>>962 What of the moral tone of the school?... With whom lies the [ forming ] of it? Not with the boys of brain usually, but with the boys of muscle - the big fellows of the school. To such I would say, be muscular, [ since nature has made you so ], ... but, in heaven's name, be muscular Christians. It is a fine [ saying ]. We cannot all be scholars, but we can at least be gentlemen.
muscular Christian=筋肉キリスト教徒
With whom lies the [ forming ] of it? それを作るのは誰? Not with the boys of brain usually, 脳みそで考えない子達 but with the boys of muscle 筋肉で考える子達
これは会話文からの抜粋でした。 M:Did you see that TV news last nice? There was an interesting report on weather systemes. F: Weather systemm? On the news? You'd be forgiven for thinking there's nothing much going on in the world. 世界で何も大したことが起きていないから許せるけど (そのような報道があるはずはないという意味) これが本からの抜粋です。
UFO is known to one of the authors of this book only in the "initialism" form (ユーエフオー), but is ~. このinは副詞句でしょうか?それともthis bookにかかる形容詞句なんでしょうか? initialismは、それぞれの単語の頭文字をもって形成された単語で、ひとつの単語として発音できない。 つまり、ユーエフオー(ユーフォーではなく)と発音します。
in caseの問題は、rainが現在形の場合は、確実に雨が降ることが決まっていると 話者が考えている、mayは、50,50で分からない、wouldは、willほど明確ではないが、 mayよりは、雨が降ると考えている場合。それと、a,とか、anyの使われ方を考慮すれば、 自ずと答えが見えるのでは?文頭とか文頭でないとか、経験上よく分かりませんね。
>>99 普通にあるよ。 補語になる名詞や形容詞が非状態的な場合。 Be careful. He is being careful. *Be beautiful. *She is being beautiful. Be a hero. He is being a hero. *Be a boy. *He is being a boy. 非状態的がどうかが進行形を取れるかどうかのポイント。
選択肢の中から選ぶ問題です。よろしくお願いします。 1 This book will be enjoyed by anyone in the travel industry as well as by those ( ) are frequent travelers. (a)which (b)whom (c)who (d)Whose
2 We do not usually treat flight attendants with the respect ( ) they deserve. (a)who (b)whom (c)whose (d)that
3 One of the great pleasures of train travel is the history and environment ( ) you find in railroad stations along the way. (a)where (b)which (c)of which (d)whose
Proposals to ban smoking throughout the UK became reality when on 1st July, 2007, a new law was introduced in England that made virtually all enclosed public places and workplaces free of smoke.
>>130 分詞構文は会話では使わないから会話的な答えは無理。 前後に決まりはないが傾向はある。 意味による。時、理由なら前、付帯状況なら後ろ、条件はあまりないけど前。 >○ The students are walking on the street, talking to each other. >○ The students are talking to each other, walking on the street. > My sister is studying English listnening to the radio. > My sister is listening to the radio studying English. 意味は違う。 >○ My father is lying on the sofa watching TV. >△ My father is watching TV lying on the sofa. 下は少し変。 タイポ多すぎ
>上と下では意味は違ってきますか? 純粋に意味だけなら変化はねーよ。 あのな、基本英語っていうのは、後ろへ後ろへと、文なり、句なり、語を付け足して徐々に、説明 の密度挙げてく言語なんだよ。日本語とぎゃく。最初の方に置かれる情報の方が重要度は一般 的に高い。だから、My sister is studying Englishということをお前が言いたい、あるいは、 相手が知りたい情報だった場合あとに、listnening to the radio繋げる文は、ただの付け足し。 英語的にはまっとうな文になる。逆に、My sister is listnening to the radioが伝えたい、情報なら、 先にMy sister is studying Englishを言えば英語的に違和感は残る。さらに、どちらも等しく 伝えたいなら、どちらでも同じことだ。 結局この文に関わる状況、文脈次第じゃ。
教えてください。wikileaksのニュースでクリントンが I have not had any concerns expressed about whether any nation will not continue to work with, and discuss matters of importance to us both, going forward. と言ってたんですが、冒頭のI have not hadの意味がわかりません。 関係代名詞の一つとして考えるものなのでしょうか。
選択肢の中から選ぶ問題です。よろしくお願いします。 1 Ask the travel agency ( ) you bought your ticker for more information about checked baggage. (a)which (b)who (c)whom (d)where
2 Make sure you tell the travel agent ( ) you will contact when buying your ticket that you need a seat in the non-smoking section. (a)whose (b)whom (c)where (d)with that
選択肢の中から選ぶ問題です。よろしくお願いします。 1 If you are not sure that food and water are safe in the area ( ) you are going to travel. (a)which (b)where (c)whose (d)what
2 Don't use ice in drinks. Boil water ( ) you drink or buy canned or bottled drinks. (a)who (b)whose (c)what (d)which
3 Uncooked vegetables may make you sick. That's ( ) you should not eat salad. (a)what (b)where (c)why (d)how
I have not had any concerns expressed about whether any nation will not continue to work with (us) , and discuss matters of importance to us both, going forward
正しい選択肢を選ぶ問題です。 よろしくお願いします。 Ann did really well to pass the examination. I'm sure I( )it. a. could pass b. could have passed c. couldn't pass d. couldn't have passed
>>304 その手は食わんぞ!w お前様が知りたいのは、it's good to youの方じゃないのか?w
まあ俺の経験からだと、it's good for you. なんて言われたら、 if you know what's good for you. 分かってるやろな的な脅しに感じる。 普通は、it's good for your health. とか、、もしくは、for you のあとに、 to do 文が続くと思うけどな。これだとなんか色々考える。辞書なんかでも そうと違うかな。
it's good to you. の方は、普通の辞書や受験英語ではあんまり見かけんな。 でも、よく歌の歌詞なんかであったかな。マライヤとかの。to ってネイティブでも、 語感は社会階層でまちまちやけど、日本語だと〜に向きあうとか、合わせるとか言う感じかな。 だから、貴方に合わせて、ぴったりで good 色々深読みできそうじゃない? 一回ググってみたら?
Ringing the bell for the third school year since the Taliban fell, Afghan leaders hailed an education campaign that they said would put 4.2 million pupils into classrooms nationwide in 2004.
The first goes away the moment you walk out of the school grounds and the second is forgotten as soon as the ship enters port. I was so homesick during my first two weeks that I made a plan for getting myself sent back home, even if it were only for a few days.
>>339 全部書け。 I was homesick during the whole of my first term at St. Peter’s. Homesickness is a bit like seasickness. You don’t know how awful is it till you get it, and when you do, it hits you right in the top of the stomach and you want to die. The only comfort is that homesickness and seasickness are instantly curable. The first goes away the moment you walk out of the school grounds and the second is forgotten as soon as the ship enters port."
>>339 The first goes away the moment [ you walk out of the school grounds ] and the second is forgotten as soon [ as the ship enters port ]. I was so homesick during my first two weeks [ that I made a plan for [ getting myself sent back home ], [ even if it were only for a few days ].
>>348 Domestic car dealers will hardly need [ to hear the figures, [ which do not include sales of minicars ] ], [ to be aware of the desperate situation they are in ].
O Lord my God, [ when I in awesome wonder Consider all the worlds [ thy hands have made ] ], I see the stars, I hear the [ rolling ] thunder, [ Thy power throughout the universe displayed ]:
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee: How great thou art! How great thou art! Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee: How great thou art! How great thou art!
[ When through the woods and forest glades I wander And hear [ the birds sing sweetly in the trees ], [ When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur, And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze ]:
And [ when I think [ that God, his Son [ not sparing ], Sent [ him to die ] ], I scarce can take it in, [ That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing ], He bled and died [ to take away my sin ]:
[ When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation And take me home ], what joy shall fill my heart! Then I shall bow in humble adoration, And there proclaim, “My God, how great thou art!”
Many of us manufacture our own unhappiness. Of course not all unhappiness is self-created, for social conditions are responsible for not a few of our sorrows. Yet it is a fact that to a large extent we draw either happiness or unhappiness for ourselves out of the elements of life through our thoughts ant attitudes. Happiness is achievable, and the process for obtaining it is not complicated.
こっちは sell most のほうがいいのかどうかで散々悩んだのにw ぐぐったらそれなりにあったので納得したけど文法的にどうなのかなと思った。 sell well は「よく売れる」でよくある表現。 well(副詞)ーbetter-best most だと much-more-most かmany-more-mastでこの場合も副詞として使われて いるからmany はありえない。 そうするとmuch の最上級ということになる。sell much ほうがあまり聞かないけどねw
just as the hoodlum planning a mugging is likely to back off and change plans at the discovery that the victim is not helpless, so will the verbal mugger look for someone who is not going to be able or willing to fight.
>at the discovery that the victim is not helpless, のthatは同格でいいんでしょうか?
>so will the verbal mugger look for someone 〜 このwillはなんですか?
>who is not going to be able or willing to fight buck. は who is not going to be able (to fight buck) or willing to fight buck と省略されてると考えていいんでしょうか?
同格でしょ。 助動詞の will 。 the verbal mugger will look for someone のwill が so に引っ張られて 前に出てるだけだよ。 fight back ね。 大枠の構文は just as A, so B で AとどうようにB planing a mugging が動名詞でthe hoodlum が意味上の主語 (チンピラやくざが路上強盗を計画すること) is likely to back off and change plans が述部 at the discovery that the victim is not helpless が副詞句
The decade from January 1, 1900 to December 31, 1909 is sometimes referred to as the 1900s, "the nineteen hundreds", although this term can equally be used for the years 1900?1999.
as much as possible という表現は、対象のものが countable でもこのまま使えるのでしょうか? つまり、 He drank water as much as possible. はいいとして、 He drank cups of water as many as possible. と much を many にしないといけない? それとも much のままでいいのでしょうか?
>>459 We use the simple present for things that are true in general, or for things that happen sometimes or all the time. 「一般に真実であることや、時々あるいは常に起こる事柄に対しては現在形を用いる。」
For a small marine reserve like Apo, where enforcement is entirely in local hands, the cooperation and support of fishermen is critical. Again, time was the crucial factor. Remember that it took two to three years for scientists to detect any increase in fishes within the sanctuary. It took another several years to see any ''export'' of fish biomass beyond the borders of the reserve. Finally, between 1991 and 1993, after nine to thirteen years of the reserve program, scientists found increased numbers of fishes outside the reserve, with the largest increases found in waters closest to the reserve. 少々長いですがお願いしいます。
Finally, between 1991 and 1993, after nine to thirteen years of the reserve program, scientists found increased numbers of fishes outside the reserve, with the largest increases found in waters closest to the reserve.
Though some scientists discount the opinions of fishermen about fluctuations in catch sizes (calling them ''anecdotal'') , the people who depend on the fisheries for their livelihood are probably best equipped to assess the effectiveness of reserves.
In 1986, eleven of twelve Apo fishermen surveyed said that their catch (taken from outside the sanctuary) had increased since the reserve was established.
By 1992, all twenty-one fishermen surveyed reported that their catch had doubled since 1985.
Apo, which has been called ''the most successful marine reserve in the Philippines,'' as been the subject of glowing press accounts and is seen as a model for other sites in the developing world.
すいません、まだ続きがあったのでお願いします。 It's true that the Apo Scenario provides a ray of hope in an otherwise rather bleak situation, but there are good reasons not to mistake it for a panacea.
The most obvious problem is the long lag between the creation of the reserve and the beginning of the spillover effect.
People living on the edge of poverty can't wait nine to thirteen years to see fish catches increase.
And unless other changes are made, they're certainly not going to close down a section of their fishery, diminishing their food supply for a decade or more, even if they believe that catches will eventually increase.
For a reserve such as Apo to work, local residents need an alternative source of income while fishing stocks increase (and probably even after).
オズの魔法使いの一部ですけど When Dorothy stood in the doorway and looked around, she could see nothing but the great grey prairie on every site. ドロシーが出入り口に立ってあたりを見渡すと、見渡すかぎり灰色の大草原以外はなにも見えなかった。 Not a tree nor a house broke the broad sweep of flat country that reached to the edge of the sky in all directions. 木だけでなく家まで、すべての方向の空の端まで吹き飛ばされて破壊されていた。 The sun had baked the ploughed land into a grey mass, with little cracks running through it. 大地は太陽で灰色のに焼かれて小さな割れ目がある。 「英文と訳は、ネットから引用」
Not a tree nor a house broke the broad sweep of flat country that reached to the edge of the sky in all directions. この文は倒置なのですか?また、訳はあっているのですか?
>>493 その訳は間違っていると思います。 Not a tree nor a house ←主語 broke ←動詞 the broad sweep of flat country ←目的語 「一本の木、一軒の家も、平らな土地の広がりを、壊してはいなかった」 つまり、「見渡す限り、(四方の地平線まで)広々とした平らな土地が続いていて、木も家も見えなかった」 ということなのでは?(吹き飛ばされて…なんて書いてないと思う)
Instead of inoculating cattle with a pesticide to control disease, so that consumers eat the poison along with their steak, it may be possible to produce in the animals a natural and inheritable immunity to certain disease by employing recombinant DNA technology.
>>516 The public library is taken for granted as one of citizen's indisputable rights; if not altogether as free as air, at least a service which makes hardly greater claim on his purse than do the public parks he stroll in or the street light to guide his steps.
>>519 The public library is taken for granted as one of citizen's indisputable rights; if not altogether as free as air, at least a service which makes hardly greater claim on his purse than do the public parks he stroll in or the street light to guide his steps. 「公共図書館は市民の、議論の余地がない権利の一つとして当然のものとみなされている。 もし空気ほどに全面的に無償なものではないとしても、少なくとも市民の財布にとって、 彼がブラつく公園や彼の足元を照らす〔歩みを導く〕街灯以上に 重荷になる、という不満を生じさせることはほとんどない。」 反歌: 文(ふみ)の庫(くら) 費(ついえ)は多少掛かれども さほどのことは あらじとぞ思ふ
>>528 Maybe there's no one who is perfect but wants to be anyway. だろ。 Maybe there's no one who is perfect But who wants to be anyway だと意味が変わるぞ。 who wants to be anyway (perfect).だと 誰が完璧になりたいであろうか?誰も完璧になりたいとは思わない。
多くてすいませんが、どなたかよろしくお願いします。 1 She was in third place 200 meters from the goal. Just them, something happened. another athlete bumped into Hitomi. 2 Radke looked back and was surprised to find Hitomi close behind her. 3 The women’s 800-meter race began. Radke won the gold and Hitomi the silver. 4 The New York Evening Post printed an article titled, “A mistaken idea about Japanese women.”
1 What happened to Hitomi when she was 200 meters from the goal? 2 Why was Radke surprised? 3 In what race did Hitomi win a silver medal? 4 What was the title of an article of The New York Evening Post? 上の1から4に対する質問が下の1から4です。質問に答えてください。
>>546 LCCD lend; GIVE A QUALITY [ transitive ] formal to give an event or situation a particular quality that it would not normally have had
Cobuild lend; If something lends a particular quality to something else, it adds that quality to it. で
文脈無いから分からんけど、通常 lend something to something の形が一般的やないかな。lending the gloomy air of a Flemish landscape to everything で、” the gloomy air of a Flemish landscape ”の部分が長いから後ろへ持ってたんちゃう? んで、 >フランドルの風景の陰鬱な空気を 人々に与えてる あらゆるものに、与えてる、添えている。
目的語が他動詞のあとに二つ続く場合、”O have(has) O するように 他動詞が機能する”、のように 解釈するのが普通。つまり、この場合だと、 everything ”has” the gloomy air of a Flemish landscape するように、lend する。
「〜を通って,〜を通して」という意味の前置詞throughがありますが、 「私は交差点を通って学校へ行きます。」I go to school through the intersection.これはthroughなのに、 「私は交差点を通ります。」I pass the intersection.これだとpassになるんですが、 どう違うのでしょうか?
・No one ever used a specific brand of mouthwash , say , or drove a recognizable make and model of car .
・You can't tune in a show on commercial TV without having to listen to the characters boast about their Louis Vuitton bags , or watch them guzzle Diet Pepsi , or see them chat on their Nokia cellphones while behind the wheel of their Mercedes-Benz GLKs .
・This is known as product placement - putting brand-name goods out in the open where viewers can't miss them.
・Thus , a car company advertiser might run an ad for one of its luxury models into a wealthy home.
>>569 >No one ever used a specific brand of mouthwash , say , or drove a recognizable make and model of car . 例えばさ、うがい薬で特定のブランドのものを誰も使わないし、また、 見え見えの車種の車なんて乗らなかったろ。
>You can't tune in a show on commercial TV without having to listen to the characters boast about their Louis Vuitton bags , or watch them guzzle Diet Pepsi , or see them chat on their Nokia cellphones while behind the wheel of their Mercedes-Benz GLKs . スポンサー提供のテレビ番組にチャンネルを合わせりゃ、必ず、キャラクターたちが、ルイヴィトンのバッグを自慢しているのを聞かされたり、 ダイエットペプシを奴らががぶ飲みしてるのを見させられたり、はたまた、メルセデス・ベンツGLKのハンドルに手を回しながら、ノキア製の セルフォンで、チャットしている光景を見せつけられたりするんだ。
>This is known as product placement - putting brand-name goods out in the open where viewers can't miss them. これは、プロダクト・プレイスメントとして知られており、視聴者が見逃すことがない、目に付く空間に、ブランドネームの 商品を配置することだ。
>Thus , a car company advertiser might run an ad for one of its luxury models into a wealthy home. よって、車会社の広告主は、裕福な家庭に対しては高級車種の広告を流すこともなくはない。w
Memory is funny thing. when I was in the scene I hardly pay it any attention.
when以下の構文がうまくとれません。 色々調べてみて hardly…when 「…するや否や」となるみたいなので当てはめてみたのですが 「私が pay it any attention (それに気付く?)するや否や その場面の中で I was (私は存在していた?)」 もしくは I was (paid any attention)と省略されていると考えて「気付かされた」?
>>590 when I was in the scene は「私がその場にいたとしても」 I hardly pay it any attention.「私はそれにほとんど注意を払うことは無い」 つまり、「記憶というものは気に留めなくても記憶に残っている、そこが面白い」 ということが言いたいのでしょうか・・・・
>>591 そういう話でもないんだけど… 形容詞の前に数値が入った場合は叙述用法になるってこと。 数値は副詞的目的格で副詞的に働くんだけど、普通は副詞+形容詞は そのまま並べるからね。 This is a superficially beautiful flower. だけど、数値+形容詞は叙述用法なんで後ろから。
But Frank did not leave. He stayed to tend the garden for the next family who lived in the Riddle House, and then the next — for neither family stayed long. Perhaps it was partly because of Frank that the new owners said there was a nasty feeling about the place, which, in the absence of inhabitants, started to fall into disrepair.
for neither family stayed long. のforは、「というのは」でいいですよね? でも、あんまり「理由」になっていないですよね。forじゃなくて、but、thoughくらいにしたらいいのに。。。 forにbut、thoughの意味あるのかな?
The conceputual meaning of the word ”rose” is "plant of the rose family(the genus Rosa)". But that is not all there is to roses. We have all seen , smelled and touched actual roses at various times and places.
写し間違いでないのだとしたら、2行目 But that is not all there is to roses. のtoの意味が結構深くて、これは But that is not all there is "to be applied to the name of" roses. のようなことかもね。全面的に書き換えれば But that is not all what can be evocated by the name of "roses". かな?言語学っぽいから恐らく元は仏語あたりで Mais ce n'est pas tout ce qu'il a a pour les"roses"(il y en a bien d'autre). みたいな文を誰かが英語に機械的に直訳でもしたんだろう。
次の二文がほぼ同じ意味になるよう括弧に適語を入れなさい。 1.They watched her as she ate her breakfast. They watched her ( ) her breakfast. 2.One helped her to put on her dress. One helped her ( ) her dress. 3.It was natural that their bodies had a very unpleasant smell. ( ) their bodies had a very unpleasant smell. 4.They said to John, "Please come with us." They asked John ( ) come with them.
次の英文の空所に適語を入れ、日本文と合うようにしなさい。 1.数百人の美しい婦人たちがそのパーティーに出席した。 ( ) of beautiful ladies were ( ) at the party. 2.人々は年に一回しか風呂に入らなかった。 People had a ( ) only ( ) a year. 3.彼は一ゲーム勝つまで、トランプをし続けた。 He went ( ) playing cards ( ) he had won one game. 4.王はウイリアムと言う名の男を呼びにやった。 The King sent ( ) a man ( ) William.
次の各文を括弧の指示に従って書き直しなさい。 1.The sun shone down on the Valley of the Kings.(否定文に) 2.The great railroads were built (st this time). (括弧内を強調する文に) 3.The King sent for William. (受動態の文に) 4.This earthquake belt is called the ring of fire.(能動態の文に)
>>630 > 次の二文がほぼ同じ意味になるよう括弧に適語を入れなさい。 > 1.They watched her as she ate her breakfast. > They watched her ( eating、duringも有りかな ) her breakfast. > 2.One helped her to put on her dress. > One helped her ( with ) her dress. > 3.It was natural that their bodies had a very unpleasant smell. > ( Naturally ) their bodies had a very unpleasant smell. > 4.They said to John, "Please come with us." > They asked John ( to ) come with them. > > 次の英文の空所に適語を入れ、日本文と合うようにしなさい。 > 1.数百人の美しい婦人たちがそのパーティーに出席した。 > ( Hundreds ) of beautiful ladies were ( present ) at the party. > 2.人々は年に一回しか風呂に入らなかった。 > People had a ( bath ) only ( once ) a year. > 3.彼は一ゲーム勝つまで、トランプをし続けた。 > He went ( on ) playing cards ( until ) he had won one game. > 4.王はウイリアムと言う名の男を呼びにやった。 > The King sent ( for ) a man ( named ) William.
>>631 > 次の各文を括弧の指示に従って書き直しなさい。 > 1.The sun didn't shine down on the Valley of the Kings.(否定文に) > 2.It was at this time that the great railroads were built. (括弧内を強調する文に) > 3.The King sent for William was sent for by the King. (受動態の文に) > 4.They call this earthquake belt the ring of fire.(能動態の文に)
> 次の日本語を英文にしなさい > 1.英語は世界中で話されている言語である。 English is a language spoken all over the world. > 2.あなたは、彼がどこに住んでいるか知っていますか。 Do you know where he lives? > 括弧内の語を正しい形にして空所に入れなさい > 1.They thought washing ( was ) bad for the health. (be)
I don't like to travel in trains full of people 私は,満員電車で旅をするのは好きではない。 この文なんですが、どうして a train ではなく、 trains と複数形になっているのでしょうか? 満員電車って a train full of people ですよね? 何か特別な意味でもあるんですか?
trains full of peopleだと満員電車達(達はおかしいけど、複数の満員電車を指す)になるとおもうのですが。
before the Army of Muhammad terrorist could detonate them ”in trains full of people.” ← 注目
Each IED contained 18 pounds of RDX, a military-grade plastic explosive. Both devices were hooked to a timer and set to detonate shortly after they were discovered.
アメリカ英語口語表現辞典というのに 「今何時なの」What time do you have now? それに対する答え「ちょうど7時よ」に ☆ Exactly 7:00. ◎ 7:00 exactly. ◎ 7:00 on the dot. ・・・ × Just 7:00. というのがのっていました。 そこで教えていただきたいのですが、
長いのですが、どなたかお願いします 1 She was, however, not happy, for she had been beaten in the 100-meter race, which she had never expected to lose. 2 She was responsible for the training of young women athletes. 3 Between races, she traveled around Japan and gave speeches on the importance of women’s sports. 4 She made women’s equality in sports her lifelong goal.
1 Why was Hitomi not happy when she arrived at Okayama Station? 2 Why didn’t Hitomi retire from running? 3 What did she do between races? 4 What was her lifelong goal?
1 Because she had been beaten in the 100-meter race, which she had never expected to lose. 2 Because she was responsible for the training of young women athletes. 3 She traveled around Japan and gave speeches on the importance of women’s sports. 4 It was women’s equality in sports
But Frank did not leave. He stayed to tend the garden for the next family who lived in the Riddle House, and then the next — for neither family stayed long. Perhaps it was partly because of Frank that the new owners said there was a nasty feeling about the place, which, in the absence of inhabitants, started to fall into disrepair.
>普通に〜for the next family who lived in the Riddle House との並列だろが。
for the next family who lived in the Riddle House, and then the next と for neither family stayed long. は並列なの?
But Frank did not leave. He stayed to tend the garden for the next family who lived in the Riddle House, and then the next — for neither family stayed long.
>>684で合ってると思うんですけど、エキサイト翻訳で訳を確認したら変になります。 自信が無いので合ってるかどうか教えてください。 Why don't you say (that) please help me!? 「何故あなたは私を「助けてください」と言えないの?」 thatは合っても無くてもいいのでカッコしておきますね。
Perhaps it was partly because of Frank that the new owners said there was a nasty feeling about the place, which, in the absence of inhabitants, started to fall into disrepair.
ipso facto 【副】〈ラテン語〉事実上、その事実によって、 まさにその事実によって、事実それ自体により、 行為それ自体により、そのこと自体で◆【同】by that very fact non 【副】〈ラテン語〉〜でない◆【同】not supra 【副】〈ラテン語〉スープラ、越えて、上に、トヨタ自動車の車名 【分節】su・pra sub rosa 【副】〈ラテン語〉内密に、秘密裏に、ひそかに ◆【語源】ラテン語 sub(下)rosa(バラ)◆秘密の象徴としてバラを用いた古代の習わしより scilicet 【副】〈ラテン語〉すなわち versa 【副】〈ラテン語〉逆に、逆もまた同様、逆の場合も同じ、反対に seriatim 【副】〈ラテン語〉続いて、順次、逐次 【分節】se・ri・a・tim per capita 【形】〈ラテン語〉一人当たりの、頭割りの 【副】一人当たり、一人につき、頭割りで
The myth that the Japanese are always polite has much to do with who is doing th observing; to an observer who is outside the uchi group, the impolite side of the Japanese is hardly ever expressed. <Only of participants are actually arguing do Japanese speakers drop the expected level of politeness.>
長いのですがお願いします。 1 Maehata Hideko won the gold in the women’s 200-meter breaststroke at the Olympics in Berlin in 1936. 2 Arimori Yuko won the silver in Barcelona and the bronze in Atlanta. 3 They owe a lot to Hitomi Kinue, who fought a lonely fight for the rights of women. 4 She saw the struggle for women’s equality in sports as a worthy battle.
上の1から4に対しての下の1から4の質問に答えてください。 1 In what race did Maehata Hideko win the gold? 2 How many Olympic medals did Arimori Yuko win? 3 Why do so many Japanese female athletes owe a lot to Hitomi Kinue? 4 How did Hitomi think about the struggle for women’s equality in sports?
ちなみにこの下の1から4は自分で考えた答えです。 1 She won the women’s 200-meter breaststroke. 2 She won the 2 medals. 3 Because the rights of women. 4 It thinks worthy battle.
There are many popular resort towns in Colorado where visitor from all over the world come to enjoy the many outdoor recreational activities in the area , such as skiing , fishing , hiking , white water rafting , and kayaking.
3 Because she fought a lonely fight for the rights of women. (何故なら彼女は女性の権利のために孤独な戦いをしたから) 3 They owe a lot to Hitomi Kinue, who fought a lonely fight for the rights of women. (彼女たちは人見絹枝におおいに借りがある。彼女は女性の権利のために孤独な戦いをした) 3 Why do so many Japanese female athletes owe a lot to Hitomi Kinue? (何故そんなに多くの女性の運動選手が人見絹枝に対しておおいに借りがあるのか?)
4 She thought of it as a worthy battle (彼女はそれを価値ある戦いだと思った) 4 She saw the struggle for women's equality insports as a worthy battle. (彼女はスポーツにおける女性の平等に対する戦いを価値ある戦いだと看做した) How did Hitomi Kinue think about the struggle for women's equality insports? (スポーツにおける女性の平等に対する戦いについて人見絹枝はどのように思っていましたか?)
>>752 There are many popular resort towns in Colorado where visitor from all over the world S ←visitorの冠詞は? come to enjoy V the many outdoor recreational activities (in the area) O
Oの以下具体例 , such as skiing , fishing , hiking , white water rafting , and kayaking.
◆人から褒められた場合の応答表現には、 Thank you for your compliment.(お褒めに預かりありがとうございます)、 Thank you. It's nice of you to say so.(そう言ってくださってありがとうございます)などがありますが、 これらには,普通はユーモラスな感じはありません。それに対して、Could I have that in writing? には、 その感じがあります。 文字通り、「そのことを書き留めておいていいですか?」という意味です。
>>736 The character of Chinese character is chiefly used in Japan. The Chinese character says the hieroglyph, and includes the Chinese character that looks like the shape. For instance, when it is 'Mountain', 'Mountain. ' from its resemblance to the shape of the mountain When it is 'Person', it is written, 'Person' because it looks like the person. This is a hieroglyph. Then, it is a problem as for the hieroglyph. What Chinese character is the river Chinese character of this ..←..? @Please think in hair A river B paper 15 second. It ends. As which answer do you think? The answer is river of A. Did everybody also learn the Chinese character a little? Our announcement is ended by this.
Oh, I have to admit that with my English ability, which is at the same level as Bancho',it's a tough question. It was such a difficult problem that I couldn't fill the blanks. I thought it over as best I could for a while, though.
すいません。英文和訳をお願いします。 I am a member of a small,nearly extinct minority group who insist, even though it seems to be out of date, on the sanctity of being on time. 辞書で単語などは調べたのですが、正直どのようにこの英文を解釈したら よいか分かりません。どなたか、英文和訳をお願いします。
>>792 I am a member of a small, nearly extinct minority group [ who insist, [ even though it seems [ to be out of date, on the sanctity of [ being on time ] ] ] ].
I am a member of a small, nearly extinct minority group [ who insist, [ even though it seems [ to be out of date ], on the sanctity of [ being on time ].
I am a member of a small, nearly extinct minority group [ who insist, [ even though it seems [ to be out of date ], on the sanctity of [ being on time ] ].
Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King; Let every heart prepare Him room, And Heaven and nature sing, And Heaven and nature sing, And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing.
Joy to the earth, the Savior reigns! Let men their songs employ; While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy, Repeat the sounding joy, Repeat, repeat, the sounding joy.
No more let sins and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest the ground; He comes to make His blessings flow Far as the curse is found, Far as the curse is found, Far as, far as, the curse is found.
He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of His righteousness, And wonders of His love, And wonders of His love, And wonders, wonders, of His love.
No more let sins and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest the ground; He comes to make His blessings flow Far as the curse is found, Far as the curse is found, Far as, far as, the curse is found.
He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of His righteousness, And wonders of His love, And wonders of His love, And wonders, wonders, of His love.
Silent night, holy night, All is calm, all is bright Round yon virgin mother and Child. Holy Infant, so tender and mild, Sleep in heavenly peace, Sleep in heavenly peace.
Silent night, holy night, Shepherds quake at the sight; Glories stream from heaven afar, Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia! Christ the Savior is born, Christ the Savior is born!
Silent night, holy night, Son of God, love’s pure light; Radiant beams from Thy holy face With the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth, Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth.
Silent night, holy night Wondrous star, lend thy light; With the angels let us sing, Alleluia to our King; Christ the Savior is born, Christ the Savior is born!
Silent night, holy night, Son of God, love’s pure light; Radiant beams from Thy holy face With the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth, Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth.
Silent night, holy night Wondrous star, lend thy light; With the angels let us sing, Alleluia to our King; Christ the Savior is born, Christ the Savior is born!
第1問 Mary got angry at the party because somebody ( ) red wine all over her dress. 1 traced 2 piled 3 spilled 4 waved
第2問 Children should study, but it is important for their health that they also take part in ( ) activities, such as sports. 1 miniature 2 physical 3 thoughtful 4 financial
第5問 Michael's new job involves a lot of traveling. He has to go abroad as often ( ) three times a month. 1 to 2 than 3 if 4 as
すいません質問ですが、 What I explain isで私が説明したことっていう意味になります。 これはexplainを他動詞で処理しているはずなんですが、 That I explain isでexplainを自動詞ととってみるとThatが導く名詞節ってやつで文法上不備はないですよね? もし文法の4択問題でThat、Whatの部分が()になっていて選択肢にThatとWhatが存在したときに僕はどうすればいいんでしょうか?
With computers and the Internet at our fingertips whenever and wherever we go, work is suited perfectly to 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week. (中略) It is now possible to go to the park, lay aquilt in the shade, lean up against a tree trunk with a laptop and cell phone, and do your business for the day. It is true-(ア)technology, people can choose where and when they perform at least some of their work. (中略) Wohlfarth recalls one magazine article about a virtual office experiment done by a Los Angeles advertising company. “Everyone had laptop computers and cellphones,”she says. Emplyees could @(set up) wherever and wkenever they wanted. The advertising company was confident all the people in the experiment would favor this new kind of work environment, however, the experiment drew(イ)reactions. “Over half of the people in the experiment said they preferred having an office and a permanent desk to go to every day. (中略) With technology expanding the world of work beyond office walls, the next logical step in the 24/7 work world is the introduction of flextime - working during non-traditional working hours. (ウ) office space became more flexible, and the use of high-tech communication became more common, many companies began to offer emplyees the option of working yheir eight hours a day or forty hours a week any time they could fit them in, including the middle of the night and on sundays. (中略) Some people see the lack of barrier between work and home as benefiting their lives,(エ)others see it as being detrimental. (中略) Richard hunt, director of sales and marketing for a publications company, takes advantage of the flextime and technology at his company(オ)he can spend more time with his three children.
空所ア〜オに入れるのに最も適当なものを1つずつ選んでください 1. once 2. if 3. identical 4. in spite of 5. mixed 6. while 7. so 8. thanks to
Wohlfarth recalls one magazine article about a virtual office experiment done by a Los Angeles advertising company. “Everyone had laptop computers and cellphones,”she says. Emplyees could @(set up) wherever and wkenever they wanted. The advertising company was confident all the people in the experiment would favor this new kind of work environment, however, the experiment drew(イ)reactions. “Over half of the people in the experiment said they preferred having an office and a permanent desk to go to every day.Wohlfarth recalls one magazine article about a virtual office experiment done by a Los Angeles advertising company. They also said A( they missed seeing their colleagues,)”Wohlfarth says. (中略) This happened most infamously with the dot-com companies, whose flexible working hours initially enabled employees to stay at work for longer periods. Combine this with other companies B( fighting the clock) to beat competitors in the current race for globalization, C(and) today we find work is everywhere. (中略) Some people see the rack of abarrier between work and home as benefiting their lives, (エ)others see it as being detrimental. Freelance writer Jennifer brock for one, believes that flextime has made her more productive and her life more fan. (中略) Even though Brock bills by the hour, “with a stopwatch in hand,”D( she likes to take things in bite-size pieces,) and enjoys playing in the middle of the day.
@, B( )の内容を表すものとして最も適当なものを1つずつ選んでください @ set up 1.establish 2. become independent 3.start up computers 4. sit down B( fighting the clock) 1. staring at the clock 2. putting the clock right 3. trying to finishwork by five 4. making the most of limited time
>>828の続きです A, C ( )の内容を表すものとして最も適当なものを1つずつ選んでください A( they missed seeing their colleagues,) 1. they missed seeing their colleagues 2. they didn't understand the meaning of seeing their colleagues 3. they regretted that they couldn't see their colleagues 4. they were glad that they didn't need to see their colleagues
D( she likes to take things in bite-size pieces,) 1. she likes to break her food into small pieces 2. she likes to work at astretch and then to play afterward 3. she likes to work a bit at a time with relaxtion in between 4. she likes to get light work done after midnight
C(and) と同じ意味を表すandを含む文を1つ選んでください 1. she washed the dishes in ahurry and watched her favorite program on TV. 2. Tom studied very hard and he failed in the entrance examination. 3. I like ham and egg better than anything else for breakfast. 4. Take a taxi to the station, and you'll be in time for the last train.
Pamela Kruger, contributing editor of Fast Company magazine writes about the dilemma for emplyees at dot-com start-ups. “Now, many of these young emplyees are suffering from burnout,” Kruger says. “Also, theere's anew group of employees entering the dot-com universe : adults in there 30s and 40s to whom the idea of listening to loud rap music and sitting at their computer terminal at 2 a.m.is E(anything but desirable.) ” According to Kruger, where emplyees were once willing to sacrifice evenings and weekends for their company, they are now looking at quality of issues. “Once the romance of astart-up is over, many employees discover that the sacrifices assosiated with working long hours aren't worth it. They come to realize after awhile that they're spending most of their week nights working until 1 a.m., drinking coffee and eating junk.” Kruger reports that many start-ups getting F(the message,) and changing to a more traditional 40-hour workweek.
E( )の内容を表すものとして最も適当なものを1つずつ選んでください E(anything but desirable. ) 1. extremely desirable 2. far fromdesirable 3. not so desirable 4. desirable to a certain degree
F( )の内容を表すものとして最も適当なものを1つずつ選んでください 1. many employees of start-ups realize that the benefits of working long hours make up for the sacrifices associated with them 2. many employees of start-ups discover that working long hours is not worth what they sacrifice for it 3. many employees of start-ups are aware that they have obtained something very important by working long hours 4. many employees of start-ups find the 24/7 working world enjoyable even though they have to eat junk food late at night
それぞれの文の内容が一致してるかしてないのか答えてください 問い1 Dubbed the “24/7” working world, this new way of work has resulted in long hours and blurred boundaries between work and home. と In the “24/7” working world, working hours are long and clear boundaries between work and home are lost.
問い2 When you work for company, you like to come in and actually interact with your colleagues occasionally. The workspace of the future is flexble. but it's a step back from the birtual office. While employees seem to reject the virtual office potential of the 24/7 working world, the majority of people working in offices are interested in using technology to conect them to the office from home. と people working for the companies welcome the idea that they don't have to be in the office or to see their colleagues.
問い3 So it was only a question of when the 40-hour workweek would be bloken. This happened most infamously with the dot-com companies, whose flexible working hours initially enabled emplyees to stay at work for longer periods. と The dot-com companies were highly thought of when they broke the 40-hour work week for the first time.
問い4 “One of the things I do now that Iwas never able to do before is drive my kids to school in the morning,” hunt says.Taking the kid to school means he doesn7t get into the office until after 10 a.m., but that's perfectly fine with his boss. と The flextime and technology at his company enables Hunt to drive his children to school and then to into his office.
問い5 In the end, employees don't seem to mind the 24/7 working world that's been woven into their lives through modern technology. To the contrary, the benefits of working from home, making the park a virtual office for an afternoon, or taking advantage of flextime to see an afternoon movie with friend are welcome in most workplaces around the world. What isn't welcome is exercising these options in away that overwhelms an individual's right to a personal life. と It is only America that employees appreciate the benefits of the 24/7 working world and welcome it wholeheartedly.
A: Did I get any messages while I was ( )? B: Well, there was a phone call from the district manager. a. after b. before c. from d. out
A: I just can't make up any mind. Which tie do you recommend? B: I think the yellow-and-blue-striped tie looks great ( ) you. a. about b. for c. of d. on
A: How would you ( ) your steak. B: Medium, please. a. bring b. eat c. like d. treat
A: Good afternoon. KG Service. This is the operator speaking. How may I help you? B: Could you ( ) me through to Mr. Newman? a. bring b. call c. put d, talk
A: What's wrong with the movie? B: ( ) much, but it's a little boring. a. Anything b. Everything c. Nothing d. Something
神様、もしいらしたら、答えを教えてください! ついでに、This is the operator speaking.の構造についても教えてください!
➤This is the operator speaking. について This is the operator. × The operator is speaking. の【共有構文】とする説がある一方で, 【分裂文】の一種で,it の代わりに deictic な用法の demonstrative の this を, relative clause の代わりに non-finite clause を,それぞれ用いたものだという説もあります。
次の用例では that と prepositional phrase が用いられています。 That might be George at the door. 玄関にいるのはもしかするとジョージかもしれない。 (プログレッシブ英和中辞典より)
This is the aim of education ; not just to give information about this or that, but to relate bits of knowlage to each other in a unified vision or understanding of life
これの訳に、総合的な人生の見方や理解ができるように、ってあるのですが、in a unified vision or understanding of lifeがどうしてそんな訳になるんですか?
I brought out a piece of my cinnamon bread to feed a lone seagull I saw. But within seconds, there were a good 20, squawking loudly, hanging suspended in the air like live mobiles.
mobile $2 noun [ countable ] a decoration made of small objects tied to wires or string and hung up so that the objects move when air blows around them
>>866 I brought out a piece of my cinnamon bread [ to feed a lone seagull [ I saw ] ]. But within seconds, there were a good 20, [ squawking ] loudly, [ hanging ] [ suspended in the air like live mobiles ].
、感嘆文というのは What a(an) 形容詞 名詞+S+VかHow 形容詞 S+Vだから ふつうは what a painful sight it was なんだけどhow を使っているのでpainful が前に 引っ張られてきている表現なんでしょ。 感嘆文になる前の文に戻すと It was a painful sightが本文 A sight was painful が質問者の主張。 後者は「(ある不特定の)光景が痛ましかった」で不自然
>>837 [ Dubbed the “24/7” [ working ] world ], this new way of work has resulted in long hours and [ blurred ] boundaries between work and home. と In the “24/7” [ working ] world, [ working ] hours are long and clear boundaries between work and home are lost.
[ When you work for company ], you like [ to come in and actually interact with your colleagues occasionally ]. The workspace of the future is flexble, but it's a step back from the birtual office. [ While employees seem [ to reject the virtual office [ potential of the 24/7 [ working ] world ], the majority of people [ working in offices ] are interested in [ using technology [ to connect them to the office from home ] ]. と People [ working for the companies ] welcome the idea [ that they don't have to be in the office or to see their colleagues ].
So it was only a question of [ when the 40-hour workweek would be bloken ]. This happened most infamously with the dot-com companies, [ whose flexible [ working ] hours initially enabled emplyees [ to stay at work for longer periods ] ]. と The dot-com companies were highly thought of [ when they broke the 40-hour work week for the first time ].
[ When you work for company ], you like [ to come in and actually interact with your colleagues occasionally ]. The workspace of the future is flexble, but it's a step back from the birtual office. [ While employees seem [ to reject the virtual office [ potential of the 24/7 [ working ] world ], the majority of people [ working in offices ] are interested in [ using technology [ to connect them to the office from home ] ]. と People [ working for the companies ] welcome the idea [ that they don't have to be in the office or to see their colleagues ].
So it was only a question of [ when the 40-hour workweek would be bloken ]. This happened most infamously with the dot-com companies, [ whose flexible [ working ] hours initially enabled emplyees [ to stay at work for longer periods ] ]. と The dot-com companies were highly thought of [ when they broke the 40-hour work week for the first time ].
So it was only a question of [ when the 40-hour workweek would be bloken ]. This happened most infamously with the dot-com companies, [ whose flexible [ working ] hours initially enabled emplyees [ to stay at work for longer periods ] ]. と The dot-com companies were highly thought of [ when they broke the 40-hour work week for the first time ].
Many people work a typical Monday to Friday, nine to five schedule, which allows them plenty of time to enjoy their hobbies and interests after work during the week, although more often than not, Sunday is the day of choice for such pursuits.
By 本人 : 英語の10公式―英語文法の革命 (近代文芸社新書) (単行本) この本は病弱養護学校勤務で、人間の根源、言語の根源を考察して、始まった物です。 障害を持った人達から、人間とは何か、どう生きるのが一番良いか、言語とは何か、教えて貰ったことから始まったのです。 その2校後目の通信教育勤務で、ほんのわずかの年間授業時間で大切な物をしっかりと伝えようとして、 言語の根源から文構造を構成し、英文の全部分を公式化しました。 (1)存在を伝える、(2)動きを伝える、(3)状態を伝える、の3つの主語述語を言う構造、 (4)一般の助動詞、(5)進行形助動詞、(6)受け身助動詞、(7)完了助動詞の、4つの助動詞を使うときの構造、 (8)従属節、(9)不定詞句、(10)分詞・動名詞句の、3つの従属的主語述語を言う言い方の構造、 以上の10個です。 従来の文法を習ってきた人々の多くは自由に英語を使えるようにならないままで終わっています。 10公式は、(1)(2)(3)の3つの主語述語と(4)の一般の主語述語に当てはめるだけでも、初心者がすぐに正しい英文を作れるようになります。 また、(8)(9)(10)の従属的主語述語を[ ]で括ることによって、どんな長い文の構造でも一目瞭然に表示することが出来ます。 (2)Human language has a rule. (2)Language tells existence, movement and state, and (2)these form the sentence. (4)(6)The sentence can be added with auxiliaries. (4)(6)The sentences can be put together by (10)[ bringing sentence B into sentence A ].
従来の文法を習ってきた人々の多くは自由に英語を使えるようにならないままで終わっています。 10公式は、(1)(2)(3)の3つの主語述語と(4)の一般の主語述語に当てはめるだけでも、初心者がすぐに正しい英文を作れるようになります。 また、(8)(9)(10)の従属的主語述語を[ ]で括ることによって、どんな長い文の構造でも一目瞭然に表示することが出来ます。 (2)Human language has a rule. (2)Language tells existence, movement and state, and (2)these form the sentence. (4)(6)The sentence can be added with auxiliaries. (4)(6)The sentences can be put together by (10)[ bringing sentence B into sentence A ].
The two meanings (熱い、辛い)of the English "hot" are originally the same , the spicy sense being derided from the "high temperature" sense through the burning sensation in the month.
>>886 The two [ meanings (熱い、辛い) ] of the English "hot" are originally the same , [ the spicy sense [ being derided from the "high temperature" sense through the [ burning ] sensation in the month ].
Many painters have wished that their pictures should not be found wanting when compared with the pictures of similar subjects that each spectator paints with the brushes and palette of his own brain.
>>913 Many painters have wished [ that their pictures should not be found [ wanting [ when (they are) compared with the pictures of similar subjects [ that each spectator paints with the brushes and palette of his own brain ] ] ] ].
>>936 I’m on eight hundred units of insulin a day. 一日に800本インスリンを打つ です Actually I got sick. I’m a very bad diabetic. I’m on eight hundred units of insulin a day. I developed diabetes really bad and I couldn’t work.
>>924 an actor 役者、いわゆる役者、役者と言う者My dream is to be an actor. いわゆる役者になるのが夢。 the actor 特定の(有名)役者、文の中で前出してるがいしゅつの役者。 car of the year 2011 特定のthe年year。 名詞をおぼえるときは冠詞付きでおぼえましょう。 リンゴは an apple 犬は a dog 猫は a cat ・・・・。 日本語にない冠詞は日本人にとっては永久のテーマ。
選択問題です。おねがいします。 Now can you see the advanteges of this plan? If it meets your satisfaction, could you please make two copies, sign ( 1 ) and send them to us? We will sign them ( 2 ) send one of them back. ( 3 ) all the time you need to think about this carefully. We look forward to your reply.
Wohlfarth recalls one magazine article about a virtual office experiment done by a Los Angeles advertising company. “Everyone had laptop computers and cellphones,”she says. Emplyees could @(set up) wherever and wkenever they wanted. The advertising company was confident all the people in the experiment would favor this new kind of work environment, however, the experiment drew(イ)reactions. “Over half of the people in the experiment said they preferred having an office and a permanent desk to go to every day.Wohlfarth recalls one magazine article about a virtual office experiment done by a Los Angeles advertising company. They also said A( they missed seeing their colleagues,)”Wohlfarth says.
A, C ( )の内容を表すものとして最も適当なものを1つずつ選んでください A( they missed seeing their colleagues,) 1. they noticed that they could'nt see their colleagues 2. they didn't understand the meaning of seeing their colleagues 3. they regretted that they couldn't see their colleagues 4. they were glad that they didn't need to see their colleagues
Electronics are among the most popular gifts being bought this holiday season. この文章が文法的に分からないのですが、 Electronics are being bought this holiday season.が骨格となる文章で (among the most popular gifts)は副詞句の挿入という解釈であってますか?
Electronics are being bought. 骨格。 among the most popular gifts 副詞句 this holiday season 副詞句 Electronics are among the most popular gifts being bought this holiday season. クリスマスプレゼントとして電気機器、プレステなどが、一番売れた。 となるんだろうな。
>>982 それだと、骨格が「電気機器がこの時期買われている」となってしまう。 言いたいこと=骨格は Electronics are among the most popular gifts. 「電気機器はもっとも人気の贈り物の中に入っている」であって その gifts を ( which are ) being bought this holiday season が修飾しているのだと思う。 訳:「電気機器は、このクリスマス時期に買われているもっとも人気の贈り物のひとつだ」