wilderness n 1. [the+S] old use or bible an area of land with little natural life, esp. a desert; 荒野、あらの、 あらのかあれのかいつも迷ってしまう。聖歌も賛美歌も 知らないからいけないんだ。 シナイ山が mount Sina になっている。KJVは固有名詞の 綴りも現代の聖書と異なる。固有名詞の発音もチョッチ 違ったりする。
draw v drew, drawn 6. [I+adv/prep] esp. lit to move or go steadily or gradually 8. [T] to take (breath) in 9. [I] to produce or allow a current of air, esp. to make a fire burn better tremble v [I] 1. to shake uncontrollably with quick short movements, usu. from fear, excitement, or weakness 2. [(at, for)] to feel great fear and anxiety about something
During the Early Modern period, English verb inflections became simplified as they evolved towards their modern forms:
The second person singular was marked in both the present and past tenses with -st or -est (for example, in the past tense, walkedst or gav'st).[12] Since the indicative past was not (and is not) otherwise marked for person or number,[13] the loss of thou made the past subjunctive indistinguishable from the indicative past for all verbs except to be.
not otherwise provided for 《契約書》別段の定めがなければ◆【略】NOP not otherwise specified 《契約書》他に規定{きてい}のない限り◆【略】NOS ; n.o.s. 特定不能の、不特定の、他に特定されない not otherwise used 他の形では用いられない 表現パターンnot otherwise used [in use]
oracle n 1. (in ancient Greece) <a> a person through whom a god was thought to speak <b> a place where a god was believed to answer people's questions through such a person
calf n calves 1. [C] the young of the cow or of some other large animals such as the elephant in those days その当時{とうじ}は、あの頃{ころ}は、その頃 rejoice in sthg. phr v [T no pass.] humor (of a person) to have (a particular name or title, esp. one that is silly or amusing): He rejoices in the name of Pigg.
rejoice in 〜を喜ぶ;〜を持っている、〜に恵まれている◆【同】have ; possess rejoice in someone's recovery (人)の回復{かいふく}を喜ぶ
host n 1. <a> a person who receives guests and provides food, drink, and amusement for them 3. tech an animal or plant on which some lower life is living as a PARASITE heaven n 1. [U] (often cap.) the place where God or the gods are supposed to live; a place of complete happiness where the souls of good people go after death - compare HELL 2. [C] also heavens pl. -esp. lit the sky
host of heaven = 空のあるじ = stars How beautiful that is! (`・ω・´)シャキーン
take sthg,/sbdy. - up phr v 1. to begin to spend time doing
take up 【句自動】 再び始める、再開{さいかい}する 〔衣類{いるい}の丈を〕短くする、上げる 〔仕事{しごと}や趣味{しゅみ}などを〕始める、着手{ちゃくしゅ}する◆定期的に行うことを含意する。 〔義務{ぎむ}などを〕引き受ける、担う 〔物事{ものごと}が時間{じかん}を〕消費{しょうひ}する、取る 〔人の要求{ようきゅう}や提案{ていあん}などを〕受け入れる、応じる
tabernacle n 1. a movable tent-like structure used in worship by the Jews in ancient times
tabernacle 【名】 《the 〜》〔旧約聖書{きゅうやく せいしょ}の〕幕屋{まくや}、タバナクル ◆契約の箱(the Ark of the Covenant)を運ぶ、移動可能なユダヤ教の神殿。◆the Tabernacleとも表記; 〔ユダヤ教の〕神殿{しんでん}、タバナクル◆通例Tabernacleと表記
appoint v [T] 1. [(as, to)] to choose for a position or job 2. fml to arrange or decide (esp. a time or place when something will happen)
appoint 【他動】 〜を任命{にんめい}する、選任{せんにん}する、指名{しめい}する◆【類】name ; nominate ; ordain ; institute ; install ; designate ; commission ; invest ・The owner of the hotel appointed him manager. : ホテルのオーナーは彼をマネージャーに任命しました。 〔日時{にちじ}・場所{ばしょ}などを〕決める、指定{してい}する、定める
45 Which also our fathers that came after brought in with Jesus into the possession of the Gentiles, whom God drave out before the face of our fathers, unto the days of David;
came after brought in with Jesus into the possession of the Gentiles, これはキツイ。
come after 〜の後に来る、〜の後を追う、〜を探す bring sthg./sbdy. - in phr v [T] 1. to cause to come in; introduce 2. to produce as profit or income; earn 3. to give (a decision) in court come into sthg. phr v [T] 1. to receive (a sum of money) after someone's death; INHERIT
stiffnecked adj fml refusing to change or obey; proudly OBSTINATE うなじのこわい もともとは、馬などの家畜が強情を張って、指示した方向に首を曲げない様子。
show of independence 《a 〜》独立{どくりつ}しているという装い[見せ掛け] show of love 愛情表現{あいじょう ひょうげん} show of power 《a 〜》力の誇示{こじ}[を見せつけること] show of professionalism 《a 〜》プロらしいショー
cut someone to the heart (人)の胸にこたえる[深く響く・グサッとくる] gnash 【名】歯ぎしり 【自動】歯ぎしりする steadfast adj fml or lit 1. apprec faithful; steadily loyal 2. steady; not moving or movable stop one's ears to 〜に耳を閉ざす[傾けない]、〜を聞こうとしない with one accord = with everyone expressing their agreement at the same time; either in words or in actions