Hey, the place we drink together is always a Shirakiya(*1) chain pub. At the first time, we also use that. I was poor Post doctor and you were part time lecturer, which earn 200,000 JPY (*2) per month. Every time You used to treat me at Shirkiya. "Every night I drink at such a pub. I can afford to go", you used to smile. (*1) Japanese cheap chain pub. It is popular for people without so much money. (*2) About $2000
At long last I got a position at a terrible private college. At the time I got salary 220,000 JPY per monthand you were proud to earn 300,000 JPY. "Every day I have classes and no time (to research) but earn much money" "I often treat students in the lab and make them obey." "Even the Professor cannot act big for me, who lead bachelor course students." Telling me such that with stars in your eyes, we also drink at Shirakiya pub.
Ten years have passed and now, the place we occasionally drink at is also Shirakiya. These years since I have been promoted to be a Professor, the time I go to such a cheap pub is only when I drink with you. I do not tell you a cheap pub is not favorite. But I do not mean to need hostess. With a little more money, we can avoid such a cheap pub, lower workers complains at. At the age we reached, we should go to a good pub valuable wine and meal, don't we?
But as I think about you, I glance you unpocket three sheets of terribly tired 1000 JPY banknote, I cannot propose you to go to a better pub. I heard you had been fired from the part time lecturer. I also know you got bad health. I understand at the workplace of guards of which you recently got a job, among 20 years younger students part time workers, you continue to make at most effort for the job even though you are seemed as dust.
But it's all OK. At the same Shirakiya pub as the place we drink at 10 years ago, do not show the same dream, which you do not make attempt. Only the noisy youth around us may do such a nonsense.
>>18 "頸骨" and "脛骨" are a homophone in Japanese. (They have a different Chinese character but they sound exactly the same but have a different meaning.) My native tongue, Japanese have only five vowels and all the words have consonant-vowel structures. Japnese words sound like pronouncing an English word, Alabama. By the way, names of places in Mamori have those too like Japanese words do.
I want to buy some products at your shop. I live in Japan, but You can't deliver them to our Japan. Can you deliver my favorite goods to Japan for me in secret?
>>40 You won't get my money because the Paypal Inc. has accepted my submission to refund and returned the money bakck to me.
If you are good boy and send me the clothes without fault, I am ready to give you the chance to deal with me again.
My new proposal is that; (1) I send you the half amount of money in your invoice, then (2) you provide me with the items with due time and manner, finally (3) I remit the remaining money.
Please let me know if you agree with the proposal mentioned above and have a will to coordinate with all the terms and conditons set by Paypal.
>>42 Your prompt reply has been reviewed by me and makes me relief. You might say I had noticed your misunderstanding at the eary stage, but it does not amount my fault anyway. The important thing is the order has been canceled without my any obligation. I am a customer and have full previlege of dismissing my order. This cancel does not affect your claft work, and it is a possibilty that I might be interested in your products in the future. In such a circumstance, you will be allowed to take my order and to fulfill your obligation to deliver your work.
>>42 Thanks for your reply. It makes me feel easy. Even though I have to cancel my order this time, partly because of changes on my side, I do love your works and would like to order one again sometime in the future.
>>43 I'm not selling this (in fact, I made it myself for study), but what do you think? Various kinds of languages are in use because I have a wide range of international nusiness friends.
I think it unnecessary to speak to Kokinto on the territorial issues, because he expected has enough knowledge.
Kokinto brought the story on the principle, I retaliated that Senkaku is a proper territory of Japan and so there is no territoria problems between China and Japan.
I currently play for France's Montpellier team. Montpellier gets hotter than anywhere else in France. In summer the sun's searing rays push temperatures up to 37 degrees. I feel that winters are a little bit colder than Japan, but in Paris it gets down to -5, so I suppose it's on the warm side. With the European architecture and atmosphere, it's quite a wonderful city.
The reason I've gone abroad is because, through soccer, I wanted to get a taste of what I couldn't get in Japan. The world is full of people of all races and backgrounds, and it's amazing that the sport of soccer transcends them all. As long as you have passion, you'll be accepted into the world of soccer. I want to fully feel that part of soccer in the flesh. I came because I wanted to go to a different environment so that I can grow as both a person and as an athlete.
With all my heart, I strongly feel that I want to get better at soccer... and I want to live through soccer.
That's why, without a doubt, I had to have the expierience of living abroad. It's an aspect essential for me to grow.
I had no plans to come this far without giving it my all. Japan's high level is known the world over, and I've kept that in mind while I've played. Even now, that hasn't changed. However, away from Japan, lots is different. Physiques are different. The fields are different. The ways of thinking are different. No matter how much you train, those are aspects that you just can't grasp.
Even off the field, there are uncountable differences. Japan's impeccable punctuality seems to be completely lost on the French... One particular player doesn't even put on cleats and leave their house until five minutes before practice... (By the way, this player is from Algeria...) Not forgetting to bring things also seems to be a problem the French have...
There's more. Blacks and Arabs with strong fighting spirit go crazy with the slightest bit of provocation... They'll be in the middle of the field arguing with coaches and officials. Arguing with fellow teammates is also an everyday occurance. This sort of occurance just doesn't happen in Japan, so I think it's a good thing. I was lacking experience with such aspects in soccer, so it was a great learning experience.
People abroad have confidence in themselves. It's thought that by having confidence in yourself being a good thing, the higher you think of yourself the better a player you become. Through taking to heart what I've learned abroad about my own deficiencies, I want to take my current skills and knowledge to a higher level. And I won't forget the gratitude I hold for those who raised me and brought me up...
We've reached the end of this intro, so now I'll show you some pictures from my day-to-day life!
左の写真は、チームメートです。右は、クラブハウスです。 The photo on the left is of my teammates. On the right is our clubhouse.
左は仲の良い選手の家で撮ったホームパーティーの写真です。 右の写真は私が最近見つけた手作りの食器屋さんです! On the right is me another player I've made friends with at a party at her house. On the right is a handmade dishes shop I found recently!
左はクリスマスの街の様子です。 右は山郷さんがフランス遠征に来たときに大興奮していたrepettoというお店です。 On the left is the city during Christmas. On the right is Reppetto, a shop that Yamago got ecstatic about during her time in France
>>91 This is the most fundamental and most important knowledge, in terms of how we are going to proble into the history of this country's cultural development.
>>92 Last year, a TV program, focusing on the life of Mizuki Shigeru and his wife, was broadcast in Japan. That's why his works are popular these days. You might have wider knowledge of him than I do.
>>91 This is basic and important knowledge when we think about the country's culture's devalopment of history.
>>92 Last year in Japan, a TV show of Mizuki Shigeru and his wife was on. So, his works are a little popular. Maybe, you know much more about him than me.
>>110 I need your help. I placed an order, by Internet, to America, but the problem is that the goods I received are different from what I ordered. I want to make complaints so that I can exchange the order. Could you, by any chance, translate the Japanese messages that consist of over 20 lines?
↑ I ordered three ◯◯s and one △△ in one time. The packing list is correct but I received wrong items. They have to be changed to the right items, three ◯◯s. As for △△, I heard it was shipped later and I'm waiting for delivery. Check the images of items I got.
The wrong items will be send you back. Please tell me the address I should send them. Can I send wrong items with cash on delivery? If I have to pay for the shipping costs, plz let me know how I can get payback from you. And also the import tax I paid has to be paid back.
>>153 Saturday, we, five of us Japanese, went out to watch a football game at OO. The game was, as a whole, boring, except when we saw OO made a shot at the goal.
>>154 変かな。 We, five Japanese, went to ○○ to watch the soccer game. The game was not exciting on the whole, but it was good that I watched ○○ score a goal.
>>153 Last Saturday, five of us, all Japanese, went watching a footbool game. Though I felt it to be an unimpressive game, xx' goal(選手) of (チーム) was exciting!
>>175 何か難しい。意図がズレたらごめん。 I showed the clerk my primary account number when going through boarding procedures. But my mileage-serveice points still have not been earned. Could you check it over?
「もちろん、プロの方々の労力とは比べ物にならないことは承知しております。」 Of course, I understand that this cannot bear comparison with the time a professional has to spend on his own business
「このサイト作りを通して、腕を上げていきたいと考えています。」 I'm hoping that I can enhance my skills through making this website.
Now I am really into the band that you told me about long ago. I heavily rotate their songs every day. Once in a while, I find that I listen only to them all day.
277 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2011/02/07(月) 18:09:06 >>275 ほんとはヤりたいだけなんだ You really want to sleep with me, aren't you?
278 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2011/02/07(月) 18:26:06 結局>>270は訳せなかった件w After all you are impotent. 279 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2011/02/07(月) 18:41:15 >>278 訳す価値がないことも分からない物体が存在する件w
There is a guy who doesn't know how to sex. 280 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2011/02/07(月) 18:56:19 負け惜しみかよw みっともねww Oh! you are grudging speaking! How clumsy your hip is!
281 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2011/02/07(月) 19:06:28 外国の方とタクシー強盗の話になり、 日本でもいるか?と問われ、 「うん、たまにいるよ。」と答えたいのですが、よろしくです。 Our conversation with foreigners went into the taxi robbery. I was asked the possibility of tax robbery in Japan, I answered in positive. occasionally、sometimes、の一言だけでなく、 「たまにいる、たまにみかける、たまにきく」といった ことを伝えたいのですが。。。
With the addition to the words "occasionally、sometimes", I want to express the feeling that there exists some, we can see rarely, or heard.
282 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2011/02/07(月) 19:11:54 >>281 じゃあ最初からそう書けよ Why don't you say so at first?
283 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2011/02/07(月) 19:14:39 >>281 「日本でもタクシー強盗はいるか?」→「うん、たまに見かける」 Are there taxi robberies in Japan? Yes, I heard of them occasionally.
304 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2011/02/07(月) 22:35:08 ちんかすの分際でいい加減うざい There are some touching my nerve. 305 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2011/02/07(月) 22:41:05 まあ、とりあえず仲良くしようぜ。 Anyway, we'd better keep good relations with him for some period. 308 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2011/02/07(月) 23:43:10 >304 んな気にすることもねぇべ。 気違い好きにさせとこう 飽きたらやめんだろ Don't care. Let him take care of this thread. Soon he will lose interest and disappear.
>323 Unfortunately that item isn't for sell. However, we can make new one. Please pick one from some of idea sketches we will make. Would you tell me your expecting price and delivery date? We are waiting to help your business.
>>339 Recently I have been annoyed with trivial matters. With no expectation I have consulted with him ( a friend of mine) and forgot. Now I spend time enough in University and I can't take back my time.
He who speaks in Japanese is wonderful. He is really cool! 偉そうだなこのpoor dog How arrogant this poor dog is!
337 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2011/02/08(火) 13:22:24 >>334 お前が無様な日本語かましてなければ、 そのスピードとやらを重視できただろが! If you were not here with such a poor and clumsy Japanese, you might be noticed with your impotence. めでてえな。無能が。 How happy fool you are, a trash of spank.
It is his business, only a time-killing task for him. So it is unnecessary to express your gratitude to him for quick responses. You should express only when you are asked money.
>>371 I hope the Polish will calm down. How could the Japanese speak bad of their favorite players' club and collegues? I, for one, am getting to like the club for the past one year.
I am sorry that the item you inquired for is now for display only, so I cannot sell it. Instead, I can make a similar product anew. If you like, I will be glad to present you with some rough sketches. After you choose the sketch you like best from the choices, I will get to work. If you don't mind, could you let me know what sort of price range you were thinking of and when you expect to have it? I will be glad, if I can be of any service to you.
>>389 I've been worried about you because I hear from him that you'd caught cold. I'm glad you are getting better. Regarding the event, I was told that the schedule is full even though I asked them again. Take care and rest now, See you one of these days.
背景 最初ネット上で、paypalで送金したんだけど、支払元住所(日本)と配送先住所(米国)を反対に書いて注文して 日本には送れないと言うことで、その注文はキャンセル。 2回目の注文で、配送先を米国にして注文したら、 Unfortunately we cannot accept payments of large amounts by PayPal. We will issue a refund asap. って理由で向こうからキャンセル。銀行口座に送金するように指示される。 銀行振り込みをすると2500円も取られるから、クレジットカードで支払いできないか? と確認のメールを送って、同時にWeb上で値段を見たらいきなり2割ほど値段が上がっている。 あわてて、追っかけ元の値段でクレジットカード決済出来ないか?って問い合わせたら We also do not accept payments of large amounts by credit card. And we also do not have the logistics to ship products to Japan. と言うメールと You can place a new order if you wish, but please note that we are not able tio deliver to Japan. と言うメールの2通来る。 どっちやねんと思いながらいたら、2種類注文した内の一つがweb上で在庫無しに。確認の意味を込めて I assume the mailing address to be USA according to the original order. The monetary amount that I pay is assumed to be 192.47USD. I remit to the bank account directed by you. You are securing goods that I ordered first. Is understanding correct by these four points?
* My receiving address in the US is as my original order . * The amount that I will pay is 192.47USD. * Please make sure the two items will be shipped as my first order.
I will send money to your bank account after you notice me the items are in ready
>銀行口座に送金するように指示される。 、、、(略)、、、 >って問い合わせたら >You can place a new order if you wish, but please note that we are not able to deliver to Japan. >(新規注文をされますか?あっ、でも日本へは配送できないので注意してね。) >と言うメールの2通来る。
>>480 You have no sense of translation. Given every detail of the situation, anybody can do it. It's like poetry; the point is how you manage to read between the lines Get out of here.
What kinds of advice are you going to proveide us? Just mentioning a single world does not ammount an advice. You must write them down in whole sentence to express your thought.
>>491 I humbly apologize for my lack of courtesy. Advice is a noun and advise is a verb. Therefore, you should say "I appreciate your advise" instead of "I appreciate your advise."
>>491 "What kinds of advice" is definitely wrong. As everybody knows, advice is an uncountable noun, and even though the usual "X of Y" string ( , where X=a countable noun and Y=an uncountable noun) allows us to put it like "two cups of milk", in this particular case of 'kind of Y' , it DOESN'T.
Maybe, you should have said "What kind of advice"
Why? Maybe, from a semantic point of view, I guess.
>>516 I was once in a ward locked from the outside, you know. I , now, am beginning from ground zero. In my mother's arm, I was thinking about nothing but peasant revolt. It's just like hard-core punk. Why don't you appreciate my charisma like that?
>>527 Hi. Sorry for being late. I was down in bed with flu for a while.
Thanks for your wonderful pictures. I knew you lov e Japan. Sweeden house is pretty lovely, with its red impressive roof.
So, you're planning on coming and working in Japan. It must be a big dream, but I'm sure it will come true. I'm looking forward to the days I can show you around in Japan. Your Star alliance badge really becomes you.
>>531 Between the skies and the oceans, I can feel the invisible things Like breeze everything what I can do for you. Just...thank you, for all eternity.
>>576 Tomorrow, I wanna have courage to face the fire burning you So that I could be proud when I would happen to see you My darling in TV My superstar
>>613 If that's the thing only a person told you, you might want to doubt her or his intention, but, if many told you the same thing, you have to consider it's the fact.
「@????? Fujimae Tidal Flat has been located at the center of Japan, and there is about 180ha. It is one of the relay ground of the biggest migrant in Japan. One of the features of this tidal flat is in the industrial area in the city. A lot of factories are near this tidal flat. It was saved from the industrial development plan and it was registered as a Ramsar Convention marsh after it was saved from the industrial development plan.
AAbout nature
Many kinds of cretures live in Fujimae tidal flat. For example, crab, mussel worm, and a small fish... Fujimae tidal flat is important stopping point for migratory birds because those cretures become bird's foods. 20,000 birds come to Fujimae every year, and they eat food there. So we can see a lot of kinds of birds all the year around.Snipes and the plovers are the same kinds of those birds. They can be seen there in spring and autumn,and they go to Siberia and Alaska in summer and go to Southeast Asia and Australia in winter. The same birds go to Thailand.
About the history
A vaster region was a tidal flat before. But the immunity of Fujimae has decreased gradually as Nagoya industrializes. There had been the plan reclaiming Fujimae from the sea and making it into the island of garbage about 30 years ago. However, Nagoya City abandoned this plan because of depending contrary to the Nagoya citizens in January, 1999. It wans the beggining of an epoch-making garbage loss plan of Nagoya. Moreover, Fujimae tidal flat had become a Ramsar Convention registration marsh because of the importance in 2002. It was registered in the 12th in Japan.」
@Introduction 藤前干潟はおよそ日本の中心に位置していて、約180haあります。 Fujimae Tidal Flat is located at the approximate center of Japan, and it is 180 hectares large.
そこは日本で最も大きな、渡り鳥の中継地の一つです。 It is one of Japan's largest stopovers for migratory birds.
この干潟の特徴の一つは、名古屋港の工業地帯の中にあることです。そのため、多くの工場が干潟の近くに存在します。 One of the characteristics of this tideland is that it is in the middle of the industrial zone of Nagoya Port and accordingly there are a lot of factories around the tideland.
そんな中、開発から逃れたのは幸いだと言えます。 Considering such circumstances, it can be said that this area is fortunate that it was not developed.
現在は、ラムサール条約湿地として登録されています。 Now, the area is registered as the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance.
>>635 I don't appreciate electronic books. But taking their popularity into account, they might have some advantages, I guess. Just using one, maybe I like it.
>>636 Cigarettes are sold at rather low price in Japan compared with other developed countries. I'm in favor of raising the price because they harm the health.
藤前干潟には様々な種類の生き物が住んでいます。例えばカニ、ゴカイ、小さい魚などです。 There are many kinds of creatures living in Fujimae Tidal Flat, such as crabs, mussel worms, and small fish.
これらの生き物は渡り鳥にとっての食糧なのです。 だから藤前干潟は中継地として重要な役割を果たしているのです。 These creatures are food source for migratory birds, so Fujimae Tidal Flat plays an important role as a stopover area for them.
毎年2万羽もの渡り鳥が立ち寄ります。 だから誰でも一年中様々な種類の渡り鳥を見て楽しむことができます。 Every year some 20,000 migratory birds stop to rest in the area, and so people can easily enjoy watching many kinds of migratory birds throughout the year.
それら渡り鳥達の仲間にシギやチドリがいます。藤前干潟では春と秋に見られます。 Among these migratory birds are snipes and plovers. In Fujimae Tidal Flat, they are seen in spring and autumn.
夏はシベリアとアラスカに渡り、冬には東南アジアとオーストラリアに渡ります。 They migrate in summer to Siberia and Alaska, and in winter to Southeast Asia and Australia.
藤前干潟で見られる鳥達が、タイにまで飛んで行ってしまうのは驚きです。 It is amazing that the same birds that you see in Fujimae fly to Thailand.
藤前干潟は、昔はもっと広大でした。 しかし、この地域の工業化が進展するのに従い、干潟の面積は徐々に減少してきました。 Once Fujimae Tidal Flat was larger. But as the industrialization progressed in this region, the size of the tideland lot was gradually decreased.
約30年前に藤前干潟はゴミの埋立地になる計画がありましたが、 市民の反対運動によって、1999年1月にその計画は断念されました。 About 30 years ago, the tideland was going to be a garbage dump site, but this project was abolished in January 1999 by the citizens' opposition movement.
2002年、藤前干潟は日本で12番目のラムサール条約登録湿地として登録されました。 Fujimae Tidal Flat was designated as the 12th Ramsar Site in Japan in November 2002.
Today is Valentine day, but I unexpectedly received a chocolate from person of same sex. I can hardly express my awkwardly happiness, but I love lovely and innocent chocolate.
>>671 I am a Korean Japanese, but the japanese government generously give us money every month, and we never worry about make living by ourselves. So, we don't give a shit about this small amount of money. If he is a naturalized Korean, then that's understandable. Even we think naturalized Korean seem shameless fart.
>>653 I wish it were possible for all part-timers to make their living and to have their own family. Indeed, it is quite reasonable for NEET not to be respected. But, unlike NEET, part-timers or non-regular employees are actually working, so it's necessary to rise their sacial status.
>>700 I need your help although I know you are busy. I'm so sorry to bother you, but I have a serious problem about which I want to consult with you. Will you spare me a little of you time?
>702 The custom number is 1234567 I sent back it on 1/12 I didn't get the replaced item yet. Can you tell me when it will get me? 1180 yen as the shipping fee should be returned to me. You might see a 1180 yen stamp on the package
>>702 My customer number: 1234567 Though I sent that back on Jan. 12, I've not got new one yet. How long does it take for me to get that? Also please refund the pastage, 1,180 yen. You must have seen the post stamps on the box.
>>740 HE comedians are hot recently. It's ok. But the last week Ame-talk was about stranger-phobia comedians. These kind of people are worth enough to make one-hour program?
>>738 The Eco-point is just another form of government subsidies, which target auto-makers and electronics-makers. Of course it's gonna stimulate our economy, and no-one should get the credit for the effect.
>>754 The business people, who get gains because of a policy of the Japanese government called "ECO-POINT" that saves large companies of motorcar and electronical industries,. is now desparately working because that policy will be finished.
As a business opposite send mail of asking us to pay our money soon and of their having ascertained our having payed money not to our accountant department's but the president's mail account, I want it to correct the address they send mail to.
So, I intend to send this sentence to it:" As for mail of our payment, please be sure to send it to B@xx from now, not A@xx."
I hear that Japan's share of the world's video game market is nowadays about thirty percent. Is that so? I thought it would be a major industry in Japan. It is likely that there is a big difference in the taste of the games between Japanese and Westerners.
>>776 If you have an International driver's license, you can use it even in the US. It's, however, available in a short period. Then, you should get the US driver lisence. There are some Driver License Devision in each state, and you can get the US driver's license there without any examination.
Why are these requests of translation in this thread only claims to mail order companies and e-mail to foreign friends? You are challengers but lacking of social common sense, I guess.
>>804 Five years ago we talked about the Lost Decade, but Japan has been in recession for almost 20 years, which is almost a generation. High-school and college graduates have had hard time in finding jobs, and they have to pay the debt of older generations. We might have to admit that this 20's recession is a part of long-term waning of economy. The central bank did everything they could do, but failed to spur much domestic demand.
>>827 I don't use "tough" in this situation. "tedious", "annoying", "frustrating" etc would sound better.
>>821 He has found **. Are you still interested in it? If so, I will carefully store it and send it to you when it gets warm. By the way, do you have means of obtaining ** in NZ?
>>843 I'm interested in the history of foreign countries, especially that of Europe, so I'm studying it. My dream is to be a man like the globe, you know, to be a big spherical man by acquiring a knowledge of foreign culture. Let's be friends. I 'd like to associate myself with people of various nationality.
>>841 おそくなったが。 Now that the urban population in Japan has reached over 50 percent of the total, the local is losing a role in providing human resources.
SSL証明書が更新できませんでした。 最初に私はSSL証明書の更新料をPAYPALで支払おうとしましたが、エラーとなり失敗しました。 次にクレジットカードで支払おうしましたが、失敗となりアカウントがロックされました。 アカウントのロックを解除してもらえないでしょうか。 また私はどのようにSSL証明書を更新すれば良いのでしょうか。 My SSL certificate renewal was failed. I tried to renew my SSL certificate in paypal payment, but failed because of error. Instead, I tried to pay renewal charge in credit card ,but failed too. Then my account was locked. Please unlock my account. And how can I renew my SSL certificate?
I failed to renew my SSL certificate on PayPal and with my credit card, then my account has been locked. Would you support with unlock my account and how to pay?
>>878 My SSL certificate renewal was failed twice, first with paypal and then with a credit card. Due to these failures, my account was locked. Could you please unlock my account and instruct how to renew my SSL certificate?
「冗談じゃない、私だって格好良いんだ。カリスマなんだ」 You are carrying your joke too far. Where are your eyes? I'm, you know, a knockout, a man of great charisma.
「本土に於ける守備隊総数は一億。 国民全員外出時は竹槍の所持を義務付け致します」 The garrisons in the mainland total one hundred million! It has been decided that all the people should be obliged to carry a bamboo spear when going out.
「今朝はヒロポンを50本打ってきました」 This morning I got fifty shots of Philopon.
>>888 We see Keishicho and Keisatsucho on TV dramas. Though these sound similar, these are two different agencies. Keishicho is Tokyo Metropolitan Police, and Keisatsucho is National Police Agency.
Analog broadcasting will end by July. You will need to buy either a TV which supports Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting or a Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting tuner.
>>893 You have to dump containerboard, used paper like magazines and papers into the community's shed, after removing individual information, name or address.
>>912 My phone number hasn't been changed. how is the autograph on the base? You promised you would send it which has autograph of AAA. Please check it again before ship me it.
>>920 That depends of what kind of shape the bottle top is. It could be 'a jar' if it is wide, and it could be 'a bottle' if it is tapering like a wine bottle(the smaller toward the end).
>>916 Can I ask you something? How do you call cream foundation in small bottles? is it 'a jar of'? And, it goes like 'I bought a jar of....'? I have a feeling it is not 'a bottle of', so.....
>>893,>>911 Please place recyclable papers, such as containerboard, used paper like magazines and newspapers into the community's storage for recycle, after removing personal information, such as name or address. Recycling papers is an important source of revenue for our community activities.
It is wonderful news that he has passed the entrance examination of Tokyo University. I guess the competition ratio should be very high.
You'd better call repair man for it instead of trying to fix by yourself. The street is lined up with the series of big houses surrounded by abundant green plants and trees.
What? The electric fan? To the best of my memory, as for items which are not covered under the Home Appliance Recycling Law, they need to be brought in the city health center. I will call to ask about this.
「電話番号は以前伝えた通りです」 My phone number is the same as I gave you before.
「発送前に、○○のサインの入った台座の写真をくれる約束だったが、それはどうなっていますか?」 If I remember rightly, you promised to give me the picture of the autograph pedestal by "○○". How is the matter going?
「本当にサインはされていますか?発送する前に確認してください」 Please make sure that the pedestal has been autographed before you dispatch it.
「よろしくお願い致します。」 Well, please take care of the matter as best you can.
>>902 Are you asking about electric fans? I believe you can bring portable home appliances to our city's disposal center, if the law does not require those to recycle. I will call the city office and let you know the answer anyway.
>>941 Hello. I have some questions. I know your neighbours are Norway and Finland. What is your impression of those countries or people living there? And can you talk with them without an interpretater? I'm living in Japan, an island country, so it's difficult for me to imagine what countries connected by land are like. So I want to know your feelings as a continental.
>>941 Hello! I have something to ask you about what impressions do you have to the neighbor countries: Norway and Finland or their people.
Next, do you communicate with them enough without an interpreter. I asked the recognitions of yours, those who live in the continent about these questions because we, the Japanse, are living in island.
I'd like to visit Stockholm again or Bergen in Norway at the next time.
This time, you are claiming me 39 USD for two skirts which I had you exchange for the previous ones with stains on them.
But, I think you had to have a notice of the price of them when I had ordered them to you at first, that is Jan. 12, was 33.5 for each. I felt like to buy skirts from you, as the price was that.
From these reason, I think it is fair for you to claim me the original price, 33.5 USD for each skirt. So, I want you to send 11 USD, which is the difference between what I payed and what I should pay.
>>951 Thank you for helping me with change the skirt.
I would like to have a partial refund from the charge you put on my credit card. For the new skirts, you've charged $39 dollars each, however, I believe the correct price has to be one at the time of my original purchase on Jan 12, which was $33.5. Can I have a refund of $5.5 each ($11 in total)?
I am sorry I am late. すいません遅れました。 I solved how to transfer the bank transfer. 振込みの仕方が解決しました。 I transferred the deposit to the account today. 今日、手付け金を口座に振り込みました。 I think The deposit is reflected on the account after a few days. 手付け金は数日後に口座に反映されると思います。 Could you send me an e-mail when the deposit is reflected on your account? 口座に反映されたらメールを送ってくれますか?
>>990 Some say smoking should be banned entirely, while others say smoking allowed in isolated areas because smokers pay good amount of tax. 論旨のおかしい日本語だけどね