>>3 Thank you for your purchaseは「ご購入ありがとうございます」、 Best regards,は「敬具」。 My prayers are with Your Countryは「あなたの国のために祈る」という意味。 直訳すると「この非常に困難な(苦しい)時の間中、私の祈りはあなたの国とともにあります」。 俺もうまく訳せないけど要するに、とても辛い思いをしている日本の人々のために常にお祈り申し上げています、ということでしょう。
翻訳をお願いいたします。 I can send to Japan! The shipping costs are about $20, I think. I´ve just talked to John, and he told me, that you have already ordered goods from him. If you want, we can send the goods in one package. I know John very well and we are seeing us next weekend. In what goods are you interested in?
温め直し Try to get out of your own way when you are creating Try to get from your own way when you are creating 研究社英和中辞典より (9) 〈相手〉から〈真相・金などを〉引き[聞き]出す; …から〈利益などを〉引き出す,得る. ・get a lot out of a lecture 講義から多くのことを学ぶ.
get a lot out of a lecture 講義から多くのことを学ぶ. a lot を外す a lectureをyour own way に置き換える get out of your own way あなたの独特のやり方から学ぶ. Try to get out of your own way あなたの独特のやり方から多くのことを学ぶ事を試みなさい。when you are creating
>>10 君が間違ってる 君の訳の「あなたの独特のやり方から生み出す」的な意味なら、少なくとも Try to get out of your own way ではなくて Try to get it out of your own way じゃないとだめ
ちなみにget out of one's way で 「(誰か)の邪魔をするな」というイディオム 一般的にはget out of my wayで「邪魔をするな」「どけ」 get out of her wayなら「彼女の邪魔をするな」「彼女に関わるな」 それを転じてyour own way(your wayの強調)にすることで 「自分自身が自分の邪魔にならないようにしないとダメ」っていうちょっと捻った文章にしてる
I'm a non-native English speaker. Would someone be kind enough to rephrase the following sentence in as simple English as possible? (This is a phrase from an interview.) Thank you in advance.
"Try to get out of your own way when you are creating"
I am waiting to get the stag in then i will let you know. I need 2 things, I need some beetle jelly cheap but at least 250 count and can you get me some of this pacman frog food? here is the web site for the company. http://日本のpacman frogを売っているネットショップ
There are plenty of challenges in life, and some of them are of our own making. We undermine ourselves, make assumptions about what's possible that restrict our choices, and let our fears stop us from even trying to reach our goals and dreams. Like a fish that is unaware of the water in which it is swimming, being stuck in old ways of thinking keeps us blind to the many opportunities that surround us."
>○「自分自身の道に立ちはだかるな、自分の足を引っ張るな」(そのままの貴方ではダメ) お説のとおり 自分自身の前に立ちはだかりません。自分の足を引っ張りません。 次ぎにどうすれば良いの? 他人様の言いなりになるの? 自分自身の道を突き進まないで他人様の言いなりになればcreate作業出来るの? 創作活動してる人は他人を真似ないと思うよ。 gets out of his own way だと思うけど違うのかな?
>○「自分自身の道に立ちはだかるな、自分の足を引っ張るな」=get out of your own way であるとすれば 自分自身の道に突き進め うまくつながると思うけど。
>>24 そもそもの発端となった文章だけど、 Try to get out of your own way when you are creating ↑これを言った人は 「創造作業においては自分の枠にとらわれないよう努力しよう」 としか言ってないんだから勝手な解釈を付け加えるべきではない 「自分の道を突き進め」的な意味合いは、この例においては完全なる誤訳
i mean cute i hate it when it makes it look wrong when u wright faST 外国のイラスト投稿サイトに投稿した絵に「cyte」とコメントがついていたので それに「Thank you」と返したらこんな返事が来ました。翻訳よろしくお願いします。
What do you think of the idea of the deal until after 9 May carry on? I do not mind I send the items also on Tuesday. I mean just because the packages now take a little longer it may well be that the animals are on holiday at the Japan Post. please send me your adress.
9th of may will be fine we have the royal wedding and may day this week. And I'm away until the 5th may. Will post 9th may for you would you like me to send you an invoice?
9th of may will be fine we have the royal wedding and may day this week. And I'm away until the 5th may. Will post 9th may for you would you like me to send you an invoice?
As a matter of fact every day in every way that little elf was a nag! Patrick was working harder than ever and was it a drag! He was staying up nights, had never felt so weary, was going to school with his eyes puffed and bleary.
辞書見てみたけど名詞のa drag は邪魔、足手まとい、重荷って意味があるみたいだね andの前半無視してPatrick was it (which) a drag!って考えると「パトリックは足手まといだった」になるのかな でもそれならPatrick was a drag!ってストレートに書けばいい気がするから it に何か意味があるのかな?自分にはよく分からない
Shame about the deaths but cannot be helped. The Pop-eyed goldfish will be great. Really like to try them again. Afraid we have no young Sakura Wakin, only sub-adult/adults. At the moment altho we are interested in some more of the Goldfish we will have to give them a miss till next time as we have bought too many things at the moment,
翻訳お願いします。いまいち分かりにくかったです。 ここでのalbumは音楽のLPレコードの事です。 The guy puts the album on the coffee table so when the girl comes in she can tell what kind of a guy he is by the kind of records he buys,
"”でかこってあるのはFaceBookでその兵隊が書いてる原文を引用したからだな 今18歳の兵隊で去年から近衛兵をやってるってことは17歳か16歳ぐらいで軍に入った と想像されるんで、あんまり頭良くないようだ。だからカンマを使わずにandが頻発して読みにくい 甲:Respect for others is central to the Army’s Values and Standards 乙:Equality and Diversity principles (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equality_and_diversity_(United_Kingdom)) の2つが are reinforced throughout とつながると思う
>>96 本来ここにカンマを入れておけば分かり易いんだが、 逆にこの文章の場合は入れちゃダメだったりするのかもね Respect for others is central to the Army’s Values and Standards, and Equality and Diversity principles are reinforced throughout military training.
(British)Army’s Values and Standardsと、Equality and Diversity principlesは 全然別物だってのが英国人なら分かるんだろうが、 知らない外国人は分からんからandの並列だと思ってしまうわな このセリフは防衛省の広報の人のセリフだな
Respect for others is central to the Army’s Values and Standards, 他を尊重することは軍隊の主な価値観と規律である。 and Equality and Diversity principles are reinforced throughout military training. そして均一性と多様性の原則は教練によって強化される。
I'm sorry you're having to wait for what must seem like forever. という文なんですが、状況はどうやら不倫中のカップルの男性が相手の女性(相手の男性が嫁と別れるのを待つ)へ 言った言葉のようなのですがwait for what以下がよくわからないのでよろしくおねがいします。
Integrated graphics will likely not work. Low cost video cards may perform worse, or not work at all, even if they are much newer than older medium to high range cards.
すいません。お願いします。自転車部品を通販で返品対応中なのですが・・・理解できず。 Could you please confirm that we have sent you a front instead of a rear wheel please and I will get the replacement arrange for you today.
Its possible to send the goldfish on monday 9th. You can have them all up to the Pop-eyed goldfish. Do you like Roundfish too ? If so i can give you some. You can have the goldfish.
one of the sense of the beautyfrom the The Tale of Genji past すみません、簡潔に文法も教えて頂きたいのですがこの場合sence かbeautyが複数型でなくても成り立つのでしょうか…それと源氏物語に続くpastがどの用法で使用されてるのか説明貰えると嬉しいです。
In our case, we often receive preorder gifts as well but sometimes in no sufficient quantities. In such cases, we serve on 'first come & first get' basis. Therefore the chance to receive a preorder gift is higher when making an early reservation.
>>156 送料は当方で負担しますので問題ではありません。 他の種の20匹を買うとしたらいくらになりますか? Should have the parts and day now, レス者ヘタレでわからない。 will send pics when i recieve them 受け取ったら金魚の写真を送ります。
My last girlfriend broke my heart, we lived together for 2 years, and left me for Job in Japan. I died inside. I am lost and in pain, but I do love you... but im scared to love you. I don't know if you plan to be with me. so i hide my feelings... but i talk about you to my friends and you on my phone screen saver and i look at your pics alot
Kindly inform you that we have not shipped the item ○○ as it was out of stock in our warehouse,and we are not quite sure the restock time of it. Would you like to pick up something else on our website?We are glad to make a change for you. If you want to cancel it or a store credit?Please let us know,we will further assist you.
>>212 not hired guns はcreativeの反対語でしょ。 文字通りには 鉄砲を使わないで We are not the favorites, we are not the selected, we are not the elite, we are not the naturally talented, we are not hired guns, we are not the coaches' prodigies, we are not the chosen ones... But we win, over and over again, We are Penn AC.
Interviewer:I guess that’s what happens when you work with creative people, not hired guns.
Artist:I’ve never viewed anyone in the band a hired gun-type situation. they’ll integrate and stay with us for a while. Sometimes that doesn’t work out.
>>227 その一時雇い=困難な問題を解決するために雇われた有能な人 ということかも。 creative people創作能力がある人, not hired guns困難な問題を解決するために雇われた有能な人では無い I guess that’s what happens when you work with creative people, not hired guns. それは創作能力のある意欲のある人と仕事すれば起きることで (困難な問題を解決するために雇われた外部の人)を雇っても出来ないと思う。 hired gunsは有能でも creativeでは無いと言ってるのかも。
Artist:I’ve never viewed anyone in the band a hired gun-type situation. バンドでは一匹狼みたいなタイプの人を見たことは無い。 they’ll integrate and stay with us for a while. Sometimes that doesn’t work out. 彼らは私たちと一体化ししばらく一緒に仕事していた。うまくいかないこともある。
I guess that’s what happens when you work with creative people, not hired guns.
I’ve never viewed anyone in the band a hired gun-type situation. Hopefully they’ll integrate and stay with us for a while. Sometimes that doesn’t work out. I think the only time that I really had per se hired guns was on Pentastar. I was friends with them too, but they were both guys that did session stuff and played in Top 40 bands.
They were definitely professional musicians, as opposed to band-type guys. Everyone else I’ve always considered a part of the band. I don’t like to dictate to people what to do. I like to get people involved, and I like what they do, and I figure if you let people do what they’re best at, you’ll get their best work. Plus, I don’t write music in the traditional sense. I don’t pull out staff paper and write music. It’s not like a “here’s the song” situation. “Now play it this way.” I’m not a neurotic Frank Zappa type, drilling my band in a creative way. I want people to feel a part of it and feel like they’re contributing too, not just playing some part that’s been written for them.
I think the only time that I really had per se hired guns was on Pentastar. I was friends with them too, but they were both guys that did session stuff and played in Top 40 bands. They were definitely professional musicians, as opposed to band-type guys. 外部の応援hired gunsそれ自体を得たのはPentastarを作った時だけだと思う。 外部の応援hired gunsとは友達で彼ら二人はsession stuff をしていて トップ40に入るバンドで演奏してた。 彼らはバンドメンバーと比較して本当にプロの音楽家だ。 ヘタレオレ注 助っ人hired gunsは有能な演奏者だったと言ってるのでしょ。 per se それ自体
I don’t pull out staff paper and write music 私は楽譜用紙に作曲することをしない。 楽譜を書かない。 It’s not like a “here’s the song” situation. “Now play it this way.” 「ここに歌があります」「このように演奏しなさい」ということではありません。 I’m not a neurotic Frank Zappa type, drilling my band in a creative way. 私はノイローゼのフランクザッパタイプではありません。私のバンドを独創的にしようと努力しています。 I want people to feel a part of it and feel like they’re contributing too, not just playing some part that’s been written for them. 私は人々がそれの一部分でも感じて貰いその一部になったように感じて貰うことで 楽譜通りに演奏して貰う事ではありません。
they were both guys that did session stuff and played in Top 40 bands. この時のメンバーは友達でもあったということで、Hired gun気質とBand type気質の 両方を持ってるメンバーだったと言いたいんだろうね bothの意味は A(guys that did session stuff= hired gun type) and B(Top 40 bands =creative people) なんだと思うが、非ネイティブな英語の使い方だと感じる 少なくとも俺が学んでる米英語ではまず見ることがない
they were both guys that did session stuff and played in Top 40 bands. 彼ら二人は両人ともセッションしていて全米トップ40のバンドで演奏している。 セッション ステージ以外で腕自慢が集まり即興演奏などをする。 Top 40 bands 一流プロだけが呼んで貰える含み。 Pentastarを作った時に頼んだ助っ人は二人だったはず。 band-type guys ここではリーダーの言うことを聞いてリーダーの意に添う人でしょ。 サザンオールスターにいればサザンの色に染まらざるを得ない。
歌詞の一部です。よろしくお願いします。 We need to take it back in time, When music made us all unite And it wasn't low blows and video hoes, Am I the only one getting tired
of course I don't mind. But did you say how much we charge you? We normally charge about £100-120 to most people but drop the price for our friends. Or if you want to sell them on we can just get them sent direct to him the same way we do for you!
In 1999, Pet Sitters International, an organization - based in North Carolina - whose members make a living watching after people’s animals, came up with "Take Your DOG to Work Day."
I want us to live together for a wile to see if you are the one. ;) I have sting Passion and love feeling for you but I don't know you very well... So please stay with... Me
We have just had a local election and referendum on the voting system which unfortuantely has not changed given only about third of people vote at this level and the right-wing press having swayed the NO vote, keeping the system at first-past-the-post instead of the AV vote.
The largest section of the Records Department, far larger than the one in which Winston worked, consisted simply of persons whose duty it was to track down and collect all copies of books, newspapers and other documents which had been superseded and were due for destruction.
George orwell作「 nineteen eighty four」 のchapter 4の一節ですが、 上記の whose duty it was to の it の文法的意味がわかりません。 どなたか教えてください。itがなくてもいいように思うのですが。
外国人の友達からメールがきましたが返事が一週間以上ないです。相手から来たメール→Are you free sometime next week? we can take a dog to the park. 私が返信したメール→I'd like to see her before she gets bigger. I hope it will be sunny.何かまずいこと言ってますか?
So I shipped yesterday on Monday. I let you know the tracking nr. tomorrow morning or today in the evening. So is shipping of the Shoes keeper not possible in this parcel.
So used are we to hearing the process of European integration likened to an unstoppable train that we discount the idea it could ever stop in its tracks.
Key features of the items include simultaneous measurement of all the popular noise indices over a 120dB dynamic single range with the A,C and Z frequency weightings, the S,F and I time responses and the 3,4 and 5dB exchange rates.
what i mean is that what our language thingifies, what our language takes and freezes into a thing, that we either have or get inflicted upon on us, is not a thing.
>>315 ttp://noisenewsinternational.net/archives/nni_172.pdf だろ。 Key features of the items include simultaneous measurement of all the popular noise indices over a 120dB dynamic single range with the A,C and Z frequency weightings, the S,F and I time responses and the 3,4 and 5dB exchange rates. この項の特徴は120デシベルにわたる騒音レベルのすべての同時計測された指標を含む。 それはA、C、Z周波数補正 S、F、Iの時間応答 3 4 5デシベルexchange ratesである。
the delay has been caused by unusual problems facing census-takers その遅れは国勢調査員に面する珍しい問題によって引き起こされた。 で合っていますか?国勢調査員(が)面するではないのでしょうか? facingの訳し方を教えてくれませんか。あとどうしてingの形なんでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。
>>316 what i mean is that what our language thingifies, what our language takes and freezes into a thing, that we either have or get inflicted upon on us, is not a thing.
カンマで挟まれてる挿入節を抜いてしまうと基本の文はこうなる what i mean is that what our language thingifies is not a thing.
what our language takes and freezes into a thing,はwhat our language thingifies,の言い換え
なので基本の文はこうなる what i mean is that what our language takes and freezes into a thing is not a thing.
that we either have or get inflicted upon on us,は2番目以降のwhatの説明
what i mean is that 私が言いたいのは〜 get inflicted upon 押し付けられる thingifies thing化する(造語)
DONT LET PEOPLE PAVE OVER MALAEKAHANA! 5 MORE HOTELS & 1000 ADDITIONAL CONDOS ON THE NORTH SHORE? I read this in the "green" magazine last night please help keep country, country.
Hi, thank you for your message. I am so sorry, I sent you two payment by mistake. I don't need another one at this moment, so could you simply refund my second payment? I apologize for your inconvenience. Thank you
・the helicopter's propeller clipped a tree and bumped into the side of the canyon,breaking off one of the propellers. ・the pilot circled the parking lot,trying to remain steady. この2つの文のコンマの後の進行形の訳し方を教えていただけませんか。 あと、どうして進行形なのでしょうか。よろしくお願いします。
・the helicopter's propeller clipped a tree and bumped into the side of the canyon,breaking off one of the propellers. ・the pilot circled the parking lot,trying to remain steady.
Thank you . I have another question. (前僕が別の質問に答えていたので) Kept silent cheek in the ture life? In room of arcade in Japan. Offline. Do you know players as ○○,○○?
it could be excellent - but the shipping to UK is very expensive. It's price is over #100 pounds but it's delivery (DHL ) is more #300pounds!!!- I do not know other courier from Japan.
I would like have it here in UK,but the shipping costs is crazy. Thank you. お願いします
One of the joys of listening to music is a general familiarity with the way it is put together: to know roughly what to expect, then to see in what particular ways your expectations will be met or exceeded.
to know roughly what to expect, 例えばキャンディーズを聴きたい then to see in what particular ways your expectations will be met or exceeded. しかしてどうすればキャンディスを聴きたいのが実現するか又はそれ以上の結果を得るか。 だと思うけどね。
I love that knife. I have one, but I reprofiled 3 inches of the blade closest to the handle to a finer convex edge for better fine work. It Has not compromised the chopping ability closer to the tip where I chop most.
its was so sweet when you fainted wile we having sex, i pulled it out of you and checked your breath, i new you where ok so i just hold you and shake your arm till you woke up!!! I LOVED IT.
On the down side are widening gaps in income between the northern and southern hemispheres as well as within countries and the worsening of global environmental problems. Even in the U.S, which is recognized as being among the "winners" offshore outsourcing to foreign companies with low wage and salary costs is booming, and many jobs have been lost. In some cases, the free movement of huge sums of money has had a major impact on economies and financial markets.
"Toyota maintains a constant pulse on global trends and influences," said Bob Zeinstra, National Manager, Advertising and Strategic Planning. "We are excited to have this partnership with Hatsune Miku because even if she is unfamiliar to some, the story of the character, her music and her dedicated fans are intriguing and in parallel with the storied history of Toyota Corolla. We are thrilled to help make her debut in the U.S." よろしくお願いします
どなたかお願いします 自分が送ったメールは→Can you play Silent jealousy? 来た返事が↓ Yes... But not for the moment cause... I can't record myself anymore... My sound card is broken, so... I'll do it certainly... But later
It depends^^ Since 2008 it's good... I think he works a lot his english... But before this espacially before Blue Blood... It was really bad XD But such a great voice! お願いします!
When the waiter at last comes to ask their pleasure,Black orders a Black and White on the rock, and Blue cannot help but take this as a secret message that the fun is about to begin, all the while marvelling at Black's effrontery, his crassness, his vulgar obsession.
Ken, you may be able to marry. But even while Ken plain beautiful, smart, beautiful women that can never marry. Brandishing be fooled by the fiction you can get married as Ken, it looks boring and stupid woman.
よろしくお願いします Yeah... I love IV... But Jade and Born To Be Free... -__- What a crap... I'm waiting a lot about Scarlet Love Song... Seems like it's a real good ballad!
Indeed it is! But, to be more specific, it's a remake of the NES version, this one came out in 1996, and the original version came out in 1988 in Japan, and was released in the States in 1992. お願い致します
please, upload your videos from japanese tv in High Definition (HD).. I'm from Chile (south america) and I watch NHK G channel in my house, in? Directv system ,but the channel is in SD. ↓翻訳サイト経由 High Definition(HD)でjapanese tvからビデオをアップロードしてください。 私はチリ(南america)から来ています、そして、 NHK Gが中の私の家で精神を集中するのを見ますか? Directvシステム、しかし、チャンネルがSDにあります。
you should have no problems using a cabinet. これは あなたがカビネットを使うことには何の問題も無いはずです、となるのでしょうか? 特定の状況の下でこのカビネットを使うことができるか、と質問したことに対する回答です。 should haveの〜べき、〜はず、の部分がよくわかりません。 問題ない、とは思いますが・・・、という弱い感じなのでしょうか? 宜しくお願いします
How is it in Japan with families ? I've read in papers and heard on the BBC that many families in Japan pretended to have old (100 years and more) parents still alive to collect the checks they were recieving from the government while these people were actually dead. It's pretty sad. Japan has always been seen around the world as THE culture where relatives took the most care of their elders and, more importantly, really respected them. If japaneses don't respect old people anymore, who on the planet will ? I can't remember who I have passed this new email address on to, so if this one is new to your address book, please make tha change.
>>541 The only thing that got him out of bed was knowing that every second he wasted meant he was one second closer to the rising of the sun. 小説か何かの文章なのかな。何か変なもって回った表現だ。
>>547だけど 意味するところは ベッドでぐずぐずしていたために起床時刻が日の出時刻に1秒遅れた ということ。 1秒早く起きれば日の出時刻ぴったし。 The only thing that got him out of bed ベッドから出た彼を捕らえたただ一つのこと was knowing は知ることである that every second he wasted 彼がムダにしたすべての秒、時間は meant 意味する he was one second closer to the rising of the sun. 彼が日の出時刻に1秒まで近づいた 日の出が先、彼の起床は日の出の1秒後。
But most of these are likely to be made up of short video selections that users can assemble to their liking , rather than half-hour or one -hour programs .
I am sorrz for delay but I had problem with internet on weekend (3rd time this month!). 中略 I would like have the following item (as soon as possible): 中略 The following items -I must check what they look...etc. 以下略
Take 5 capsules 2 times daily. 1 serving taken prior to exercise and 1 serving immediately following exercise. Additional servings can be taken throughout the day to enhance recovery from intense training periods.
Several years ago a U.S. securities company cited these four countries as having the potential for growth and as suitable for investment over the medium and long term. A fter that, this acronym came into common use. These countries have experienced remarkable economic growth in recent years, and their economies are expected to rival those of the G7 nations and other developed countries in a few decades.
We sent the pink sox on Monday I hope they get there as you are so far away I cannot guarantee aお願いします。 rrival. I'll find the tracking number and email you again
We sent the pink sox on Monday I hope they get there as you are so far away I cannot guarantee arrival. I'll find the tracking number and email you again
A rapidly growing responsibility of all people in health occupations is educating patients on the maintenance of total health, both physical and mental.
A microbe, or any other organism, that lives on or within a living host and at the host’s expense is called a parasite.
If the infection is restricted to a relatively small area of the body, it is local;a generalized, or systemic, infection is one that affects the whole body.
I don't have anymore of those frends stickers but I could probably get some, do you think you could send me some Japanese candy. and I will send you some stickers?
These countries rapidly shifted to market economies, but they have not necessarily democratized. Only a portion of the population has grown rich, and the gap between rich and poor has widened, leading to serious social problems. お願いします。
The decision to use a fixed wing was one that had to be made before any airplane could fly satisfactorily 解答が、<固定された翼を使うことの決定は、どのような飛行機でも、うまく飛ぶことが出来る前にされなければならなかった。> とあるのですが、私は<固定翼を使用する決定は、すべての飛行機を満足に飛ばすために必要だった。>と訳したのですが間違いでしょうか?
Hey i never heard from you since i sent the fishes, did you receive the fishes? Did you receive my email about how many fishes i received? Also how many rhino fishes do you for sale? Can i purchase large quantities?
Let me just give you manpower update. May 25 - 6 people / 2 cars May 26 - 10 people / pls confirm if this 2 cars???? MAY 27 - *** wants 10 guys...are you available?
" But whether upon the whole matter by the jurors found the killing of Richard Parker by Dudley and Stephens be felony and murder the jurors are ignorant, and pray the advice of the Court thereupon,
But we are said, because a very good colleague is falling down with a helicopter. He was death. And his wife will become a baby in this summer. It's a very said tragic time at the moment.We will help his wife, but it's so difficult, because i don't know to talk sometimes.
On first seeing your work I was struck by how unique your style is. My 2nd observation was: why so few comments on such a great talent. Then I noticed you rarely bother to answer anyones comment s when they do happen to write. This is a mistake. Correct it! 海外のお絵かき掲示板に投稿したときに貰ったコメントが解りません。 よろしければ和訳お願いします。
>>653 But, upon the whole matter, the jurors are ignorant関与しない (on) whether the killing of Richard Parker by Dudley and Stephens found (to) be felony and murder (or not) by the jurors .
>>638 しかしその事件について陪審員が重罪殺人とするか陪審員にその知識がなくて その事について法廷の判断を求めるかして whetherは1か2か 1 the jurors 主語 found 述語 the killing of Richard Parker by Dudley and Stephens 目的語 be felony and murder 目的語を修飾 2 the jurors are ignorant, and pray the advice of the Court thereupon そして次ぎに続くんでしょ。 and if upon the whole matter the Court shall be of opinion that the killing of Richard Parker be felony and murder, then the jurors say that Dudley and Stephens were each guilty of felony and murder as alleged in the indictment."
ありがとうございます。j実は続きがあって I think you are a breath of fresh air here.Your work is very very good. This is a wonderful example . i will gladly watch you,but not if you cannot be bothered to reply to comments.
>>664 間違えた。 " But whether upon the whole matter 主語 (by the jurors)陪審員によって found述語 とする the killing of Richard Parker by Dudley and Stephens be felony and murder パーカー重罪殺人事件 the jurors are ignorant, and pray the advice of the Court thereupon, 陪審員が判断基準に無知なために法廷に判断を求める 陪審員が重罪殺人とするか 陪審員が判断しかねて法廷に判断を求めるかのwhether →法廷が重罪殺人とすれば陪審員は有罪とする と続くんでしょ。
>>689 多分以下が正解 しかし陪審員がダドレーとステファンがパーカーを殺した事件を重罪殺人と決めるか whether 陪審員が無学無知により決めかねてその事について法廷に判断を求め −質問分はここまで− 次を読むと もし法廷が重罪殺人だとすれば陪審員は有罪判決する事になる・・・・。 the whole matter 主語 found 述語 設定する the killing 目的語 of Richard Parker by Dudley and Stephens (to) be felony and murder
>>695 意味が通ったのかよ?今までいろんな事をやったけどどうして止めたんだ?と言ってるんだろ。 ttp://www.angbase.com/interviews/oren_ambarchi.html You have a diverse range of interests in music from noise, improvisation, punk, to the quieter end of things. You drum as well as play guitar and have a history in bands including Phlegm and The Menstruation Sisters. How did this history end with you playing abstract and often quiet sound based on your delayed and effected guitar.
その質問の答の一部。 ギターを全く使わない 言ってる。 つまりギターを使ったhistoryはend。 historyの結果がギターになったのではない。 I was interested in making sounds that were cold, unemotional and totally detached from 'the guitar'.
こんな説明あるよ。 Description After he and Saito narrowly escape an avalanche by sliding hundreds of feet down a slope in the third dream level. Fischer asks Saito a reasonable
> Sorry I went to sleep at 4 pm yesterday and just woke up! Its 7am now. I was so tired. Actually it was a typo. My phone is weird, I meant to type "say"
The police said more familiar schemes involve hackers demanding tens of thousands of dollars and threatening to attack commercial Web sites , interfering with sales or stealing customer date.
GLUT2 has high capacity for glucose but low affinity (high Km, ca. 5 mM) .
In small intestine during meals GLUT2 trafficking to the brush border membrane, enhancing the capacity of glucose transport when the luminal glucose concentration goes above 30mM. 医学のウィキ参照なんですが 駄目元で御願いいたします。
I ordered the and i am waiting for the A, i should be receiving 30 next week. I am trying to get the money together for the B as i like to obtaining 4 pairs at one time,
I ordered the **** and i am waiting for the B, i should be receiving 70 next week. I am trying to get the money together for the B as i like to obtaining 4 pairs at one time, I will keep you posted.
>>763 ttp://forums.redflagdeals.com/archive/index.php/t-164409.html FBI spokesman Paul Bresson said more familiar Internet extortion schemes involve hackers demanding tens of thousands of dollars and threatening to attack commercial Web sites, interfering with sales or stealing customer data.だろ。
A prefix code is a set of words in which no word is a prefix of another word in the set. A word v is said to be a prefix of a word w if w starts with v.
>>793 誰に報告するの? 辞書の文例に(研究社英和中辞典) ・The Commons passed the bill. 下院はその法案を可決した. ・The bill passed the City Council. その法案は市会を通過した. なんてのがある。 ひるがえって I have however passed your feedback on for you. しかしながら私はあなたの申し出をあなたのためにpassしました。 含むところは 私にも言い分はあるがここは譲歩してあなたのためにpassする。 トランプのパスは俺はいいから次の人にして下さい。 このpassが何を意味するか?
>>794 passed it on to our customer support divisionとか、 passed it on to the retail clerk who is responsible の省略だと思うよ pass 〜 onの熟語で、次の段階に渡したってだけで内容について認めたとか同意したとか言う意味は無い だからhoweverと言ってるんだと思う 議会じゃなくてオペレーターが言ってることだしね どこに渡したか明記してないのはわざとで、暗に将来的な対応に消極的であることを示唆してるんだと思う ちょっと日本的な曖昧表現だな for you は本来必要ないんだが、角が立たないように印象を和らげる意図でわざと付けてると思う
翻訳お願いしたいです。取引関係です。 Dear Seller, I'm Mrs Yehoyakim Varian,I will like to purchase your item to my Uncle's store in Nigeria,how many pieces did you have available for sales? I will offer you the sum $1,000USD kindly get back to me via ([email protected]).
You make the order and i will pay you for the items i require, plus payment to ship them to me plus a little extra depending on price per and how much I make. Trying to get customers now to pre pay me so that i can send you money right away, so i need to know how much it will cost per pair? and will you get adults or sub adults as well as they are cheaper.
Adapting is an evolutionary concept which describes behaviour in terms of its survival value and states that any behaviour which increases survival(and future reproduction) is adaptive.
The main brake cylinder is quite expensive but it is the original one for your Unimog. I did add 100,- EUR surcharge since this is an exchange article and it will not make any sense to send us the old main cylinder from Japan. If your main cylinder still looks allright inside you could also try the repair kit.
>>869 I did add 100,- EUR surcharge since this is an exchange article and it will not make any sense to send us the old main cylinder from Japan. 部品代に敢えて100ユーロ追加請求した。シリンダーは故障したシリンダーを下取り条件で売る部品であり 日本から古いシリンダーを送って貰っても意味が無いからだ。(運賃が高い事かな)
>>871 有難うございました。助かります。 続きが有るのですが、可能であればお願いします。 There is another main brake cylinder available at 95,- EUR, which also fits your vehicle but has not been mounted originally. (maybe a good alternative if your is not repairable). I did include the brake hoses in the quotation because I would strictly advise to change those when changing the brake cylinders.
just want to see what it is like to be a vegetarian... i didn't download anything... i used google translate and listened to it to make sure its right.
>>867 何を聞かれてるのかよく分からない時は、 what do you mean by 'how does it keep the edge? みたいに、what do you mean by 〜?でオウム返しすればいいよ そしたら普通はより分かり易い言い方に言い換えてくれるはず ”刃持ちはどうだい?”みたいなことだろうか
All of the players ran their socks off and I would really like to have saved just one penalty. I am disappointed. The team grew in stature with each game."
レフ版を2枚買い、送料は15ドルづつでしたが合わせて送料は20ドルになりました。 due to it is high fees for get the money here,so it is appreciated of you can pay it via western untion, thanks very a lot !! というメッセージが来たのですが、いまいち分かりません。 何方か翻訳してくださる方いらっしゃいましたらよろしくお願いします。 因みにもうPaypalで支払い済みです。
Adapting is an evolutionary concept 適応行動とはひとつの進化的概念である which describes behaviour in terms of its survival value and states それはその生存価と状態に関する行為を描写する(=説明する) that any behaviour which increases survival(and future reproduction) is adaptive. (何の行為かというと)生存(そして将来の再生)が適応可能となることを増加させるあらゆる行為
the United States government is determined to crack down on people who steal credit card numbers and illegally use them on the internet. This campaign has also attributed to reducing the number of identity theft cases. 2行目の訳をお願いします。
4.I have known the decedent since (give date or length of time): 5.My relationship to the decedent is: 6.Fully explain how you and the decedent are related:
1. (print your name). the undersigned, being duly sworn, answer the following questions concerning rights to inherit from the above decedent estate to the best of my knowledge:
The following are the nieces and nephews of decedent, Give the names, ages, telephone numbers and address of all children of any deceased brother or sister of the decedent.(LIST THEM BY PARENT) If a deceased sister or brother of the decedent did not have any children, please give that information, If a niece or nephew is also deceased, state the date and place of death.
If the rapid growth of the BRIC countries continues at the current pace, global environmental problems may also become more serious. The industrialization of these countries is in the development stage, and their energy efficiency is low, in part because old facilities are still in use. For example, the energy use per unit of GDP (energy intensity) of the BRIC countries is three times or more that of Japan. An increase in CO2 emissions may also accelerate global warming.
I'm very sorry to hear your item hasnt arrived but as I told you we WILL NOT take any responsibility for your package and that a refund wasn't available to you.
They were sent via TNT then by airmail I'm not sure if we have it will check first thing tommorow, I was under the impression that you understood the risks with this order as I wasn't keen on sending to japan, Anglesey Pets will cease trading as owner needs to have some chemotherapy. Anglesey pets may not entertain this complaint but we will investigate it 度々すみません。お願いします
>>983 To achieve a constitutive targeting of Tem1 to the SPBs but in an asymmetric manner, we also fused Tem1 and Bfa1. という文を皮切りに以降constitutive targeting of Tem1 to the SPBsというのが名詞として度々でてきます Tem1やSPBというのが専門的すぎるのでAとBというふうにぼかしました
So far, volunteer workers have amassed half of the 12,000 signatures needed to initiate a recall election. Should this recall take place, it will be the first ever in Alaskan history. 2行目の訳をお願いします。shouldが何故文頭にあるのでしょうか。