【Criteria】 Able to understand and use language necessary to take part effectively in a wide range of social, professional, and educational situations (e.g. meetings at work, lectures for educational purposes, etc.), knowing about 10,000-15,000 vocabularies.
【Passing score】 The passing scores on the First Stage for Grade 1 are usually expected to be about 79/113 (70%), but are subject to change for adjustments. The passing mark in the Second Stage is set at 60/100.
【Inquiries for STEP International Division】 Organizer: The Society for Testing English Proficiency (STEP), Inc. TEL (domestic): 03-3266-6090 Office hours: 10:00-17:00 in JST (Mon.-Fri.) E-mail: http://stepeiken.org/contact.shtml#Contact *Do NOT contact the test site for directions under any circumstances. To learn more, go to http://www.eiken.or.jp/exam/grade_1/about.html
When EIKEN helped motivate Japanese learners of English, what did you do? When everybody listens to the speaker during the test, who listens to you? When EIKEN earned a few million dollars last year, who paid attention to you?
STEP is best known for its main product, the EIKEN Test in Practical English Proficiency, one of the world's most widely accepted, trustworthy language tests.
EIKEN is Japan’s leading language assessment, backed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT). It measures examinees' four skills, with compulsory speaking test. 2.5 million people take the test annually at 18,000 test sites, 80 million examinees so far have taken since 1963.
EIKEN is the test for the people, of the people, by the people. Hurray for EIKEN. EIKEN forever.
Inside Macky Mac, I wondered why we were thinking about this. But if the big universe existed simultaneously inside the small universe, then the Macky Mac that existed inside me, and the world in which Macky Mac existed, might also be more than just my delusion and might actually really exist somewhere. But that didn't answer the question of whether I existed Macky Mac's world inside me. Me being me and me being Macky Mac at the same time in the same world was deiiferent from the idea that the small universe was the same as the large one. Discovering Macky Mac inside myself, as a part of myself, and finding myself inside myself were two very different things.
So, how did you study English? What is so special about your learning style?? We're always seeking for the most efficient, learner-friendly way. Studying abroad is no freaking way we wanna hear; that's too much energy/money/time consuming (besides we would've already done if we could, for JESUS CHRIST sake).
I have to go to bed tonight. Ask me any question, and I'll answer tomorrow. I'll let you know how to prepare for Eiken Grade 1, stupid!
I strongly believe that people who want to pass the grade 1 test should use English in every occasion. Because writing in English is the only way to improve your writing skill. You don't have to use difficult words to express your opinion. The important thing is just trying to deliver your thought in English. Anyway, the person must be intimidated to use English. Although I can understand the way he feels, I recommend him to use English even in 2ch.
On the night it turned August, Kokuto suddenly dropped in out of the blud. "Evening. You're looking as fatigued as always, Shiki." The unexpected visitor stood in the entranceway. He smiled as he shot me this lame greeting. "Actually, yeah, there was an accident just before I got here. A girl commited suicide. Jumped off a building. There's been a lot of that going on lately. But you never think you're actually going to see one, huh? ...Here you go. For the fridge." As he unlaced his boots, he tossed me a bag from a convenience store. There were a couple of cartoons of strawberry Haagen-Dazs inside. I guessed I was suposed to put them in the fidge before they melted. Kokuto had finished undoing his shoes and was over the threhold before I'd finished groggily inspecting the bag.
Most of the "named poster" cannot write comments in English. So it seems effective to intimidate or disguise them. Even if a fake makes a mistake in grammar or syntax, they are not able to correct such mistake. It is an additional benefit, I think.
Gaining some sense of how space is and how different sapatialities and spatio-temporalities work is crucial to the construction of a distinctively geographical imagination. But space turns out to be an extra-ordinarily complicated key word. It functions as a compound word and has multiple determinations such that no one of its particular meanings can properly be understood in isolation from all the others. But that is precisely what makes the term, particularly when conjoined with time, so rich in possibilities.
That we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood. Our nation is at war against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred. Our economy is badly weakend, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age.
2004 01 FACTORS TO CONSIDER WHEN CHOOSING A CAREER 2004 02 THE ADVANTAGES AND / OR DISADVANTAGES OF PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 2004 03 HOW BEST TO HANDLE CONFLICTS WITH OTHERS 2005 01 MAKING THE WORLD SAFER FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS 2005 02 SHOULD THERE BE MORE GOVERNMENT CONTROL OF THE INTERNET? 2005 03 DOES THE DEVELOPED WORLD HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO HELP DEVELOPING COUNTRIES OVERCOME POVERTY? 2006 01 When future generations look back on this era, for what will they praise and/or criticize us? 2006 02 Agree or disagree: National identity is becoming less important in today's global society 2006 03 Does society give the rights of animals enough consideration? 2007 01 Has modern society become too dependent on technology? 2007 02 Should more be done to eliminate world hunger? 2007 03 Do the world's wilderness areas need to be better protected? 2008 01 Agree or disagree: The use of nuclear power should be expanded 2008 02 Is society doing enough to deal with violent crime? 2008 03 Will societies with aging populations face a crisis in the future?
「製薬会社はもっと低コストで薬を発展途上国に輸出するべきか」 「青少年の犯罪は誇張されているか」 「会社へのロイヤリティが薄れてきているか」 「ワープアは救済されるべきか?」(2次試験スレ:「我々はワーキングプアをもっと援助するべきか?」) 「高齢者は現代の社会において差別されているか?」(午前1) ( ▲「老人は冷遇されているか?」) 「少子化」(午後B1) 「科学は最終的に宗教に取って代わるか」 ▲「The Pros and Cons of TVの視聴料金」(午前 大阪YMCA) 「動植物の絶滅は必然的か」(午前) ▲「Time is money. Do you agree?」(午前) ▲「職場での年齢による差別はあるか?」
adroit 器用 droit according to right harried 悩まされた < harridan 鬼婆 < harrier 略奪者 < haridelle old horse incompetent 無能 in + competent 有能な < compete 競争する < peto to seek < seek 捜す < beseech 懇願する clumsy 不器用 < clumse to be numb with cold < numb かじかむ conteplate 熟慮 < templum place for observation of auguries < temple 神殿 < templum open or consecrated space denigrate 中傷 speak ill of < de + niger black detonate 爆発 explode < de + tono < tono to thunder 雷鳴 < thusday < thor day commiserate 同情 com + miseror to pity < miser みじめな < wretched 悲惨な tingle ぞくぞく ひりひり < tinkle ちりんちりん < tinker 修繕屋 mangle ずたずた < main < strength < may hurtle 猛烈 < to collide < hurt 傷つける < hurter 保護するもの shuffle 引きずって歩く < to walk clumsily < shove 突き落とす < scuffle 取っ組み合う aggravate 悪化 < to make heavy < gravis heavy alleviate 軽減 < al levo to raise = to lighten
September 11, 2009 - 12:17AM Athletics Semenya won't be stripped of gold medal: reports
THE world champion 800m runner Caster Semenya has been revealed to have male and female sexual organs, posing an ethical and political quandary for the sport's ruling body, the International Association of Athletics Federations, and her home nation, South Africa. Extensive physical examinations of Semenya, who is just 18 and from a remote village in the country's far north, has shown the athlete is technically a hermaphrodite. Medical reports indicate she has no ovaries, but rather has internal male testes, which are producing large amounts of testosterone. The presence of both male and female characteristics will come as a devastating blow to Semenya, who has fought off snide remarks about her masculine appearance for much of her life. Late last night the IAAF was trying to contact the athlete to inform her of the results. After her domination of the world titles in Berlin last month, Semenya was given exhaustive blood and chromosome tests as well as a gynaecological examination. It is believed the IAAF was hoping to consider the ramifications of the results before publishing details. One possibility would be to allow Semenya to retain her gold medal, but award a second gold to the runner-up, Janeth Jepkosgei from Kenya. "These tests do not suggest any suspicion of deliberate misconduct but seek to assess the possibility of a potential medical condition which would give Semenya an unfair advantage over her competitors. There is no automatic disqualification of results in a case like this.". The president of Athletics South Africa, Leonard Chuene, said he was unaware the tests had been completed.
The early bird catches the worm eaning Success comes to those who prepare well and put in effort. Origin This is first recorded in John Ray's A collection of English proverbs 1670, 1678: "The early bird catcheth the worm." Clearly, the title of the work indicates that this was considered proverbial even in the 17th century.
early bird catches the worm Definition: someone who gets an early start on work Explanation: Used when referring to someone who is very eager to do well and gets an early start on any job. Examples: Remember, it's the early bird catches the worm - you should try to get to it early. - He has always been the early bird catches the worm and has done very well for himself indeed.
早起きは三文のとく 朝練に行く途中に千円拾ったんだ。早起きは三文の得だね。 英訳例 ●I found 1,000 yen on my way to early morning practice. I guess you could say the early bird catches the worm. 解説 The early bird catches the worm.が「早起きは三文」に当たることわざです。
stand back 引っ込んでいる from あとへ下がる 離れてみる 手を引く fall over 倒れ掛かる つまずく 向こう側におちる たれかかる < fall over onself ころぶ turn out 消す 追い出す 追い払う 解雇する 狩り出す 外に出す sit up 起き直る きちんとすわる 寝ずにおきてる さっと緊張する きっとなる はっとする draw up 引く 引き上げる 作成する 立案する 整列させる 止める roll down ころがり落ちる 取っ手をまわして窓をあける sign out 署名して出発する 外出を記録する サインして預かる win over 人を首尾よく味方にひきいれる、説得する press for 支払いを迫る 回答を迫る give off 発する 放つ 放出する 枝を出す run throught さっと通り抜けさせる 通す 消す 突き刺す 機械にかける 通し練習 経験させる pass up のがす 断る 辞退する 無視する 除外する そばを通りすごす building up 囲む たくさん建てる 集める 増やす 強める 築き上げる 確立する 改造する 更新する 積み重なる holding off 近寄らせない 防ぐ 離れている 待たせておく ためらう 待っている rubbing in こすること 摩擦 あんま マッサージ dealing out 分配する 捌きをする 札を配る
guess /g s/ vt, vi 1 推測[推断]する. ・guess (the distance) by the eye (距離を)目測する. ・guess right [wrong] 言いあてる[あてそこなう]. ・guess at the meaning 意味を推測しようとする (cf. 〜 the meaning 意味を推測しあてる). ・I should guess his weight to be 400 [at 400] pounds. 彼の体重は 400 ポンドとみるね. 2 あてずっぽうを言う; 言いあてる, 考え[解き]あて る; 考え[思い]つく. ・Guess which hand holds a coin. どっちの手に硬貨が あるかあててごらん. ・Guess what? 何だと思う, あててごらん, わかる?, あ のね. ・guess a riddle なぞを解きあてる. 3 …と思う, 信ずる (suppose, think). ・I guess I just ask them. ちょっと彼らに聞いてみよ うと思う. ・I guess I'll go to bed. さて寝るとしよう. ・I guess so [not]. そうだと思う[そうではあるまい]. keep sb guessing 人をはらはらさせて[気をもませ て]おく. n 推測, 推量, 臆測. ・have [make] a guess at… …を推測する.
>>294 _____ rァ'フ"´::::::::::::::::::::::`ヽ. ト、._人,.ヘ.__人_,.イ_,.ィ {f〃::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\ j`‐' ‘ーィ ヾ、;:、:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ヾ 、- ' 出 ク き き L_ /-‐_ヽNヽ;:::ニニヽ:::::::::::::::l _ ) て ビ さ さ く l、_/,.-`ゝ<:三三ミ:、::::::::::::| ) 行 だ ま ま (_ 〉゙iヒニフ, i::r',ニヾヾ::::::::::::: ,....-──-..、 ´) け ` は か ,ニ=- r' `ー ' .}::7, l:::::::::::::::: /::::::;、;、:::::::;、;::ヽ _) っ !! (_ 〔_ヽ ー-- 、 j::{ ァ ノ:::::::::::::: !::::/ -‐``´‐-Y ) !! ( しィ´ ̄ ヽ 彡Tヽ:::::::::::::: l:::::〉(. ・).....(・ )| ⌒)-、 ,. 、 〈  ̄ ̄ }_,. -‐リlハノヽ l^Y "´ >`゙ l ′ ヽ/⌒'^´ヽ'⌒ヽ「 _,. -──-<._x x x x x `ー、 (二) ノ ⊂二,フ´二_''‐- 、_,. -─r─'^ ー '´x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x __,.|` ー-r_´ r' ‐- | x x x l l x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x /、 〈. )i`\ 〈 | x x x | | x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ./ l ヽ / |. l ヽ二ァー-‐' ` 、 ! x x x l l x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x l |. \/ リ | ` ー-〉x x x ヾ、 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x |__」 〈゚ 〈__| / x x x x x\x x x\x x x x x x x x x .}ヽ. ヽ }。/ /| | x x x x x x x\ x x x`ヽ、x x x x x x
It's her blood. She's a real yakuza. People around her are Yakuza, too. I'd say it's better not to take what has happened to her seriously. Show business itself is yakuza's business. The best bet is that you enjoy the whole show with humors.
Some Japanese who don't have the literacy of how show business works are giving sympathetic ears to Rari-P. Chances are she'll be back after a while. I once thought she was innocent and pure but now that I know her family background, I'll just think "A Yakuza's daughter is on TV everytime I see her on TV."
I would be true, for there are those [ who trust me ]; 真実であろう、信じてくれる人がいるから I would be pure, for there are those [ who care ]; 清くあろう、気にかけてくれる人がいるから I would be strong, for there is much [ to suffer ]; 強くあろう、耐えなければいけないことがたくさんあるから I would be brave, for there is much [ to dare ]; 勇敢であろう、勇気を持ってしなければならないことがあるから I would be brave, for there is much [ to dare ].
I would be friend of all—the foe, the friendless; I would be giving, and forget the gift; I would be humble, for I know my weakness; I would look up, and laugh, and love and lift. I would look up, and laugh, and love and lift.
I would be true, for there are those [ who trust me ]; 真実であろう、信じてくれる人がいるから I would be pure, for there are those [ who care ]; 清くあろう、気にかけてくれる人がいるから I would be strong, for there is much [ to suffer ]; 強くあろう、耐えなければいけないことがたくさんあるから I would be brave, for there is much [ to dare ]; 勇敢であろう、勇気を持ってしなければならないことがあるから I would be brave, for there is much [ to dare ].
I would be friend of all—the foe, the friendless; I would be giving, and forget the gift; I would be humble, for I know my weakness; I would look up, and laugh, and love and lift. I would look up, and laugh, and love and lift.
It is true that the model sentences in PURA-tan helped me to pass the 2nd-round exam. Besides, without backgrounds on the topics, you cannot talk about them.
It is necessary to have your own opinion on those topics before speaking English. As you know, the skills in reading and listening are classified into passive abilities. The skill in speaking represents an ability to express yourself positively. I always carry a Japanese-English dictionary with me. I always ask myself in my mind; How can I say that in English? Wright down every word when you cannot remember the meaning. Today, I wanted to go see a dermatologist, because my skin is itchy. Then, I searched the word for skin doctors.
Anyway, this sort of studying is not so bad for me. But, methods for studying English can vary with individuals, can't them?
>>501 The model sentences in "Puratan" no doubt worked for the Second Stage of the exam. But it's no worth reading if you don't know about the topics. One cannot make a speech unless they have their opinions. As they say, reading and listening skills are passive, whereas speech skill is active.
I never forget to carry a Japanese-English dictionary with me and always ask myself "how do I say this in English?" Also, I write down every word that I don't understand. I wanted to see a doctor today because my skin was itchy. I then looked for the word for hifuka (the medical branch that deals with the skin).
Well, it's not so bad to study like this. Each has its own way of learning languages, don't they?
【Merits】 The EIKEN is widely recognized in Japan as a language-proficiency qualification for education and business, and international admissions to colleges and universities in NA and Aust.
【Proficiency Level】 Able to understand and use language necessary to take part effectively in a wide range of social, professional, and educational situations (ex. meetings at work, lectures for educational purposes, etc.), having approx. 10,000-15,000 vocab.
【Passing mark】 The passing score on the First Stage for Grade 1 is usually expected to be about 79/113 (70%), but is subject to change for adjustment. The passing mark in the Second Stage is set at 60/100.
【Inquiries】 Organizer: The Society for Testing English Proficiency (STEP), Inc. TEL (domestic): 03-3266-6090 Office hrs: 10:00-17:00 in JST (Mon.-Fri.) *Do NOT contact the test site for directions under any circumstances. Visit http://www.eiken.or.jp/exam/grade_1/about.html for more info.
A very strong typhoon is moving north over waters south of Japan and is expected to make landfall on early Thursday.
Japan's Meteorological Agency says Typhoon Melor is moving north-northeast over waters 160 kilometers south of Cape Muroto, Kochi Prefecture, western Japan. It had a speed of 40 kilometers an hour as of 10 PM, Japan time.
The typhoon is packing winds of 160 kilometers per hour around its center. The storm zone has moved over Shikoku main Island's Kochi and Ehime prefectures and part of Tokushima prefecture.
The typhoon is expected to move northeast while gathering speed before approaching the coasts of Shikoku and Tokai, central Japan, and hitting land there at around daybreak on Thursday.
If it does, it will be the first typhoon to make landfall in Japan since September 2007.
The typhoon is likely to affect wide areas of western and eastern Japan on Thursday, with winds of up to 180 kilometers an hour on land.
Rainfall of up to 80 millimeters per hour is expected in western and eastern Japan from Wednesday night through Thursday, and in northern Japan through Friday.
Asylums for intellectual pursuits are not enough to accommodate five percent of people.
You should have studied harder to be classified into less than one percent of people. In Japan, the one percent of people can be hospitalized at Univ. of Tokyo, Kyoto Univ., or public medical colleges as monomaniacs.
Private companies do not need to have the asylums for them. Public research institutes and some universities are the asylums to maintain national security.
The Japan Times to Hold a Free Writing Test November 28 ========================================================== We The Japan Times will hold a "world-standard English proficiency test" known as STEP BULATS. (STEP stands for Society for Testing English Proficiency, and BULATS, Business Language Testing Service).
First 50 applicants can take the test. Those who wish to take the test are requested to apply via e-mail (address: [email protected]), not later than November 10, writing down "BULATS juken" as well as the applicant's name, gender, occupation, (not mobile) telephone number. Please use a PC instead of a mobile phone to apply.
We will then e-mail the "test admission ticket" (sanka-hyo) in an attached file to up to 50 effective applicants by November 20. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * November 28, 2009 /11:00-12:00 (admission starts 10:30) 4-5-4 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo The Japan Times Nifco hall MAP: http://www.japantimes.co.jp/info/jt_map_japanese.html * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * <<Things to take>> (1) a printout of the mail-attached "sanka-hyo" (2) writing material (3) things to verify the applicant's identification such as driver's license, passport, or health insurance card, etc. <<Any questions>> The Japan Times [email protected]
There are great differences between you like will domain English and me. A Japanese professor said "Anyone never completely understand English other than native speaker". He got honor given to good score of Eiken Grade-1 when he was a student. And he got Fulbright scholarship. He got Ph.D in the United States. Additionaly, he taught a university in U.S. as a professor.
XXX .inc Japan YYY Bldg., X-X-X Shinjuku Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo ZZZ-ZZZZ May XX, XXXX Dear Mr. X Y. Z: Today, I had said this. Though I would like to announce my retirement anew. As I have decided to resign AAA Inc. It will be my last day with the company May ZZ, BBBB. My responsibilities will be handled by my team here. A section chief Mr.A will be your primary contact and can be reached via phone at XX-XXXX-XXXX and via email at [email protected]. I have worked for X and half years with this company and I truly enjoyed working with all of you. Thank you very much for everything you have done for me. May I ask that you continue to help AAA Inc. grow further by favoring it with your business? Please take good care of yourselves. I have enjoyed working with you and hope we can continue our relationship.Thank you very, very much for your kind patronage and friendship. It was my pleasure serving you. You were the source of energy and power for me. I wish you much happiness and success. My home e-mail address is [email protected]. I wish to hear from you sometime. I look forward to talking with you again and your visit to BBBB. Please give my best regards to BBBBB-san. Thanks a lot. I am much obliged to you. Sincerely yours,
Do you recommend attending a school for studying English or not? For example, person who wants to get Eiken Pre-1 grade should attend a school or not.
Some people got 2nd language by oneself. They learned the language independently. But, a great number of people learns language with his/her teacher. And, so many Japanese who want to get ability of speaking English attend English conversation school. They pay much money for tuition of that. Though, you know, most of Japanese couldn't speak English completely. I think the reason is they do not learn themselves when they are not in the school. By the way, I paid for XXXXXX yen for XX sets of English lecture at a cram school for XXXX. One lecture has XX minutes, and it needs XXXXX yen. Those lecture content me. They had value as same as payment. Today, we think "Time is money". 2,000 yen values 2.5 hours part time job's wage for like working at McDonald's. If I got learned rapidly English as same as three times independence studying, I think the cost should be payed. We can study everything alone. Like Tadao Ando which is known for great architect. But, sometime it is not efficient. Thus, our society has elementary school, junior high school, high school, college, university, graduate school and "culture center", cram school, and the other school.
lonly planet HongKong & Macau Welcome Guest House Map p.XX Guesthouse S telephone XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX; Flat XX, Xth fl, X Block, Chungking Mansions, XX-XX Narthan Rd; s with shared shower $100, s with private shower $100-150, d with private shower $190-200; MTR Tsim Sha Tsui (Exit F) This place is a cut above the rest in Chungking Mansions and its name says it all. The owner, XXXX XXX, is exceptionally friendly, speaks excellent English, and operates a small souvenir shop and gem showeroom on site. What's more, it has a laundry service.
Tokyo N◎VA-Detonation Scenario : Japanese face to face urban action roleplaying game "The wrong goodbye, the delicious beans, alternatively square human relationship" For Ruler/Gamemaster overall picture of the Act/Scenario Kabuto/Bodyguard cast/player character
"Fortune-telling old man" Magician of blue Old Seer made concubine and his many illegitimate children. Anybody guessed that because his looking never make imagine it. Only God knows this thing. But now, the church of ortho lore and Marauder's church of anticross get jerry the fact which Ms.Yorozu Yous Tamako is his daughter. And they wanted to use her for deep politics of astral/spiritual world. the chrch of ortho lore had engaged kabuto-wari/sniper. Though Marauder's chrurch of anticross engaged kabuto/bodyguard for her because that thing would be expect something in return for him. In addition, Tamako knew LSD beans are taken in indiscriminately in campus of the New Star Imperial Capital University.
Confessions of a Part-Time Sorceress by Shelly Mazzanoble
Chapter 1 Babes in boyland
Let me just lay it out here: I am a girly girl.
<preceding sentences are abbreviated>
I wasn't always a gamer. Until recently ored markers were limited to Chutes and Ladders. Sorry! or a warm keg of beer and a red plastic cup. I have those friends who are very into games, mainly the computer or video game variety. Heard the one about tha guy who turned down tickets to a U2 concert because it was the same night that his World of Warcraft guild held strategy council meetings to plan for Saturday's raid? Yeah, I know him. In fact, I dated him for two years. He was smart, charming, compassionate, and good-looking. He was also a level 54 gnome warrior named Aggro. We broke up shortly after he answered my panicked phone call from the shoulder of 1-5 during rush hour with, "I can't talk now I'm fighting the end-level boss in the Zul'Grub raid" Well screw you, Zul'Gurub and the end-level boss! His girlfriend was stranded on the side of one of the county's most congested f reeways with a flat tire. Not to mention I was wearing white pants that day.
"You are the lower class so…". A professor said this in lecture. His slip of the tongue brought on much criticism. And the president summoned him and he got attention of it. Usually, although I had taken those professor spiteful tongue humor, I could not forgive this statement. Because, it was the fact. The university's deviation point is XX. It means a standard of standard in high school graduates. Frankly speaking, we are not “brilliant students” from evidence of deviations of subjects. The tuition is the XXXXX among private universities. It is in XXXX, and provides some inexpensive XXXXX almost freshmans, people had live dormitory where X men are literally packed. Needless to say, they are not from XXXX. Most of students paid tuition with student loan, or financed living expense by part-time job. People who could get allowance are student who from attached school, including me, are a few. Difference between “us” and “them” can be found in eating habits as well. People who are "Luxurious" most of student's cafeteria or packed lunch, people who laid in bargains and cooked him own meal, some of student had patience to eat salty boiled rice. Recession would be serious with our promotion. Some students lost his physical condition because of their part-time job in the middle of the night, one of students’family would be badly off, and remained same class for another year, one after another. Deflation recession was issue to close us. That was why; I did not allow that my professor who had a house in Tokyo and his annual income was XX million yen and above crack those saying.
He had dedicated his XX years life as a English teacher of high school. He taught last at newly established XXXX Highschool. He did best at his position. He made XXXXX club and put a plan that international exchange to highschool of XXXX nearly himself. He refused medical treatment for prolonging life and he was hospitalized at hospice of XXXXX hospital when he knew that he was afflicted with XXXXXX cancer, and he had no hope of recovery. Just before his death, professor asked him the question kept in his mind when he went to see him. "Why did not you go to foreign countries?" He wondered that XXXX who worked hard did not go foreign countries in spite of mates in same year played an active part at foreign countries. He closed his eye, and murmured a word. "I simply didn't want to use Narita Airport" Professor did not say anything and made deep bow to him as same as enter then he left. It was two days before his death, and it was last meeting. Government use execution by riot police as a measure of violence at construction of Narita airport. If so, all the more opposition movement should be nonviolence. It was decided defeat of the movement when they opposed to violence by violence. For the state, for the nation, for the company, politicians and executives said easily. Though, Had they taken responsibility those words? How did they take those responsibilities? Who did give their life for action and movement in themselves youth? I did not affirmation his past action. But I praise for his life, which give life for belief.
Do the world’s wilderness areas need to be better protected? (2007-3) (40minutes, 200words)
People have been destroying the world’s nature. Without destroying something, our society wouldn’t be formed. However, while we could get something, we have lost many things. From this view point, I would like to mention those samples.
To begin with, we lost some species of creatures. For example, we can’t see Japanese wolf anymore, and still many have been dying. The world consists of biodiversity including human beings. If the balance of the diversity was lost, we will not able to live.
Secondly, indigenous people live in the world’s wilderness. Sometimes, city people don’t hesitate to intrude their lives and get their right away by force. To my regret, some indigenous peoples have died out. They may die out easily from an ordinary illness which they don’t have immunity against.
Thirdly, each wilderness has a lot of beautiful sights. With irony, their beautiful sights have been disappearing for their beauty. Some sightseers left their needless things to the area. So, we have to think of ecotourism more earnestly.
Considering those samples, we need to protect the world’s wilderness harder. Under the severe situation of increasing population, it will be a difficult task. But, if we continue to ignore the problem, we may lose ourselves.
【Essay topic】 Do you recommend attending a school for studying English on not? For example, person who wants to get Eiken Pre-1 grade should attend a school or not.
【265words】 I strongly recommend that you attend a school for studying English. I have three reasons here ― to force myself to study further, to ensure time-efficicency, and to get motivated.
Firstly, ensuring enough time is one step to succeed. I applied to 50 sets of English lecture at a cram school for entering university. It cost me hundred thousand yen, expensive though, but by paying tuition, I succeeded in forcing myself to study for a longer time. Some people can become proficient in English all by themselves, others who even go to conversation schools of English fail to. I think the reason is they do not learn by themselves when they are not in the school.
Secondly, it is , in general, more efficient to be taught by teachers than to study by oneself. All tests have their tendencies, strategies to pass, and deadlines. Therefore I chose to take lessons and found their contents very satisfying so far. When I study alone, I do not know how to study efficiently.
Finally, going to school really motivates me. I unexpectedly made many friends who have the same purpose. Whenever I study with them at school, I can concentrate on more even if I am tired or sleepy. However, when I study at home, I can easily give up studying because of trifle reasons such as getting e-mail, being hungry, and feeling weariness.
Our societies have various types of schools from cram school to culture center. I think we should make the most use of them to achieve our goals successfully, in a short time, and enjoyably.
Agree or disagree: The use of nuclear power should be expanded. (2008-1) Demand for electricity Disposal of nuclear waste Global warming Price of oil Renewable energy Safety
Now people across the world confront with the shortage of resources. The entire consumption of every resource is increasing as the world population is increasing. That’s why I think you have to make the most of an efficient power ? nuclear power ? because the nuclear power is superior to others in many ways.
Firstly, it is said that you confront with global warming. For instance, thermal power produce a lot of carbon dioxide which causes global warming as it turns the energy into electricity power. However you don’t have to care about it in using nuclear power.
Secondly, some developing countries don’t have resources as well money. For example, Japan where there are a little resource can buy oil but some developing countries can’t buy oil, in addition they don’t have resources. Considering Price of oil, it is very useful and efficient to provide nuclear technologies in helping developing countries.
Thirdly, demand of electricity is infinitely expanding. In order to solve the problem, unless you choose the way of using nuclear energy, you must need a lot of resources which curtail global warming.
For those reasons, I agree with expanding the use of it although it has great risk. Every resource has its limit, in other words the earth has its limit. There is not aother the earth you can use. And so, you have to live efficiently like using efficient power.
「When people need to learn English vocabulary by heart, some prefer to use phrase books and others prefer to read foreign books. Which way do you prefer?」/ 【360words】
A phrase book is surely convenient for learning new words especially when preparing for tests. However I prefer to read foreign books when memorizing English vocabulary which I do not know. Reading foreign books has three advantages over using phrase books when memorizing. Words acquired by reading foreign books last longer in my brain. I can understand subtle meanings of words through reading. Reading foreign books is very entertaining.
Secondly, I can find similar-meaning words used repeatedly in one book ― for example, they are grin, chuckle, giggle, smirk, and simper. There are many words that represent "laugh". This enables me to discern the subtle differences these words have. However, if I use a phrase book, I will definitely have difficulty understanding such differences. Most of the phrase books have only definitions and one short sentences. So I can not compare the meanings of words.
Finally, reading foreign books is very entertaining for fun and instructive for my studying English. Harry Potter series, I read from the fifth to the seventh, was so interesting that I read every day and could finish reading them in only 10 days per volume. I met many new words on my way and I believe I learned most of them. On the other hand, if I use a phrase book, it will be so dull and tiresome that I will end up giving up it in mid-course. It is meaningless and a waste of time if I can not utilize it fully.
All things considered, I prefer to read foreign books when memorize English words in order to keep them for a longer time in my head, to understand their meanings deeply, and to enjoy studying English more.
Is society doing enough to deal with violent crime? (2008-2)
I think the number of violent crime depends on each society, so I want to focus on Japanese society about the question. Japanese society has been said to be peaceful and in fact the number of criminals is relatively fewer than most countries. I think there are three reasons.
To begin with, Japanese society has a law of banning weapons, especially guns. Some countries don’t have the same kind of law because it is very difficult to ban having weapons once weapons prevail into the society.
Secondly, a lot of crime is caused by the poor. In other words, the number of crime is directly proportional to the wealth of the society. From this view point, economic causes of crime are much fewer in Japan.
Finally, the influence of media is more related to the number of crime than you think. If you didn’t have any tools to get information on criminals, criminals would commit more crime and people wouldn’t care about it. Some laws may have been less strickter.
That’s why Japanese society is doing enough to deal with violent crime. However, nowadays it is not necessarily say that Japan is peaceful. I think it is the key to a peaceful society to keep three advantages mentioned above.
con・tem・pla・tive /k nt mpl t v, k nt mpl t v, t m / a 静観[観照]的な, 黙想的な, 黙想にふける. er・ro・ne・ous / r ni s, r / a 誤った, 間違った; 《古》 さまよっている. ex・ ・ber・ant a 豊富な; 生い茂る, 繁茂した; 元気のよい, 喜びのあふれた, 生きいきとした; 〈気力・健康など〉あふれる ばかりの; 〈想像力・天分など〉豊かな; 〈言語・文体が〉華麗な. cir・cum・spect /s rk( )msp kt/ a 用心深い, 慎重な, 用意周到な. 1) 3
bluff2 n 虚勢, こけおどし, からいばり(屋). de・f me /d -/ vt 中傷する, 誹謗する, そしる, …の名誉を毀損する; 《古》 侮辱する; 《古》 非難する. syn・di・cate /s nd k t/ n 企業(家)連合, シンジケート; 社債[国債]引受組合 [銀行団], シンジケート団, シ団; (協調)融資(銀行) 団; 新聞雑誌用記事[写真, 漫画]配信企業; 同一経営の 下にある新聞社グループ; 組織暴力連合, シンジケー ト; 【イタリア史】 《ファシズム体制下の》サンジカ スト同盟; SYNDIC の職[権限]; 《大学などの》 (特別)評議員会. v / d k t/ vi シンジケートを作る. vt シンジケートの下に置く; シンジケート組織にする bun・gle /b g( )l/ vt, vi へたに作る, しくじる; へまをやる〈up〉. n 不手際, 不細工(な仕事); へま, しくじり. ・make a bungle of… …をだめにする. 2) 1
dis・cour・age /d sk r d , k r ; k r / vt (opp. encourage) 1 …の勇気[希望, 自信]を失わせる[くじく], がっかりさせる, 落胆させ る. 2a 〈企て・行動などを人〉に思いとどまらせる, …にやめるよう説得する 〈from〉. b (…に反対して[…のじゃまをして])やめさせようとする, …はしないよう にと言う, 阻止する, 妨げる, はばむ, …に水を差す. vi 勇気[意欲]をなくす, 落胆する.
>>904 A: It's so sad that Jane and Kevin broke up. Maybe we could help them get back together. B: I don't think we should ( ) in thier affairs. It's none of our business.
I don't think <that> we- だったのか。なぜ、should not じゃないんだといまのいままで思ってた。
sus・cep・ti・ble /s s pt b( )l/ pred a 1 許す, できる, 可能な (capable) 〈of〉. ・facts not susceptible of proof 立証不可能な事実. ・This passage is susceptible of various interpretations. この一節はい ろいろな解釈が可能だ. 2 感じやすい; 影響されやすい, 受けやすい〈to〉. in・tr ctable a 御しにくい, 手に負えない, 強情な; 処置[加工]しにくい; 〈病気など が〉治りにくい, 難治(性)の; 【数】 多項式アルゴリズムが与えられない 〈問題〉. dis・cern /d s rn, d z / vt, vi 識別する, 見分ける; (目で)認める; 認識する. ・discern good and [from] bad=discern between good and bad 善悪を見 分ける. 〜・ible, 〜・able a 認められる; 認識[識別]できる. de・pl r・able a 嘆かわしい; 哀れな, みじめな; ひどい, もってのほかの, けしからぬ. 7) 1
tur・ret /t r t, t r ; t r / n 1 《大きな建物の一部としての, または大きな建物の角の上部に作り付け た》小塔. 2 【史】 攻城用移動やぐら《通例 車輪で移動させる木組みの四角なやぐら で, 高いものは 20 層もあり, 兵士・破城槌・いしゆみ・はしご・橋などを収容 した》. mor・sel /m rs( )l/ n 1a 《食べ物の》ひと口 (mouthful), 一片; 軽食 (snack). b ごちそう. 2 少量, 小片 (fragment); 取るに足らない人間, ざこ, チビ助. 3 喜ぶべき[耐えるべき]こと. vt (-l- | -ll-) 少しずつ分配する, 小部分に分ける. ves・tige /v st d / n あと, 痕跡, おもかげ, なごり, 形跡, 証拠; 【生】 痕跡(部); 《古・ 詩》 《動物の》足跡, 臭跡; [Uneg] ほんの少し. bar・rage1 /b r , d ; b r / n 【軍】 弾幕; [fig] 圧倒的多量, つるべ打ち, 連発; 【野】 連続安 打; 《フェンシング・馬術障害飛越などの》 (勝抜き)試合. ・lift the barrage 弾幕(砲撃)の射程を延ばす. ・a barrage of questions 質問攻め. ・a barrage of words 激しいことばの集中(攻撃). vt …に対して弾幕を張る, 激しく攻めたてる〈with〉. vi 弾幕砲撃をする. bar・rage2 /b r d ; b r / n 《灌漑などのための》河流せき止め工事 8) 3
re・it・er・ate /ri t r t/ vt 繰り返す, 反復する. in・cul・cate / nk lk t, / vt 《繰り返し》教え込む, 熱心に説き聞かせる. ・inculcate ideas in [into] sb [in sb's mind] 人[人の心]に思想を教え込 む. ・inculcate students with love of knowledge 学生に知識愛を教え込む. vac・il・late /v s l t/ vi 揺らぐ, 揺れる, よろめく; 気迷いする, 逡巡する, ためらう, 二の足 を踏む〈between〉. cog・i・tate /k d t t/ vi, vt 考える, 熟慮する〈on〉; 工夫[計画]する.
gal・lant a 1 /g l nt/ a 勇敢な, 雄々しい, 騎士的な; 〈船・馬など〉りっぱな, 堂々たる. b 《・英古》 華美な, 派手な, 飾りたてた. 2 /g l nt, g l nt, g l nt/ 婦人に親切な, 慇懃(インギン)な; 恋愛の, 色 事の (amorous). the honourable and gallant member 【英議会】 …閣下《軍人出 身議員に対する呼称》. n /g l nt, g l nt, g l nt/ 《古》 当世風の紳士; しゃれ者; やさ 男, 色男; 情人 (lover); 勇ましい男. play the gallant 色男を気取る, 女性に言い寄る. v /g l nt, l nt, g l nt/ vt 〈女性〉に色男気取りで付きまとう, …とふざける; 〈女性〉に付き 添う; 《廃》 〈扇などを〉気取って扱う. vi 色男を気取る; 〈女と〉ふざける〈with〉. m・mi・nent a 差し迫った, 切迫[急迫]した, 今にも起こりそうな; 《古》 張り出し ている. fla・grant /fl gr( )nt/ a 極悪の, 目に余る, はなはだしい; (悪名)隠れなき, 名うての; 《古》 燃えさかる cel・i・bate /s l b t/ n CELIBACY; 《宗教上の誓いによる》独身主義者; 独身者. a 独身(主義) (celibacy) の.
dis・tract /d str kt/ vt 1a 〈心・注意を〉散らす, そらす, 転ずる (divert) 〈from〉. ・Don't distract him from his studies. 勉強から彼の気を散らすな. b 気晴らしさせる. 2 〈心を〉悩ます (perplex) 〈with〉; 混乱させる, 狂わせる〈with, by, at, over〉. ・His mind is distracted by grief. 彼の心は悲しみのために乱れている. 3 《不和で》分裂させる. a /, / 《古》 気の狂った (distracted). fa・cil・i・tate /f s l t t/