"I am from Hong Kong, I don't know Japanese. Can anyone help to translate the following article into Japanese and forward it in Japan? Thank a lot!”
the article is here:
http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/gseegoobi_fu/article?new=1&mid=1 A Japanese couple left their memory card in Taiwan. It contains the photos of their wedding party. Can anyone help to find them? Thank a lot!
>>1 Fuck you idiot Kill yourself
We just hope to find that Japanese couple and return that memory card to them because we know that wedding is a important memory for one's life.
It is not necessary for us(a group of Hong Kong web user) to do a such complicated thing, but we have empathy, we will keep hope to find them.
We know that Japanese are united.From the story of 電車男, we know that Japanese web users can turn impossible to possible.
Can anyone help, please?
another words, not "Kill yourself ",is "Commit suicide"
new information:
the surname of the man is 村田, and the surname of the woman is 天工.
Except of Taiwan, they had also traveled to グアム島 or ハワイ.
please be polite. In my mind, Japanese are very polite. But now, I am wondering if I need to change my mind.
What we are doing is helping that Japanese couple 村田 & 天工 finding their important memory. If you don't give a hand, fine! But please be polite.
9 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/06/25(金) 18:14:38
Japanese kids these days have poor manners and there are too many racist fools here on 2ch.
I hope you can find the owner of this memory card and think you are doing a noble thing.
Good luck!
11 :
From Hong Kong:2010/06/26(土) 15:10:19
>>10 thank for your encouragement!
We had already contact the 日本領事館.
And some 2ch user from 中国@2ch掲示板 helped to translate the article into Japanese.
Hope we can find that couple.
Gotta men