前スレで、未回答の質問を再掲します Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 というコテの方への質問のようなので、 該当する方は速やかにご回答願います
952 名前:Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 [] 投稿日:2010/10/14(木) 15:12:43 >>912 The rubber band encloses a convex polygon, [ the vertices of which are among the original points ], and the other points are inside of this polygon.
The rubber band encloses a convex polygon. The vertices of the polygon are among the original points. The other points are inside of this polygon. その輪ゴムは出っ張った多角形を囲む。 その出っ張った多角形の頂点はその初期点を含む。 その他の点はこの多角形の内側にある。
The past and the future are only our means and the present alone should be our end. Therefore let each one face the present with all its pains and troubles and value it so that he may live in the true sense of the word.
Smiling brightly, he extended his hand to me. (明るくほほえみながら、彼は私に手を差しのべた) 分詞構文についての質問なんですが、カンマの前後を入れ替えて He extended his hand to me,smiling brightly. としても同じ意味として文は成立しますか??
8 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/14(木) 20:55:15
>>4 [ While Bob prefers casual wear [ like a sweater and jeans ] ], his brother, John, always wears a blue suit [ though (it is) a lighter-colored (one) ] [ that would become him ].
9 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/14(木) 20:57:57
>>5 The past and the future are only our means and the present alone should be our end. Therefore let [ each one face the present with all its pains and troubles and value it ] [ so that he may live in the true sense of the word ].
10 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/14(木) 21:01:21
>>6 @[ Smiling brightly ], he extended his hand to me. 明るくほほえみながら、彼は私に手を差しのべた
AHe extended his hand to me, [ smiling brightly ]. でもいいです。 語順としてはこちらが基本ですが、 微笑みながらを強調したいなら@のようにします。
16 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/14(木) 21:22:06
The past and the future are only our means and the present alone should be our end. 過去と未来は手段であって、現在のみが目的である。
Therefore let [ each one face the present with all its pains and troubles and value it ] [ so that he may live in the true sense of the word ]. だから本当の意味で生きられるように、1人1人現在に苦しみや困難を持って立ち向かい 現在を大切にしましょう!
Yet to affirm that linguistic meaning is primarily expressive, gestural, and poetic, and that conventional and denotative meanings are inherently secondary and derivative, is to renounce the claim that language is an exclusively human property. If language is always, in its depths, physically and sensorially resonant, then it can never be definitively separated from the evident expressiveness of birdsong or the evocative howl of a wolf late at night.
>>5 The past and the future are only our means and the present alone should be our end. 過去と未来は私たちの平均的姿でしかないそして現在こそが私たちの目的現実の生活である。 Therefore let each one face the present with all its pains and troubles and value it so that he may live in the true sense of the word→world. だから彼ら一人一人に苦痛と困難の現実に直面させ経験させようそうすれば彼らはこの世の真の世界に生きることになる。
36 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/14(木) 22:11:13
5章 〜は〜←であろう、であることができる、であるかもしれない、でなければならない、・・・・ (主語と述語の後の助動詞) 1.日本語に直しなさい。 I will go to church tomorrow, too. I will go to Tokyo University. I will give my books to Tokyo University students and teachers. In the evening I will attend the Bible class. After the Bible class, I will enjoy coffee time. I can have a lot of fun in Tokyo. I may be the happiest person in Tokyo. I must thank God.
37 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/14(木) 22:11:59
Somewhere in the evolutionary past, animals learned that a low, deep voice was a good indicator of size and strength. With the rise of communication as a substitute for violence, animals realized that if [ @ ] [ A ] [ B ], [ C ] [ D ] [ E ] [ F ] rather than [ G ].
>>58 1. we→We unabele→unable one→ones 2. he→He onother→the other
63 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/14(木) 22:40:17
>>23 Yet [ to affirm [ that linguistic meaning is primarily expressive, gestural, and poetic ], and [ that conventional and denotative meanings are inherently secondary and derivative ], is [ to renounce the claim [ that language is an exclusively human property ] ].
素敵な言葉 ありがとうございます。 まったくそのとおりですねえ。
Language is always, in its depths, physically and sensorially resonant, then it can never be definitively separated from the evident expressiveness of birdsong or the evocative howl of a wolf late at night.
なんと美しい言葉でしょう! なんという真実でしょう!!
64 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/14(木) 22:45:50
Language is always, in its depths, physically and sensorially resonant, then it can never be definitively separated from the evident expressiveness of birdsong or the evocative howl of a wolf late at night.
79 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/15(金) 01:25:34
中国人のマッサージで 舒服(シューフー) でした。
シューフーだと竿の先からとろとろ出ます。 女の人なら豆の先からとろとろ出ます。
80 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/15(金) 01:26:34
統計学 5人に1人は同性同士でセックスできます
81 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/15(金) 01:37:37
6章 〜は〜し←ている所である、ている最中である、ている途中である (途中を表す助動詞) 1.日本語に直しなさい。 I am lying on my bed. I am hitting the keyboard. I am eating frozen salt-tasted broad beans. I am teaching English to 2 chanel students. I am looking at Won Bin photographs. I am thinking about life with 2 chanel people.
82 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/15(金) 01:44:06
83 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/15(金) 01:48:58
7章 〜は〜さ←れる (動きを受けることを表す助動詞) 1.日本語に直しなさい。 I am loved by God. I am helped by Jesus. I am thanked by many people. I am taught by many good people. I am sharing life with 2 chanel people. Many good new movies are seen by me.
89 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/15(金) 02:01:41
8章 〜は、これまで〜し←てきた、たことがある。て今はし終わっている。てそのことで今は〜である。 (現在に至るまでのことを言う助動詞) 1.日本語に直しなさい。 I have taught English many years. I have visited the USA. I have visited Harvard University. I have attended church worship services and Bible study class for two years every week. I have had a good time at a Chinese food pub. Many good things have come to me thanks to God, Jesus and Holy Ghost.
>>43 With the rise of communication as a substitute for violence, animals realized that if [ an opponent ] [ had ] [ a deeper voice ], [ it ] [ paid ] [ to ] [ back off ] rather than [ risk injury ].
97 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/15(金) 02:15:57
>>43 Somewhere in the evolutionary past, animals learned [ that a low, deep voice was a good indicator of size and strength ]. With the rise of communication as a substitute for violence, animals realized
98 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/15(金) 02:18:35
[ that [ if an opponent had a deeper voice ], it paid to back off [ rather than risk injury ] ].
103 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/15(金) 02:26:08
The rubber band encloses a convex polygon, [ the vertices of which are among the original points ], and the other points are inside of this polygon.
The rubber band encloses a convex polygon. The vertices of the polygon are among the original points. The other points are inside of this polygon. その輪ゴムは出っ張った多角形を囲む。 その出っ張った多角形の頂点はその初期点に内包される。 その他の点はこの多角形の内側にある。
内包される、を、含む、と言い間違いしました。 誰にでもあるついうっかり(^-^*)
104 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/15(金) 02:27:50
101へなちょこ君、 かわゆいブッチュ〜(^\^*)
105 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/15(金) 02:29:34
106 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/15(金) 02:38:29
952 名前:Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 [] 投稿日:2010/10/14(木) 15:12:43 >>912 The rubber band encloses a convex polygon, [ the vertices of which are among the original points ], and the other points are inside of this polygon.
The rubber band encloses a convex polygon. The vertices of the polygon are among the original points. The other points are inside of this polygon. その輪ゴムは出っ張った多角形を囲む。 その出っ張った多角形の頂点はその初期点を含む。 その他の点はこの多角形の内側にある。
>>119 The vague rumor proved to be false. SVCなんだろうな。良くわからない。The vague = to be false.。 toが付いてるのはtoあり不定詞だから。 The vague rumor is false. isの原形がbe 原形にtoを付けて不定詞。
128 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/15(金) 13:52:43
>>119 @The vague rumor proved [ to be false ]. S+V+[V+C] そのはっきりしない噂は、分かった、本当でないと
AThe vague rumor proved. S+V BThe rumor was false. S+V+C
Bの主語述語を単語化してAに繋ぐ。 Bはthe rumor to be trueとなる。the rumorはAの方にあるので省略して、to be trueだけを繋ぐ。
The vague rumor proved [ (to be) false ]. to beを省略するなら S+V+(C)
129 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/15(金) 13:53:52
The vague rumor proved [ (to be) false ]. to beを省略するなら S+V+(C)
130 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/15(金) 14:00:19
>>117 あなたは私に勝つ。 You win [ over me ]. あなたは私に勝った。 You won [ over me ].
You won over me with the game. You won the prize. You won in the game.
131 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/15(金) 14:11:37
9章 文Aに文Bを組み入れて繋ぐ (Aを主節にして、Bを従属節にして繋ぐ) 1.日本語に直しなさい。 I eat oranges [ which are still green ]. I think [ that the sourness of fruit is very refreshing ]. I like vegetables [ because they make me very healthy ].
137 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/15(金) 14:32:42
10章 文Aに対して、文Bの主語述語を単語化して簡単な形で繋ぐ (Aの主節に対して、Bを不定詞句にして繋ぐ) 1.日本語に直しなさい。 I eat vegetables [ to make myself healthy ]. I want [ to grow vegetables by myself ]. [ To grow vegetables ] will give me joy.
138 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/15(金) 14:42:34
例えば Is this a pen? と言う質問に対してだと Yes,it is a pen. のように必ず it で答えるものなのでしょうか。 教科書や参考書ではそのようになっていますが、 実際の会話の中ではどうなのでしょうか。
日本語だと、これはペンですか?と聞かれて これはペンです、と答えることもあると思うのですが。
143 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/15(金) 15:09:59
11章 文Aに対して、文Bの主語述語の動詞だけを見てそれを繋ぐ (Aの主節に対して、Bを分詞句、動名詞句にして繋ぐ) 1.日本語に直しなさい。 I'm making an exercise book [ writing in a net bulletin ]. [ Writing in a net bulletin ] is the easiest way of [ writing a book ].
144 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/15(金) 15:15:13
One more characteristic of Japanese cuisine is the attempt to provide relaxation by harmonizing dining utensils and food. It was Rosanjin Kitaoji who said that "Utensils are the garments of cuisine." As opposed to Western cuisine which is presented flat upon utensils that are meant to be mere background, Japanese cuisine is presented as three-dimensional on utensils that attract one by their beauty. The food is enlivened by the utensils. The eyes can also feast upon the beauty of their design.
許さんw 真人間になれ! stop being a NEET !be a full-fledged members of society
171 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/16(土) 10:13:31
>>152 One more characteristic of Japanese cuisine is the attempt [ to provide relaxation by [ harmonizing dining utensils and food ] ]. It was Rosanjin Kitaoji [ who said [ that "Utensils are the garments of cuisine." ] ]
As [ opposed to Western cuisine [ which is presented flat upon utensils [ that are meant [ to be mere background ] ] ], Japanese cuisine is presented as three-dimensional on utensils [ that attract one by their beauty ]. The food is enlivened by the utensils. The eyes can also feast upon the beauty of their design.
143 名前:Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 [] 投稿日:2010/10/07(木) 15:03:47 >>142 Said he: "I saw [ them putting needles and blood into her ], and I keeled right over in a faint."
206 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/16(土) 23:57:10
問題集 1章 ある、いる(存在を言う) 1.日本語に直しなさい。 I am in Tokyo. I am in Bunkyo-ku. My apartment is next to a big park. Some cats are in the park. Some people are with their dogs. Some people are with food and drink. Some people are with books. Many trees are in the park. I am in my apartment. My apartment is on the second floor. Park trees are in front of my eyes. I am on the tatami floor. My computer is on the floor. My right hand is at the keyboard.
2.( )に当てはまる語を入れなさい。 A: Is your house near a park? B: Yes, it ( ). A: ( ) cats in the park? B: Yes, some cats ( ) in the park. A: ( ) dogs in the park? B: Yes, some dogs are ( ) the park. The dogs are ( ) people.
Aは、 Bの中に、と共に、のところに、の上に、・・・ ある、いる。
のように言葉を並べて言います。名詞Aを主語と言います。Aに対して述べる残りの部分を述語と言います。 Aが私の時は、am を使い、あなたの時は are を使い、それ以外の1人の人か人間でない1個の物の時には is を使います。 二人以上の人間か2個以上の物の時は are を使います。
241 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/17(日) 03:09:18
問題集 1章 ある、いる(存在を言う)
1.日本語に直しなさい。 I am in Tokyo. I am in Bunkyo-ku. My apartment is next to a big park. Some cats are in the park. Some people are with their dogs. Some people are with food and drink. Some people are with books. Many trees are in the park. I am in my apartment. My apartment is on the second floor. Park trees are in front of my eyes. I am on the tatami floor. My computer is on the floor. My right hand is at the keyboard.
2.( )に当てはまる語を入れなさい。 A: Is your house near a park? B: Yes, it ( ). A: ( ) cats in the park? B: Yes, some cats ( ) in the park. A: ( ) dogs in the park? B: Yes, some dogs are ( ) the park. The dogs are ( ) people.
Aは、 Bの中に、と共に、のところに、の上に、・・・ ある、いる。
のように言葉を並べて言います。名詞Aを主語と言います。Aに対して述べる残りの部分を述語と言います。 Aが私の時は、am を使い、あなたの時は are を使い、それ以外の1人の人か人間でない1個の物の時には is を使います。 二人以上の人間か2個以上の物の時は are を使います。
242 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/17(日) 03:23:15
Aは、 Bの中に、と共に、のところに、の上に、・・・ ある、いる。
のように言葉を並べて言います。名詞Aを主語と言います。Aに対して述べる残りの部分を述語と言います。 Aが私の時は、am を使い、あなたの時は are を使い、それ以外の1人の人か人間でない1個の物の時には is を使います。 二人以上の人間か2個以上の物の時は are を使います。
243 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/17(日) 03:31:10
I am in Tokyo. I am in Bunkyo-ku. My apartment is next to a big park. Some cats are in the park. Some people are with their dogs. Some people are with food and drink. Some people are with books. Many trees are in the park. I am in my apartment. My apartment is on the second floor. Park trees are in front of my eyes. I am on the tatami floor. My computer is on the floor. My right hand is at the keyboard.
My right hand is at the keyboard. Park trees are in front of my eyes.
2.( )に当てはまる語を入れなさい。 A: Is your house near a park? B: Yes, it (is ). A: (are ) cats in the park? B: Yes, some cats (are ) in the park. A: (are ) dogs in the park? B: Yes, some dogs are ( in) the park. The dogs are (with the ) people.
246 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/17(日) 04:01:08
>>245 I am in Tokyo. I am in Bunkyo-ku. My apartment is next to a big park. Some cats are in the park. Some people are with their dogs. Some people are with food and drink. Some people are with books. Many trees are in the park. I am in my apartment. My apartment is on the second floor. Park trees are in front of my eyes. I am on the tatami floor. My computer is on the floor. My right hand is at the keyboard. 私は東京にいます(住んでいます)。文京区にいます。私のアパートは大きな公園の隣です。 数匹の猫がその公園にいます。何人かの人が犬と一緒にいます。何人かの人が食べ物や飲み物と共にいます。 何人かの人は本を持っています。多くの木々がその公園あります。私はアパートにいます。 私のアパートは2階にあります。公園の木々が私の目の前にあります。 私は畳の上にいます。私パソコンは床に置いてあります。私の右手はキーボードにあります。
247 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/17(日) 04:03:15
寝ようとしていたところですがいいですよ。 2.( )に当てはまる語を入れなさい。 A: Is your house near a park? B: Yes, it (is ). A: (Are ) cats in the park? B: Yes, some cats (are ) in the park. A: (Are ) dogs in the park? B: Yes, some dogs are ( in) the park. The dogs are (with ) people.
疑問なんだけど。 near the parkって副詞句。isはあるということなんだけど、助動詞のように 前に出して>>247は疑問文にしている。 She is a ladyがIs she a lady?になるのはa ladyが残っていて不思議はないんだけど、 She is.の疑問文としてIs she? (彼女いる?)は不自然な気がする。 だから自分なら、Is your house near a park? じゃなくてIs your house located near a park と書くんだけどな。語感というか、どうなんだろうね。 ちなみにgoogleには片岡の方の例も2万8千件だかでたくさん載っているよ
251 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/17(日) 05:00:15
>>250 near the parkは副詞句。isはある。 一般動詞文以外の文では、疑問文はbe動詞や助動詞を文頭に出す。 否定文はbe動詞や助動詞の後にnotを置く。
She is a ladyがIs she a lady?になるのはa ladyが残っていて不思議はないんだけど、 She is (there).の疑問文としてIs she (there)? (彼女いる?) Is your house [ near a park ]? の方が Is your house located [ near a park ]? より簡単で普通の言い方。
家の前にいて、ここってあなたの?なんてつもりで Is your house?ならありだろうが、このときってIs your house this?とか Is your house here?の略だろう。near a parkなんて離れた場所にあることが わかっているのに、Is your house near a parkなんて言い方するのは へんな感じがするんだよね。普通だ、変だ、とかいっているだけの水掛け論に なっているんで新しいネタがなければ返事はいらないんだけど
255 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/17(日) 05:15:36
家の前にいて、ここってあなたの?なんてつもりは Is this your house? Is this yours?
1 An old grandpa and an old grandma are in a house. 2 A grandpa is in the woods. 3 A grandma is by a river. 4 A kimono is in the water. 5 A big peach is in a river. 6 A grandma is in a river. 7 A big peach is in the arms of a grandama.
和訳の質問です。 Italians, it seems to me, are simply never by themselves - when they do find themselves alone, usually when they are in transit, they are talking on their cell phones.
287 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/17(日) 15:14:47
>>267 An old man and an old woman are in a house. The old man is in the woods. The old woman is by a river. Kimonoes are in the water. A big peach is in the river. The old woman is in the river. The big peach is in the arms of the old woman.
288 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/17(日) 15:19:40
289 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/17(日) 15:23:23
>>279 Italians, it seems to me, are simply never by themselves - [ when they do find [ themselves alone ] ], [ usually when they are in transit ], they are talking on their cell phones.
>>305 細かい事に気が回らなくなった人間は、言語を通じたコミュニケーションが取れなくなります 中学生でもわかる among の意味が分らないとこんな事に↓ 哀れ、痴呆進行中の片岡先生・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。
952 名前:Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 [] 投稿日:2010/10/14(木) 15:12:43 >>912 The rubber band encloses a convex polygon, [ the vertices of which are among the original points ], and the other points are inside of this polygon.
The rubber band encloses a convex polygon. The vertices of the polygon are among the original points. The other points are inside of this polygon. その輪ゴムは出っ張った多角形を囲む。 その出っ張った多角形の頂点はその初期点を含む。 その他の点はこの多角形の内側にある。
>>309 There is a cat in that tree.はThere is a cat on a branch of that tree.と書いても同じ。 A cat is sitting in that tree.、A cat is in that tree.でも結構です。 http://bookclub.japantimes.co.jp/act/Word.do?id=70 解説・監修は元ジャパンタイムズ編集局長の伊藤サムさん。
()内の並び替えです。お願いします。 Oh, just look at the time! It's three. They ( at, be, bus, ought, the, to, waiting )station. And we ( an, been, half, have, hour, should, there )ago. Let's hurry.
簡単なこと。受動態は受動を表す場合と受動の完了した状態を表す場合とがある。 どちらに視点があるかで時制も変わる。 made in Japanは受動の完了した状態に視点があるから現在時制が自然。 過去時制にすると受動そのものに視点が移るから、作られた正にその過程や時に 視点を持っていきたい場合にのみ過去時制を使う。
>>334 目の前にあるものに対して、there is を使う例なんて腐るほどあると思うのですが・・・
"as you can see * there is" 目の前にあるのが分る様に発言してるシチュエーションでさらにBBC、TIMESなど幾つかの、ニュースサイトに限定してぐぐって見ました
CNN.com - Transcripts 17 Sep 2010 ... ATIKA SHUBERT, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, it is the second day of the pope's visit here, and as you can see behind me, Suzanne, there is ... archives.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1009/17/sitroom.02.html - Cached
CNN.com 24 Oct 2002 ... BOB FRANKEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Catherine, as you can see over my shoulder there is a state police car. It is blocking the -- what is ... archives.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0210/24/bn.08.html - Cached
We, the Japanese people, acting through our duly elected representatives in the National Diet, determined that we shall secure for ourselves and our posterity the fruits of peaceful cooperation with all nations and the blessings of liberty throughout this land, and resolved that never again shall we be visited with the horrors of war through the action of government, do proclaim that sovereign power resides with the people and do firmly establish this Constitution.
345 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/18(月) 06:09:49
>>344 We, the Japanese people, [ acting through our duly [ elected ] representatives in the National Diet ], determined [ that we shall secure for ourselves and our posterity the fruits of peaceful cooperation with all nations and [ the blessings ] of liberty throughout this land ],
and resolved
[ that never again shall we be visited with the horrors of war through the action of government,
(shall) do proclaim [ that sovereign power resides with the people ]
and (shall) do firmly establish this Constitution ].
346 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/18(月) 06:11:02
and resolved
[ that never again shall we be visited with the horrors of war through the action of government,
(shall) do proclaim [ that sovereign power resides with the people ]
and (shall) do firmly establish this Constitution ].
347 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/18(月) 06:14:39
A cat is in the kitchen. Cockroaches are in the kitchen. Ants are on the ground.
主語に注意が向いているときは、この言い方です。 存在に注意が向いているときは、 There are so many cockroaches in the kitchen.
348 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/18(月) 06:21:09
>>342 Will you wait a moment? The report will be faxed immediately. I will fax the report immediately.
I was frightened [ when I was spoken to by a stranger ]. I was frightened [ when a stranger spoke to me ].
We should remind John [ that the deadline must be adhered to ]. We should remind John [ that he must adhere to the deadline ].
349 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/18(月) 06:26:34
353 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/18(月) 06:51:50
問題集 1章 ある、いる(存在を言う)
1.日本語に直しなさい。 I am in Tokyo. I am in Bunkyo-ku. My apartment is next to a big park. Some cats are in the park. Some people are with their dogs. Some people are with food and drink. Some people are with books. Many trees are in the park. I am in my apartment. My apartment is on the second floor. Park trees are in front of my eyes. I am on the tatami floor. My computer is on the floor. My right hand is at the keyboard.
2.( )に当てはまる語を入れなさい。 A: Is your house near a park? B: Yes, it ( ). A: ( ) cats in the park? B: Yes, some cats ( ) in the park. A: ( ) dogs in the park? B: Yes, some dogs are ( ) the park. The dogs are ( ) people.
354 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/18(月) 06:56:51
Aは、 Bの中に、と共に、のところに、の上に、・・・ ある、いる。
のように言葉を並べて言います。名詞Aを主語と言います。Aに対して述べる残りの部分を述語と言います。 Aが私の時は、am を使い、あなたの時は are を使い、それ以外の1人の人か人間でない1個の物の時には is を使います。 二人以上の人間か2個以上の物の時は are を使います。
355 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/18(月) 07:00:49
It's not the greatest picture ever taken in the history of man-kind, but that blurry thing inside the plastic container is a small cute bat being very angry at being caught. The rock face is the fireplace in the kids playroom. You can kind of see the mouth and the three-inch-long fangs bared, ready to spill the blood of its captors. What you cannot hear is the furious roaring of its mighty mouth, but if you mentally visualize the old MGM Lion, you can kind of imagine what it didn't sound like. I have no idea how it actually got into our house, but with a graceful flick of the red construction paper, I got it just barely out the door, and it flew away. Bye bye, little bat.
4行目、You can kind of seeの kind of 「なんとなく」くらいの意味です。 seeは見えるという意味ですが、「分かる」というニュアンス。 なのでこの文章では「おぼろげながら判別できる」と訳せます。 (8行目のkind ofも同じ意味合いです)
5行目 spill the blood ofは 「kill 殺す」
それから関係代名詞は省略されてますね。 だからちょっと複雑に見えてしまうかもしれません。 例えば2行目はbatとbeingの間にwhichが入ってbeing以下はすべて目的語のbatにかかります。 a small cute bat (which) being very angry at being caught
>>375 374じゃないけど、 but if you mentally visualize the old MGM Lion, you can kind of imagine what it didn't sound like. の意味を教えてくれませんか? MGMのライオンを思い浮かべればそれが何の音に似ていなかったかがわかる っていうのが、何が言いたいのかわけわかりません。
>>377 1.be used to は「慣れる」という意味 2.used toは「かつて〜だった」という意味
文章の意味を考えると2番目のForests used to beの方が適切と考えられます。
ちなみに、問題はplacesではなくplacedではありませんでしたか? Forests used to be placed of danger.(森はかつて危機に瀕していた。) でも個人的にはofではなくinの方がしっくりくると思うんだけど・・・ Forests used to be placed in danger.
>>378 whatというのは疑問符ではないんですよ、名詞です。 たとえば、I don't know what you say.(あなたの言ってることがわからない) とかのwhatです。something thatに置き換えられますかね。 実際に置き換えてみると something that it didn't sound like
次の各文には、余分な語がそれぞれ1語ずつあります。該当する語を書きなさい。 As far as I know, there is more to leadership than in just being bossy. Why is it that he always opposes to any idea I present at meetings? In a minute we will descend to the ground floor and on board the buses. I have a few people to talk to whom about the problem while I am on campus.
As far as I know, there is more to leadership than in just being bossy. →thanかなぁ。自信ない・・・ 英辞郎で調べてみると・・・比較級ではないmoreの使い方もあるようなので。 •There is more money being put into the social program. その社会計画に注ぎ込まれる資金は増えている。
Why is it that he always opposes to any idea I present at meetings? →to 動詞のopposeは他動詞なのでoppose any ideaとなる 形容詞の場合、be opposed to
In a minute we will descend to the ground floor and on board the buses. →on boardは動詞
I have a few people to talk to whom about the problem while I am on campus. →whom 上の文章ではwhomは省略されてますので、さらにつけるのは余分。 省略しない場合は下記の2つが可能。 a few people to whom to talk about the problem a few people whom to talk to about the problem(問題の形)
>>382 片岡の間違い回答が欲しいの? As far as I know, there is more to leadership than (in) just being bossy. moreとbeingが名詞で比較されてる Why is it that he always opposes (to) any idea I present at meetings? opposeは対立対象を言う時は他動詞 In a minute we will descend to the ground floor and (on) board the buses. andは同族語句をつなぐから乗るという意味の動詞にする I have a few people to talk to (whom) about the problem while I am on campus. 不定詞の形容詞用法なんだから関係代名詞は不要
>>393 > >>392 > > As far as I know, there is more to leadership than in just being bossy. > > →thanかなぁ。自信ない・・・ > > to 取っ払うんだろふつうに 違うな。inを取る。知る限り、リーダーシップには単に威張り散らすよりもっと多くの要素がある > > Why is it that he always opposes to any idea I present at meetings? > > →to > > 動詞のopposeは他動詞なのでoppose any ideaとなる > > その部分はいいけど、仕上がり(?)のw 意味不明 > Why is it that he always opposes any idea I present at meetings? > > メチャクチャ変な英語w。 Why つける前に戻すと(Why なくても”理由のない完結した文章”になるはず) 変ではない。強調構文でwhyに焦点が当たってるだけ。 > It is because 〜 that he always opposes any idea I present at meetings?
402 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/18(月) 17:06:26
>>372 年寄りのおじいさんとおばあさん(だれかの祖父とか祖母でなくて、歳を取った男と女)が家の中にいる。 an old man おじいさん、ではどちらかはっきりしないので、年寄り、と言う言葉を付けたのです。 だれかの祖父と取り違えないようにと。おじいさんにははじめ子がいなくて、桃太郎が子になるのです。
406 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/18(月) 17:13:38
>>382 [ As far as I know ], there is more to leadership than [ just being bossy ]. Why is it [ that he always opposes any idea [ I present at meetings ] ]? In a minute, we will descend to the ground floor and board the buses. I have a few people [ to talk to about the problem [ while I am on campus ] ].
930 :大学への名無しさん[sage]:2008/07/08(火) 23:23:42 ID:raUtXM0U0 >>929 この不定詞は「判断根拠」を示します。つまり「He ( ) be a good walker」と判断したわけですが、 その根拠が「to walk such a long distance」ということです。したがって、can'Tだと意味が通じないわけです。
⇒He ( ) be a walker good ENOUGH to walk such a long distance. ⇒He ( ) be a walker SO good AS to walk such a long distance.
408 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/18(月) 17:19:12
>>403 @He must be a good walker [ to walk such a long distance ].
AHe often walks a long distance. BHe must be a good walker.
Blue LEDs had been known to have a big potential because of their short wavelength, and because any color could be produced by mixing them with red and green LEDs, witch had already been developed.
短い波長と〜 それを赤と緑のLEDに混ぜることによって・・・? すでに開発されていた
ところどころは訳せるのですが 繋げ方が分かりません。
特にbecause of〜 のところです。 よろしくお願いします。
429 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/18(月) 18:01:48
>>428 > 訳を教えてください。 Blue LEDs had been known to have a big potential 青色LEDが大きな潜在能力を持つことは以前から知られていた because of their short wavelength, and because any color could be 大きな潜在能力を持つのは波長が短いためであり、 produced by mixing them with red and green LEDs, どんな色でも青色LEDと既に発達していた赤色LEDや緑色LEDを混ぜ合わせることで生み出せるからだ which had already been developed.
434 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/18(月) 18:26:11
>>428 Blue LEDs had been known [ to have a big potential because of their short wavelength ],
and [ because any color could be produced by [ mixing them with red and green LEDs], [ which had already been developed ] ]. そしてすでに開発されていた赤と緑のLEDと混ぜ合わせることによってどの様な色も生み出せる ので
435 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/18(月) 18:28:19
>>468 グーグルの検索結果 "became seriously injured in a traffic accident" → 2件 "was seriously injured in a traffic accident" → 212件 "were seriously injured in a traffic accident" → 46件
# BBC NEWS | UK | Wales | South East Wales | OAP 'neglected' by ... 23 Apr 2008 ... "Once she became injured they failed to observe the injuries and, if they were observed, failed to report or otherwise deal with those ... news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/.../7362848.stm - Cached - Similar # BBC - 606 - - A62153985 - Rindarooy ... for a £1m heard he is a attack minded left back i think it is what we need considering if Baines became injured any thoughts on this guy ... news.bbc.co.uk/dna/606/A62153985 - Cached # BBC - Humber - BBC Radio Humberside - Rob Ellis 6 Feb 2008... paid for their work, but it wasn't without its dangers and the skipper had to make difficult choices when crewmen became injured. ... www.bbc.co.uk/humber/content/.../056_eptas_robellis_feature.shtml - Cached # PRO FOOTBALL - PRO FOOTBALL - Brown Adds Chin Strap and Padding to ... 10 Nov 1995 ... Even though Lewis was the starting punt returner, ARTHUR MARSHALL, who replaced him when he became injured, will probably keep that job. ... www.nytimes.com/.../pro-football-brown-adds-chin-strap-and-padding-to-his-protective-gear.html # Tonight on Larry King Live! ? Larry King Live - CNN.com Blogs 10 Oct 2010 ... In a long chain of events by that someone, he became injured in my desperate attemp to flee. I was arrested, I was stripped seached, ... larrykinglive.blogs.cnn.com/2010/.../tonight-on-larry-king-live-185/ - Cached # CNN.com - Transcripts 3 Aug 2005 ... I -- when I first became injured, I was very active, played all different types of sports, started a company of my own. ... transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0508/03/lkl.01.html - Cached - Similar
494 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/18(月) 23:39:30
BBC News - Mystery of shopper found injured in Bedford He is now at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge where his condition is described as "critical". Police said it was not clear how he became injured. ... www.bbc.co.uk/.../uk-england-northamptonshire-11125008 - Cached
Mystery of shopper found injured in Bedford He is now at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge where his condition is described as "critical". Police said it was not clear how he became injured. ... 「ベッドフォードにて怪我をしている状態で見つかった買い物客の謎: 彼は今ケンブリッジのアッデンブルック病院に入院しており、状態は『危機的』だと言われている。 警察の言うところでは彼がどのようにして負傷の状態になったかは明らかではない、とのことである...」
526 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/19(火) 00:20:01
Mystery of shopper [ found [ injured ] in Bedford ].
He is now at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge [ where his condition is described as "critical" ]. Police said [ it was not clear [ how he became [ injured ] ] ...
Government is a sacred trust of the people, the authority for which is derived from the people, the powers of which are exercised by the representatives of the people, and the benefits of which are enjoyed by the people. This is a universal principle of mankind upon which this Constitution is founded. We reject and revoke all constitutions, laws, ordinances, and rescripts in conflict herewith.
I sigh when I reflect on the amount of time I had wasted books that were of no great profit to me.
I had で過去完了形が使われている理由を教えてください。
551 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/19(火) 00:40:19
>>546 Government is a sacred trust of the people, [ the authority for which is derived from the people ], [ the powers of which are exercised by the representatives of the people, and [ the benefits of which are enjoyed by the people ].
This is a universal principle of mankind [ upon which this Constitution is founded ]. We reject and revoke all constitutions, laws, ordinances, and rescripts [ in conflict herewith ].
10公式のくくりより、この方がよほど判り易い不思議 There can be few who would knowingly overlook waste, whether (waste) of energy, (waste) of manpower or (waste) of financial assets.
>>550の英文はこうだよね ×I sigh when I reflect on the amount of time I had wasted books that were of no great profit to me. ○I sigh when I reflect on the amount of time I had wasted 【on】 books that were of no great profit to me.
数吉先生の解釈 I sigh when I reflect on the amount of time I had wasted books 【for】 that were of no great profit to me. こんなとこにforを突っ込んで一体何をどう解釈したいのやら┐(´〜`)┌
577 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/19(火) 02:42:29
>>570 I sigh [ when I reflect on the amount of time [ I had wasted books for [ that were of no great profit to me ] ] ].
I had wasted books for the amount of time. その時間の間その時まで意味のない本で読書で人生を無駄に費やしてきた [ that were of no great profit to me ] ] ].
578 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/19(火) 02:47:31
I love the books [ which are interesting ].
I sigh [ when I reflect on the amount of time [ I had wasted books [ that were of no great profit to me ] ] ].
I sigh [ when I reflect on the amount of time [ I had wasted on books [ that were of no great profit to me ] ] ].
584 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/19(火) 04:37:13
>>582 I had wasted [ on those books ] [ for that amount of time ].
です。 wasteは自動詞です。
私は無駄に過ごす です
585 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/19(火) 04:40:48
I had wasted [ on those books ] [ for that amount of time ]. I had wasted my life [ on those books ] [ for that amount of time ]. I had wasted that amount of time [ on those books ].
数吉先生の脳内の元の英文は>>580だと思うんですが、そこから I had wasted [ on those books ] [ for that amount of time ].を切り出したら残りはどうするんですか? てっきり、thatはbooksを先行詞に取る関係代名詞と解釈してると思ったんですけどw
I sigh when I reflect on the amount of time I had wasted on books for that were of no great profit to me. −) I had wasted on those books for that amount of time  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ were of no great profit to me の主語はどうするお積もりなのか、是非ご説明願いますwwww
593 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/19(火) 10:42:16
>>586 I had wasted [ on those books ] [ for that amount of time ].
I sigh when I reflect on the amount of time for which I had wasted on books which were of no great profit to me. −) I had wasted on those books for that amount of time --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
こういう事なんじゃよ どうだ言葉というものは生き物何じゃよ
どうじゃ 分かったかね????
594 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/19(火) 10:48:45
596 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/19(火) 10:51:52
I sigh when I reflect on the amount of time for which I had wasted on books which were of no great profit to me. −) I had wasted on those books for that amount of time -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
597 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/19(火) 10:53:05
I sigh when I reflect on the amount of time for which I had wasted on books which were of no great profit to me. −) I had wasted on those books for that amount of time ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
601 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/19(火) 11:10:11
@SV: I am. I eat. ASVC: I am a student. I am not happy. I feel hungry. BSVO: I eat cup noodle. I never pass the entarance examination. CSVOO: The university give me a failure notice. DSVOC: The university sends me a failure notice letter. It makes [ me sad ]. 5文型ではこれだけしか文が作れないんだよ。 これだけで大学入試は絶対合格できないよ。 それに何?各公式の内容に統一性が全くないじゃない!!!! 10公式は英文の全ての部分に対応だよ。入試ランク上げて合格できるのだよ。 買った!買った! 買った者は勝利だよ〜 この5つで全英文作れるし、こっちの方が半分だからこっちがいいやwww
602 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/19(火) 11:11:15
宿題なんですが、よろしくお願いします。 各語を並べ替え、文頭にくる語を大文字にして正しい英文を作りなさい。 1.is,corner,chair,there,a,that,new,in,. 2.you,are,cakes,for,there,some,. 3,machine,nothing,there,the,with,is,wrong,. 4.there,man,sweater,a,a,blue,young,was,in,. 各文の括弧をIt is(was)~thatを用いて強調しなさい。 1.(Harry) told the police. 2.You saw (my mother) yesterday. 3.We like (his art, not his character). 4.He gave George this ticket (on Saturday). 5.I saw a castle (on the top of the hill). 6.(What) are you talking about?
1 There is a new chair in that corner. 2 There are some cakes for you. ※ケーキはふつう不可算だけどねw a piece of cake 3 There is nothing wrong with the machine. 4 There was a young man in a blue sweater.
1 It was Harry that told the police. 2 It was my mother that you saw yesterday. 3 It was his art, not his character that we like. 4 It was Saturday on that he gave Geroge this ticket. 5 It was the top of the hill on that I saw a castle. 6 What is it that you are talking about?
612 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/19(火) 12:58:14
>>610 There is a new chair [ in that corner ]. There are some cakes [ for you ]. There is nothing wrong [ with the machine ]. There was a young man [ in a blue sweater ].
It was Harry [ that told the police ]. It was my mother [ that you saw yesterday ]. It was his art, not his character, [ that we like ]. It was on Saturday [ that he gave Geroge this ticket ]. It was on the top of the hill [ that I saw a castle ]. What is it [ that you are talking about ]?
613 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/19(火) 13:00:03
580 名前:Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 [] 投稿日:2010/10/19(火) 02:54:47 I sigh [ when I reflect on the amount of time [ I had wasted on books for [ that were of no great profit to me ] ] ].
584 名前:Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 [] 投稿日:2010/10/19(火) 04:37:13 >>582 I had wasted [ on those books ] [ for that amount of time ].
×I sigh when I reflect on the amount of time I had wasted books that were of no great profit to me. 質問者が書いた英文(もちろん間違っている)>>550
○I sigh when I reflect on the amount of time I had wasted 【on】 books that were of no great profit to me. 引用元のサイト>>558、上が正しい英文で、数吉はon抜きで解釈していると指摘される>>562
>>565指摘をシカトして、独自の10公式のFORによる解釈を開始する数吉 I sigh when I reflect on the amount of time I had wasted books 【for】 that were of no great profit to me.
>>580ここでやっと、onを追加、しかしforにはこだわりを見せるw I sigh when I reflect on the amount of time I had wasted 【on】 books 【for】 that were of no great profit to me.
>>584waste周りの語の繋がりの解説を求められるが、自動詞とforに執着しすぎて、元の英文の構造を丸無視w I had wasted [ on those books ] [ for that amount of time].
625 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/19(火) 16:12:54
2章 〜する(動き、行為を言う) 1.日本語に直しなさい。 I eat food. I drink tea. I lie on the floor. I hit the computer keyboard with my fingers. I use the computer. I write things. Many people use computers. Many people use the Internet. People meet on the Internet. People visit websites. They get neccesary information there.
626 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/19(火) 16:13:46
In the execution of such a plan, nothing is more essential than that permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular nations, and passionate attachments for others, should be excluded; and that, in place of them, just and amicable feelings toward all should be cultivated. The nation which indulges toward another a habitual hatred or a habitual fondness is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest.
I turn the TV on. この文型は5文型で言うと何ですか? "The TV is on."の関係なので、SVOCのようにも見えてしまうのですが、 SVO+副詞を第5文型と見なして良いのかどうかわかりません。 そもそも、この文は"I turn on the TV."という語順にもなりうるので 余計にわかりにくいです。 「一部の副詞は補語になりうる」という文法書もありますが、 「副詞は補語になれない」と考える文法書のほうが多いようですし。 そうなると、"Love is over."のような文章も第一文型なのか第二文型なのか よくわかりません。
637 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/19(火) 19:45:43
>>632 In the execution of such a plan, nothing is more essential [ than that permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular nations ], and passionate attachments for others, should be excluded; and that, in place of them, just and amicable feelings toward all should be cultivated. The nation [ which indulges toward another a habitual hatred or a habitual fondness ] is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, [ either of which is sufficient [ to lead it astray from its duty and its interest ] ].
638 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/19(火) 19:47:22
639 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/19(火) 19:48:58
2章 〜する(動き、行為を言う) 1.日本語に直しなさい。 I eat food. I drink tea. I lie on the floor. I hit the computer keyboard with my fingers. I use the computer. I write things. Many people use computers. Many people use the Internet. People meet on the Internet. People visit websites. They get neccesary information there.
An old man and old woman live together. The old man go to a mountain. The old woman go to a river. The old woman wash their clothes. The old woman see a big peach floated on the river. The old woman go into the river. The old woman catch up the peach. The old woman come home. The old man come home, too. The old woman put the peach on a table. The old woman take hold of a kitchen knife. The peach is cut by the old woman. A baby cry. The old man and old woman hold The baby in their arms.
>>637 nothing is more essential than @[that ... antipathies ... , and ... attachments ... , should be excluded]; and A[that, <in place of them>, ... feelings ... should be cultivated].
651 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/19(火) 21:59:49
@SV: I am. I eat. ASVC: I am a student. I am not happy. I feel hungry. BSVO: I eat cup noodle. I never pass the entarance examination. CSVOO: The university give me a failure notice. DSVOC: The university calls [ me a failure ]. It makes [ me sad ].
653 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/19(火) 22:04:53
@年寄りのおじいさんとおばあさんが一緒に生活する。 Aおじいさんは山に行く。 Bおばあさんは川に行く。 Cおばあさんは着物を洗う。 D大きな桃が川の中をやってくる。 Eおばあさんは川に入る。 Fおばあさんは大きな桃をつかむ。 Gおばあさんは家に帰る。 Hおじいさんも家に帰る。 Iおばあさんは桃をテーブルの上に置く。 Jおばあさんは包丁をにぎる。 Kおばあさんは桃を切る。 L赤ちゃんが泣く。 Mおじいさんとおばあさんは赤ちゃんを抱く。 An old man and old woman live together. The old man goes to a mountain. The old woman goes to a river. The old woman washes clothes. A big peach comes down the river. The old woman goes into the river. The old woman catches up the peach. The old woman goes home. The old man comes home, too. The old woman puts the peach on the table. The old woman holds a cooking knife. She cuts the peach. A baby cries. The old man and the old woman hold the baby in their arms.
654 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/19(火) 22:06:23
An old man and old woman live together. The old man goes to a mountain. The old woman goes to a river. The old woman washes clothes. A big peach comes down the river. The old woman goes into the river. The old woman catches up the peach. The old woman goes home. The old man comes home, too. The old woman puts the peach on the table. The old woman holds a cooking knife. She cuts the peach. A baby cries. The old man and the old woman hold the baby in their arms.
>>611 3 It was his art, not his character that we like. 4 It was Saturday on that he gave Geroge this ticket. 5 It was the top of the hill on that I saw a castle.
>nothing is more essential >[ than that permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular nations ], >and passionate attachments for others, should be excluded; >and that, in place of them, just and amicable feelings toward all should be cultivated.
667 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/19(火) 22:50:43
Metamorphosis、新しくなりたい 篠沢ケリー作
In the beginning, the Word already existed.... And the Word was with God... and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him...
Don't leave Jerusalem! Wait [ to recieve [ what my father has promised ] ]! You will be baptized with the Holy Spirit. All times and dates are in the hand of God. Yeshua rose up into the clouds right before our eyes.... And we were just staring after him [ when..... ].
668 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/19(火) 22:53:07
670 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/19(火) 22:56:23
@SV: I am. I eat. ASVC: I am a student. I am not happy. I feel hungry. BSVO: I eat cup noodle. I never pass the entarance examination. CSVOO: The university give me a failure notice. DSVOC: The university calls [ me a failure ]. It makes [ me sad ].
688 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/20(水) 01:40:26
@SV: I am. I eat. ASVC: I am a student. I am not happy. I feel hungry. BSVO: I eat cup noodle. I never pass the entarance examination. CSVOO: The university give me a failure notice. DSVOC: The university calls [ me a failure ]. It makes [ me sad ].
690 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/20(水) 01:47:47
@SV: I am. I eat. ASVC: I am a student. I am not happy. I feel hungry. BSVO: I eat cup noodle. I never pass the entarance examination. CSVOO: The university give me a failure notice. DSVOC: The university calls [ me a failure ]. It makes [ me sad ].
720 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/20(水) 21:21:31
2章 〜する(動き、行為を言う) 1.日本語に直しなさい。 I eat food. I drink tea. I lie on the floor. I hit the computer keyboard with my fingers. I use the computer. I write things. Many people use computers. Many people use the Internet. People meet on the Internet. People visit websites. They get neccesary information there.
728 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/20(水) 21:51:55
この様な素晴らしい問題集で 次は公式の3です。
729 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/20(水) 21:57:33
自殺させられた人達の気持ちをふみにじるのですな?? 殺した者達を賞賛するのですね。
730 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/20(水) 21:58:33
3章 どんなだ(状態、性質を言う) 1.日本語に直しなさい。 I am free. I am happy. I am not busy. I am not hungry now. I am thirsty. Tea is good. The park is nice. Trees are beautiful. Cats are cute.
2.( )に当てはまる語を入れなさい。 A: Are you happy? B: Yes, I ( ). A: ( ) cats cute? B: Yes, they ( ) cute. A: ( ) you busy? B: No, I am ( ). A: Is this tea cheap or expensive? B: It ( ) expensive.
Man is more apt to see beauty in symmetry and ugliness in disorder. Nature, superficially at least, appears to be disorderly. Left alone with Nature, man starts to rearrange what he finds there. He proceeds quite often with some principle of equation in his mind. He is driven by the notion that if he puts something on one side of anything, he ought to put another thing just like it on the other side. Then he calls it beautiful.
757 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/20(水) 22:33:28
>>747 Man is more apt [ to see beauty in symmetry and ugliness in disorder ]. Nature, superficially at least, appears [ to be disorderly ]. [ Left alone with Nature ], man starts [ to rearrange [ what he finds there ] ]. He proceeds quite often with some principle of equation in his mind. He is driven by the notion [ that [ if he puts something on one side of anything ], he ought to put another thing just like it on the other side ]. Then he calls [ it beautiful ].
764 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/20(水) 22:51:08
Man is more apt [ to see beauty in symmetry and ugliness in disorder ]. 良い形、調和に美を見出し、順不順に醜さを覚える
Nature, superficially at least, appears [ to be disorderly ]. 自然は表面的には不秩序に見える。
[ Left alone with Nature ], man starts [ to rearrange [ what he finds there ] ]. 自然の中に置かれ、人は自分が見出す物を順序立てて並べ直そうとする。
He proceeds quite often with some principle of equation in his mind. 心の中でなんらかの公式をもって進む。
He is driven by the notion [ that [ if he puts something on one side of anything ], he ought to put another thing just like it on the other side ]. なにかを片側に並べるなら、もう一方の側に別の物を置けるはずだという考えで進めていく。
Then he calls [ it beautiful ]. その様にして生じた物を人間は美と呼ぶ。
Doublespeak is not a matter of subjects and verbs agreeing; it is a matter of words and facts agreeing. Basic to doublespeak is incongruity, the incongruity between what is said or left unsaid, and what really is. It is the incongruity the word and the referent, between seems and be, between the essential function of language ― communication ― and what doublespeak does: mislead, distort, deceive, inflate, circumvent, obfuscate. Doublespeak turns lies told by politicians into "strategic misrepresentations," "reality augmentation," or "terminological inexactitudes," and turns ordinary sewage sludge into "regulated organic nutrients" that do not stink but "exceed the odor threshold."
766 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/20(水) 22:52:15
He proceeds quite often with some principle of equation in his mind. 心の中でなんらかの公式をもって進む。
He is driven by the notion [ that [ if he puts something on one side of anything ], he ought to put another thing just like it on the other side ]. なにかを片側に並べるなら、もう一方の側に別の物を置けるはずだという考えで進めていく。
Then he calls [ it beautiful ]. その様にして生じた物を人間は美と呼ぶ。
The chorus of frogs gurgling in unison at the edge of of a pond, the snarl of a wildcat as it springs upon its prey, or the distant honking of Canadian geese veering south for the winter, all reverberate with affective, gestural conversations and soliloquies, moving us at times to tears, or to anger, or to intellectual insights we could never have anticipated. Language as bodily phenomenon accrues to all expressive bodies, not just to the human. Our own speaking, then, does not set us outside of the animate landscape but ― whether or not we are aware of it ― inscribes us more fully in its chattering, whispering, soundful depths.
>>783 2だね。どう思ってるか聞く時に使う。 「〜はいかがですか?」より「〜は好きですか、嫌いですか?」という訳だと考えたほうがいいと思うよ。 How do you like Japan?「日本は好きですか、嫌いですか?」 How do you like udon?「うどんは好きですか、嫌いですか?」 How do you like wendsday?「水曜日は好きですか、嫌いですか?」みたいなw
簡単な話 Do you like....?〜は好きですか?これにhowどのように〜が付く。 How do you like,,,?どの様に〜は好きですか?になる。ただこれだけ。 どの様にと聞かれているんだから、答える時は「何故なら〜だから好きです/嫌いです。」と説明を付けるといいよ。 あと、コーヒーはどの様にしましょうか?とかね。君の言う通り二つあるよ。
815 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/21(木) 18:14:30
Dear sirs, My name is Kazuyoshi Kataoka. I went to the Russian Embassy in Tokyo, Japan to apply for a visa, and I was told to get a signed confirmation letter from all the hostels where I stay and give all the routes I take to go out off Russia and the route I come in Russia again and leave for Japan. It is impossible for me to decide all my travel plan in Russia. So I need to cancel my staying reservation at your hostel which is below. Please accept my cancellation.
比較してる2文を復元すればこの様になります イ)Many people migrated from Europe to the rest of the world. 沢山の人が欧州から世界中へ移民した。 ロ)Many people have come in the opposite direction. 沢山の人が反対方向へ(世界中から欧州へ)移民してきた。
【as】Many people migrated from Europe to the rest of the world. 比較したいとこにasをくっつけて 【twice】【as】Many people migrated from Europe to the rest of the world. 2倍って言いたいのでtwiceをくっつけて 【Twice】【as】many people migrated from Europe to the rest of the world【as】Many people have come in the opposite direction. 比較したいもう一つの英文をasでくっつけて 【Twice】【as】many people migrated from Europe to the rest of the world【as】have come in the opposite direction. 省略してもわかる部分を省略した
>>852 1 We were disappointed that he didn't come. = ( To ) our disappointment, he didn't come. ガッカリなことに彼は来なかった 2 We enjoyed the astronomical show, brief as it seemed. = We enjoyed the astronomical show, ( though ) it seemed ( brief ). その天文ショーは簡単なものではあったが、私たちは楽しんだ 3 This boy takes after his father. = This boy is just ( like ) his father. この少年は父親に似ている
The events described in a novel have not actually happened. If the novel is successful one must feel that if they were to happen they would do so precisely as the novelist says.
>>896 How can you have thought me disguising a studentesses in middle schools, from what I wrote? (Don't blame me for inventing a word, studentess for a female student in middle school)
For me, you look suffering from schizophrenia. Take care of yourself.
>>900 For me, you yourself are mad, to write such a silly abuse like that. Don't respond what is written, from the reason that the person who wrote that is a particular person, like London.
>>902 You might be right, as the former has a hit of 74,600,000, while the latter 58,400,000. This can be seen more vividly if you limit objects of your search to sites with "org." Then, the former has 16,200,000, on the other hand, with the latter 8,700,000.
Thank you for the indication. I researched for those with google, limiting sites to those with edu. Results are in more detail = 10,600,000 in more details = 5,130,000 more in detail = 30,600.
930 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/23(土) 08:09:18
real [ ri-el ]英語、2音節、リオ [ ri-a-ru ]日本語、3音節リアル
Montreal [ mon-tri-el ] 英語発音、3音節、モトゥィア [ mo-nn-to-ri-o-ru ] 日本語発音、6音節、モントリオル
931 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/23(土) 08:26:11
4章 〜するか、〜しない(動き、行為についての疑問と否定) 1.日本語に直しなさい。 Do I eat meat now? No, I do not eat meat now. I eat fish. I do not drink coffee. I drink tea. Do I go to church by train? No, I go to church by motor bike.
932 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/23(土) 08:26:58
934 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/23(土) 09:02:01
3.日本語に直しなさい。 I will go to church tomorrow, too. I will go to Tokyo University. I will give my books to Tokyo University students and teachers. In the evening I will attend the Bible class. After the Bible class, I will enjoy coffee time. I can have a lot of fun in Tokyo. I may be the happiest person in Tokyo. I must thank God.
935 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/23(土) 09:03:44
936 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/23(土) 09:11:49
5章 〜は〜し←ている所である、ている最中である、ている途中である (途中を表す助動詞) 1.日本語に直しなさい。 I am lying on my bed. I am hitting the keyboard. I am eating frozen salt-tasted broad beans. I am teaching English to 2 chanel students. I am looking at Won Bin photographs. I am thinking about life with 2 chanel people.
937 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/23(土) 09:12:48
6章 〜は〜さ←れる (動きを受けることを表す助動詞) 1.日本語に直しなさい。 I am loved by God. I am helped by Jesus. I am thanked by many people. I am taught by many good people. I am sharing life with 2 chanel people. Many good new movies are seen by me.
938 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/23(土) 09:13:36
7章 〜は、これまで〜し←てきた、たことがある。て今はし終わっている。てそのことで今は〜である。 (現在に至るまでのことを言う助動詞) 1.日本語に直しなさい。 I have taught English many years. I have visited the USA. I have visited Harvard University. I have attended church worship services and Bible study class for two years every week. I have had a good time at a Chinese food pub. Many good things have come to me thanks to God, Jesus and Holy Ghost.
Montrealはフランス語ではモン・レアルだよ。 Je souhaite d'aller habiter un jour au Montreal, ou je trouverais de jeunes filles belles et ravissantes, avec lequelles je menerais des jours si emerveiilles, qu'enfin j'oublierais l'approche de la "Vieillesse" qui va venir!! ^^
>>953 ありがとうございます。 書いた後に気付いたのですけど、「私たちは最後でいい」というのはおかしいですよね。 「最後」を表す単語がないですから。「私たちは残されてもいい」→「私たちは最後でもいい」みたいな感じでしょうか。 でも would like be ですから、want to beと同じなので「〜になりたい」ですよね。 それに過去分詞が後に続くから受け身「〜される」なのは分ります。
~,increasing numbers are coming up with ways, sometimes highly creative, to assure that children born with donated sperm can meet the men who fathered them.
>>957 ~,increasing numbers(主語) are coming(動詞) up with ways, sometimes highly creative(waysを修飾), to assure(waysにかかる形容詞用法) that children born with donated sperm can meet the men who fathered them. ますます多くの〜が、that以下をassureする、時に高度に創造的な方法を見いだしている
The life and surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, ... - 190 ページ Daniel Defoe - 1826 - 635 ページ - 全文表示 ... or not doing, any 'thing that presented, or going this way, or that way, I never failed to obey the secret dictate ; though I knew no other reason for it than that such a pressure, DC such a hint, hung upon my mind. I could gone ...
Parliamentary Debates New Zealand. Parliament. House of Representatives - 1898 - スニペット表示 It was a question of time? getting as much as we could done before the House met. I recognised from the start it would take two sessions to complete the building. The leader of the Opposition said it would take three or four sessions. ... books.google.co.jp - 他の版