「この広い世界の中で、彼と言う存在を知り、 その素晴らしい演奏に触れることが出来たことに感謝します。」 ↓ It was my great pleasure that I could know in this vast world that there was an amazing person who played such an amazing performance.
>It was my great pleasure that I could know in this vast world はknowの対象がないので関係詞として読めちゃう It was my great pleasure that I could know_____ in this vast world ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^--------------→
つまり広い世界で大きな喜びを知ったその喜びなのであるとなってしまうから 少しではなくかなりニュアンスが違う。 その後のthat、worldを受けるならwhereだろう。 あとIt was my great pleasure過去形はどうだろう。そういう経験があったと過去のことになって。 今感謝してることを示していない。
彼のという存在を知ったことに感謝しますなら It's my great pleasure that I could know of him in the big world and have contact with his amazing performances.
>>48 that節だとしたらだ?その in this vast worldとthatの位置関係は大丈夫なのか?
つまり In this vast world there was an amazing person who played such an amazing performance. It was my great pleasure that I could know that. じゃなく There was an amazing person who played such an amazing performance. It was my great pleasure that I could know that in this vast world. になっちゃわないか?
>「この広い世界の中で、彼と言う存在を知り、 確かに変な句点の打ち方から捉えようによってはどちらでも取れそうな気もしなくはないが (にしてもそれならwho以下は非限定でカンマがいると思うが) その省略されることが多いknow thatのthatを 敢えてin this vast worldのあとに記す意図はなんだろうか・・・
>>46-47 I deeply apologize for a fatal mistake from my lack of knowledge. I was wondering if you could let me explain about details of the whole thing later. I'd just like to tell you in first how sorry I am.
>>56 That is nothing to do with my choice. A offered B a bet. Quench my thirst, will you?
>>57 What happened to you must be really tough on you. Maybe you are having a hard time, but I hope you'll drive yourself forward to oo. I'm behind you all the way.
>>58 This doesn't concern you? I wish this could be someone else's problem. Beats me.
>>53 I'm sorry for not telling you well. It's so hard for me to make you understand exactly what I mean in English.
>>56 1.It's in different spheres which its performer likes itself or not. 2.>>60 3.Can you do something about this?
>>58 You said something like somebody else's problem, hah. It should have been something that does NOT concern you. Damned if I know!
>>59 The crops are better than expected. there文は話の導入だから1文で完結する時にはあまり馴染まない。
>>63 I want to get it/them as soon as possible this time so I'm sorry I'll give up ordering from you. I hope we'll get a chance to do business another time >>64 ほしいのはこっちだろw 出来るだけ早く欲しいなら今は諦めるべきじゃないけど、 代わりにこの まさしく機会?を活用してみましょうって何だよwww >>65 口調が厳しすぎ。大体すでに頼んであるのか文脈からわからないはずだが こっちの要求に応えるのが遅すぎ。注文をキャンセルを通告させてもらうよ 次の機会を期待するなよビジネス環境はさらに厳しくなってるからなって全然違っちゃってるしwww
>>77 恐れ入る文化も日本独特。 Sorry to trouble you, but I must ask you out.
>>79 Quite frankly, I'm afraid not just his parents but his wife are no good as well. >>80 Didn't you see me when you came to Japan at 2008 and 2009, remember? >>81 In addition I'm sure you sent me this e-mail last year. >>82 I'm deelpy sorry. >>83 By the way, do you know there's some trouble between Japan and China in the Senkaku islands to the south of Japan the other day? What do you think of the issue? I'd like to know the opinion of neither Japanese nor Chinese like you. >>84 As for him, he's innocent.
>>85 君が>どんなにアジア通でも日本人にキリストがわかるはずがない。 繋がってないんだがわからせることはできないのか わかるはずがないのを知らないのか 下でいこうか。 Why do everyone get stuck with Asperger's symptomatic child-abusing women? You know even if you have no religion you have something unescapable as long as you're Caucasian. No matter how you're familiar with Asia you don't even know Japanese can't understand Christianity. And you'll fail again. It's not philosophy. It's when Scott comes!!! >>86>>87 My energy is mostly exhausting so I'll give a month of chargeup. >>88 I'll see you next month, ok? >>89 >ご迷惑をおかけすることもあるかもしれませんが >今後ともよろしくお願いします。 どちらも日本独特の挨拶表現だから何を伝えたいかを書いた方がいい。 一応 I was wondering if it may pose some inconvenience for you some time but I will appreciate your further help and encouragement from now on.
>>90 I took it off by myself for the first time since I'm born.
>>63 I'd like to cancel this order because I cannot wait any longer. I'm looking forward to another business opportunity with you soon.
>>75 I'm sorry that I troubled you. Your shipping confirmation will be greatly appreciated.
>>77 Excuse me, sir/ma'am, I would appreciate it if you would leave now.
>>80 >>81 I want you to remember that you met me when you visited Japan in 2008 and 2009. And you yourself gave me this email address, right?
>>83 In passing, have you ever heard about the news that there was an incident between Japan and China around Senkaku islands? What do you think about this? I would really appreciate your opinion because you are in a neutral position.
>>87 My juice is about to run out soon. So I'm going to take a break for a month in order to recharge myself.
>>89 www This won't happen again. I'll definitely be born again.
>>90 I became nude with my own will for the first time in my life.
>>92 All the items you'll find in a box are chosen especially for you. I'll send them to you at the beginning of next week. Do you need instructions on how to use them?
>>93 DX You've just thrown up, haven't you? How come?
>>120 I have an authority to arrange the item of ※. All you have to do is to sit down for waiting for few days until my preparation for papers has been done, which will explain how to use them.
Don't bother about such feelings as "if I could do something" or "if I were to someone" or "without something" or stuff. A choice you've chosen yourself is the truth of the universe for you. こんなところかなあ・・・
>>115 Do well and have well. ってことわざがあるがこれが近いか? You'd better do well on a routine basis. 平時の態度からその人が判断され急場で助けてもらえないから 日頃からちゃんとしてなさいよってことだろ?
>>126 have a(n) affair/intercourse get some 寝たというより関係を持った感じ。下はナニした sleep/go to bed with someone
>>142 This cartoon has seventeen volumes. And sixteen volumes to go. So I would like to charge you 240,000 (15,000 x 16) credits if you accept this price.
>>143 I know you'll come to pick me up. How come you took so long?
>>172 Have you had a meeting with him? It seems that I still didn't get your email. Can I expect your email by tomorrow? I need it because it is due soon.
>>182 OK, done! Your latest offer is now officially accepted with my approval. I will coordinate all necessary process that you need after I confirm your sending money into my account. Please note that, however, you have to be patient and wait until my uploading process is fully completed, which may takes couple of days because of narrow internet line. I use ADSL internet pipeline so as to prevent authority from interfere our transaction.
>>182 I understood. Your offer sounds great to me. I'd like to inform you this: It will probably take three days to upload everything because my internet connection is ADSL Your patience will be greatly appreciated
>>188 It's not my style to meet my client twice. I'll be on it as soon as your payment is wired to my Swiss bank account.
>>192 They said to us "Thank you!" again and again. They said that at least ten times in total.
>>193 Can I send you e-mail from now on? I'd like to be your e-mail friend. It would be great if you remember my name.
>>195 Have you checked pictures attached to my previous e-mail?
>>160 I know you are not fat, but it wouldn't hurt if you consider losing weight. This way, you will feel much better, avoiding a burden to your legs and knees. And keep in mind that you shouldn't force yourself to be on a strict diet, because you don't usually eat as much as others do.
>>206>>160 You know what? The secret of making yourself more comfortable is just lose some weight. I'm not telling that you that you're overweight or something like that. But doing so does reduce an amount of stress on your lower back and legs. A word of caution however: please do not ever try radical weight loss since you don't eat much.
>>209>>214>>216>>220>>222>>225>>231 At least I am better than all other guys, who, without posting their own translations, stay silent and make no contribution to society. Don't you have nerve to challenge me?
Unlike in real world, 2ch is full of 'nerds and fools' as well as ordinary citizens. They are obviously unsatisfied with life, complaining about any single trifle thing they can find and making fun of it, thinking that it would make them angry or make them upset.
Let me ask you a question. >>254 Are you satisfied with life? Do you have a steady girlfriend to have sex with every day? Do you have friends to go out drinking with? What's so bothering you? Maybe you should start thinking about life seriously, or your life is literally over now.
>>263 I totally forgot about this announcement too! A million thanks for telling me about it! I'm sooo happy man! Everyone's machines are out of this world too!! Congrats!
>>266 I don't get whole picture of the way this program runs, but I mange to accept your explanation as it is. If you have any additional information regarding this program, please let me know. Thanks anyway.
Let me ask you *some* question*s*. Are you satisfied with *your daily* life? Do you have a steady girlfriend *you could * have sex with every day? Do you have friends to go out drinking with? What's so bothering you? Maybe you should start thinking about *how to improve your* life seriously, or your life is *going to be* over *near future*.
Please have my advice as your reference. You could feel better if you adjust your weight to more modest one because reduction of body weight leads to less pressure on joints and has a function of reduce some pains derived from the pressure. The problem is that you already adopt regular type habit of meal. Those who do not have a lot dishes every day might find difficulty with losing their weight. So, please refrain excessive calorie control that might damage your health.
>>304 I can assure you that after meeting him you will get to like him even more than you do now (In fact, I did, too.). Tell him everything you have in your mind, when you meet him.
>>317 We both did good work and I have to say I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product. Your design resembles the Halloween pumpkin man; very cool! I looked at your picture, and I'm wondering if many Japanese folk live there? Well, looking forward to working with you in the future!
>>326 I'm now looking at how to dea with ○○ by hearing from the acquaintances familiar with it I'm getting them together to let you know before you'll come to hand.
>>325 Thank you for your quick response. Sorry I'd got the wrong idea. Could you tell me its total amount to pay?
I can assure you that you'll absolutely love him more than you do now when you see him (That was it for me indeed) Try to tell him everything you're feeling at the time.
>>268 本所横丁の糸屋の娘 姉は十八 妹は十六 At the corner of the feudal lord's main street there're two daughters in a thread shop; the elder's eighteen and the little's sixteen. 1.The lord can kill people with a bow and arrow and the daughters can do with their eyes.
2.Look who's talking.
3.I'm sure I don't have to tell you. I'll wait for your positive word, hah?
4.That's enough. Enough to drive me crazy. You just drunk up. Be that way. 5.The man and woman got boxed in.
>>335 It pardons it, and it manages to be good by one and request in my face there. In the place where there is an in-house standpoint, too. ..becoming it.. ?To cutting.
Could I ask you to do something about that to help me out of consideration for my situation? I'm worrying about my position in the office, you see? I need your help. I owe you one.
>>335 Could you manage to do that if you have consideration of my pride and credit at my company? You could understand the Japanese business culture. Your cooperation will be highly appreciated.
336 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage] 投稿日:2010/10/11(月) 11:42:33 >>335 It pardons it, and it manages to be good by one and request in my face there. In the place where there is an in-house standpoint, too. ..becoming it.. ?To cutting.
>>356 You will be happy to hear that I am also the person who happened to be interested in that habit of doing and has just implemented a preliminary research on it using web-based inquiry. You will be noticed the details of it after I dig into more deep level.
>>356 I'm also interested in that custom, and have briefly checked it out the other day. I will later get back to you after going through the details, because I have no time for it right now.
>>362 His famous Last Theorem was first discovered by his son in the margin on his father's copy of an edition of Diophantus, and included the statement that the margin was too small to include the proof.
>>368 I feel very much honored to be able to meet you. Thank you very much for coming all the way to Japan. I know this is a short trip, but there is no greater joy if you get much acquainted with our Japanese staff.
to have an opportunity to meet you. very much が繰り返してるからそういうのはやめて違う表現を使え Thank you a lot for coming here all the way to Japan. This might be a short trip to you I hope you have an enjoyable time with us.
>>376 Come to think of it, I begen to feel that you are right. Don't expect me to be perfect, ok? I've got a lot to do besides visiting this thread to make comments.
>>388 To begin with, I didn't even know that AAA is in fashion. I may be wrong, but the people I hang out with tend to be unaware of the latest trends.
>>422 You don't have to put them for comparison . He is the worst! The worst I could not compare for any one. I found the reason to the utmost why everyone hates him.
>>394 I'm sure I have no hair at all. I love that crow hanging down with a rope. Oh, you do? It made me clear. No wonder your Japanese is so nice. Saying "I will earn 10,000,000 yen!" to himself, it is named after him.
The secret of making yourself more cool is just to make your head part be plastic or something like that.
A word of caution, however: Do not ever try radical change your head from fresh-and-blood one to mechanic parts made of plastic, or you will be doomed to be dead.
>>206>>160 You know what? The secret of making yourself more comfortable is just lose some weight. I'm not telling that you that you're overweight or something like that. But doing so does reduce an amount of stress on your lower back and legs. A word of caution however: please do not ever try radical weight loss since you don't eat much.
I've been very moved by your work. There are nothing with wrong and everything is OK and that made me really appreciate. By the way, it is very happy that if you could read those articles whenever you can.
>>454 I'm so surprised you can definitely do the job well. That's all OK with me. I 'd like to express my sincere gratitude. I hope you would read it if you had time.
>>416 I'd like to know what your impression about the match between Hasebe and Montiel is. And Hasebe turned featherweight boxer. Do you think he's ok?
/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ It ain't bald or something. / \ / ヽ It's just made of transparent acrylic in my head. l:::::::::. | |:::::::::: (●) (●) | Don't get me wrong. |::::::::::::::::: \___/ | ヽ:::::::::::::::::::. \/ ノ
>>471 Franky speaking, an acquaintance of mine is looking for it and he asked me to seach for some reason. I hope you will sell me if you could get made available.
/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ / u J u \ .。oO( How awful >>473's English is. Am I supposed to point it out to this buddy, and modify it? ) / ヽ l u u u .::J:::::| | ::::::::::| | u :::::u::::::::::| ヽ ::::::::u::::::::::.ノ
I'm sorry to say I cannot share any sheet music. Also, at present, this book seems to be out of print in Japan. Sorry that I can't help you. but thanks so much for your interest in my work!
>>453 He/she knows exactly what makes people laugh.
>>454 I am more than happy to inform you that what you have done for us is beyond our satisfaction. Everything turned out all right. We have no complaint at all. We would like to express our deepest appreciation to you. We would appreciate it if you would check the following section if you have time to spare.
>>457 We would like you to submit a signed receipt and invoice by the person in charge of this matter.
>>461 Thank you for all your work. I haven't received 50000 credits yet. Is there something I have to do in order to earn rewards? Your help would be greatly appreciated.
>>471 It would be great if you could get it for me. I'm asking this of you on behalf of my friend who has been looking for it. I was asked to find it for him/her.
>>481 Is there any website where I can download a flu vaccine questionnaire?
>>482 A marriage is considered to be a contract between two houses in Japan. "I don't know about that" or "I don't understand that" wouldn't be a good excuse. What is your explanation to my parents? And how do you deliver it?
>>498 I looked up a climatic difference between Japan and England by "Koeppen climate classification." Japanese climate is classfied into Cfa, Humid subtropical climate, and English one is Cfb, Maritime Temperate climate; they are so much alike. In addition, London is located further north than the Tokyo at 10 degrees, but their climates are similler for ocean currents and other factors.
>>501 Thanks, ○○. I checked it out and found out I haven't ▲▲ yet as I suspected. I'll try to contact ■■. >>502 Dear ■■ I'm sure I will have you send ▲▲ to ○○ recently but I'm afraid it doesn't seem to have been received yet. Could you surely make him/her/them( ○○のこと) get it in one way or another? Sincerely
>>482 >>492 houseは建物のことだよwwwwww familyだな。 その総称のA marriageはaでいいのかなあ。 ニュアンス的に微妙にあってる気もしないでもないが確信がもてない。 constract程のものでもないと思う。 A marriage is considered to be ruled by between two families in Japan.
親しい人への時候の挨拶文の締めで May happiness be always with you. を使おうと思ったのですが、happyとhappinessを使わずに近い意味にできないか考えています。 素敵な日々を過ごせますようにという意味でwonderfulを使おうと思ったのですが、なかなか思いつかず… 無生物主語にできればそうしたいのですが。 何かいい文がありましたらよろしくお願いします。
>>512 I have a question regarding shipping and handling. You charged me for shipping and handling somehow. But the item I bought from you was free shipping. That was what you told me. Can I have your explanation on this?
>515 We haven't received the item yet. I checked on the delivery information, but the status said, "Acceptance". It seems it got stuck in the middle of somewhere.
>>516 You may not believe this. But some Chinese characters are not that easy even for Japanese to write. And I too have a lot of them.
>>518 May good fortune will follow you all the days of your life.
>>522 Thank you for your quick reply. We are going to contact you early next week regarding specifics of your order. In passing, obtaining A and B is relatively easy this time of the year. If you would like to add A and B or something else to your order, we are happy to take your request.
P.S. Could we have a progress report on xx if there is any new development.
>>543 It's becoming such a society as (it's) every man for himself.
>>547 I should be the one thanking you. I'm sorry to put you to the trouble.
>>548 You're an icon for me and I'm so happy to be able to talk with you by e-mail! I've been thinking about how I should give back to you for my feeling of gratitude. If there is anything I can do, please let me know.
But until that day you are pukes! You're the lowest form of life on Earth. You are not even human fucking beings! You are nothing but unorganized grabasstic pieces of amphibian shit!
>>579 In this case, you would have to say "themselves", or alternatively you should modify the middle part, so that you say "..........., YOU are getting....................yourselves."
>>584 You may enjoy sports if you like; otherwise you may not do that. Each person has his own forte and foibl so that you should find your own pleasure, I suppose.
>>558 I'm just an ordinary man except for bike riding.
>>562 Is there any chance that you're going to give us a chance to enjoy your play by play comments while you're playing the SNES version of "The Legend of Zelda" as soon as you complete that of the NES version.
>>570 I found your channel at last. I tried contacting you but I couldn't because your username was void. What I want to know is an easy way to win a fight.
>>575 We are getting more and more self-centered people who don't care for others in these days.
>>581 To become an infinity by lifting up a dream in a shadow.
>>584 Taking up a sport is your call. You should do it if you want to. And shouldn't do it if you don't. You should do what you can do best because you are not cut out for everything.
>>588 Self-awarness is the key to overcome problems. Advice from others is no use unless they realize what their problems are.
>>589 I have no time for learning how to fight. The next fight is coming up in a week. Maybe this could offend you but I need something that works instantly.
>>591 I've been lost in thought quite a lot lately.
>>615 ので〜ので。 日本語の接続がちょっとおかしいから正確にはなんとも こういうことか? That's why we/I would like to talk about many issues with the foreigner(s), who we got the opportunity to invite in our hospital this time. No wonder he's an American doctor who knows well that the level of the Japanese medical skills and our healthcare system should be in the world-class categoly.
>>613 The blood products mixed in with HIV caused hemophiliacs to be infected with AIDS. It's only Japan that is too late to approve the heated blood products in the world and let the victim expand. The Government offered an apology and compensate to them.
>>609 By the way it's about "A Link to the Past". I only played this Zelda game before and it was the greatest.
wikiより The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, known as Zelda no Densetsu: Kamigami no Triforce (ゼルダの伝説 神々のトライフォース, Zeruda no Densetsu: Kamigami no Toraif?su?, lit. "The Legend of Zelda: The Triforce of the Gods") in Japan,
>>610 I wonder there's such a thing as they, finally, could really meet each other from that situation. What's OK with the condition at all??? It's a bit childish, isn't it?
>>608 お国って州だけど。故郷の意味でいいよね。 I had an opportunity to see Vermont, your home, coming up in a TV program and I found there an abundance of lush vegetation and its beauty. I'd love to cycle around at least.
>>620>>606 おま・・・ドラキュラって海外モノだよなwww 悪魔城ドラキュラのことだろ?専用の名前もあるのに・・・英題: Castlevania まあそれ書くと知ってたことになるから I'd never known Dracula game are sold in other countries. You plays very well in the cartoon! I didn't find the last hidden item!
自分なりに限界まで答えたのですが、 "I want to go to Japan, but I need to learn to speak Japanese." わたしはにほんにいきたいが、にほんごをはなすことを、まなぶひつようがあります。 Watashi wa Nihon ni ikitaiga, nihongo o hanasu koto o manabu hitsuyō ga arimasu."
>>631 It's like things. にほんご を はなす こと literaly means things someone speaks Japanese or what someone speaks Japanese. We can translate こと を〜する in Japanese when we use the verb + to infinitive clause in English. When we use the verb "learn" in the sentense, we can translate こと を まなぶ because the verb まなぶ doesn't add する to form the sentence with the exception. You must not transtlate まなぶ する or まなび する. It's simply OK using まなぶ.
>>632 It seems like you can't set me up as a friend because of my accessing by cell-phone. I sent a blank message today. Did you get that? Anyway I'll tell you the result of my game in a week.
>>643 I did it because I was inclined to do that. Do you want my apologies? Never! I never apology for that! It's your fault if that leads you to misunderstanding.
>>648 You'd better keep control. Don't lose your control/sanity. Keep your composure. etc...
>>649 I hope he will come to Japan for Fuji Rock. wishはないと思うがの前置きが入るくらいの現実味のない願望の表明だよ。 I wish he would come to Japan to play in Fuji Rock. >>650 byはないわ。I guess Fujirock itself never forces him to come here.
>>642 I've made various experiments to do my graduation thesis and some of experiments resulted in failure. Then I changed the mood, looked at what drives them in failure and tried to experiment once more but I'm afraid it didn't work again. A totally three-time failure without a break would prevent me from even refusing to go to college. But I didn't give up, had another experiment again and ended up to get the success. I've found that failures are important processes that lead to success.
>>661 I sent you $*** by Paypal on Oct. 13 but the notice from Paypal told me today that it's not yet received. I checked out my outgoing call data and I found that I sent to the wrong adress "e-mail adress A" and I also found I had to sent to your correct account "e-mail adress B" from the data of the past. Sorry to bother you. I will sent it to your correct account next Monday.
Patients suffering from hemophilia were infected with AIDS owing to HIV-infected blood preparations. As approval of using unheated blood products had been later in Japan by comparison to the world, the victims of AIDS were escalated. The Government apologized for it and gave them the compensation.
>>675 In Japan it may be alarmed not to hold a baby in the upright position because he or she haven't had a firm gut and bowel yet for about 100 days since he or she was born. I wonder if it may be a little bit earlier to pose that. Is he or she OK with the position? I'm sure you should carry him or her in the lying position.
It's absurd to say a thing.そんな事言うのは馬鹿だ。 It's as absurd as to say such a thing.そんな事言うのと同じくらい馬鹿だ。
ちなみに上の文は仮主語でit = to say a thingだが 下はit ≠ to say a thingだ。 as 評価 as 例示で、to say a thingはitで言わんとしてることと同程度の類似の例示内容で 類似のものを提示し比較することでitが何であるか表現しているわけで。 itそのものが指し示すものとは別物。蛇足だが
>>686 I've just finished watching your movie of FF10. I guess you've played all FFs, right? My favorites are 7&8,( and of course 10, too.) 最後は10の他に7、8も好きって伝えたいんだよね? 違ったら()内省いて
>>697 When I read this, what surprised me was that large scale damage was not caused by this earthquake. All that can be said is that it is a miracle only minor damage was occurred during an earthquake of this magnitude.
>>700 Woke up before the dawn and I saw sleeping streets I'm getting used to the rhythm of this town I start walking and run into people They are walking in a pace The sun beam coming in from the train windows taught me this: "The sun is beautiful, but too bright to look at" I can be anywhere in this town I'm a complete stranger here I'm all alone and I'm lonely Wherever I go, I just fear people I don't know I'm getting used to the rhythm of this town Highways are getting crowded by cars Streets are getting crowded by people Tokyo, this town was made of buildings and a crowd of people "You're nothing more and nothing less..." The voice over the phone gave me a lesson I can be anywhere in this town I'm a complete stranger here I'm all alone and I'm lonely
>>693 I've just found that is yours! Sorry for the delay. My sleep-wake cycle is in a real mess and you and I have a time difference. And above all else, I have to take time enough to write a reply because English is still a little bit difficult for me. I hope I'll have a drink with you next year if allowed the opportunity.
>>675 Can I tell you something? I guess it is wise to hold your baby in the lying position. It's been told in Japan that we should handle babies in the lying position within 100 days after their birth. This is because it's been considered the position of internal organs that include bowels is not fixed inside of them.
>>680 Would you tell me how many drinking opportunities preceded before this in terms of the amount of drinking?
>>686<<698 I finally went through the video recording of every sequence in FF10. Did you play the entire series of FF? I like FF7 and 8 too by the way.
>>693 Now I realized that that belonged to you. I'm sorry about my late reply. I guess this is maybe because my irregular lifestyle and time differences between us. Well, it still takes a long time to write to you because English is not an easy language to learn. I'm looking forward to getting together to have drink if everything goes well.
>>697 This earthquake caused relatively small damage. That really surprised me while reading this. I must say that was miraculous considering the strength of intensity.
>>702 I do understand your surroundings. And please forget about xx. It looks like I pushed you too hard on this. I'm very sorry about that.
>>705 Anyone can do this if s/he is in the movie business. It is not something worth commending.
>>709 Does this mean that you could not attend high school, but not because of financial difficulties?
>>733 Do you have any idea why all European languages has common fault? All people who spoke those languages look like speaking with their mouth full of something.
>>736 I met her at another place in advance, three hours before I departed to go to the festival. I did it because my father told me where she would appear.
>>734と>>735なんですが 下記は、ドイツの人からの英文なんで訳が分からないんです。 日本語を勉強したい人とレスポンスしていたんですが 下記のコメントがきたのです。 ah, thank you so much for accepting & subscribing! take care and wish you a great day xxx それの対して、 >>739の方に I didn't subscribe any service you provide. I am going to sue you if you insist that the contract has been reached between us. 返信の分を書いて貰ったのですが、翻訳機を使ったら訴えるとか出てきてw困惑してます。 辞書を見ても理解し難いので、どなたか下記の英文の ah, thank you so much for accepting & subscribing! take care and wish you a great day xxx :) これに対しての簡単な返信方法を教えて下さい。 お願いします。
■ subscribe 1 : to PAY money to get a publication or service regularly 2 : to agree to BUY shares in a company ? usually + for 3 Brit :to belong to or support something (such as an organization) by PAYING MONEY regularly ? usually + to
>>766 辞書で調べたり翻訳機を使ったら、I didn't subscribe any service you provide この訳に、訴えるというのが出てきたのでびっくりして返信はまだしていません。 訴えるとか訳にあったので、もう一度、確認に来させてもらいました。。 本当に中学生レベルしか英語力がないもので。 ありがとうございました。
>>776 It is my great pleasure that I get acquainted with you, with the same hobby, across the boarder. I'm looking forward to our friendship in future.
>>791 When I found out, I was unbelievably happy. I definitely want to get my hands on that guitar! I know you must be busy, but please take good care of yourself.
>>804 A friend of mine likes the T shirt with **-shaped design enough to try making it out. 普通は誰も判りませんよね。ってどういう意味で??? 何でそうなるの的な感じでいいのか? Who could possibly think of it?
>>801 Hi. Is there any boxing gym in Maiami? I'd love to aim for going pro in U.S.A.
>>800 Could I cancel my earlier order if it's not too late? *** is what I really wanted.
>>799 ここの代行のことは書かなくていいのかw I have to take time enough to look up in dictionaries or in the net when I write e-mails for you. I wish we could exchange them each other at an easy pace.
>>798 It's hard to attend at a scheduled time or day of the week.
>>797 Good luck >>796 How could I be such a laggard?
>>779 It's a pleasure to meet you. Would you mind shaking hands with me? >>780 to me youはよかったw新しいギャグですかw
>>776 I'm so fortunate to get to know the person with common interests across the boarder like you. >>778 hobbyを良く調べてみろw趣味と言ってもかなり限定されるぞ。マニアックに極める意味を兼ね備えてる。 例えば読書がhobbyになるというとちょっと気持ち悪く思われる。 >>777 一語や代名詞なら挟もう。 made this upでもoutの方がいいと思う。 わざわざ過去完了にする必要なし。今も影響を受けているなら尚更。
>>824 A friend of mine who gave me information had no interest in A at all. No one around me liked A at all. That was why I was waiting for A to show up alone. I guess other fans of A waited for A in other locations. No one got right information on where he would show up. I became extremely nervous on that day because heavy rain fell and lighting followed as soon as I came to a location where I assumed he would show up at. You may not believe this but the rain stopped falling just ten minutes before he finally showed up. I cannot remember exactly how many times I thanked God. If the rain had kept falling, he would have walked away even though he showed up. I must say A is a very gentle person. And it's my dream that I will attend A's show in Taiwan one day. I just keep hoping that I will see him there again.
>>833 Thank you very much for spending time with me. I had a great time. I'll visit again when I save enough money. I'll let you know when the time comes. Take care of yourself.
>>840 I'm waiting for your reply. Please let me know when you've checked it up. I like A very much. Actually B did not attract me before, but now I'm getting interested in it.
>>840 I'll expect to hear from you. Please let me know after you confirm it. And I really like A. I had been a bit poor at B before but I'm going to like it.
>>852 I'm still just a beginner at English so I'd rather communicate by e-mail than telephone. ↑直訳系だがくだけば>>853
>>854 Thank you for your replay. I'm so nervous that it goes as if my face were burning and perspiring with embarrassed. It's a great pleasure you like it. I feel confident by your saying so. I'm so happy you understand my taste! I'm sure they are delighted, too. So I hope you have a great visit and we'll keep in touch.
>>854 thank you for reply, I got blushed. I'm glad to hear you like this. I'm also glad to hear you understand my taste, It encouraged me. they must be happy too. have a good travel at here. cheers!
I don't believe the studio won't give the job to someone who comes and says "I hope to get a role of Yoko." They must told her just "We don't need you." That's all.
She used to begin from surface. She wore black clothes on entire body.
How he is sissy knocked off badly is the place of interest.
I'm looking for ×× to buy. Would it be possible to add the option to send me within about a week even if it might be some more expensive?
>>885 Why don't you make a friend of mine even though I really long for you?
>>877 I don't believe those who comes and says "I'd like to get a role of Yoko" usually gets a job from the studio. She'll end up to be told just "We don't need you." That's all. Yoko would have its beginning with its appearance and be dressed all in solid black. How sissy he is to get knocked off badly is the place of interest. >>882 否定は先にする。
>>889 Now I'm considering purchasing a ×× . Because I'm in a hurry, could you send it express to get to me in a week ? I don't mind the extra shipment fee if any.
↑ I asked about ・・・you said for my friend. He(She) said he will look for it on the next month and the month after. I will let you know if I get something new. Meanwhile can you tell me what kind of ・・・ is your preference ?
As I had just finished recording my pieces, I haven't heard those pieces which is completed. Having had difficulties in playing its introductory part, I want you to appreciate a part around that.
>>904 Surely, you can't look over Twitter as various information you can get from there. But, I sometimes have a low battery of my mobile phone, which is one of worry. I might watch that for so long hours. Those who can watch TV programs at studios are often called for through radios and newspapers. Of course, only those who were chosen by bet can go there. Are there such events in your country?
>>938 I think we have different opinions about what's important in language studies. You might think effectiveness is the key, but effective methods are useless unless students keep studying. To me, the most important thing is to keep motivation high. Making students enjoy learning process would be more essential than effectiveness.
"Is it true for you to have misunderstood "fruitful conversations" as "conversations about fruit""? so asked I to him. Then, he replied, "I had thought you thought so as well." I hope he enjoy the life in UK.
>>976 他の1万回越えた動画主のコメントを参考にw 俺が見てる動画主で偶々今日見たなんとか記念でリクエストに応えたときの動画の紹介文 Nearly 20,000 subscribers and 10,000,000 views (over 10 times the amount from a year ago!), the year is almost coming to a close and I am now on my 100th video. One of the most requested videos for me to do was Billboard's Year-end chart for 2008 as it fell in the same time span as my first two videos. You'll notice some songs from these videos and some new ones that topped the charts in 2008! Thank you all once again for the support, and I hope to continue progressing pop music through the times.
>>973 The Giants lost the game? Oh, my gush! Thank you very much for every thing over a whole year. I'll support them in the coming year.
>>969 so long and so redundant→so long and reducdant 英語にないニュアンスの表現を2語で表す時にはそれ自体を1語として扱ったほうがいい。 Why do you give sentences so long and redundant without being asked? Is it enough that "Americans don't drenk tea" + question form + "very well"? Who knows the proverb "Sentences and her shirt are never too short"?
>>991 Thank you for answering for me. I couldn't see what he meant by his comments. I don't speak English very well. >>992 This is no Japan. >>993 fucking guy