The lack of flat land in Japan has meant that living areas were reduced to a minimum and centered between the fields in order to allow enough land for farming.
Land holdings often consisted of hundreds of acres and towns were able to spread themselves out with broad avenues and comfortable parks.
Instead of having all houses centrally located, American farm houses are in the middle of their fields, this allowing room for large houses and a great deal of distance from their neighbors.
To put this in perspective, that's how bad things were for former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama before he resigned last year. 模範訳 (菅氏の支持率について)過去(の例)を振り返ってこの調査結果と比べてみると、去年の鳩山由紀夫前総理の辞任前と同じく悪い状況にあることがわかります。
>>47 感嘆文じゃなくて、that's how bad things were〜は that(それ)is(は同じだ)how(どの程度)bad things were(状況が悪かったのか) for former Prime inister Yukio Hatoyama(鳩山前総理に対して) before he resigned last year(去年の辞任前の)
米国人に日本人の集合写真を何枚か見せたところ、一人の女の子の写真について 「Maybe it's her hair...but she reminds me of Mari Yaguchi(※モー娘。). Sorry I just went and compared everyone...」 とコメントを貰いました。和訳をお願いしたいのはその後すぐ連投されたコメントについてです↓↓↓ 「I think I'm pretty good with comparing faces but I worry I might go to far and come off as racist. _| ̄|○」 よろしくお願いします
PLEASE NOTE that we will never ask you to re enter your card details at any point. If you do receive any emails asking you to do this please ignore it forward it to (メルアド)
thanks very much of thinking of us. Unless there are other things we can ship them with I think you are correct, they are too expensive so best leave them,
i want to hop on the first thing smoking 最初の喫煙を麻薬のように使いたい。 She fill a Coke bottle with gas while smoking a cigarette. たばこをすいながらコーク壜にガソリンを詰めている。 非常に危険なことをしてるので笑う。 I have always dated japanese girl since I was 16 16才の時からいつも日本人の女の子とデートしてたよ。
>>88有難うございます。 ん〜…意訳しないとなのかな… 曲は所謂秘密の情事って感じの曲で、周りの歌詞をちょっと書くと、 I can't tell nobody how we is i want to hop on the first thing smoking tell our agent to book us a plane この状況だとどういう意味になるでしょうか?
外国人に「好きな日本語はありますか?」と聞いたら下の返事がきたのですが、【】で括った部分の意味がつかめません 前後の文章も載せます I would say that Ohayou Gozaimasu is one of my favourites 【but it's been like that for a long time.】A newer one would be sugoi I guess. I'll browse through my textbook tomorrow to see if I can find any others that stand out. 和訳よろしくお願いします
Hello Seller, I'm Mr Davis Pedrol From Scotland i saw your item pasted on Yahoo Action i want to buy it for my daughter, How many Set did you have? i will offer you $1,000:00USDollar including the shipment Cost to my Daughter by EMS SERVICE to Nigeria I'm waiting for your Reply to my E-mail ([email protected]) and i will pay through bank to bank Transfer To your account send me your full Bank Information's Thanks.
「 sick. I did barely anything all day except taxes and watch Ninja Assassin. ^_^」 ↑和訳よろしくお願いします 「so sick」をそのままの意味でとればいいのか迷っています。 というのは手元の辞書にこの単語は「最高!」みたいな意味で使われることもあると書いてあったからです (例:I am so sick.=超最高!)
ようつべに外国人からメッセージが届きました。 I read an article about the training schedules of Korean idol groups being pretty intense. Do you know how bad AKB48's is? 「私は韓国のアイドルグループ〜〜トレーニングスケジュールについての記事を読みました。あなたはAKB48がどんなに悪いか知っていますか?」 自分で約したのはこれが限界です。orz 和訳よろしくお願いします。
【メールタイトル】 Pre-Order Notice - This order will be shipped when all items are available!
【本文】 If you are aware of our pre-order system, please disregard this e-mail. We just wanted to inform you that we noticed you have a pre-ordered item(s) with current item(s) that are ready to ship. Because of this, your order is scheduled to ship when the pre-order item(s) become available. In case you weren't aware of this and would like the current items shipped immediately, please let us know using the following options:
>>131 映画の原題ですか。 (his girlfriend turns him) every which way but loose からきているようですね 彼をあちこち振り回しても離れていかない、が直訳で 彼は彼女からどうしても離れられない、といったような意味でしょう したがって、そこの部分だけで訳すのは難しいですね
意訳よろしくお願いします。 Have you ever gotten sick from sushi? My brother and I had flu like symptoms on Monday and Tuesday and we couldn't figure out where we got it from. 自分で訳してみたのは下の文章です 「あなたはお寿司で病気になったことがありますか? 僕と兄弟は月曜日と火曜日にインフルエンザの兆候があって、でも僕たちはそれをどこからもらってきたのか分からなかった」
和訳お願いします 韓国のアイドル達が働きすぎて体調を崩している…という記事を読んだ米国人が、次のようなコメントをしてきました I think that being a pop singer in Asia is so hard!! It's great that they try so hard but would you really want to live like that? 自分でしてみた訳は「アジアの地で人気の歌手でいる事はとても大変だと思う! 彼らがとても頑張るのは立派なことだけど…」この次の部分が全くわかりません 「あなたは本当にそういう風に生きたいですか?」でしょうか?
Mrs.Einstein used to say that her husband liked order in his thinking , but he didn't like it in his living. He does whatever he wants to , whenever he wants to.
Anti-government protests are expected in the capital, Tripoli, Friday after noon prayers, in the continued effort to get leader Moammar Gadhafi to step down.
「反政府運動は首都トリポリで金曜の午後の祈り(礼拝?)で(起こると)予期されて いた」
途中まで自分なりに訳してみましたがあっていますか? またin the continued からは全く分かりません。誰か教えてください。
下の《外国人2》の和訳で悩んでいます。 外国人1「あなたのブログ読んだんだけど、わたしも日本の天ぷらを食べてみたいな!来週の水曜日か金曜日に、みんなで天ぷら屋さんに集まる企画を立ててくれない!?」 外国人2「I don't do events anymore, too much bitching when I don't invite someone. Just do word of mouth.」 僕はこれ以上みんなで集まる事はしないよ。だって僕が誰かを呼ばなかったときめちゃめちゃ愚痴が出るでしょ。お店の口コミをするだけだよ。 ↑こんな感じのニュアンスで合っていますか?
Another idea is, that the "parking position" is active at this time. please try to provide two additional videos. one for the "parking position" and one for the "wallstand" problem. we maybe see, that the movement is always to the same position. try to make the videos as long as the system movement stops by itself.
間違った英語だとは思いますが訳してください。 注:2年ほどアメリカにいた日本人の英語。 I do my best and translate it. Because I act not the common phrase that I said now though it is impossible. By the way I did not join though I talked on the telephone once.
The reality of gun ownership may be different for hunters in rural Ohio than they are for those plagued by gang violence in Cleveland. 直訳お願いします。成句や、省略されている部分があれば抜き出してくれるとありがたいです。
The reality of gun ownership may be different for hunters in rural Ohio than they are for those plagued by gang violence in Cleveland. 銃所持規制のあり方としてはオハイオの田舎町のハンターと ギャングが悪いことをして困っているクリーブランドの人たちに対するのとでは違うことはあるだろう。
(1) AFTERLIFE is the playground of the worst the galaxy has to offer. (2) It means the collectors are after much more than a few slaves. And humanity has made a dangerous enemy.
(1)はなんとなく銀河で最悪の店とかいう意味だと思うんですが has to offer がどういう文法なのかわかりません 機械翻訳では「AFTERLIFEは銀河が提供しなければならない中で最も悪いものの遊び場です。」 となったんですが、has to は、〜しなければならないという文法でいいんでしょうか? いまいち意味がつかめません
It's a Guinea Pig, adorable little mofos. お願いします 送ったメッセージはこれです The light on the stage is brighter than I remember. When I play there, it was darker. Is the animal taking photos a mole? I've never seen this creature.
伊達眼鏡について質問されました。どなたか和訳お願いします How popular are fake glasses in Japan? 【What kind of people where them】 and are they usually just frames or do you often see them with plastic or non-prescription lenses? 【】で括った部分の意味が掴めず困っています
Sort of American(Canadian) I belive Bill Muir who is a hevey metal singer. I dont know if its in english in the Japanese version or not. Its one of those songs that got me pumped when I first played it お願いします。自分が送ったメッセージはこれです。→The music of The Black Mages was really fantastic ! Are you an American ? Was an American singer singing the song in the scene of fighting Ject ?
誘導されて来ました。 MEW was orphaned shortly after she was born,which may be why she's a lover not a fighter.The mouse escaped back into its snow tunnel,says Phyllis Holmes of Hampton,New Brunswick,Canada."So much for mice control"
Co za asy はポーランド語では意味をなす熟語なんだろうたぶん。それがポーランド人が二階から物がおとしてしまう動画に対してコメントされた。 ↓ それを英語圏の人がgoogle翻訳とかで訳したらwhat a aceとか what acesになりやがるぜうはwww超意味わかんねポーランドまじクオリティたけぇwwwと盛り上がった。 ↓ 危機一髪動画、物が落ちる動画に対して 「超co za asy www 」 「これはco za asy 」 という感じのコメが殺到←今ここ
Please use reply-to-all when responding to the email, as I have CC'ed the mypaint mailinglist. This is so that others can also follow the conversation. 以下翻訳ソフトの和訳 電子メールに反応するとき、すべての答えを使ってください‖ 私がCC'edを持つ、mypaintなメーリングリスト。 これは、そう、他が会話に続くこともできるということである。
翻訳、お願いいたします。 「Will let you know as soon as Indian Beetle become available, all dependent on rains in India. Cost about 70p each. How many do you want?」
Many cats like water from the tap, but Sandra Shields of St. Petersburg, Florida, tells us that SESAME is an absolute faucet fanatic. The six-year-old tux, whose nickname is “Water Sprite,” follows everyone, including guests, into the bathroom and waits patiently on the counter until a tap is turned on and he hears the first splash in the basin.
Yes i know, but i'm sure i'm not the only one in my country うん、良く知ってる、だけど知ってるのは僕だけではないよ、他に知ってる人もいるよ。 know 日本語の知ってるより意味が強くて中身まで良く理解してる ほどの意味。 名前だけ知ってる程度では i know her. とは言えない。
お願いします。 Four-year-old HOLLY may be wondering if this is the day her prince has come. The calico loves watching birds, squirrels and rabbits as they nibble their food just inches from her nose. But occasionally, when it’s mealtime on Elizabeth Braun’s patio in South Beloit, Illinois, an informally dressed toad shows up to make her more curious than ever.
We are all big fans of your song. here in the office, so we were wondering if you wouldn't mind us putting it up in this way? If so, is there any chance that you could send us a biog/any press you might have, to help with our write-up?
英語のショートメール届いた!助けてー 長くてすまん… You have been awarded 500,000 British Pounds in the 2011 Shell Intl Mobile Draw. To receive your prize, contact Dr Williams via email: [email protected]
The Japanese version was called Biohazard and as far as I am aware it still is, as of the films I don't really know as I did not enjoy them. But the English version is called Resident Evil, and that is the version I have and named it appropriately お願いします 自分が送ったメッセージはこれです↓ Why they don't use the title, "bio hazard"? In the movie they did, didn't they? Why they don't do the same for the game?
My wife is still fighting the brain cancer which has invaded her. She is still doing O.K. but the cancer has spread a bit lately and she is having to take chemo therapy again. We hope that she will be able to get it back under control. So we spend a lot of time going to see doctors.
You attach this single sheet by drawing it across the iPad’s face as though you’re making a bed. With a satisfying clicking sound, hidden magnets anchor the thing solidly to the iPad’s face.
“But Dad,” my 6-year-old son pointed out, “you’re supposed to keep magnets away from electronics!”
Hope you are well, we are just contacting you regarding your reservation with us, we are unfortunately having to close our guest house on the 3rd May for a week due to maintenance work, we can accommodate you for the 1st and 2nd May. We have alreadycontacted our friends at (隣の宿の名前) 4 doors down the road from us and they can accommodate you on the 3rd and 4th May they have a lovely guest house and as long as you are happy with this arrangement we can help you move your luggage on the morning of the 4th May. Please contact us to confirm that you are happy with this and we will book you in there.
Hi X japan is a very good and excellent band of musicians from Japan, as well as L'Arc ~ en ~ Ciel, my country here in Chile are known as Gackt those bands too. It is unfortunate what happened in your country, the earthquake and tsunami,
I would like to know how are you your health and your family.Thank God here in Chile is not nothing serious happened to the waves from Japan that would generate a tsunami alerlta arrival, but nothing bad happened, Greetings! I await your response 長いので分けましたお願いします
We are very happy to hear that you are ok, please keep us informed if there is anything we can do please let us know. You are a very dear friend to us and we would like to help. お願いします。
宿にはキャンセルする旨をメールしたら、 「we hope that you and your friend /family are ok in light of recent developments in your country, best wishes and we hope to see you in the future sometime. 」 と返信が来ました。
I'm angry about the things that happen in and around Tokio. Isn't it possible to go away from it ? I believe that the nuclear reactor explodes ! I hope that everything will come to a good end. Best Regards for you and all your Friends and Family,
You guys prob don't even own a bike. Oh, my 250 will smoke your 80. NO FUCKING SHIT. That dude that you called a "spic" is having fun when you are typing like some fags. about bikes you don't even own.
和訳よろしくお願いします。 「昨日静岡でも地震があった。九州は新燃岳が噴火した。2ちゃんねらーは"大阪の空がむちゃくちゃ赤い"って怯えてる」 という旨をブログに日本語で書いたところ、下のコメントがつきました Why is this happening?!?!?! Why!?!?!!! It's not fair that soooooo many horrible things are happening to Japan!!!!!! ToT. I feel so depressed about it... I wonder what the red sky is caused by...
I am slowly chipping away at my acting is very difficult and frustrating at times and then incredibly rewarding and enlightening at other moments. I am also trying to move to LA, USA... so my application for that is all consuming at present...if not mentally , but with paperwork!
宜しくお願いします。 I will try to ship tomorrow. Waiting for boxes to arrive. Your 20 units are made, but I do not yet have boxes to put them in. we have had very high demand and ran out. I can ship without boxes if you like. Please let me know if you dont mind and I will ship in the morning. Thank you.
>>427 The tragedy that has occurred in Japan has been devastating for all of us. Whether you're from Japan(ここで西岡選手をちょっと指差す)or seeing the coverage in the news, all of our thoughts and prayers go out to the nation of Japan and their? people as it deals with the destructive *** facts of this tragedy. ------ their? はちょっと自信ないので?付き。destructive *** factsもちょっと自信ない ***になんかちょっとあるような気がする。(文法的には何も必要ないかもしれんが) 気になるので、で 質問させてください。
「いま帯状疱疹にかかっている。ストレスと睡眠不足が原因だそうで、これから数日の間は服薬しつつベッドで安静にしてるよ」 といった内容に対し次の返信をもらいました Ooops I hit like!! NOOOOOOO TOT. OMG I feel so bad for you nooooooooooooooooooooo ToT. Does it hurt, does it itch a lot?!?! I had heard about it before but I read about it because I wasn't sure what it was. 特に「I hit like」は何と訳すのかサッパリわかりません 和訳よろしくお願いします
>>452 違うかもしれないけど、「I hit like」はI was hit likeみたいな感じで「Nooooって感じで衝撃を受けた」ってことじゃないかと 思うよ。wasが本文にはないけど。下に訳した感じでだいたい合ってると思うが。 TOTは泣いてる顔文字。Oが口でそれを挟んでるTが涙が出ている目。 OMGはOh My Godの略
>>454-455 お二方のレスで和訳を知った先程>>452を読み返したのですが、自分の説明不足に気がつきました orz >>452はFacebookからの転送メールなんです、書き忘れていて本当にすみません それでふと考えたのですが 「Oops I hit like!! Nooooo.」は、「君の投稿に対して間違えて【likeボタン(イイネ!ボタン)】を押しちゃったけど違うんだよおおお!!喜んでないから!!!」みたいな意味かな?と… (でもそれなら「I hit the like button」って書くのかもしれません) とにかく上のはただの思いつきです お二方とも詳しいご説明/心配のお言葉、本当にありがとうございました
宜しくお願いします。 Hey, in Japan, I'll be posting a little later, right now, try out comes the first batch. Yes, I poison only express delivery. I have very little in the presence of 6.8 shtuk.Ya not yet sent to Japan, if I knew how fast the delivery Japan. I would be sent.
(原文そのまま) Here,will be better to talk Dont't worry,because I speak litlle English too. I have to help my translator :p and often you can not understand me and I doing a lot mistakes,but somehow we will manage!^^Hmmm, Tokyo great! I want too :( Anyway,cool cosplay XD
If any of the items in your order do not end up working out, please feel free to take advantage of the most customer friendly return policy in the running industry.
hi, has shipping been delayed from japan. and does it usually take a month to receive this cd to the usa. i'm interested in your cd but it states the shipping takes til april 13 to april 26.
if you ment that in a bad way then i hate you to but if it was in a good way then nice to meet? you dude you seem like a nice guy i don't hate you nice song bro like halo
お願いします。 In daily life, we assume as certain many things which, on a closer scrutiny, are found to be so full of apparent contradictions that only a great amount of thought enables us to know what it is that we really may believe.
It's been confirmed that Flex Lewis is not only competing in the 2011 IFBB Mr Europe Grand Prix but he is also coming out from behind the Weigh Shield and competing in the Open Class. Can symetry and conditioning compete against mass?
>>528 i thought esee had a lifetime warranty only on the handle. eseeナイフ社はナイフの柄にだけしか永久保証しないんだね。 well you learn sth new every day うん 俺たちは毎日新しいことを学んで賢くなるんだね。
How the HELL did this get you famous? You can't dance for shit. Oh and since you think so, shun me because I MUST be jealous of you...hehe I'm far from jealous!
I correspond with him about 20 years now .I just can`t understand though how he can make a business snail mail and not use the computer in these modern times!
good evening being a very young company, paypal must make checks (siret, identity….) and for this reason our account is restricted for one duration of 7 has 10 days of this fact we cannot make l' advances expenses of conveyors, with your great comprehension we kindly request to the French purchasers to agree to regulate by accounts - cheques and the international purchasers by western union. We have your provision an independent shop
ebayで商品を買ったらこんな文が来ました。 どういうことなんでしょうか?特に our account is restricted for one duration of 7 has 10 days of this fact we cannot make l' advances expenses of conveyors ↑この部分が分かりません、教えてください、お願いします
どなたかよろしくお願いいたします 【カナダ人】I've liked her for awhile, but she's soooo devious in the drama...hoooooot. 【タイ人】Yeah I loved her too and tried to buy a hooded sweatshirt last spring. hehe というやり取りの後、次のコメントが続きます 【カナダ人】Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh but you weren't able to find one?!?! That sucks her hoodies are sooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute, especially the pink one. このとき「but you weren't able to find one?!?!」は、タイ人の発言のどの部分に対して反応しているんでしょうか? タイ人が「パーカーを買おうとした(結果として買っていない)」と言っているので、 「(買おうとしたけど)パーカーを見つけることができなかったの?」という意味ですか?
Every man should have a room of his own to which he may retire in complete privacy, there to contemplate in the serenity of himself and his privacy those matters he wishes to examine and ponder.
The idea that the Japanese power industry should have been so well prepared that these reactors could continue operating without interruption after a goddamn 8.9 is just ludicrous.
We are making it clear that the United States of America and the world stand with those who seek to determine their own destiny, free from fear, and free to dream of a day when they, too, can live in justice and dignity.
おねがいします。 make it clear のit って何を示すんでしょうか。 二つ目のfreeは動詞ですか?名詞ですか? また、canの主語はどれですか?
anyは「何でもいいから」「せめて最悪でも」っていうニュアンスになる 「どんなAでもいいから用意してくんねーか?」=「お前、ひょっとしてAさえも用意できねぇのか?」 何か飲み物が欲しいときに Can you get anything to drink? なんて言ったら大変な侮辱 「どうせお前んとこにはロクなモンないだろうけどな」って意味が含まれる
Can you get any A other than B? だったら 「Bは勘弁してくれ、Aなら(まだマシなので)何でもいいからくれ」となるだろう しかしながら>>601はどっちもAとなっている、こういうのはわからんから俺は訳さない そもそも文頭を大文字で書かない>>601はクズバカなのが分かりきってるけど
下記お願いします。 さらに私達は他の儀式を行います→「,」この句読点は小休止の意味ですか? こういう場合、句読点までをまずは訳すものでしょうか? 一つの呪文を繰り返しながら、少量の精油を火に入れていく→という節と 最後の→毎日4時間の呪文の後で・・・の掛け合わせがわかりません。 repeating one charmのcharmと、after the charmのcharmは別物でしょうか?
Also we do another ceremony, repeating one charm and adding a drop of essential oil to the fire after the charm for four hours daily.
>>613 一行目、I am Captain keefac. 二行目、I accept comments & e-mails written in English. 三行目、何を言いたいのかさえ分からない・・・ 四行目、However, I will do my best to answer them.
Some degree of familiarity with a particular paper or magazine is often necessary,if what it has to offer is to come through us easily. But of course there is a danger, as we get used to the particular way of looking at the world which our favorite paper or magazine embodies, that we shall forget that it is, after all, only one of many possible ways.
These classes continue to form, as it were, so many distinct communities in the same nation; and experience has shown that it is no less dangerous to place the fate of these classes exclusively in the hands of any one of them, than it is to make one people the determiner of the destiny of another.
Let me know when its ok to send. The weather here is fine for posting now, 18 -20C The snails are both for food and selling so any types are of interest,
被災地への募金を呼びかける動画を見た外国人から、次のコメントを貰いました It inspired me to do something...but I'll I've done is donate $5...ToT 「will have 過去分詞」が「(未来のその頃には)〜〜し終わっている」というのはわかったのですが なぜこの後にまた動詞のis が来ているのか、さっぱりわかりません 「I'll I have done」が主語に当たるのでしょうか? 和訳よろしくお願いします
The presentation gave a blow-by-blow of the accident's early hours and days. It said drops in cooling water exposed up to three-quarters of the reactor cores, and that peak temperatures hit 2,700 degrees Celsius, or more than 4,800 degrees Fahrenheit. That's hot enough to melt steel and zirconium ― the main ingredient in the metallic outer shell of a fuel rod, known as the cladding.
原文 Let me know when its ok to send. The weather here is fine for posting now, 18 -20C The snails are both for food and selling so any types are of interest,
>>654 The snails are both for food and selling so any types are of interest, 文末がカンマ , なのを見落としてるだろ。 質問者が意地悪してか、しないでか文の一部を切り出してる。 カタツムリは両方とも食用で食用としてどっちでも好きな方を売る
研究社英和中辞典より引用始め 7 [時間を表わして] a …(のうち)に,…の間,…中 《★【用法】 at よりも比較的長い時間を表わす》. ・in a moment たちまち ・in the morning [afternoon,evening] 午前[午後,晩]に ・in January 1 月に ・in (the) spring 春に(なると) ・in the 6th year of the Heisei era 平成 6 年に 引用終わり in an hour これから継続時間一時間 も許されると思う。
どなたか助けてください。 投稿のお誘いのメールだと思うのですが、英語理解力が無いの正確な内容がわかりません。 返事はした方がいいのか?とか不安です。 Cool work on your image that you posted here!!! I'm writing regarding your "*********" post at here CGSociety, which caught the attention of some of us at Pixologic. As a moderator for both forums (CGSociety and ZBrushCentral), I wanted to take this opportunity to invite you to post your work at ZBC as well. It's a great example of ZBrush use, and I'm sure that the community would enjoy seeing it. When you post your work at ZBC, be sure to also include images and info regarding how ZBrush was used in its creation. With work of your caliber it's very likely that such a post would end up being featured on the forum, with a potential spot in the top row. Looking forward seeing you there!
●I found some subs though but for Nagareboshi they only go up to ep 4/10 but should be done soon and Unubore Deka hmm they've subbed up to episode 8 ToT ●And it looks like it might be awhile till they get the rest done. ●Hopefully by the time I finish 1 Little of Tears they are close to be finished urggggggggggggggggggggggggggh.
自分でつかめたニュアンスはこれだけです↓ ●英語字幕がついてる動画も見つけたけど、「流れ星」は全10話中たった4話までしか字幕がつけられてない ●「うぬぼれ刑事」は8話までしか字幕がつけられていない ToT ●叶うなら、私が「1リットルの涙」を見終えるまでに……
The one with the guard has a better handle.....if you don't like the guard itself, it's easy to saw off. on the old handles I have seen people put a piece of bicycle inner tube for a better grip....still an excellent machete after you put a good edge on it.
As for the thing against compared with people in the region to which the tsunami came, it is not, and knows in the book today though I also experience the earthquake and the influence of the earthquake has been received. of be done a lot of support services from all over the world, pray by a lot of people, and existIt is possible to work hard, and can lighten, and do not think it is powerless, and tell by me instead of you because it is the person work hard and gladly your word and feelings here the person who thinks it in the damage of the tsunami and the nuclear power plant in people who are, and thank you for worrying only in the thing that is me when you pray and it thinks the desire of you in it so. It works hard, and it will work hard in the future.
The more we humans looked outside the Bible for answers, the more we advanced in our knowledge and understanding about the world around us. All the voids in our knowledge that were originally filled with 'God' are now being filled with scie...
Convenient because you never have to do anything once it is installed. Easy to use because you don't have to do anything once it is installed. It is always on and needs no batteries, etc. I installed it in about ten minutes. I had bought a second one for my son, but I realized that it is perhaps too fragile for his use - I figured it would get busted and bashed at school, so I sold the second one to a riding buddy who loves it as well.
すみません。 訳していただけないでしょうか? Why is the hammer distorted on every shot, as if it has a little bit chromatic abarration and perhaps some blur to it, while rest of the pictures are crystal clear?
crystal clearは日本語にするとはっきりくっきりとか一点の曇りも無くで、 いずれにせよ、clearの強調表現、もしくは上級表現 ハンマーはdistorted(歪んでる) with A and Bなのに対して、 他の部分はcrystal clearと言ってるんだから、落差を強調する意図があるのは間違いない
1 I always wanted a traditional Japanese folding knife, and I found them? on eBay. They look like simple but beautiful knives for everyday use. 2 Have you seen all the other Gerber Bear? Grylls stuff? The have survival kits and knives, the knives don't look that bad. 3 You have very good knife videos, I? look forward to see more from you!
For a set on n keys, the normal presumption is that a call to MINIMUM followed by n-1 calls to SUCCESOR enumerates the elements in the set in sorted order.
>>786 ありがとうございました。しかし正直さっぱり…… 改めてわからない部分を挙げてみます、すみません。 まず最初の部分のonの使い方に関して、「For a set on n keys,」は「キーがn個ある集合においては」的な意味でいいですか? そしてthat以下の部分はもう文構造からしてわかりません。何が何にかかってるのかがこんがらがっちゃってます。
We wanted to see how the rocks looked when they rolled off the roof and fell into the yard like comets falling from the sky. 和訳お願いします。 どこで区切って読めばいいか教えてくれると嬉しいです。
Tests with monkeys have shown no self -recognition , even though they can use mirrors in other ways , such as for reaching things they can see only in reflection .
The set Z/nZ of integers modulo n is denoted by Zn; its elements are written as i ̅=i+nZ. When we regard Z_2={0 ̅.1 ̅} as a field, we also denote it as F_2={0.1}. うまく訳せません よろしくお願いします(>_<)
私の名前, how are you doing? Is everything ok for you to be returning to business? Did you recieve the last shipment of Tillandsia and has the postal service returned to normal daily delivery schedule? The new Tillandsia are incredible and would make a great addition to your collection but we need to know how many you want and they need to be shipped with an hot pack to insure they survive the trip. Please let me know and i will get back to you as soon as possible.
Behind the church, row upon row of snowy tombstones protruded from a blanket of pale blue that was flecked with dazzling red, gold, and green wherever the reflections from the stained glass hit the snow
>>847 ...your English is good と言ってるのだからほめ言葉。 けなしてはいない。 或いは皮肉。相手が気にしてることに触れてしまった。 相手は非難するわけにいかないから皮肉で返す。 英語がお上手ですね。 wow your English is good なら驚きを持ったほめ言葉。
Thanks so much. I will get these back to you shortly. I have an essay that's worth 20% of my grade that's due tomorrow. So, it may take me a day or so. I hope that's ok.
>>891 囲碁ならwere you done trying to save your corner group ? 碁盤の角あたりで負けそうなのを必死に抵抗していたのは終わったのかい? もしあきらめたのならさっさと負けを認めてくれませんか? 明らかに勝ち目が無いのにいたずらに時間を引き延ばしていたんだろ。 i have leave soon もうパソコンの前にいられないよ。相手できないよ。
最後の一行をお願いします。 These next tests require cooperation. Consequently they have never been solved by a human. That's where you come in. You don't know pride. You don't know fear. You don't know anything. You'll be perfect. ゲームのCMの一文なんですが 最後のwillの使い方で [話し手の推測を表わして] …だろうで貴方は完璧だろうなのか 未来系で貴方は完璧になるだろうのどちらが正しいのでしょうか。 背景としてはロボット達が協力してテストを受けていくゲームです。
Men were certainly found to be no more likely than women to discuss important or sophisticated subjects such as politics,work,art and cultural matters. よろしくお願いします この場合likelyはどのような意味なのでしょうか
>>905 その前にここは英作文スレじゃないぞ 英作文のスレは他にある 単純にtheでイディオムになっててaは使われないはず 過去現在未来はどれもtheだったような Ive been here in West〜の方が自然だと思うがメリケンはin西海岸みたいな漠然とした言い方しない気がする I keep on tryin to の方が自然でin the futureはそもそもいらんような
the growing or又は manufacture growing この場合は鉄鉱石から鉄を作る製鉄 manufacture は鉄鋼製品 backward into この場合は鉄鉱石から鉄を作る、原材料加工まで踏み込んでいる iron ore mines 鉄鉱石がとれる鉱山 Has the firm integrated? 工場は集約化集積化されているか?
>>913 never before in history 歴史に類を見ない 過去に例を見ないほど has man been so much a problem to himself = man hasn't been so much a problem to himself その人自身がその人にとってそこまで問題になったことはない
We have contacted with our suppliers ,and it was told that both of the two items look the same from the outward appearance. Could you please send us the picture of the description of the items you received? So that we can verify the problem, then make a solution. Sorry about the earthquake. Best regards,
But the other gnarbles warned him that he shouldn't swim so high, As did the blyfish family that always swam close by. "No gnarble's ever swam that high, it simply isn't done, A blyfish might just make the trip, but we know you're not one."
「As did the blyfish family that always swam close by.」 この部分だけ訳をお願いします。As did the blyfish familyが特に分りません。 blyfishは訳さなくても結構です。よろしくお願いします
>>966 I wanna know, then follow。。(まず知りたい、それから付いて行く)? / I wanna know than follow。。(ついていくよりも、知りたい)? ↑ソンナいい加減な書き込み 前後がなけりゃ判らないのの典型だよ そういう汚い knowをnoにするよな書き込みを人に聞くなって感じ。 (文の流れからどっちか推測するしかないんだよ)
>>976 ばか【馬鹿】 *(baka) 1 〔おろかなこと〕 foolish; stupidity; witless; 〔その人〕 a fool; a dimwit. 〜な foolish; silly; stupid; weak-minded; dull-witted; thickheaded; thickskulled; *《俗》 daffy; idiotic; imbecile. *ばかな考え a *foolish [*《口》 fool] notion [idea] ・ばかな顔をして with a stupid look ・ばかなふりをする act like a fool ・ばかな子ほどかわいい. An idiot is all the dearer to his parents. ・そんなことをするのはばかなことだ. It's foolish to do so. ・ばかなこと[行為] a foolish *thing [act]; foolery ・ばかなこと[真似((ま)(ね))]をする do a *foolish [stupid] thing; act foolishly; commit (a) folly; make an ass of oneself; play [act] the fool ・ばかな真似をするな. Don't make a fool of yourself. ・ばかなことはやめろ. Stop making a fool of yourself! | Stop being ridiculous! *大ばか a *big [stupid, damned, crazy] idiot; a *big [blooming, bloody] fool ・コンピューターばか a computer *fan [enthusiast]
If you would like to upgrade your reservation to a harbour view room then the room rate will be $110 plus 10% service charge per night.
We look forward to hear from you for further arrangement. Otherwise, we will keep the single room (non harbour view) remain no changed. We appreciated your understand.
Try to get out of your own way when you are creating なにか創造創作する時はあなた自身の独自なやり方から創造創作するように試みなさい。 your own wayあなた自身の独自なやり方 からget outする。 創造創作する時は 創造的な事をする時は 自分自身の定石みたいなものから脱却する のかい? 自分自身の定石を脱却して、捨てて他人の真似をするのかい? 岡本太郎の太陽の塔は、座る事を拒否する椅子は他人の真似なのかい? 石原慎太郎の大洋の季節は他人の小説を真似た物かい?
I´ve just talked to John, and he told me, that you have already ordered goods from him. If you want, we can send the goods in one package. I know John very well and we are seeing us next weekend. In what goods are you interested in?