We can learn English easily with 10 formulas. 助動詞+動詞の原形 We are having a good time here now. 進行形 English is used by lots of people all over the world. 受身形 I have had a good day today. 完了形
Return to Nazareth [ When Herod died ], an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt. “Get up!” the angel said. “Take the child and his mother back to the land of Israel, [ because those [ who were trying to kill the child ] are dead ].” So Joseph got up and returned to the land of Israel with Jesus and his mother. But [ when he learned [ that the new ruler of Judea was Herod’s son Archelaus ] ], he was afraid [ to go there ]. Then, after [ being warned in a dream ], he left for the region of Galilee. So the family went and lived in a town called Nazareth. This fulfilled [ what the prophets had said ] ]: “He will be called a Nazarene.”
当に主イエスに従う者の主の栄光の証です。 今度の日曜日は、ニューヨークのルーテル教会です。 そこでも一言証をします。 救い主イエスをたたえ How great you are も歌います。 ああ、アメリカはキリストの国だ〜 アメリカこそ僕の最もいい働きが出来る場所だ〜 もうアメリカ人になろう。 アメリカ人になって世界にも宣教して回ろう〜
What will I do today? I will go to the Central Park. I will walk in the park, [ singing songs ]. Mother nature will make [ me cool ]. I will feel [ blessed ] with [ naure`s blessings ]. So I`ll sing;
Oh, Lord my God, [ when I in awesome wonder consider all the works [ your hand has made ] ], I see the stars, I hear the [ rolling ] thunder, [ Your power throughout the universe displayed ]. Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to you; How great you are. how great you are! Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to you; How great you are. how great you are!
Well, the hostel computer is running out of time. [ Finishing it ], I will see the World Soccer Cup in the lobby with all the people from all the world.
Here are many Hollanders [ whom I have got aqquainted here in NYC ]. I had just been to Saint Peter`s Church until half an hour ago. There was a woman from Netherland. After the worship service during the coffee hour, I spoke with her. She said `I am sorry.` She meant about the soccer game. I laughed.
Mandela`s Way was the sermon. The book is awesome gooooood! I shed tears for the great grave truth of Mandelas`s mind and God`s glory. I am going to buy that book, [ which is a thin book but is so too great ]. Jesus is an undeniable savior, amen.
This is my first time [ to live in whatever foregin language, and now I am using English [ just as Americans are using ]. Isn`t Jesus the Savior great?
[ To say in [ whatever way in English ] [ what you want to say ], that is, [ to try communicating ], this is the way [ how you become to be able to use English ].
Now all the means [ to tell [ what I mean ] ], I have no other means but to say it in English, with no envirtonment of [ using Jaspanese ].
Yesterday was the Independence Day, so we had the firework at the Hudson River. So people were having barbecue and music dancing. At Saint Peter`s Church, we sang a song of America.
>>86 [ To say in [ whatever way in English ] [ what you want to say ], that is, [ to try communicating ], this is the way [ how you become to be able to use English ].
I am in New York. I talk with people around me in English. I came to Jazz on the Park Hostel today. But I think [ Chelsea International Hostel is better [ because there they have a courtyard [ where [ staying ] people sit and talk until 10 pm ] ] ]. You can`t help [ making a lot of friends [ talking to many people ] ].
You will regret [ if you don`t buy the book now ] [ because [ if you buy one late ] you will not cath up with the early [ buying ] people [ who are naking rapid progress in their English ability ].
Thank you, 124. And I like you. This morning, New York is going to rise to 90 degrees is [ what the TV news is saying behind this computer in the hostel dining room ].
10 formulas of English is so great [ that everyone is waiting [ for the books to be put on book store shalves ] ]. It seems [ the day is July 7th Wednesday ]. Don't miss it. Buy early and go ahead of others in your [ leaping ] grogress of English power!!!
I rode round to the south end of Manhattan Island, and came back along the Hudson River. It's good [ to go along the river [ sitting on the bicycle ] ].
Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer! That calls me from a world of care, And bids me at my Father’s throne Make all my wants and wishes known. In seasons of distress and grief, My soul has often found relief And oft escaped the tempter’s snare By thy return, sweet hour of prayer!
Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer! The joys I feel, the bliss I share, Of those whose anxious spirits burn With strong desires for thy return! With such I hasten to the place Where God my Savior shows His face, And gladly take my station there, And wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer!
Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer! Thy wings shall my petition bear To Him whose truth and faithfulness Engage the waiting soul to bless. And since He bids me seek His face, Believe His Word and trust His grace, I’ll cast on Him my every care, And wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer!
Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer! May I thy consolation share, Till, from Mount Pisgah’s lofty height, I view my home and take my flight: This robe of flesh I’ll drop and rise To seize the everlasting prize; And shout, while passing through the air, “Farewell, farewell, sweet hour of prayer
I bought a prepaid tool for Internet from New York. Docomo international roaming was useless. Docomo cost 3000 yen for two minutes!!!! Can you believe this!!!!???? Isn't Docomo a flaud sagi!!!!!!????
[ Sitting in a big computer users' room ], I hear [ people talking in German, French and English ]. I hear no Japanese. That's right. This is not Japan. You must use no mother tongue, and you must listen to other languages, [ which makes [ you try to catch [ what they are saying ] and [ what they intend to tell ] ] ]. This attitude is the very important one in [ our learning foregin languages ].
I heard comic talks in the theater room of the hostel. After that, a bar travel is held in which the group move to 3 bars which they called something like bar pop, but I didn't join it because going to 3 bars did not sound fun time.
[ When I woke up ], it was already 9 am. I started out to go to the eye doctor. I got on the subway train at 103rd Street. I got off the train at 33rd street. I walked to 37th street. I walked across the Manhattan Island from the west to the east. I got to the 2nd Avenue. I got into the eye hospital.
Hey, men! You know what language is? It's communication. Here in New York, all people [ who believe in Japanese school education method of [ memorizing hundreds of fragmental grammatical rules ] ] will never communicate with people. Such Japanese are the last [ to join comunication in New York City ]. It's just communication [ that people tell others things ]. New York people never try [ to ajust [ their saying ] to fragmental rules ]. Things [ they want to tell ] are words. The words [ they pick up ] are ones [ which they feel the best [ to tell [ what they have in their minds ] ] ]. So all the grammar [ that Japanese must follow ] is 10 formulas. It is only 10 rules [ well organized ], [ while conventional school grammar is hundreds of rules [ fragmental and hard [ to organize ] ].
hi! How're you doing? me? fine. I'm from hostelling International New York. I have just been to the Bible study in the hostel. We studied Number, chaptor 12, Moses asking God. People pray, we and you, and all [ all over the world ]. There's it! We pray [ whatever the religion is ], we do pray, we do, we are the same humans, then why not come closer, all religions? religion terrolists, what are these? Let's! Let's unite, let's do more for all the saviors! Let's do more for peace!
I arrived at John F. Kennedy Airport on June 30. It's July 21. So I've been in New York City for 22 days. I'm alredy speaking just [ as the citizens do ]. All [ you need ] is [ to buy ` 10 formulas of English ' and put words on them ]. The does make [ you start [ using English with no difficulty ] ]. So buy that!
It's damning. We are so [ damning ]!! Guys, you know what! Today I visited 2003 September 11th tragidy site. Museum is being built there. Terrorists killed 20,000 people [ who are living ech day like us ]!! Why does this happen? It's [ because we don't try more to go for [ working for peace ] ]. I AM working for precious Peace. How about you all? There're too many [ who don't ]. [ Thinking of it ], [ what Miyazaki prefecure education committee did ] was the same, [ discriminating students ], [ forcing mentally hurt teachers to deaths ]!! I'll tell you truly fucking disasterous grammar forbias!!!
True Grammar, the most simplified rules beチェック 1 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 2010/07/25(日) 12:16:27 What is Language? Language is sound note sign [ to tell another person something ]. Language tells things [ that happen in our livings ]. We are better [ when we say shorter and tell [ what we mean ] ]. What is Grammar? True Grammar is the most simplified rules of Language. I'll tell you What. 10 formulas are [ what was given me by Jesus ].
Is this day July 27th? It is almost a month since I left Japan, isn't it? Today I will walk for 3 minutes to get to the center of Times Square and I'll buy a 50% off broadway theater play ticket.
Language is sound note signs [ for us humans to tell each other something ]. We tell things [ that happen in our living ]. We are saying better [ when we are saying things shorter and telling [ what we mean ] ]. What is Grammar? True Grammar is the most simplified rules of Language. I'll tell you What. 10 formulas are [ what was given me by Jesus ]. So it is free of charge. Use it and be free from all those fetters of hundreds of rules of school grammar! God will surely make [ you free ] (^-^*)
In [ hearing [ Americans speak ] ], you may not be able to catch some words. Then you can ask, " Syllable by sullable, please! " Then you can understand every word. This is the best way(^-^*).
These days in my sleep I dream of my young day [ when I had hardships ], [ which reminds me [ how happy I am now [ to be in Jesuws ] and [ having Jesus' spirit in me ] ] ] ].
I went to the Presbitarian church [ which President Lincoln attended for Sunday worship service ]. Martin Luther had also visited this church. It is a short way from the front of White House.
Now I am less than 1 kilometer away from President Obama. Of course, I am going to write a letter to Mr. Obama about the theft [ that was going to be done on me ]. But the main thing is of my Christian message through my prayer and my going to the Presbytarian church in front of the White House.
[ Living in hostels ] is a good and nice thing. Why don't you leave your apartment and live in hostels [ wandering all over the world ]? This can be a great and magnificient experience [ that will nurture and make [ you ever better ] ].
Today I go to the National Cathedral Church on the hostel tour from 9:30. I can see things of Jesus the Savior today on Monday too. I am happy. [ If you go to church and know Jesus ], you will be happy too.
1) I am in Washington DC. 2)I go to the National Cathedral Church . 3)Church is wonderful. 4)We can be happy. 4)I will go to the Presbyterian church next Sunday. 4)We must go to church. 5) I am writing for the site thread now. 6) Many people are helped by me. 7) I have answered questions for many years. 8) I am a retired person [ who stays in Washington for two weeks ]. 9) I will go to the dining room [ to eat the hostel breakfast ]. 10) [ Staying in a hostel ] is comfotable [ having many persons [ to talk to ]
These are 10 formulas. Buy the book and master it.
10 koushiki ha totemo hukuzatu nanode hensati 90 ika no hito ha yomanaide kudasai
215 :check with 10 formulas:2010/08/18(水) 00:21:22
10 formulas are only 10 formulas. All [ you have to do ] is [ to put words in the formulas ]. You don't need [ any thinking ]! All [ you need ] is [ putting words ]!
216 :Kazuyoshi watched eat, pray and love:2010/08/18(水) 07:38:50
How good 10 formulas are! I can't stop prasing it.
Why can't Japanese students use English after [ studying it for six years ]? How do you answer it? The greatest reason is [ that they don't communicate [ using it ] ]. The second reason is [ that they don't check their sentence structure with 10 formulas ]. Aren't these the main reasons?
A: (4)Can I give you a lift? B: Yes, (2)I like a lift very much. A: (5)What are you talking about? B: A lift an elevater. A: (1)Are you a fool? (5)I'm talking about a car ride. B: Sorry, (7)I've missed that. (1)I am a Japanese. (3)That's kind of you (9)[ to let (9)[ me get in your car ] ]. (4)Would you mind (10)[ repeating that ], please? A: (4)Can I give you a lift? B: (4)Can you say it syllable by syllable? A: Can-I-give-you-a-lift? B: Now (2)I understand all, thank you.
Konoyo- ni 10 ko-shiki wa yakuni tachi masu. Yes, 10 formulas are the same [ as mathematical formulas (are) ].
igirisu jinn ni kakuninn shita no desu. demo gogennwo shitte ireba, lift ga kurumani noseru koto wo imisuru koto wa sugu wakari masu yo. sho-ryakusarete iru go wo oginatte miru kotomo rikai ni tsunagari masu ne.
Soon I'll go out to the nearest supermarket [ to buy food materials ], [ so that I may cook something [ to eat with the rice [ which I cooked yesterday ] ] ].
Kataoka Kazuyoshi wa sekaide hajimete ninngenn no genngo wo ipponn ka shi mashi ta. Nannto subarashii koto de sho-. Subete wa iesu kirisuto no hataraki no okage desu.
吉田さんの荷物が返ってきた 同じホステルに泊まっている吉田さん、9月からボストンの大学院、木曜日の朝、 フロントにスーツケースを預けて、外出し、帰ってフロントに行ったら荷物を預かっていないという。 現金、パソコン、携帯電話、その他が入っていたスーツケース。 木曜日の夜10時ごろ、土曜の深夜僕の荷物を漁っていた同室でない男ga hosuteru no furonnto ni chekku inn no tameni ita. karewo tsukamae furonnto no hito ni ii, keisatsuwo yonnde moratta.
Rest for the Weary At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, [ because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure. "All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those [ to whom the Son chooses to reveal him ]. "Come to me, all you [ who are weary and burdened ], and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
ninngenn no genngo no bunn wa shugo kara haji masru. so- de nai mono wa ninngenn no genngo dewa nai.
250 :Eclipse white guy looks like my son:2010/08/22(日) 12:15:09
Tomorrow, I go to the church [ where Lincoln went ].
251 :Kazuyoshi can't see them all, oh my God.:2010/08/24(火) 08:03:04
mo- washinntonn niwa mikirenai hodo mirumono ga aru.
I couldn't to see all [ that I should see even in one natural history museum today ]! Yesterday, I couldn't see all [ I should see at the history museum of America ]. Awesome, I can't see [ what I shoud see ]!
スウキチへ Obviously, it will not do to take our ideal from the principle in nature; for the simple reason that (except for some human or divine theory), there is no principle in nature. For instance, the cheap anti-democrat of to-day will tell you solemnly that there is no equality in nature. He is right, but he does not see the logical addendum. There is no equality in nature; also there is no inequality in nature. Inequality, as much as equality, implies a standard of value. To read aristocracy into the anarchy of animals is just as sentimental as to read democracy into it. Both aristocracy and democracy are human ideals: the one saying that all men are valuable, the other that some men are more valuable. But nature does not say that cats are more valuable than mice; nature makes no remark on the subject.
スウキチへ She does not even say that the cat is enviable or the mouse pitiable. We think the cat superior because we have (or most of us have) a particular philosophy to the effect that life is better than death. But if the mouse were a German pessimist mouse, he might not think that the cat had beaten him at all. He might think he had beaten the cat by getting to the grave first. Or he might feel that he had actually inflicted frightful punishment on the cat by keeping him alive. Just as a microbe might feel proud of spreading a pestilence, so the pessimistic mouse might exult to think that he was renewing in the cat the torture of conscious existence. It all depends on the philosophy of the mouse.
スウキチへ You cannot even say that there is victory or superiority in nature unless you have some doctrine about what things are superior. You cannot even say that the cat scores unless there is a system of scoring. You cannot even say that the cat gets the best of it unless there is some best to be got.
Obviously, it will not do [ to take our ideal from the principle in nature ]; for the simple reason [ that (except for some human or divine theory), there is no principle in nature ]. For instance, the cheap anti-democrat of to-day will tell you solemnly [ that there is no equality in nature ]. He is right, but he does not see the logical addendum. There is no equality in nature; also there is no inequality in nature. Inequality, as much as equality, implies a standard of value. [ To read aristocracy into the anarchy of animals ] is just as sentimental [ as to read democracy into it ]. Both aristocracy and democracy are human ideals: the one [ saying [ that all men are valuable ], the other [ that some men are more valuable ] ]. But nature does not say [ that cats are more valuable than mice ]; nature makes no remark on the subject.
258 :Amerikano ko Kazuyoshi:2010/08/25(水) 21:59:26
She does not even say [ that the cat is enviable or the mouse pitiable ]. We think [ the cat superior ] [ because we have (or most of us have) a particular philosophy to the effect [ that life is better than death ] ]. But [ if the mouse were a German pessimist mouse ], he might not think [ that the cat had beaten him at all ]. He might think [ he had beaten the cat by [ getting to the grave first ] ]. Or he might feel [ that he had actually inflicted frightful punishment on the cat by [ keeping [ him alive ] ] ] ]. [ Just as a microbe might feel proud of [ spreading a pestilence ] ], so the pessimistic mouse might exult [ to think [ that he was renewing in the cat the torture of conscious existence ] ]. It all depends on the philosophy of the mouse.
259 :Amerikano ko Kazuyoshi:2010/08/25(水) 22:01:44
You cannot even say [ that there is victory or superiority in nature [ unless you have some doctrine about [ what things are superior ] ]. You cannot even say [ that the cat scores [ unless there is a system of [ scoring ] ]. You cannot even say [ that the cat gets the best of it [ unless there is some best [ to be got ] ].
omoshiroi desu ne
260 :Amerikano ko Kazuyoshi:2010/08/25(水) 22:03:39
>>257 uchino kaisha no jumyo- wa ato suukagetsu dake desu. hokawo sagashita hou ga anata no tame desu.