Well, everybody wants to new version of iPhone 5, we're waiting in line. I don't wanna get ripped off by the internet so I decided wait in line. Scams and stuff like that, so I'm just gonna avoid the internet and I'm just waiting in the line. Texting and messaging to my friends. I'm not sure because I haven't seen it yet, but pretty sure it will be like really cool to use and everyday like a laptop Like everybody else that's waiting in line, I was just like really wanting to buy apple phone 5 and we want a phones now. マジの原稿なしの英語なら、オレがこれだけ聞き取れるわけがない。
その後の質問の答えが下。 Yeah, I can't wait, so, because I heard that it's only 200 dollars instead of 800 dollars. so I'm very ENTHUSED. I might buy two or three phones.
>>955 52秒から1分14秒まで書いてみたよ。合ってる? Everybody! Domo arigato Mr. Robotto, suchi and kabuki and taking your shoes out. That's not good. There's too Ls in waterfalls. No, we're not doing the Asians pronounce Ls like Rs joke. Let's just listen to her part. Breathtaking.
Hello, people. My name is Aron Branckaert. And this is the new dance tutorial! ??? Sorry, but on this, general, there are no special effects. But yeah, this is a new dance tutorial. And today we're gonna do "Running in the 90s." ??? Well, there's no problem. I'm gonna ??? that you. Or maybe you haven't heard them, … とかなんとか
Uh… Black widow is definitely the history, as we look back on her history, she's certainly a big part of Avengers. So…if you're fans want it and I would be happy to don the *** ブラックウィドウは間違いなく歴史に名を刻むわ。 振り返ればぜったい彼女はアベンジャーズの歴史の大きな位置を占めるわ。 だから、ファンが望むなら、私は喜んで***を着るわよ。
不明瞭なので正確ではないけど、やりとりはたぶんこんな感じ What kind of the petition I'll write to get you on in that movie. What was the what? What kind of the petition I'll write to get you in that movie.