Hey!!! you NEETs, nerds, YouTube-link spammers, pedophiles, neo-Nazis, Yukorin enthusiasts, Nanako SOS admirers, Part-Time-Preachers, Diplomats' spoiled sons, losers who can't remember Kanji characters, Big-boobs fans, Weeaboos from all over the world, learners of Japanese who are too lazy to update their Japanese blogs very often, and cunning linguists. And let's hope the Internet-addicted housewife will come back soon!
Chuka, it doesn't matter where it originates. At this time of year, Niku-man starts to take over the position of Hiyashi-chuka. Another Chinese invasion.
It's a song named 雨曝しなら濡れるがいいさ by Eastern Youth (イースタンユース). They make pretty good music, though they don't look very attractive... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWat8SfC2c4
I cannot find this thread by typing "chat" in 2ch.net search engine anymore. It says it cannot find it. I wonder why??I found this thread via google "2ch.net Chat English 137"
>>78 I've experienced the same thing. When I searched for some threads in 2ch's search engine before, it showed no results. But I tried searching again after a while, then this time it showed some threads I was looking for. So you can try again after a while if you don't get any search results which is supposed to be shown.
I don't know why but maybe it's temorary malfunction on 2ch's search engine's side.
>>83 Hey unvirgin gentleman, how is the English spoken in movie The Full Monty categorized? Do you call it Sheffiled English, or summat else? Is it a normal way of speaking in mid-England? Ta!
Sometimes come to this thread and answer questions. Thank you.
>>83 Where is the most common place where you sleep with a girl for the first time? Eitheir you or your girlfriend's house? What if parents or siblings are at home? You still do it with door and windows shut? There's no mindset that keeping your verginity until marriage is a virtue?
>>88 I'm not >>83, but I'll answer your last question from my own perspective. Most teens aren't concerned with chastity, at least in America. Too many hormones raging. You know how it is. There are some who pride themselves in being chaste until marriage, but those are usually folks with religious parents. I see nothing virtuous about it. It doesn't really benefit anyone... It only makes you lousy in bed on your honeymoon.
>>89 I see. I for one think it's ideal to keep being chaste until marriage no matter if you're from religious family or not. I'm a man and if you have sexual drive, you can do masterbation instead of sleep with a woman.
I don't like it if my prospective wife has slept with lots of men and are skilled in blow job or other sex techniques, which means she was trained by her exboyfriends.
Men in 2ch tend to think as I do, although an average man in real world might not care about how many men she has slept with before he meet her. Women who slept with a man already is sometimes called a second-hand car sarcastically. Everybody likes a new car than a second hand car.
>>90 I don't see why it should matter. Her having had sex before meeting you doesn't really change anything, aside from the fact that she won't bleed the first time you penetrate her. I see that as a good thing.
In addition, there seems to be a double-standard... Men can lie about being virgins, while women cannot. So women are always the "second hand cars", and never men.
Besides, I think that the chemistry between the husband and wife is much or important than their sexual history. Their sexual past or prowess should be secondary, and shouldn't alter who you decide to marry.
Korean guys are surprisingly popular among girls all over the world thanks to Korean Wave. The wave is considered to be sweeping the world everywhere, such as America, Asia, Europe, Russia, Mexico, etc... Those fangirls of Korean guys often say Korean guys are hot and sexy, along with being really smart. I'll let you know how smart Korean guys are. I'm sure you know about Samsung, the world best supplier of IT products such as TVs, smartphones, fridges, computers. All those Samsung gadgets already became popular with volume-zones, meaning Samsung dominated the world market. Quality gadgets and well-planned marketing have been done due to the smartness of Korean guys. Girls all around the world admit that. That's why Korean guys are considered smart, hot and sexy. I'm proud of it. :)
>>94 I have a question about English for you. I see 'due to' used both for positive reasons/causes and negative reasons/causes. For example, I conldn't go to the park due to the rain, or Successful marketing was possible due to their techical prowess.
I originally thought 'due to 〜' was more on the negative side, as in the first example, but is it used for both positive and negative reasosns equally?
And how do you differenciate its usage from 'owning to' and 'thanks to'?
Sorry for the lengthy question. Hope you'll understand what I mean. Thank you.
>>95 "Due to" can be used in both the positive and negative. The reason someone might use "thanks to" instead of "due to" is purely aesthetic. It looks/sounds more optimistic, but it really means the same thing. So yes, it is both positive and negative but is probably more commonly used in the negative sense.
The reader has to figure out whether it means "owning to" or "thanks to" based on its context. In the sentence "The trip was cancelled due to bad weather", for example, "due to" means "owning to". The reader would know this based on what's being stated. Hopefully it's fairly obvious to the reader. However, keep in mind that one might explicitly use "thanks to" in this sentence as a form of sarcasm. Again, the reader has to interpret it.
I hope I helped. I never know if my explanations make any sense, lol.
>>91 I don't want to imagine erected penis of her ex are inserted there. I want to be the first man. Her vagina is tainted with her ex-bfs sexual desire.
I want a new car! not a second hand car with scratches on its surface. I don't like seats of a second hand car on which drivers farted so often in the past. New car's seats are clean like a girl who is vergin.
I have to get going for a while. I have some readings for university that I've been putting off... I've waited until the night before class to read them. Ah, I have such horrible study habits... Oh well. See you around!
>>97 But I don't think her ex-boyfriends farted on her so often in the past... or did they? So IMHO, she is at least fart-vergin, and you can be the first one to fart on her to your hearts content! Good luck!
They even have vending machines with jars filled with farts. You open them up and the glorious farts of beautiful women come drifting out. They have Japanese, American, and even Russian women's farts. Each has its own distinct cultural smell. These vending machines make millions annually, and are common on street corners and in busy malls.
The next time you're in Japan, pick up a fresh can of farts!
>>105 Actually, you need a card called 'FASPO' to but a can, and to get the card, you need to be over 18 yrs old. Similar situation for TASPO for buying cigarrets.
There are also many Fartaku's emerging in Japan, and abroad in America as well. Sometimes they go on busy trains holding empty jars, hoping to catch a fart and take it home. It is truly a phenomenon!
We seem to have had an anti-Japanese operative here today, following the anti-Korean operative.
I understand almost everybody is into fetish, however, I didin't know fart fetish. Now I'm wondering anybody have a fetish for bad breath? The Japanese really hate bad breath, I think.
http://www.findalink.net/tippingetiquette.php This should tell you everything you need to know about tipping etiquette in America. It's really meant for people considering long term stays, but they do have sections for short term travelers,
>>119 Yeah, shopkeepers look at you with very suspicious expressions on their face when you try to use a 100 dollar bill, as if you are a criminal or something. Some shops, even department stores, don't accept 100 dollar bills. Plastic cards are prevalent, I know, but still feels funny.
I've become so used to paying with my debit or credit card that I never carry around any change. So whenever a store doesn't accept debit or credit, I'm always screwed.
>>122 Most actually do accept credit, but some don't accept debit. And I only carry around my credit card when I'm making a big purchase. Although I'm certain there are some stores in the rougher areas that may only take cash.
>>123 Well, there's a lesbian section on 2ch, so I suppose some like it.
Korean guys are considered sexy, hot, smart and manly among girls all over the world. They say they want to get married to Korean guys. You can check how much they adore Korean guys by reading forums on the internet. I'm proud of it. :)
Samsung is considered the Korean myth among people all over the world. Samsung's got to be in the spotlight now and they established their current position just within a short while. You couldn't believe Samsung was this popular electric devices company 10 years ago. That's why people around the world respect the company and try to learn a lot from it - how to be successful in the competitive market. Quick decision making and powerful advertising plans and inovative products.. There are many things only Samsung can achieve. That's why Samsung is considered best IT company. That's why girls all around the world think Korean guys are smart. That's why Korean guys are really popular among girls all over the world. I'm proud of it. :)
>>93 You are quite right. Samsung is surely popular all over the world. The main target seems to be American, Asian, Europian, namely the whole world. Samsung is very successful. Even American admit Samsung is the best supplier of IT products. That's something, isn't it?
by the way, Korean-san, have you heard of BoA, you seem to be convinced that only "hot" men and corporations can represent Korea. She is bigger than DBSK on her own.
Hey guys, I need help with something. On the Japanese Yahoo chat there used to be a room where people would help each other with English. However, now I can't seem to find it. But I'd be surprised if they deleted it. Does anyone know what the room name is, or even if it's gone?
>>152 I am glad it is so! Even if Kame falls in popularity in Japan, the overseas fans will always increase. I wish Johnny's execs would understand that and keep their talents happy.
As you all sure know, Korean guys are highly popular among girls all over the world mainly because they are smart, hot, sexy and gentle. Girls tend to have a crush on guys because of looks at first and then they start to see what kind of man he is. This is the golden rule. Considering this, Korean guys meet their demands perfectly. Korean guys look absolutly good. Girls around the world say Korean guys are hot. And they know how gentle and romantic Korean guys are. Plus Korean guys are smart as well. That is, Korean guys have what it takes to be a perfect partner for girls. That's why Korean guys are amazingly popular with girls. I'm proud of it. :)
>>162 Some of the former Johnney's boys has been arrested for various charges so far. The latest arrest was that of Narita (family name) Shoji (first name) a few days ago. He violated the Cannabis Control Law. He's forty one years old now. He was a member of "Otokogumi" and their prime time in popularity was in the late 80s and early 90s.
Most of the Johnney's boys go through hard time as they get old. They can't maintain their popularity forever. Their fans get old and lose interests in Johnney's boys.
Some of the former Johnney's boys can't forget their glory days of the past. They can't cope with lost popularity. Some get their hands on illigal things. In his case, it's said he was a solo musician while working at a convenience store. The group broke up long time ago and quit Johnney's entertainment. Kamenashi and he has something in common. They are both high school drop-out.
I hope Kamenashi saves a lot of money in case he lose his polarity in his thirties and later. No boys groups can be popular forever. They get old and their fans get old and lose interest in them. The former Johnney's boys have to leave their glory days behind and face their new realities.
You can see young Ikuta Toma, Murakami Shingo, Nishikido Ryo, Shibuya Subaru Takky and Tsubasa and other Jr.s in the video. The song is a cover of Time Zone, which you can listen to in >>167.(The second link)
>>167 >>168 >>169 Thanks for the links. poor Narita-san!he looks so sad in his latest photos. It must be a terrible situation to be in. And some of these kids are from very unpriviliged families. With no education to get them back in the work force. Why doesn't laws protect them? For instance, Johnny should be paying them some sort of salary for until retirement, or scholarships to get back to education. Don't parents ever protest about this? Ikuta Toma is sooooo cute as a child, He is a very handsome as a man now. Well alll these children are so beautiful and sweet, it is like a beauty contest! Similarly I read Kamenashi is trying to retire early and set up business with KyonKyon. I would love to hear his good news of marriage and future projects outside the entertainment business. There should be a Johnny's Boys protection society. Fans could do that! Poor babies.
>>170 There's no doubt that he's been lackluster but other than that, Japanese media used intentionally photos in which he looks bad to make audience feel he's led miserable life these days.
http://p.pita.st/?wkv9ktrs I was surprised to see these images. I didn't know even Akanishi got cosmetic sergery before....
The reason why the female models are all foreginers I think is that if the models had been Japanese, enthusiastic Johnny's boys fans could have done something bad to them feeling too jealous. It's not that this magazine use only Johnny's boys when they feature love and sex. http://ameblo.jp/ryoto3/entry-10310846197.html He's not from Johnny's entertainment.
Whatever surgery he has had, Jin doesn't look that different from his childhood state. They are all cute even before the surgery. Those An-an boys are Jin, Jun and Yamapi. There doesn't seem to be nude pictures of Kamenashi. He doesn't need to pose in the nude. Just one hip swing does it. I am amazed the media is so against him, it must be an act of defiance on the Kitegawa controlled media. Because Kame seems to be the hardest working talent ever (followed by Toma perhaps). He works hard, performs brilliantly, so the problem is not from his agency, it is the anti-JE media perhaps. What do i know, I am a clueless outsider.
>>172 to reproduce of course. to create the future generations. amazing that CNN simply cannot make that simple connection. they probably are not aware of how babies are made, what evolution is etc.
>>175 Is that so? I'm not familiar with the latest trend concerning young people's behavior. But genarally speeaking, some Japanese girls tend to dislike a man with a shaggy body. So boys are forced to shave thier legs and all. I guess the eyebrow thing has something to do with that.
We all know that the upsurge of the popularity of Korean guys among girls all over the world comes from Korean Wave, which includes Korean dramas, Korean pop music, Korean cuisines and Korean cool electric devices. All girls around the world are strongly interested in Korean guys and their lifestyles, and that's why those girls also show interest in the whole Korean stuff. What do Korean guys eat? What do they wear? What music do they listen to? Korean Wave is supported by those enthusiastic fangirls. Korean guys will keep horribly popular like this. I'm proud of it. :)
American girls love Korean guys. British girls love Korean guys. Japanese girls love Korean guys. Chinese girls love Korean guys. Russian girls love Korean guys. Vietnamese girls love Korean guys. Italian girls love Korean guys.
I can't count any more! :) The point is, girls around the world are interested in dating Korean guys!
That's very nice of you to say so. :) You just helped prove what I said is quite right. I'm sure you girls talk a lot about Korean guys in forums for fangirls of Korean guys. :) I'm proud of you! Keep loving Korean guys! :)
I'm really surprised to see so many fangirls of Korean guys posting here. I'm really happy. Use this board and enjoy talking about Korean guys. You make Korean guys happy, and that makes you girls happy too, right? :)
Even though Korean guys are really popular like this, I'm worried about one thing. That is, those fangirls tend to draw attention to themselves from Korean guys and sometimes they argue like who is suitable for Korean guys, me or you. Oh, Korean guys hope girls to be friendly to each other as a fan of Korean guys. But as they are so enthusiastic when they talk about Korean guys that they tend to be getting carried away! That's what I'm worried about. But of course, I'm happy too, because that means Korean guys are more than popular among girls all over the world. I'm proud of it. :)
>>204 You may be right. It may leave a yucky taste in your mouth.:< But think about it, you will feel quite happy and at the same time mellow. Isn't that a brilliant idea?
Hey, Korean man. If you know so much about American girls, give me advice. How do you make one your girlfriend? Especially if they don't want commitment?
>>243 i really want to speak in japanese, but i can't.. i feel sorry.. ToT what i can speak in japanese is "this, please (korae, kudasai ??)" in a restaurant... haha =_=;;
Ok. This gaijin living in the UK, that is me, likes natto very, very much. When I eat natto early in th emorning, i do not get very hungry during the day. It feels like it has very good nutritional value. I tried adding raw whisked egg on top, it tasted great but, it was too runny. I add the condiments, stir it well, it froths up and tastes absolutely delicious. My theory is thatit keeps your blood glucose at a steady level so you don't feel hungry for the rest of the day. So if you have a portion of natto, two eggs on toast, say some cheddar cheese, and toast and jam, you will be very strong and eat very light through out the day. It might be the solution for people who work in the offices.
>>245 of course, they do... i know it is my fault.. haha i didn't prepare to speak in japanese and what a shame is that 10 years ago, i learned japanese 2 years...;; i have realized that i totally forgot how to speak in japanese.. >_<
To be accurate, Kyoto is a Korean territory, so you don't have to speak Japanese there. Ask them politely to speak Korean first. And if they don't, then just yell at them. That's how you treat a Japanese woman, ok?
hmm... i have one thing to know... in a restaurant, after i paid, what can i talk to the cashier while i am leaving? (ex. in english: bye~ bye~) "sayonara~" is ok?
The best facilities in Amakusa is spa-thalasso. The best spa in Kumamoto is not Kurokawa spa but Hirayama spa. That spa is in Yamaga. Because it is Hakkina's remark. Hakkina is my lover.
>>260 It's a sideways cat face. It's supposed to look cute or something, but it really isn't... >:3 is an angry cat face, and <:3 is a sad cat face, by the way.
Korean guys are considered to be amazingly popular among girls all over the world, actually there are many girls on the net that enjoy talking about Korean guys. They say Korean guys are hot and sexy so they like Korean guys. That's completely true. Korean guys are nice to girls. That's another reason why Korean guys are popular with girls all around world. As I'm sure you know, the recent upsurge of the popularity of Korean guys are due to the extreme rise of the popularity of Korean Wave all around the world. The wave is sweeping the world. According to Wikipedia, the wave's already reached Europe, America, Russia, etc, along with the whole Asia. Korean guys are really popular there. I'm proud of it. :)
Fuck American women! Can you believe that bitch is going out drinking tonight without me? She needs time to herself or whatever the fuck that means. Stupid cunt!
Yeah, you love them now. Try dating one. Fucking mind games. This bitch won't even let me be her boyfriend. Her words, not mine. So, I'm good enough to fuck, but you won't even call me your boyfriend? That's slutty.
>>266 Hey, that idiom is what I learned in this thread although I'm not the one who asked the meaning of it.
>>268 Why don't you take the full advantage of the status. You can fuck her as much as you want and still you don't have any responsibilities as her boyfriend, which is you can sleep with other girls.
You can try pervertish sex styles with her, too. You can't try extreme sex with your girlfriend in general but in case of fucking with sex friends, you can try anything that is pervertish.
I don't want to just fuck her, I want her to be my girlfriend. I actually like this girl, that's the problem. Why can't you have extreme sex with your girlfriend? That's never been a problem for me. You must be into some scary crazy stuff.
(MYFOX NATIONAL) - In a poll of 15,000 women conducted by UK research company OnePoll.com, German men were voted as the world's worst lovers because they are "too smelly."
WORLD'S WORST LOVERS: 1. Germany (too smelly) 2. England (too lazy) 3. Sweden (too quick) 4. Holland (too rough) 5. America (too dominating) 6. Greece (too lovey-dovey) 7. Wales (too selfish) 8. Scotland (too loud) 9. Turkey (too sweaty) 10. Russia (too hairy)
WORLD'S BEST LOVERS: 1. Spain 2. Brazil 3. Italy 4. France 5. Ireland 6. South Africa 7. Australia 8. New Zealand 9. Denmark 10. Canada
The Madrid council said that Tokyo had the best presentation. I was rooting for Madrid, but I knew it was gonna go to Rio. As for Chicago, there were too many infrastructure and funding problems.
>>287 イギリス人さん, I have a question for you. Is there any specific way of calling English spoken in Sheffield, as in the movie The Full Monty?
btw, a friend of my gave me a beret, so I'm gonna try it for the first time in my life. but beret is difficult.....however you tilt one, you'll end up being a wannabe painter or cartoonist so something..... Do you have one as well?
>>289 I'm biased, though... but I'll think about that for a while.
Speaking from experience, I'd say British girls tend to have looser morals (ones I know, not saying they all do). Korean girls are close to the bottom too (I'm not saying that because of the Korea-Wave guy), because all the ones I have known have been crazy. Not just a bit crazy, but totally insane.
>>290 There is a name for English spoken like in Sheffield, and that would be Yorkshire Dialect (though there are many sub-dialects). Studies have shown that this dialect and associated accents inspire more trust in people than other accents (and so there are many call-centres in the Yorkshire area). What did you think of the movie?
As for berets... I don't actually have one, though it would make a nice addition to the collection. Tried wearing one once, but it looked strange. Guess you have to have a knack to wearing them, or maybe it takes practice. Keep trying!
>>291 Ah, Yorkshire Dialect that is! Thank you so much for the information. To me, it's very surprising that the accent sounds trustworthy etc. because I thought BBC English was considered that way. The Yorkshire dialect seems to skip the H sound at the beginning, and use some words we don't learn at school such as nowt, summat, etc. So it's rather difficult for me to understand what they are saying, but if that's considerd good English, I wanna be able to understand it.
As for the movie itself, I like it a lot. It's funny, cute and sometimes bitter-sweet, and I think all the characters are well portrayed.
>>292 In a survey carried out in 2008, people who spoke with Yorkshire accents were more confident speaking publicly than those who used Received Pronunciation (BBC English). There is a lot of mining and industrial history to the region, which associates trust and hard work with people from that area.
You're right - sometimes they skip the H sound... but sometimes they also add it at the beginning of words where it shouldn't be... "Haway, lad!"
It's been a long time since I saw that movie, and don't really remember it well. It was very well received by the media, though, and won a lot of awards.
>>293 That's a very interesiting survey! I'll probably take a look at it to understand the mentality of British people (for what? I don't konw. Just for fun of it). It would be interesting to do a similar survey in Japan. It would probably be the Standard (i.e. Tokyo-dialect) vs Kansai dialect that will stand out, the rest remain subdued.
I think Japanese are bad at expressing affection to one's significant other. So I think highly of saying honey culture. The meaning of honey includes I love you, right?
>>291 Thank you for sharing your observation. I didn't know British girls have looser morals. I think they're better than American girls, though.
Some how I have good impressions on British boys and girls. Maybe that's because UK is a traditional country.
>>295 You need to confirm 袋とじ is common in English speaking countries, first. If there are no words equivalent to it, "secret page" can be alternative? I don't know.
American women are the worst in the world. They complain about men all the time but turn around and do the same things they bitch about. I'd rather date a Brit any day of the week, loose morals or not than deal with bullshit from American women.
(1) Do girls take the first step and ask boys out? is the girl viewed as assertive or promiscuous? or is it very scary for boys to be asked out? (of course it depends on her looks you're going to say)
>>319 Some girls ask a boy out but even in this day and age, still boys are the ones who tend to ask a girl out first. I don't have an accurate data about which asks which first, so I was just answering from my impression.
Question: I'm learning Japanese and I'm at a level where I want to practice some basic reading. What boards on 2ch should I check out? I'm having a bit of fun reading the life salon topics. Are there any other places?
Preferably about life in general, it's easier to read basic topics. Also: I'm sure there is quite a lot- but is there any 2ch slang I should really be aware of? I know English chans have a ton...it might make it difficult for and English learner to read our boards.
Girls all around the world say Korean guys are really hot and that they want to get married to a Korean guy. Those fangirls of Korean guys get enthusiastic when they talk about Korean guys even on the internet. You can check on youtube how many girls all around the world have fun exchanging opinions about how hot Korean guys are. Girls from America often say Korean guys look yammy, meaning Korean guys look too sexy to believe. Those girls tend to be interested in the whole Korean culture, such as Korean traditional cuisines, K pops, K dramas, K online games, etc, along with state-of-the-art electric devices made by Samsung. You know Samsung is the bestest supplier of the cool devices. Samsung is especially popular among America and Asia. American girls know they can't live a single day without Samsung. That's a good thing. Even American girls admire Korean guys for being hot and smart. I'm proud of it. :)
>>323 First of all, I don't recommend you to read 2chan boards for learning Japanese. Certainly short sentences and less Chinese characters, you may think it's pretty easy to understand. But it's pretty hard for even native Japanese speakers because you have to read between the lines and also there are a lot of 2chan terms which are never used in daily life. If you use the 2chan words in everyday conversation, you are considered to be wacky.
So I recommend you to read a kind of news for children. You can learn proper Japanese at the same time know about Japan now.
Having coffee and coffee candies together! What a brilliant idea!!! You must be feeling like you're on top of the world. It doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman.<3
>>339 You are wrong. Coffee has nice aroma and taste before and while drinking it, but it leaves odor after drinking it. I sincerely wish it would be that way.
I'm from a rich family, but we've had curry for dinner since I was born. That's wrong is having curry for dinner? I'd come home from school, and I could smell if my home or neighbours were having curry that night. Don't have that experience?
Ah I see...well, I'll check out those links you gave me and I'll take your advice. I wasn't planning on using what I read here in everyday conversation at all =/ I just like reading Kanji, it's really cool to figure out what a compound means on accident ^^;
My good Japanese friend just returned to Japan. It seems that ever since I entered University, everyone I know is vanishing. There are some days when I don't say a single word all day.
Luckily I can cheer myself up by looking at naked ladies on the internet.
>>378 It seems like Kamenashi's answer to the listener is not so direct. He said neither "Yes, I do masterbation" nor "No, I don't do masterbation." He concluded, "I'll leave it to your imagination" whle he doesn't deny the possibility by saying "I'm a man" or something like that. So if you look at his answer from one perspective (with malicious intent), like the >>1 in the thread, it's not impossible to judge he admitted he masterbates.
That's what I thought when I read through the thread.
>>381 Thank you for the explanation. It is amazing how the media is focusing on celebrities' private lives to that extent. They love putting him in a tight spot, don't they.
>>383 No, Kamenashi answered the question from his radio show's listeners, not from the media. Maybe there're some segments in his show and maybe one of them is the one in which he answers questions from his listeners. (I'm not sure, though. )
The listener's question was 興奮して練れない夜はどうしますか? according to the thread. 興奮する can be translated both "get(be, feel) horny" and "get(be, feel) excited." So the question from the listener can be either "What do you do when you feel so horny/excited and you can't sleep at night?"
Some Johnny's boys don't avoid sexual topics and sometimes handle them humorously. I don't know about Kamenashi's case and I'm not a listener of his show, so all I can do is just guess. Even if the listener's question has sexual connotation, he avoided to answer the question explicitly.
>>384 in that case i admire Kamenashi for his diplomatic replies. No matter what 2chan-anti-Kame-league say about him, even if he is a high school dropout and occasionally badly behaved, he will be a favourite along with Ikuta Toma.
>>386 He seems to have enjoyed the sexual connotation of the question, if any. The question and his answer wouldn't have been aired if they work against his reputation in the first place when it's not a live show. They can cut and edit the show.
Do you think Obama is still popular? I heard the information that Obama is losing his popularity at an alarming rate because he only cares for monetary companies such as JP morgan and goldman sachs. What do you think about that? Do you think Obama should change?
Today, our Japanese teacher started teaching us hiragana.
However, that's not interesting at all, so let me link you to something on YouTube that's been popular lately.
It's old footage of that one television show Carl Sagan hosted, only affected with Auto-Tune and put alongside a beat. I think some of the original footage is on NicoVideo with subtitles, by the way.
>>394 Mr. Hawking is widely known here in Japan but I didn't know anything about the other guy. The video looks like nothing special with just ordinary mixed music but I guess for you Americans there must be something appealing to wide audience judging from the count of viewers and the number of comments.
I don't understand why the original footage is on Niconico when the show isn't broadcast in Japan. Maybe I'm wrong.
Girls all around the world today think Korean guys are trully incredible, smart, charming, hot, sexy and everything, which is completely true to the fact that Korean guys are really good and gentle to girls all around the world, meaning Korean guys are astonishing like they invented new IT products. I'm sure the day will come when Korean guys get novel prize, you know how smart Korean guys are and Korean guys deserve the prize coz they make state-of-the-art IT devices and sell the cars that recieved the best car award 2008 in America. Korean guys are excellent in terms of brains and brawn - that is, smartness and manliness. That's why girls all around the world has been mesmerised with Korean guys.
>>396 Hmmmm, Carl Sagan was pretty big in America, but I guess he's not as popular elsewhere, huh? And I think a big part of the popularity is how he's talking about particularly "deep" things--like the human mind, wormholes, and going to other planets--only it's put to a tune and made into a song. Or maybe it's rapping, sort of. I'm not sure.
Part of it is also the novelty of it--taking footage of something not originally meant as entertainment and making it into a catchy tune. The same guy on YouTube's done another video with Bill Mays, who was famous for his infomercials. Also, a popular series on YouTube is "Auto-Tune the News", in which the same technique is applied to news program footage.
...well, I thought it might be interesting, even if it couldn't be understood.
No? He is another Jonny's boy, but I don't think he has released any CDs. He was one of the back dancers in the beginning and started to appear in dramas directly.
All you fangirls know that most all of Johnny's "talents" are manwhores and suck cock - literally, right? To make it big they all have to spend a special night or two, or more with "Johnny" Kitagawa...I mean you DO know this, right?
Or is it that BL fag element that gets you aroused?
He was Yamapi's main partner then with 3tops, 4tops etc... Then he got famous in Akihabara@Deep and high school drama Hana Kimi- Ikemen Paradise, made him famous overseas:
>>406 is there a single artist who doesn't do that, the entertainment industry is known to be a corrupt business.. You probably are a Yuri fan with a huge Lolita complex, so what.
Kimutaku's mother was introduced on the Asahi Shinbun yesterday with her photo. She has a very decent look even with her age now and one could easily imagine she must have been very beautiful when she was younger. Made me wonder why Kimutaku got marrid Shizuka, because Shizuka is totally on the opposite extreme of his mother.
>>408 Yes, "couch casting" is quite a common thing all over the world, has been for centuries. But it's one thing a girl fucking and sucking a producer/director, or a guy fucking and licking a patron hag (Johnny's boys does this too, 森光子 and 細木数子 anyone?), but imo it's a TOTALLY different thing for a guy to suck cock and take it up the ass volunteerly.
Those are the kind of guys you're getting wet over :D
No, she is not ugly at all. In fact, Shizuka used to be an idol when Kimutaku was still a kid. He adored her very much at that time, so, in a sense, it was a dream come true for him, to get married to her, you know.
>>417 look 417-san, why are you so concerned about who loves who, are you so unloved, you are so desperate to get attention, You are picking on some anonymous person, at random, you must be feeling very lonely. i am beginning to feel sorry for you.
BTW i invited some people from a Johnny's BB, that is why you are seeing so many Toma birthday messages! You should be grateful that so many girls are posting here, lonely person 417!
>>420-421 Nope, I'm not sad about anything...well actually am a bit sad at humanity that there's blind people like you.
People who follow cults are objectively sad, no? You're following and flicking your bean over a BL fag cult. Now that's sad, unless that's your thing..in which case I'll back off. There are people who love scat porn and enjoy eating feces after all. But I'd be concerned if that number was growing.
You should be grateful I'm enlightening the blind with knowledge/truth like >>406. I'm sure a lot of foreign fans don't know this stuff, so good job on promoting this info.
I'd say follow normal idols, or stay in your little corner. Now, you can go gather your "friends" and rebuttle, but if you do, I will guarantee you and your "friends" will be getting a LOOOT of visitors in the form of a raid ^^ And what can you do to that? Troll this petty thread?
BAHAHAHA this is gold! a KY jonnyota comes in with a minor raid, and then starts complaining about being bossed around, totally oblivious to why shes being treated that way! and to top it off, the people she guided here are finding out the truth about their idols! if this isnt funny i dont know what is!
>>429 They couldn't care less. There is no amount of care less than they possess. If they can care less then they do care. If they can't care less then they have reached the bottom of the well of caring.
we know what Johnny's boys are up to more than you do. We discuss everything they do in most BBs so don't get so worked up mister, you are sounding ridiculous.
>>435 I don't mean to be on his side but what he said makes sense to a certain extent. All you get is translated information and the translation isn't necessarily perfect. And fans overseas can't expose themsleves to all information about Johnny's boys as long as they live overseas.
That's the case with us Japanese, too when we get to know artists and musicians and whatever overseas.
Anyway, one of the characteristics of Johnny's boys fans, whether they are Japanese or not, is that they can't stand seeing any negative comments about Johnny's boys and they overreact to the comments.
Personally, I think becoming Johnny's boys fan is something like rite of passage into adulthood. (Of course some girls aren't interested in them from the beginning.) They don't keep being a fan of any Johnny's boys forever. There are many former Johnny's boys who are now in their forties and had more record sales and made more TV apperance than any Johnny's boys currently popular.
Some former Johnny's boys, now middle aged, managed to survived dog eat dog show business and I sometimes see a few of them on TV but most of them disappeared into thin air. If they had been rooted for forever, they wouldn't have become lackluster and disappeared.
>>435 can you show us who got upset over their Johnny's idol? I can't see anyone denying it?
it seems that this guy is more upset than anyone else. he lost it completely re: "normal ildols" vs Johnny's, telling "little fangirls"what idol to like.
Come on now, what do you think Eminem or Beckhams or Madonna are up to, what you think is corrupt is everyday news in the global entertainment business. So what if their idol worship is short lived, nothing is forever.
whats so funny about this johnnys thing is, that its the johnnys fans that came here to flood this thread, yet they got upset when they werent welcomed
>>445 i find it amusing that you are so territorial on an anonymous board. so what, if they came from Mars? are you going to have the same phobic attitude . I will flood this thread with Johhny's news and rumour if I want. You have to get used to the world as it is. Including Johnny's fans. let's move on.
Korean guys are amazingly popular among girls all over the world. Many of those girls host forums for fans of Korean guys. They express their burning emotions in such sites. The comment I often see is that Korean guys are hot. They are like crazy, but many of them exclaim to get married to a Korean guy in the future because Korean guys are hot. I don't blame them, though. On the contrary, it's really nice to see girls honestly saying they love Korean guys. :) I'm proud of it. :)
Almost no one here are interested in Johnny's thing although some people here are fluent in English and can catch up with conversation about Johnny's boys with limited knowledge.
The best place for Johnny's fans from overseas to mingle with Japanese Johnny's fans are some Japanese forums if any. But the problem is that Johnny's fans in Japan are dumb and they don't understand English.
That is fine. I am not coming here to discuss Johnny's. I am here to interact with Japanese English speakers and learn more about the culture and the language. It is unfortunate that they dont speak English, hopefully when I learn Japanese I can communicate with them. So the lack of knowledge of a particular language is a handicap but, it doesnt mean the fans are (or I am ) dumb.
I don't think people in here are interested in that. But I'm quite sure many girls all over the world pay a visit here to enjoy talking about Korean guys. :)
I have no idea why you are proud of that. How much do you know about Korean guys? They are amazingly popular with girls thanks to Korean Waves. That includes Korean dramas, K pops, Korean traditional cuisines, and many other things. One of those things is that they are really smart. You know how very popular Samsung is all over the world. The company is famous and popular so it's listed as the world top 50 companies in 2009. As for cars, hyundai is getting popular in America, meaning Korean cars will dominate the American market sooner or later. That's something, isn't it? You should be proud of it too. :)
Wishing and praying for million times doesn't work when it comes to language acquiring. You gotta to spend some time hopefully each and every day studying your target language. That's a harsh reality but true.
I'm not directing this post to any specific person and I have to keep in mind this harsh reality myself.
>>455 there is no such thing as harsh reality. because reality is relative. Although it is true that you have to try hard and have discipline, if there is no playful content or motivation in your language learning, If you view it negatively like a task, it is hard to learn it. You have to sex the language learning up a bit.
For instance i watch these super cute Kame take a bath and expand my vocabulary and counting abilities with a huge smile on my face....
I won't say that Korean guys are ugly or less attractive than other Asian. But I have to say I was really shocked when I found that the guy I thought really cool was actually Chinese. He is a member of Super junior...
bill o'reilly has mentioned hatsune miku twice so far on his show on two different days. i think this shows how popular she is. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WO4Wf454vA once someone uploads tonight's show clip i can post it if anyone here cares.
>>462 Ignore this guy, he's probably an American and therefore he is wrong because Americans don't speak English. Only in America is the phrase "One could care less" presumably because it doesn't make any fucking sense, just like USA.
Disregard the silly American. Britisher here. "...could care less" would mean that it was possible for one to care less, if one wanted, for instance. The meaning of the phrase "I could not care less is obvious"; I could not possibly care less than I do. I care very little, and I could not care less than the little amount that I do care.
BTW, I'm not familiar with the word "Britisher". Is there a new British colony somewhere where people are called "Britishers"? Perhaps Americans are properly referred to as Americaners, Japanese should be Japanesers? A little clarification would be helpful, since you are a linguistic champion.
How about bootlickers? That wasn't on your list. Funny, because that's what I think when I think of snooty, colonial imperialist Britons. People who should lick my boots for saving the English language from complete irrelevance. Fuck you Brits, get out of Eire. Signed, an Irish-American
>>458 If language learning is all about smiles on your face, everybody is multilingual. Only a fraction of people can be fluent in their target language after all the struggles of studying it.
Most Irishmen would rather have nothing if the alternative is to put up with a limey fucker lording it over us. We'll take the nothing, get the fuck out of Ireland.
This is really good advice for any Asian guys (Korean or Japanese) who want to date American women. Remember to always keep cereal in your pockets, ladies LOVE this.
Is that my bath-hating Sakana-san... I looked up the meaning of uki, which means floating... does it mean Sakana-san is living in a bath now, like a normal fish.
>>448 Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Yes, this is an anonymous board but please have and show some common courtesy. You aren't showing any with your continuous Johnny's talk.
The lack of common courtesy by the few "dame-gaijin" is the main reason why many Japanese people give "gaijin" people the unwarrented stinkeye.
Freedom of speech, freedom of expression, MY RIGHTS over common courtesy. Unless non-Japanese people understand that thinking like that will be frowned upon, they would never be accepted in Japan no matter how good their Japanese is.
But then again, most foreigners don't care about being accepted here since they will only be in Japan for a short period, so the cycle continues.
This is an experpt from wikipedia. It's some kind of confirmation how very popular Korea and Korean guys are in America. :) Korea is sweeping the united states, meaning Korea is super popular all around the world. You know, America has the biggest market and the fact that Korea is popular there means Korea dominates the market. :)
>United States >Annual Korean Music Festival
>The Korean Music Festival takes place annually (since 2003) at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles >and is possibly the largest Korean music festival outside South Korea.[46]
>In 2007, the 5th Festival was the finale to the 2007 LA Hallyu Festival, >which also included various events such as the Korean Culture Expo >and the Korean Cinema Showcase at Universal Studios. >The theme was We Are One and several big names performed, including Big Bang, Ivy, > Fly to the Sky, Super Junior, Epik High, DBSK, SHINee and BoA; >classical and folk musicians also performed.[47]
>The 6th Festival was held on May 17 2008.[48] >It was co-hosted by Ock Ju-hyun and Brian from Fly to the Sky, >and again included a mix of both younger and more established stars >such as SG Wannabe and Girls' Generation.
>>493 so it was ok to talk non stop NoriP a while ago. not ok to say a few things about Johnny's. how territorial of you.
maybe we should have a repetition removal meter that senses those who repeat themselves endlessly....that would remove a lot of the regulars here.
or perhaps say "no Johnny's fans are wekcome here" in the intro to this chat thread.
how about that.... would you be happy Mr Bossy boots...dont treat me like a Gaijin already, i have never been to Japan, I will never go to Onsens that accept Japanese bathers only, I am not demanding equal rights over trivial matters like the freedom of speech in a totally anonymous channel, and i am not gonna consult you before I write anything here...ever gomen nasai.
>>495 You are totally missing the point...And why are you so feisty? You seem to have mistaken me for the people you were arguing with.
Nori-P was a huge news item because it was a criminal case of a former A-list celebrity. It also is leading to a drug bust in the Japanese celebrity world, and was controversial how she was getting crucified and being made an example out of.
Maybe you have never been to Japan, but you are sadly showing signs of a "dame-gaijin" already. Why are you posting hereif you don't care to cope with Japanese 2chers?
Thanks,but I'm not satisfied with the translation. Because I think you failed to put the subtle nuance of the Japanese word,"akimeku" into English. May be a sentence including the phrase ,signs od autumn would be much better.
I sometimes see him on TV. He always wears Sakana-shape cap and speaks with weird high tone voice. He loves Sakana very much. He's even a visiting professor of a university that teach osean biology or something.
>>508 True. Funny thing is that although he loves Sakana very much as if they were his significant others, he also loves to eat them. Is it 'tabeteshimaitai kurai kawaii' (I love them so much that I'd eat them) type of thing?
If Japanese people are going to judge me badly because of some anonymous gaijin who has never been to Japan, then I think I am better off not knowing those Japanese people. I don't assume people I see in Japan are all like people on 2chan.
Let's be truthful about gaijin. No matter what, if you are not Japanese, you are gaijin, whether you are baka or not. even haafu are gaijin, even if they speak Japanese and lived in Japan their whole life. Look at Christel Takigawa. She is still gaijin, and gaijin is always dame/baka.
>>513 You know honne and tatemae? You are getting honne here. With your bad attitude you are bound for bad experience both for yourself and japanese people. Besides, if you don't like anonymous 2chan people why do you come here.
>>514 Agree, except for the last half of last sentence.
I think I should say, I do not think all gaijin are dame/baka, but some Japanese do feel this way. This is what I am trying to say. So it does not matter if you think some give you a bad name, their are many who feel you are still baka. It is better for you to relax about it. This is how it is. I like Christel Takigawa very much and was angry when she was insulted, because she is Japanese to me, even if she is haafu. Gaijin is different, so she is not gaijin. I hope you understand my feeling and do not get upset. Try to understand Japanese more.
She was a co-anchor of late night news program. As far as I know her contract with the show was over and now she quit the job recently. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5_ys8Bo7kQ This is a farewell greeting to the audience from her.
Some people don't know this but she is freelance, meaning she isn't an employee of any TV sation. She is popular by male business men. Her fans say that when they see her on TV, they feel all stress caused by day to day work go away. It's her smile, the way she talks and all that that's very popular. She's kind of like refreshing tonic after hard day at work for business men.
There's a fact not many Japanese people know about her. Her name "Christel" is her middle name, which means it isn't supposed to be known by others. Her first name is an ordinary Japanese name but the TV station didn't let her use it and instead, they make her use the middle name (Christal) which is Western name.
The reason is simple. The "Christel" sounds exotic to Japanese and they thought it gets more attentions and popularity from the audience. Behind that is of course Japanese people's admiration to anything Western. As a Japanese myself, this tendency is ridiculous.
I haven't watched the show but from this video, you can tell she says a greeting to the audience in French (maybe at the end of the each show). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9yp__p74WM How ridiculous but it's true that Japanese audience, especially men are facinated by her greeting in french and exotic looks and all.
>>525 It's a cost and effective issue. How long do you think it takes to translate the video? Some lines there are hard to translate to English even for an advanced English learners. Put yourself in our shoes. After all the struggle of translating every single line, all we get is "thank you."
Huh? The reward of all those hours and efforts are just "Thank you"? You just want to understand the video at a whim and bother us to put our precious time into translating it?
>>497 Feisty because I will not tolerate unfair judgemental attitudes directed at myself. It is your personal choice that you don't want to read about celebrity X but celebrity Y, just because Y has been in the media or news coverage. I repeat, it is your personal choice. If you are going to act like a tyrant telling people what not to write about you might as well declare yourself the owner of 2chan. If you think I am a stupid foreigner, you are attacking me personally, not as a native of Japan attacking a gaijin. Because this is the internet, this is not Japan, it is ridiculous to use xenophobic terms. because we are all anonymous. The content may be 99.9% Japanese but the 2chan servers are not even located in Japan. Welcome to the cyberspace.
I don't mind if some Japanese think I'm an idiot just because of my appearance. I just don't take myself so seriously. I make light of it. That's just the way it is here; many native Japanese have only come into contact with tourists and some have never met foreigners at all. So it's different here than in the New World, as it is in most homogenous countries. At least in Japan you won't get your head cut off in the name of Allah. Count your blessings, haha.
I'm >>526. When I read my post again, I recognized how mean I was when I post it. Although there are some truth in it. It's just that I don't want to translate it.
On a related note (maybe not really), this boy seems to be in trouble. He got kicked out, or pulled himself out of his school for dressing like a girl in school. Hey America, I thought you guys were much more liberal. What's the deal?
America is not like Japan. It is much bigger and has many different kinds of people depending on where you are. Some are liberal, some are conservative.
Most people in America are very nice, but the schools there have rules . In Japan, you have to wear uniforms to most schools, so you get confused and think Americans have total freedom.
You do not have freedom to dress like nuhalf at American schools. Sorry.
If you want someone to translate, you need to show passion, how badly you want translated version. And if someone is nice enough to translate, you should express how happy you are and praise their efforts to serve you as a volunteer translater.
>>553 What's so good about two men eating ice cream together? But it's rude to turn down your offer so I'll go get ice cream for you and me so while you're waiting for me to come back with icecream, translate the video.
If you don't get the job done by the time I come back, I'll smash the ice cream on your face.
I prefer lavender ice cream, matcha is too boring. I still don't care if you translate or not, though. It's your decision. Sorry if I am not passionate. i only thought the video was interesting and looked funny. If it's too difficult, I understand.
Are you dumb? You can find lavender ice cream lots of places in Japan. I had it in Nikko, but you can also find it in Hokkaido, etc. It's not gentei or anything. wwwwww You are too funny. Why would I go all the way to France for something I can find in Japan?
Provence is not famous for yummy ice cream, though. I think Japan has them beat. I've been to France, America, Britain and Japan. Japan has the best ice cream. If I want to see lavender, I will go to France. For ice cream, I will stay here. Yum!
I don't buy ice cream from the supermarket, I don't eat it often enough. I usually go out to shops for ice cream, it's a rare treat for me. As for Haagen, i grew up eating it and it's not so great. Ben and Jerry's is much better. If you go to America, try it. If you find it in Japan, please post about where to get it. I miss chubby hubby, that was my favorite flavor.
no i made myself a natto and rice breakfast, usually when ido that i watch/listen to jpanase media, while at it, i checked my mail an dthi sthread. is there anything wrong with that. should i have consulted you before doing that?
>>603 i did not feel like sharing because of the negative attitude of this thread at the time. There were poeple telling me not to come to Japan. I would never say that to any human being. Previously I was keen in sharing my natto experiences with you guys. But that feeling is notthere any more.
Who is forcing you to eat? Don't. If you want to burn calories, get in the kitchen and make me dinner. You may not be hungry, but I am. So start cooking.
Korean guys are really popular among girls all over the world. Japanese girls seem to have great interest in Korean guys. They travel to Korea in order to find a Korean date. Japanese girls are biggest fans of Korean guys. I saw a Japanese TV show where Japanese girls are seeking a Korean boyfriend and a group of Japanese girls go on a date with Korean guys and they ask out Korean guys. Japanese girls are desperate for Korean guys. I'm proud of it. :)
Speaking of zombies and work, this is the best zombie song I've ever heard. Very catchy but the lyrics are pretty funny. Bob (a zombie), who works at a shopping mall, is trying to persuade his co-woker, Tom (not a zombie yet) to give in and unlock the door so Bob and other zombies can come in the room and eat his brains. You can read all the lyrics in the description box.
i have staterted watching a new drama series: Manhattan love story. A cofeee barrista falls in love with Kyon, a taxi driver. Things get complicated when Kyon falls in love with a much younger dancer. Barrista starts manipulating his customers' relationships in order to keep Kyon coming into his shop... http://www.mysoju.com/manhattan-love-story/
>>695 when that happens, can i suggest you do something likethis? find someone you really care about. one way love. it is as nourishing as being loved, it makes you grow and feel love. make sure you really, really fall in love.
>>699 No, I mean that is not balls but penis. I compared that my penis was dark dirty to the dumpling soup. Of course, it was dirty because of my over masturbating.
>>700 i dislike your stupid bossy attitude old man. i feel like i want you punch you in the face and throw you on the ground. silly man! you get on my nerves.
>>705 oh wow you have issues. not that it really matters, but i am neither male nor old. it was even the first time i talked about you. take your medication and stay out of japan pls.
>>724 I used to sit on a bridge and eat dolphin-zombie ice cream with my best friend every day in grade school. However, the years went by and my friend moved away. Now I sit alone on that bridge after my classes. It seems I simply can't get over ice cream and the joy of sharing delicious zombie-dolphin ice cream with others. It makes me happy. So let's share ice cream and be ice cream friends!
Does anybody know the word "sparcoil" which is said to be made up by the famous writer James Joyce? I was wondering if some of you guys who are familiar with English literature could tell me something about that. Thank you.
>>722 As you may know, the part where "sparcoil" appears is not translated into Japanese version yet for various reasons. But it means "ejaculate", I guess.
I hate collage teachers. They are all so insecure that they assume high handed attitudes in front of students, because that way, the teachers will not be embarrassed by not knowing the answers to the questions posed by their students. Those who are incapable teach. That's what it is.
That doesn't make much sense...The teacher would be embarrased if he or she could not answer students regardless of the teacher's attitude. Maybe you should have studied harder to get in a better university.
>>757 As a sentence, there is nothing wrong with the line "I am always online". But what that implies, is that that person has no life away from the keyboard.
椿鬼奴, though her name is strange, she is a beautiful woman who has features in order that equal Kirishima Caren when watching her. Moreover, she is not only a beautiful woman, but also a indeed unique character. When I looked at 椿鬼奴 for the first time, I associated the face of Hakkina who was my lover. No matter how the spectacle society is wide, the woman as the face of my lover Hakkina is associated is found only 椿鬼奴. Therefore, we can say 椿鬼奴 is the most beautiful woman in the spectacle society.
So, with all due respect and consideration to our otaku fellas, what is this? I can tell what's flying there but can't completely grasp the whole concept of it.
>>725 Wow, I never thought the person who had the nerves to call other women "drama queen"s would be a woman Gestapo officer. Just who do you think you are, calling your own kind with such misogynistic labels? Not only you are anti-women, you are xenophobic too. It seems it is YOU have issues.
>>767 I don't understand the concept of it, either but I'm sure that the panties, which were the collection of アメリカ人, who often posted here are going back to where they belong to before there were stolen by him.
椿鬼奴 is an indeed typical Japanese woman. And her face represent all Japanese woman. She looks like 関守日輪, who appears in Manga "うしおととら". Moreover, she looks like ハッキーナ, who is my lover. She is the best beautiful woman in the spectacle society now.
Using double negatives is not considered standard or proper in English and thus should be avoided, but pointing one out in someone's post is far gayer than that.
>>770 Do you realize you are acting EXACTLY as described in >>493 (minus the Johnny's bit)? You should know this has nothing to do with race or gender, people are unhappy about your attitude which pretty much is the same as the so called "dame-gaijin" in Japan, including playing the victim.
As far as I see, besides a few (perhaps same?) people, people are asking you politely not to troll. Not telling you. Can you think why? If you can't, I'm afraid I would have to agree that you would never fit in Japan because you just don't "get it". Try to think about it without getting defensive. It's an anonymous forum after all, you should have no name to defend.
Kim Yu-na's thigh is thin, but that strength is 100 times as strong as Asada mao's thigh, 60 times as strong as Kimmy Mizener's thigh, and 40 times as strong as Emily Huse's thigh. In a word, when 30 thighs of Emily fuse are bundled and throw a Kim Yu-na's thigh, It is natural that 30 Emily fuse's thighs should be broken.
>>800 No, you are totally mistaken. Tonya Harding, a figure skater turned professional woman boxer, has the strongest thigh than anyone else. She is the baddest of the bad!
When dieting, a woman will be thin and not staminal, and she will be injured easily. But if she is an adult woman, no matter how she will be thin, she is likely to have to put the following things with deeply impressed .
If she is an adult woman, she should not be defeated by a girl or girls in the upper-grade of the elementary school at the sumo wrestling. Even if they are two or more girls, it is necessary for her to win with her strong spirit. If she is an adult woman, she should be able to rape the 50 girls (even though all of them have heavy weight) in the classroom with her full monty.
Yes, me. Bu i am not a foreigner to myself. To me there are people who move and who stay put. People who stay put are frozen. their minds are frozen too.
It's yukky outside. Is it suppose to rain? It's getting cold. I don't like cold weather, because it's cold. I wanna drink hot chocolate. But I don't have any. I still have some Hiyashi-chuka ingredients in the fridge. I might as well make Hiyashi-chuka and drink cafe au lait, instead.
I love the rain and the cold. There's nothing better than taking a walk as the rain pours down. And the cold weather is nice, especially in the morning. But I do live in Canada, so maybe I've just gotten used to horrible weather.
>>816 You must be from somewhere other than B.C. because we hear that the weather there is very mild. Question! Do human beings live in the provinces such as MB, SK, NB, NT, YT and NU? Or are they just plain lands with lots of pine trees and ice?
There is the woman thin to seem to be transparent of the rib in the world. he breast of such a woman has hung down, but therefore it is very strong!! It is more hardly tear than glamorous woman's breast. In a word, It is breast that can mostly endure the tension loads!!
Kim Yu-na's thigh is thin, but that strength is 100 times as strong as Asada mao's thigh, 60 times as strong as Kimmy Mizener's thigh, and 40 times as strong as Emily Huse's thigh. In a word, when 30 thighs of Emily fuse are bundled and throw a Kim Yu-na's thigh, It is natural that 30 Emily fuse's thighs should be broken.
If a woan is an adult one, she should not be defeated by a girl or girls in the upper-grade of the elementary school at the sumo wrestling. Even if they are two or more girls, it is necessary for her to win with her strong spirit. If she is an adult woman, she should be able to rape the 50 girls (even though all of them have heavy weight) in the classroom with her full monty.
There is no purpose other than to communicate with people. Language is about communication. If you write about anything, your thoughts will get to other people and that is a great feeling on its own.
>>820 I'm from Ontario. It's nice in the spring/summer, but in the winter and fall it can get pretty cold. And people live in those provinces, of course. But outside of the major cities there tends to be a lot of space. Next door neighbours can live half a mile away from each other. This excludes the island provinces. I'm in Toronto, though, so there's some jackass right on the other side of the thin wall in my room.
>>840 Gee, thanx for the very interesting ad. Is it very baltic in London? It's getting chiller eveyday in Japan. We should drink bukie to warm up so we don't need to go to the cludgie very often. But then, I know hee haw about that drink, so I might as well shoot the crawn and do some messages. Cheers!
If the glamorous woman and the slim woman measure them strengh of the groins each other, groin that tears off is the glamorous woman's one, and the slim woman's groin is not daunted at all. Even if the glamorous woman's two or three groins are bundled, the result is same.
Is your breast not merely beautiful but also strong? You must compete with a junior high school heavy weight girl, pulling the breast each other, so that which of them could torn off easyer.
Comrade, I have a question. What does ACORN mean? I stumbled across tht word in youtube. It seems like a keyword on the political debate of "libs vs conservatives".
Though Kim Yu-na's breast is very soft, it is impossible to bite off it. On the other hand, Though Kimmy Mizener's breast is elastic and hard, but it is easy to bite off it.
You should think about that ↑ above-mentioned for one hour or more.
Ah!! It is impossible to bite off and a nipple of the woman having soft breast. Ah!! It is easy to bite off a nipple of the woman having elastic and hard breast. Ah my penis seems to erect itself. And I cannot control it.
Kim Yu-na's groin is stronger than all groins of all women in all parts of the world were bundled. You should deliberate this proposition for one hour or more.
If someone tries to cut off Kim Yu-na's thigh with an electric saw, it will take three years before it is finished. But cutting Kimmy Mizener's thigh in same way will be finished momentarily!
If someone tries to hit Yu-na's head against Mizener's head, Mizener's head will scatter to pieces as if the pomegranate!! Yu-na's head is lovely and soft but it is extraordinary tough.
>>946 KIm Yu-na can be called the female version James bond!! She will kill all people in the world by her grapple ability. Hollywood wants to make her star in movie "007".
Judging by the way he keeps shouting, it's pretty obvious that he literally put his balls in a vise and had them crushed. Pretty soon the kanji 玉 in his name will disappear too.
The band was active from the late 80's to the middle of 90's and produced lots of hit songs and broke up in 1995. Even after the band broke up, their songs were used in CMs, dramas, and movies.
As you can see they started as sort of like a punk band but their lyrics are good and their ballad songs are very touching.
After the bands's breakup the two main member "Hiroto Komoto" (vocal) and Masatoshi Mashima (guitar) formed other bands, "The HIGH-LOWS" first and then after "The HIGH-LOWS" breakup they formed "THE CRO-MAGNONS."
"The HIGH-LOWS" (1995-2005) "THE CRO-MAGNONS"(July 2006---)
The HIGH-LOWS produced lots of hit songs like "The BLUE HEARTS" but I don't think "THE CRO-MAGNONS" is as popular as The BLUE HEARTS and The HIGH-LOWS. Probably, their fans get old and don't buy CDs and download their songs for that matter anymore and the band members are getting old and can't aquire new fan bases.
I do not know how to express my gratitude. Thank you very, very much. Thank you for all the effort you have put into your messages. Right now, I have downloaded Blue Hearts music and am listening to their songs. What an AWESOME band.
They are a specific brand of Punk that is much, much more cheerful than the usual UK/US Punk bands. They have the warmth of that Japanese homemade dinner touch.
Thank you again and, please do not underestimate Johnny's or people who listen to them. I am a huge Ikuta Toma fan, it was through Voice the drama that I learnt about the Blue Hearts (thanks to you guys too). I learnt about Elephant KAshimashi through a Toma i nterview. I listen to them religously.Becaus eof the Kame-Kyonconnection I found about Tokyo No 1 soul Set. Johnny's act as the popular culture ambassadors to us foreigners, so they are doing their jobs magnificently. Many thanks again! PS: Fish-san this Sunset song is another "shout at the top your lungs" Karaoke song!
Kim Yu-na is going through another world now. In a word, Yu-na's performance is in the dimension already beyond human understanding Yu-na dances like angel's dance, putting herself between this world and other world. It must be near on the day when Yu-na becomes a god.
Yu-na's thigh is slim and soft but it is very strong. When Yu-na lays her own thigh on the rail, and Shinkansen runs it over, Yu-na's thigh must not been cut yet even if the tail vehicle of the train passes.
Kim Yu-na's cheek flesh is very soft. However, noone can tear up it even if the steel hook is hung on the Yu-na's cheek flesh and pulls it by redoubtable power.
Kim Yu-na's groin is strong redoubtably. And Yu-na's groin will be not torn off even if the rope ties to both feet of Ota, and the tug-of-war by 500 people.
Kim Yu-na should not be called "national younger sister", but she should be called, "national elder brother". Will it be strange if it is called, a woman is called "Elder brother"? No, it is not strange at all! It is because Kawashima Yoshko is called "Elder brother" in World War II, though she is a woman.
Kim Yu-na should not be called "national younger sister", but she should be called, "national elder brother". Will it be strange if it is called, a woman is called "Elder brother"? No, it is not strange at all! It is because Kawashima Yoshko is called "Elder brother" in World War II, though she is a woman.
The Japanese cheer the Japanese player, and the South Korean cheer the South Korean player. I don't have such nationalism. If a female soldier of ally who is not my favor fight against a female soldier of enemy who is my favor, I will kill a female soldier of ally without hesitating.
Mario Kart Love Song. It's a Love Song, using Mario Kart metaphors. If it sounds familiar to you, you might have heard it in the "8分間に32曲を歌うスウェーデン人 32 songs in 8 minutes" video on Nico Nico Douga.
>>915 I wouldn't call「やがった」 a slang because it's widely used in very casual conversation with friends. (My understanding of a slang is that it's used only in limited contexts or used by only limited type of people.) By adding it at the end of a "verb," you can show a disgusting feeling, hatred or critisizm to the "subject" of the sentense.
「verb+やがった」is the past tense of 「verb+やがる」
eg1) While「ベストバイは俺に欠陥品を売った。」states only the fact that "Best Buy sold me a lemon," 「ベストバイは俺に欠陥品を売りやがった。」sounds you're very angry with Best Buy. You're disgusted with Best Buy and show hate to the outlet.
English speakers insert "fucking" when they show their anger, disgusting feeling. Maybe 「----やがる」 and 「----やがった」are similar to it.
eg2) 「マイクはいつも約束に遅れて来やがる」shows your frustration and shows that you're fed up with him coming late for each and every appointment more than just simply saying「マイクはいつも約束に遅れて来る」.
I felt it sounds a little bit odd when I saw ”TOFELできやがった”. If the subject of the sentense is a person except the speaker, then it kind of makes sense. The speaker is jealous of the person because he/she scored high score on TOEFL.
「できる」in this case means "get a high score." By adding 「やがった」 to it, you can show you're jelous of the person.
But ”TOFELできやがった”sounds odd a little bit and I need a context where you saw it. So as for the usage of 「---やがる」and 「---やがった」, it's better to read eg1) and eg2).(”TOFELできやがった”isn't the best sentense to explain 「やがる」and「やがった」)
>>916 Thank you! That was a very thorough explanation and the examples helped a lot. Unfortunately I only saw it in passing so I don't remember the context, but your explanation makes perfect sense. My dictionary has やがる but not the past tense やがった for some reason.
Suppose when Kim Yu-na is having a bath and wash her hips with soap, Kimmy Mizener and Emily Hyuse suddenly attack her, what will be happened? Have you thought about the above thing seriously?
>>922 I am glad for your that question. My handle name "何玉鳳" is taking of the name of the hero in "儿女英雄伝". She was called"十三妹" as another name, and she is a third most beautiful girl in the history of mankind. Naturally, she is more attractive than [tsubakioniyatsu] from Ota.
椿鬼奴 is samples of women who aim at dieting. The figure of 椿鬼奴 is perfect and faultless. 椿鬼奴 is the most sophisticated woman on the earth in the 21st century.
If you try to diet, which thin woman do you aim at, 金妍兒 or 浅田真央? Your aesthetic sense is mad if you are aiming at 浅田真央. If you are aiming at 金妍兒, your aesthetic sense is normal fairly.
A woman's thigh is becoming her weight between 46kg and 47kg to be the strongest. The strength equals strength of 60kg weight 10 women's thighs bundled.
Hey, everybody!! I recognize your diet. But If you have not an excellent character, even though you diet so that you get an ideal figure, it is possible for you to become only the second class monkey. It is the most important for the woman that it is neither figure, nor talent, but character.
>>938 She is saying to you that she doesn't want to deal with you anymore, because e.g. you drink too much and hit her whenever you drink, you waste money on horse-racing or pachinko, etc.
>>938 If you don't give me context behind the phrase, it's almost impossible to answer you correctly because there are some possibilities.
やってけない is a colloquial form of やっていけない The opposite phrases are やってける (colloquial) and やっていける, respectively.
I think the basic meaning of the phrase is "can't keep something going." If it's about relationship, it means you can't keep the relationship going anymore as >>939 say.
If your income is too small and you need to spend more than you earn, you can use the phrase, too, meaning you can't support yourself and can't keep your life going. You need to do two or more jobs to earn more or you need to borrow some money from someone.
If an actor wanna-be seems too naive to survive in a competitive show business, someone might say, あいつは芸能界ではやってけない, meaning "He can't survive in a competitive show business." He can't keep himself going in competitive show business.
If you win five times, you'll be in Hall of Fame of best jeanist. Takuya Kimura, Tsuyoshi Kusanagi and Ayumi Hamasaki are in the Hall of Fame, meaning each of them has won the award five times in the past. Once you are in the Hall of Fame, you aren't eligible for the award anymore.
Kamenashi is the best male jeanist and Kumi Koda is the best female jeaninst this year. This award has been hosted since 1984 by Japan's jeans makers' association.
There are two sections in the award. One is voted by general public and the other is decided by the jeans makers's association. Kamenashi and Kumi Koda were in the former section and voted by general public.
Japan's first lady, who is Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama's wife is one of the winners in the latter section.
Nobody believes this award's authority because organized votes is possible and everybody knows there are other people who look much better in jeans than the winners of this award. Believe me, I think I look better in jeans than the winners this year and in the past. hahaha
Anybody can vote via web or a post card regardless of your nationality as long as you live in Japan. Votes from overseas aren't accepted.
Ooops... I said there are two sections in this award but there are three, which is International section. The winner of the newly made section is Jerry Yan, who I never heard of.
>>945 That's a good way to study Japanese. If you are agonized by the translation, there's a possibility that you'll get to hate manga themselves.
That might be good, though. My parents used to say the more you read manga, the more you become dumb so they urged me to read a novel instead of manga.
>>945 If you translate Manga into English to practice your Japanese, Manga "うしおととら" is the most suitable as your aim. It is because the girl named 関守日輪 and the female characters named かがり and なお appear in "うしおととら". Especially, I want you to translate the fighting scene かがり VS なお into English by all means. And I want you to cheer なお than かがり.
The scene where なお, who is slim and has soft flesh, chops off the thigh of かがり、who is voluptuous and elastic, is shocking to you. Whenever this scene is seen once, every penis will be erected.
I forgot to write about 関守日輪,You should not forget the existence of 関守日輪. Only the woman who has such feature is owner of the highest gene as the woman. 関守日輪 is the highest beautiful woman in space.
Do a do of fur-doughnut. Ra a ra of rape. Mi a mi of minced testicle. Fa a fa of fuck. So a so of soapland. Ra a ra of radiant golden boll. She a she of she fuck me. That'll bring us back to Do.
>>953 I have not merely groin-centrism. I also stick to the groin, thigh, even skull... In any body site case, it is my consistent belief to compare a princess type voluptuous beauty with a boyish type slim beauty.
>>946 thanks for the Kamenashi update! so he is rubbing shoulders with the first lady. of course this is all political Kitegawa media power show but this is what media is all about.btw Kamenashi looks sooo unhappy.
October will be ended soon. The Seven-Five-Three Festival in November just correspond to birthday of my lover Hakkina. I will present Hakkina a birthday cake. If the cloth of the cheesecake is used for the cloth of the birthday cake, will it be strange? I want to hear your opinion about it.
>>956 I don't think so, and I don't understand why people are so big about touching screens. I for one don't like getting static electricity and don't like my screens with full of finger prints. I have a bigger problem. I can never figure out how to squeeze and print-out Excel sheets on one page.
>>947 It's not so much agonizing over the translations as it is realizing that I'm losing my grasp on English with every chapter. I don't even realize how awkward some of my translations sound until the proofreader points them out to me xD
Which do you think is the stronger, two women who are playing oil wrestling in Hong Kong movies "セクシー武芸帳" or two girls who are playing mud wrestling in "クノイチ部隊"? Suddenly,I was very anxious about it.
>>961 Are you still an awkward translater? You seem not to have mastered English yet. You ought to translate Manga "うしおととら" to improve your English skill, sticking to a character 関守日輪, comparing 関守日輪 and かがり.
>>963 I dislike the tall woman and fat woman. As for the plump woman and little girl, I don't like and hate them. I like the adult slim woman in the medium-tall. My belief is that such a woman must be the strongest among the all women in the world.
>>967 There is no evolutionary disadvantage to having a tall Sally as my partner. Moreover, it is not a social notion that a man has to be taller than women to assure the man's authority.
From a vewpoint o fgravity and balance of woman's body, I just like the woman who has the most appropriate height and weight. This is an aesthetic viewpoint. And my belief is that most well-balanced and beautiful creation is most strong.
>>957 I didn't recognize he looked unhappy because I don't know much about how he usually looks. Maybe attentions were drawn to the first lady or other winners and he was grumpy. Maybe I'm wrong, though. I read somewhere that he came to Tokyo from Osaka to participate in the award ceremony, and after the ceremony, he went back to Osaka to perform in a musical titled DREAM BOYS in the evening.
>>970 Does she looks oblivious to your height, though your steady is 1cm taller than you? How of man's fleshs to adhere and man's operation have been restricted by gravity, because there is gravity on the earth. Stature with the best balance is calculated from the relation to the material that composes man's bodies and gravity on the earth. If a woman's height is below and above the best height, she must be not beautiful.
>>971 and what is this "best" height? Itis such an arbitrayr and vague definition.
you talk about women as if they are mass produced robots confirming to a standard. You probably have similar attitude to your own body. Do you measure yourself and compare with other males, and say "I have such and such height so I qualify as ugly/average/handsome"
>>969 well he must be having a really bad time. i read in 2ch rumours that Kyon went to Osaka to meet him. some other rumour is that she is pregnant. This is such exciting news.
>>973 How come you think that I talk about women as if they are mass produced robots confirming to a standard? Well, A human has the best height and weight. Do you think it is beautiful seeing a 300kg weight big woman? Do you think it is beautiful seeing a woman whose weight becomes thin up to 30kg as aresult of dietting? Do you think it is beautiful seeing a 2m20cm height tall woman? Do you think it is beautiful seeing a 1m20cm height adult woman?
Will you agree with that there is no doubt that they are all ugly? In the weight of the woman, the range from 45kg to 55kg should be most beautiful, and in the height of the woman, the range from 160cm to 170cm should be most beautiful. This is a result of the influence of the gravity on the earth.
My lover Hakkina likes powdered green tea caramel among the Morinaga milk caramel series. I felt a little odd taste in the harmony between the caramel and powdered green tea when I ate the powdered green tea caramel. I think only her taste to be correct. Everyone should match and change their taste to Hakkina's taste.
>>983 If you want to write something beautiful, you may as well write about 大下容子. When 大下容子 tried to butt 黒田福美 with the head, and has crushed 黒田福美's skull completely, it must be the most beautiful spectacle.
The man's penis becomes hard gradually when he is masturbating, though it is soft before massaging . why Is man's penis soft before massaging? And, why does the man's penis become hard if he massages it? Is there any person who knows its principle?
>>982 Naruhodo...interesting argument for aesthetics, putting forth the gravity as the deciding factor.I take it therefore the same principles aply to men. They should be between 45kg to 55kg to 160cm-170cm because gravity dictates how handsome a man is. For instance Kamenashi Kazuya is 170 cm and 47kg. He looks hottttt.