○ 事前課題2 下記の問いに対する正解を選び、なぜそれが正解なのかを日本語3〜5行で説明してください You ranked as the No. 1 Junior Sales Representative having total sales of $ 500, 000. This is the first time a junior sales representative ___________that amount of sales. Thus, your work is truly commendable. a. reached b. had reached c. reaches d. has reached
You are ranked as one of the top sales representatives in our company. You have positioned yourself as the most successful sales representative in our company.
____ /∵∴∵∴\ /∵∴∵∴∵∴\ /∵∴∴,(・)(・)∴| |∵∵/ ○ \| |∵ / 三 | 三 | / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ |∵ | __|__ | < レアジョブは間違い英語を教える詐欺スクール \| \_/ / \_____ \____/ It is possible to use articles such as a and an with a singular count noun. However, since noncount nouns does not have plural forms, we use words like some, many, a few, a lot or a little to express their quantity. (ポイント:可算名詞には、a、an の冠詞をつけます。不可算名詞は複数形がないため、 量を表すときはsome, many, a few, a lot or a little を使います。) http://www.rarejob.com/material/intermediate/toeic/student/TOEIC2Basics_003.pdf ↑ 不可算名詞に many を使うわけないだろw 詐欺スクール■レアジョブ■
× The said event will provide him ○ The said the event would provide him
× If Ms. Raven will inform Mr. Wagner on the complete details of the rescheduled conference, what should she do? ○ If Ms. Raven informs Mr. Wagner on the complete details of the rescheduled conference, what should she do?
× The minutes of the meeting is written by the secretary. ○ The minutes of the meeting are written by the secretary.
× to do-list ○ to-do list
× Based from the status report of the Site Manager ○ Based on the status report of the Site Manager
× 従属節の初めにくるのが、従属接続詞です ○ 従属節の始めにくるのが、従属接続詞です
× Jenny visited London, where her grandparents live, last spring. ○ Jenny visited London, where her grandparents lived, last spring.
× When the conjuctions used are while, whenever, when, wherever, after, although, since, and until put them at the beginning of the sentence. (接続詞の {while 〜の間ずっと, whenever いつ〜しようとも,when 〜するとき に, wherever どこへ〜しても, after 〜した後で, although〜だけれども, since 〜 して以来, until 〜する時まで}は、文の先頭にくるようにする。) ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ 違うだろw 笑っちゃうな〜 レアジョブ代表代表取締役(自称社会起業家)■バ加藤智久■
× who earned her pilot’s license ○ who got her pilot’s license
× The minutes of the previous meeting was corrected and approved. ○ The minutes of the previous meeting were corrected and approved.
× Mr. Smith, the Project Coordinator of the expansion, reported that the Chinese Antiquities Council is planning ○ Mr. Smith, the Project Coordinator of the expansion, reported that the Chinese Antiquities Council was planning
× The meeting concluded that the proposal sent to the Chinese Antiquities Council will be withdrawn. ○ The meeting concluded that the proposal sent to the Chinese Antiquities Council would be withdrawn.
× the meeting concluded that this is not the time ○ the meeting concluded that this was not the time
× How many members were absent in the meeting? ○ How many members were absent from the meeting?
× The meeting could have been less boring if the presentation was not too heavy on text. ○ The meeting could have been less boring if the presentation had not been too heavy on text.
× Her opinion on the matter is more credible than Troy’s, so we decided to go for it. ○ Her opinion on the matter was more credible than Troy’s, so we decided to go for it.
× Let us try to analyze this sentence: ‘Sasha presented as well as I did.’ (次の文章を分析してみましょう。:“サーシャは私と同じぐらい上手にプレゼンをしまし た。”) 1) Similarity in structure - This sentence contains two independent clauses: (構造上の類似性 – この文章は2 つの独立節を含んでいます。) ‘Sasha presented’ and ‘I did’ Imbalance would result if two different structures are used i.e. if an independent clause is compared to another noun or pronoun only. Take for example, this sentence: ‘Sasha presented as well as ’I’. The first clause ‘Sasha presented’ is compared only to the pronoun ‘I’ resulting in a sentence which sounds imbalanced and incorrect. (2 つの異なる構造が使われている場合、バランスが悪くなってしまいます。たと えば、独立節が別の名詞や代名詞のみと比較される場合などです。例として ‘Sasha presented as well as ’I’という文を取り上げてみましょう。最初の節‘Sasha presented’が代名詞の‘I’のみと比較される結果、バランスが悪く、間違った文が作 られてしまいます。) ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ レアジョブの説明が間違い。笑っちゃうな〜w Sasha presented as well as I did. の did は省略可能。 ○ Sasha presented as well as I. これを間違いだと主張するレアジョブのほうが間違い。
× If you were Ms. Gates, what document/s will you require Mr. Dick to provide? ○ If you were Ms. Gates, what document/s would you require Mr. Dick to provide?
× If an employee is absent for four consecutive days without authorization, what could probably be my punishment? ○ If an employee is absent for four consecutive days without authorization, what could probably be his punishment?
× Mr. Trey asked the eldest employee if he already has a retirement plan. ○ Mr. Trey asked the eldest employee if he already had a retirement plan.
↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ × Adverbs like rarely and seldom are commonly placed at the end of the sentence. rarely や seldom などの副詞は、一般的に文末に置かれます。 ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ 笑っちゃうな〜 嘘を堂々と言うなよ、■レアジョブ■バ加藤智久
× business person spend holidays ○ business people spend holidays
× I seldom toured around the city when I’m on a business trip. ○ I seldom tour around the city when I’m on a business trip.
× Even if I had been to Venice several times for our summits, I have never ridden a gondola. ○ Even though I have been to Venice several times for our summits, I have never ridden a gondola.
レアジョブ TOEIC 教材には、嘘が堂々と書いてあります。 ↓↓↓ It is possible to use articles such as a and an with a singular count noun. However, since noncount nouns does not have plural forms, we use words like some, many, a few, a lot or a little to express their quantity. (ポイント:可算名詞には、a、an の冠詞をつけます。不可算名詞は複数形がないため 量を表すときはsome, many, a few, a lot or a little を使います。) http://www.rarejob.com/material/intermediate/toeic/student/TOEIC2Basics_003.pdf ↑↑↑ 嘘が堂々と書いてあるレアジョブ TOEIC 教材。 不可算名詞に many は使わない。 レアジョブは間違い英語。 http://search.knowledgecommunication.jp/review/s4204/2775/ 月間売上1600万円の会社の時価総額を100億円と間違えた自称 戦略コンサル■バ加藤智久■レアジョブ代表取締役