文主語:I found a lot of books to read. 文目的語:I bought Mary a lot of books to read. 文脈上明らか:The best lawyer to consult is Mr. Eccels. 先行詞:He is really a man to be trusted.
娘に涙を見られまいとして彼は顔をそむけた。 He turned his face away (so as not to be seen his tears) と書いたとき his tears と書くのは何らかの誤りがあって間違いらしいのですが 何故だめなのでしょうか。 (正解例はso as not to be seen to cry)
>>42 1 What day of the week suits you best? 2 Just a moment, please. I'll check his schedule. 3 Can I cancel the appointment and move it to Friday? 4 I',m sorry. My schedule is full so I can't meet you this week.
解答です。 1 What day next week will suit you best? 2 Just a moment, please. I'll check his schedule. 3 Can I change the appointment to Friday afternoon? 4 I',m sorry, but I'm tied up and can't see you this week. でした。 2はそのまんま正解でした。 スレの皆様ありがとうございました。 また宿題は出ましたがなるべく自分で解くように頑張ってみます。
どうしてもわかりませんでしたので教えてください。 I don't know such a rich person as (彼). このasは前置詞ですか?関係代名詞ですか?それとも別のものですか? such…as〜のasがわかりやすく関係代名詞になっている例はよくあるの ですが、この例ではいったいどうなのかなぁと思いまして。 そして、asの品詞によって彼をheとするのかhimとするのかかわって くるかと思いまして。。。面倒くさい質問ですみません。 手持ちのどの辞書を見ても見つからなかったので教えて頂ければ幸い です。
Men and women soldiers all went to church every Sunday, but a lot of them didn't like it much. There was a choir of men soldiers, and Captain Jones was trying to find women soldiers to sing it too, but none of ones in the army camp offered to do this.
Then one day Captain Jones saw a new girl soldier. She was tall and very beautiful. He said '' Will you come and sing in the choir at our church, please ? ''
The girl was surprised and said, '' But, sir, I cam't sing at all ! ''
'' Oh, that's all right,'' answerede Jones. '' That doesn't matter at all. You don't need to sing : I only want someone to keep the men soldiers looking in front of them when they are in the church.''
>>97は日本人教師が作った英語だから深く考えると分からなくなる。 look in front of themはとても変な英語。 themはthemselvesだし、そもそもin front ofは使わない。 look aheadが普通。 多分男の軍人が普通に参列して聖歌を歌う際によそ見ばかりするから きちんと祭壇の方を向かせたいという意味だろうとは思うが。
>>107 英訳? I don't spend so much money for books as in past days. なんでpastなんだろう。beforeでしょうに。 No less than 48 schools took part in the competition. As many as 48 〜
Captain Jones works in an army ( 1 ). There is a ( 2 ) in their ( 3 ), and Captain Jones wants girls for it. But thet don't need to ( 4 ). They only need to look ( 5 ). Then the men will look in (6 ) of them and not behind them.
選択肢【choir sing camp front beautiful church】
回答は恐らく (1) camp (2) choir (3) church (4) sing (5) beautiful (6) front
>>88 続きです。 4 poverty 貧困 the situation or experience of being poor. 貧しくあることの状態や経験 5 choice 選択 the person or thing that someone has chosen. 誰かが選んだその人またはもの 6 not~any longer もはや〜でない used to say that something does not happen or is true now, although it used to happen or be true; no longer 嘗ては起こったり本当であったことが今や起こらないもしくは本当でないということを のべつときに用いる
どなたか和訳をお願いしますm(_ _)m (1)It is not clear whether the countries will reach an agreement or not. (2)You can borrow my bike if you bring it back tomorrow. (3)There can be no doubt that she is generous. (4)You will be punished unless you observe the school rules.
私たちは来月までに事務所の片付けを終わらせましょう。 We will have finished putting our office in order by the next month. これのput 〜 in order は訳すとどの部分になるのでしょうか? in orderで片付けですよね? 前のputはどういう意味ですか?
私は甘いものが好きです。 →I love sweets. 昨年は、小さいころからの夢だった「お菓子の家」を作りました。 →分かりませんでした;; 大きさはこれくらいです。(この時大きさをジェスチャー) →That’s size is this. とても美味しかったです! →It was very good !
しかし、作るのに時間がたくさんかかり、そしてなにより材料費がとても高かったので、しばらくはもう作らないでしょう(笑) →But it took me long time and it costed me a large sum of money to cook the Candy House. So (「しばらく〜」がわかりません).
私は海外ドラマや映画を見ることも好きです。 →I like foreign movies and TV doramas too.
私のおすすめは「□」です。 →Epecially I like 「□」. ある女性が弁護士を目指すサクセスストーリーで、私はこの映画を見るととても元気(ハッピー?)になれます。 →分かりませんでした;; もしよければ、あなたのおススメの作品を教えてください。 →If you don't mind, please tell me the title of your favorite movie.
>>192 昨年は、小さいころからの夢だった「お菓子の家」を作りました。 →Last year, I made "the cookies house". I had been dreaming it since I was childhood. 「お菓子の家」は、何のお菓子かで変えても良いし、sweetsでもいい 大きさはこれくらいです →It looks like about this. ジェスチャーをする場合は、お菓子の家が目の前にないのが普通。thatは実物を示すイメージ。とおもう。 >>193 しばらく →for a while とりあえずここで送信。
>>193 しかし、作るのに時間がたくさんかかり、そしてなにより材料費がとても高かったので、しばらくはもう作らないでしょう(笑) →But I spend my time so much, and especialy, inclese sum of number of the cost.So, I won't make it for a while.(loughing)
私は海外ドラマや映画を見ることも好きです。 →I like watching foreign movies and TV doramas et cetera. et cetera「など」 >>194 私のおすすめは「□」です。 →I will recommend you □ especially. ある女性が弁護士を目指すサクセスストーリーで、私はこの映画を見るととても元気(ハッピー?)になれます。 →This drama is the success story that a female aims to the attorny. And when I always watch it, I can feel so happy.
>>200で間違い。 ある女性が弁護士を目指すサクセスストーリーで、私はこの映画を見るととても元気(ハッピー?)になれます。 →This drama is the success story that a female aims to be an attorny. And when I always watch it, I can feel so happy. ごめん、自信ない。 >>199 仲良くしてください →なんで解らないんだろう?w
>>200 まだ間違いがあった。 しばらくもうつくらないでしょう →So, I won't make one for a while.(loughing) itだったら作ってあるしw 私は海外ドラマや映画を見ることも好きです。 →I like watching foreign movies and TV dramas et cetera. et cetera「など」 doramaってw
>>29 娘に涙を見られまいとして彼は顔をそむけた。 He turned his face away so that he might not be seen to shed tears by his daughter. He turned his face away so as not to be seen to shed tears by his daughter.
He turned his face away so that his daughter might not see him shed tears.
字数制限を考えると色々なパターンが考えられるからどれがベストなのか 難しいよ。 He was looking forward to か He looked forward to (楽しみにしていた) spending the weekend (on) playing with his grandchildren.
There are insects that make us feel that we are in the presence of uncanny.
Our feelings towards months being what they are, the fact that superstitions connect the moth much less than the butterfly with the world of the dead is all the more surprising.
The professor talked to American and Brazilian students about lateness in both an informal and a formal situaion :lunch with a friend and in a university class , respectively.
>>285 Kobayashi is supposed to arrive at your hotel late on the night of 17th. You can check in at any time after one p.m. There is limousine service available between our hotel and the airport. Can(Would) you recommend a good hotel in the central part of Chicago? Can you tell me the flight number and the arrival time of Mr. White as soon as possible?
下記の2文の意味の違いがわかりません。2)の方は、find out (something) about America とsomethingが省略されていると考え「アメリカに関することを知る」。1)は、「アメリカを知る」 と訳しましたが、「アメリカに関することを知る」=「アメリカを知る」と思えます。そう考えますと 意味や内容に違いが無いと思えるのですが、いかがでしょうか?
1)The job gave me a good chance to find out America . 2)The job gave mea good chance to find out about America .
>>313 632:名無しさん@英語勉強中 :sage:2011/04/20(水) 11:00:13.04 大西先生の考え方が感覚的に分かりやすいんじゃないかな Have you decided who? じゃ誰に決めたの?ってだけで何の誰なのか分からない だからto不定詞で→どういうことなのかを指し示してやれば Have you decided who to vote for? 投票をするということですね I didn't know what. これも何か分からなかったってよく分からない文・・明らかに意味が欠如している これもto不定詞で→こういうことがと指し示してやればいいだけで I didn't know what to do. するということが何だったのかわからなかった つまりは何をすべきか分からなかったということですね
640 自分返信:名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage] 投稿日:2011/04/20(水) 12:32:03.80 >>632 Have you decided to vote for □? だから Have you decided who to vote for? て聞いてるだけでしょ・・ wh語の後はギャップを意識しよう
お二方ありがとうございます。 >>320 to 不定詞がどういう用法で使われる場合であれ、動詞である以上、必ず意味上の主語は存在し、それは>>307のルールに従う、と認識しております。 例えば To smoke is bad for the health. という文において、To smokeは名詞用法ですが、>>307のルールの通り、意味上の主語は一般の人となると考えています。 >>321 そういう理由であれば納得できます。ありがとうございます。
My dream is to travel around the world. 文の主語はMy dreamだけど文脈から不定詞の主語はIだと分かる。 It seemed almost impossible to cross the river. 誰が渡ろうとしてるのかは状況から明らか。 その渡ろうとしてる人が意味上の主語。
toは移動の過程を表すイメージ。 英語の文の本来の一般的な形、主語→動詞→目的語の語順は主語と目的語をつなぐ過程に 行為が存在していることを表す。不定詞の場合は意味上の主語が不定詞の行為へと向かっていくイメージ。 だからI don't know what to do.はI→do→whatのつながり。 I learn English to study abroad.はI→study abroadをつなぐ過程がlearn Englishであるということ。 不定詞のtoのイメージはあくまでも意味上の主語が不定詞の行為へと進んでいくイメージ。 その出発点である意味上の主語を無視して目的語だから漠然と行為自体を表すとか語るのは 根本的に間違っている。出発点が明らかだから明示されないにすぎない。
>>338 I want you to listen carefully. もちろんyouがto以下に押されるような意味を持つ それは意味上の主語がどうこう以前にwantの持つ意味と他動詞だと言うこと 相手に対する欲求その内容がto listen carefully、to不定詞、to+原形が使われる こういうこと、ああいうこと、主語を必要とする具体的な動的内容などない 現在の事実でもなく過去の事実でもないからこそこれから感が生まれる
>>339 全く違うtoは移動の過程などではない to不定詞はただ原形を指し示しているだけである 君が言っているのは便宜上の説明なの I learn English. To what? To study abroad. 働きとしてはただ単に文に説明を追加し、こういうことと足りない意味を補っている 用は副詞として修飾している なぜ副詞的用法の下位分類、目的となるか? 要求されるのが明確にその情報だからですよ
toの場合はそこに行き着く。それが当たり前。 get to、go toいずれも行き着く。 I took the train to Osaka.なら大阪まで電車に乗った。 I took the train for Osaka.なら大阪行きの列車に乗って多分手前で降りてる。 toは行き着くがforは離れた目的。行為自体では行き着かない。 I bought a doll for my niece.buyという行為では人形は姪に行き着かない。 I sent a doll to my niece.これなら行き着く。 不定詞も全く同じ。avoidしてjoinに行き着くならtoだが、行き着かないから to不定詞は使えない。
>>367 なぜそういう意味になるかだよね以下はあくまで私個人の想像です cautionというものをイメージしてその端っこに立ってみよう the side of cautionと言えるような明確なそれとわかるものにon 気をつけないとそのやばい場所から落っこちる・・・そんな比喩的な表現かもしれませんね
>>392 もう一つ。 Jane pretended to be an acrobat. Jane pretended that she was an acrobat. この2つの文の意味の違いについて君の持論に基づいて説明してみてくれ。 さらにもう一つ。 Jane asked Mary to leave. Jane asked that Mary leave. この2つの文の意味の違いについて、君の持論に基づいて説明してみてくれ。 次に来た時で構わない。 考えれば君の説明が間違ってることがよく分かるはずだ。 分からないならそこまでのレベル。
>>395 Jane knows him to be intelligent. ジェーンは彼は知的だということをわかっている Jane knows him ジェーンは彼のことを直接的に知ってるね、よく知っていると言ってもいい だけどこの文はto不定詞でどういうことなのか説明が加わっている 知的であるということ
Jane knows that he is intelligent. ジェーンは彼は知的であるということを知っている これはただのthat説 Jane knowsその内容が何なのかthatであれですよと導いてやる he is intelligentこういう事実内容を知っていると言うこと
Stephen’s Speech to the Sanhedrin Then the high priest asked Stephen, “Are these charges true?” To this he replied: “Brothers and fathers, listen to me! The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham [ while he was still in Mesopotamia ], [ before he lived in Harran ]. ‘Leave your country and your people,’ God said, ‘and go to the land [ I will show you ].’ “So he left the land of the Chaldeans and settled in Harran. After the death of his father, God sent him to this land [ where you are now living ]. He gave him no inheritance here, not even enough ground [ to set his foot on ]. But God promised him [ that he and his descendants after him would possess the land, [ even though at that time Abraham had no child ] ]. God spoke to him in this way: ‘For four hundred years your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own, and they will be enslaved and mistreated. But I will punish the nation [ they serve as slaves ],’ God said, ‘and afterward they will come out of that country and worship me in this place.’ Then he gave Abraham the covenant of circumcision. And Abraham became the father of Isaac and circumcised him eight days after his birth. Later Isaac became the father of Jacob, and Jacob became the father of the twelve patriarchs. “[ Because the patriarchs were jealous of Joseph ], they sold him as a slave into Egypt. But God was with him and rescued him from all his troubles. He gave Joseph wisdom and enabled him [ to gain the goodwill of Pharaoh king of Egypt ]. So Pharaoh made [ him ruler over Egypt and all his palace ].
>Jane pretended to be an acrobat. は真似事をしたって感じ?おどけてる?周囲は分かってる程度に >Jane pretended that she was an acrobat は詐称みたいなキツイ公式的な意味?あるいは周囲が分からない程度に >Jane asked Mary to leave. 直接彼女に要求した? お願いーみたいな >Jane asked that Mary leave. は正式に要求したみたいな堅い感じがする でてくべきよみたいな
“Then a famine struck all Egypt and Canaan, [ bringing great [ suffering ] ], and our ancestors could not find food. [ When Jacob heard [ that there was grain in Egypt ], he sent our forefathers on their first visit. On their second visit, Joseph told his brothers [ who he was ], and Pharaoh learned about Joseph’s family. After this, Joseph sent for his father Jacob and his whole family, seventy-five in all. Then Jacob went down to Egypt, [ where he and our ancestors died ]. Their bodies were brought back to Shechem and placed in the tomb [ that Abraham had bought from the sons of Hamor at Shechem for a certain sum of money ]. “[ As the time drew near [ for God to fulfill his promise to Abraham ] ], the number of our people in Egypt had greatly increased. Then ‘a new king, [ to whom Joseph meant nothing ], came to power in Egypt.’ He dealt treacherously with our people and oppressed our ancestors by [ forcing [ them to throw out their newborn babies [ so that they would die ] ] ].
>>420 >Jane pretended to be an acrobat. 真似事は正解。to不定詞は具体的な行為を表す。 >Jane pretended that she was an acrobat これは自分がアクロバットである状況を考えてみた 別に寝転がっててもいい。考えてみただけ。 >Jane asked Mary to leave. 直接彼女に要求したで正解。 >Jane asked that Mary leave. は正式に要求とまではいかない。単に第三者の介在を意味する。 だからJaneの強い権限を暗示する。
“At that time Moses was born, and he was no ordinary child. For three months he was cared for by his family. [ When he was placed outside ], Pharaoh’s daughter took him and brought him up as her own son. Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was powerful in speech and action. “[ When Moses was forty years old ], he decided [ to visit his own people, the Israelites ]. He saw [ one of them being mistreated by an Egyptian ], so he went to his defense and avenged him by [ killing the Egyptian ]. Moses thought [ that his own people would realize [ that God was using him [ to rescue them ] ], but they did not. The next day Moses came upon two Israelites [ who were fighting ]. He tried [ to reconcile them by [ saying ] ], ‘Men, you are brothers; why do you want [ to hurt each other ]?’ “But the man [ who was mistreating the other ] pushed Moses aside and said, ‘Who made [ you ruler and judge over us ]? Are you thinking of [ killing me [ as you killed the Egyptian yesterday ] ]?’ [ When Moses heard this ], he fled to Midian, [ where he settled as a foreigner and had two sons ]. “[ After forty years had passed ], an angel appeared to Moses in the flames of a [ burning ] bush in the desert near Mount Sinai.
[ When he saw this ], he was amazed at the sight. [ As he went over [ to get a closer look ] ], he heard [ the Lord say ]: ‘I am the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.’ Moses trembled with fear and did not dare [ to look ]. “Then the Lord said to him, ‘Take off your sandals, for the place [ where you are standing ] is holy ground. I have indeed seen the oppression of my people in Egypt. I have heard [ their groaning ] and have come down [ to set [ them free ] ]. Now come, I will send you back to Egypt.’ “This is the same Moses [ they had rejected with the words ], ‘Who made [ you ruler and judge ]?’ He was sent [ to be their ruler and deliverer by God himself, through the angel [ who appeared to him in the bush ]. He led [ them out of Egypt ] and performed wonders and signs in Egypt, at the Red Sea and for forty years in the wilderness. “This is the Moses [ who told the Israelites ], ‘God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your own people.’ He was in the assembly in the wilderness, with the angel [ who spoke to him on Mount Sinai, and with our ancestors ]; and he received [ living ] words [ to pass on to us ]. “But our ancestors refused [ to obey him ]. Instead, they rejected him and in their hearts turned back to Egypt. They told Aaron, ‘Make [ us gods [ who will go before us ] ]. As for this fellow Moses [ who led us out of Egypt ]—we don’t know [ what has happened to him ]!’
That was the time [ they made an idol in the form of a calf ]. They brought sacrifices to it and reveled in [ what their own hands had made ]. But God turned away from them and gave them over to the worship of the sun, moon and stars. This agrees with [ what is written in the book of the prophets ]: “‘Did you bring me sacrifices and [ offerings ] forty years in the wilderness, people of Israel? You have taken up the tabernacle of Molek and the star of your god Rephan, the idols [ you made [ to worship ] ]. Therefore I will send you into exile’beyond Babylon. “Our ancestors had the tabernacle of the covenant law with them in the wilderness. It had been made [ as God directed Moses ], [ according to the pattern [ he had seen ] ]. After [ receiving the tabernacle ], our ancestors under Joshua brought it with them [ when they took the land from the nations [ God drove out before them ]. It remained in the land until the time of David, [ who enjoyed God’s favor and asked [ that he might provide a [ dwelling ] place for the God of Jacob. But it was Solomon [ who built a house for him ]. "However, the Most High does not live in houses [ made by human hands ]. [ As the prophet says ]: “‘Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. What kind of house will you build for me? says the Lord. Or where will my [ resting ] place be? Has not my hand made all these things?’ “You stiff-necked people! Your hearts and ears are still uncircumcised. You are just like your ancestors: You always resist the Holy Spirit! Was there ever a prophet [ your ancestors did not persecute ]? They even killed those [ who predicted the [ coming ] of the Righteous One. And now you have betrayed and murdered him— you [ who have received the law [ that was given through angels ] ] but have not obeyed it.”
“There was a rich man [ who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day ]. At his gate was laid a beggar [ named Lazarus, [ covered with sores and longing [ to eat [ what fell from the rich man’s table ] ] ] ]. Even the dogs came and licked his sores. “The time came [ when the beggar died ] and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. In Hades, [ where he was in torment ], he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus [ to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, [ because I am in agony in this fire ] ] ].’ “But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember [ that in your lifetime you received your good things ], [ while Lazarus received bad things ], but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, [ so that those [ who want [ to go from here to you ] ] cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’ “He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, for I have five brothers. Let [ him warn them ], [ so that they will not also come to this place of torment ].’ “Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let [ them listen to them ].’ “‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but [ if someone from the dead goes to them ], they will repent.’ “He said to him, ‘[ If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets ], they will not be convinced [ even if someone rises from the dead ].’”
“Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let [ them listen to them ].’ “‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but [ if someone from the dead goes to them ], they will repent.’ “He said to him, ‘[ If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets ], they will not be convinced [ even if someone rises from the dead ].’”
ジェーンは彼のことを直接的に知ってるね、よく知っていると言ってもいい だけどこの文はto不定詞でどういうことなのか説明が加わっている 知的であるということ これはジェーンの主観でしょうよ Jane knowsその内容が何なのかthatであれですよと導いてやる he is intelligentこういう事実内容を知っていると言うこと これが客観性でしょうよ
>>399 Jane pretended to be an acrobat. Jane pretended ジェーンはふりをした、どういうことを? to be an acrobat 曲芸師であるような pretendedに動的な意味があり説明のto be an acrobatは内容、こういうこと to不定詞に具体的な行為、動的な意味はない
Jane pretended that she was an acrobat. Jane pretended ジェーンはふりをしたその内容をthatで導けば she was an acrobatそういう過去の事実内容 つまりはそうだったことを仮定して頭の中で考えたか ごっこ遊びをしたか
Jane asked Mary to leave. これは簡単だしもう同じような例文で書いたから割愛 他動詞
Jane asked that Mary leave. Jane askedジェーンは頼んだその内容をthatで導けば Mary leave現在形ですか・・この文はジェーンではなくほかの誰かがそんなこと頼んだんだよ!って言っている メアリーが去る、出て行くという事実内容 ただの自動詞
>>448 mustになるとdo you thinkなんて聞く余地もないほど表現が非常に強くなる 何か確固とした証拠、情報があって確実にそうなるよと確信している その結論へと向かうものすごく強い圧力 Steve must be hired for the new vice-president's position. これだけなら問題はありません
Jane asked that Mary leave. Jane askedジェーンは頼んだその内容をthatで導けば Mary leave(Mary should leave)メアリーが去るべきである askedの対象はもちろん言及されておらず第三者の介在も不介在も考えられる 自動詞のためそんな意味内容まで含まれていない文
行為自体は動詞のpretended その内容がto be an acrobat 具体的にまねをすることこれは正しい 行為自体は動詞のpretendedだからだ しかしto be an acrobatは動的な行為ではない こういうこと、であって動的な内容ではない 動きということ、とは表現できるが動きとは表現できないと言っています
On one occasion an expert in the law stood up [ to test Jesus ]. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do [ to inherit eternal life ]?” “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?” He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’" “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.” But he wanted [ to justify himself ], so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, [ when he was attacked by robbers ]. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, [ leaving [ him half dead ] ]. A priest happened [ to be going down the same road ], and [ when he saw the man ], he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, [ when he came to the place and saw him ], passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, [ as he traveled ], came [ where the man was ]; and [ when he saw him ], he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, [ pouring on oil and wine ]. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and [ when I return ], I will reimburse you for any extra expense [ you may have ].’ “[ Which of these three ] do you think [ was a neighbor to the man [ who fell into the hands of robbers ] ]?” The expert in the law replied, “The one [ who had mercy on him ].” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”
But a Samaritan, [ as he traveled ], came [ where the man was ]; and [ when he saw him ], he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, [ pouring on oil and wine ]. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and [ when I return ], I will reimburse you for any extra expense [ you may have ].’ “[ Which of these three ] do you think [ was a neighbor to the man [ who fell into the hands of robbers ] ]?” The expert in the law replied, “The one [ who had mercy on him ].” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”
How 〜?I don't know.I didn't see it.という問題で〜の部分を選ぶ問題があって 正解は did the accident happenだったのですが自分は別の選択肢 the accident happenedと選びました。 How the accident happendだけでも文章として成り立つと思うのですが何で不正解なんでしょうか?
>>542 疑問文だから どういうことが起こったの?って相手に聞いてるんでしょ Do you knowとかそういう疑問文作り方はわかるよね? How the accident happened? では文法的に正しいとは言えません 関係詞修飾では使うしもちろん文意がかけている部分がある(どのような)からそこをhowと聞かれていることは わかるんですが・・ テストでははねられるでしょう
admitは「認める」という意味の他動詞。 認めるは認めるでも意味は2種類あって、ひとつは「(ある場所に)入るのを認める」、もうひとつは「(何がを)したことを認める」。 今回は前者の用法で、直訳すれば 「〜が試験に入るのを認められるためには、…」となる(admit A to B「AがBに入るのを認める」の受動態、この場合Aは一般の人になるため、書かれていない)。 これを意訳したものが、それ。
Early on the first day of the week, [ while it was still dark ], Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw [ that the stone had been removed from the entrance ]. So she came [ running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, [ the one Jesus loved ], and said, “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don’t know [ where they have put him ]!” So Peter and the other disciple started for the tomb. Both were running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. He bent over and looked in at the strips of linen [ lying there ] but did not go in. Then Simon Peter came along behind him and went straight into the tomb. He saw the strips of linen [ lying there ], as well as the cloth [ that had been wrapped around Jesus’ head ]. The cloth was still lying in its place, [ separate from the linen ]. Finally the other disciple, [ who had reached the tomb first ], also went inside. He saw and believed. (They still did not understand from Scripture [ that Jesus had to rise from the dead ].) Then the disciples went back to [ where they were staying ].
Now Mary stood outside the tomb [ crying ]. [ As she wept ], she bent over [ to look into the tomb ] and saw two angels in white, [ seated [ where Jesus’ body had been ] , one at the head and the other at the foot ]. They asked her, “Woman, why are you crying?” “They have taken my Lord away,” she said, “and I don’t know [ where they have put him ].” At this, she turned around and saw [ Jesus standing there ], but she did not realize [ that it was Jesus ]. He asked her, “Woman, why are you crying? Who is it [ you are looking for ]?” [ Thinking he was the gardener ], she said, “Sir, [ if you have carried him away ], tell me [ where you have put him ], and I will get him.” Jesus said to her, “Mary.” She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, “Rabboni!” ( [ which means “Teacher”] ). Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’” Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: “I have seen the Lord!” And she told them [ that he had said these things to her ].
Early on the first day of the week, [ while it was still dark ], Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw [ that the stone had been removed from the entrance ]. So she came [ running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, [ the one Jesus loved ] ], and said, “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don’t know [ where they have put him ]!” So Peter and the other disciple started for the tomb. Both were running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. He bent over and looked in at the strips of linen [ lying there ] but did not go in. Then Simon Peter came along behind him and went straight into the tomb. He saw the strips of linen [ lying there ], as well as the cloth [ that had been wrapped around Jesus’ head ]. The cloth was still lying in its place, [ separate from the linen ]. Finally the other disciple, [ who had reached the tomb first ], also went inside. He saw and believed. (They still did not understand from Scripture [ that Jesus had to rise from the dead ].) Then the disciples went back to [ where they were staying ].
(Relations) between workers and management had reached a low point. ( )内にrelationsかrelationshipのどちらかを選ぶ問題で答えがrelationsでした。 このrelationsはなんでrelationshipではダメなのでしょうか?
>>646 Geoffrey N.Leech氏にでも聞いたのか?OEDを含め多数の英英英和(米系英系)その他の 所有する主要な電子辞書でざっと検索してみたが、明確な区別は見あたらない。 pretend that = imagine っていうのは、pretend thatが言い表す一つの意味に過ぎないような。 だだ、お前の言うようにpretend to は、imagineの内容を表すことはできないのも事実みたいだ。 しかし、基本は、to behave as if something is true when you know that it is not: だと考えられる。 つまりは、意味の重なりがあるわけで、明確に使用法が分かれてる訳じゃないと思うんだが。 さらに、米人のネイティブの同僚にも聞いてみたが特に区別していない模様。英人は知らんw まあ、だからと言って誤りだとは結論付けられないんだが、一応その 英語の専門的な文法書名を差し支えなければ教えてくれないかな?それか、コピペしてくれ。 でも、何でお前の相方に出典を教えてやらなかったの?日本語で互いにアシ引っ張り合っても仕方なかろう。 もちろん、逆に文法書に載っていてもそれが正しいとは限らんけども。
2 [SV to be/(that)節] (遊びで)〔…である〕まねをして遊ぶ‖Let's 〜 to be [(that) we are] pirates. 海賊ごっこをしよう. お前らの好きな日本語辞書なんだが。Be動詞と一般動詞で違うとか?なんか朝っぱらから混乱してきた。
>>633について >>634 ありがとうございます。それはどういうことですか? 例えば appeal to や arrange for 、 wait for 、 hope for はこれらを一つの他動詞として見ると、SVOC の文型をとると考えることができ、解釈が楽になります。 こういうものもあるわけですから、全てにおいて英文を解釈する際には 自動詞+前置詞をひとつの他動詞として考えることは非常に便利な考え方ではないでしょうか? こういう考え方で、不都合が生じることはどういう場合にあるのでしょうか?
>>658 ありがとうございます。 たしかにそうですね。自分も V+on や V+for … などの一般的な意味を理解し覚えてから個々に対応するようにしています。 ただ、特に上に挙げた例は「SVOCなのにOの前に前置詞が入る」という例なので、自動詞+前置詞を他動詞として考えると整合性がとれるという点で優れているのではないかと思いました。 あと reffer to A as B もその類いですかね。 覚えるときは一般的法則から理解して、解釈するときは自動詞+前置詞=他動詞と理解した方がいい場合にはそうしたいと思います。
1.“Till” and “until” have been seen to be used differently by people as a matter of habit. 2.“Till” is used mostly in informal situations and not very commonly in formal writing. “Until” is used in formal writing and used in formal conversations. 3.“Till” is not used to start a sentence; “until” is used to start a sentence. 4.“Until” is used in situations where one event is dependent on another event.
If there is a possibility of injury to the neck or back, open the air passage by gently pulling open the jaw without moving the head 首か背骨に損傷があると考えられる場合は、 頭を動かさずにそっとあごを開いて空気の通路をあけてやりなさい
授業の予習をしているのですがどうしてもわかりません。 The journalist (@fell ill) after (Aworking) for thirty hours (Bin success) (Cto cover the visit) of the famous soccer player. @~Cのうち1つの誤りを指摘し正しい形を書けという問題です。 僕的にはBが怪しい気がするのですが… 問題の丸投げになってしまいますがどうかよろしくお願いします。
>>748 ごめんね、では誰かの補足を期待しつつ説明つけます 1個目は、ofだと単にうわさを聞くという感じで aboutだとより詳しく彼らのことを聞いている気がします。 「もはや彼らのことをきくことはない」というような意味で詳細に聞くとはあんまり考えられないので 普通ofかなとは思うけど、aboutが絶対ダメとは思いますん 2米はthe matter of me というくらいならmy matterという気もするし、 theがついているということは特定できている問題であるにもかかわらず of meというのはどうかと思うけど、the matter of the groupとかは言いそうだし ダメでもないかなぁ、言わないだろうけど、まあいいかぐらいです
>>718 [ If there is a possibility of injury to the neck or back ], open the air passage by [ gently *pulling **open the jaw without [ moving the head ] ].
would like toは仮定法の条件を含意するかのような使い方で 丁寧さを表すわけだが、それは由来的に仮定法が絡んでいただけで、 現在の用法的には仮定法ではない。 仮定法と繋がりはあるが仮定法ではない。 実現可能性が低い願望ではないからね。 さも実現可能性が低いかのように表すことをして丁寧さを表す ようになったわけ。 だから今の文法での扱いは仮定法由来の婉曲表現というもの。
>>810 上のover thereはどっちの可能性もある。 下はseenにかかる状況はかなり珍しい。 everは必須。回数を聞いてないし、経験を表すための要素が他に無い。 Many people have died in auto accidents.なんかは複数形から経験(反復)と分かるから副詞句は必須ではない。
色々調べました。 @of + 形容詞 + 名詞 で形容詞句の働きをする。 Avery usefulとof great useのニュアンスの違いは、 前者は意識的にそう思っている。後者は物事を分析的にみている。 (A of B と区別をする必要があることから分析のニュアンスが出る) Bisとofの間にはoneが省略されている(ofが前置詞なので当たり前だったか) ということがわかりました。
forについては、質問した例文のような、for + 名詞で形容詞になる 文法用語がわからないので、見つけることができませんでしたが、 (誰か文法用語わかる方いたら教えてください) of + 形容詞 + 名詞 の例から推測して、 This book is for students. は isとforの間に oneが省略されているのではないかと 思うのですが、このような理解でよろしいでしょうか。
>>894場所語が、そこで行われる内容を問題にする時無冠詞になるがその類かな。 go to schoolみたいに。at table(食事中・食卓で),on the table(テーブルの上に) 唯一物はtheがつくが(the sun)、形容詞が付くとaになる場合がある(a hot sun) 形容詞が付き可算的な感覚が芽生え「ある〜」というニュアンスを帯びるのかも
>>894 たとえば She is going on a vacation. など普通に可算名詞としてa vacationと扱うことができますしごく普通に使われる自然な英語です 可算なのでくっきりしています たとえば彼女はハワイに行って海で泳いで楽しんでいる・・そういうほかと区別できるくっきりさがあります She is on vacation. だと不可算、漠然としてしまいます 特に具体性もないです 休暇中であるというとです 単なる休暇で他の何とも区別できるようなはっきりくっきりはないですよね だからこそ不可算名詞です
1.(fuel/diesel/runs/on/it/both/and/electricity). 2.(many/drive/so/people/since/cars),everyone should start thinking about driving a hybrid vehicle. 3.(the/swim/way/whole/the/bears/don’t/actually). 4.(seems/in/ice/there/be/to/increase/an/melting)due to grobal warming
>>927 It runs on both diesel fuel and electricity. Since so many people drive cars The bears don't actually swim the whole way. There seems to be an increase in ice melting
>>963 大ざっぱに説明しとくと、関係代名詞のasは、前後の節を先行詞にする場合には継続用法。 制限用法で使う場合には基本的に先行詞にはsuch、as、the sameのような呼応表現を伴う。 だから、例えば「我々の知っているような言語」ならlanguages as we know it。 このitは省略はできない。だけど、言語のタイプ分けの話の流れで、語順で文の要素としての 役割が決まらないような言語の説明をしている時などはsuch type of languages as I mentioned などと目的語を入れない。 Do as I say, not as I do.のような例は先行詞も無く明らかに接続詞。 目的語がないのは自動詞だから。