I commend your patience. Most student loath being referred to as pupil. Such a belittling word disciple is, would not you say, for one who has since the age of ten been groomed to become the elite of man's teachers? 長文読解だったのですがまったく意味不ですorz 一つ目のほうはなんとか理解できたのですが二つ目がまったくわかりません
24 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/26(日) 21:29:25
>>8 I commend your patience. Most student loath [ being referred to as pupil ].
Such a [ belittling ] word disciple is, would not you say, for one [ who has since the age of ten been groomed [ to become the elite of man's teachers ] ]?
36 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/26(日) 23:31:46
>>34 Thank you very much. That was very good. Is he an European or a Japanese? He's hairy, isn't he? It would be very well [ if one is not hairy but smooth-skined ].
37 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/26(日) 23:37:26
教えてください。 「MAINTOP 総合英語(山口書店)P281」についてです。 いわゆる「直接話法→ 間接話法」の説明です。 直接話法:He said to me, "You look pale. What's the matter with you?" ↓ 間接話法:He told me I looked pale and (he) asked (me) what was the matter with me.
これが理解できませんでした。 「伝達内容が特殊疑問文の場合」には、 「直接話法:say (to A), "特殊疑問文?"」→「間接話法:ask (A) 疑問文 + S + V.」 となると考えていたからです。 よって、私は、以下のようになると考えています。 He told me I looked pale and (he) asked (me) what the matter was with me.
>>41 間接疑問文を作る時、What is the matter? の主語をwhatを考えた場合は He asked what was the matter. the matterが主語と考えた場合(The matter is what with you? の派生とした場合)は He asked what the matter was. になる。 この場合はwhatを主語と考えるのが普通なので前者を使うことが多いが、後者の例も稀に見られる。
和訳たのみますわ The 1943 copper-alloy cent is one of the most enigmatic coins in American numismatics ? and reportedly the most valuable Lincoln penny of all. Just 40 of the coins ? probably created by accident, on copper-alloy one-cent blanks left in the presses in the wartime years when pennies were converted to steel ? are known to exist. The first 1943 copper cent was sold in 1958 for more than $40,000. In 1996, another went for a whopping $82,500. But those sales pale in comparison with the latest: this week, a dealer in New Jersey sold his 1943 penny for a staggering $1.7 million. Their collection value makes 1943 copper pennies a prime target for counterfeiters: fakes are often made by coating steel cents with copper or altering the dates of 1945, 1948 and 1949 cents. How can you tell if your 1943 copper penny is real? Use a magnet. If the penny sticks, it's not copper. Better luck next time.
It is not uncommon to have feelings of anticipation and eagerness-or even fear-when one has yet to face a Betrayer.
96 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/27(月) 23:59:12
>>95 [ What it must be like [ to face a Bear ] ], 熊に出会ったときのようなもの
It is not uncommon [ to have feelings of anticipation and eagerness - or even fear- [ when one has yet [ to face a betrayer ] ]. 裏切り者に直面しようとするとき、期待と対決、いや恐怖さえ感じるのは、尋常なことではない。
97 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/28(火) 00:09:02
98 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/28(火) 00:14:17
>>96 馬鹿丸出し > [ What it must be like [ to face a Bear ] ],itはto以下 熊に出会ったらそれはどのような感じだろうか
> It is not uncommon > [ to have feelings of anticipation and eagerness - or even fear- > [ when one has yet [ to face a betrayer ] ]. まだ裏切り者に直面したことがないとき、期待と情熱、あるいは恐怖さえ感じるのは珍しいことではない。
101 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/28(火) 00:29:03
>>66 The 1943 copper-alloy cent is one of the most enigmatic coins in American numismatics and reportedly the most valuable Lincoln penny of all. Just 40 of the coins, probably created by accident, on copper-alloy, one-cent blanks [ left in the presses in the wartime years [ when pennies were converted to steel ] ] are known to exist.
The first 1943 copper cent was sold in 1958 for more than $40,000. In 1996, another went for a whopping $82,500. But those sales pale in comparison with the latest: this week, a dealer in New Jersey sold his 1943 penny for a [ staggering ] $1.7 million. Their collection value makes [ 1943 copper pennies a prime target for counterfeiters ]: fakes are often made by [ coating steel cents with copper ] or [ altering the dates of 1945, 1948 and 1949 cents ]. How can you tell [ if your 1943 copper penny is real ]? Use a magnet. [ If the penny sticks ], it's not copper. Better luck next time.
103 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/28(火) 00:32:53
Their collection value makes [ 1943 copper pennies a prime target for counterfeiters ]: fakes are often made by [ coating steel cents with copper ] or [ altering the dates of 1945, 1948 and 1949 cents ]. How can you tell [ if your 1943 copper penny is real ]? Use a magnet. [ If the penny sticks ], it's not copper. Better luck next time.
151 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/28(火) 01:32:57
>>96 [ What it must be like [ to face a Bear ] ], 熊に出会ったときのようなもの
It is not uncommon [ to have feelings of anticipation and eagerness - or even fear- [ when one has yet [ to face a betrayer ] ]. 裏切り者に直面しようとするとき、期待と対決、いや恐怖さえ感じるのは、尋常なことではない。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>It is not uncommon >尋常なことではない。 >>145 >>96は、盛大な間違いなので、信用しないように 「尋常」とは、「普通」の意味なので、It is not uncommon ⇔ It is common ⇔ 普通の事である 「尋常」という言葉を使うなら、「尋常である」というのが正しい日本語訳になります
>>172 1 Interest rates ( ) low for at least another two years. (c)will remain anotherは今後 2 In light of these sales figures, the company ( ) up with a big loss. 最近の売上の数字を考えると会社は大きな損失を出したことになる (b)ended 3 Mr. Turner is out now, and I don't know when he ( ) in the office. いつ戻るか知らない→間接疑問 (d)will be back 4 Would you ask our boss if a meeting ( ) tomorrow afternoon? 会議が明日午後に開かれるかどうかボスに聞いてもらえない? (c)will be held 5 If it ( ) this weekend, shall we go skiing together? 条件の未来の副詞節 (c)snows
>>188 Can you tell me when the next train to Tokyo will leave?
192 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/28(火) 10:17:13
Today I must go to a dentist and an eye doctor. I must go to Tokyo branch of Miyazaki Bank, too. I will go to Ginza, too. I want to buy a cloth sack bag at a South East Asian ethnic shop.
We like to hail to the school. 単純に上の英文のhailをpartyに置き換えれば理解できると思いますよ とりあえず日本語を経由しないで理解する様にしてみて下さい We like to party to the school.
>>225 いや普通にあるから The Neutron Stars - CBC Radio 3: Free music, videos, podcasts ... - [ このページを訳す ] Andy Magoffin is a great recording engineer., Jim Guthrie awakens us on Sundays, The Clash gets us through the workday, We like to party to the Beatles, We read books & the Band plays in the background. ... radio3.cbc.ca/bands/THE-NEUTRON-STARS - キャッシュ
America likes to claim that it is a "classless" society. High wages, the availability of inexpensive clothing and other goods, and informality in social situations combine to give the nation a classless appearance, especially to visitors. Although America may give this first impression, the United States, like most other countries, has its rich and poor people, its rich and poor neighborhoods.
279 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/29(水) 02:19:09
Gの時は、頭に、 接続詞・疑問詞・関係代名詞・関係副詞 が来ます。
280 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/29(水) 02:27:05
>>239 The water is not clean You can not drink it.
The water is not as clean [ as you can drink it ]. 10公式のGで言うとこうなります。
The water is not clean enough [ to drink ]. 10公式のHで言うとこうなります。
281 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/29(水) 02:32:44
>>240 America likes [ to claim [ that it is a "classless" society ] ].
High wages, the availability of inexpensive [ clothing ] and other goods, and informality in social situations combine [ to give the nation a classless appearance, especially to visitors ].
[ Although America may give this first impression ], the United States, like most other countries, has its rich and poor people, its rich and poor neighborhoods.
282 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/29(水) 02:44:07
>>264 Who was with you? 単数か複数か分からないときは単数で代表をさせて言います。
出来るだけ間違えをしないようにした I tried [ to make as fewer mistakes [ as it is possible (to make) ].
283 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/29(水) 02:46:50
I tried H[ to make as few mistakes G[ as (it is) possible (to make) ].
284 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/29(水) 02:49:37
Get up.
Over there.
285 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/29(水) 02:58:35
もう夜中の3時ですか 早いですねえ
286 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/29(水) 03:16:44
[ Being a man ], I like young guy's penis very much. The other day, on the central [ crossing ] of Washington DC [ shopping ] town, I was interviewed by a ike-men black young guy. Ike-menn: [ Being a man yourself], why do you like young men better than women? Me: I like a hot hard rod very much.
He hopped away and came back [ hopping ]. He was a [ high jumping ] kangaroo! It was rather I [ that was amazed ].
308 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/29(水) 08:15:34
Immediately after this, Jesus insisted [ that his disciples get back into the boat and head across the lake to Bethsaida ], [ while he sent the people home ]. After [ telling everyone good-bye ], he went up into the hills by himself [ to pray ]. Late that night, the disciples were in their boat in the middle of the lake, and Jesus was alone on land. He saw [ that they were in serious trouble, [ rowing hard and struggling against the wind and waves ] ]. About three o’clock in the morning, Jesus came toward them, [ walking on the water ]. He intended [ to go past them ], but [ when they saw [ him walking on the water ], they cried out in terror, [ thinking he was a ghost ]. They were all terrified [ when they saw him ].
309 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/29(水) 08:16:30
参考書に Please tell me what time to come? って文があるのですがなぜ Please tell me at what time to come? または Please tell me what time to come at?って 前置詞のonがつかないのでしょうか 疑問文でないときは I come at seven . のように必ず時間の前にatがつくはずなのに
>>312 ありがとうございます。 同様に日も同じと考えていいですか Please tell me what day to call you. のようにonはいらないですよね。 しかし Please tell me what station to change train . はやっぱり Please tell me at what station to change train. が正しく、前置詞は省略できないような気がしますが この違いは時間と日だけ省略可能ってことなのでしょうか
314 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/29(水) 09:25:13
Please tell me [ what day to call you ]. Please tell me [ what station to change my trains ]. Please tell me [ what station I must change my trains at ].
I have a question. Would you please let me know what is the most effective way to go on a diet convergent to one part of my body? Because of my bad habit of drinking late at night everyday, my belly is big by now. Other part is probably not that fat but waist part is miserable. Do you know some way to make this part slim?
319 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/29(水) 10:30:34
320 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/29(水) 10:33:01
>>318 I have a question. Would you please let [ me know [ what is the most effective way [ to go on a diet convergent to one part of my body ] ] ]? Because of my bad habit of [ drinking late at night everyday ], my belly is big by now. Other part is probably not that fat but waist part is miserable. Do you know some way [ to make [ this part slim ] ]?
の2通りの書き方があると思うのですが、ニュアンス的に何か違いはあるのでしょうか? また、I'm in the high school. のようにtheをつけると、「私は(建物としての)学校(の中)にいます。」 と全く意味が異なるという解釈で合っていますか?
322 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/29(水) 10:37:45
You have a solution. Get a good habit of [ drinking red wineeveryday ] and your belly gets flatter and flatter gradually. [ If you are still young ], your flat belly will be wanted by me and you'll get a sweet night with me.
No need [ to be modest for [ my inviting you [ to be massaged the sweetest ] ] ].
329 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/29(水) 10:53:37
@主語 +be動詞(is,am,are) +前置詞(at, in, with, on, for, to, by .......) +名詞 /〜が〜〜いる・ある、(物や人の存在を言う場合です) A主語 +一般動詞(〜する)(←s) +前置詞(at, in, with, on, for, to, by, as ........) +名詞(目的格) /〜が,〜〜する、 (物や人の動き、働き、作用、行動を言う場合です) B主語 +be動詞(is, am, are) +形容詞 + 〜 /〜はどんなだ (物や人の外的状態、内的性質を言う場合)
330 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/29(水) 11:07:49
@I am at my home. 存在 AI answer questions. 行動 BEnglish is easy with 10 formulas. 性質 存在と行動と性質が3種類の主語述語 -------------------------------------------------- CWe can learn English easily with 10 formulas. 助動詞+動詞の原形 DWe are having a good time here now. 進行形 EEnglish is used by lots of people all over the world. 受身形 FI have had a good day today. 完了形 以上が英語の助動詞のすべて ----------------------------------------------- Aの主語述語、Bの主語述語において、 Bの主語述語を従属節にして、主節のAの主語述語に向かって繋がらせる。G従属節 Bの主語と述語を単語化して、Aの主語述語に向かって繋がらせる。H不定詞 Bの述語の動詞を、Aの主語述語に向かって繋がらせる。I動名詞、分詞
間接疑問の場合は例文に出会ったことないけど 普通の疑問文の疑問詞として文頭に立てる分には at what timeありだよ。 ex. At what time will he come back? (=What time will he come back?) 研究社英和中のtimeだったかwhatだったかの項にある。 たしかにこの方が論理的だよね。肯定文ではHe'll come back at eight. みたいにいうのだから。ただし省略される場合が多いらしい。
>>381 >誰があなたといたの? >Who was with you? おk >誰とあなたはいたの? >Who were you with? おk >出来るだけ間違えをしないようにした >I tried not to make as a mistake as I could. I tried not to make mistakes as much as I could.
385 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/29(水) 21:18:03
>>380 I often wish [ the whole shark business had just been a bad dream ]. あの鮫に喰われたことがただの悪い夢だったらと頻繁に思います。
>>389 Hello Kataoka, I'm glad to talk to you, famous person here. Frankly speaking without any hesitation, your 10 formula is meaningless to those who are learning English. I think few people understand your way, and even if they master it, they can't get proficient in English. Why did you think out such a silly thing. Are you really a fool?
391 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/29(水) 22:02:20
>>390 Hey, fucking fool! I suck [ to be talked by you, fucking netami person ]. [ Frankly speaking ], without any hesitation, you envy meaningful 10 formulas [ which are very helpful to those [ who learn English ] ]. So many people today haste for my way, and [ when they master it ], they get proficient in English. Why do you envy me so much? Are you really a fool?
I intended to have + done it. / I had intended to do it. がともに「私はそれをしようとしたけど、できなかった。」 の意味になるわけを説明していただけないでしょうか? 私流の説明がありますが、 取りあえずそれは伏せておきます。 先生方の説明が揃いました時に愚説を披露したいと存じますほどに。
>>407 和訳お願いします。 Whan that Aprill with his shoures sote The droghte of Marche hath perced to the rote, And bathed euery veyne in swich licour, Of which vertu engendred is the flour; Whan Zephirus eek with his swete breeth Inspired hath in euery holt and heeth The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne Hath in the Ram his halfe course yronne, And smale fowles maken melodye, That slepen al the niȝt with open ye— So priketh hem Nature in hir corages— Than longen folk to goon on pilgrimages, And palmeres for to seken straunge strondes, To ferne halwes, couthe in sondry londes; And specially, from euery shires ende Of Engelond to Caunterbury they wende, The holy blissful martir for to seke, That hem hath holpen, whan that they were seke.
1 a.I make a ( ) ob brushing my teeth before I go to bed. b.Let me ( ) some mistakes in your report. c.They scored a decisive ( ) and won the game.
2 a.There was no light in the room, so I had to ( ) my way to the door. b.I ( ) like eating something hot tonight. How about curry? c.Please ( ) free to call me anytime.
421 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/30(木) 12:01:19
>>418 I make a point of [ brushing my teeth [ before I go to bed ] ]. Let [ me point some mistakes in your report ]. They scored a decisive point and won the game.
There was no light in the room, so I had to feel my way to the door. I feel like [ eating something hot tonight ]. How about curry? Please feel free [ to call me anytime ].
いや古いとか古くないとかじゃなくて 法と時制の関係を再考する際に 役に立つ動詞形だってことだよ。 一般化には2つの理論的捨象が必要となる。 1 動詞と助動詞の区別の撤廃 2 to不定詞と原形不定詞の区別の撤廃 この2つを理論的に措定すると、 would have p.p. could have p.p. intended to have p.p. had intended to do etc. からは以下の4つの共通要素が抽出される。すなわち a. 動詞自体の未来志向性 b. 完了( have p.p.) c. 動詞の過去形 上の動詞形に於いて要素bのみが時制的な価値を持ち a+cが法的価値をもっていることが自明である。 よって、いわゆる仮定法の結果節として定式化された would/could/might/should + do/have p.p.は、 その特殊な場合に過ぎないといえる。【Q.O.D】
[ Being a man ], I like young guy's penis very much. The other day, on the central [ crossing ] of Washington DC [ shopping ] town, I was interviewed by a ike-men black young guy. Ike-menn: [ Being a man yourself], why do you like young men better than women? Me: I like a hot hard rod very much. He hopped away and came back [ hopping ]. He was a [ high jumping ] kangaroo! It was rather I [ that was amazed ]. 男児たる我、青年の大志を愛するものなり。過日、紐育市買物街四辻にて黒色好男子と遭遇す。 彼、我に問ふ、「卿、男子なるに女子にまして男子を愛するは何故ぞ」と。 我答へて曰く「赤心を愛すればなり」 黒色、跳躍して去り、再び来る。奧獣の如し。 我、驚嘆せずと云うべからず。
446 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/30(木) 17:25:28
>>443 (It has been) well spoken (of)! Not everyone has that attitude so soon after the examination.
参考書を見ていて気になったんですが It is necessary that〜や I insist that〜などのthat節内で 動詞にshould+動詞の原形を使うのはなぜですか? この場合のshouldは通常の「〜すべきである」の意味と 基本的には同じですか?それとも別ですか? 親切に教えてくださいますようお願いします。
>>465 それで合ってると思われ これを分離不定詞を使わず、 Also, alcohol is considered a social lubricant , which allows people to communicate their feelings to others more easily. とすると、more easilyがcommunicateにかかるかallowsにかかるか分かりにくくなってしまう。 よってcommunicateにかかることを明確にしたいがために分離不定詞にしたと思われ
So, what comes as the next question is,"Why do women choose to marry late?". Opinions differ among experts, but one which seem to me convincing enough is as follows: ...
≪Boys.lack charm,≫says Dr. K of XX University,≪while girls gain more and more guts and competence, which best explain the present situation, deplorable enough, but somewhat thrilling.≫ Dr.K doesn't hide her excitement.
After serving me a cuo of tea, flavoured with a slice of lemon of Sicily, she continued to talk. ≪Would you like to know what is behind all this situation?≫ ≪Yes, of couse, Dr. Even ardently!≫ ≪A cohspiracy...a satanic conspiracy is behind this trend.≫ I gasped in silence. I was already late, and only the fire burning at the fireplace reminded me that I was then in a salon of a famous feminist, not in a witch's one.
>>565 inputは特に訳さなくても良いんじゃね。 the relation of linguistic research to other areas of inquiry. 他の分野の調査研究への言語学的調査した結果との関係 詳細な項目では他の分野の調査研究への言語学的調査した結果との関係と関連している。
In short, there is nothing can be thought of, but what may be found at Miaco, and nothing, tho' never so neatly wrought, can be imported from abroad, but what some artist or other in this capital will undertake to imitate.
このスレには有名な方がいらっしゃると聞いたもので・・・ よろしくお願いします!!
584 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/03(日) 02:10:56
教えているときは虚しくないです。 >>583 In short, there is nothing [ that can be thought of ], but [ what may be found at Miaco ],
and nothing, [ though never so neatly wrought ], can be imported from abroad, but [ what some artist or other in this capital will undertake [ to imitate ] ].
600 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/03(日) 06:30:34
>>565 〜, in spite of the fact [ that the input to language acquisition varies from individual to individual ]. 言語習得での入力される物は個人毎に異なるという事実にもかかわらず、〜
Further subfields are concerned with the relation of linguistic research to other areas of inquiry.
601 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/03(日) 06:32:57
>>597 My wife got better, but I caught her bad cold. 家内は回復したが、しかし私は彼女のひどい風邪をもらった 風邪をうつされた
602 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/03(日) 06:41:54
In short, there is nothing [ that can be thought of ], but [ what may be found at Miaco ],
and nothing, [ though never so neatly wrought ], can be imported from abroad, but [ what some artist or other in this capital will undertake [ to imitate ] ]. そしてなにものも、綿密に仕組まれたのではないのだが、外国からは持ち込まれない、 この首都でだれかある芸術家が模倣しようと取り上げるものだけが持ち込まれる
>>583 In short, there is nothing but what may be found at Miaco, and nothing can be imported from abroad, but what some artist or other in this capital will undertake to imitate. 輸入されたものではなくこの都市に住んでる芸術家などが模して作ったのだろう。 can be thought of, , tho' never so neatly wrought,
609 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/03(日) 08:20:19
>>616 I find myself only taking sleeps and meals. Poorly motivated for work,only take some meals and sleeps day after day. My dream to become a pilot crushed with the plane. The golden days will never come back.
この his home is worth が用法がよくわかりません。訳の意味なら his home's worth と思うのですが このhis home is worth はどういう用法でどんな場合に使われるのか?たとえばthanの後限定とかworthを使う 場合まま使われる、とかいった指標を教えてください。
The address printed as my address on the statment is wrong. The correct one is XXXXXXX as I had informed of. Please make sure the correct information appear on the statements. Thank you.
>>583 They can think of nothing but what they may find at Miaco. 都で見つかるもの以外何も考えられない。 →都で見つかるものがすべてだと考える。 cf.I can think of nothing more appropriate than keeping the Olympics above politics. 私は、オリンピックを政治から切り離すよりも最適なものを何も考えられない。 →私は、オリンピックを政治から切り離すのが最も適切だと考えます。
In short, there is nothing can be thought of, but what may be found at Miaco, and nothing, tho' never so neatly wrought, can be imported from abroad, but what some artist or other in this capital will undertake to imitate. 要するに、何を置いても、都で目に付くものがすべてであり、すごく精巧な代物とまでは言えないが、 外来のものではなく、この都の匠やそうでない人も外来品を模倣して取り組んでいる代物なのである。
>>623 his home is worth.で 彼の家の価値 と訳になるのがわからないのです。 この訳はthanのもとでのみ発生するのか、それとももとから His home is worth, は 彼の家の価値 となるのか。なぜかと言えば his home is worth は 普通に考えて彼の家は価値(がある)だからです。こういう特殊な訳には なにか普遍のルールがあるのかと思いまして。
>>651 2はwill have been じゃね? by the time 現在形, will have been の形は普通にあるよ
BBC - Newsnight: From the web team: Tuesday 9 February 2010 - [ このページを訳す ] 9 Feb 2010 ... By the time he leaves in the summer, he will have been as good as his
Antonio Pappano: the unstoppable maestro - Telegraph - [ このページを訳す ] 8 Sep 2008... because by the time he signs off at Covent Garden he will have been at
>>650誤訳 tho' never so neatly wroughtは there is nothing(that)can be imported from abroadに対する譲歩節。 though they are never so neatly wrought(theyは輸入したものを指す)が元の形。 <しかも出典を見ると、この文章の前では京都には無数の精巧な製品があると褒めてる。> 「外国から輸入できるものは、たとえあるにしてもこんなにきちんと作りこまれてはいないだろうが、 何も無い」の意味。
imitateの目的語はwhat。「外来品」ではない。there is no A but Bが 2回繰り返されているだけの形。 some artist or other は「職人やそうでない人」ではなく「誰かの職人」の意味。 <in some way or other=何らかの点で(◆or other は強調のため)ジーニアス英和辞典より> 「この都の誰かしらの職人が模造を請け負ってしまうであろう物だけがある」が正しい。
He says that the Japanese praise the taste only because it is a taste suitable to the early summer season. However,the fact is that valuing the first catch of a season shows a sensitivity to the change of seasons that is one characteristic of Japanese cuisine.
>>620 出典は ttp://www.seattlepi.com/business/star292.shtml Customers say Starbucks' drinks taste better than the local coffees that have defined the Asian experience until now: the inky, bitter fluid sweetened with condensed milk and served in plastic bags in Singapore or the instant coffee people drink at home in Beijing and Hong Kong.
1.His failure is considered to come from the lack of effort. 2.Something was felt to touch my cheek. 3.He was surprised to notice that they were lending the poor boy their sledges.
Inspired wholly by a love of knowledge for its own sake and by an awe at the creation which bordered on the religious, Einstein made possible an instrument of destruction with which the earth could be totally disfigured.
選択問題です。おねがいします。 1 Just between you and me, everything ( ) before the meeting began. (a)had been decided (b)has been decided (c)will be becided (d)would be decided
2 Bob said, "I ( ) laid off for more than two years next week." (a)had (b)has been (c)will have (d)will have been
713 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/04(月) 15:16:03
スープオペラ あ〜 虚しくない
714 :Saitama city boy KazuKata ◆1Ar1xEmrTUxj :2010/10/04(月) 15:24:40
仕事が無くて、虚しいれす ^q^
715 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/04(月) 15:30:46
>>668 He says [ that the Japanese praise the taste [ only because it is a taste [ suitable to the early summer season ] ] ]. However,the fact is [ that [ valuing the first catch of a season ] shows a sensitivity to the change of seasons [ that is one characteristic of Japanese cuisine ] ].
716 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/04(月) 15:32:25
そうか、虚しいか 優しく僕が見守ってあげるよ
717 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/04(月) 15:37:51
>>676 His failure is considered [ to come from the lack of effort ]. Something was felt [ to touch my cheek ]. He was surprised [ to notice [ that they were lending the poor boy their sledges ] ].
We consider [ that his failure comes from the lack of effort ]. I felt [ something touch my cheek ]. He was surprised [ that he noticed [ that they were lending the poor boy their sledges ] ].
718 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/04(月) 15:41:15
>>683 [ Inspired wholly by a love of knowledge for its own sake and by an awe at the creation [ which bordered on the religious ] ], Einstein made possible an instrument of destruction [ with which the earth could be totally disfigured ].
719 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/04(月) 15:44:19
>>698 Just between you and me, everything had been decided [ before the meeting began ].
Bob said, "I will have been laid off for more than two years next week."
195 :片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk :2008/10/14(火) 02:44:47 By nature, Einstein was, according to all accounts, the gentlest of men, and by conviction he was a pacifist, yet he made intellectual discoveries [ that led the way to the invention of weapons [ with which the species could destroy itself ] ]. Inspired wholly by a love of knowledge for its own sake, and by an awe at the creation [ which bordered on the religious ], he made possible an instrument of destruction [ with which the earth could be totally disfigured ]. 10公式は完全なのに全く実用化へ持って行こうとしなかった 宮崎県教育委員会の進学校ばかりいた教員共を告訴しよう!!!
721 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/04(月) 16:00:30
>>666 surprise=〜を驚かす 作用動詞 He suprised me. I was surprised by him. The news was surprising.
722 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/04(月) 16:03:05
723 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/04(月) 16:04:40
Though the United States has spent billions of dollars on foreign aid programs, it has captured neither the affection nor the esteem of the rest of the world. In many countries today Americans are disliked; in others merely tolerated. The reasons for this sad state of affairs are many and varied, and some of them are beyond the control of anything this country might do to try to correct them. But harsh as it may seem to the ordinary citizen, since he is filled with good intentions and natural generosity, much of the foreigners' animosity has been generated by the way Americans behave.
先生に訳して来いと言われました どなたかお願いします
726 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/04(月) 16:17:04
普段は虚しかったのです 幽霊のように
727 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/04(月) 16:20:01
>>725 [ Though the United States has spent billions of dollars on foreign aid programs ], it has captured neither the affection nor the esteem of the rest of the world. In many countries today, Americans are disliked; in others merely tolerated. The reasons for this sad state of affairs are many and varied, and some of them are beyond the control of anything [ this country might do [ to try [ to correct them ] ] ]. [ But harsh as it may seem to the ordinary citizen ], [ since he is filled with good intentions and natural generosity ], much of the foreigners' animosity has been generated by the way [ Americans behave ].
先生に訳して来いと言われました どなたかお願いします
728 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/04(月) 16:33:48
[ Though the United States has spent billions of dollars [ on foreign aid programs ] ], it has captured neither the affection nor the esteem [ of the rest of the world ].
In many countries today, Americans are disliked; in others merely tolerated.
The reasons [ for this sad state of affairs ] are many and varied, and some of them are [ beyond the control of anything [ that this country might do [ to try [ to correct them ] ] ].
But [ harsh as it may seem [ to the ordinary citizen ] ], [ since he is filled [ with good intentions and natural generosity ] ], much [ of the foreigners' animosity ] has been generated [ by the way [ how Americans behave ] ].
731 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/04(月) 16:35:58
But [ harsh as it may seem [ to the ordinary citizen ] ], [ since he is filled [ with good intentions and natural generosity ] ], much [ of the foreigners' animosity ] has been generated [ by the way [ how Americans behave ] ].
Developed countries have entered the time of the aging society. An agin society is a society in which old people make a large percentage of the population. It is a matter for congratulation that the average life term of people in the developed world has increased very much. This has been brought about by great advances in medicine and improved health and medical sercices. At the same time, however, many industrialized countries are worried about aging populations, plunging birthrater, and additional problems about old people. These problems are becoming more and more serious year after year. World average life term is now about 66 years. Japan is heading toward an aging society at a faster pace than any other developed country. According to data released in 1994 by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the number of people aged 100 or older is more than 5000 in the whole country. The number of old people over 65 is now 17500000 and will be more than 20000000 ath the beginning of the 21st century, It is expected that the total population of Japan will reach its peak in the year 2007 and senior citizens above the age of 65 will make nearly 30% of the total population in 2025. The number of bedridden people ages 65 or over will probably increase to 1200000 and that of senile old people to 1500000 by the year 2000.
>>743の続きです。 The problems of the bedridden or senile aged that were not so important in the days when life term was 50, are bicoming more and more serious and difficult at the present time when life term has been extended to nearly 80. As the percentage of old people in the total population becomes higher, the mation's medical cost for such people rapidly increase. There is am urgent need for developed countries to promote various social welfare programmes, such as old age pensions, medical insurance, and an increase in the number of home helpers and nurses. It is important for each of us to think seriously about what to do when young, so that we may spend our old age easily and comfortably.
751 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/04(月) 18:53:43
>>743 [ Developed ] countries have entered the time of the [ aging ] society. An [ aging ] society is a society [ in which old people make a large percentage of the population ]. It is a matter for congratulation [ that the average life term of people in the [ developed ] world has increased very much ]. This has been brought about by great advances in medicine and [ improved ] health and medical sercices. At the same time, however, many [ industrialized ] countries are worried about [ aging ] populations, [ plunging ] birthrate, and additional problems about old people. These problems are becoming more and more serious year after year. World average life term is now about 66 years. Japan is heading toward an [ aging ] society at a faster pace [ than any other [ developed ] country (is) ].
752 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/04(月) 18:54:55
[ According to data [ released in 1994 ] by the Ministry of Health and Welfare ], the number of people [ aged 100 or older ] is more than 5000 in the whole country. The number of old people over 65 is now 17,500,000 and will be more than 20,000,000 at [ the beginning ] of the 21st century. It is expected [ that the total population of Japan will reach its peak in the year 2007 and senior citizens above the age of 65 will make nearly 30% of the total population in 2025. The number of [ bedridden ] people [ aged 65 or over ] will probably increase to 1,200,000 and that of senile old people to 1,500,000 by the year 2000.
753 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/04(月) 19:01:11
The problems of the [ bedridden ] or senile aged [ that were not so important in the days [ when life term was 50 ] ], are becoming more and more serious and difficult at the present time [ when life term has been extended to nearly 80 ] ].
[ As the percentage of old people in the total population becomes higher ], the nation's medical cost for such people rapidly increase. There is an urgent need [ for [ developed ] countries to promote various social welfare programmes, such as old age pensions, medical insurance, and an increase in the number of home helpers and nurses ]. It is important [ for each of us to think seriously about [ what to do [ when young ] ], [ so that we may spend our old age easily and comfortably ] ].
754 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/04(月) 19:09:48
[ Developed ] countries have entered the time of the [ aging ] society.
An [ aging ] society is a society [ in which old people make a large percentage of the population ].
It is a matter for congratulation [ that the average life term of people [ in the [ developed ] world ] has increased very much ].
This has been brought about by great advances in medicine and [ improved ] health and medical services.
At the same time, however, many [ industrialized ] countries are worried about [ aging ] populations, [ plunging ] birthrate, and additional problems about old people.
These problems are becoming more and more serious year after year.
World average life term is now about 66 years.
Japan is heading toward an [ aging ] society at a faster pace [ than any other [ developed ] country (is heading) ].
755 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/04(月) 19:10:31
These problems are becoming more and more serious year after year.
World average life term is now about 66 years.
Japan is heading toward an [ aging ] society at a faster pace [ than any other [ developed ] country (is heading) ].
756 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/04(月) 19:13:07
[ According to data [ released in 1994 by the Ministry of Health and Welfare ], the number of people [ aged 100 or older ] is more than 5,000 in the whole country.
The number of old people [ over 65 ] is now 17,500,000 and will be more than 20,000,000 at [ the beginning ] of the 21st century.
It is expected [ that the total population of Japan will reach its peak in the year 2007 and senior citizens above the age of 65 will make nearly 30% of the total population in 2025 ].
The number of [ bedridden ] people [ aged 65 or over ] will probably increase to 1,200,000 and that of senile old people to 1,500,000 by the year 2000.
757 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/04(月) 19:19:14
The problems of the [ bedridden ] or senile aged [ that were not so important in the days [ when life term was 50 ] ], are becoming more and more serious and difficult at the present time [ when life term has been extended to nearly 80 ] ].
[ As the percentage of old people in the total population becomes higher ], the nation's medical cost for such people rapidly increase.
There is an urgent need [ for [ developed ] countries to promote various social welfare programmes, such as old age pensions, medical insurance, and an increase in the number of home helpers and nurses ].
It is important [ for each of us to think seriously about [ what to do [ when young ] ], [ so that we may spend our old age easily and comfortably ] ].
↑771 1 Those students plan to make a speach at the school festival in order to make the movement public. 2 We should not turn our eyes from the fact that many students cannot go to school.
~,where an asterisk in front of an example shows that it is not acceptable Japanese. asteriskはその表現が日文法的であることを示す記号らしいのですが、 in front of an example をどうやくせばいいでしょうあk>
>>778 where an asterisk in front of an example shows that it is not acceptable Japanese. 例,例文an exampleの前に*が付いているのは日本語としては受け入れることが出来ません。 日本語としては間違ってます。
782 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/04(月) 22:47:42
>>776 Our president has made an interesting speech at the conference [ held yesterday ].
"When did you go to Paris ?" "I went there twice [ when I was a graduate student ]."
783 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/04(月) 22:56:48
784 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/04(月) 22:57:46
イケメン美人 ゲットさせてください
785 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/04(月) 22:58:56
イケメン美人が 「トムの乳首が凄い」 だって。
786 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/04(月) 23:04:19
850 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/05(火) 09:55:36
The Ministry of Jesus Begins
[ When Jesus heard [ that John had been arrested ] ], he left Judea and returned to Galilee. He went first to Nazareth, then left there and moved to Capernaum, beside the Sea of Galilee, in the region of Zebulun and Naphtali. This fulfilled [ what God said through the prophet Isaiah ]: “In the land of Zebulun and of Naphtali, beside the sea, beyond the Jordan River, in Galilee [ where so many Gentiles live ], the people [ who sat in darkness ] have seen a great light. And for those [ who lived in the land [ where death casts its shadow ] ], a light has shined.”
852 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/05(火) 09:56:37
From then on Jesus began [ to preach ], “Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.”
853 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/05(火) 09:57:35
The First Disciples
One day [ as Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee ], he saw [ two brothers—Simon, [ also called Peter ], and Andrew— throwing a net into the water ], for they fished for a [ living ]. Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you [ how to fish for people ]!” And they left their nets at once and followed him. A little farther up the shore, he saw two other brothers, James and John, [ sitting in a boat with their father, Zebedee, [ repairing their nets ] ]. And he called them to come, too. They immediately followed him, [ leaving the boat and their father behind ].
855 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/05(火) 09:58:49
Crowds Follow Jesus
Jesus traveled throughout the region of Galilee, [ teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom ]. And he healed every kind of disease and illness. News about him spread as far as Syria, and people soon began [ bringing to him all [ who were sick ] ]. And [ whatever their sickness or disease ], or [ if they were demon possessed or epileptic or paralyzed ]— he healed them all. Large crowds followed him [ wherever he went ]— people from Galilee, the Ten Towns,[h] Jerusalem, from all over Judea, and from east of the Jordan River.
文の空欄に適当な関係代名詞を埋めなさい 1.we don't know he man ( ) lives here. 2.the lady ( )dress is blue is the secretary. 3.who ( )knows him can believe the story? 4.Did you believe ( ) Jim told you? 文章の下線部(括弧)を主語にした文に変えなさい 1.Mary wrote (that letter.) 2.the little boy tore (all the books.) 3.Aeriend told me (the news) this morning. 4.They speak (French) in the country. 5.They will finish (the work) in April. 6.They will do (it) in a minute.
文の空欄に適当な関係代名詞を埋めなさい 1.We don't know he man ( ) lives here. 2.The lady ( )dress is blue is the secretary. 3.Who ( )knows him can believe the story? 4.Did you believe ( ) Jim told you? 文章の下線部(括弧)を主語にした文に変えなさい 1.Mary wrote (that letter.) 2.The little boy tore (all the books.) 3.A friend told me (the news) this morning. 4.They speak (French) in the country. 5.They will finish (the work) in April. 6.They will do (it) in a minute. たぶんコレで大丈夫だと思うのですが・・・
>>895 文の空欄に適当な関係代名詞を埋めなさい 1.We don't know the man (who) lives here. 2.The lady (whose) dress is blue is the secretary. 3.Who (that) knows him can believe the story? 4.Did you believe (what) Jim told you? 文章の下線部(括弧)を主語にした文に変えなさい 1.Mary wrote (that letter.) That letter was written by Mary. 2.The little boy tore (all the books.) All the books were torn by the little boy. 3.A friend told me (the news) this morning. The news was told (to) me this morning by a friend. 4.They speak (French) in the country. French is spoken in the country. 5.They will finish (the work) in April. The work will be finished in April. 6.They will do (it) in a minute. It will be done in a minute.
Genetic modification has the power to ssave lives through its use in medicine, such as the making of insulin for diabetes or the treatment of genetic illness.
through its use in medicine と the making of insulin for diabetes の訳し方が分かりません 薬を使うならinじゃなくてofな気がするし、making of も単純に「作る」ではないですよね…
My friend, who had been born on the left bank of the Seine and never considered living anywhere else, imagined herself dead becoming part of the places that alive she would only consider visiting as if in her life she'd rehearsed leaving and then in death gone and done it.
It is getting darker and darker. Let's go home. Which month is the hottest in the year?- August is. Nothing is more precious than time. The faster a cad goes, the more fuel it consumes.
>>928 My friend, imagined herself dead becoming part of the places that she would only consider visiting as if she'd rehearsed leaving and then in death gone and done it. 死によってそれを成し遂げた。
who had been born on the left bank of the Seine and never considered living anywhere else, alive 生きている in her life
940 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/06(水) 08:14:18
>>887 We don't know the man [ who lives here]. The lady [ whose dress is blue ] is the secretary. Who [ that knows him ] can believe the story? Did you believe [ what Jim told you ]?
Mary wrote that letter. That letter was written by Mary. The little boy tore all the books. All the books were torn by the little boy. Aeriend told me the news this morning. The news was told me by .... this morning. They speak French in the country. French is spoken in the country. They will finish the work in April. The work will be finished in April. They will do it in a minute. It will be done in a minute.
941 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/06(水) 08:25:29
>>882 Scripture quotations [ marked NLT ] are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996, 2004. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.
942 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/06(水) 08:38:49
>>902 Genetic modification has the power [ to save lives through its use in medicine, such as [ the making of insulin for diabetes ] or the treatment of genetic illness ].
943 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/06(水) 08:55:08
>>911 I am busy. 僕は忙しくある(=忙しい) I busy. 僕忙しい I was busy. 僕は忙しくあった
人間が言葉を使い始めたときは I busy. 僕忙しい の様な言い方だったと考えられます。 I busy the work. 僕忙しいその仕事 この様に他の言葉を加えるようになり、文の中心がどこかを示したり、語と語の関係を示す語を使い、 I am busy with the work. 僕はその仕事で忙しくある のように、静止の動詞であるbe動詞や、前置詞を使うようになったと考えられます。
945 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/06(水) 09:04:44
>>928 My friend, [ who had been born on the left bank of the Seine and never considered [ living anywhere else ] ],
imagined [ herself dead [ becoming part of the places [ that are alive [ she would only consider visiting [ as if in her life she'd rehearsed [ leaving ] and then in death [ gone ] and [ done it ] ].
946 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/06(水) 09:29:21
971 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/06(水) 11:48:42
>>928 My friend, [ who had been born on the left bank of the Seine and never considered [ living anywhere else ] ],
imagined [ herself dead [ becoming part of the places ]
[ that [ (as she is) alive ] she would only consider [ visiting [ as if in her life she'd rehearsed [ leaving ] ] and then in death (she would be) gone and done it ].
986 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/06(水) 12:04:55
>>928 My friend, [ who had been born on the left bank of the Seine and never considered [ living anywhere else ] ],
imagined [ (as) herself (to be) dead [ becoming part of the places ]
[ that [ (as she is) alive ] she would only consider [ visiting [ as if in her life she'd rehearsed [ leaving ] ] and then in death (she would be) gone and done it ].
988 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/06(水) 12:06:35
>>928 My friend, [ who had been born on the left bank of the Seine and never considered [ living anywhere else ] ],
imagined [ (as) herself (to be) dead [ becoming part of the places ] that [ (as she is) alive ] she would only consider [ visiting [ as if in her life she'd rehearsed [ leaving ] ] and then in death (she would be) gone and done it ].
989 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/06(水) 12:07:35
ば〜か 構造解析中だ
990 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/06(水) 12:08:48