>>2 If Mary had just listened to what Francis equated with caring and concern, and had spent a fraction of the time helping relieve his work-related stress that she did shopping for flowers and gifts, Francis would have been overwhelmed by her thoughtfulness.
>>3 blah: people say blah, blah, blah, when they do not want to give the exact words that sb has said or written because they think they are not important or are boring
They said, ‘Come in, sit down, blah, blah, blah, sign here’.
>>33 For all its superior brilliancy, その際立ったきらめきにも関わらず it is so far away それはとても遠いところにあるので [ that its light requires 230 years その光は230年かかる [ to reach us ] ]. 私たちの所に届くのに
@so A that B=BになるぐらいA=とてもAなのでB、で強調構文ではありません。 it is A that Bの強調構文は「BなのはAである」の様な意味になります。 Aso〜that〜、の構文と言います。that以下が、so+形容詞、に繋がっているのです。 Bso far=そのように遠い、away=離れて、のように、遠くて離れている、の様に捉えればいいと思います。
>>30 In no other city is the number of traffic accidents so large [ as it is in Tokyo ]. The number of traffic accidents is not so large in any other cities [ as it is in Tokyo ]. のinです
His failure made him all the more intelligent. He became all the more intelligent because of his failure. と言い換えられます。 all the A for B =BのためかえってA です
A marker is sometimes placed in front of the person who is next in line to deal.このnextは形容詞で副詞的用法のto dealがnextの範囲を限定しているという理解でよいでしょうか?意味は目印が次に配る人の前にときどき置かれるとわかるのですが。宜しくお願いします。
>分詞構文の質問なんですが、 >頭がing(現在分詞)、またはed(過去分詞)で始まる文で、 >edの場合は受身の意味になり、 >その場合、頭にBeingが本来あって、それは省略されてる、と参考書に書いてあります。 > >そうなると、受身ではなくingで始まる方の例文にBeing tired, he took a rest(疲れたので彼は一休みした)って文があるんですが、これはedから始まる受身の文とも解釈出来るって事ですか? > >=疲れさせられたので、彼は一休みした > >正しいですか?
They considered more than just the amount of land covered by trees. They also considered forest density, tree size, biomass and the amount of atmospheric carbon captured in forests. The biomass represents all plant and tree growth.
Do you like chocolate? It is made cacao beans, which contain polyphenol. According to some reseach, this chemical substance reduces blood pressure, improves blood flow, and is effective against stress. Why don't you eat chocolates for your health.
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to our concert today. Each member of our school band has practiced very hard for it. In the first part , we will play some pieces by Mozart and Tchaikovsky. After intermission, we will play numbers from Disney movies , jazz and some Japanese popular music. Most of them may be familiar to you. Please relax and enjoy our performance to the full.
和訳の添削をお願いします Clusius fueled their curiosity by being very secretive and protective of his bulds. →クルシウスは彼の球根を隠し、保護することで彼らの好奇心をあおった
Just a short time later, one famous sale is recorded at which a single bulb was sold for the equivalent of US $2,250 plus a horse and carriage. →その少しあとに、ある有名な販売は〜〜だと記録された
He fueled our anger by behaving in a selfish and arrogant manner. →利己的で無礼なふるまいのせいで、彼は私たちの怒りをあおった
A car accident has been reported in which 3 people were severely injured and 3 people were killed. →3人が重傷で、2人が死亡した車の事故はずっと報じられている
>>80 Clusius fueled their curiosity by [ being very secretive and protective of his bulbs. →クルシウスは彼の球根を隠し、保護することで彼らの好奇心をあおった
Just a short time later, one famous sale is recorded [ at which a single bulb was sold for the equivalent of US $2,250 plus a horse and carriage ]. →その少しあとに、1個の球根が米ドル換算で2250ドルと馬一頭馬車一台の代価で売られた有名な販売が記録されている。 その少し後、2250ドルと馬と馬車で1個の球根が売られた有名な販売の話しが会ったことが記録されている
He fueled our anger by [ behaving in a selfish and arrogant manner ]. →利己的で無礼なふるまいのせいで、彼は私たちの怒りをあおった
A car accident has been reported [ in which 3 people were severely injured and 3 people were killed ]. →3人が重傷で、2人が死亡した車の事故がこれまでに報じられている
A marker is sometimes placed in front of the person who is next in line to deal.nextは副詞句in line を修飾する副詞で、to dealはlineにかかる形容詞的用法で、lineは不定詞の意味上の主語で正しいでしょうか?
仮定法過去について質問です。 通常、If+S+Vの過去形,〜なのが仮定法過去ですが、 例文等を見ると、「If I were rich,I could buy that large house.」となっています。 ここでの主語は「T」なので、Xの過去形は「was」になると私は思ってしまっています。 どうして「were」なのかどなたか回答お願いいたします。orz
>>70 Do you like chocolate? It is made from cacao beans, which contain polyphenol. 強調構文ではない。Itはchocolateを指す。 whichはcacao beansを先行詞とする関係代名詞の継続用法。 強調構文でthatやwhichの前にコンマが入ることはない。
>>76 1、私は2時間後に空港に向けて出発します I'll set out for the airport in two minutes.
2、彼がパーティーに着くまでに、ほとんどの客は帰ってしまった Most of the guests had gone out by the time he arrived at the partty.
3、私は先日、子供のころにあそんでいた公園に行った Yesterday, I went to the park where I used to play as a child.
4、喫煙が健康に悪いことは何年も知られていることだ It has been known for years that smoking is bad for health. 5、仕事を全部終えたら、休暇を取ろうと思ってるんだ I'm thinking of taking some day off when I've gone through the work.
6、ごぶさたしております。このあいだまで私は九州にいました Excuse me for my long silence/Excuse me for not writing to you for so long. I was in Kyushu until quite recently.
子供は早く寝なければならない [Children / early / go to bed / must]. それをしなくてもいいですよ [have to / don't / You / do it]. マリはすぐにドイツ語が話せるようになるだろう [Mari / soon / German / speak / be able to / will]. 食事の準備をしましょうか [the meal / cook / Shall / we]? まさお君はもっと多くの本を読まなければいけないようになるだろう [Masao / more / books / have / to / will / read].