海外の反日宣伝活動に英語で対応するスレ Part 39

I am a Japanese who loves France.I'm appreciate very much for holding the event that helps to strengthen the relationship between Japan and France.
but I have a real concern about things. That is Kumdo

Kumdo that will be planned to paticipate in Japan Expo is not historical art of way of the sword.
Kendo (Japanese art of fencing) was introduced to Korea from Japan in 1896 as a form of police and military training during Japan's ruling age of Korea.
Up until end of the occupation in 1945, kumdo developed in parallel with kendo.To be frankly, Kumdo is break off organizations from Kendo.
In Kumdo's training system, Korean wears Japanese Kendo proctive gear and attacks each other with Japanese bamboo brade.
kumdo does not have any aspects of the element of South Korea.
In fact, There were no Samurais in South Korea in Korean history.Various photos, records and documents prove the fact of no samurais in Korea.
but Korean insists Kumdo has existed before Japan's ruling age of Korea. Korean claiming about Kumdo is a big lie.
and Recently,Korean Kendo Association claimed Kumdo Organization in Korea
and Kumdo Organization losed a civil case and Kumdo Organization officially admitted that Kumdo is break off organizations from Kendo.
I would like to ask French people and The officials of Japan Expo not to fall for Korean big lies about Kumdo.