ぐんぐん英会話講師 ROSE http://www.gge.co.jp/koshi_detail.php?id=105 × I promise to be a good English teacher with whom you can also have fun with at the same time. with を二重に使っているので、間違い。 I promise to be a good English teacher with whom you can also have fun at the same time. でもいいが、関係代名詞にこだわるのをやめて、 I promise to be a good English teacher, and you can also have fun in my class at the same time. のほうがいい。
ぐんぐん英会話講師 ROSE http://www.gge.co.jp/koshi_detail.php?id=105 × I promise to be a good English teacher with whom you can also have fun with at the same time. with を二重に使っているので、間違い英語。