We apologize for leaving the Renee and Kilburn Boot out of your order. We'd like to resend them to you.
In order to clear this through customs we'll need to charge the true value of these items, then issue a credit for the true value. To do this, we would need your permission. You would also incur additional duties and taxes for these items, however if you email or fax your customs invoice to us at 614.219.5063, with reference # 100104-003697, we'll reimburse you.
The other option, is just to issue a credit for the missing items. Let us know which way you would like us to proceed. We hope to hear from you soon.
Earthquakes. Cyclones. Tsunamis. Floods. Mudslides. Natural disasters have doubled in frequency over the last two decades. Catastrophes have also become more intense, destructive and threatening to human life. In 2008 alone, some 36 million people were suddenly displaced by these phenomena.
While that is an enormous figure, it is dwarfed by the number of people whose security and livelihoods are being steadily undermined by the longer-term consequences of climate change: droughts and unpredictable rainfall patterns, the degradation and desertification of the land, coastal erosion and salinification.
A particularly disturbing characteristic of these developments is their potential to ignite conflicts within and between states, especially in situations where communities are competing for increasingly scarce resources such as fresh water and grazing land.
Looking a little further into the future, citizens of small and low-lying islands will face the prospect of their countries crumbling into the rising sea, their nationalities, cultures and identities drowned.
Nobody can say exactly how many people will be displaced by natural disasters and climate change in the decades to come. Current predictions vary enormously: from tens of millions to over a billion.
What one can say with considerable confidence, however, is that the impact of climate change will be felt most strongly by those low-income countries that are least responsible for the phenomenon and least equipped to deal with it.
For the first word, in fact it is pronounced. If you didn't put the "s" after "le" you must pronounced a sound between リュ and ロ . Maybe リュ is closer. In that example every "s" is a mark for plural. These letters are useful (and pronounced) when a word ended by a consonant is followed by a word begining by a vowel (it may exist exceptions, as always in french).
But I can't really say why some words have unpronounced final letter. For some it's because they were written differently in former french. Some final letters are to indicate gender or plural (maybe the most of the final letters unpronounced belong to that kind)
Here "terminees" has two final letters unpronounced. This e is for feminine gender and the s is for plural (because adjectives in french take the gender and the number of the noun that they qualified: "vacances" is a feminine word, and this word is always at plural form)
Do you know how to pronounced each french letter? Cause I don't really know how to translate you the sound for "je" or "le" for example. (ジュ or リュ are more closer to me to "ju" (jou) or "ru") Oh!.. I just find in my japanese lesson an other transcription for "je" : ジェ Does it make the idea of the sound clearer? If you want I will search french alphabet sounds on the internet, so that you can hear what the french "e" is.
Preview. Survey the material to determine what is discussed in it. Examine the table of contents. If the book or chapter has an introduction or summary, read it. Read the Conclusions. Look at the figures and tables to get a feel for what the material is about. Identify the sections to be read as single units. Apply the next four steps to each section. Questions. Make up questions for each section. Try and make your questions related to your goals in reading the material. You can sometimes turn section headings into questions. (I've already tried to do this where possible in this book.) Read. Read the material carefully, trying to answer the questions you made up. Reflect. Reflect on the material as you read it. Try to think of examples and try to relate the material to prior knowledge. Try to understand it. If you don't understand it all the first time, don't worry. Some difficult material takes several readings. Recite. After finishing a section, try to recall the information that was in it. Try answering the questions you made up earlier. If you cannot, reread the difficult material and the part relevant to the questions you could not answer. Review. After you have finished, go through it mentally, recalling the main points. Again try answering the questions you made up. A few minutes after you have finished this proccess, flick through the material once more. If possible, repeat this an hour or so later.
Do you know how to pronounced each french letter? Cause I don't really know how to translate you the sound for "je" or "le" for example. (ジュ or リュ are more closer to me to "ju" (jou) or "ru") Oh!.. I just find in my japanese lesson an other transcription for "je" : ジェ Does it make the idea of the sound clearer? If you want I will search french alphabet sounds on the internet, so that you can hear what the french "e" is.
In Madagascar, 6 million hectares of new protected areas are responsible for 4 million tons of CO2 that does escape into the atmosphere per year. Canada’s national parks have an estimated 4.4 billion tons of carbon stored mostly in peatlands and soils, while Brazil’s Amazon system of protected areas prevents 8 billion tons of carbon from being released.
One third of the world’s 100 major cities, totaling 1 billion people, get their water supplies from a protected area.
The combination of storing unreleased carbon and protecting ecosystems should make protected areas a natural component of any strategy discussed in Copenhagen.
The conference should recognize the role of protected areas as tools for permanent carbon storage and call on countries to implement robust protected-area systems as a core component of national strategies to achieve land and marine-based emissions reductions.
Our app-laden phones helped us manage our on-the-go lifestyles; our books fell off the shelves and into e-readers; our televisions and video games unchained themselves from home entertainment centers; and our mobile updates helped organize protests and even threaten governments.
よろしくお願い致しますm(__)m ピリオド無くて You,my darling, you bittersweet memories That is all I'm taking with me So goodbye, Please don't cry We both know I'm not What you need
I hope life treats you kind And I hope you have all you ever dreamed of And I wish you joy and happiness but above all this I wish you love
In total 5 suspected cases tested positive at the Institut Pasteur of Côte d'Ivoire, of which 3 cases were confirmed at the regional reference laboratory for yellow fever at the Institut Pasteur in Dakar, Senegal, by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).
An investigation carried out in Guinea at the border with Cote d'Ivoire has led to detection and confirmation by IP Dakar of a case of yellow fever. This case will also result in outbreak response for the affected area in Guinea.
I am very happy to help you, but we all have to obey the rules. We not only consider your benefit but also the seller’s benefits. To be honest, I support you more than the seller. It is beneficial and rational for you to accept the partial refund due to the high shipping cost you have to pay. I know you are very unhappy about the dispute and you have no mistake. We will give you partial refund 15 USD in terms of kindness and understanding and you can keep the item. If you would not like to accept the partial refund 15 USD and keep the item, you may send the item back and you have to pay the high shipping cost and wait the seller’s address we offer you.
Well, my friends and I decided to offer Jordan a free nipple piercing, which he kindly accepted. The first part of the video was done after a Ten Count Fall show in Pittsburgh, the second in Youngstown, Ohio. The first piercing was a bar, the seco... お願いします。
お願いします Someday at Christmas Men won't be boys Playing with bombs Like kids play with toys One warm December Our hearts will see A world where men are free
Someday at Christmas There'll be no wars When we have learned What Christmas is for When we have found What life's really worth There'll be peace on Earth
Someday all our dreams will come to be
Someday in a world, where men are free Maybe not in time for you and me But someday at Christmas time
Someday at Christmas We'll see a land With no hungry children No empty hands One happy morning People will share A world where people care
Someday at Christmas There'll be no tears Where all men are equal And no man has fears One shiney moment while on our way From our world today
Someday all our dreams will come to be
Someday in a world where men are free Maybe not in time for you and me But someday at Christmas time
Someday at Christmas Men will not care Hate will be gone And love will prevail Someday a new world that we can start With hope in every heart
Someday all are dreams will come to be Someday in a world where men are free Maybe not in time for you and me But someday at Christmas time Someday at Christmas time
I am contacting you in regards to a business transfer of a large sum of money from a dormant account. Though I know that a transaction of this magnitude will make any one apprehensive and worried, but I am assuring you that all will be well at the end of the day
PROPOSITION I discovered an abandoned sum of US$7,500, 000.00 (Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars) in an account that belongs to one of our foreign Customers (an American) late George Brumley. This very account has been dormant for some years now. After my investigations, I discovered that the account owner has died since July 2003 with all his family members in a plane crash, Please click this link: http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/africa/07/20/kenya.crash/index.html
Since his death, nobody has come forward to lay claims to this money and recently my bank issued a notice that the account will be declared unserviceable and the funds called to the government treasury since no relative of the deceased customer came up.
In order to avert this negative action, I now seek your permission to have you stand as a next of kin so that funds can be released in your favour as the next of kin.
Please acknowledge receipt of this message in acceptance of our mutual business endeavour by furnishing me with the following if you are willing to work with me actually.
1. Your full name 2. Postal address 3. Profession 4. Telephone and fax numbers
This information will enable me work on the Deceased account file so as to indicate you as his next of kin after which you will formally apply for the release of the funds as the next of kin to the Deceased customer to this bank I work at. We are going to share the total sum on final conclusion of this project on a 50-50 equal.
If you are truly disposed and capable of handling this, reach me immediately.
In 1945, Toshiro Mifune starred in Akira Kurosawa's The Seven Samurai. Six years later, Hollywood made its own version with The Magnificent Seven,directed by John Sturges. Since then, samurai movies have become big in the West, and samurai stories are often remade in Hollywood Western. Unforgiven(1992) is a wonderful example of this. The movie deliberately mirrors samurai-story themes such as social hierarchy,maintaining public order through battle,and codes of honor.
Topping the social structure in a samurai movie are, of course, the samurai. Similarly, other members of society rank below the cowboy. People cannot change their position within the hierarchy. Just as the farmer cannot become a cowboy, the samurai is not allowed to become a peasant. In Unforgiven the cowboy hero, Bill Munny, gives up his gun to run a farm,but returns to the cowboy life to avenge an attack on a woman. The social hierarchy in both types of movie is clearly defined and unchangeable.
Both in the Wild West of Unforgiven and in the world of the samurai, violence is always close at hand. In both genres, the heroes use weapons to beat the odds and restore social order through battle. Even though the samurai fights with sword while the cowboy fights with his gun, both weapons are important symbols of status and manhood. The hero's weapons define his position in society and allow him to keep the peace.
Although both Westerns and samurai movies typically include scenes of death and bloodshed, the heroes do not use senseless violence. For example, the seven samurai in kurosawa's movie only use their weapons to help defenseless villagers fight back against bandits. Similarly, in Unforgiven, Bill Munny leaves his pig farm to avenge the savage beating of a woman. Violence is only used to achieve justice. Both the cowboy and the samurai are bound to strict code of honor in the way they act.
Then came the personal computer and the Internet, and everything changed. パーソナルコンピューターとインターネットが登場して、全てが変わった。 One of the first things that changed encyclopedias was the CD-ROM. 百科事典を変えた最初のものの一つはCD-ROMだ。 A couple of small disks could hold the same amount of information as those 30 volumes. いくつかの小さなディスクがそれらの30巻と同じ情報量を保存できる。 This not only saved on paper costs, it also saved space. これは紙のコストを減らしただけではない、それはまた空間も節約したのだ。 In addition, keyword searches were usually faster than looking through paper pages. 更にキーワード検索は紙に目を通すより速い。 Then once people started using the Internet, they could find information on the Web from free encyclopedias. そして人々が一旦、インターネットを使用し始めると、彼らはウェブ上の無料の百科事典から情報を見つけるだろう。 Perhaps the best-known of these is Wikipedia. 恐らく最もよく知られているのはウィキペディアだろう。 Wikipedia, which began in 2001, has close to two million articles in English in 2007 accessible for free online. ウィキぺディアは2001年に始まり、2007年には英語での約200万の記事が無料でアクセスできる。 There are also hundreds of thousands of articles in Japanese. 日本語でも何十万もの記事がある。 Anyone can write, edit, or delete an article or parts of one at any time. いつでも、誰でも記事を書くか、一つの部分を編集するか、削除できたりする。 Wikipedia only asks that contributors try to be truthful an unbiased. ここの訳はちょっとできませんでした。 It is unlike a conventional encyclopedia in several ways. それはいくつかの方法で従来の百科事典とは異なっている。
Instead of one established expert writing on a topic, many amateurs work together anonymously to write an article. 一人の確立した専門家の代わりに、話題を書き続けて多くのアマチュアが匿名で働いている。 Instead of there being one central authority, such as a publisher, all contributors are free to edit each other’s contributions. ここはわかりませんでした。すみません。 Instead of having to wait for a new edition each year, users are adding articles and editing existing ones every minute. 毎年新版を待たなければならない代わりに、ユーザーは毎分記事を加えて既存のものを編集している。 Finally, users do not have to pay 8,000 yen a year for a brand-name online encyclopedia because Wikipedia is free. 最終的に無料であるため、ユーザーは1年あたり8000円のオンライン百科事典の代価を払う必要がない。 Naturally, when something is free of change, there are usually some drawbacks. 何かに変化がない時、当然いくつかの欠点がある。 One of the biggest concerns is that the authors are mostly not real experts. 最も大きな関心の一つは、作者がほとんど専門家ではないということだ。 How can readers be sure that they are getting the best information available? 読者は最良の情報が、どのように利用可能か確信しているか? Also because anyone can contribute, what is stopping someone from entering false information? 誰かもまた貢献できるので、誰かが偽情報を書くことができるか? Wikipedia is often attacked by troublemakers who delete the information in some topics or edit it in a harmful way. ウィキペディアは、しばしばいくつかの問題で情報を削除するか、または有害な方法でそれを編集するトラブルメーカーに攻撃される。 For example, at the site of some religious topics, sometimes these “vandals” write profanities in order to show their dislike for these beliefs. 例えば、いくつかの宗教話題のサイトでは時々、これらの「心なき破壊者」はこれらの信念に関する彼らの嫌悪を示しているために冒涜を書く。
The Japanese government has spent a great deal of taxpayers' money to support a declining industry very few people gain any benefit from, and has in the process harmed the international image of the country and its culture. 和訳お願い致します。
Good is good and bad is bad You don't know which one you had She put your books out on the sidewalk Now they're blowing 'round They won't help you when you're down
Love's on your list of things to do To bring your good luck back to you And if you think that everything's unfair Would you care if you're the last one standing there
And everytime you hear the rolling thunder You turn around before the lightening strikes And does it ever make you stop and wonder If all your good times pass you by
続きです I don't hold no mystery But I can show you how to turn the key Cause all I know is where I started So downhearted And that's not where you want to be
And everytime you hear the rolling thunder You turn around before the lightening strikes And you could find a rock to crawl right under If all your good times pass you by
When the day is done And the world is sleeping And the moon is on its way to rise When your friends are gone You thought were so worth keeping You feel you don't belong And you don't know why
And everytime you hear the rolling thunder You turn around before the lightening strikes And does it ever make you stop and wonder If all your good times pass you by
When the day is done And the world is sleeping And the moon is on its way to rise When your friends are gone You thought were so worth keeping You feel you don't belong Neither do I
>>80 > Anyone can write, edit, or delete an article or parts of one at any time. > いつでも、誰でも記事を書くか、一つの部分を編集するか、削除できたりする。 「いつでも誰でも、記事あるいはその一部を執筆、編集、あるいは削除できる。」
> Wikipedia only asks that contributors try to be truthful an unbiased. > ここの訳はちょっとできませんでした。 「Wikipediaが参加者に求めるのは、単に誠実かつ公平であるよう務めることだけだ。」
> It is unlike a conventional encyclopedia in several ways. > それはいくつかの方法で従来の百科事典とは異なっている。 「…いくつかの面で…」
>>81 > Instead of one established expert writing on a topic, many amateurs work together anonymously to write an article. > 一人の確立した専門家の代わりに、話題を書き続けて多くのアマチュアが匿名で働いている。 「一人の専門家が一つのトピックを執筆するのではなく、一つの記事を多くのアマチュアが匿名で協力することによって書き上げる。」
> Instead of there being one central authority, such as a publisher, all contributors are free to edit each other’s contributions. > ここはわかりませんでした。すみません。 「出版社のような中核的な権威が存在するのではなく、全ての参加者がそれぞれの提供内容を自由に編集できる。」
> Finally, users do not have to pay 8,000 yen a year for a brand-name online encyclopedia because Wikipedia is free. > 最終的に無料であるため、ユーザーは1年あたり8000円のオンライン百科事典の代価を払う必要がない。 「そして最後に、・・・」
> Naturally, when something is free of change, there are usually some drawbacks. > 何かに変化がない時、当然いくつかの欠点がある。 このchangeはchargeのスペルミスじゃありませんか?
> How can readers be sure that they are getting the best information available? > 読者は最良の情報が、どのように利用可能か確信しているか? 「得られた情報が最良のものであると、一体どうして確信できるというのか?」
> Also because anyone can contribute, what is stopping someone from entering false information? > 誰かもまた貢献できるので、誰かが偽情報を書くことができるか? 「また、誰でも書ける以上、誰かが偽の情報を書くことをどうやって防げるというのか?」
So long as the LDP had Koizumi around to offer the nation hope, it remained powerful. But once it lost its charismatic leader, voters began to turn on it. “Simply put, Koizumi was morphine for the LDP. As long as he was there, things were OK,” says Naoto Nonaka, a politics professor at Gakushuin Univ. “But once the morphine ran out, the LDP was back on its deathbed.” Koizumi also weakened the LDP’s ability to recover. 0for all of criticism heaped on the fashion system, it had been good at training freshman politicians for the rough-and-tumble of Japanese politics, and proved effective at building consensus on policy within the party(fashion leaders would meet to hash out differences). Shorn of that system- Koizumi weakened the group and discouraged new LDP members from them- the LDP no longer has an effective bottom-up means for formulating and coordinating positions. This has left Koizumi’s successors unable to unify the rank and file and the bureaucracy on difficult issues, such as reducing wasteful spending for road construction. Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda was forced to water down his attempt to do just that, and Aso managed to pass a $150 billion stimulus this May only because of the extremity of the economic crisis.
Oh no problem your english is good enough, i actually thought you would be older as me, haha. Hmm, good question what kind do i like i guess there is not special preference but not to young i'm not very good in dealing with kids. Did you ever have a boy as friend? That's a thing that would really be nice sometimes, one that you could share with everything :) With and older it's just not the same i guess.
Fortunately, Wikipedia has thousands of devoted and honest contributors. 幸い、ウィキペディアには何千人もの熱い正直な貢献者がいる。 Many of these from all over the world feel responsible for maintaining the topics close to their hearts. これらの多くが世界中から話題の中心を維持するのに責任があるように感じられる。 Therefore, when they see that an article has been attacked, they quickly make corrections. したがって、記事が攻撃されているとわかると、彼らはすぐに修正する。 In this way, in most cases, one of Wikipedia’s honest members has returned the information in the attacked topic to original within a few minutes. 多くの場合、このようにウィキペディアのメンバーの正直者の一人は、数分以内に攻撃された記事の情報を元に戻す。 Another concern about Wikipedia is the quality of the information. ウィキペディアに関する別の不安は情報の品質だ。 If anyone can write and edit a topic, surely the information is not of top quality. 誰かが記事を書いて編集できるなら、確実に情報は最高品質ではない。 This is true and it is one of Wikipedia’s weaknesses. これは真実であり、そしてそれはウィキペディアの弱点の一つである。 However, there are huge numbers of contributors who care about the quality and want to make it better. しかしながら、品質を心配してそれをより良くしたがっている多くの貢献者がいる。 When they see a mistake, biased views, or perhaps out-of-date information, they correct these. 彼らが誤り、偏見、または恐らく古い情報を見る時、それらは修正する。 This means that although the information there may not be as good as that of a brand-name encyclopedia, it is still of quite reasonable quality. これは、そこのブランドの百科事典の情報ほど良くないかもしれないが、まだ妥当な品質があることを意味する。 In some cases, it is even better because it is more up-to-date. いくつかの場合、より最新であるのでそれは更に良い。 So what does this discussion have to do with globalization? この議論はグローバル化と関係があるか?
First of all, contributors now live in all parts of the world. まず貢献者は現在、世界各地に住んでいる。 Anyone with an Internet connection can write or edit an article. インターネットを接続すれば、誰でも記事を書いたり編集したりできる。 In this sense, those who had no voice in the past now have an equal opportunity to share their knowledge through Wikipedia. この意味で、過去に発言権の無かった人がウィキペディアを通して知識を共有する平等な機会を持っている。 One of the main principles of globalization is to share ideas from around the world. グローバル化の主要原理の一つは、世界中からの思考の共有である。 Connected to this concept is the number of articles offered by Wikipedia. この概念に関連づけられているのは、ウィキペディアに提供された記事の数である。 As I write this chapter, there are five million articles in more than 100 languages. 私が本章を書く時、100以上の言語に500万の記事がある。 On the other hand, Encyclopedia Britannica has only 80,000. 他方では、ブリタニカ百科事典には8万しかない。 This means that ideas and topics which previously had little exposure, such as some types of African art, can now be accessed and studied more easily. わかりませんでした。すみません。 Again, one meaning of globalization is to connect and share ideas from diverse places around the world. 一方、グローバル化の1つの意味は世界中の様々な場所からの思考を接続して、共有することである。 Wikipedia is one example of this. ウィキペディアはこの一つの例である。
I'm the one, I'm the one who knows the dance I'm the one, I'm the one who's got the prance I'm the one, I'm the one who wears the pants I wear the pants
I don't care what you're saying I don't care what you're thinking I don't care about anything Get ready, motherfucker, 'cause I'm happening
>>94 一文だけ This means that ideas and topics which previously had little exposure, such as some types of African art, can now be accessed and studied more easily. このことはアフリカンアートのいくつかの形式のように、 かつてほとんど露出がなかった(謎だった)アイデアやトピックに今やより簡単に触れることができ、勉強ができるということを意味している。