Wohlfarth recalls one magazine article about a virtual office experiment done by a Los Angeles advertising company. “Everyone had laptop computers and cellphones,”she says. Emplyees could @(set up) wherever and wkenever they wanted. The advertising company was confident all the people in the experiment would favor this new kind of work environment, however, the experiment drew(イ)reactions. “Over half of the people in the experiment said they preferred having an office and a permanent desk to go to every day.Wohlfarth recalls one magazine article about a virtual office experiment done by a Los Angeles advertising company. They also said A( they missed seeing their colleagues,)”Wohlfarth says.
A, C ( )の内容を表すものとして最も適当なものを1つずつ選んでください A( they missed seeing their colleagues,) 1. they missed seeing their colleagues 2. they didn't understand the meaning of seeing their colleagues 3. they regretted that they couldn't see their colleagues 4. they were glad that they didn't need to see their colleagues
@ Emplyees could set up wherever and wkenever they wanted. The advertising company was confident all the people in the experiment would favor this new kind of work environment, however, the experiment drew mixed reactions.
A Once office space became more flexible, and the use of high-tech communication became more common, many companies began to offer emplyees the option of working yheir eight hours a day or forty hours a week any time they could fit them in, including the middle of the night and on sundays.
B Combine this with other companies fighting the clock to beat competitors in the current race for globalization, and today we find work is everywhere.
C Some people see the rack of abarrier between work and home as benefiting their lives, while others see it as being detrimental.
D This happened most infamously with the dot-com companies, whose flexible working hours initially enabled emplyees to stay at work for longer periods.
E The dot-com companies were highly thought of when they broke the 40-hour work week for the first time.
F Richard hunt, director of sales and marketing for a publications company, takes advantage of the flextime and technology at his company so he can spend more time with his three children.
>>20 Wohlfarth recalls one magazine article about a virtual office experiment [ done by a Los Angeles [ advertising ] company ]. “Everyone had laptop computers and cellphones,”she says. Emplyees could *set *up [ wherever and whenever they wanted ]. The [ advertising ] company was confident [ all the people in the experiment would favor this new kind of work environment ], however, [ the experiment drew(イ)reactions ]. “Over half of the people in the experiment said [ they preferred [ having an office and a permanent desk [ to go to every day ] ]. Wohlfarth recalls one magazine article about a virtual office experiment [ done by a Los Angeles [ advertising ] company ]. They also said [ Athey missed [ seeing their colleagues ] ],”
Wohlfarth says. ( they missed seeing their colleagues,) 3. they regretted [ that they couldn't see their colleagues ]
>>25 Emplyees could set up [ wherever and whenever they wanted ]. The [ advertising ] company was confident [ all the people in the experiment would favor this new kind of work environment ], however, [ the experiment drew [ mixed ] reactions ].
Once office space became more flexible, and the use of high-tech communication became more common, many companies began [ to offer employees the option of [ working their eight hours a day or forty hours a week [ any time they could fit them in, [ including the middle of the night and on sundays ] ] ].
Combine this with other companies [ fighting the clock [ to beat competitors in the current race for globalization ], and today we find work is everywhere.
Some people see the rack of abarrier between work and home as [ benefiting their lives ], [ while others see it as [ being detrimental ] ].
This happened most infamously with the dot-com companies, [ whose flexible [ working ] hours initially enabled emplyees [ to stay at work for longer periods ] ].
The dot-com companies were highly thought of [ when they broke the 40-hour work week for the first time ].
Richard hunt, director of sales and [ marketing ] for a publications company, takes advantage of the flextime and technology at his company [ so he can spend more time with his three children ].
Some people see the rack of abarrier between work and home as [ benefiting their lives ], [ while others see it as [ being detrimental ] ].
This happened most infamously with the dot-com companies, [ whose flexible [ working ] hours initially enabled emplyees [ to stay at work for longer periods ] ].
The dot-com companies were highly thought of [ when they broke the 40-hour work week for the first time ].
Richard hunt, director of sales and [ marketing ] for a publications company, takes advantage of the flextime and technology at his company [ so he can spend more time with his three children ].
They wanted to know how long the winter would last. という文があり、訳は「冬がどれだけ続くか知りたかったのだ」です 分からないのはhow節の中にあるlastをなぜ「どれだけ」と訳しているかです lastはこの前とか最後のといった意味でないのですか? よろしくお願い致します
>>72 71とは別人ですが答えます。 えっと結論からいうと、ネイティブの人にon last Wednesdayといっても通じます。 ただ、これは日本語でいうなれば本来否定語でしか使えなかった「全然」という言葉を「全然おっけー」と使うようなものと似ています。 つまり、on last wednesdayは間違ってるけれども通じる口語的表現というわけですね。
Departures: More to Widnes - Travel - The Independent 8 Oct 1994 ... Catalyst opens 10am-5pm except Mondays and has a range of hands-on exhibits. Admission is pounds 3 for adults, pounds 2.25 for children; ... www.independent.co.uk/.../departures-more-to-widnes-1441676.html - Cached
48 Hours In: Havana - 48 Hours In, Travel - The Independent 6 Feb 2010 ... It opens every night except Monday from 8.30pm, shows start at 10pm. Compare Travel Insurance - 5 day Euro cover from £4.33 and Annual ... www.independent.co.uk › Travel › 48 Hours In - Cached - Similar
48 hours in Basel - Europe, Travel - The Independent 5 Jul 2003 ... It opens 6pm-4am every evening except Sunday; prices rise after 11pm. The framed alligator skin downstairs once belonged to Hector, ... www.independent.co.uk › Travel › Europe - Cached - Similar
It is generally supposed that people who live at home are the people who value home the most, and best appreciate all the comforts of that cherished institution. I am inclined to doubt this. It is, I think, to those who live farthest away from home, to those who find the greatest difficulty in visiting home, that the word conveys the sewwtest idea.
It is generally supposed that people who live at home are the people who value home the most, and that people who best appreciate all the comforts of that cherished institution. I am inclined to doubt this. It is, I think, that the word conveys the sewwtest idea. to those who live farthest away from home, to those who find the greatest difficulty in visiting home,
>>97 いきなり名詞だけで正しい文かと聞かれても答えにくいな。 まあ、語法の面だけで見れば、普通はハイフン。 The fast-asleep man. There is a man fast asleep.か There is a man sleeping fast.が自然。 There is a fast-asleep man.はかなり無理がある。
Two places in the center of town sell light meals: Bagel Tyme serves sandwiches, and the pi Café, open for lunch except Mondays and for dinner Thursday through Saturday, offers sandwiches, wraps and soups and casual American fare, like margarita shrimp. http://travel.nytimes.com/2007/08/24/travel/escapes/24trip.html
"La Vie Est a Nous," a 1936 film made by Renoir for the French Communist Party, and "Le Crime de Monsieur Langer," a 1935 Renoir, share a double bill every night except Mondays at 9:30. http://www.nytimes.com/keyword/jean-renoir
The sheer numbers of Europeans who left their homelands in the century before 1914 to go overseas suggest how important was the movement of which they were a part.
という文章なのですが、suggest 以降は倒置をしていると考えていいんでしょうか? 参考書にはsuggest の目的語はhow 以降だと書いてあるのですが、私はsuggest の目的語はthe movement から文末までと考えてしまいました…。 分かる方がいらっしゃいましたら、ご教授お願いします。
>>133 The sheer numbers of Europeans [ who left their homelands in the century before 1914 [ to go overseas ] suggest [ how important was the movement [ of which they were a part ] ]. suggest の目的語はhow 以降
質問です。 I will not have easy access to the internet while traveling. (旅行中はインターネットに簡単にアクセスすることはできないだろう) この文にはhaveが入っていますが、なぜhaveが必要なんでしょう。或いはhaveの役割は何ですか。 haveがないほうが正しいように思いますが? 教えてください。
>>151 If you like this apple pie so much, ( 17 ) make one yourself? I'll give you the recipe. @how about Ahow come you Bwhat do you say to Cwhy don't you
Soon We came to a hill at the foot (of which) stood a desert factory.
かっこのところが空白になってました。 答えはof whichなんですが、of whichの先行詞と後ろのstood〜の関係性がよく分かりません。 FORESTで例文(The house of which you can see the red roof is ours)を見たのですが、この問題の場合だと理解できないのです。 またof whichがwhoseになったら文の形はどうなるかも知りたいです。
Soon We came to a hill at the foot (of which=a hill) stood a desert factory. Soon We came to a hill.Aat the foot the hill stood a desert factory. hillは物であるのでwhoseにはなりません。
>>165 この文を二つに分けると Soon We came to a hill. と A desert factory stood at the foot of the hill. 「すぐに私たちは丘(小山)に来た」と「人気のない工場がそのふもとにあった」
ここで、後半の文を、前の文に(前の文の the hill を先行詞にして)つなぐ。 以下は後半の文が変わっていく様子。 1. the hill を関係代名詞に変える---> A desert factory stood at the foot of which. 2. 前置詞+関係代名詞部分のかたまりを前に出す ---> at the foot of which a desert factory stood . 3. 形をととのえるためにSVを倒置する---> at the foot of which stood a desert factory
whose を使うなら at the foot of which が at whose foot になる。
志望校の過去問なんですが、Aが答えだそうです。 Cのwouldも控えめな推論「〜だろう」で文脈が通りそう なんですが、なぜCはだめなのか教えていただけると 助かります。 Miki and her family ( ) out of town. I have called several times, but there is no answer. @ could go A must be B should go C would be
Substitute moter car,boot,suit of clothes,etc.,for skyscraper,and one year,three months,six month, and so on for forty years,and you have the gospel of any leader of any modern industry.
>>174 ありがとうございました。 >>175 mustが可能性の推量というのは 分かるんですが、辞書にはwouldの用法で 推量がありますよね。↓みたいなやつです。 これは可能性の推量とは異なるんでしょうか。 もう少し教えていただけると助かります。 That would be his mother. あの人が彼のお母さんでしょう.
現在完了と結果がよくわかりません。問題集に ()から○○に合う正しい語句を選びなさい ( lost / have lost ) My brother ○○ his wallet. So he doesn't have it now. という問題がありました。その問題集の中に "He didn't show up and he isn't here still now" という例文があったのでこれもそういう感じの例文かな?と思って 答えはlostだろうと思ったんです。けど正解はhave lostでした。 問題集の解説には "So以下の現在の状況と時間的なつながりを表現するために現在完了形を用います" と書いてあったんですけど理解力がなさ過ぎてうまく理解できません。 誰かわかりやすく解説お願いします。
For instance, if people do not communicate with each other, if are perpetually in aggressive physical combat, if they do not cooperate with each other, and do so routinely over a period of time, then their interactions are not social and they don't constitute a society.
という文章なのですが、ifが3つ羅列してます。そこでこのifを同列させるandは, and do so routinely over a period of timeのandでよろしいですか?そうなるならand do soのandとdoの間にはif theyが省略されていると考えてよろしいでしょうか?
1 I is necessary / I insist that he be there. 「彼がそこにいる ことが不可欠だ / よう私は主張する」のような動詞の原型。(Forestの“that節内のshould”の章を参照されたし。120〜130ページあたり) 2 Subjunctiveを「仮定法」と訳したから。 3 「下属法」「浦波」「月影」「濱風」etc.
>>255 >1 まず「仮定法現在」の用例を挙げ It is proposed that the Assembly elect a new Committee. If an Association member be found guilty of misconduct, his membership shall be suspended and appropriate dues refunded.
>2 名称の由来を述べ subjunctiveは、subjoined(つけたす)と密接に関係する。これ以後は、OEDで頑張ってw 文字化けごめん、ヒントになるかなー b Designating a mood (L. modus subjunctivus, Gr. ?ποτακτικ? ?γκλισι?) the forms of which are employed to denote an action or a state as conceived (and not as a fact) and therefore used to express a wish, command, exhortation, or a contingent, hypothetical, or prospective event. (The mood is used in both principal and subordinate clauses; cf., however, conjunctive a. 3?c.) Also, belonging to this mood, e.g. subjunctive present or present subjunctive.
So named because it was regarded as specially appropriate to ‘subjoined’ or subordinate clauses.
試しただけ。悪いな。 俺はよくわかってるから。ラテン語の接続法には仮定法的な用法があるんだよ。 ただし英語と違うのは仮定節と結果節の動詞がまったく同形におかれるということ。 これにちなんで英語の[仮定ー帰結]の形もsubjunctiveというようになったので、 本来の意味でsubjunctive的なIt iss necessary that s + 原型、の動詞原形も 仮定法と呼ばれる習慣になってるんだよ。 よって「心余りて詞(ことば)足らず」(古今和歌集仮名序)と評された在原業平の歌にちなんで 俺は「春の月」or「春月(しゅんげつ)」と名付けることにするよ。
Once office space became more flexible, and the use of high-tech communication became more common, many companies began to offer employees the option of working their eight hours a day or forty hours a week any time they could fit them in, including the middle of the night and on sundays. So it was only a question of when the 40-hour workweek would be bloken. This happened most infamously with the dot-com companies, whose flexible working hours initially enabled employees to stay at work for longer periods. と The dot-com companies were highly thought of when they broke the 40-hour work week for the first time.
英語の It will not be long befoe S+V と、日本語の 「間もなくSがVするだろう」 という両構文間にはいわゆる形態統辞論的類似性(a morpho-syntaxic similarity)が存在する、 と習ったのですが、それはどのようなものでしょうか?お教えくだされば幸尽です!! ≧≦
It will not be long before S+Vが「まもなくSがVする」という意味になるわけを俺はこう思う。 Itは非人称で、この発言の起点となる時点から[S+V]実現までの時間をさす。 つまり、 [NOW]ーーーーーー→[S+V] ↑ it であり、この2点間の距離が短い、つまりは 発言の時点から見て[S+V]実現の時点が迫っている、というわけ。 にほんごの「間(ま)」は2点間のスペース(余裕)を示し得るから この二点間の「間隔=間(ま)」が無い、という意味で 意味論的なイメージも実際の意味も同じになる、というわけ。俺の考えね。
369 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/12/25(土) 16:26:45 Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/08(月) 22:04:38 とっても好きでたまらない男の子のチンポは咥えます。 Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/08(月) 21:59:15 彼の尿を飲み彼のウンコを食べるだけで幸せでした。 彼の家の前を通って1分後彼が僕の背中を叩いた時は天に上ったような気持ちでした。 246 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/28(木) 23:17:30 昨日寝床で想像して射精した後風呂場でお腹と股と手を洗いました。 人の体を自由に扱うことを想像して射精しました。 体を交えることは気持ち良くてその後に話しをすることは本当に安らぐことが出来ますよね。 532 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :sage :2010/11/01(月) 06:31:42 383 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/31(日) 04:25:02 でも勃起持続が短い・・ 若い子の肛門に突き刺したいけど入らないので精力増強剤が少し必要です
So+Be動詞(一般動詞)+S(主語) 「Sもまたそうである」・・・@ S(主語)+Be動詞(一般動詞)+so 「Sはそのとおりだ」 ・・・A @の例文 I am looking forward to visiting Korea this summer,and (so is my sister) 私はこの夏韓国を訪れるのを楽しみにしてるし、私の妹もまたそうだ(楽しみにしてる) Aの例文 you said jane was kind and (so she is) ジェーンは親切だと君は言ったが、実際その通りだね(親切である) ()になってるところが文法問題で出されて頭混乱中 日本語になってなくて済まない
>>378 したはねぇ、先行する(肯定の)節または文があって、それに対してこっちも肯定の「そう」、ってことで うえはねぇ、そう言うの関係無く「そう」、ってことだよ。 eg. I am from Japan. - So am I.「私は日本出身ですー私もです」 ちなみに否定と否定だと I am not from Japan. - Nor〔Neither〕 am I.「私は日本出身ではありませんー私もです」 となる。 つまり日本語だと[肯定ー肯定]の組み合わせでも[否定ー否定]の組み合わせでも「も」が使えるけど英語ではできない。 フランス語も同じ。これを使った映画の面白いタイトルがセルジュ・ゲンズブールの Je t'aime-Moi, non plus.「僕は君を愛してるよーええ私もあなたを愛してないわ」だったんだよ。 I love you.-Nor do I.という矛盾したやりとりに諧虐味があるわけだ。
1,and のコンマで後の文の独立性を確認して、前の文の類似性を推測 しかし、俺の感覚では、たとえ、so my sister is でも、可としたいところだな。 強調ととってもいいだろう。
2 コンマないんで、直前のJane was kind との類似性を推測 ジェーンは親切だし、実際そうだとあなたは言ったじゃないか。 時制が矛盾すると言うツッコミも当然あるだろうが、発言者が、目の前に ありありと彼女の親切さをイメージしている場合なくはない。興奮気味。w もちろん、so is she も強調とらえればなくはない。 お前のお説も勿論可だwww
Nu scylun hergan fefaenricaes uard, metud?s maecti end his modgidanc, uerc uuldurfadur, sue he uundra gihuaes, eci dryctin, or astelid?. He aerist scop aelda barnum heben til hrofe, heleg scepen; tha middungeard moncynn?s
副詞の比較級について質問です。 使っているテキストの例文を見ると、 以下のとおり語尾にdoがつくものとつかないものがあります。 My brother can swim faster than me. He read the book more carefully than I did. 語尾にdoをつける/つけないにはどのようなルールがあるのでしょうか? どなたか教えてください。 よろしくお願いします!
Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/08(月) 22:04:38 とっても好きでたまらない男の子のチンポは咥えます。 Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/08(月) 21:59:15 彼の尿を飲み彼のウンコを食べるだけで幸せでした。 彼の家の前を通って1分後彼が僕の背中を叩いた時は天に上ったような気持ちでした。 246 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/28(木) 23:17:30 昨日寝床で想像して射精した後風呂場でお腹と股と手を洗いました。 人の体を自由に扱うことを想像して射精しました。 体を交えることは気持ち良くてその後に話しをすることは本当に安らぐことが出来ますよね。 383 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/31(日) 04:25:02 でも勃起持続が短い・・ 若い子の肛門に突き刺したいけど入らないので精力増強剤が少し必要です
>>413 details of 〜 → 〜の詳細 だからofの後ろには詳細の元になる物が入るよね。 thatだと、登場人物が食事していたということ(事実)という意味になるから、 意味的に無理。 of whichだと、先行詞がないからwhichは疑問詞扱いしなければならず意味不明。 whichだけだと、detailsを食べていたことになる。 だから、of whatで登場人物が食べている物を詳しく書き入れていたという意味にするのが正解。 in order toの成り立ちは考えない方がいい。 そもそも不定詞のtoを前置詞に含めるかどうかすら微妙な問題なんだから。 in 前置詞、order 名詞(道理、目的)、+不定詞toという見方は一応できるけど、 そうすると不定詞が形容詞用法になってしまい、通常の副詞用法っていう分類に合わないという 矛盾が生じる。
With technology expanding the world of work beyond office walls, the next logical step in the 24/7 work world is the introduction of flextime - working during non-traditional working hours. (ウ) office space became more flexible, and the use of high-tech communication became more common, many companies began to offer emplyees the option of working yheir eight hours a day or forty hours a week any time they could fit them in, including the middle of the night and on sundays.
空所ア〜オに入れるのに最も適当なものを1つずつ選んでください 1. once 2. if 3. identical 4. in spite of 5. mixed 6. while 7. so 8. thanks to
基本的な質問なんですが、 受動態って基本的に目的語を取らないと思うんです。 例えば「彼らは正しい英語を必要とされている」とある時、どうやって文を作ればいいんでしょうか。 They are inquired correct English. はおかしいのは分かります。 不定詞を使って、 They are inquired to speak correct English. とすればいいんでしょうか?
camera cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile-phone] ●camera phone〔2003年に普及した。携帯電話、カラー液晶、カメラが一体化されている〕 ●camera-equipped cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile-phone] ●cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile-phone] camera ●cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile-phone] with a built-in camera ●cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile-phone] with built-in camera ●picture phone
文法4択問題でCが正解なのですが、 その他の選択肢を訂正するとしたらどうなるか考えてみたので、 確認お願いします。 @a few new garden furniture:a few→a littleで○ Asome new garden furnitures:複数形のsなしで○ Bmany new garden furnitures:many→much、複数形のsなしで○ Csome new garden furniture:○
>>572 ありがとうございます。もう1つ質問なのですが、 each otherは名詞ですよね? 「互いに」という訳が当てられているのは、副詞的の方が自然な訳になるからですか? 例えば、 We cooperate with each other. 「私たちはお互いと協力する」→「わたしたちはお互いに協力し合う」 という文です。 それに対して We know each other. これは 「わたしたちはお互いを知っている」 といった感じで、名詞のままで捉えてると考えていいですか?
よく日本の参考書には as long as /unless/when などの条件節の中は現在形、 もうひとつの節にはwillなどの未来形が来るとありますが Unless he was very ill, he would be at work.などの文もよく見かけます。 これは参考書が間違っているのでしょうか?
前文が There's no pain at all. なので、その後に続く Just a hollow sound that echoes with each kick. は (There's) just a hollow sound that echoes with each kick. ということ thatは関係代名詞でsoundを修飾してるだけ
>>590 とりあえず、訂正後の @a few new garden furniture:a few→a littleで○ Asome new garden furnitures:複数形のsなしで○ Bmany new garden furnitures:many→a lot of、複数形のsなしで○ Csome new garden furniture:○ で大丈夫ですか?
>>595 まぁあってるといえばあっていると思います。が、出題者の意図としては、funitureがUncountableなのを覚えてるかを問題にしてるので、その他のは無理に直さなくても。何か変だし。 その上で言うと、あと、3はmuchでもOK ただし肯定文で使った場合は、 There is much ... in ドンキホーテ みたいなニュアンスだけど
>>587 ありがとうございます。 conditionalで検索したところ ”Unless is often used in conditional sentences. It can be used with the first, second, or third conditional. " のような海外文法サイトが結構ヒットしました。 それらのサイトは>>587さんが教えてくれたような説明がありました! 本当にありがとうございました!
Presenting opposite characters permits the child to comprehend easily the difference between the two, which he could not do as readily were the figures drawn more true to life with all the complexities that characterize real people. (一橋大)
to不定詞の時制について。 @I want to be a doctor. (私は医者になりたかった。) AI was surprised to hear the news. (私はその知らせを聞いて驚いた。) のto不定詞がto have been,to have heard とならないのはなぜですか? @は何となく分かるのですが、Aは知らせを聞く→驚く という順序の気がして、もやもやしています。 どなたか、教えてください。
>>604 as readily were the figures drawn more true to life with all the complexities that characterize real people. ↓ as the figures(opposite characters) were readily drawn more true to life with all the complexities that characterize real people.
高1です But when beaches are lit, baby turtles often move toward lit roads and there they are run over by cars. しかし、浜辺が照らされているととき、赤ちゃん亀はしばしば照らされた道を行き、 そしてそこは車であふれている。 みたいなニュアンスだと思うのですが、 文の形がよくわからないです。 baby turtles often move toward [lit roads] and [there] (which)(they are run over by cars.) 赤ちゃん亀がしばしば 照らされた道、 と 車であふれている「そこ(there)」に行くのでしょうか。 質問として変かもしれませんが、どうかお願いします。
アドバイスしてくれた方達、ありがとうございます。 代ゼミの西きょうじ氏による訳を載せておきます。 Presenting opposite characters permits the child to comprehend easily the difference between the two, which he could not do as readily were the figures drawn more true to life with all the complexities that characterize real people. (一橋大) 正反対の登場人物を提示してやれば、子供は両者の違いを簡単に理解できるだろうが、登場人物をより実物に忠実に、つまり、実剤の人間を特徴付ける、あらゆる複雑さを持つものとして描けば、子供は、それほど簡単にその違いを理解できないだろう。
I bought fish and a bottle of wine at a market, which was/were at bargain price/prices. 自分で作った文なのですが 魚+で複数になってwhich以下のbe動詞はwas /wereどちらになりますか? あとこの場合の値段はprice /pricesどちらでしょうか?
I don't have any〜. not any + 可算名詞の場合、単数、複数どちらを選べばいいのかわからないです。 何かルールがあるのでしょうか? 例えばqustion, opportunity, idea, recommendation, problemなど。
>>649 go 正常な状態から悪い状態へ変化 go rotten, go wrong, go crazy come (主に)良い方へ変化, come true,come right 元の状態へ come alive, come unstiched become 永続的(状態が長続きする)な状態,なるまでの過程より結果を重視 become a teacher, become poor, become wise、become tall
He saw something burning on the street and called the fire department right away. ↑この文なら違和感はないな。 でも Can you see something burning ? になると微妙な感じになる。 下の2文をググってみればその差は歴然だ。 Can you see something burning ? Can you smell something burning ?
度々すみません。 >>671の文の続きです。 It might have been an image or sign that existed only inside Naoko, like all the other things she used to spin into existence inside her mind in those dark days.
id like to suggest a hypothetical situation where USA and Chinese factories collaborate using videoconference technique. >>694 仏訳すれば ≪Je voudrais suggerer une situation hypothetique ou les usines Americaines et Chinoises collaborent en utilisant les techiniques conference-video.≫だよ。
ハイフンの用法がいまいちよくわからない。 it is important -to learn English. 文はもっと長かったんだけど↑みたいな形式主語構文でハイフン以下の名詞句を真主語とする文があったんだけど、ここでのハイフンの役割ってなんだ? コンマじゃダメなん? 文中にあるハイフンの解釈って何パターンくらいあるん?
It lay precisely on the border where the meadow ended and the woods began -a dark opening in the earth a yard across, hidden by the meadow grass.
この文での-の用法がわからない。 -はどういう役割をしてるの?
あとa dark opening in the earth a yard across という文はopeningを中心とする名詞句で、真主語らしいんだけど、a yard acrossはどのようにopeningを修飾してるの? openingを動名詞と解釈してa yard acrossはその目的語と考えればいいんでしょうか?
新聞の見出しなんですけど、 Man charged with murdering wife in Yardley Hastings.で 「男は妻を殺害した容疑(事)で告発された。」っておかしくないですか? Man was charged with murdering wife in Yardley Hastings.なら受け身になってるから分るんですけど。
>>712 some believe that ethical funds will usher in a new age where investors influence the ethical choices of hitherto amoral corporations. 「倫理的諸基金が、これまでモラルがなかった諸企業の選別に 投資家連が影響を与えるような新時代を開く、と考える人々もいる。」
He used his illustrations to depict a hearty fellow with a white beard. 彼は白いあごひげの心優しい男性のイラストを書きました。 と訳にあったのですが used illustrations の意味が入ってませんよね? used to〜 とか、何か関係ある言葉なのでしょうか・・ used は使ったという意味でとらえると、訳がおかしくなります・・ 誰か、助けてください
Thomas Nast (September 27, 1840 – December 7, 1902) was a German-born American caricaturist and editorial cartoonist who is considered to be the "Father of the American Cartoon". Among his notable works were the creation of the modern version of Santa Claus as well as the political symbols of both major United States political parties: the Republican elephant and the Democratic donkey and Uncle Sam. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Nast
It lay precisely on the border where the meadow ended and the woods began ― a dark opening in the earth a yard across, hidden by the meadow grass.
➭It lay precisely on the border where the meadow ended and the woods began ― [ [ a dark opening ( in the earth ) ( a yard across ) ] , ( hidden by the meadow grass ) ] .
➭It lay precisely on the border where the meadow ended and the woods began ― [ a dark opening ( in the earth ) ( a yard across ) ] , [ hidden by the meadow grass ] .
3 は Every of the four singers は、形容詞用法しかないから選ばない Every one of the 複数名詞なら、あり得る。とのことです。がこの辺りが よくわかってない気がしています。あと、every + 数詞 + 複数形の名詞 、たとえば、The Olympic Games held every four years. は、あり得る というので混乱しています。
>>750 It lay precisely on the border [ where the meadow ended and the woods began ] ― a dark [ opening ] in the earth a yard across, [ hidden by the meadow grass ].
>>754 おっしゃるとおりeveryの後には単数名詞が来るんだけど every four years 4年ごとに/おきに(4年に一回) 4年が一つのまとまりでその4年[four years]を一つの単数名詞と考えると everyの後についていてもおかしくないでしょ。4年間ずっと何度も行われているわけではなく 4年経ったら一回、また4年経ったら一回、さらに4年経ったら一回と続いていくものなので。 yearはfourなのでyearsにしなければならないけど、 あくまでも開催されるのはそのfour years のうち一回だけなのでeveryがきても変じゃないんです。。
>>766 In metonymy(換喩), the name of one object is used [ to refer to another object [ with which it has a part-whole relationship or other close association ].
>>766 In metonymy(換喩), the name of one object is used [ to refer to another object [ with which it has a part-whole relationship or other close association ] ].
>>776 日本の面積が狭いことは、Japan is small.で表せます。 日本が立憲君主制であることは, Japan is Royal Lawful. 同じく議院内閣制であることは, Japan is Diet Parliamentary. People of that country are moderate.
>>768 I respect Mr.Kataoka because he is a remarkable English teacher,so I want to join the circle to improve my English ability with you. Can I do it?
>>824 分詞が「一時的な状態」を表している場合、 前位修飾ではなく、後位修飾になるのが原則です。 従って、The used vacuum-cleaner → The vacuum-cleaner usedとしなければなりません。
下のリンク先の記事では、第九段落で前位修飾になっています。 the massive egg recall involving two Iowa farms (第一段落) The two Iowa farms involved in the recall (第三段落) the Iowa farms involved (第三段落) the involved farms (第九段落) http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2013171,00.html
Wenger will be mindful both of his age and recent injury record, but knows that the addition to his squad of another senior player with recent trophy-winning experience could be invaluable.
to his squadがof another senior player with ...の前にあるのは to his squadを強調のために前置したからですか?
>>831 「縮約関係(詞)節(reduced relative clause)」という捉え方をする人もいますが、 a law prohibiting the sale of alcoholのような例の場合、 この考え方(「関係詞 + be動詞の省略」という考え方)では説明できないので、 私は後位修飾と関係(詞)節は別物だとする立場を取っています。
The right thing in the right place is a golden rule, and a little trouble in putthing things away when you have done with them will save a great deal of time and labour when you want them again.
>>892 おかげさまで分かってきました。ありがとうございました。 willの前までが主語ですね。 a little troubleが「ちょっとした手間」という意味であり 2回出てくるthem はいずれもthingsをさしているということですね。 putthingというのはタイプミスです。(ただしくはputting)
>>846 a law prohibiting the sale of alcoholは通例、 a law which/that prohibits the sale of alcoholと解釈されます。
People living near the site will have to be evacuated. →People who live near the site ... Anyone knowing his whereabouts should contact the police. →Anyone who knows his whereabouts ...
Today, I’m going to talk about Bill Gates. At first, when I was seeking topics, I could not find interesting ones. But I saw the personal computer in front of me and I got the idea of presentation about Microsoft and Bill Gates. Well, let me introduce his achievement to you.
At first, of course, Microsoft was one of the small and weak companies. But a turning point came to him. DOS(Disk operation system) was adopted as new operation system. To tell the truth, I have little knowledge about personal computers, anyway a operation system(OS) made of Microsoft was adopted as new personal computer’s OS made of IBM. And then Microsoft developed computer system, and this company was recognized.
Microsoft won fame as a principal company this and that, and they develop Microsoft office. In that way they won fame still more. After that they develop various OS, and now they have put Windows 7 on the market.
And then, Bill Gates has climbed all the way up to the seat of a billionaire. For 13 years from 1994 to 2006, he was the first of a list of millionaires all over the world, and he keeps the position above the third.
921 :Londonium Vrbs Ille Pulcherrimum:2011/01/12(水) 00:16:51
>>917 It doesn't matter to me at all to speak English, whether fluently or not. My only aim is to draw students into an etrnal grammatical chaos, from which no one could escape, on which no theory could be based. (~m~)
Not long after, rose was also made permanently ineligible for the baseball hall of fame—where, as a legend of the game, not as an individual, doesn't he deserve his place next to Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron and all the others?
1. Pete Rose was one of the greatest players ever to play the game of baseball. 2. The Commissioner said that Rose's gambling had "stained" the game. 3. The judge in the case sadly announced that there were two Pete Roses: one the living baseball legend, the other the individual who had broken the law.
1のthe game of baseball、2のthe game、3のthe living baseball legendから a legend of the gameのthe gameは特定の試合ではなく、野球そのものを指している
>>911 趣味で直した部分もある Today, I’m going to talk about Bill Gates. When I started thinking about topics for this presentation, I could not find any interesting ones. But when I saw my personal computer in front of me, I got the idea of presentation about Microsoft and Bill Gates.
Now, let me introduce his achievement to you. When Microsoft was set up, it was one of many small and weak companies owned by ambitious young college students. But a turning point came to him, when he introduced DOS, which is Disk operation system, as new operation system, though I can not tell what's special about it because I have little knowledge about personal computers. Anyway, this operation system (OS) made by Microsoft was adopted as new personal computer’s OS for IBM. This partnership with IBM brought him a first success.
この一文何を言ってるか分かりにくいんだけど、 And then Microsoft developed computer system, and this company was recognized. たぶんこうかな。 Then they start developing OS called "windows", which made Microsoft a worldly recognized company. The current version of Windows system is Windows 7.
After making successes in many aspects of personal computing, they developed a new office suite software called Microsoft office. By the tremendous success of Microsoft office, Microsoft established a reputation as the leading company in computer industry.
Through the success of Microsoft, Bill Gates has climbed all the way up to the seat of a billionaire. For 13 years from 1994 to 2006, he was the wealthiest person in over the world, and he has never fell down to the fourth or lower.
Until the end of this shitty thread, I will fill it with my crappy answers and stinky responses. Sorry to those who have good will to contribute this thread, but I somehow feel that this is my god's oracle. Once I finish this duty I will never post a reply to threads for homework cheaters. I swear.
If you got more exercise, I think you would feel better. If you had gotten more exercise, I think you would've felt better. これらの文の I think の時制がわかりません。 今現在、I think you~と思っているのなら 常に現在形のI think で問題ないのでしょうか? このI thinkの部分が it's possible だとしたらどうなるかも教えて欲しいです。 よろしくおねがいします。