>>14 とても答えるのが難しい質問だね。 なぜかをきちんと説明するには英語の歴史に言及する必要があると思われるのでざっくりと。 be 形容詞 to doの形は現代英語では助動詞に相当するmodalityを持つ表現として使われる傾向がある。 modalityは話し手の心の状態。 apt、likely、liableなどが仲間。 形容詞の意味的特徴からそういう使われ方がされるかどうかが決まってきたと思われる。
我々は機械に対して恩恵をこうむっているという文脈から、 By using them wisely we managed to live a freer life than is possible without them. themは機械です。このthan以降がわかりません。thanは接続詞で、 省略されている主語は節としてwe managed to liveでいいんでしょうか? また、このpossibleがどういう役割なのかもわかりません。
By using them wisely we managed to live a freer life than is possible without them. 機械無しでも出来たfreeな生活よりもよりthan freerな生活 freeの比較級 ここでfreeの訳語に悩む。束縛のない あたり。 より束縛のない生活。 thanは関係代名詞的用法かな。
>>40 @ I dont know what to do now わしは今何をすればいいか分からん A Tell me which way to go どの道を行けばいいか教えろ B I dont know how to use a PC わしはPCの使い方が分からん C Do you know when to play baseball あんたは彼がいつ野球するか知ってるか? D I dont know where to do わしはどこですべきか知らん
長くなりますが理由つきで回答お願いします The first significant agricultural crops weregrasses:barley,wheat,etc. These grains quickly became the staff of life - so ( ア )that almost every early religion known had a specific god who could be invoked to guarantee the green harvest. In western civilization the most important grain deity was the Roman goddess Ceres,which explains why the wheaties,corn Flakes we eat are known as cereal.@(The ancients were obviously onto something,) because even today 70 percent of cultivated land is devoted to cereal grains. Traders and travelers transplanted local crops around the world, and A(these green emigrants) often flourished in their new homes, a fact obvious to anyone who has traveled through north america and seen there oceans of waving wheat, the a plant natine to the vallys of Tigris Rivers in what is now Iran,Iraq.
@()の意味として最も適したものはどれですか? @The ancients apparently regarded farming as sacred AIt is obvious that the ancients deeply worshipped the Roman goddess Ceres BSomehow, the ancients were increasing the agricultural productivity CThe ancients were clearly realizing the importance of cereal grains
A man who gave his friend a hammer,saying,”there is a nail. when I nod my head ”,hit it,would be shocked to receive on the head , but his friend could justify by arguing that only doing as he had been told 訳がなくてこの英文の意味がわからなくなってしまいました。訳をお願いします
What she and her colleagues set out to explore went deeper than genetics in general, focusing instead on epigenetics — how genes change as a result of environmental factors in ways that can be passed onto the next generation.
These grains quickly became the staff of life - so ( Bvaluable )that almost every early religion known had a specific god who could be invoked to guarantee the green harvest. 穀物は命の糧the staff of lifeになりあまりにも貴重なvaluableな物だったので @enchanting,魅力的 Arespectable,恥ずかしくない Bvaluable, Cpopular 人気のある 穀物がないと生きられなかった。
CThe ancients were clearly realizing the importance of cereal grains 先人達は穀物の重要性をはっきりと体感していた。 The ancients were obviously onto something,) 先人達は明らかに何が大事か気がついていた。
Clocal crops 地方の農作物を他の地方でも作った。
あってない。本文では北米の旅人のことは書いてない。 Those people who have traveled through the North America are aware that wheat is a plant natine to the vallys of Tigris Rivers. 北米を旅したことのある人達は小麦はチグリス川原産であることを知っている。
>>74>>75回答ありがとうございます Traders and travelers transplanted local crops around the world, and A(these green emigrants) often flourished in their new homes, a fact obvious to anyone who has traveled through North America and seen there oceans of waving wheat, the a plant natine to the vallys of Tigris Rivers in what is now Iran,Iraq.
本文と内容が合っていますか? Those people who have traveled through the North America are aware that wheat is a plant natine to the vallys of Tigris Rivers.
Those people who have traveled through the North America are aware that wheat is a plant natine to the vallys of Tigris Rivers. natineはnativeのタイポだろ 北米を旅する人々は小麦がチグリス川原産であることを知っている。 チグリスとはチグリスユーフラテスのチグリス。 a fact obvious to anyone who has traveled through north america and seen there oceans of waving wheat, the a plant natine to the vallys of Tigris Rivers in what is now Iran,Iraq. 北米を旅して大洋のような小麦、原産地は現在のイランイラクであるチグリス川、の畑を見るのは明瞭な事実 北米の旅人が広大なチグリス原産の小麦畑を見るが、原産地を知ってるとは書いてない。
The agricaltural revolution was accompanied by B(another fundamental changein the pattern of life) :The birthrate came to exceed the death rate, and world population began a steady growth. Of necessity, agriculture became the the dominant human endeavor - and still employs nearly 50 percent of the world's labor force.
>>60 A man [ who gave his friend a hammer, [ saying ],”There is a nail [ when I nod my head ] ”, hit it, would be shocked [ to receive on the head ], but his friend could justify by [ arguing [ that [ only doing [ as he had been told ] なんじゃい、これ!?
>>61 [ What she and her colleagues set out [ to explore ] ] went deeper [ than genetics in general (are) ], [ focusing instead on epigenetics — ] [ how genes change as a result of environmental factors in ways ] [ that can be passed onto the next generation ] ] ].
Now in the garden next to the Harvard Memorial Church, [ welcoming ] evening is going with food and drink. I'm now sitting on the great steps to the library [ watching Rodeo ride [ where a long line of guys are trying [ to keep on the swaying and round-moving man-made bull ]. A few are very good in [ staying on the bull ]. Many ride the bull in their own ways. It is 6:30 pm and soon the church step above stage perfomance will begin. This is a very good Friday evening, thank God. Now I'll go to get cotton candy.
[ When I came to a large speaker ], the music was so strong [ that I put my luggage on the grass and started to move my body ]. [ While I was doing that ], a lot of guys turned to me and stared at [ me dancing ]. A few guys came [ dancing toward me ]. [ When I had danced for some time and finnished [ dancing ] ], some guys said, " Oh, no...." Many people seemed [ to enjoy my dancing ]. That's the same everywhere [ when I dance ]. Indeed my dancing is so unique and so good [ that the person at the microphone even called [ people to get in to dance ] ].
>>82 The agricaltural revolution was accompanied by another fundamental change in the pattern of life : The birthrate came [ to exceed the death rate ], and world population began a steady growth. Of necessity, agriculture became the the dominant human endeavor - and still employs nearly 50 percent of the world's labor force.
>>95 anyoneは単数扱い。 The agricaltural revolution was accompanied by B(another fundamental changein the pattern of life) :The birthrate came to exceed the death rate, and world population began a steady growth. Of necessity, agriculture became the the dominant human endeavor - and still employs nearly 50 percent of the world's labor force. another fundamental changein the pattern of life コロン : 以下は前文の補足説明するとされている。 故に The agricaltural revolution was accompanied by B(another fundamental changein the pattern of life) =The birthrate came to exceed the death rate, and world population began a steady growth. もう一つの生活状態の根本的変化、重要な変化 について30字以内で説明しろ 回答例 食糧が十分になったので人口が増え続け人は農業に主力を注いだ。
文頭のWhat=The things whichで、先行詞を含む関係代名詞。she and her colleagues set out to explore までが主部。went=「(物・事がある範囲に)及ぶ」、insteadは「むしろ」がより良い訳に思いました。 ―は「すなわち」の意味で、epigeneticsの内容を詳しく以下で言ってます。 こんなもんだと思いますがどうでしょうか?
>>82 The agricaltural revolution was accompanied by another fundamental change in the pattern of life : The birthrate came [ to exceed the death rate ], and world population began a steady growth. Of necessity, agriculture became the the dominant human endeavor - and still employs nearly 50 percent of the world's labor force.
Yes, he can build it through persistent persuasion.
This September 11, and all TV channels are carrying memorial programs of the incident. Has the USA been too hastey [ to get [ what are good ]? Today, persistent communication and understanding are said [ to build peace of the world ]. Could the USA have gotten independence [ if it had persistently persuaded the British king ]? Could the USA have gotten liberation of black people [ who were slaves ] [ if it had persistently persuaded the southern states [ who kept [ black people slaves ] ]?
Could George Bush have liberated the people of Iraq in safety [ if he had persistently persuaded the people of Iraq ]? Can Obama build peace of the world [ if he persistently persuade the enemies ]? Yes, he can. Yes, he can change the world! He must be called the greatest president of the United States of America!
>>128 Could the USA have gotten liberation of black people [ who were slaves ] [ if it had persistently persuaded the southern states [ who kept [ black people slaves ] ]?
Could the USA have gotten liberation of black people? 合衆国は黒人の解放を達成することが出来ていたであろうか。
This September 11, and all TV channels are carrying memorial programs of the incident. Has the USA been too hastey [ to get [ what are good ]? Today, persistent communication and understanding are said [ to build peace of the world ]. Could the USA have gotten independence [ if it had persistently persuaded the British king ]? Could the USA have gotten liberation of black people [ who were slaves ] [ if it had persistently persuaded the southern states [ who kept [ them slaves ] ]?
Could George Bush have liberated the people of Iraq in safety [ if he had persistently persuaded the people there ]? Can Obama build peace of the world [ if he persistently persuade the enemies ]? Yes, he can. Yes, he can change the world! He must be called the greatest president of the United States of America!
>>128 to get something of somebody でぐぐったら、そのまんまの表現がありましたので、コピペしておきますね
What does the idiom "sponge off" mean? 「スポンジ・オフ」というイディオムの意味を教えて下さい
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters To get something of somebody else, for nothing. ただで、人から物を得る事。 To sponge off your mates, family or your friends. e.g. to stay at a friends place for a few days and not help with the expenses. * 3 years ago ttp://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080126013122AAQMwUT
まあ、普通に次の様な空欄補充問題があるとしたら They ( ) liberation of black people. 1got 2achieved 3had
>>141 こういう例文もあるな ..... Also laws intended to get money of drug barons are being used to take money of these fishermen as they cannot pay the 100000ukp that ... www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2009/may/.../iceland-eu-euro
そりゃ穿ちすぎだろ。 all these things はall those things でそのれ以上でも以下でもない。 [彼についてのいろいろな事」なんてその文のどこにも書いていない。 あんたの想像の産物以外のなにものでもない。ひょっとしたら「私に関すること」 カも知れないし「彼と私のあいだのこと」かもしれない。 質問者の訳のほうがよっぽどまし。
6[程度などを表す形容詞・副詞、名詞、動詞を前において](・・・である)けれども(though) Much as I admire him as a writer, I do not like him as a man. 作家としては大いに彼には敬服するが、一人の人間としては好きではない。 (ジーニアス英和辞典より)
>>196 >>>178 >こういった、決まりごとの場合 >We are not supposed to doが使われる。 >だからこの場合は >We are not supposed to keep dogs(a dogs).となる ごめん、追記。 We are not supposed to keep dogs(a dogs) in our apartment. だわ。
>>215 元の英文は、Which is the lightest camera of these cameras? という形なので 前のcameraを省略すれば、Which is the lightest of these cameras ? となるし 後ろのcamerasを省略すれば、Which is the lightest camera of these ? となる among使いたければ使えばいいが、>>215の質問に対する対する答えは、yesです
>>209 そうすると、 I've never been to Santa Fe, and Charlotte hasn't, either. を"neither"で書き換えるとすれば、否定がかぶらないように I've never been to Santa Fe, and Charlotte has, neither. とすれば良いのでしょうか?
>>232 of(among) theseだと、これら全部がカメラとは限らない可能性があるよね。 あと、which camera is the lightestだと前が主語で、 which is the lightest cameraだと前も後ろも主語になる可能性があり 多くは後ろが主語だよね。 ほんのちょっとしたことだけど、情報の新旧が違う可能性がある。
I am on a Bolt bus [ going from Boston to New York City ] [ visiting you net guys with Bot bus charge-free Wai Fai ]. Wai Fai is so convenient, isn't it?
I arrived at New York City. My hostel is in China Town. My room is very small but it is very clean. Chinese things are very good! Chinese food is delicious and cheap. I'll get out and eat Chinese food.
I took part in the film ' Premier Rush ' [ where actor Joseph Gordon Levitt as a bike messenger runs away through China Town with injury on his body [ as he was involved in a crime ] ]. Please look at [ me walking on the side walk in the movie ].(^-^*)
>>207 This is the house [ which my father was born in ]. This is the house [ where my father was born ]. This is the house [ of father's birth ]. This is the house [ of my father being born ].
>>254 He drew the many people in [ the painting ] without clothes [ so that he could make sure [ that their bodies would be physically correct [ once (the bodies were) covered (with clothes) ] ] ].
>>254 He drew the many people in the painting without clothes so that he could make sure that their bodies would be physically correct once covered. once covered 着物を着せても、服を着ても。 彼は衣服を着てない人を多く描いたので、(多くの裸体の特徴を描いたので) 衣服を着た絵を描いても肉体的に正確な絵を描くことが出来た。
>>290 ありがとうございます! おかげで分かりました もうひとつ分からないんですが The first thing i wanted to know was, "when can i surf again?" の主語と動詞とどこに何の関係代名詞が省略されているかという問題ですが 俺はi wantedが主語と動詞でknowの後にthatが省略されていると思うのですがあっていますか?
He drew the many people in [ the painting ] without clothes [ so that he could make sure #確実にするために [ that their bodies would be physically correct [ once (that the bodies were) covered (with clothes) ] ] ]. #一度体が服を着せられたら
辞書は不定詞を導くtoだってさ。前置詞であるが前置詞とは感じられない と説明してある。 i said to him not to be late. 否定形はtoの直前に否定語を置くnotとかneverとか。 you are beautiful.の否定形はyou are not beautiful. 女性の前では注意を要する表現だな。
>>315 >>321さんが正解。 ネットで拾ったNHK英会話の用例。 Mary,do you ever wonder what it would be like to have a dog around the house? 犬を飼ったらどうか想像したことある? 現在は犬を飼ってないがもし犬を飼ったら・・・・。 Maryは犬好きで飼いたがってるかもしれない、そこに誘い水。
>>254 > He drew the many people in the painting without clothes so that he could make sure > that their bodies would be physically correct once covered.
>>242-243 「山に入る」は[deeper in the woods]という表現もあるんですね ためになりました! 「さらに」の表現は最初[more]とかにしてたんですが、[still]とかとどう違うのでしょうか? また「4キロ山の中に入ったところ」という表現を 「入る」という動詞を使って表すにはどのように書けばいいのでしょうか?
>>338 He drew the many people in the painting without clothes so that he could make sure that their bodies would be physically correct once (those naked people were) covered (by the clothes).
最後、すごい難しい文章だと思いました。 というか原文もあまり本格的な英語じゃないと思います。 coveredは服を着てるじゃなく、絵の具で覆われていく、という意味じゃないかと。 drew the many people in the painting without clothes は「衣服を着ていない人間を絵の中に沢山書く」です。 前後の意味を考えればso thatは結果でなく目的と思います。 (結果に訳してもあまり意味は変わりませんが) どうでしょうか?
>>345 難しくないよ。オレはリンク先を読んでから意味がわかったヘタレだけど。 the paintingがその一枚の絵であるのがわかれば簡単でしょ。 once covered の意味は 洋服を着せた絵にしたときに あたりでしょ。 一枚の絵の中で多くの人の肉体バランスを正確に描くために裸体を描いた。 デブありヤセありを描いて絵全体のバランスも考えたんでしょ。 リンク先の題が Leonardo da Vinci: One of the Greatest Thinkers in Historyだもんね。
>>315 A: [ What ] do you think [ a one room school would be like ] [ if you were to describe it ]? #言い表すとしたら、どんな感じと思う? B: I think [ it would be like a school in a deep mountain ]. #山を深く入ったところにある学校のような感じと思うなあ。
>>357 理由はrelishのコロケーションだと思います つまり、慣例的に with relish でおいしそうに(食べる)という使い方が流布してるから、という理由ですね 食べる時にwith relishと言うけど、作る時にwith relishとは言わない、そういう事です
それから、文法的には、どちらにかかっても良いと思います 例えば、もしも with joy とかだったら、「彼は喜んで食べた」でも「母は喜んで作った」でもどちらでも読み取れますね むしろ、どちらにでも解釈できる分、with joy の英文における位置を考えると、「母は喜んで作った」と読むのが普通です 何故なら、「彼は喜んで食べた」と読ませたいならば、 He, with joy, ate the sandwich....と、その様に読み取らせる書き方が あるからです
Silent night, holy night All is calm, all is bright Round yon Virgin Mother and Child Holy Infant so tender and mild Sleep in heavenly peace Sleep in heavenly peace
Silent night, holy night! Shepherds quake at the sight Glories stream from heaven afar Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia! Christ, the Saviour is born Christ, the Saviour is born
Silent night, holy night Son of God, love's pure light Radiant beams from Thy holy face With the dawn of redeeming grace Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth "
>>461 リンク先より問題文を含む段落コピペ One religious painting he never finished was called "Adoration of the Magi". He was hired to make the painting for a religious center. The complex drawing he made to prepare for the painting is very special. It shows how carefully he planned his art works. It shows his deep knowledge of geometry, volume and depth. He drew the many people in the painting without clothes so that he could make sure that their bodies would be physically correct once covered. Adoration of the Magiについては ttp://www.google.co.jp/search?q=Adoration+of+the+Magi&rlz=1I7GGLC_ja&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=ie7
I'm certain feminists champion that as a tremendous gain necessary for their liberation in the workforce and elsewhere - I think it's fair to say social conservatives have great concerns about that entire package.
Love, Sex, Freedom and The Paradox Of the Pillという論文からの一節です。
one of the 〜est を「最高の…の一つ」とか訳すな 1 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/12/19(土) 14:36:45 英語の"one of the 〜est"の構文をバカの一つ覚えで 「最高の○○の一つ(一人)」と機械的に日本語に置き換えるのは やめたほうがいい。「最高」の意味するものはあくまで一つ(一人)。
たまに例外として、同率一位があるくらいのものだ。 「最高」がいつも3つも4つもあるかい。 "one of the 〜est"は単純に言うと"very much"の意味。 「とても〜な」とか「指折りの」と訳せ。
↓only Only in the name of god, the tottemomaina-wiki-tatutatue-arangadottai, who not only all the shamans of ancient times from the isles around the famous harbour city of hoeturappanotuetu cradled in the midst of ikkarikamatake sea like some precious jewel in the crown dedicated to the god but also the lay believers travelling to the sanctuary to-date still worship can one be enlightened. ↑倒置
525 :NY boy KazuKata ◆ede1dG/qs. :2010/09/18(土) 00:31:13
Only in the name of god, the tottemomaina-wiki-tatutatue-arangadottai,
[ who(m)
*not *only *all *the *shamans of ancient times from the isles around the famous harbour city of hoeturappanotuetu [ cradled in the midst of ikkarikamatake sea like some precious jewel in the crown [ dedicated to the god ] ]
*but *also *the *lay *believers [ travelling to the sanctuary to-date ]
still **worship ]
can one be enlightened. #ようやくこの行で、主節の主語述語が出て来ている文ですね。
526 :NY boy KazuKata ◆ede1dG/qs. :2010/09/18(土) 00:32:38
550 :NY boy KazuKata ◆ede1dG/qs. :2010/09/18(土) 13:42:30
>>535 They fear the danger of [ having [ someone rob them of their money ] ]. は They fear the danger. They have [ someone rob them of their money ]. を合わせたもの
They fear the danger They have it. Someone will rob them [ of their money ]. を合わせたもの
「○○について」という言葉で、aboutが使われるのですけど、 about+名詞 about + for + 名詞 の二つがあるのですが、forを使うときと使わないときの区別を教えてください。
598 :NY boy KazuKata ◆ede1dG/qs. :2010/09/19(日) 19:28:04
I can publish it even ordering the New York City printing and publishing company which I put into my net favorites. So I can experience remaing 4 days of my staying in the USA as contendedly as possible. The book's name is going to be ' A Japanese Expeiences Living in a Foreign Country the USA for 85 Days '. The contents will be;
1. What the USA is (1) Liberation of colonialists and tyranny (2) Liberation of human being from slavery (3) Equalarization of all human beings
2. What human languages are (1) How human beings made language (2) How languages evolved (3) How sentences are strucurized
3. What I got into in the USA (1) An non our room Asian old man searching my belongings at a dorm hostel at night (2) Because of which I talked with a policeman and learned how USA police is actually (3) Singing in Times Square often and being smiled at (4) Very friendly and happy black people
4. What I knew well in the USA as a Christian (1) We are totally the same human beings, whether black, white or yellow (2) Religions are about the Creater, whether Muslim, Christianity or Buddism (3) Faith is direct relationship between individual and the Creater (4) The Bible is a collection of writings of faith of certain number of people
599 :NY boy KazuKata ◆ede1dG/qs. :2010/09/19(日) 19:29:23
3. What I got into in the USA (1) An non our room Asian old man searching my belongings at a dorm hostel at night (2) Because of which I talked with a policeman and learned how USA police is actually (3) Singing in Times Square often and being smiled at (4) Very friendly and happy black people
4. What I knew well in the USA as a Christian (1) We are totally the same human beings, whether black, white or yellow (2) Religions are about the Creater, whether Muslim, Christianity or Buddism (3) Faith is direct relationship between individual and the Creater (4) The Bible is a collection of writings of faith of certain number of people
Pictures move in a book. Pictures move on a film. On the screen pictures move. It is a moving picture. It is a movie. Movies are shown at movie theaters. People go to movie thaters. People go to see movies at movie thaters. People go to the movies.
この様にして、go to the movies という語句が出来上がったのでしょう
の文で、moviesの前にtheがついてるが気になります。 go to moviesじゃ駄目なんでしょうか movies と、複数系になってるのも微妙に気になります 単数系では駄目?
609 :NY boy KazuKata ◆ede1dG/qs. :2010/09/19(日) 20:12:12
What gives this song such lasting appeal?First,there is the simple but unforgettable tune; then the words speak of suffering and self-sacrifice and hope for a better tomorrrow.
What gives this song such lasting appeal? 何でこの歌に長く続く人気があるのか? First,第一に there is the simple but unforgettable tune; 簡潔だが忘れがたいリズムがある。 then the words speak of suffering and self-sacrifice and hope for a better tomorrrow. 次ぎに苦痛と自己犠牲そして明日への希望を持った歌詞がある。 suffering and self-sacrifice はキリスト教を知らないと理解できないよ。
「人生が後10日しかないとすると、何をして過ごしますか?」の英訳なんですが、 どれが正しいでしょうか?仮定法で4が正解だと思うのですが。。。。 1. if you only have 10 days to live, what are you going to do in the rest of your life? 2. if you have only 10 days to live, what are you going to do in the rest of your life? 3. if you had only 10 days to live, what are you going to do in the rest of your life? 4. if you only had 10 days to live, what are you going to do in the rest of your life?
>>665 10公式で構造解明お願いします。 Mur. Wherefore reioyce? What Conquest brings he home? What Tributaries follow him to Rome, To grace in Captiue bonds his Chariot Wheeles? You Blockes, you stones, you worse then senslesse things: O you hard hearts, you cruell men of Rome, Knew you not Pompey many a time and oft? Haue you climb'd vp to Walles and Battlements, To Towres and Windowes? Yea, to Chimney tops, Your Infants in your Armes, and there haue sate The liue-long day, with patient expectation, To see great Pompey passe the streets of Rome: And when you saw his Chariot but appeare, Haue you not made an Vniuersall shout, That Tyber trembled vnderneath her bankes To heare the replication of your sounds, Made in her Concaue Shores?
>>669 10公式で解明お願い致します。 A most myraculous worke in this good King, Which often since my heere remaine in England, I haue seene him do: How he solicites heauen Himselfe best knowes: but strangely visited people All swolne and Vlcerous, pittifull to the eye, The meere dispaire of Surgery, he cures, Hanging a golden stampe about their neckes, Put on with holy Prayers, and 'tis spoken To the succeeding Royalty he leaues The healing Benediction. With this strange vertue, He hath a heauenly guift of Prophesie, And sundry Blessings hang about his Throne, That speake him full of Grace.
*What *Tributaries **follow him to Rome, [ To grace in Captiue bonds his Chariot Wheeles ]?
You Blockes, you stones, you worse then senslesse things: O you hard hearts, you cruell men of Rome,
**Knew *you not Pompey many a time and oft?
Haue you **climb'd vp to Walles and Battlements, To Towres and Windowes? Yea, to Chimney tops, Your Infants in your Armes, and there haue **sate
The liue-long day, with patient expectation, [ To see [ great Pompey passe the streets of Rome ] ]:
And [ when you saw [ his Chariot but appeare ] ], Haue *you not **made an Vniuersall shout, [ That Tyber trembled vnderneath her bankes [ To heare the replication of your sounds, [ Made in her Concaue Shores ] ] ]?
678 :NY boy KazuKata ◆ede1dG/qs. :2010/09/21(火) 03:31:04
Haue you **climb'd vp to Walles and Battlements, To Towres and Windowes? Yea, to Chimney tops, Your Infants in your Armes, and there haue **sate
The liue-long day, with patient expectation, [ To see [ great Pompey passe the streets of Rome ] ]:
And [ when you saw [ his Chariot but appeare ] ], Haue *you not **made an Vniuersall shout, [ That Tyber trembled vnderneath her bankes [ To heare the replication of your sounds, [ Made in her Concaue Shores ] ] ]?
*は主語、**は述語 状況も昔の英単語も分からなくても、10公式構造解明は有効
679 :NY boy KazuKata ◆ede1dG/qs. :2010/09/21(火) 03:33:05
@主語と述語を探す A助動詞を探す B従属的主語述語を探す
これだけで文構造は解明 これが10公式
680 :NY boy KazuKata ◆ede1dG/qs. :2010/09/21(火) 03:36:38
辞書にgardeningが名詞として記載されているのは置いておくとして This is a book about gardening. This is a book about for becoming younger. のgardeningとbecomingが、動名詞だと仰っておられるのは理解しました
しかし、 >>597の質問は >about+名詞 >about + for + 名詞 なので、>>597の質問に答えていただければ幸いです
辞書にgardeningが名詞として記載されているのは置いておくとして This is a book about gardening. This is a book about for becoming younger. のgardeningとbecomingが、動名詞だと仰っておられるのは理解しました
しかし、 >>597の質問は >about+名詞 >about + for + 名詞 なので、>>597の質問に答えていただければ幸いです 今後、質問を利用しての10公式の宣伝は止めて欲しいです
to talk about countermeasures for electromagnetic noise 電磁ノイズについての対策を話す
例えば上の例文が、What you're talking about for electromagnetic noise is wrong. と成っていれば 訳は、「電磁ノイズについてあなたが話している事は間違っている」となるから about + for で、○○についてという意味だと勘違いする可能性はあるな
他にも同様な例を漁ってみたけど、 what you've just hypothesized about for Iraq イラクについて、貴方がただ今仮説をたてたもの これも、about for で、「について」と訳できるけど、whatで前に出されているものを元の位置に戻すと you've just hypothesized about something for Iraq となる
Most of what you have learned while young will be forgotten in later life most がS、beがVだということはわかるのですがwhile young がどういう働きをしているのかわかりません。 whileを辞書で引きましたが、接続詞な上にyoungは形容詞です。 お願いしますです。
>>723 その点については、さっぱりわかりませんが、元の質問に戻ると、その英文で普通に使うのはforだと思います まず、時間を表すfor for a period of time とか、for the time beingとか、ofではなくforが時間的表現と相性がいいですよね それから、have 〜 for という言い方 夕食に〜を食べる I have 〜 for dinner. であって、I have 〜 of dinner.とは言いませんよね 耳や口に馴染む言い方だと思います
What kind of transportation do Britons use the most in commuting? the most はなんでこんなところにくっついてるんですかね・・・?品詞分解できません What percentage said that good schools were the reason they commuted from their present home? the reason もなんでこんなところにくっついてるんですかね・・・
>>754 Be an adult. 大人になれ→大人らしく振舞えという使い方があります Be a teacher. も、教師らしい振る舞いをせよと言う意味があります。もちろん教師になれという意味もあります。 Be HAWAIAN. これも同様に、ハワイ人になれ→ハワイ人の様に振舞え、 ハワイの事は良く知りませんが、アロハ着てウクレレ弾いて、リンボーダンスで火を噴いて、楽しく過ごせよミ・アミーゴ まあ気楽にやろうや、みたいな感じでしょうかね
Overweight passengers cost the airlines fuel - This Just In ... - [ このページを訳す ] 1 Aug 2008 ... Newsweek and Forbes have weighed in on whether airlines are likely to charge passengers more if they weigh ..... If you have a disagreement with someone, please be an adult about it and talk it out in that manner, ... current.newsweek.com/.../overweight_passengers_cost_the.html - キャッシュ - 類似ページ
>>752 I use it the most. whatを使った疑問文にすると → What do you use the most?
上記と同じ、mostは副詞、muchの最上級 Britons use the kind of transportation the most in commuting. whatを使った疑問文 → What kind of transportation do Britons use the most in commuting?
>>752 まったく悩む必要ない。 What kind of transportation do Britons use the most in commuting? most この場合副詞 theが付くこともある 大ブリテン人英国人が通勤に一番多く使ってる交通機関はなんですか? What percentage said that good schools were the reason they commuted from their present home? the reason もなんでこんなところにくっついてるんですかね・・・ they以下で特定されてるreasonだからtheが付いてる。
>>800 カッコの省略についてなんですが、この4パターンどれでも合っていますか? schools were the reason for that they commuted from their present home schools were the reason that they commuted from their present home schools were the reason for they commuted from their present home schools were the reason they commuted from their present home
前置詞 in の感覚的問題に対してのアドバイスがほしいのですが よく参考書などで時間に関して用いられるときに in ten minutes (10分後に)とあります 感覚的に10分後という一点で捉えることが出来ません 10分のうちに、つまり今から〜10分後のうちの何れかの時点にという感覚を持ってしまいます この意味で言えば within ten minutes となるような気もするのですが この in ten minutes の方には10分後の一点以外を指すことはありえないのでしょうか?
>>856 書いた人ではないが、オレも2、4だと思う。 (1) for which なら良いが for that は不可。 (2) that は関係副詞の代わりが出来る。OK (3) for 単体は「というのは」という接続詞にしかならない。 (4) 関係副詞 why (またはthat) の省略は可能。OK
>>852 研究社英和中辞典よりコピペ _(…の時間がたったら)5 時間後に five hours later _それから 2 年後 after two years; two years later [after] _50 年後の世界 the world 50 years from now [《fml》 hence] _今から 3 週間後に three weeks from now; in three weeks. 【文例】_10 分後に次の電車がきます. The next train will arrive in ten minutes. _朝食後すぐに出かけた. We got away right after breakfast. _約束の期日はわずか 3 日後に迫っていた. The appointed date was now only three days away. コピペ終わり 出来れば大辞典クラスの辞書を買おう。 ガッコの英語の先生が机の上に分厚い辞書置いてたのを覚えている。 その頃は先生なら辞書は要らないんではないかと思ってた。
Ah, excuse me, Madam/Sir. Would you mind sparing a few minutes to complete this Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire? It's an interview, actually. I would be grateful if you could.
880 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/25(土) 04:24:44
>>804 Schools were the reason [ why they commuted from their present home ]. が基本です。 省略すれば、 Schools were the reason [ they commuted from their present home ].
This is the reason for ( ) he did it. 札幌学院大 1)why 2)what 3)which 4)that
例題の考え方 「これが彼がそうした理由だ」前置詞forの後ろに空所があるのだから、関係副詞が入るわけがないと考える This is the reason. ・・・@ He did it for the reason. ・・・A このthe reasonは名詞だから、関係代名詞に変える(→for which) また、前置詞+thatは有り得ないので、4)は誤り @+A → This is the reason for which he did it. for whichが副詞の働きをしているから、関係副詞whyに言い換え可能
混乱してきました。 KazuKataという人が間違ってるってことでいいんですよね? the reason for which 文 the reason for 名詞 the reason why(またはthatまたは無し) 文 これだけですよね? 論理的とかはどうでもいいんで正しいかどうかだけ知りたいです。
the reason forのforは前置詞だから名詞句しか導かない。それが論理。 the reason for 文 [or that節]は論理的に許されない。 thatを関係代名詞と考えても無理。 前置詞プラス関係代名詞ではthatは使えない。 それが論理。 forは名詞句を導き for which又はwhy又はthat又は省略で結果を表す文を導く 片岡数吉は還暦老人で英文法を全く知らない。
>>893 ttp://www2.ttcn.ne.jp/~sokei/hokou/w_s_04_1/kaisetsu_1.htmlより .What percentage said that good schools were the reason they commuted from their present home ? 何パーセントの人が良い学校が(現住地に)あるから現住地から通勤していると言っているか? What percentage主語 said述語 that good schools were the reason they commuted from their present home ? 良い学校が理由である 彼らが現住地から通勤するのは
972 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/26(日) 03:53:17
Matthew 5 The Sermon on the Mount One day [ as he saw [ the crowds gathering ] ], Jesus went up on the mountainside and sat down. His disciples gathered around him, and he began to teach them. The Beatitudes “God blesses those [ who are poor and realize their need for him ], for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs. God blesses those [ who mourn ], for they will be comforted. God blesses those [ who are humble ], for they will inherit the whole earth.
973 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/26(日) 03:53:58
God blesses those [ who hunger and thirst for justice ], for they will be satisfied. God blesses those [ who are merciful ], for they will be shown mercy. God blesses those [ whose hearts are pure ], for they will see God. God blesses those [ who work for peace ], for they will be called the children of God. God blesses those [ who are persecuted for [ doing right ] ], for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs. “God blesses you [ when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you [ because you are my followers ].
He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.
Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.
977 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/26(日) 06:32:43
Be happy about it! Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in heaven. And remember, the ancient prophets were persecuted in the same way.
Teaching about Salt and Light
“You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt [ if it has lost its flavor ]? Can you make [ it salty again ]? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless. “You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop [ that cannot be hidden ]. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, [ where it gives light to everyone in the house ]. In the same way, let [ your good deeds shine out [ for all to see ] ], [ so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father ].
978 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/26(日) 06:37:55
979 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/26(日) 06:44:45
983 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/26(日) 07:58:32
単細胞生物→多細胞生物→動物→哺乳類→人→人種 単細胞生物→多細胞生物→動物→哺乳類→犬→犬種
984 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/26(日) 08:00:10
Hi, what's up? I'm writing listening to American Forces Network. This broadcasting is the best to be familiar with [ English being spoken ] and you get an English ear.
985 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/26(日) 08:01:54
Hi, what's up? I'm writing listening to American Forces Network. This broadcasting is the best [ to be familiar with [ English being spoken ] and get an English ear ].
986 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/09/26(日) 08:04:32