@Garry Kasparov is from Azerbaijan. He became the world chess champion at age 22. Today, he competes against powerful computers. ASonya Fitzpatrick has a special talent: She can talk to animals. BChandra Sekar, from India, is a computer wiz. He passed a Microsoft engineering test at age 10. CDavid Blaine is a famous American magician. In the photo, he is doing a magic trick. DShakira is a singer from Colombia. She wrote her first song at age 8. This talented woman also speaks three languages. EThe artist, Leonardo da Vinci, was also an inventor. In the 1500s, he imagined airplanes, parachutes, and contact lenses!
Oratio probably means "Orasho" ancient prayers of Hiding Christians in Japan. Origin of this word is "Oratorio" in Latin,of course. It has been passed down through centuries by word of mouth. Transmitted orally and in secret,many words of Orasho has lost their meanings now. Sorry for my bad english.
If I come has Tokyo it is because I have a friend who lives low!! He my said that there was castle has to see!! I shall like seeing that himeji also!! I think that I shall visit Japan to see natural landscapes! But indeed on the city also I have to see her! she is a part of the life!!
How had known about you France?Or to find you the inspiration for your works?
>>845 「oratio」というタイトルの曲について isn't this supposed to be called "Oratorio", not "Oratio"? とレスした相手に 曲の由来は「おらしょ」であろうということから、「おらしょ」について説明したつもりでした あなたの指摘から察するに、どうも見当違いのことをしていたようです
I think this is a Latin word "oratio." I'm almost sure the author (composer?) was inspired by a Japanese word "ORASHO" when he/she made "Oratio." The word ORASHO means prayers that have been handed down by Hiding Christians in Japan for centuries during most of which Christiarinity was banned by the government. Passed down by oral tradition for generations isolated from the Roman church authority, the sound (the text) has been transitioned from its original Latin prayers. The name "ORASHO" itself is also said to be a transitioned form of the Latin word "oratio," which I believe to be the origin of the title.
>>843 @Garry Kasparov is from Azerbaijan. He became the world chess champion at age 22. Today, he competes against powerful computers. Garry Kasparovはアゼルバイジャン出身で22歳で世界チェス大会のチャンピョンになった。彼は現在高性能なコンピューターとチェスの腕を競いあっている ASonya Fitzpatrick has a special talent: She can talk to animals. Sonya Fitzpatrickは動物と会話できるという特別な才能を持っている BChandra Sekar, from India, is a computer wiz. He passed a Microsoft engineering test at age 10. インド出身のChandra Sekarはコンピューターの魔法使いのようだ。彼は10歳でマイクロソフトのエンジニアリングテストに合格した CDavid Blaine is a famous American magician. In the photo, he is doing a magic trick. David Blaineはアメリカの有名なマジシャンだ。画面(テレビ)の中で彼はマジックを行っている DShakira is a singer from Colombia. She wrote her first song at age 8. This talented woman also speaks three languages. Shakiraはコロンビア出身の歌手である。彼女は8歳のときに初めて作曲した。この才能ある彼女は3つの言語をしゃべる EThe artist, Leonardo da Vinci, was also an inventor. In the 1500s, he imagined airplanes, parachutes, and contact lenses! 芸術家であるレオナルドダヴィンチもまた発明家であった。1500年代に彼は飛行機やパラシュート、コンタクトレンズなとを考えていたのである
But how could work and create an artist if he's continuously observed and disturbed while he's working? When you create you have to be in a certain privacy... They said that City Hall and politics in general had a funny idea about artist and art. In politics minds, artists seem to be just commercial and things that we show. I feel that's diffiuclt to explain with my words...
But it's a bit difficult to explain properly the concept. It's when everything is given to see, is given as a show. People wants to see everything, and people wants entertainment. Nowadays society brings us that. Even if it's not made for being shown. And one of the main goal for this kind of society (or politic) is money, and, to my mind, mass control.
Doesn’t Economics 101 say that the wage cut has to work? No. It says that a fall in real wages increases employment — but the whole point is that reducing all money wages doesn’t necessarily reduce real wages. And for what it’s worth, the little AS-AD analysis I linked to is Econ 101, at least if you use a good textbook.
「ロジャーマルビンの埋葬」という小説なのですがどうか和訳お願い致します。 The sunshine yet lingered upon the higher branches of the trees that grew on rising ground;but the shadows of evening had deepened into the hollow where the encampment was mad, and the firelight began to redden as it gleamed up the tall trunks of the pines or hovered on the dense and obscure mass of foliage that circled round the spot. The heart of Dorcas was not sad;for she felt that it was better to tourney in the wildness with two whom she loved than to be a lonely woman in a crowd that cared not for her. As she busied herself in arranging seats of mouldering wood covered with leaves,for Reuben and her son,her voice danced through the gloomy forest in the measure of a song that she had learned in youth. The rude melody,the production of a bard who won no name,was descriptive of a winter evening in a frontier cottage, when,secured from savage inroad by the high-piled snow-drifts,the family rejoiced by their own fireside.
Actually, during the runup to the creation of the euro there was a very interesting academic literature comparing and contrasting the North American Monetary Union, also known as the United States, and the potential eurozone. Here’s one example.
It is important to know the mechanical properties map as a function of temperature and moisture parameters, because it is sensitive to these ambient parameters even after the characteristic time of the weight change in the dehydration process,and because the moisture absorbed might play a role of plasticizer,causing the shift of the loss tangent peak.
In the paper,the visco-elastic behavior was examined under the moisture and temperature controlled condition for the gel samples whose water content is in the region of those after t'.
The result is that, under constant temperaturecondition, the elastic modulus is gradually and then drastically decreases as the moisture increases and that the peak of loss tangent appeared around the moisture region of drastically decreasing modulus.
This behaior is seemed to be ascribable to the primary direction.
The softening vapor pressure and peak vapor pressure of less tangent become higher as the temperature increases, which is elucidated by the hydrophilic nature of the network molecules at high temperatures.
And there it is known not as “Milton’s house” , for it is too small, but as “Milton’s cottage”.
It is as if in the end he chose for himself the life not of “2 Penseroso” but of “L’ Allegro”, as in his varied activity he was led from the poetry of Paradise Lost bake to the ideal peace of the English countryside.
We often think of him not without reason, as a stern Puritan poet insisting on his religious duty, or as a rigid humanist composing difficult poems for a “fit audience though but few”.
But here at least we see another side to his poetic character: his delight in the rural beauty of England, which makes him a fitting successor to Chaucer and Shakespeare.
To this delight he has given poetic _expression not in spite of his academic learning but because of it.
For it was, we may say, his studies at Cambridge which enabled him to sing of what he had seen and enjoyed from boyhood
Life expectancy has increased dramatically over the centuries. An Englishman born in 1600 could have expected to live no longer―on average―tan is late thirties. Nowadays he should, all things beings equal, make it into his early seventies. Similarly an Irishman born in the 1870s might have lived to be about 50 years old. He should now survive to about 70. Paradoxically, when in previous times there were fewer people around there were more babies born. Now that there were more people, birth-rates are falling―indeed, in the United Kingdom there will be more deaths than births within about 40 years' time if current trends continue.
It’s petty and silly, but after what seems like a whole adult lifetime in which Central Casting insisted that major politicians be either Southern gentlemen or Midwestern heartland types, it felt good to watch and listen to Chuck Schumer, speaking the language of my roots, at the victory press conference — even with that green tie. Noo Yawk Roolz!