以下の英文を訳していただけないでしょうか。英字新聞、雑誌に苦労すると言ったら 課題英文が出題されました。これ英字新聞か雑誌ですよね。 中高生には難しいのですが。。。 >下の英文を和訳し、文型について解説してみ。 >これレベル低い記事だよ。 といわれてしまいました。 The arrests of suspected al-Qaeda supporters in Europe this week illustrate the evolving challenge authorities face in identifying and keeping watch over terror suspects, as radicals from increasingly disparate backgrounds gather in smaller, overlapping cells.
>>932 I am 片岡. I came to New York City, and I live here in a foregin country for the first time, I 'll live here until September 23. I have reasearched human language, and I found 10 formulas [ which will explain everything in English sentences ]. So [ if you check things up with 10 formulas ], you can easily understand any question [ that you may come across ] very easily. My newest book has just gotton on book store shelves, so check it up at large book stores. ` 10 formulas of English ' or ` Eigo no 10 ko-shiki 'is the name. [ If you use the book ], your ability of [ using English ] will grow to the double of [ what yours is now ].
>>933 今まで長期をかけて構築されてきた既存の英文法は, dannpennteki de zatta de hannzatsu desu. 自分が tannkyuushte miidashi mashita. 10公式という独自の理論で自費出版などをしている老人教員 desu. 実名らしい。クレイジー to hitowa iukeredo, jitsumei = sekininn でしょu? 10公式っていうの de たやすく gimonnga kaimeisare, kechitsukewa kanntannni 論破され masu. 和訳 yorimo 括弧 de kouzouwo haakusurukotoga daijidesu. ブログに書けばいい日記みたいな内容の文章とかmo, keijibanndewa, taisetsuna komunike-shonn desune.
>>952 The arrests of [ suspected ] al-Qaeda supporters in Europe this week illustrate the [ evolving ] challenge [ (which) authorities face in [ identifying and keeping watch over terror suspects ], [ as radicals from increasingly disparate backgrounds gather in smaller, [ overlapping ] cells ].
>>943 Some foreign women believe their extravagant promises. ITALIAN women know [ that this gallant behavior is only a (game) ]. They accept the compliments, the flowers, and even the kisses, but not the promises of eternal love.
1,Finally our team won the game by the score of 1 to 0. 2,He is always easy game for our jokes. 3,My grandpa makes a game of me [ whenever we see after along time ]. 4,She got angry over my practical joke [ which was just a game, not serious ].
Iterlian men like to court women but few Iterlian women believe their words and actions religiously ― [ though some foreign women are deceived by them ].
Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer! That calls me from a world of care, And bids me at my Father’s throne Make [ all my wants and wishes known ]. In seasons of distress and grief, My soul has often found relief And oft escaped the tempter’s snare By thy return, sweet hour of prayer!
Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer! The joys I feel, the bliss I share, Of those [ whose anxious spirits burn With strong desires for thy return ]! With such I hasten to the place [ Where God my Savior shows His face, And gladly take my station there ], And wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer!
I comprehend languages, Japanese, Russian, English. Wish I could comprehend Spanish. Next to me are a Spanish cute man and a Russian ikemen young man. Wow, we are humans. I love Spain, I love Russia, I love Broadway, I was in Marry Poppins playing theater, and during the play, I was a child.
>>945 > 英作の問題で「彼の働いている会社は仙台に新しい支社を出した。」の答えが > 「The company whitch he works for has setup a new branch in sendai.」 > なのですが、worksは主文の時制にあわせてworkedになるのではないんでしょうか?
>>984 何となくですけど、分ったような気がします。 前置詞が付くとその後の名詞には冠詞(theとかa)が付くという事が分りました。 Please push this button.「このボタンを押してください」 Please push this button here.「ここでこのボタンを押してください」 Please push this button at the station.「その駅でこのボタンを押してください」
Despite the fact that Brazil's economy was in turmoil, Whirlpool invested $30 million to develop the new washer, the ldeale, to meet the needs of a large class of consumers who still wash clothes by hand.
1 Initial () regarding the establishment of a joint venture took place yesterday. (A)negotiations(B)innovations(C)propositions(D)announcement 自分の答えA
2 In only three years at the trading firm,Ms.Williams advanced to the () of financial director. (A)level(B)degree(C)measure(D)ambassador 自分の答えB
3 The data analysis of the newly developed vaccine revealed several () that called for additional research. (A)confidences(B)inconsistencise(C)colleagues(D)endorsement 自分の答えB
誤文訂正です Francesca Winters (is a perfect) candidate (for the) position (because) her accumulated experience in financial affairs. 自分の答え because→for
Buying (in bulk) is (considerably) more (economic) than buying packaged (products). in blukが副詞なので動名詞にかかるのはおかしいと思うのですが、答えがわかりません。