>>6 英文は正しい…? the best thing about ... is to get ... ならわかるけど the best thing about ... got ... はどうもへん そして1つ1つの文は5の訳みたいになるけど、まだ状況がよくわからない… discovery channelを見てるのはone-man animal kingdomの状態だから、 いくらでも好きなだけ見ることができる、ということを言っているとして 状況に合います?
>>12>>11 もう1つ got an endless supply of options at your disposal. これって、discovery channelだけじゃなくて、マルチチャンネルケーブルTVのことを 言ってるという可能性はない? 最初のbest thing about ...は、discovery channel に変えたとき discovery channel に 言及したコメントであって、2番目の文は「こんなふうにこのテレビではどんなものでも 見れる」と言ってる、とか。
>>16 よかったw こんな感じですか best thing about being a one-man animal kingdom 動物に人間1人だけの素晴らしさよ got an endless supply of options at your disposal. いろんな世界が好きなだけ得られるのさ you ever hear of the muskox? or the gharial? muskox知ってるか?gharialは? the who? 誰? you`ve been watchin` the discovery channel all morning. ずっとディスカバリーチャンネル見てるじゃん saturday toons are on! 土曜の漫画やってるのに
In Europe and Central and Western Asia, although overall influenza activity remains low an increase in transmission has been noted in a number of countries and continues to intensify in others.
PS3 are releasing MW2 betas to all people who send this message on to 50 people on their friends list this has been changed from 10 to 50 as their is limited beta keys that can be handed out at less people will pass it on to 50 people. The beta keys are given out on 21st Oct. These messages are tracked by the PSN moderators
The name of a new block "HISTORIC KANA" may confuse users when considering the discussion in the last WG2 meeting that this block may be used for allocation of so-called hentai gana, because hentai gana can be considered a part of modern Japanese writing system, although it is clear that they are not a part of official Japanese writing system.
・Mahmoud Ahamadinejad was sworn in to a second term as Iran's president Aug5 , greeted by protests in the streets and snubs inside Iran's parliament. 二行目がうまく訳せません・・・・。どうも意味がつながらないというか・・・・。
・The crowd followed the truck. これは、トラックについていった群衆。という訳でいいでしょうか?
・a new study finds, a possible drawback to a movement encouraging more vigorous exercise in schools.
・the current business model in which people can buy fresh boxed lunches 24hours a day is outdated if the tradeoff is an increase in the amount of food going to waste. 二行目がうまく訳せません・・・・・。
Injuries to American children during physical education classes increased by 150 percent from 1997-2007, a new study finds, a possible drawback to a movement encouraging more vigorous exercise in schools. * 新たな調査によると、...、学校においてさらに激しい運動を奨励する 動向には欠陥の可能性が認められる。
There was a faction of a second when their eyes met,and for as long as it took to happen he knew that she was thinking the same thing as himself. (二人の視線がかち合う一瞬の隙間が生まれた。この出来事が起こる瞬間に、彼は彼女が自分と同じことを考えていると悟った。)
特に for as long as it took to happen の文体は破格調だと思いますが、どうでしょうか? as long as には接続詞と前置詞の二つの用法があります。 これは紛れもなく接続詞として使われています。 このような英文法はあまり見かけません。 おそらく for が時間を表す前置詞なので、このような用法が許されるのかなと思いました。
あと考えられることは as long as の二番目の接続詞 as が long を先行詞とする疑似関係代名詞として使われており最初の as は long を修飾する単なる副詞であると考えましたが、どうなってるんでしょう。
つまり as long as と見せかけて、実は関係詞の文体にするという文法のレトリックです。 誰か
>>46 faction ではなく、fraction でしょう。 言葉は文法ありきではなくて、用法ありきです。 破格調とか、疑似関係代名詞とか頭を悩ませることも必要かもしれないけど 意味をとるのは難しくない文章だと思います。for long だって前置詞+形容詞でしょ。 だったら as long as に for がついてもいいじゃないですか。
申し訳ありませんでした。fraction の間違いです。僭越ですが for long という表現は慣用化していて、あまり説得力がないように思います。 この英文は for〜happen までが前置詞句であると思います。 そして as の先行詞は long と解釈して良いのかなと思います。 疑似関係代名詞というより as を関係代名詞として使っていると思います。
He came home naked as he was.
にみられる as のように。 as S be [ありのままのS] という解釈も良し!関係代名詞としての as でも良し!みたいな…
There is impression in a large part of the general public that scientists are morally to blame for the peril to which nuclear weapons expose the world.
There are some scientists to whom a portion of this blame can be legitimately assinged.
They are those who are employed by their Goverments in the construction of nuclear weapons,or in research with a view to such construction.
But a considerable majority among eminent scientists have done what they could to combat the nuclear danger.
とある映画で、パレードのシーンで人々が、 The village!United!Advance to the defeated! とスローガンを叫んでいるシーンがあったのですが、The defeated(敗者)にAdvance(前進)する?という意味が分かりません。 どういった風に訳せばいいのでしょうか?
Prime minister Taro Aso signed an agreement Aug.6 under which the government will provide a blanket resolution to 306 plaintiffs seeking recognition as suffering from illnesses caused by the 1945 atomic bombings.
だいたいは意味がわかるのですが、どうもなぜwhichがunderの次にあるのかが理解できません・・・・。 under which〜というのが意味が???です・・・・。 よろしくお願いいたします。
Thank you for enquiring before ordering unfortunately we cannot post internationally at this moment in time we will however eventually support this if you contact us in a couple of months we should be able to help you.
和訳お願いします support this が国際販売をしないことを支持するのか、国際販売をサポートしているのかで混乱しています
There is an extremely powerful conceptual connection between our idea of mind and our idea of writing.
Records are understood as a sort of externalmemory,and memory as internal records.
Writing is understood as thinking on paper,and thought as writing in the mind.
By means of this conceptual connection,the written work is taken as a substitute for or even as the essence of the author : the author's mind is anendless paper on which he or she writes,makingmind internal writing;and the book the author writes is exeeternal mind,the external form of that writing.
hose involved in prostitution activities refer to this sector of the underground economy as "The Game." Players, Pimps, and Macks are those at the top of the pimping game.
After four years at the head of a coalition with the centerleft Social Democrats --- who suffered the biggest losses in the Sept.27 vote --- concerns emerged that Merkel's partnership with a pro-business party might force her into a tough position in a coutry used to its generous selfare state, and reluctant to face big changes.
Japan times STの記事の訳をお願いいたします。そもそも、--- はコンマとは違う使われ方でしょうか?concernsは主語ですよね?
Leaders agreed to require members to subject their economic policies to the scrutiny of a peer review process that would determine whether they were "collectively consistent" with sustainable global growth. こちらもJapan times STの記事より抜粋です。
How different its ties with the U.S may become in the years ahead remains unclear.
To show a more independent stance, the11-year-old DPJ , which is comprised of LDP defectors and former socialists, has proposed re-examining the accord on realigning U.S.forces in japan , a deal that took several years of complex negotiations to complete. 大体は訳せるのですが、二行目がちょっとあやふやです・・・・。
Claiming that neither Hatoyama , Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada nor DPJ Secretary General Ichiro Ozawa seem to understand the importance of achieving such a balance. 鳩山も、岡田も、小沢もバランスを取ることの重要性を理解しているようには見えない。 って感じでしょうか?しかし、claimingがちょっとわからないというか・・・・。
It might have something to do with those cops that pulled one over on us. のpull one overなんですが海外の英語質問フォーラムで pull the wool overとput one overというイディオムを混在させたのではないかという回答がありました。 結局この表現は間違ってるのでしょうか? だとすればこれはクライムものの劇中のセリフなんですが敢えてこういった"間違った"表現を敢えて使う事が多いのでしょうか? 映画などを教材にしているので誤った表現を覚えてたりしてないか心配になりました。
The quality of our community is crucial for whether we make friends and how safe we feel 私達の地域社会の質は私達が友達を作ることが出来るかや、私達がいかに安全と感じるかどうかは欠く事のできないものである
the proportion of those who say "Yes,most people can be trusted" varies from 5% in Brazil to as high as 64% in Norway "はい、大半の人々は信じることができます"といっている人の割合がブラジルの5%よりもノルウェーの64%が高いのは様々である
For his part,Angell claimed that functionalism could easily contain Calkins's "Self Psychology," "were it not for her extreme scientific conservatism in refusing to allow the self to have a body, save as a kind of conventional biological ornament".
>>151 Angellは、a kind of conventional biological ornamentとしての場合を除いて、 bodyがselfに含まれることを拒否する彼女のextreme scientific conservatism が なければ、Calkinsの"Self Psychology"は簡単にfunctionalismに含まれると 主張した。 were it not for = if it were not for 〜がなければ
・She said Reader's Digest titles rely less on luxury brands and high-income tastes, gibing them an added appeal in arecession that has clobbered much of the print media industry.
・I wonder if , without fully understanding the past , Japna will ever be able to establish a collective dream for the future. japan〜の文章ですが、everじゃなくてneverだったら意味が通ると思うのですが、これは誤植でしょうか・・・・?
・I wondered by not evoking the past , how one could look to a brighter and more positive future.
英文が直訳意味不明で意訳にしても合ってるか分からないのでみて頂けないでしょうか? English lay ready on the tongue but Japanese had to be seaching for and examined, 『英語はすぐに出てくるのだが、日本語は単語の中から探しだして、正しいかどうか調べなければならない』 前半のEnglish〜tongueまでが『英語は下の上で準備でき横たわっている』 から意訳しました 後半は意味不明です
・The close relationship between the two has been debated as one possible reason Roos the two〜がちょっとわからないです・・・・。
・Japanese manufacturers began producing vaccine for the new flu in late July, but the ministry estimates that doses for only 13million to 17million people will be available by the end of the year. 二行目のdoses for only辺りからわからないです・・・・・。大体の意味はわかるのですが・・・・。
・It established , to the young and old , that there could be peace and harmony , and no racial or other discrimination. これも大体の意味はわかるのですが、なぜ there could beとcouldを使うのかがわからないです・・・・。
・It's not the rock concert that is important , but instead the vision and philosophy that it promoted. これは後半がわからないので結局全体の意味がわからないです・・・・。
Apologies for the delay and I'm sorry that you have had an issue with your 商品名.
Could you work out for me if it is the atomiser(←部品名) that is faulty or the battery(←部品名) or some other part? Because if the led works then it may be the atomiser is a problem.
高校英語の一文なのですがどうしても how fast からあとの英文の構造が分からないので訳も分かりません 初歩的と思われるかもしれませんが、どなたか教えていただけませんか? and that's how fast it will going when it hits the ground,or・・・
ところが>>175が>>181で単語を勝手に挿入した文を示して、何がおかしいのと言い出した。 Japanese had to be searching the suitable words for the matter and examined their validity. まずこれだけの単語を挿入しての変換には無理があるが、この文だけを見ておかしいのかを 考えると、個人的には、過去進行形がすごく不自然だが、主語のJapaneseがJapanese people またはThe Japanese personを意味するなら、この文はありかなと思う。 しかし「日本語」とか「会話の日本語」(>>196)が主語では意味不明。しかし書いた本人は そうは思っていないし、それ以外の意見では病院へ行かなくていけないと。以上です。
caley said that orthonormal matrix R could be represented with S which is a skew symmetric matrix, that is, there exists S such that R = inv(I - S)(I + S)
>>193 おおおレスありがとうございます。 ・It's not the rock concert that is important , but instead the vision and philosophy that it promoted. そうじゃなくて、ロックがもたらしたものの見方とか価値観が重要なのだ
・Although The DPJ alone won a historic , record majority in the Lower House in the election , to keep numeric control of the Upper House , it needs to stay allied with both The SDP and Kokumin Shinto. これは、民主党は、参議院の議席の調整(numeric control)を維持するために、 単独で衆議院選にて歴史的な大多数議席の獲得をしたにもかかわらず それは社民党と国民新党、両同盟の維持をするために必要なのである。
・A key finding of the 2009 Afghan Opium Survey was that cultivation in Helmand province, a Taliban stronghold where U.S. and British troops launched major operations this summer, dropped by about a third from 2007 to 2008. こちらもお願いいたします。
Welcome to life in Japan's emerging Westminster system, in which the job of backbenchers is ? contrary to the argument made by Paul Scalise and Devin Stewart that a major problem with Japanese politics is backbenchers lacking policymaking resources (discussed here) ? to show up and vote as the party, acting at the behest of the cabinet, requests.
>>226 Twin studies have shown than(that?) an identical twin is twice as likely to suffer panic disorder if the other twin does than {is true for fraternal twins}.
{} == {fraternal twins suffer if the other suffer}
Merrill Lynch signalled a $5 billion write-down in October 2007, only to increase it to $ 8 billion a mere 19 days later. Even when they had decent numbers, executives struggled to manage their mutinous staff.
Smater meters could encourage conservation by letting customers know just how much power they are using, with which machines, at what cost, every minute of the day. 後半のwith whichからつながりがよくわかりません。 お願いします
An Army brigade generally has between 3,500 and 5,000 soldiers, while a Marine expeditionary brigade could be built up to about 17,000 troops. However, sending a high number of forces would put more stress on troops who are already stretched thin from fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, and probably would reduce the time they would get at home between deployments.
AP通信の記事です。最後の and probably would reduce 以下の意味、どなたかおわかりになりますか?
この記事は米軍のアフガンへの増派問題をめぐる記事で、 私は at home はアメリカ本国のことかなと思ったのですが、 確かに、アフガン内の米軍基地のことかもしれませんね。 増派により部隊の配置が stretched thin ではなくなって展開先から基地に戻る 時間が短縮される reduce the time they would get at home ことかもしれません。
Why are you so shy? Come on! Show your work and prove that you have an excellent control of English. Everybody is so kind and willing to check and correct your work. Or why don't you go to bed and cry insulted?
Needless to say, it wasn’t easy getting ahold of Mr. MAU5, but as I always say “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” Enjoy another MAG-X-CLUSIVE with DEADMAU5!
Please select answer or reply when responding to this e-mail as opposed to sending a new e-mail as this will aid us in resolving your issue with more efficiency.
I forwarded your ticket to our accounting today. They will check your payments. However, it will last a little time to solve your problem. I will contact you as soon as I have any news for you.
Sierra returned to Japan and started Artists Without Borders. Hector Sierra moved from Colombia to Japan to study film. Sierra visited Afghanistan and Chechnya. Sierra visited Kosovo to make a movie about the war there. Sierra returned to Kosovo and started working with children.
Sierra started Artists Without Borders to help children in Kosovo. Today, Artists Without Borders brings art to children in Japan. Sierra works with children on two main projects-drawing and singing. Sierra wants children to learn about other cultures.
よろしくおねがいいたします。 ・and gather A from whoever allows me to B. ・He had heard the tale of her departure from Rome and her devotion to his kinswoman. ・You go to the drinking vessels and drink tha cool water whichthe men have drawn.
In comparison with studies in vertebrates, investigations into the extracellular matrices of invertebrates have been relatively limited and until recently, mainly involved orthologue identification in single ECM gene families.
1.He is a singer and songwriter with the band U2. 2.He helps the poor and homeless, and works for world peace. 3.She often speaks ageaks against war and violence. 4.She gives to charities. 5.These charities help children, students, the sick, and the poor all over the world.
The more recent sequencing of vertebrate genomes has revealed the true level of increased complexity exhibited by ECM complements in vertebrates in comparison with protostomes.
お願いします! Gather whatever you wish until the harvest is over. あなたが収穫が終わればいいと思うこと何でも集めよ。 (なんか変ですよね・・・) /you have reward you in full for the good you have done! /she taking with her what she had not been able to eat, /When she was out of earshot A gave more order to B. /you will not need to look for any other field to do in,
This omission was due to a technicality in the analysis in which only the 'molecular function' and 'biological process' parts of Gene Ontology being examined.
even among the trap youhave already gathered. /when she beat out what she had gleaned she found she had about a busel of A, an usual amount for one day's work. (sheが出てきすぎてサッパリです…) /A in her turn was concerned more for B than for herself. (この場合her turnは彼女の番でいいのでしょうか?)
Three articles of interest published this week in the peer reviewed literature reported three different series of seriously ill pandemic influenza patients in Canada, Mexico, Australia, and New Zealand. Several important observations were made including:
Switch Don't take no mess from nobody Switch If they act up just leave 'em alone Switch Don't take no mess from nobody Switch When ya' done wit 'em you can send 'em home
There can be no assurance regarding the timing of or whether the Company will elect to pursue any of the strategic alternatives it may consider, or that any such alternatives will result in changes to the Company’s plans or will be consummated.
In the bid for a fat envelope this year, it may help, more than usual, to have a fat wallet. Facing fallen endowments and needier students, many colleges are looking more favorably on wealthier applicants as they make their admissions decisions this year.
Institutions that have pledged to admit students regardless of need are finding ways to increase the number of those who pay the full cost in ways that allow the colleges to maintain the claim of being need-blind ― taking more students from the transfer or waiting lists, for instance, or admitting more foreign students who pay full tuition.
>>358 >>361 それでいいんじゃないですが。わたしの日本語は直訳的ですが There can be no assurance regarding (1) i) the timing of ii) or whether the Company will elect to pursue any of the strategic alternatives it may consider, (2) or that any such alternatives i) will result in changes to the Company’s plans ii) or will be consummated. Companyが考えている代替策を選択する時期や、そもそもそれらを選択するのか どうかについて、またこのような代替策がCompanyの計画を変えることになるのか、 代替策は遂行されるのかについて、何も保証はない。
「Sometimes the body corporate changes the programming of the remotes. Have you recently been contacted by them and changed the program? I am now wondering if they have done this at some time and not advised you. This could be the problem. I know you said that it has not worked for a long time but did it ever work for you?」
この、the body corporate とは何を指すのでしょうか? 一度、カーパークゲートが壊れて、technicianが来たことがあったのですが、 これはエージェントの言う problem と関係ありますか?
寄付の減少やじり貧学生の増加を受け、多くの大学は、今年の進路決定期、より裕福な入学希望者に目を向け出している。 金銭状況に関わらず学生を受け入れるとしてきた学校も、その建前を崩すこと無く、教育費をしっかり払う学生の数を増やそうとしている――たとえば、the transfer or waiting listsに載ってる学生をもっと取るとか、全学費を払うことになる外国人学生をもっと入学させるとか。
The emergence of the vertebrate phylum is considered a major transition in evolution as it involved a step increase in organismal complexity, including the development of novel tissues such as migratory neural crest, a collagen-based endoskeleton composed of cartilage and bone and vascular tissues associated with a high pressure circulatory system.
The GSEA method (Subramanian et al. 2005) was used to calculate enrichment scores for the numbers of human orthologues within both of these GO categories, significance being tested in each case by taking 100,000 random samples of the same size from the set of Ciona genes having at least one human orthologue and counting how many of these samples had enrichment scores larger than that observed, giving P < 1*10^-5 for 'extracellular region' and P = 1.06*10^-3 for 'extracellular matrix'.
I can not bear to think of Lilibet, so young to bear such a burden-I do feel for you so darling Mama-to lose two dear sons, and Bertie still so young and so precious-it is almost more than one can bea-your very loving Elizabeth.
Participants were asked to decide how good the odds of success would have to be before they would advise the person to try the riskier course of action.
But her lack of interest is a pretty good indication that she doesn't like the fact that I am basing a character on her that could end up getting published.
>>432です。あああ、a pretty good indication は 何かいいことを指しているんだと思っていました。 それはよかったね〜、とか返さなくてセーフorz could end up getting published は、最終的に出版するかも ということですね、よくわかりました。ありがとうございます!
The creep arises when the thill or underclay is soft, and the proportion of pillars to bords such that after a time a downward movement takes place; the pillars then force the clay to rise upwards in the bords.
翻訳お願いします Sometimes I suspect that it is an intentional effort to cause the greatest possible shock when the news is finally revealed. 特にintentional effort the greatest possible shock が分かりません よろしくお願いします
These bitter memories stayed with him and eventually became the foudation of what developed into an interest and respect for non-Western cultures that would lead him to Japan 以上の文の和訳お願いします
In Western Europe, high rates of ILI(インフルエンザ様疾患) and proportions of respiratory specimens testing positive for pandemic H1N1 2009 have been observed in at least five countries.
As is usual in academic institutions, very little, if any, thought is given to the personality of the successful candidate or to the desirability of them fitting in to the rest of the department.
>>552 学術機関ではよくあることだが、見込みのある候補者の性格や、学部の他のことへの 適応性の望ましさについて、考慮されることは仮にあったとしてもほとんどない。 As is usual in academic institutions, very little (if any) thought is given i) to the personality of the successful candidate. ii) or to the desirability of them fitting in to the rest of the department. if any (もしあったら、あったにしても)は飛ばして読めばいいですよ canidateは単数? candidatesではない?
初カキコです。 ゴリラと人間がコミュニケーションを取るという話なんですが下文の文法的解釈ができません。 和訳と共によろしくお願い致しますφ(..) From the way he looked ,it was easy to tell that he didnt want the nut, but he wanted to thank me for that.
The outbreak in Ukraine may be indicative of how the virus can behave in the northern hemisphere during the winter season, particularly in health care settings typically found in Eastern Europe.
Thank you, you will be missed and you will all be seeing me sometime soon, probably when I come and crash on your couch. "Think where man's glory most begins and ends, And say my glory was I had such friends."
your year ahead will be charming, ambitious, go ahead, very much a time to stamp your foot and make your mark at work and out in your community activities.
very much以降の訳がよく分かりません(特にstamp your footの扱い) よろしくお願いします
The president raised questions at a war council meeting on Wednesday, however, that could alter the dynamic of both how many additional troops are sent to Afghanistan and what the timeline would be for their presence in the war zone, according to the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss Obama’s thinking.
But even if the military squabble is eventually resolved, Japan’s economic r elationship with the United States is being altered. China has now surpassed the United States as Japan’s major trading partner, a switch that economists expect to continue as China’s economy grows.
二つ文があるんだけど2つ目の文の , a switch 以下の文法構造がよくわからない。 どういう形で前の部分と繋がっているんだろうか?
I realize how deeply I missed you after you were back, although I believe that I had been undisturbed by your absence. I have had no idea of the severeness of living alone.
It's not as if we were all sitting around four years ago scratching our heads and saying, “If only there were a technology that would allow me to send a message to my 50 friends, alerting them in real time about my choice of breakfast cereal.”
It's not as if 以下全部が一つ大きな固まりになってる。 「scratching our heads」と「saying〜breadfast cereal"」が並立する分詞構文でどちらも同じように 「〜しながら」というような感じで前の部分(we were all sitting around four years ago)にかかっていく
こら、金玉儿! 訳すの止めろ。こんなメール貰ったら怒るぞ。 I realize how deeply I missed you after you were back, although I believe that I had been undisturbed by your absence. あなたが引っ込んだ後で、どれ程しっかりあなたを失ったかを実感しています。でも、あなたが居ないので邪魔されずにいられたと信じています。
A: Mr. Mackey, what is a moronic jizzrag? B: What? What on earth are you asking me that for? A: Well it's just that... that's what that Caey kid said about your hairpiece?
I may not be a suitable person who translated, but I must say the murder is very tragic and cruel. We have a deep sympathy with her family and should not disturb them. We should be gentleman with sincere respect for others.
14:38 ALDERGROVE Item available for pickup at Post Office 09:01 ALDERGROVE Item being prepared for transfer to Post Office VILLAGE MALL 08:57 LANGLEY Attempted delivery. Notice card left indicating where item can be picked up. 08:54 LANGLEY Item out for delivery
A tragedy like this doesn't change the world's view of an economic powerhouse like Japan, but the way it is handled does serve to show that when it comes to murder most horrid, newspapers are never able to resist trying to turn it into an old story.
it is suggested that he represents "the eternal up-for-itness of the Japanese male". Western women are always "girls", open-eyed and vulnerable. Of the tabloids' attempts to interpret Hawker's death, she asks: "Was it exquisitely Oriental or just plain barking mad?"
The connection between the deaths of Blackman and Hawker is probably this: they were targeted by horrifyingly dangerous men. Japan is a relatively safe country, so these women may have been less careful than they would have been in Britain. They stood out physically and this would have made them vulnerable, but as Richard Lloyd Parry wrote in the Independent (quoted by Campbell): "The notion that Japanese men are 'obsessed' with western women is a lazy cliche."
About 0.5g of o-nitrobenzaldehyde is dissolved in 5 mL of acetone in a 100 mL Erlenmeyer flask. Five mL of water is added to the solution and stirred. Then 2.5 mL of a 1M sodium hydroxide solution is carefully added dropwise to the suspension. As the base is added, the blue color of indiog can be seen almost at once, and the solution may boil.
I'm sure that a lot of people are going to say that the situation became one that they just couldn't go any farther. Really, I think we'd explored things enough that I did it more because I really felt that this was as good a deal as we were going to get.
Stringfellow said that all of the teams who have called, with the exception of the Red Sox, have done so with an eye to adding Wagner as a closer. The agent also said in the report that teams have not been scared off by the fact that Wagner is a Type A free agent and would cost any team that signed him (except the Red Sox) a draft pick when the Sox offer the reliever arbitration.
I'm going into it, assuming it will be a big surgery. If I wake up and it's not, it's icing on the cake. I'm prepared for the worst-case scenario, and I'll go from there.
it is things like this that make me miss Okinawa, I loved just wandering aropund the islands on my weekends and I would find the most interesting things. Somthing like this I would find, this is very cool and one of those spur of the moment photos.
# feed into 〜に注ぐ[流れ込む・絡む] # feed into huge concern 大きな懸念を生む # feed ~ into 〜を…に入れる[送り込む] 表現パターンfeed ~ into [through] # feed ~ into a computer 〜をコンピューターにかける
Unfortunately there has been a slight delay with your order, through no fault of your own. However I have sorted it and it will be dispatched out to you today.
I apologise for the unnecessary prolonged delay, however this will be with you very soon.
Hey you! Is it related to this thread? I think that It is unrelated. How do you think? Then, Why did you make a response like this? Perhaps, Is it because you are foolish? You must consult a physician the psychiatry department.
strange to japan never pays much attention to okinawa until the anniversery of the fall of okinawa and of course when japan got hit by the big / little boys 日本は沖縄陥落の日まで多くの配慮を沖縄に払わない事は驚くべき事だ。 それは 無論日本は大きい、小さい少年たちに吹き飛ばされた時もだ? ですか?
WHO has also deployed personal protection equipment (PPE), larvicide, fog machines and laboratory diagnostics supplies to support the government operations for source reduction, vector control and sustaining the onsite laboratory diagnosis of dengue.
In the recent years, dengue has been documented in travellers returning from several countries in West Africa, and particularly dengue type-3 virus.
その前の文が It is sad that no one wants it there. Many people will lose jobs if it went away. そうですよね・・。 その後の文が it is also to bad that japanese think all military is bad because of a few bad ones.
>>801 there is a person 人がいる。主語はperson、thereは副詞だが there is 〜 で 〜がいる(ある) の意味。 その未来形で there will be a person 人がいるだろう >>799の訳では「1人いる」の「いる」に対応するが、未来形だから 「いるであろう」がいいのかも。
To determine which items lose/gain higher/lower recommendation score, and consequently their rank, in MobyRek the user has to remember the previous result set.
その前の文が It is sad that no one wants it there. Many people will lose jobs if it went away. そうですよね・・。 その後の文が it is also to bad that japanese think all military is bad because of a few bad ones.
In my opinion, they have capitulated to the heightened state of public unease about immigrants' allegiance to Britain, based on media-led scaremongering that has arisen since the tragic events of 9/11, and the half-truths, particularly about Muslims, which have since been used to justify the war in Iraq.
「If the dark knocks the window of the blue moon, I open the treasure chest by myself, and write the love letter of night. When tomorrow morning will come, surely I tear all.」
>>854 それ宿題?だったら先生のコピペミスだよねw As we mentioned earlier, the query contains three components: the logical query, the favorite pattern, and the feature importance weights. Initializing the logical query exploits only the user's session-specific preferences, ...
Yankees are not likely to get involved on either Bay or Holliday, preffering instead to make conservative runs at their own free agents (Damon, Matsui and pitcher Andy Pettitte) while otherwise cutting back payroll, if only modestly, from last year's figure of $201.5 million.
Although intense monitoring of vaccine safety continues, all data compiled to date indicate that pandemic vaccines match the excellent safety profile of seasonal influenza vaccines.
この結果は必ずしもミラーの論文に矛盾しない(以下続く)、since the average ratio of change in capitalization to the market value of common stock, or the relative amount of new financing, is smallest for the sample of straight debt offerings.
The average prediction errors in the interval beginning 60 days before and ending two days before the announcement are positive and statistically significant at least at the 0.05 level for common stock, convertible debt and preferred stock offerings.
The average prediction error from one day after the announcement through the issuance or cancellation, a return not reported in table 6, is insignificantly different from zero at the 0.05 level.
The ordering of average prediction errors is not due to relative offering size, since the offerings of lowest quality tend to be the largest relative to the market value of common stock.
Hundreds of thousands of doses of Tamiflu, a treatment for H1N1 flu, have arrived in the Ukraine, which has reported a sudden outbreak, killing at least 22.
The IFRIC discussed the justification for the separate component approach in the draft Basis for Conclusions (not available to Observers). However, it was apparent that part of the justification was based on SIC 15, an Interpretation of IAS 17. IFRIC members criticised the prominence awarded to an interpretation of a leasing standard in an Interpretation of IAS 18.
I've been around, and I've lived in some big cities so I would say that I'm open to any sort of coast or city," John said. "Obviously I've never lived in some of the big cities on the East Coast, but at the same time, I've spent some time there."
I've lived in some big cities so I would say that I'm not allergic to any sort of coast or city," John said. "Obviously I've never lived in any of the big cities on the East Coast, but I've spent some time there."
>>944 According your order enquiry, we're apologizing our website have not provide the retail service in website. ご注文(お問い合わせ?)についてですが、残念ながら当ウェブサイトではウェブ上での販売はしておりません。
For more than a decade, we’ve been told that there is a scientific “consensus” that humans are causing global warming, that “the debate is over” and all “legitimate” scientists acknowledge the truth of global warming. Now we know what this “consensus” really means. What it means is: the fix is in.