be動詞が「存在する」の意味で用いられるとき、 言い換えればexistと同じような意味で用いられるとき、 その全体疑問文〔yes-no疑問文〕は単なる単なる倒置ですか? それとも一般動詞の場合と同じですか。 eg. God is.「神は存在する」を疑問文にするとき Is God? Does God be? のどっちが正しい?中学校の質問です。
The merchant opened the door , and who should be seen waiting but the captain and factor, with a cabinet of jewels, and a bill of lading, for which the merchant lifted up his eyes and thanked heaven for sending him such a prosperous voyage.
>>16 The merchant opened the door , and who should be seen waiting but the captain and factor, with a cabinet of jewels, and a bill of lading, for which the merchant lifted up his eyes and thanked heaven for sending him such a prosperous voyage. 「商人はドアを開けた、するとそこに待っていたのは誰あろう、 宝石棚と船荷証券と手にした船長と仲買人だった。 それを見て商人は愁眉を揚げ、かくも時宜に適った商旅 を下賜してくださった天に感謝した。」
あるイギリス系辞書定義 lift up one's eyes 見上げる, 仰ぎ見る. prosperous successful and having a lot of money Very lively and profitable; voyage a long trip in a ship or a space vehicle
37 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/19(金) 14:22:06
>>4 God is. 神は存在する Is God in the world? Is there God? Does God exist?
38 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/19(金) 14:25:16
>>30 I wanted to go home [ to watch TV ], but my boss made [ me work overtime ].
Let [ me stay up late tonight ], because I have to prepare for the exam tomorrow.
Do you think [ we should have [ our client pick up the bill ]?
39 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/19(金) 14:30:43
>>16 The merchant opened the door, and [ who should be seen [ waiting ] ] but the captain and factor (was), with a cabinet of jewels, and a bill of lading, [ for which the merchant lifted up his eyes and thanked heaven for [ sending him such a prosperous voyage ] ].
40 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/19(金) 14:38:38
>>19 Who should be seen [ waiting ] but the captain and factor (were seen [ waiting ])
◇Mr.Fitzwarren ordered a chair to be set for him, and so he began to think they were making game of him, at the same time begging them not to play tricks with a poor simple boy, but to let him go down again, if they pleased, to his work.
◇we are all quite in earnest with you, and I most heartily rejoice in the news these gentlemen have brought you; for the captain has sold your cat to the King of Barbary, and brought you in return for her more riches than I possess in the whole world; and I wish you may long enjoy them!
訳せなくて困っています>< またよろしくお願いします。
42 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/19(金) 14:44:04
誰がそこに待機していることだろうか、 何と待機していたのは船長と問屋だった。
43 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/19(金) 14:48:25
誰がそこに待機していることだろうか、 何と待機していたのは船長兼問屋だった。
44 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/19(金) 15:04:30
>>41 Mr.Fitzwarren ordered [ a chair to be set for him ], and so he began to think [ they were making game of him ], at the same time, [ begging them [ not to play tricks with a poor simple boy ], but [ to let [ him go down again, [ if they pleased ], to his work ].
We are all quite in earnest with you, and I most heartily rejoice in the news [ these gentlemen have brought you ]; for the captain has sold your cat to the King of Barbary, and brought you, in return for her, more riches [ than I possess in the whole world ]; and I wish [ you may long enjoy them ]!
46 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/19(金) 15:53:50
Today I have the Bible [ studying ] [ meeting ] at a chruch near Tokyo University. So I'll eat dinner at Tokyo University. It's cold today, so I must wear many layers of clothes. I'll make [ myself very warm and happy ].
55 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/19(金) 22:39:33
I am heartfully loved by Jesus. Jesus is genuinely loved by true God. Jesus is the holiest of all the holy spirits.
56 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/19(金) 22:57:52
A man kills another man. A man loves only himself. He become more and more like that. He killed himself [ because all the people in the world were going to accuse him of [ killing countless many many people ] ]. That's Hitler, the son of Devil.
A man nurtures another man. A man loves others more than himself. He become all the more like that. He has given his life for other people. He didn't like [ people to suffer because of human inherited sin ]. That's Jesus.
キチガイ行為だね。 しかも本人レビュー(本人がレビューするのは論外だが)中の英文、間違いだらけw 素晴らしい。 こんだけ間違いだらけの英文を作る著者なら買うべきでないと予め判断できる材料となる。 (2)Human language has a rule.一つの規則www (2)Language tells existence, movement and state全部単数www, and (2)these form the sentence.存在、動き、状態合わせて単数のセンテンスwww (4)(6)The sentence can be added with auxiliaries.なぜにwithwwwwwwwwww (4)(6)The sentence can be put together by (10)[ bringing sentence A into sentence B ].単数主語でtogetherwwwwwwww
The Constitution clearly ( ) that the federal government can exercise its power over the fifty ( ) on matters that concern all the ( ). ()に入る共通の単語を教えてください
>>105 asに譲歩thoughと同じ意味の使い方があってその場合倒置みたいなのがおこる。うまく説明できないけど辞書にのってるはず Good as he is, ~ 彼はいい人なのだが、とか、tired as she was ,彼女は疲れていたのだがみたいな だから上の文を書き直すとThough she liked him much , になる。
700選 No.547 "there is no other country where books are read by so many people and can be bought so cheaply as in japan" 日本ほど本を読む人の多い国はないし、また日本ほど本が安い国も無い。
よく分らないけど意味からすると Books are (not) read by so many people ( In other countries as they are done by in Japan.) and (books) can(not) be bought so cheaply ( in other countries) as ( they can be done) in Japan と、こういう風になるのかな?
162 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/21(日) 21:44:31
>>95 The Constitution clearly states [ that the federal government can exercise its power over the fifty states on matters [ that concern all the states ].
163 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/21(日) 21:50:33
>>95 The Constitution clearly states [ that the federal government can exercise its power over the fifty staes on matters [ that concern all the states ] ].
>>163 本人レビュー(本人がレビューするのは論外だが)中の英文、間違いだらけw こんだけ間違いだらけの英文を作る著者なら買うべきでないと予め判断できる材料となる。 (2)Human language has a rule.一つの規則www (2)Language tells existence, movement and state全部単数www, and (2)these form the sentence.存在、動き、状態合わせて単数のセンテンスwww (4)(6)The sentence can be added with auxiliaries.なぜにwithwwwwwwwwww (4)(6)The sentence can be put together by (10)[ bringing sentence A into sentence B ].単数主語でtogetherwwwwwwww
165 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/21(日) 23:03:18
本当なのです〜 本当なのです〜 そう本当です〜
166 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/21(日) 23:12:46
Oh, how can we be clear from [ hiding at the cloud [ confugering me from [ the darkest sides of all human totallitarian sense of [ smeling ] ] ]?
167 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/21(日) 23:41:48
[ Disgusted from [ calling myself a false teller ], I'd be called [ tp be a fortune teller ].
Candid Camera is a hidden camera television series created and produced by Allen Funt, which initially began on radio as Candid Microphone June 28, 1947. After a series of theatrical film shorts, also titled Candid Microphone, Funt's concept came to television on August 10, 1948.
Book 2 also has three units, but is aimed at intermediate level students. In Unit 1, students learn how to catch up with an old friend. This includes the perfect tense grammar that is rarely explained in English conversation textbooks. Unit 2 teaches students how to invite a friend out, including the landmark-based system of giving directions to a meeting place. Unit 3 is all about opinions. Students learn how to give suggestions, opinions about experiences and how to argue points.
It depends on what grade you are in. If you're in the third grade of junior high school, you don't have much time to study. In that case, it might be better for you to choose the former.
選択肢の中から選ぶ問題です。よろしくお願いします。 1 If Mary attended the conference, she ( ) to Tom's presentation. (a)probably went (b)probably gone (c)probably will (d)probably can
2 The president insisted Mary ( ) a place for the meeting next year. (a)choose (b)chose (c)be chosen (d)would be chosen
3 This TV ( ) sell very well if we offered a free videocassette recorder with it. (a)would have (b)could have (c)should have (d)would
The first Wednesday in every month was a Perfectly Awful Day — a day to be awaited with dread, endured with courage and forgotten with haste. Every floor must be spotless, every chair(must be) dustless, and every bed(must be) without a wrinkle. Ninety-seven squirming little orphans must be scrubbed and combed and buttoned into freshly starched ginghams; and all ninety-seven(must be) reminded of their manners, and told to say, 'Yes, sir,' 'No, sir,' whenever a Trustee spoke.
Huge is a very useful adjective, used to describe almost everything and anything. It can have completly opposite connotations, it can mean, you're awesome! or you're gross! eeeh? eeehhhhhh?? In conclusion, HUGE is the word of the century!
You are HUUUUGE! This world is HUGELY retarded! Ashling is HUGE!
問35.次のうち、"Tokyo is the largest city in Japan." の言い換えとして明らかに不適切な文を選べ。
a) Tokyo is larger than any other city in Japan. b) Tokyo is as large as any other city in Japan. c) No other city in Japan is as large as Tokyo. d) No city in Japan is larger than Tokyo. any...の構文は、最上級の代替表現として挙げられることがあるが、 実際に意味するところは異なる。 「東京は日本のどの都市と比べても負けないくらい大きい」という 原義からもわかるように、「東京が単独で最大」を意味しない。 せいぜい "one of the largest cities" の意であるが、 厳密な比較表現というよりは比較の形式を借りた比喩表現という 意味合いが強く、ようするに "Tokyo is a very large city." ということを 形を変えて言っているだけである。 "one of the 最上級" も、単に"very 〜" 程度の意味で用いられていることが多いことを考えると、よく理解できるであろう。 なお、選択肢a)、c)、d) については、ニュアンスの違いはあるものの、 「東京が単独で最大」を意味する点では言い換えが可能である。
選択肢の中から選ぶ問題です。よろしくお願いします。 1 ( ) a conference room that holds more than 50 people been chosen, everyone would have been satisfied. (a)Has (b)Had (c)Should (d)If
2 If we had cut our profit margin, we could ( ) the price. (a)reduced (b)have reduced (c)be reduced (d)has reduced
3 ( ) your advice, I could have gone bankrupt. (a)If it had not been (b)If it were not (c)Without (d)To have
>>227 手元のロングマンの誤用辞典 ( Longman Dictionary of Common Errors ) には、 × She is one year younger than I. ○ She is one year younger than I am. ○ She is one year younger than me. (他の人称でも同様…) と書いてあります。
仮定法過去完了で If a conference room that holds more than 50 people had been chosen, everyone would have been satisfied. のif が省略されて倒置になりhad が文頭に出たもの (五十人以上収容できる会議室が用意されていたならみんなが満足しただろうに)
When Whittington’s face was washed, his hair curled, his hat cocked, and he was dressed in a nice suit of clothes, he was as handsome and genteel as any young man who visited at Mr.Fitzwarren’s; so that Miss Alice, who had once been so kind to him, and thought of him with pity, now looked upon him as fit to be her sweetheart; and the more so, no doubt, because Whittington was now always thinking what he could do to oblige her, and making her the prettiest presents that could be.
>>250 > When Whittington’s face was washed, his hair curled, > his hat cocked, and he was dressed in a nice suit of clothes, ウィッティントンが顔を洗い、帽子に花飾りをつけ、洒落たスーツを身にまとえば > he was as handsome and genteel as any young man who visited at Mr.Fitzwarren’s; フィッツヴァーレン氏宅に訪れていたどの若者にも劣らぬほどに男前で上流階級らしかった > so that Miss Alice, who had once been so kind to him, and thought of him with pity, それで以前に彼に親切にしたことがあり彼を同情の目で見ていたアリスは > now looked upon him as fit to be her sweetheart; and the more so, no doubt, 今や彼を自分の恋人にふさわしいとまで思った > because Whittington was now always thinking what he could do to oblige her, > and making her the prettiest presents that could be. ウィッティントンは彼女に親切にするには何ができるかを常に考え、 考えられる最も美しいプレゼントをしていたのだから尚更である
どなたかよろしくお願いします。 1 In those days people had a prejudice against women who did sports. Women who showed too much of their body and competed in races were not thought to be decent. 2 In 1928, women were allowed to participate in track and field events at the Olympics for the first time in history. 3 she took part in the 100-meter race but she was beaten in the semifinals. She thought she couldn’t return to Japan without an award. 4 She decided to try the 800-meter race.
1 What prejudice did people in those days have against women athletes? 2 When were women allowed to participate in track and field events at the Olympics for the first time? 3 What did she think when she was beaten in the 100-meter race? 4 What did she decide to try after the 100-meter race?
各文の括弧の中にしたから適語を選び、正しい文章にしなさい。 1.English is a language ( ) all over the world. 2.He has a lot of books ( ) in English. 3.She has a cat ( ) Tama. 4.He had his bag ( ) in the train. (call, speak, steal, write)
(1) Whoever travels will find there's no place like home, wherever he may go. → 彼がどこに行こうとしても、旅行する人なら誰でも自分の家程良い場所はないと気づくだろう。
(2) Eat whichever one you like and leave the others for whoever comes in later. → 遅刻する人なら誰でも貴方の好きな物を食べて他の物を残す。
(3) Every time there is an election, my husband votes for whoever his company is backing, without so much as having an opinion. → 毎回これらの選挙で、私の夫が投票する人なら誰でも、彼の会社は意見さえ持ち出さずに支持する。
(4) The circus where we saw during our stay in Boston was marvelously organized. → The circus wherever we saw during our stay in Boston was marvelously organized.
>>269 @ 関係代名詞・関係形容詞・関係副詞をまとめて「関係詞」と呼ぶ。 A 関係詞に ever を付けた語を「複合関係詞」と呼ぶ。 B 複合関係詞は先行詞を含み名詞節を作る。 1) whoever=anyone who ・whoseever=anyone whose, whomever=anyone whom 2) whichever=anyone that, either one that 3) whatever=anything that, everything that, all that ・2),3)が複合関係形容詞の場合は[that→whose]と考える。 4) wherever=at any place that;to any place that 5) whenever=at any time that
Every time there is an election, my husband votes for ( ) his company is backing, without so much as an opinion. 1.there is an election; my husband vote と文が2つあるから every time は接続詞の働きをする。every time は後で学習する whenever と同じ内容を 表し「〜するたびに、〜する時はいつでも」の意味である。 2. votes for ( ) ... だから( )内には前置詞の目的語となる名詞・名詞句・名詞 節のどれかが入る。「投票する(彼の会社が後援している人には誰でも)」の意味と 受け取れるから anyone whom=whomever を代入する。 3. not so much as A=not even A Aさえも〜でない(しない) 【重要熟語】 He cannot so much as write his own name. 彼は自分自身の名前すらかけない。 4.【答】whomever 選挙があるたびごとに、私の夫は考えもしないで、会社が後援する人 には誰にでも投票する。 [Every time there is an election], ↓ my husband votes (for whomever his company is backing), S V└←┘ ↑ (without so much as an opinion).
>>269 [ Whoever travels ] will find [ there's no place like home, [ wherever he may go ] ]. 彼がどこに行こうとしても、旅行する人なら誰でも自分の家程良い場所はないと気づくだろう。
Eat [ whichever you like and leave the others for [ whoever comes later ] ]. 誰でも貴方の好きな物を食べて他の物を後から来た人に残す。
Every time [ there is an election ], my husband votes for [ whoever his company is backing, without so much as having an opinion ]. 毎回これらの選挙で、私の夫が投票する人なら誰でも、彼の会社は意見さえ持ち出さずに支持する。
The circus [ which we saw during our stay in Boston ] was marvelously organized.
>>269 [ Whoever travels ] will find [ there's no place like home, [ wherever he may go ] ]. 彼がどこに行こうとしても、旅行する人なら誰でも自分の家程良い場所はないと気づくだろう。
Eat [ whichever you like and leave the others for [ whoever comes later ] ]. 誰でも貴方の好きな物を食べて他の物を後から来た人に残す。
Every time [ there is an election ], my husband votes for [ whoever his company is backing, without so much as having an opinion ]. 毎回これらの選挙で、私の夫が投票する人なら誰でも、彼の会社は意見さえ持ち出さずに支持する。
The circus [ which we saw during our stay in Boston ] was marvelously organized.
>>258 1.English is a language [ spoken all over the world ]. 2.He has a lot of books [ written in English ]. 3.She has a cat [ called Tama ]. 4.He had [ his bag stolen in the train ].
1.I saw [ an airplane flying in the sky ]. 2.Did you hear [ a baby crying somewhere ]? 3.He kept [ me waiting for a long time ].
私は彼がどこに住んでいるのか知りません。 I don't know [ where he lives ]. 2.彼は私にいつその本を返してくれるのか聞いた。 He asked me [ when I would return the book to him ]. 3.あなたは彼が何を壊したと思いますか。 [ What ] do you think [ he has broken ]?
>>265 Don't get [ anyone to enter this room ], or else I'll punish you. Dad, can you let [ me use your car ]? If you can't, I'll get [ Jane to lend me hers ].
選択肢の中から選ぶ問題です。よろしくお願いします。 1 I tried to get my son ( ), but he said it would not be so worthwhile for him. (a)study abroad (b)studied abroad (c)studies abroad (d)to study abroad
2 If he won't apologize, I'll ( ). (a)made him (b)make him (c)make him to (d)make him to do
>>320 Feles sum sed mihi nomem non iam est. feles:cat sum:I am sed:but mihi:to me nomen:name est:is, exists >>292の回答です。 Tempus sola pulchra transeunt. の内 tempusは「時を」 solusは「〜のみ」 pulcherは「beautiful things」 transeunt(不定法transire)は「超える」 で 「美しいものだけが時を超える」 という意味でした。通勤途中電車の中で見た中吊り広告を羅訳して出題しました。 おやすみなさい。
Gallia est ominis divisa in partes tres quarum unam incokunt Belgae, aliam Aquitani... ガリア戦機なんか10年以上前に読んだよ。 Tcitusは少しだけどね。Tacitusは「黙した男」って意味なんだよ。 今度はもっといろいろ手を出そうと思ってるけどね。
1.They spent Saturdays and Sundays there. <often> spent often? there often? 2.I have a lesson on Friday afternoon. <late> have late? 3.I've wanted to talk to an English girl. <always> have always? 4.He had a lot of money with him. <always> 5.The letter told me that my mother was ill. <seriously> <>の語句を正しい位置に入れてください。 分からないのでお願いします。
I don't mind being in the shop though it is crowded with the young because it is Sundey. とかでいかがでしょうか。 あるいは日本語風に Because it is Sunday , the shop is crowded with the young. But I don't mind being in the shop. みたいなのはどうでしょうか。
>>353 As it is sunday today, the shop is full of youth as on every other sunday, but I don't miind that, for on sundays you are likely to find something special.
>>347 If many major companies in Japan continue to move their factories to the developing countries of lower-paying at the present pace, what will become of Japanese industry ?
>>348 1972年にポールと知り合いになり、それからずっと彼は私の親友です I got aquainted with paul in 1972, and we've been dearest friends since then. 干ばつで苦しんでいる地域が、今世界中にたくさんあります Areas [ suffering from droughts ] are many in the world. 暴漢に襲われる心配なく、公園に行って散歩ができた時代があった Such were days [ when we could go to the park and take a walk without [ being assaulted ] ].
>>450 Yah: A saying that is associated with being annoyed at someone in particular. Often placed together with the word, bitch while yelling it in someone's face. They will then know to back the hell up and leave you be.
there are several held misconceptions about languages which stem from a failure to recognize this view. the most important of these is the idea that there are such things as "primitive" languages.
二行目の> most importantが修飾する名詞が見当たらないんですが一行目の>misconceptionsが省略されてると考えて居いいんでしょうか あと二行目のthat は関係代名詞でいいんでしようか?その場合、先行詞は何処に入ると考えればいいんでしょうか
>>459 There are, however, several widely held misconceptions about languages which stem from a failure to recognize this view. The most important of these is the idea that there are such things as 'primitive' languages?languages with a ...
the most important of these is the idea that there are such things as "primitive" languages. ↓ the idea that there are such things as "primitive" languages is the most important of these.
>>484 >>489 >boy (do) more とdoを補えば容易に読めるのですが、 ↓ boy (did) more ↓ The boy justified .... more than justified the favorable opinion they had formed of him. justifiedの後ろは、himeselfでもええし、後ろの文が省略されてると 考えてもええし。
But such children are not always the happy and fulfilled young people one might expect. しかし、こういう子供は人の思うほど幸せで充たされているとは限らない。
と言う文なんですが。young people one might expect.の部分は関係詞で考えて良いのでしょうか? またそうであれば、先行詞はsuch children are not always the happy and fulfilledで良いんでしょうか? 後、young people oneと言うのは何なのでしょう?oneだけで良いと思うのですが。
such children are not always the happy and fulfilled young people one might expect. ↓ It's not always (true) that such children are the happy and fulfilled young people one might expect. ↓ one might expect that such children are the happy and fulfilled young people.
>one might expectの先行詞は such children are not always the happy and fulfilled young people の文になるんですかね?
あと、参考までに some O.E. sum "some," from P.Gmc. *sumas (cf. O.S., O.Fris., O.H.G. sum, O.N. sumr, Goth. sums), from PIE base *sem- "one, as one" (cf. Skt. samah "even, level, similar, identical;" Gk. hamo-; see same).
O.E. hwar, hwar, from P.Gmc. *khwar (cf. O.S. hwar, O.N. hvar, O.Fris. hwer, M.Du. waer, O.H.G. hwar, Ger. wo, Goth. hvar "where"), from PIE interrogative base *qwo- (see who).
700選. 572 Everyone has right to enjoy his liberty, much[still]more his life. 誰にも皆、生存の権利はもちろん、自由を享有する権利がある。
後半の文は、(Everyone has)much more (right to enjoy)his life.の様に補えると思うのですが、much more は副詞句としてonlyやevenの様に名詞句を修飾してると考えて良いのでしょうか? また名詞句修飾ならばright to enjoy his lifeまででしょうか?それともhis lifeだけでしょうか? はたまた普通に動詞(have)を修飾して居るのでしょうか?
S / has / O〈a right {←to enjoy O}〉, / M2((much [still] more 〈(a right to enjoy) O〉 )). (文型:S V O) 上は勝手口サイトの文法解析ですがこれを見ても解決しません。
解釈です。 速単上級 【2】 instant coffee people drink at home in Beijing and hong kong. この文章は目的語instantが先頭へ倒置されていると考えていいんでしょうか?
They spend five minutes stirring instant granules into hot water. この文章はstirring以降は分詞構文という解釈でいいんでしょうか?
【3】 a well - known japanese chain has opend a fancier version of its no - frills cafe , boasting " real Italian Espresso " この文章も boasting以降は分詞構文という解釈でいいんでしょうか?
i can`t sell them to you even if my boss tells( ). @me Ame that Bme to Cme to sell it 不定詞の問題なんですが、( )の中に@〜Cのどれが入るか教えてください。 自分はBじゃないかと思うんですが・・・ できれば、どうしてその答えになるか、訳も教えてくださるとありがたいです。 おねがいします
To write fluent English nothing is more useful than my"Ten Formula"in the world because it improves students abilities to use English very much ,so you should learn my method as soon as possible.
>>540 くだらない文章だな。暇だからやってやるよ。 > To write good English, nothing is more useful than "Ten Formulas" in the world because it improves students' abilities to use English the best , so you should learn my method as soon as possible.
>>543 ありがとうございました!! >>544 To write good English, anything is more useful than "Ten Formulas" in the world because it destroys students' abilities to use English the best , so you should forget my method as soon as possible.
>>591 If that part of your sentence beginning with "using" is really used as a kind of adjective modifying "operation," I think it should be set as closely to a modified word as possible. You could think of that sentence in either means as you wrote, if you dared to do that. At all, how to take meanings of sentences no more depends on your feeling for languages. If you are trying to sharpen your sense for that in your daily life and want to express as you wrote , you are always write to express things as you write. The most important things you have in you mind is just a confidence supporting your choosing to express what you want to say with your language.
>>599 添削> >>594 >What do you think are wrong with my sentences, as > an operation on their stomachs was performed with no anesthetic? > > I think your explanation is appropriate in this meaning. > >
Usually, if you can't understand what is written, I think you should criticize those written, but should try to imagine the meaning of what is written. I think you are an arrogant person, who can't do nothing but trying to be taught by having others reply to your criticism.
>>618 Is what I wrote different from what you learned in books written in Japanese? You probably think that all written there are ones with best sense in English, don't you?
すいません、確認のためにお聞きしたいのですが、 There is a book←一冊の本がある。単数形だからis There are two books.←2冊の本がある。複数形だからare There is water,←水がある。数えられない(複数形に出来ない)から単数形だからis 合ってますか?
(1) She wasn't as seriously injured as we thought. (2) She wasn't injured as seriously as we thought.
Do (1) and (2) have the same meaning? What about (3) and (4)?
(3) Thankfully, he was wearing a helmet, so he wasn't injured as seriously as he might have been. (4)Thankfully, he was wearing a helmet, so he wasn't as seriously injured as he might have been.
I suppose the meaning is close enough, 1 and 4 describe the physical state, while 2 and 3 describe the degree of the action (being injured).
>>634 you must be Nishiyama.mustn`t you?>>623 please not only reply the answar but give him an explanation Mr kyouhei. can`t you do that such a thing? Mr Nishiyama.
>>636>>622>>623>>624 I can't understand whose remark are you talking about. Do you believe what I wrote in English is really what was written by Kyon2?
>>626 Your English is too poor for you to make yourself understood.
For me, all four of them seem to have the same meaning. But, why you don't use the past perfect after "as", like She wasn't injured as seriously as we had been afraid (or had expected).
At the opposite end of the ability scale isa group of children which one would logically expect to offer the greatest challenge and yield the greatest rewards both for the children and for society as a whole. 能力の尺度のもう一方端に、最大の挑戦をし、子ども自身にとっても社会全体にとっても最大の成果をあげるだろうと当然に期待できる子どものグループがある。
とあるのですが、このffer the greatest challengeはどのように訳せば最大の挑戦をするとなるのでしょうか? どなたか解説をお願いします。
What things do you see and experience in this world that offer the greatest challenge to your Christian faith? ↓それに対して What sort of things do you see, hear, read about, or experience for yourself every day that are troublesome to your Christian Faith? ↓つまりは、 offer the greatest challenge to your Christian faith == are troublesome to your Christian Faith
The suffering we are absolutely unable to do anything about.
Sometimes i don’t understand Gods plan to the point of frustration.
>>660 offer the greatest challenge to your Christian faith to your Christian faith ==イコール are troublesome to your Christian Faith to your Christian faith
Your explanations are wordy. Why do all of you have to write a lot of things not directly related to the original question.
>>650 You must guess easily the meaning of "offer the greatest challenge and yield the greatest rewards." Offer has the similar meaning to "present" After offer was done, you can yield something. It's easy to guess.
spiders weave complex webs, bees transmit complex information about sorces and quality of nectar, ants complex coloies, beavers build complex dam, chimpanzee have complex problem-solving strategy, just as humans use complex language.
この文はandがないのに,だけで並列化してるようなのですが、,にそんな用法あるんですか? あとjust as humans use complex language.は副詞節「ちょうど人間が複雑な言語を使うように」として前文の各々にかかっていると考えていいんでしょうか?
>>677 ということは 別の文章ですが There is, however, one extremely important difference between human and non-human intelligence, a difference which distinguishes us from all other species.
という文も There is, however, one extremely important difference between human and non-human intelligence, と ,a difference which distinguishes us from all other species. の関係も,によってandのように繋がってるって解釈でいいんですか?
直接話法から間接話法の問題なんだが。 He said to me,"What do you want now?"↓ He asked me what I wanted then. でいいのだろうか。 what I was want なのか。
後もうひとつ。 He said to me ,"I will have curry and rice here this evening."↓ He told me if he would had curry and rice there that evening. でいいのか would have~~なのかどっちなんだろう 教えてください
>>683 There is, however, one extremely important difference between human and non-human intelligence, a difference [ which distinguishes us from all other species ].
>>650 At the opposite end of the ability scale is a group of children [ [ which ] one would logically expect [ to offer the greatest challenge and yield the greatest rewards both for the children and for society as a whole ] ].
I think Kataoka had gone to another world. So, he can't come here. I feel sad for him, lying on a floor of his room, alone, without anyone noticing him. I haven't though this sort of the end come to this site, where he is one of VIP. I hope his soul kept calm in heaven, though he may be struggling in the hell, because when he was alive, he exploited the name of god.
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your Name, your kingdom come, your Will be done on earth as in hearven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive him his sins though he wouldn't forgive those who spite against him. Lead his soul not into the temptation, but deliver his soul from evil for the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen
>>697 I want to hear from you what part is defamation of character? By the way, can you specify the particular person with only the family name, though there are numerous people with the same family name.
>>675 I disagree to push down the fat man. It is obviously a murderous behavior that you do such a thing. In itself, do not expose persons on safe side to danger. The man sat on the sidelines then, and also was originally unrelated to the accident. So, I don't think that it is good to push down the fat man.
>>702 Why can things unrelated to families be dealt with in Family Court? >>697 You haven't answered questions you was required to do so. So, I will appreciate it if you give me your answer.
(1) a. It's not the beauty so much as the range of his voice that distinguishes him from other tenors. b. Do other countries make the same ( ) between amateur and professional? →rangeを活用させる?
(2) a. The origins of the custom are unknown, so we can only guess. b. ( ), we were going to Italy, but in the end we took a holiday in Greece. →originsを活用させる?
(3) a. Because of our short-sightedness, we consume resources without worrying much about the long-term supply of them. b. The meat was declared unfit for human ( ). →worryingかsupplyを活用させる?
(4) a. He has a theory that wearing hats makes men lose their hair. b. ( ), women have the sane opportunities as men, but the reality is very different. →theoryかwearingを活用させる?
out of sight and (perhaps even) (an hour's journey) distant by horseback. └→┘ ↑ The nearest neighbor lived out of sight and /The nearest neighbor lived/ ( ) ( ) distant by horseback.
Here I'm Kazuyoshi Kataoka. My name is known herevery well. My name is Kazuyoshi Kataoka. I'm an English teacher [ who teaches English to anyone in the world ]. Tomorrow I'll teach English to anyone [ who wishes to learn it ].
等位接続詞を用いて 書きかえたいのですが…お願いします。 If you don't hurry up, you'll be late. If you run fast, you'll catch up with him. Unless you put on a coat, you'll catch a cold. If you take the subway, you'll get there ten minutes earlier.
It's not safe to stand on that chair.を書き換える問題で 正解がThat chair isn't safe to stand on.のところを That chair isn't safe to stand.としてしまいました。 It's not safe/to stand/on that chair.という区切りで読んでいたから 間違えたのだと思います。こういう間違いをなくすにはどういう勉強をするといいですか?
>>792 英英辞典をこま目に読め。例文読め。語感を磨け。焦るな。じっくり言葉と付き合う覚悟を決めろ。 動詞の目的語の間に前置詞を挟む例は数多いが、その前置詞が動詞の影響力の 緩衝材になっている場合がある。たとえば、stand that chair という並びが可能なら standの力がまんまその椅子に及んでいる感じで痛々しい。突き抜けそう。その間にon。 体重が掛かってある程度の圧力が椅子に生じているが大丈夫。位置関係が固定的なonの イメージとも合う。動詞の支配力は、我々日本人にはわからない位強いのぉどぁ!はぁはぁ。 ああ、米国のコインランドリーには、push the button じゃなくて、push on the button との表示が、うーん深い。まあ、それはいいとして、stand onはそれぞれ別個に調べて単語 の感覚を掴めよ。絶対イディオムみたいに覚えるなよ。歯磨けよ。おれも大学いこ。
>>782 Hurry up, or you'll be late. Run fast, and you'll catch up with him. Put on a coat, or you'll catch a cold. Take the subway, and you'll get there ten minutes earlier.
よろしければ↓の添削もよろしくお願い致します。 "I don't think it'll rain." "( )" do it. ( ) it was Sunday, She stayed in bed for another hour. ( )he tried again, he didn't succeed.
I'll tell her the news as (soon) as I see her. Mr. Kawabata is not a musician (but) a writer. Neither Jim (nor) Tom attended the meeting. He is such a liar (that) nobody likes him. You can stay here as (long) as you keep quiet. It was raining, (so) I put up my umbrella. He writes not only poems (but) also music. The truth is (that) he is very rich.
>>818 ありがとうございます。 名詞複数形の場合 I like such sports as soccer and baseball. 「私はサッカーや野球のようなスポーツが好きです。」 名詞が単数形の場合 I like such a sport as soccer. 「私はサッカーのようなスポーツが好きです。」 これで合ってますか?
もう一つ質問があります。 Such poets as Milton are rare. 「ミルトンのような詩人はまれです。」 何故これは複数形を使ってるのに、詩人「達」にならないのでしょうか?
>>819 > ・He married a woman (who he met at the hospital関係代名詞節で形容詞節). 第3文型 > ・My mother made me wait (outside the store前置詞句で副詞句). 第5文型 > ・He kept me waiting (for forty minutes前置詞句で副詞句). 第5文型
>>827 > (1) ( 2 ) Japanese have a TV. > 1. Almost副詞 2. Most形容詞 3. More 4. Much > ほとんどのという意味で名詞にかけるにはmost。almost all theと大体同じ。 > (2) Our soccer team is very week and has ( 3 ) won a championship. > 1. before 2. ever 3. never 4. yet > 弱いんだから優勝は否定 > (3) If you have ( 3 ) difficulty, ask me for help. > 1. a few 2. any 3. some 4.very > もしあるならという、あることが前提となる使い方はanyではなくsome > (4) When I was a college student, I was interested only in science; I was no good at anything ( 1 ). > 1. else 2. other 3. also 4. but > somethingやanythingに他のの意味を加えるにはelseという副詞。形容詞では後ろに付けると意味が変わる。 何か他的なもの、みたいな。 > (5) Yuri's boss still considers her ( 3 ) too young to be a store manager. > 1. little 2. more 3. much 4. very > littleならaが必要。tooの前に数量をあらわす名詞を入れると差をあらわす。 > (6) The population is getting so ( 4 ) in this town that shops and streets are really crowed on Sundays. > 1. many 2. much 3. full 4. large 人口は数字だから大きいか小さいか。ちなみにmanyは補語では使えない。
>>831 > 1 世界の気温の上昇を抑えるため、人類は具体的な行動をとるべきだと思いませんか。 > Don't you think humans should take ( ) action to stop the world's > temperature ( ) ( )? > 2 間違い探し。 > A few of these animals die from unable to feed themselves while young. > 1 concrete, from rising
The loss of individual and personal meaning in our age ensures a corresponding violence from those who are deprived of their identities ;for violence, whether spritual or physical, is a quest for identity and the meaningful
;以下の文の構文がとれません。 whether spritual or physical,は挿入句と考えて <for violence> is(v) a quest(o) <for identity and the meaningful> こう解釈すると主語がないんですが、どう考えればいいんでしょうか?
>>836 The loss of individual and personal [ meaning ] in our age ensures a [ corresponding ] violence from those [who are deprived of their identities ];
for violence, [ whether spritual or physical (it may be ) ], is a quest for identity and the meaningful whether spritual or physical,
<violence> is(v) a quest(o) <for identity and the meaningful>
>>819 He married a woman [ who(m) he met at the hospital ]. a womanを修飾 My mother made [ me wait outside the store ]. SVOC He kept [ me waiting for forty minutes ]. SVOC
>>857 (1) そうですか。取りあえずこれと似たような文が出たらmostを使う事にします (3) 色々調べた結果、確かに両方使えるようです この問題は悪問かもしれませんね 捉え方としては、 (a) If you have some difficulty, ask me for help. →(「困ること」が起こるだろうから)もし何か困ることがあれば、私に助けを求めなさい。 (b) If you have any difficulty, ask me for help. →(「困ること」は起きないかもしれないけど)もし何か困ることがあれば、私に助けを求めなさい。 という風に、someは「困ること」が起こるのを前提としている場合、anyは「困ること」が起こるのを前提としていない場合乃至「困ること」が起こるかどうか不明の場合に使うと解釈して宜しいでしょうか? (4) なるほど、覚えておきます。
Once,while we were staying at one of Tokyo's finest hotels, we sent a telex to our office in New Mexico. After some time, it became clear that the telex had not been delivered. Intrying to discover what had happened, where the slip-up had occurred, our only point of contact was the hotel telex office. Foreseeing chances for voices and pounding on desks, we made our approach with caution and trepidation, in a @(low-key) manner, accompanied by a japanese friend to do the talking. Even so, the clerk thought we were accusing him of error. He became visibly distressed, and A(nothing we said reassued him.) For the moment his mind was closed to our protestaitions that the fault clearly lay with theNew Mexico telex office.
The Japanese are weak in claims made by their customers. There is a well-known saying," okyakusama wa kamisama desu", which is derived from Minami Haruo's remark. If it is literally translated in English, it will become as follows. " The customer is God" On the other hand, there is a similar expression in English. That is " The customer is always right" I heard this phrase for the first time when I was watching a movie titled " I am Sam."
i'm a 27 year old guy and i've never had sex, i may not be able to act confidently around the ladies but i know a good song when i hear one P.S. please helm me? i'm going to war tomorrow, ya black ops company, were elite
>>920 from wiki The greetings and farewells "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Christmas" are traditionally used in North America, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Australia, commencing a few weeks prior to Christmas (December 25) of every year. ...
イギリス系辞書定義 Just before Christmas and on Christmas Day, people say `Merry Christmas' to other people to express the hope that they will have a happy time.
He saw a game the rules of which he was quite ignorant of. っていう英語を関係代名詞を使わないで複数文で書きましょう。 っていう宿題があるのですが、 He saw a game. He was quite ignorant of the rules of the game.
教科書や辞書には、such+a/an+名詞(suchの後には数えられる名詞の単数形)って書いてあるけど、別に単数形でなくてもいいと思うんだけど、ダメなのかな? >>940みたいに、such three pens.って単数形でなくても、意味は通じるよね? I have never seen such three pens.でもおかしくないよね?
>>945 (1) 現在形は、習慣をも表す。だから、like 現在形は、ネイティブに言わせりゃ静止画のイメージ。 サッカーで選手がパスを出した瞬間の実況中継、将来必ず起きる予定なんかでも使われます。 色々用法はありますがそれぞれに、共通するイメージを探し出し その感覚を身につけるように心がけましょう。習慣=固定的=静止画。 (2) for the sake of somebody/something also for somebody's/something's sake in order to help, improve, or please someone or something で分かるでしょう。 あっもしかして、4の打ち間違えなのですか? The train was delayed, caused by the heavy rain. は、文章としては突っ込まれるでしょうが、会話の中で、区切りを入れれば意味は 通じると思われます。とにかく、英語というのは、ラテン語と違い語の配列が厳密に 規定されており、前の文章なり、語なり、句なりを後ろにある要素が説明する形に なっていればそれで基本的には構わないのです。 (3) 平たく言えば、laterは、A weekにより限定を受ける副詞要素で、文を修飾できても 率いることはできません。一方afterの方は、語弊を恐れず言いますと、副詞的(前置詞的)に 限定され尚かつ接続詞的に文を率いることが可能です。例文見れば簡単かと。 会話なら、それぞれぶつ切りにすれば、両者とも意味は通じると思います。
what of the moral tone of the school?... with whom lies the forming of it? Not with the boys of brain usually, but with the boys of muscle - the big fellows of the school. To such I would say, be muscular, since nature has made you so, ... but, in heaven's name, be muscular Christians. it is a fine saying, We cannot all be scholars, but we can at least be gentlemen.
muscular Christian=筋肉的キリスト教徒
これ全然分かりません・・・和訳教えて下さい 出来れば、 with whom lies the forming of it? Not with the boys of brain usually, but with the boys of muscle の文構造も教えて下さい
>>964 He has been studying for five hours. He has studied English since 1995. 上は多少の休憩はあるにしても本当にずっと勉強してるけど、 下は睡眠や食事、遊び、学校か仕事など、いろいろしているほんの一部が勉強。 15年間勉強だけやってるわけではない。 進行形を使うのは一時性の強調だから、本当にずっとやってるケース。
The public school has much to teach besides what is learned in the form of lessons. It is a moral gymnasium, an arena for contest, a republic in which personal rights have both to be maintained in oneself and respect in others. It should be a training-ground for the business and struggle of life, and for the duties of a world in which men have to work with men and to contend with men. It is here that habits are formed and character moulded; obedience to discipline, punctuality, self-restraint, manly independence,
>>980 質問文読んだ後、respect は変だと思ってぐぐってみたら It is a moral gynnasium, an arena for contest, a republican community in which personal rights have both to bemaintained for oneself and respected in others. になっていたがね