
@Another finding was the international nature of Japanese society.
AThere are so many immigrants,foreigners and ethnic Japanese from all over the wprld.
BIn wastern Tokyo,for example,you might find an Indian clerk in a supermarket,or a store owned by a Filipino or a naturalized Japanese citizen.
CMany Brazilians,Chinese and Koreans also work here.
DEthnic restaurants from all over the world are popular among Japanese people.
EMore and more foreigners learn to speak Japanese well to seek a chance for a good life here.
FCertainly,immigrants make up less than two percent of the Japanese population,but their influence is clear.
GSome say that Japanese society is ethnically homogeneous.
HHowever,foreigners do have a big influence on its economy.
IAs its population ages and gets weak,Japan welcomes immigrants to fill needed spaces in its work force.
JSince the economic downturns of the 1990s,foreign investors have been active.
KTokyo's business world used to be open to Japanese only,but today more foreigners actually own their own business.
LAlthough conformity still remains in schools and companies,the growing influence of foreign people and ideas is helping Japanese society advance.
