone of other class.
「しかしこの問題は部活動に参加することで、解決された」 But this problem was solved because of joining the club.
「書道部で使った半紙は、通常の大きさのものだけでなく、私たちの身体より大きいサイズのもある」 The Japanese writing paper used for calligraphy is not only a normal size but also a big size bigger than our. よろしくお願いします。
>>683 「1クラスしかないためクラス替えがなく、私たちは他のクラスの人と知り合うことが出来なかった」 There was no class change [ because it has only one class and we couldn't get to know someone of the other class ].
「しかしこの問題は部活動に参加することで、解決された」 But this problem was solved because of [ joining a club ].
「書道部で使った半紙は、通常の大きさのものだけでなく、 私たちの身体より大きいサイズのもある」 The Japanese [ writing ] paper [ used for calligraphy ] is not only normal sizes but also a bigger size [ than ourseives ].
>>683 「1クラスしかないためクラス替えがなく、 私たちは他のクラスの人と知り合うことが出来なかった」 We had no class change [ because we have only one class ] So we couldn't get to know anyone of the other class ].
「しかしこの問題は部活動に参加することで、解決された」 But this problem was solved [ because we could join a new club ].
「書道部で使った半紙は、通常の大きさのものだけでなく、 私たちの身体より大きいサイズのもある」 The Japanese [ writing ] paper [ used for calligraphy ] is not only normal sizes but also a size [ which is bigger [ than ourseives ] ].
すみません、追加で質問です。 「例えば、吹奏楽部や野球部、サッカー部、そしてテニス部です。」 For example, the brass band, the baseball, the soccer, and the tennis. これは「高校には沢山の部活動がある」という文を受けての文です。 宜しくお願いします。
>>683 「1クラスしかないためクラス替えがなく、私たちは他のクラスの人と知り合うことが出来なかった」 The English course has the only class and we couldn't get to know the students in the class of the other course. 「しかしこの問題は部活動に参加することで、解決された」 But this problem was solved by way of joining a club. 「書道部で使った半紙は、通常の大きさのものだけでなく、私たちの身体より大きいサイズのもある」 The Japanese paper for calligraphy is not only of the normal size but also of the larger size than our body.
>>693 「1クラスしかないためクラス替えがなく、 私たちは他のクラスの人と知り合うことが出来なかった」 The English course has the only one class and we couldn't get [ to know the students in the class of the other course ].
「しかしこの問題は部活動に参加することで、解決された」 But this problem was solved by way of [ joining a club ].
「書道部で使った半紙は、通常の大きさのものだけでなく、 私たちの身体より大きいサイズのもある」 The Japanese paper for calligraphy is not only of the normal size but also of the larger size [ than our body (is) ].
After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went [ to look at the tomb ]. There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, [ going to the tomb ], rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like [ lightning ], and his clothes were white [ as snow (was) ]. The guards were so afraid of him [ that they shook and became like dead men ]. The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know [ that you are looking for Jesus, [ who was crucified ] ].
He is not here; he has risen, [ just as he said ]. Come and see the place [ where he lay ]. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: "He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.” So the women hurried away from the tomb, [ afraid yet filled with joy ], and ran [ to tell his disciples ]. Suddenly Jesus met them. “Greetings,” he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers [ to go to Galilee ]; there they will see me.
引き出しの中には、いくらかのお金が入っています。 という文は、moneyが不可算名詞なので There is some money in the drawer. となりますよね。 今度は、 引き出しの中に3千円が入っています。 という文になった時は、 There are three thousand yen in the drawer. となるのでしょうか。 それとも、be動詞はisを使うべきなのでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。
2 よく分からないけどこんな感じ? You know many places don't keep a fixed time for~. 3 In indonesian culture, people believe that time is flexible. 1 あちきの三流英語だと I hear between Japan and Indonesia, there is a big differece in the concept of time. Is that true?
>>786 1Thank you for inviting me to the new showroom 2I will visit to the reception with pleasure 3Congratulation on the opening of the sports equipment stores 4Unfortunately,we have a previous engagement on the day
1番は単純なThank you for〜「〜にありがとう」 forの後は名詞か動名詞だけなので invitingで動名詞化 2番目は単純に「喜んで」をwith peasureで表してみた あとは普通の未来形の文 3番目はCongratulation on 〜 「〜をおめでとう」 の文 4番目は「あいにく」はunfortunately「不運にも」で表してみた。「先約」はprevious「(時間的に)前の」engagement「(会う)約束」で
>>787 過去形でも幅をある期間を表すと思うけどね。 過去完了というのは過去のある時点までの期間ということだから 例えば The train was late, and I had had to wait at the sation for fifteen minutes before the train arrived. みたいになるんじゃないの。
After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, AMary Magdalene and the other Mary went H[ to look at the tomb ]. @There was a violent earthquake, for Aan angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, I[ going to the tomb ], rolled back the stone and sat on it. BHis appearance was like [ lightning ], and Bhis clothes were white G[ as snow (was) ]. BThe guards were so afraid of him G[ that they shook and became like dead men ]. AThe angel said to the women, “CDo not be afraid, for AI know G[ that you are looking for Jesus, G[ who was crucified ] ]. @He is not here; Fhe has risen, G[ just as he said ]. CCome and see the place G[ where he lay ]. Then Cgo quickly and tell his disciples: "FHe has risen from the dead and Dis going ahead of you into Galilee. There Cyou will see him.’ Now FI have told you.” So Athe women hurried away from the tomb, I[ afraid yet filled with joy ], and Aran H[ to tell his disciples ]. Suddenly AJesus met them. “Greetings,” Ahe said. AThey came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. Then AJesus said to them, “CDo not be afraid. CGo and tell my brothers H[ to go to Galilee ]; there Cthey will see me.
"FHe has risen from the dead and Dis going ahead of you into Galilee. There Cyou will see him.’ Now FI have told you.” So Athe women hurried away from the tomb, I[ afraid yet filled with joy ], and Aran H[ to tell his disciples ]. Suddenly AJesus met them. “Greetings,” Ahe said. AThey came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. Then AJesus said to them, “CDo not be afraid. CGo and tell my brothers H[ to go to Galilee ]; there Cthey will see me.
1の質問はHow often do you check your e-mail? how often〜で「どれくらいの頻度ですか?」を聞く check your e-mailで「Eメールをチェックする」
A I usually pay by check payは「お金を払う」 ここでのcheckは「小切手」という意味で使われている引っ掛け B several times per day several「いくつか」 per〜は「〜ごとに」という意味 C An internet provider 「インターネットのプロバイダーです」
2の質問はWhy dont you take the train to confluence instead of driving? 「why dont you〜?」で「〜すればいいんじゃないですか?」という提案 「instead of 〜」「〜の代わりに」 つまり「車で行く代わりに電車に乗ればいいんじゃないですか? ※confluenceはあまり自信がない これであってる?
A Great idea. that way I can read my new book B To a confluence on international relations C Because he requested two copies
3つ目の質問How long you'll be on your trip? 「How long〜」でどのくらいの間「be on your trip」旅行に行くのかを聞いている
A I'll get back a week from today B The flight leaves tomorrow morning C I got the home later than usual
The next day John was there again with two of his disciples. [ When he saw [ Jesus passing by ] ], he said, “Look, the Lamb of God!” [ When the two disciples heard [ him say this ] ], they followed Jesus. [ Turning around ], Jesus saw [ them following ] and asked, “What do you want?” They said, “Rabbi” ( which means “Teacher”), “where are you staying?” “Come,” he replied, “and you will see.” So they went and saw [ where he was staying ], and they spent that day with him. It was about four in the afternoon. Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, was one of the two [ who heard [ what John had said ] ] and [ who had followed Jesus ]. The first thing [ Andrew did ] was [ to find his brother Simon and tell him ], “We have found the Messiah” (that is, the Christ). And he brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, “You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas” (which, [ when translated ], is Peter).
The next day Jesus decided [ to leave for Galilee ]. [ Finding Philip ], he said to him, “Follow me.” Philip, like Andrew and Peter, was from the town of Bethsaida. Philip found Nathanael and told him, “We have found the one [ Moses wrote about in the Law ], and [ about whom the prophets also wrote ]— Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” “Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?” Nathanael asked. “Come and see,” said Philip. [ When Jesus saw [ Nathanael approaching ] ], he said of him, “Here truly is an Israelite [ in whom there is no deceit ].” “How do you know me?” Nathanael asked. Jesus answered, “I saw you [ while you were still under the fig tree [ before Philip called you ] ].” Then Nathanael declared, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel.” Jesus said, “You believe [ because I told you [ I saw you under the fig tree ] ]. You will see greater things than that.” He then added, “Very truly I tell you, you will see ‘[ heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on ]’the Son of Man.”
And he brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, “You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas” (which, [ when translated ], is Peter).
Then Nathanael declared, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel.” Jesus said, “You believe [ because I told you [ I saw you under the fig tree ] ]. You will see greater things than that.” He then added, “Very truly I tell you, you will see ‘[ heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on ]’the Son of Man.”
At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, [ unless you change and become like little children ], you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, [ whoever takes the lowly position of this child ] is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And [ whoever welcomes one such child in my name ] welcomes me. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Oh, my God! You're the greatest of all the greatest ones.
After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, AMary Magdalene and the other Mary went H[ to look at the tomb ]. @There was a violent earthquake, for Aan angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, I[ going to the tomb ], rolled back the stone and sat on it. BHis appearance was like [ lightning ], and Bhis clothes were white G[ as snow (was) ]. BThe guards were so afraid of him G[ that they shook and became like dead men ]. AThe angel said to the women, “CDo not be afraid, for AI know G[ that you are looking for Jesus, G[ who was crucified ] ]. @He is not here; Fhe has risen, G[ just as he said ]. CCome and see the place G[ where he lay ]. Then Cgo quickly and tell his disciples: "FHe has risen from the dead and Dis going ahead of you into Galilee. There Cyou will see him.’ Now FI have told you.” So Athe women hurried away from the tomb, I[ afraid yet filled with joy ], and Aran H[ to tell his disciples ]. Suddenly AJesus met them. “Greetings,” Ahe said. AThey came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. Then AJesus said to them, “CDo not be afraid. CGo and tell my brothers H[ to go to Galilee ]; there Cthey will see me.
There Cyou will see him.’ Now FI have told you.” So Athe women hurried away from the tomb, I[ afraid yet filled with joy ], and Aran H[ to tell his disciples ]. Suddenly AJesus met them. “Greetings,” Ahe said. AThey came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. Then AJesus said to them, “CDo not be afraid. CGo and tell my brothers H[ to go to Galilee ]; there Cthey will see me. 英語の文は以上の10個の公式で全て示すことができます。 マスターしましょう!
>>859 倒置をして最後の語句に強勢を置くことで、比較を明確に示すことが出来るから。 この場合は dogs と our monkey relatives の対比を明確にしている。 たとえば、He is much richer than he was. は is と was の対比になり、 そのままの語順で、最後の was に強勢が置かれるので倒置はしない。
Then I heard [ another voice from heaven say ]: “‘Come out of her, my people,’ [ so that you will not share in her sins ], [ so that you will not receive any of her plagues ]; for her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes. Give back to her [ as she has given ]; pay her back double for [ what she has done ]. Pour her a double portion from her own cup. Give her as much torment and grief [ as the glory and luxury she gave herself ]. In her heart she boasts, ‘I sit [ enthroned as queen ]. I am not a widow; I will never mourn.’ Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her: death, [ mourning ] and famine. She will be consumed by fire, for mighty is the Lord God [ who judges her ].
[ As soon as he noticed the lie [ she was telling ] ], he left his seat and went out of the room. The moment [ he noticed [ her telling a lie ] ], he left his seat and went out of the room.
In the LORD’s hand the king’s heart is a stream of water [ that he channels toward all [ who please him ] ]. A person may think [ their own ways are right ], but the LORD weighs the heart. [ To do [ what is right and just ] ] is more acceptable to the LORD than [ sacrifice ]. Haughty eyes and a proud heart— the [ unplowed ] field of [ the wicked ]—produce sin. The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely [ as haste leads to poverty ].
A fortune made by a [ lying ] tongue is a [ fleeting ] vapor and a deadly snare. The violence of [ the wicked ] will drag them away, for they refuse [ to do [ what is right ] ]. The way of the guilty is devious, but the conduct of the innocent is upright. Better [ to live on a corner of the roof ] than [ share a house with a quarrelsome wife ]. The [ wicked ] crave evil; their neighbors get no mercy from them. [ When a mocker is punished ], the simple gain wisdom; by [ paying attention to the wise ] they get knowledge. The Righteous One takes note of the house of the wicked and brings the wicked [ to ruin ]. [ Whoever shuts their ears to the cry of the poor ] will also cry out and not be answered. A gift [ given in secret ] soothes anger, and a bribe [ concealed in the cloak ] pacifies great wrath. [ When justice is done ], it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.
>>903に関連した質問なんだけど in the year when he entered the college からwhenが省略されてるんだよね in the year in which he entered the college とも表せると思うんだけど、ここからwhichを省略して in the year he entered the college in ということはできないの?
「彼は新しい学校についてたくさん話してくれた。」を英訳する問題で、 解答には、He told me a lot about his new school.とあったのですが これだと「彼は新しい学校についてたくさん話した。」となって 「話してくれた」のニュアンスが含まれていないじゃないですか ちょっと卑怯じゃないですか
1.Previously what people regarded as knowledge was what had been handed down to them from ancient authorities such as Aristotle.
2.Just when following the example of teacher crosses a certain line where it ceases to be learning and becomes instead blind imitation is not always easy to assess.
3.Everyone must live with others and work with others. If he cannot do so with considerable pleasantness and skill,he will make the lives of those he comes in contact with unnecessarily disagreeable.
4.Living within its community, an animal may survive; separated from its community, it will perish. Trying to understand an insect taken out of its ecological setting is as futile as trying to see significance in a single word lifted from its context.
>>938 1 I'd like to let you know to take this opportunity 2 this action in order to prevent global warming 3hired me on the basis of educational background 4fired from his job because he is solely
1 let you know で「あなたが知ることを許す」わかりやすく言えば「お知らせする」 2 in order to〜で「〜するために」 3on the basis of 〜で「〜にも続いて」 4 fired from his jobで「彼の職から解雇された」
>>941 1.Previously [ what people regarded as knowledge ] was [ what had been handed down to them from ancient authorities such as Aristotle ].
2. [ Just when [ following the example of a teacher ] crosses a certain line [ where it ceases [ to be learning ] and becomes instead blind ] ], imitation is not always easy [ to assess ].
3.Everyone must live with others and work with others. [ If he cannot do so with considerable pleasantness and skill ], he will make [ the lives of those [ he comes in contact with ] unnecessarily disagreeable ].
4.[ Living within its community ], an animal may survive; [ separated from its community ], it will perish. [ Trying [ to understand an insect [ taken out of its ecological [ setting ] ] ] ] is as futile as [ trying [ to see significance in a single word [ lifted from its context ] ] ].
4.[ Living within its community ], an animal may survive; [ separated from its community ], it will perish. [ Trying [ to understand an insect [ taken out of its ecological [ setting ] ] ] ] is as futile as [ trying [ to see significance in a single word [ lifted from its context ] ] ].
In the spring, at the time [ when kings go off to war ], David sent Joab out with the king’s men and the whole Israelite army. They destroyed the Ammonites and besieged Rabbah. But David remained in Jerusalem. One evening David got up from his bed and walked around on the roof of the palace. From the roof he saw a woman bathing. The woman was very beautiful, and David sent someone [ to find out about her ]. The man said, “She is Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam and the wife of Uriah the Hittite.” Then David sent messengers [ to get her ]. She came to him, and he slept with her. (Now she was purifying herself from her monthly uncleanness.) Then she went back home. The woman conceived and sent word to David, [ saying ], “I am pregnant.” So David sent this word to Joab: “Send me Uriah the Hittite.” And Joab sent him to David. [ When Uriah came to him ], David asked him [ how Joab was ], [ how the soldiers were ] and [ how the war was going ]. Then David said to Uriah, “Go down to your house and wash your feet.” So Uriah left the palace, and a gift from the king was sent after him. But Uriah slept at the entrance to the palace with all his master’s servants and did not go down to his house.
David was told, “Uriah did not go home.” So he asked Uriah, “Haven’t you just come from a military campaign? Why didn’t you go home?” Uriah said to David, “The ark and Israel and Judah are staying in tents, and my commander Joab and my lord’s men are camped in the open country. How could I go to my house [ to eat and drink and make love to my wife ]? [ As surely as you live ], I will not do such a thing!” Then David said to him, “Stay here one more day, and tomorrow I will send you back.” So Uriah remained in Jerusalem that day and the next. At David’s invitation, he ate and drank with him, and David made [ him drunk ]. But in the evening Uriah went out [ to sleep on his mat among his master’s servants ]; he did not go home.
In the morning David wrote a letter to Joab and sent it with Uriah. In it he wrote, “Put Uriah out in front [ where [ the fighting ] is fiercest ]. Then withdraw from him [ so he will be struck down and die ].” So [ while Joab had the city under siege ], he put Uriah at a place [ where he knew the strongest defenders were ]. [ When the men of the city came out and fought against Joab ], some of the men in David’s army fell; moreover, Uriah the Hittite died. Joab sent David a full account of the battle. He instructed the messenger: “[ When you have finished [ giving the king this account of the battle ] ], the king’s anger may flare up, and he may ask you,
‘Why did you get so close to the city [ to fight ]? Didn’t you know [ they would shoot arrows from the wall ]? Who killed Abimelek son of Jerub-Besheth? Didn’t a woman drop an upper millstone on him from the wall, [ so that he died in Thebez ]? Why did you get so close to the wall?’ [ If he asks you this ], then say to him, ‘Moreover, your servant Uriah the Hittite is dead.’” The messenger set out, and [ when he arrived ] he told David everything [ Joab had sent him [ to say ] ]. The messenger said to David, “The men overpowered us and came out against us in the open, but we drove them back to the entrance of the city gate.
Then the archers shot arrows at your servants from the wall, and some of the king’s men died. Moreover, your servant Uriah the Hittite is dead.” David told the messenger, “Say this to Joab: ‘Don’t let [ this upset you ]; the sword devours one as well as another. Press the attack against the city and destroy it.’ Say this to encourage Joab.” [ When Uriah’s wife heard [ that her husband was dead ] ], she mourned for him. [ After the time of [ mourning ] was over ], David had [ her brought to his house ], and she became his wife and bore him a son. But the thing [ David had done ] displeased the LORD.