
【パリの屋根の下で】山口昌子 鳩山夫人と“未知との遭遇”【産経新聞】


How did Japanese Media report the new administration?
Sankei Shimbun Column 【Under a roof in Paris】 Mrs. Hatoyama and "Close Encounter of the Third Kind"

"What kind of person is the new prime minister's wife?" I have been often asked by the people I meet these days.

This question is asked after the series of serious topics like "the revolutionary political power shift" of the general election of Japan.
This is because the French media point out the fact that Mrs. Miyuki Hatoyama is older than the prime minister
and that the marriage is the first one for the prime minister but the second one for the wife, introduce that they are "a unique couple" in Japan,
and, moreover, report in detail that wife's statements like "While my body was asleep, I think my soul rode a triangular-shaped UFO and went to Venus.",
"Tom Cruise was a Japanese in his previous life." and "She eats the sun.".

"Le Monde", the influential newspaper, in addition with the colored photograph of the wife at the spectator's gallery in the
new prime minister's designation at the Diet, publicized highly "The Japan's first lady and - Encounter of the unknown world.".

With the fact that the newspaper used to be a prestigious one being proud that it would not publish photographs,
the report with a colored photograph indicates the high interests in the wife.
( http://sankei.jp.msn.com/life/trend/090923/trd0909230807004-n2.htm )

Quoting the articles of "Shukan Shincho" and "Shukan Bunshun",
it points out that the wife's statement of "Affection to spirituality invites a smile.",
such as the one about UFO, means "Japan has bountiful soil for magical religious believers".
It analyzed the wife's statements, checking them with the mental climate peculiar to Japan, stating that
"The Shintoism faith cherishes the spiritualities of those who have the natural talent over nature such as holding the belief of
exorcism and practicing the ceremony of atonement.

Considering the fact above, it states that "It is the rare case for a Japanese, who is a woman at the age of 70(the real age is 66),

furthermore, in the high social class of Mrs. Hatoyama, to talk about an extraterrestrial 'adventure'".

Comparing to the interest in the wife's spiritual taste, the interest in her second marriage is, as a whole, low.
Le Monde just talks about her former husband's testimony, from the Japanese media, that "She was interested in the rich and the celebrity".

A reporter of ELLE, a French women's magazine, got a story from myself. The reporter showed interest in the "UFO statement",
but sounded like "Why on earth is such a thing a scandal?".

Come to think of it, the remarriage of President Sarkozy was one with a spouse. When he was a mayor of Neuilly-sur-Seine,
the outskirts of Paris, Cecilia was his second wife, who was the bride of the famous TV host who was his acquaintance, when he organized the wedding.
Mr. Sarkozy, fell in love at first sight, thought that "Why is she not my wife?" and, in the end, "plundered" her from the acquaintance.

However, as ill luck would have it, Cecilia was pillaged by the president of the advertising agency, who helped the presidential election.
The current wife, Carla, had a child between her and another man before she married Mr. Sarkozy, but the father of the child was the
partner of a well known philosopher's daughter. Bearing a deep grudge, the daughter published a novel based on the real experiences.
It seemed she was so frustrated that she brought out the second edition in this autumn.

Overall, France has a national character where the former president Giscard d'Estaing will soon novelize and
publish a book of the love life with former crown princess Diana. I heard that Le Figaro, the French newspaper,
which is considered to have obtained the manuscript, because the one about whom to talk is dead, wavers in judgment how true this
"love of the century" is. This is why nothing is new about Mrs. Hatoyama's love history. (Masako Yamaguchi)

(MSN Sankei News 2009.9.23)

-----------------(End of the quotation)-------------

Time magazine of the U.S., dated September 8th, selected Mrs. Hatoyama as the No. 1 among its Top 10 Colorful First Spouses.
( http://www.stumbleupon.com/s/#9zDWAG/www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1920803_1920843,00.html/ )

Listening to this news, the Japanese media reported this as "Best 10 Gorgeous First Ladies".
Excluding the explanation of criteria for selection and the note on "First Flubs",
awarded to spouses like Mrs. Imelda Marcos, the No. 2, it was evaluated that
"Miyuki's spiritual and unique character was favored in the western countries.".