What's happened? Beads of sweat stand out on your forehead. Well, I had Chinese noodles which eight times as much spice as as regular noodles was put in. The sweat is still running.
>>25 I understand Europeans might have wrong perception that peoples using chinese characters would be able to talk with each other. That's interesting.
It's cold out there. Winter in Japan is colder than average as well.
I am surprised that you know the drama I don't know. My recent favorite is Ken Watanabe. He is tall and muscular. He was on Last Samural.
Some people even say that Japan is just an American spy. Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution should be rewritten. It is disgusting that a certain former Prime Minister said, “Japan doesn't just belong to the Japanese.” Japan belongs to us Japanese people.
Some even say Japan is just an America's pet. We should throw out stupid Article 9, and by doing so, we can prevent retarded traitors who say "Japan is not only for Japanese people" from becoming a prime minister. Japan is only for us, and everyone enters our nation should obey every piece of law and customs!!
>>42 おそらく everyone who enters our nation should obey every piece of law and customs!! か whoever enters our nation should obey every piece of law and customs!! のつもりで書いたのでしょう。
>>64 I understood from bottom of my heart that no one knows my feeling without telling him (or her), and I can't know his (her) feeling without listening to him (her).
>>64 I really recognized both that my thought won't be transfer to the others if I talk to them, and that the others' thoughts won't transfer to me if I listen to them.
>>77 条件節に否定を加えるの忘れてますよ。 I really recognized both that my thought won't be transfer to the others if I don't talk to them, and that the others' thoughts won't transfer to me if I don't listen to them.
>>86の続き I really recognized either that my thought won't be transfer to the others if I don't talk to them, or that the others' thoughts won't transfer to me if I don't listen to them.
>>83 All my classmates who got jobs at major construction firms or IT companies are scared of layoffs. No company seems to need to keep workers around age of 50 on its payroll. Who knows what happens to those young and bright workers after 30 years?
>>104 Studying English is a fun and a bitter trial. In my work and daily life, though I don't use English, I'd like to be able to communicate with other people in English.
>>114 In Vietnam, more than ten thousand people take the Korean fluency test in order to be eligible for work visa application. If they pass the test, they can get high-wage jobs in South Korea. English is not enough for that purpose because most employers in South Korea only understand Korean language.
>>129 When you come to Japan, you have to be a man, so when you enter the bath, you must bare your ass. So, my friend, bare your wang! Just let that sucker hang! For if you don't let it hang about, you'll surely be kicked out!
>>134 My English is bad so I get my friend to translate my words into English, which is why my reply is late . I'm sorry to keep you waiting all the time.
Since the items are difficult to send by mail, I'm going to look for the people who are going to China on business or for leisure and ask them to bring them in luggage.
>>163 The chinese post office does not admit anything about the damage on the content of the EMS parcel: they insists that no damage has been found and no claim on the damage has been filed. There is nothing further I can do to help you. Sorry about that.
>>184です。少しスレチかもですが、この英語で通じますか? 直した方がいいところがあったらお願いします。 I would like to place an order for a pair of black pumps made to order. I will wear it for formal occasions. For example job interviews. It has to make my leg look nicer while allowing me to walk a long time and long distance without getting tired. If its sole is very thin, my feet will hurt. I have broad feet, so my side feet tend to hurt. I want its toes to be between pointed and square. The heels must be 4.5 to 5.0 centimeters high.
>>188 こんなトコロかな。???のところは靴に関する表現を知らないから分からない。 I would like to place an order for a pair of black custom-made pumps. I will wear it for formal occasions, such as job interviews. I hope I look good on the pair while being able to walk long time and distance without much pain. I want to have soles a little thicker to prevent my feet from hurting. I have broad feet, so my side feet tend to hurt when I put on shallow pairs. I want its toes to be between pointed and square. (???) The heels need to be 4.5 to 5.0 centimeters high.
>>196 Can I have a picture with you. Can I have your autograph. Good luck on your live show. I am looking forward to listening your play.
>>195 How is your mom doing? I am worried about you since I haven't heard from you. It would be great if you can write me about how things are going there. I am doing fine. Your Aunt **
>>210 Because of the lighting, picture 1 looks darker than picture 2, and i guess picture 2 was taken at a place with bright light. I want to have it painted with a color which looks like picture 1 even in bright light. Probably painting it like an eroded object using a little darker color will do. モノはなんなの?
ニュージーランドの地震のニュースを見ましたか? Have you heard the news about the big earthquake in New zealand?
クライストチャーチの語学学校にいた多くの日本人学生が災害に巻き込まれました。 Many Japanese international students at a language school in Christchurch have been involved in the disaster.
19歳の男子学生は倒壊した建物から救出されましたが、 右脚は瓦礫に長い間挟まっていた為、失うことになりました。 A nineteen-year-old student was rescued, but he ended up losing his right leg, which had been in buried debris for a long time
私は彼が病室から笑顔でピースサインをしている写真を見ると胸が締め付けられます。 It wrings my heart to see the picture in which he is smiling, showing the peace sign.
私も何が起きてもポジティブさを持って生きるべきだと思いました。 This enables me to think it is important to maintain a positive attitude now matter what happens.
If the 2002 World Cup had been held under the leadership of Japan, such an incident would not have taken place. Considering that the World Cup is only held every four years, it was the teams representing Italy and Spain that aroused our compassion.
Please review document 2 and check your name, affiliation and e-mail. When you find any mistakes, please let us know. Items in red fonts are missing information. Please give us that.
For presenters
Be prepared to finish your presentation within 30 min. Send your handouts by March 18.
>>239 Do you know why john always wear a White Sox cap?
>>236 担当者に何を伝えるんでしょう?thisにしておきましたけど。 I will notify this to the person in charge at Japan Post. Sorry for all troubles by this issue. I will get back the result to you.
>>237 I got A from my friend at *** yen, and B was a free gift. I use a complete different route to get C, and I will keep eyes on it. If you can wait for a while, I can arrange the purchase at the best timing. Are you in hurry?
>>238 Due to my poor English, I always get help from my friend or Internet to get my messages translated into English. Sorry for any mistake you will find or for the delay that is caused by this.
>>238 Since I am an a-hole, I can't read and write english without having someone to translate, who usually make mistakes that my poor English can't recognize. Sorry.
>>238 As I'm not good at English, I always ask my friends or machine translation on the Internet to translate my email. Then, I'm sorry that there would be some mistakes in my email and I send it back later.
>>250 Towels are quite handy, sponging up the moisture with a interior structure of string loops. Nihonn-Tenugui, a kind of Japanese towel, would have soon lost the ability to absorb wetness. Who invented towels? Whoever it is is a great inventor.
>>251 A: What is an 'Itaku' cameraman in NHK? B: It's like a cameraman to work on their own when asked for, not like the regular worker. I'm not sure, though.
>>255 In Okinawa, it is coldest from January to March all over the year, about 10 - 11 degrees Celsius. In April, it is getting warmer 14 degrees Celsius there.
>>260 You say you are allergic to Peanut Butter, then you should always bring some card which describes your allergy. The card will save you in case of emergency, because we do not consume much Peanut Butter, and allergy to it is not well-known. 順序は適当に変えた。
>>278 If you have told the driver such a phrase, what did he do? He would take $20 and say nothing. I would say, "Give me four," and the driver gives me $4.
I was walking on the street, when I saw a man coming to me. There was a red washbowl on his head. I said to the man, “Why is the washbowl put on your head?” And then he answered, “ .“
*原文 "One day, I saw a man who puts a red wash bowl on his head. There were full of water in the bowl and he was walking very carefully. I asked him why he had the bowl. And he answered, 'Because....'"
>>311 When I interviewed a person in charge of policy for senior citizens at New York City, he told that they focused on how to create an environment in which seniors can protect their assets by domiciliary care. Once seniors enter in nursing home, its high fee eats away their assets and they have to continuously move from one home to another with less expensive but lesser care.
Since Japan has a universal nursing insurance system, people do not go bankrupt for nursing care, but the excessive demand for care results in provision of low-quality care at nursing home.
>>321 I was watching the sky, lying on the lawn. The sky in autumn feel more beuatiful than in other seasons somehow. Cool winds in autumn could leave me from hotness burning in summer. They brings the feeling of relief and confortability to me, I guess, that would make the sky look more brilliant.
>>346 How are you gonna amputate the leg. Use ketamine for anesthesia. The patient is gonna keep conscious and normal breathing. And? I am not sure how bad the injury is, but want to leave the knee joint. Avascularize, and cut it with a saw. Not gonna be easy.
>>350 I don't know what's cracking, but you should use your time better than looking at peeping others private. You got to have something to do, right?
Now China is expanding military at an alarming rate.
*ロシア首相の国後島訪問を最近招いてしまったのは、尖閣での日本政府の不首尾が原因だと言えるだろう。 The recent visit by Russian President to Kunashir Island can be said to have been caused by
Japanese government's weak attitude toward China and Senkaku Islands issue. And North Korea has already launched missiles into the Sea of Japan, as much as to say, “Go ahead, make my day.”
*シーシェパードやグリーンピースといった輩も、同様に悩みの種となってます。 Lawless people, such as Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and Greenpeace, are also a real pain in the neck.
Such annoyances will continue at the same level or pace, for what we can do against them is restricted by?Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution. It is no exaggeration to say that, in the light of the current world situation, this will eventually lead to the ruin of our country. However, the politicians in Japan are all incompetent. What is more, they have committed more and more blunders, and aroused resentment and drove people into opposition.
>>388 I have ordered the book you recommended at the bookstore located in Amazon forest; it will take a few month to deliver the book because of lack of traffic system in that continent.
>>388 I am your cutstomer who ordered a textbook from your website "Amazon. com" yesterday because you recommend me to buy it. I am waiting for a day and has not got the book. Do you explain why it tooks so long just to deliver the goods to me. Japanese customer is now irritating. Does Pasiffic Ocean happen to be large enough to prevent you from delivering the item in a day?
Please explain the detail of the music house where you had your music session; accomodation, facilities, reaction of customer and whatsever you felt about the place. And if you have any requests for your music exercise in next time, please do not hesitate to let me know. I will dig in and pick some nice music facilities for you.
>>338 (sound of a mallet) Magistrate: "Next, Well, Attoney, your client agree to the complaint?" Attoney "Yes, mam." Masistrate "Well, your client are detained in two weeks, Next."
「ふーっ、2月の前半は寒かったけれど、今は3月の気温だよ、温暖化の影響かな?」 Wow! It was cold early in Feburary, but now it is temperature of March. Is this due to the climate warming, isn't it? 「日本の気候はそんなに早く変わっているんですか? 私の町も来る前に大雪で、 空港まで行けるかどうか心配していました。」 The climate of Japan are changing in such speed? Even the people of my hometown has been worried that heavy snow might block the passage to the ariport.
>>434 It's rather fair to ask translators to prepare English version with paying some fee if you are involving the crient-related businesses that makes money for you.
I tried mating of fighting fishes I purchased from you last year, and seems to have succeeded. I keep male and female separately after the mating. I had experience to bleed fishes which can keep together, but this is my first time to try artificial mating. I am not sure that when it will lay eggs but I am looking forward to it. I will keep you updated with the outcome.
>>433 when doing b or c using a, the figure moves in circle like trajectory. we replaced d but no improvement. we didn't experience the problem for a short while after the replacement, but had the same problem after several tests. we suspected high e might be the cause, but the problem occurs even when e is low. our customers are complaining about that (but who cares?)
>>443 DOZ made a song to ridicule japanese for using arigato and sumimasen so many time, but I like humble attitudes of japanese people. I don't like this kind of songs
>>447 As far as I can tell, low-pric pet foods are absolutely junk with very low palatability, because most are made in China with less nutrition and more preservatives. In contrast, reputable ones, with more nutrition and no preservative, are more palatable and grows animals faster, though these are more expensive and spoil faster.
It is Miku. I heard the house of Tom's mom has broken down. Tom is staying with his dad, but his mom is at a fried's home. She is now a homeless! And I heard you have empty rooms at your house... I am not sure what is going on, but I received a mail saying they are much in trouble. Please reach out a helping hand to them, Mr. Michael. We are going to collect fundraising at my high school for your high school.
I heard that Tom's mother's house was destroyed. Tom is at his father's house, but his mom is staying at an acquaintance's.
I'm not fully briefed on the details, but as I heard that you have empty space at your house, it would be much appreciated if you could get in contact with them and help out in any way.
My high school is also planning to do some fundraising to help out your school.
It seems that I have succeeded in my first attempt to mate the fighting fishes I got from you last year. Now male and female are kept separated as before. I expect that their eggs will be laid before long. Usually, I have been breeding fishes in the same fish tank. But it is my first experience to do artificial mating, so I am not sure when eggs will be laid. Anyhow, I am looking forward to finding them. I will keep you informed of the outcome.
>>439 I made the first try in mating of fighting fishes I received from you last years, and it seems it went through pretty good. Right now, I separated fishes in sex and I think they will lay eggs. I have experienced mating of fishes in natural environment, yet this is the first try to mate them artificially. So, I can’t tell when eggs would be hatched, but I’m really looking for that. I will report it to you when they are hatched.
>>447 As far as I know, cheap pet foods are from China and low in nutrition and high in preservatives. And they are hard to go to bad but palatability is low. I have to say the quality is very bad. On the contrary, reputable goods are a little bit expensive , yet they are high in nutrition and palatability is high and good for growth of pets. Even though the fact that they don’t last for a long time after opening their seals.
On the contrary, reputable goods are a little bit expensive , yet they are high in nutrition and palatability is high and good for growth of pets even though the fact that they don’t last for a long time after opening their seals.
>>454 括弧内は居るのかどうか知らね。 I heard the quake tore down the house of Tom's mom. Tom is staying with his daddy, but mom evacuated to her friend's place. (Since she cannot stay long there, she has to look for the place to move for a while.) I heard that you might have an extra space in your house. Though I do not know about the detail of the disaster, they told me that they are in a trouble and has no easy way out. I would appreciate if you could take contact with them and help them if possible. We are planning to have a fundraising campaign for your high school.
>>476 I am almost quickly asked about what your best is when I tell someone that I like fine arts like music, movies, or so forth. This quetion is bothersome to me when I'm serious. I would have to abandon the rest of items, if I, a mania of them which I like, choose one.
In talking with others, no matter whether it is music or movies, at almost every time when I confess I love something to others, I am asked soon what is my most favorite. This answer is too difficult to answer if I try to answer seriously. As long as I am at least a lover of movies or music, I have such a plenty of its candidacies, and even if I choose one among them, I have to be forced to abandon the others.
>>476 When you are chatting with someone and talking about your hobby, such as watching movies or listening music, he often asks you about your most favorite. Answering this question can be torturing, if you take it seriously. Since you love movies or music, there must be a number of your favorites, and if you pick one from them, you have to throw others away. 京大に合格できるかな
>>485 I don't need anything urgently, but after this project concludes, we got to hand in all photocopied invoices to A. So, you ought to keep them and give them to me. Thank you for your cooperation. 原文の雰囲気を尊重してタメ口っぽくしてみました。
>>476 The first question you'll be asked would be what your favorite is whenever you are talking with someone on your favorite regarding movies, music, or whatever it is. A question like this can sometimes be really hard to answer. This is because any movie or music lovers could have a dozen of candidates for their favorite one and choosing one out of them simply means the question like this forces them to eliminate the rest.
>>485 This is not that urgent. Just a reminder. Keep all the receipts you got regarding this project and make a copy of them. Turn them in to us when it completes. This is because A is asking for them. See to it that everything is done as instructed. Thank you.
これは、いくつかの設定により、SQLのクエリ構文を自動的に生成する為のサンプルです。 This is a sample for creating SQL query commands automatically in some options.
必要なパラメーターはここで設定して下さい。 Set the parameters as you needed. ちなみに、このオプションは設定した順番に構築されます。 Incidentally, this option is constructed in the sequence of setting.
コマンド毎にセパレーターの文字列を設定できます。 You can change some separate strings.
>>498 I've passed on the phone number of the customer service center to the person in charge here. He promised me re-examination. He previously took contact with the representative at ***, who answered to his query that the report you turned in does not exist. He currently considers that the answer is suspicious. I will keep you posted with any progress.
If you go to have a pleasant trip, it is inevitable to meet troubles. For example, it is not rare to stay abroad longer due to cancellations of flights caused by climate condition or natural disaster. In any case, what important is the attitude to resolve present problems by utilizing knowledge or information on local area as well as foreign language literacy.
>>517 俺もやってみた。517よりだいぶ長くなった。俺の英語はくどいのかも。 Though we travel abroad for having fun, sometimes it comes with troubles. For example, it is not so uncommon that we have to stay longer in a country than planned because our flights are canceled due to bad weather or natural disasters. The most important thing under any circumstances is to have an attitude to solve the present problems using sound judgements about the situation and making best use of knowledge and information about the region and skills in foreign languages.
>>517もいいと思うけど、気付いたことを言うなら、 what important -> what is importantかな。 literacyが単語の選択として妥当なのか微妙な気がする。 「冷静に状況を判断し」が抜けてると思う。
>>518 1. what's the window width? (may i ask the window size?) 2. what's the window height? 3. the price is *** per sheet. 4. (we do not have it in stock, so) it's gonna take about 10 days for back-order. 括弧内は(在庫にありませんので)です。
>>541 Today I received the package arrived with no trouble. It looks pretty fine. I appreciate that.
I'm planning to send but it seems to be too early in this temperature now. Please be patient untill it's warmer. I will send you A,B,C with it when the time comes. By the way I have some news for you.
>>544 I appreciate your concern and adivise in your teaching me English, resulting in vain, though. You are deserved to my gracious support in the future if you beg my pardon. And also, I may accept your offer for playing with me as long as you are a good boy.
>>543 I cannot tell what it is because it is out of focus.
>>544 Thank you so much for your support that includes teaching English. (lol) I really appreciate that. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. And we should get together sometimes.
>>517 Traveling foreign countries, which is suporsed to be confortable, includes various troubles. It is not rare to have to stay there longer than the schedule because of: bad weather or cancelling the flight by natural disasters. In any cases, it is important to have a policy to consider the situation calmly, and to use knowledge, information there, and the ability of foreign language well.
>>564 About a half year ago, I installed skype as my girlfriend wanted me to. But because of slow internet connection at her location and her slow PC, we could never use web cams for online chat using skype.
>>564 A half years ago, she asked me to install her PC Skype system, and I did it. Line speed there and her PC's capabity is, however, so low. that we couldn't communicate to each other with "web camera" on it.
>>578 Is this cable TV? No, it's over-the-air. I put an antenna on the roof. That must have been pretty hard to do, with how steep the roof is. Yeah, I used a mountain climbing rope and harness when I did it.
>>560 Our company won't paint the outside of this series of cars. They look silver. the proper color of this metal. Inside, our designers intend to paint yellow and green in a good proportion.
>>604 I obtained this email account for business purposes. Please contact me with this email account from now on. I sent you email but it didn't arrived in your mail box.
「思い切って、10万円も出してこのBle-rayレコーダーを買ったんだよ。だから1年半で壊れたら苛立ちが抑え切れなくなるよ。」 I took the plunge and bought this blue-ray recorder for as much as one hundred thousand yen, so I am vexed at the recorder having broken down within one and half a year.
「長期保証はなかったの? よく番組をダビングして残していたよね?」 Isn't there a long warranty on the recorder? I know you would often record TV programs.
「日本語の練習になりますから」 They are useful for my study of Japanese.
「だいたい、ほこりか、発光ダイオードの出力が落ちているんだけれどね、開けて、調整してみるけれど、ダメなら、修理だね。」 It is probable that the dust in itself or the fall in the output of light emitting diode is the main cause of the breakdown. I am going to take the recorder apart and adjust it. If it turned out to be unmanageable, it would need repairing.
>>636 I don't understand how come you can say this is "obviously" strange. I usually do not use google to justify my writing, but a phrase search, "didn't you forget to," returns 2,870,000 results if that matters. To me, many of them use the phrase in the way I used in the sentence. Maybe we live in a confused world and all of them are just wrong.
Anyway. I don't want to mess with you anymore for this question. Writing to you is just annoying to me.
>>642 that's absolutely correct. i am not gonna fight against you. you can declare your victory at this moment. say "I am a winner" or whatever. say it.
「歌舞伎役者をテレビで見ましたが、実際みなさん、よく観に行くんですか?」 I saw a Kabuki actor interviewd on TV. Do many people actually go to the Kabuki theaters very often?
「伝統芸能だから、ファンは多いと思うよ。でも、独特の発音だから、先に筋を読んでから行った方が良いのかな。」 Kabuki is a traditional art, so it is no wonder that there are a lot of fans of it. But you had better know the plot of the play in advance, for you may have a hard time understanding what Kabuki actors are saying.
>>671 The NHK special the other day reported that Japan has only 30% of the share in the consumer game market. Before I came to Japan, I thought consumer games are one of Japanese specialities. Recently most are made in Europe or the US, because Japanese games are not their tastes. I still like Japanese games.
>>679 The Japanese way of cooking rice is very different. They use pressure cookers and make them like sticky paste. Right. Japanese do that. It's very far from boiling-then-frying for cooking Paella, isn't it.
>>681 Do you know why japanese people uphold dishes when eating? It's a bad manner in the western world. You are right, but I'm not sure why. That's because in Japan, other than chopsticks, there isn't any scooping utensil at table like spoons. I see. Korean use silver spoons and Chinese use ceramic spoons. Eastern Asian countries are not uniform.
>>698 If you write what you say in >>698 in a plain, elegant english, I'll believe you, and stop writing in this thread until I regain my confidence in my english ability. But I strongly doubt you can do it.
>>699 Hey, there! How nice of you to come. You slipped out of work, didn't you? Yeah, I did somehow. I've come hurrying for I never wanna miss the chance to meet you, so, I mean, I just rushed here. Indeed you did. Hi, NAGASAWA. Since when have you been so beautiful? No kidding. You know I've got married now. Hang up your coats over there. So, anyway, let's have a talk, eat and drink to our hearts' content. Toast!
>>706 If cheating during entrance exams constitutes a crime of an obstruction of business, then don't you think cheating in final exams should be the same? What about getting credits by just collecting and memorizing past exam answers, or making photocopies of past answers?
>>713 Do you know why they had to move from Heijokyo capital in Nara. Maybe wanted to have a bigger one? No. They didn't have enough water. The capital was a carefully planned city (with a symmetric shape based on feng sui), but was not equipped with separate drinking and sewage water lines. In contrast, Heiankyo capital in Kyoto was abundant in spring water, which made more than a thousand years of history possible. I got it. It's about water pollution. You see why Osaka has a lot of canals?
>>713 Do you know why Heijokyo had to be transferred? Mm, I think they needed a larger capital? No. The reason is there's little water in Nara. Though the streets were laid out as a grid, they didn't separate sewage and drinking water. On the other hand, Heiankyo, Kyoto, having plenty of groundwater, enjoyed its prosperity for more than 1,000 years. I see. It's the waterborne disease. There are many moats in Osaka, too, you know.
>>705 I'm not >>698, but here you are, just for fun. -- Frankly speaking, someone like you who's teetering atop an English foundation akin to a wobbling house of cards who stubbornly refuses to take any understanding upon himself, despite the instruction given to him, falls far short of the mark needed to answer questions here. If you believe yourself to be correct, you should stick around and explain yourself instead of running off in a huff like the defeated dog you are. Well, I don't mean to say that it should be prohibited to put forth answers simply because you can't explain them. If you wish to continue to help out here, perhaps you should go back and restudy the intricacies and nuances of interrogative sentences.
I've never seen the phrase "wobbling house of cards". Very impressive. Since your japanese at >>637 is a little shaky, I believe that you are a native english speaker with decent knowledge on Japanese (multilingual?). Other than that, I can't think of a reason why someone who can write intelligent english like you stays on this thread.
Anyway, even though you are not >>698, I think I should cut myself off from this thread. It's probably the time to stop helping others with my mediocre english and restart studying english and writing something for myself. For about a week, I've made a lot of translations for this thread. I am sorry if I've caused any problem with them.
>>705 Objectively, you are a kind of pinhead who don't even understand basic English and is too stubborn to take advice from others. So I must tell you it's quite disgraceful that you shamelessly answer questions here. If you think you are right, prove yourself to be right. But you are such a coward that you're slipping out just saying "That's enough."
Although there's no rule that a stupid like you shouldn't answer any questions, I think you'd better go back to junior high school and relearn interrogative sentences before you try to show off your ability impudently. Get lost and never come back until you're cured of your imbecility.
>>729 You would be correct on all counts. Good show :p
I don't know why I read/post on this thread... most translations I post in English get called 変 and anything I write in Japanese gets made fun of. I just can't win.
Well they were picking fight using such pretty English I admit I was quite impressed. I'm thinking I could actually make use of a few of the phrases up there.
BTW, I'm assuming >>731, >>735, >>738 are all you. What's up with you and your meaningless responses? Ask questions, make yourself useful or STFU.
>>735 i am not quite sure what you're picking up. i mean, i just can't see what you wanted to say. sorry. please leave me alone if you don't do anything other than yanking others' posts, and help >>704, instead. she needs your help.
>>744 Getting beaten down like this in both Japanese and English has got to be an infuriating experience. It's way too harsh, even by 2Channel standard.
>>744 You may as well be upset as you are beaten so cimpletely under the water in both languages. It's too harsh even when you are in discourse on 2ch BB.
>>792 I asked the post officer in charge about the damage of the figrure, but have replied no clear resposes yet. As this is a custom made one, we can't fix it. I've asked its figure-maker to make that again in consideration of its fragility. After he made it, I'll also improve the way of packing., and send it to you. I'm sorry to make you wait for a long time, and I hope your satisfaction.
●●が届きました。他のと一緒に保管して、4月か場合によっては5月にそれらを全て一緒に送ろうと考えています。 ●● have [has] reached me. I intend to keep it [them] with ・・, and send them all together in April or, in some cases, May.
また、それまで、更に手に入らないか注意して探してみるつもりです。 Till then, I will keep on searching for such item as you require.
Who, do you God think, is the one stealing my sacred apple. Could you explain how you have been guarding my apple tree? I am not generous if you, God, did neglect your duty and let my apple be stolen by others. Please explain carefully, understand?
>>809 I always find my disk drive full with program recordes when I use Blue-ray recording machine or PC. Buying huge volume machine won't change the situation.
I can read English. as you know,it is bit difficult to express myself in English. i look up dictionary,sometime i use website whose service is for free dictionary on web.but it take almost whole day to finish letter to you. so i assume i make you disappinted if i give you my telephone number because of my English level. may i ask Can you communicate with me in Japanease?poor japanease ok
>>813 There is not big differences between Japanese and Philipino by appearance. There aren't celebrities in Japan, however. Philipino has its music star, Mannie and Doneea.
>>835 ちょっと違う。俺が言いたかったのは、 "Since this is a part of Article 9, there should be an official translation. What kind of asshole you are who don't realize that? Just google it."
私は英語を読む事はできます。あなたもご存知のように、私にとって自分の考えを即時に英語で表現することはまだまだ難しいのです。 I can read English. However, as you know, I have not increased my proficiency in English to the level that I can express my opinion immediately.
あなたとのメールも辞書を引き、翻訳サイトを頼って数時間、時には一日近くかけて必死に書いています。 It takes me a few hours or, in some cases, nearly all day long because I need to consult a dictionary and use a website translation service.
電話番号を教えるのは構いませんが、あまりにも英語を話せないので恐らくあなたをがっかりさせると思います。 I never mind telling you my phone number, but my poor English will make you dissappointed.
あなたは多少日本語で対応することはできますか? Can you speak English a litte?
>>870 This is the age of the 'Global Warming' or whatever. They might say it's not strange that we have more rainfall. Why do you think we do? The temperature rises, more water changes into vapour, then it turns round into rain or snow and falls down upon us in the end. This is thier great, fantasitic theory. It's a fabulous one indeed.
>>871 The battery of this hybrid car has five year waranty doesn't it? It can't be eco-friendly if you waste it before it's out of expairation anyway,don't you think?
Engulfing the city is the midnight fog. If a lonely silhouette start a movement, It is a undeniably ... It is a him. Cobra... Living me blue. Cobra... Missing you true. Cobra... Only memories after you. The shadow clings to its back, It is a romance named "the Man". Should not be allowed Peace & Love.
Flit through the sky is the silent voice. Whenever restrained violence hurts, looks up the darkness alone...It is a him. Cobra... Living me blue. Cobra... Missing you true. Cobra... Only memories after you. Carved days to my heart, are too hot to be call romance. Would not come over Peace & Love.
辞書を見ると補語のない使い方もあるよ! The meat began to smell. 肉が臭くなってきた. His breath smells. 彼の息が臭い.
1 〈陰謀などに〉感づく; 〈…に〉気づく smell a good idea いい考えだとわかる. I smelled trouble. やっかいなことが起こりそうだと感づいた. 2 〔+目+doing〕〈…が〉〈…するのを〉感づく He could smell disaster coming. 彼は何か惨事が起こりつつあることに気づいた. 3 〔+(that)〕〈…ということに〉気づく I could smell that something was going wrong. 何かがおかしいと気づいた.
それにしても、これって地獄の黙示録の台詞だったんだな? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/3362603.stm 'Napalm' speech tops movie poll A monologue from war movie Apocalypse Now has been voted the best speech in cinema history in a movie fans' poll.. Actor Robert Duvall's line "I love the smell of napalm in the morning" came top in a survey of 6,500 film buffs.
ここの料理おいしいですね。 The food served in this restaurant is delicious. ? 最近、B級グルメを特集した番組が多いんだよ。あと、通信販売を利用したお取り寄せの特集も多いね。 These days TV stations are willing to produce the programs featuring the dishes for us common people, and so are the programs featuring mail-order houses.
番組の制作費が安いんだろう。 I assume this is because the production cost of such programs is lower.
「日本に来る前に、"さおだけ屋はなぜつぶれないのか?"を読んできたのですが、 みなさん、洗濯物をさおだけには干しませんよね?」 Before I came to Japan, I had read the book whose title is "Why does not the bamboo pole shop go under?" Is there anyone who is willing to dry the laundry in the sun on bamboo poles?
「まあ、経営学の原理を説明する本だからね。特に花粉症の季節には内干ししたり、 乾燥機を使う人が多いんじゃないかな。」 You had better keep in mind that the book was written to explain the principal of business administration. I think that especially those who are allergic to pollen will be likely to dry the laundry indoors or use drying machines.
しかし、英語で別れの言葉と言えば、"Thank you."よりも"I love you."の方がより一般的です。
例えば『スターウォーズ 帝国の逆襲』では、ハン・ソロが冷凍刑にされる直前にレイア姫が"I love you."と言葉をかけましたし、 『タイタニック』のラストでも、死を覚悟したローズが恋人のジャックに"I love you, Jack."と告げました。
男女間の別れだけでなく、例えば引退するスポーツ選手が最後にファンに向かって"I love you."と言う姿もよく見かけます。 "I love you"は、日本語では「愛してる」と翻訳されることが多いフレーズですが、実際は恋心以外にもいろんな感情を表すことができ、かなり汎用性の高い言葉です。別れの際の寂しい気持ちや感謝の気持ちも含んでいるんでしょうね。
「日本も、英国のように財政破綻して、大学の授業料が高騰し、払えないのではないかと心配です 」 I fear that Japan might face economic collapse as England did and we will not able to pay the college tuition fees which will skyrocket as a result of such a collapse.
「日本人も不安に思っているのだけれど、後戻りはできないからねぇ」 You Japanese have a good reason to feel uneasy about this, but it can't be helped. *We Japanese have been concerned about this, but it can't be helped.
>>960 Could you tell me when you are going to ship *** I ordered the other day? I also would like to confirm that I can surely buy it from you in the spring.
>>964 This sandwich shop is located in the middle of restaurant area in the mall The shop totally has got oval shaped construction and there are no walls between the naighboring shops.
>>982の変更、 楽しくpartyしている間だから、まちがった It can be said that Mc'Donald's is usurally expensive than Mos-burger's. I've not often go to McDonald's shops since the beginning of working..
A report of fatal cases after simultaneous vaccination with pneumococcal conjugate vaccine for infants and haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine and a temporary suspension of the vaccination
Four fatal cases have been reported since March 2 concerning the simultaneous vaccination with pneumococcal conjugate vaccine for infants (Brand name: Prevenar Suspension Liquid for S.C. Injection) and haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine (Brand Name: ActHIB).
>>991 I have a question about the weather there. Would you let me know the current temperature and and average highest and lowest temperatures in April and May?