Henry Poole is well known for the first and the oldest tailor in Savile Row. When I thought I would have a suit made to measure in Savile Row, one of my friends who is an expert of custom suits and a member of a Gentlemen's club in London recommended me to choose Henry Poole. Then, I contacted to Mr. George Glasgow in G.J.Cleverley and asked him to introduce me to Henry Poole. This is the third order in Henry Poole and it is the new three-piece suit in 2-button. The material is gray striped super120's wool by Edwin Woodhouse in Huddersfield. Through two fittings, the suit was delivered this March. To tell the truth, I ordered typical three button style but result was different. However, I've got tired of the same 3-button jackets so I immediately accepted 2-button style. Henry poole's fitting is a bit different from the same British tailor as Fallan & Harvey. Poole 's jacket strikes wearers as grasping both shoulders from back but Fallan & Harvey's jacket makes an impression on stepping on the shoulders. I like both but I've understood that every tailor has their own way for fitting. Next time, I will order a Jacket & trousers.
What of revolution? Here the balance of achievement and cost is less haphazard, though still far from rational. The four great revolutions of modern times(the American, the French, the Russian and the Chinese) though all erratic in their movement towards social progress, in the end, I believe, justified the relatively small amount of violence required to fulfill them. But today, can we still look to revolutions as the chief means of social change, and as a useful means, whereby great change can be achieved at relatively small cost?
In some exceptional instances, yes. But, as a general rule, it seems to me that the conditions of the contemporary world have removed the feasibility of revolutions in the old sense. There are several reasons for this. One is that the power of weapons in the hands of the ruling elite makes popular uprisings, however great is the base of support, a very dubious undertaking. The other consideration, and probably more important, is that revolutions like wars no longer can be contained. They almost always involve one or more of the great nations of the world, and are either crushed by an outside power (as were the Hungarians in their revolt) or are prolonged to the point of frightful massacre (as the revolt in Viet Nam was met by the intervention of the French and then the Americans, and as the revolt in the Congo was stymied by Belgians and other forces). The Cuban revolution was an oddity; it was able to subsist because it brought into the picture not one but both the two leading world powers.
宜しくお願いします。ウインドウズのエラーメッセージです。 A fatal error occurred. However,mscorees.dll could not be loaded to display the appropriate error message.Please reinstall the NET Framework
A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. IRWL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps: check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed. If this is a new installation, ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need. If problem continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use Safe Mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select Advanced Statup Options, and then select Safe Mode. Techinical information: *** STOP:0×0000000A(0×5D5E0000, 0×000000FF, 0×00000000, 0×81C216D8) Collecting date for crush dump... Initializing disk for physical memory. Dumping physical memory to disk:100 Physical memory dump complete. Contact your system admin or technical support group for further assistance.
A certain girl was given by her parents to a young man in marriage. She did not care for the youth, so she refused and said she would choose a man for herself. Shortly after there came into the village a fine young man of great strength and beauty. The girl fell in love with him at first sight and told her parents that she had found the man she wished to marry, and as the man was not unwilling, the marriage soon took place. Now it happened that the young man was not a man at all, but a hyena, for though as a rule women turn into hyenas and men into hawks, the hyena can change itself into man or woman as it pleases.
During the first night the two newly married ones were sleeping together, the husband said: “Supposing when we go to my town we chance to quarrel on my road, what would you do?” The wife answered that she would change herself into a tree. The man said he would be able to catch her even then. She said that if this were the case she would change into a pool of water. “Oh, that should not trouble me,” said the young man, “I should catch you even then.”
“Why, then I should turn into a stone” replied his spouse. “Still I would catch you,” remarked the man.
Just at that moment the girl’s mother shouted from her room, for she had hear the conversation: “Keep quiet, my daughter, for it is thus that a woman tells all her secrets to her man.” So the girl said no more.
Next morning, when the day was breaking, the husband told his wife to rise up as he was returning to his home. He bade her make ready to accompany him a short way down the road to see him off. She did as he told her, and as soon as the couple were out of the village, the husband turned into a hyena and tried to catch the girl. She turned into a tree, then into a pool of water, then into a stone, but the hyena almost tore the tree down, nearly drank all the water, and half swallowed the stone.
Then the girl transformed herself into that thing which the night before her mother had managed to stop her from betraying. The hyena looked and looked everywhere, and at last, fearing the villagers would come and kill him, made off.
At once the girl turned into her proper form and ran back to the village.
the researchers noted the difficulty of devising such a study but settled on one in which 86 healthy participants, 15 to 90 years old, were asked to perform tests in which they estimated the amount of time needed to draw a clock and the duration of a neurophysical evaluation they underwent.
Just wanted to tell you regarding your (キャラA)(キャラB) fandom that there has been set a celebration date for the two lovers the 8th of July by us western fans ^__^ spread the love!<3
And i meant it when i said i'd be yours for a lifetime And i felt it when you told the words backwards was such a crime And I realized that your mind all made up you weren't gon' change But your heathache will burn every night thinkin' of me You can hold onto your every word Coz the way you're talkin' oh its so absurd
"Sorry," the hardest word in the English language to say, has been said by Australia to its Aborigines.
And already the bickering has begun. How do we undo 200 years of cruelties? How much money will Aborigines demand in compensation? And will all the apologies simply divide the nation and set in train a legacy of bitter disputes?
The "sorry ceremony" is the first legislation enacted by the new Labor government of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd. It fulfills a contentious election promise and sets a fast reformist pace that will mark, or mar, the Rudd administration over the next three years.
This girl that I liked walked up to me during lunch break, along with her friends following her. I was very nervous already -like I always am with girls- and could tell from the heat on my face I was heavily blushing, which made me even more nervous. To add to that, her friends were laughing behind her shoulders, so I smelled something fishy right away.
The worst thing that has ever happened to me then occurred. Never in my life have I felt so miserable. She looked at me with a grin on her face, and told me that first off she never liked me, and was just playing with me for a laugh. Then, she added that I was ugly and that no one would ever want to be with someone like me. Behind her, her friends were laughing and capturing the whole scene with their camera phones (so yeah, it was probably planned from the start, all to have a big laugh at me)
I didn't even know how to react, so many people were around and looking at me that I just felt I was going to fall unconscious. I walked out of there mechanically -I was barely able to think- as quickly as I could with tears I was hardly keeping and went to the bathroom to CRY. I hadn't cried for years and there I was, in the fucking canteen's bathroom crying.
I'm a fucking loser and I hate myself SO FUCKING BAD. I hate girls and I hate humans. They rob you of every single piece of self-esteem you have for their own self-enjoyment. How the fuck am I supposed to go on with life when people are so horrible?
If your talking about the address, you just got to msn like normal and find some icon that says 'Add contact' What do you mean by, if you should give application to a messenger?
Self-enhancement or overconfidence in this peer comparison task is indexed by the degree to which,on average,such percentile rank estimates exceed 50%. Some of the skills and characteristics participants considered were “ego-engaging” and career ?significant.
Self-enhancement or overconfidence in this peer comparison task is indexed by the degree to which,on average,such percentile rank estimates exceed 50%. 50%の国民は自分が金持ちであるか貧乏であるかもわからないかわいそうな存在である Some of the skills and characteristics participants considered were “ego-engaging” and career ?significant. その状況で”わがまま”を押し通せる人たちがこの国を支配する技術を持っているといえるのである
'Cause I don't have a clue what to say, Thinking about the world and how I changed
All alone, who am I ? Hit a wall, won't stop me !
Oh ! I wish that I was strong.
Yeah I wish that I strong. You got it ! You got it ! Don't lose it ! The walls are caving in. I'll try to keep you strong. 'Cause the world is moving on...
>>71 三年の歩み Walking of three yearsはダメ。 しかし、作品によるし、どんな構成なのか、どんなスタイルの見出しに死体のかにもよる。 例: Events/Activities for last 3 years/over 3 years Events 2001-2003 (From 2001 to 2003)
God who is idiot created mankind that is the worst defective product and foolishly, he let mankind praise himself. God is such existence. 神様ってのは、最悪な欠陥品たる人間を作り上げ、あまつさえ賞賛させるようなバカ。 そんな存在。 ↑これで合ってる?
これお願いします (especially BrE) when a vehicle or its driver reverses or the driver reverses a vehicle, the vehicle goes backwards: [vn] Now reverse the car. [v] He reversed around the corner.
>>1 Let's say there's a road on which all vehicles have to go from right to left. If you're driving your car from left to right on the road, (because you're under influence or for whatever reason) can you say that you are "reversing" your car on the road or your car is "reversing"? Although your car is going in the opposite direction against the flow of other cars, your car isn't going backwards.
Since February, 2008, we have been educating people around the world about the dangers of (A) and it's various front groups.
In North America and Europe, we have enjoyed great success. The mass media in America no longer hesitates to report on (A), or to ask serious questions about it's goals. And the trial of several high-ranking members in France on charges of Fraud proves that their support in Europe is small.
Our success was mostly due to our origins in Internet sub-culture. Young activists with technical skills are the ideal messengers to inform the public, because they can take advantage of the freedom and flexibility of the Internet to spread their message into popular culture.
In Japan, however, people still don't know exactly what (A) is. They take advantage of that situation to infiltrate Japanese society and grow in wealth and power.
To stop this, we must spread information about (A) to the people who can use it best. Like us, they must be the technically skilled sub- culture which uses the power of the Internet. That is why, on August __, we will be at __. If you want to keep Japan safe from (A), join us, and help educate the public.
>>88 Thank you. >>80 というわけで、reverseに逆走、逆行の意味はないそうです。あくまで、バックで進むという 意味しかない。逆走や逆行を表したいのなら、"driving in the wrong direction" や "against the flow of traffic" を使って表現するとのこと。
>>90 In 2ch's jargon, マルチ, which also can often be written, like マルチポスト doesn't mean what you intend to mean by it. マルチ means a post which is also posted in another/other thread(s). It's considered rude because it shows a poster who does マルチ doesn't trust a person who's going to answer his question in one thread. Yeah, you posted plural posts here but they are posted only here (if I'm not wrong) so they aren't マルチ in 2ch's jargon.
Show me all kinds of reasons and love shoot me wit my problems start to get up wake up ride HELL'S KITCHEN life 君はどうしたい? I'll show what we saw what we felt what we world we won't let you down
educate is a dificult word to translate. The most common translation of the word is 教育する, but I'd say in some contexts, it has a wiff of arrogance. It's OK to use 教育する when you educate children or people at lower positions than you, but in other contexts, using 教育する doesn't sound the best. So in the translation above, I didn't use 教育する. Instead, I used other words/expressions while the translation reflects what you mean to say in English.
Show me all kinds of 全ての種類の理由と愛を見せてくれ reasons and love
shoot me wit my problems 俺の抱える問題で俺を撃ってくれ (witはwithかな。) start to get up 立ち上がりはじめる wake up ride 目を覚ましride(乗る?) HELL'S KITCHEN life 地獄のキッチンの生活 君はどうしたい? I'll show what we saw 俺たちが見たものを示してやる what we felt 感じたのものを what we world (←意味不明) we won't let you down 落胆させはしないぜ。
宜しくお願い致します。経緯としては、私が日本は規制され放題だと言った直後の返信です。 dang thats stupid well the mayor of staten island new york he does not allow staten island to be in any game like GTA IV
hey bro have you seen any new 2010 supras out where you live??? just want to know how they look in person have seen some pics they look pretty sweet...thanks bro later...
When Bill Bond, the principal of Heath High School, heard the first shots ring our, He ran from his office to the lobby, just in time to see the leader of the prayer grope, Luke Fallon, confront Michael, demanding to be told why he was shooting at people. By that time, Michael had put the handgun down on the floor. Michael turned to Luke and pleaded, “Please, just shoot me!” Instead, Bond hustled Michael into his office and turned him over to Ron Kilgore, his academic adviser at Heath. Teachers came running to help the injured, and those who knew what to do began to pump chests and blow into the mouths of students who had stopped breathing.
He was sort of a Dutch-German guy, and he worked very hard, and he was serious about everything he did.
という文です。これはアメリカ人が自分の父親について語っているのですが、Dutch-Germanのうまい訳がわかりません。 彼は1920年代の生まれで、この父親は1890年代の生まれです。ドイツ系の姓をもつ人ではありますが彼の家系がアメリカに来たのは18世紀で彼の父親で7世代目だそうです。 なのでGerman guy ならまだわかるのですがそこにDutchとつける理由はなんでしょうか?Dutchとはオランダをさすのでしょうか?
Once this decline was started on a significant scale,it is exceedingly easy to see (on my way of looking at the matter)how the mere fact of a decline precipitated a further decline,for the high level of profits began to fall away,the prices of commodities inevitably declined,and these things brought with them a series of further consequences. this decline has continued down to the present time,and so far as fixed investment is concerned,the volume of new investment must be today,taking the world as a whole,at the lowest figure for very many years.
We've heard your father was a stubborn fellow, a Republican among Democrats.
Yeager: He was a very honest guy. And his word was law. He was a Republican, and he believed in it, and he didn't particularly care for Democrats although the Democrats in West Virginia were in the majority. But he was that way. He was sort of a Dutch-German guy, and he worked very hard, and he was serious about everything he did.He didn't have to sign a piece of paper,his word was his bond.
134ありがとうございます。 あともうひとつお願いします。 But the argument is not easy,and Icannot claim that it is yet part of the accepted body of economic thought. いまいち訳してみてもしっくりきません。
142助かります。ありがとうございます。 So far as fixed investment is concerned,the volume of new investment must be today,taking the world as a whole,at the lowest figure for very many years. これも訳していただけると助かります。よろしくお願いします。
--- 前後を読んでみたけど、thatが何を指すのかよくわからなかった。 when he is eligible to return, July 3 in San Diego をthatで表す ように解釈したけど(そんな用法があるのか知らんが。形式主語itで表すような 感じでthatを使ってるのかな、と思ったけど、自信ない。)
>>1 Would you explain what New Joyzee and nightzez are? I can guess New Joyzee was something like a pun. Maybe the driving to his home is fun to him, joy is used? What is this "ziz" at the end of night?
お願いします。 We wanted to let you know about a recent issue with your Picasa Web Albums account. As a result of a bug in our email notification system, some links and titles to unlisted albums and photos in your account may have been inadvertently sent to a limited set of other users -- those listed in your account as "Fans". This involved unlisted photos only -- no 'sign-in-required to view' photos were involved. We fixed the issue within hours of identifying the problem.
To help remedy this bug, we have reset the unique web addresses for all albums that may have been affected. This helps ensure that these albums are inaccessible to anyone that attempts to view them using the outdated web address. If you would like to re-share these albums, please do so by clicking the "Share" button while viewing the album.
We're sorry for the trouble this may have caused. Although this issue only affected about 0.05% of Picasa Web Albums users, we want to assure you that we have treated this issue with the highest priority.
The Picasa Team
Some photos from the following unlisted albums may have been affected, so they have had their web addresses reset:
Actually, "Joyzee" is a phonetic spelling of the New Jersey accent. That area of the US has a particular accent, and they say "New Jersey" as [noo joy-zee]. I think he's being ironic, and making fun of his own local dialect.
As for the "ziz" part, there's two possibilities. One, he's using a type of 'street slang'. I don't know the name of it, but it adds that sound into the middle or end of words (ie. "house" becomes "hizouse", "shit" becomes "shiznit").
Two, he's trying to sound like the character "Gollum" from "Lord of the Rings". If you listen to his speech, he adds an "iz" sound to some words.
Thanks for your purchase on our site. Sorry that we don't have 商品名 in stock now,would you like to change it for another item with similar price? If so,could you tell me whcih one? Waiting for your fast response,
>>172-173 Thank you for the detailed explanation. I didn't imagine one is from the local dialect and the other even has two possibilities. I think I showed you the way to ask someone in 2ch to post on behalf of you when your ISP is blocked. This is the thread where you can ask someone there to post in whatever thread in 2ch. http://ex24.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/accuse/1246185858/
This thread is very fast so if the thread is over, you need to search for the next thread. http://ex24.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/accuse/1246185858/ If you aren't thinking about using this option, just ignore what I'll write below. The below is the rule when you use the thread. The blow is the template you have to follow when you ask someone there to post instead of you.
【依頼に関してのコメントなど】 I recommend you write よろしくおねがいします or something like that here. 【*板名】Type the name of the board where a thread belongs, such as 英語板 【*スレ名】 You copy and paste the title of the thread in the board. 【*スレのURL】 Copy and paste the URL of the thread. 【名前欄】 If you want your name field to be blank, don't write anythink here. 【メール欄】 If you want your post to be "sage" in the thread then write "sage" here. If not, make this field blank. 【*本文:ここから下にコピペして欲しい本文を入れて下さい。この下から本文としてコピペします】 Here, you write/copy and paste what you want someone to post instead of you. Keep in mind that you don't write anything but what should be posted in this field. ------------------- <Note> When you post in the thread, you have to type in "fusianasan" without quotations in the name field. That way, your IP address is shown and they confirm if your IP is really blocked by 2ch. If you don't want anyone to know your IP address for some reason, you can't take advantage the thread in the first place.
Don't forget to say thank you to a person who post on behalf of you after you make sure what you want to be posted is successfully posted by him/her.
we apologize for the delay. We have been doing inventory in our warehouse, and it looks like we ran out of the size and styles you ordered. We can refund you right away, but we wanted to see if you had a 2nd choice first. Sorry for the inconvenience,
Your order has been updated to the following status. New status: Payment Received Please reply to this email if you have any questions.
registなんて単語ないみたいだけど。その日本文ではすごい怒ってるみたいだけど、 英文はpleaseとかついてるし、普通よりだいぶ丁寧な言い方だと思う。決済する っていうのがよくわからなかったんで、New status: Payment Received の recieve paymentを使って書いてみた。
Why on earth did you receive my payment when you run out of the size and styles in the first place? そもそもサイズと型がないのに、なぜ、paymentをrecieveしたんですか。 I don't really undersatand. 本当わけわかんない。 You should've checked inventory before my order status was updated. 注文のステイタスがアップデートされる前に、在庫チェックすべきでしょ。 (Only an asshole would ignore the process.その手続きを無視するのはアフォくらいだ。) Give me a (fucking) refund right away. すぐに返金せ。
Why on earth did you receive my payment when you run out of the size and styles in the first place? You should've checked inventory before my order status was updated. Please refund my payments right now. It is regrettable.
We will get a price for the postage cost and be in touch . We are stock tacking at the moment so we will be able to send out next week if the prices we get you are agreeable.
Hello, I received your online order however we are only able to process international orders by paypal. Please provide me with an email in which you have linked to paypal so that I can send you an invoice. Thank you
ROD I'm NOT getting defensive! What do I care about some gay guy you met, okay? I'm trying to read.
NICKY Oh, I didn't mean anything by it, Rod. I just think it's something we should be able to talk about.
ROD I don't want to talk about it, Nicky! This conversation is over!!!
NICKY Yeah, but...
NICKY (お前がホモだとしても)俺はそれでも、ここにいるぜ。(ルームメートをやめて出て行ったりしないぜ。) ROD ニッキー、俺は本を読もうとしてんだって。 NICKY 毎年毎年 ROD ニッキー! NICKY なぜなら、お前は俺にとって大切だし ROD まったくもう。 NICKY それにお前だって ROD 何だ? NICKY 俺のことを受け入れてくれるだろう。 ROD 俺が?
ネトゲーでフレンドになった人からこんなメールが届きました よろしければお願いします M2AF my last 4 days seein ya'll hopfully we will meet again. goin back to America next month then im signing a 4 year contract to join the Army, idk when ill b bac but it was cool talkin 2 u guys/gals u can delete me if ya'll want. 軍隊に入るけど云々〜?
>>211 NICKY もし俺が今日こう言ったとしたら。「よお、あのなあ、俺はゲイなんだぜ!」 (でも俺はゲイじゃないけど) お前と一緒にいられるだけで幸せ。 ROD High Button Shoes, Pal Joey... ここ意味わからない。 NICKY お前が男とベッドで何をしようが、俺に何の関係があるってんだ。 ROD ニッキー、気味の悪い話しなんかすんな。 NICKY 気味が悪いなんてことがあるか。お前がゲイなら、俺は歓喜の声をあげるだうよ。 ROD お前の話なんて聞いてないぞ。 NICKY そんでもって、ここに留まるし。 ROD La la la la la! (話が聞こえないようにlalalalalaって言ってるのかも。 あるいは、同調してきてlalalalaと楽しげにハミングしてるのかも。わからん)
Sara-Conner-Chronicles(American TV-Drama) from Season2-Episode17
at John's room. John is researching or looking up something with PC. Cameron enters his room and talks to him. ※John is young-man(16-years) ※Cameron is a woman-type robot.she is protecting him. ※Derek is John's uncle(he is protecting John,too) ※Kaliba is one place.(?donno?) ※Skynet is one computer-system.
(つづき) 1 C:What are you doing? 2 J:I'm looking up a restaurant address. 3 C:Are you hungry? 4 J:Yeah,but,uh...this is actually for Derek that kaliba lawyer he's been tracking. The guy's got a booth reserved there. 5 C:Not an ideal location for Derek to acquire his target. It's underground,and according to this,crowded with freindly people. Hard to dispose of the body. 6 (John seems to have been surprised.) J:I don't think that's gonna be neccessary. Derek's just gonna follow him and grab him and press him about kaliba. 7 C:To see if it's connected to Skynet? 8 J:Exactly.it's going to be neccessary. 9(She is becoming silent for a while.) C:I'll make you a sandwich. 10 J:Wait.Why? 11 C:You're hungry. 12 J:Why don't we let hungry be my problem? 13 :Sometimes it's nice to have help. 14 J:How's the hand? (※Cameron's right-hand was out of order,but she mended it by herself.) 15 C:Not a problem. 16 J:Aren't you supposed to be really good at self-repair? 17 C:Yes. 18 J:But sometimes it's nice to have help. 19 C:Yes. 20 J:Well...I'll make my own sandwich.←これが落ちです。なんでこうなるの?
ネトゲで外人にラグを指摘したらこんなメールが届きました よろしければお願いします I tell you short history of lagging. When i started playing this game about 2 years i think, it was fun and is still fun, at that short moment i was getting killed a lot of times and i was trying to do my best, but then i got really pissed and realised that something is wrong cause i couldn't kill my opponents,and then i heard a word LAGGING. I found out that during the game players were lagging. --YOU MAD3 ME LAG SO MY FRIEND don't blame me,blame the guy who invented LAGGING and move on with your life.
move on with your lifeは、人生につらいこととか不都合があっても、そこで 立ち止まらずに、受け入れる部分は受け入れるなりして、先に進んでいこう、みたいな意味 だろう。日本語に訳すと大げさになるけど、本文の箇所は「そういうことで、よろしくーー」 とか、「あきらめてくれな」みたいな軽いノリでも訳せるかもしれない。
Why don't we----? で何かを「提案」する表現になる。 Why don't we have dinner with me? 「僕と一緒に夕食を食べない?/一緒に夕食でもどう?」 「なぜ、私たちは一緒に夕食を食べないの?」の意味ではないことに注意。 もちろん、Why don't we ----?で文字通り、「なぜ、私たちは――しないの?」と なることもあるけど。
letはここでは let+目的語+動詞の原形で、目的語を動詞させる、みたいな感じ。 I'll let him drive my Porche. なら、「私は彼に私のポルシェを運転させてあげる。」 動詞が本文のようにbe動詞の場合は、「〜の状態になることを許す[許可する・認める]」 みたいに訳すのがいいのかもしれない。辞書チェックしてみて。
で、let hungry be my problem なら、「腹がすいていることを、僕の問題に することに許可する」みたいな感じ。前に、Why don't we がついてるんで、「腹がすいていることを、 僕自身の問題にするってことにしない?」と、直訳ではこうなる。
hi _____, sure we ship worldwide, the postal costs to japan are not cheap and it takes around 2 weeks to reach you! payment can be made via paypal so if you want to purchase just go ahead and order and in the postal options just choose "worldwide" or america or australia thanks, carl
And so the mighty General Motors, now nicknamed Government Motors, was pushed into bankruptcy. Rattner and his allies in the investment banking and bankruptcy-law industries insisted it could unfold in 60 days and that a new GM would rise from the ashes, phoenix-style. But the odds were against it working. U.S. bankruptcy law had never applied to a global corporation, one with thousands of suppliers and dealers.
Yet it wasn't Rattner's fault, nor that of the Obama Adminstration, high oil prices, Toyota, fickle consumers, the recession, or high labor costs. Whose fault was it? The answer: everyone's.
It was a very busy day last Friday on the Row. I had a lot of fittings to do and the weather is far too hot. When I escaped for an hour I met my old business partner and friend "Boycey" or better known to you as Edwin Deboise from Steed. We originally met when we were both cutters for Anderson & Sheppard and although we're only five miles apart we never seem to get the time to catch up. Needless to say after an hour in Starbucks we put the worlds to right.
I've not only been busy meeting clients on Savile Row. We also had a visit from Mr William Boehlke of "A suitable wardrobe " fame. He writes a very informative blog about his constant persuit of true bespoke. He dropped in with his lovely wife on the way to Scotland visiting a weaving mill. We fitted a couple of suits he's having made and we also found the time to eat well and enjoy a couple of pints.
If you remember earlier I designed some school blazers for Sportswear International. I tried my best to weave a little of the finer details of bespoke into a mass produced garment for youngsters. With the limited budget you can't perform miracles but you can hope for them and I'm delighted that it worked. So well in fact the first batch of blazers has completely sold out and they're busy trying to restock.
American Drama "Sarah Conner Chronicles" Season2よりターミネーターの悪夢から逃れられないサラ・コナーの 心中を独白している、とあるエピソードの冒頭部分です。 セリフというより、映像は別にあり、ポエムな感じで難しく。 サラ・コナーは寝るたびに悪夢を見ていて寝汗びっしょりな感じで このエピソードの後、入院し睡眠療法を受けてます。
(つづき) 01:Midnight is the witching hour. 02:If you believe that kind of thing. 03:And most people won't admit it if they do. 04:Midnight is the time when a door opens from our world. 05:Into the next,and we are visited by the dark spirits of the shadow lands. 06:The incubus,the succubus,the old hag. 07:Visitors are known by many names,but each story bears the same marks. 08:The demons come after midnight in the first three hours of the new day. 09:When we are alone and vulnerable,deep asleep and helpless,when we cannot move. 10:They lay on us,press on us,suffocate us,take from us what is most precious. Our lives,our love,our sanity,our sleep.
The first mode is based on the variety among animals,e.g.as to sense organs,some being more keen sighted than others,some having a more acute sense of smell. Thus,it would seem that when confronted with the same objects, they have different impressions. On what basis would preference be given to one impression over another?
The second mode has to do with differences among men, on the assumption that, faced with the difficulties of first mode, one retorted that the impressions of men are to be taken as normative. But are men so much alike? Some men sweat in the shade and shiver in the sun; some go a long time without water, others not.
First copy the key above.Then go into the folder called RCT3 and run the setup.when it asks you for the key just paste it (Ctrl V) Once the intalation is done go into the folder "Crack" and copy the file "RCT3" (Not the "RCT3Plus"). go to the directory C:\Program Files\Atari\RollerCoaster Tycoonョ 3 and paste the file it should replace the one already there. This Crack allows you to play without a CD in the driver.
Next is installing the expansion packs
Go into either RCT3 Soaked or RCT3 Wild folder and run the setup inside. Once the setup is done, install the other expansion pack. Now that both Soaked and Wild expansion packs are installed go to the folder "Crack" once again. You will see 2 files one of them is called "RCT3plus" Copy that file and go into the directory C:\Program Files\Atari\RollerCoaster Tycoonョ 3 and paste it and it will replace the existing one. when all of this is done you can a fully activated, CDless version of Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 with both Wild and Soaked packs.
Hope you enjoy this game and please seed after wards.
As baseball's popularity continues to grow around the world, so too does its presence in Europe, where baseball is quickly evolving from an 'American' sport to an 'international' sport. In Germany alone, baseball's popularity among teens surpasses that of hockey and American football and is considered one of the top-ten favorite sports of German youths today.
The third mode is based on the differences between the senses:to sight,an apple is red;to taste,sweet,and so force. The eye finds dimensions in a painting which touch does not;some things are pleasant to taste and not to smell,and vice versa.
The fourth mode is based on differences of condition:things appear diffrently to us depending on whether we are well or ill,sleeping or awake,young or old,happy or sad,etc.
The fifth mode relies on the different customs of men with respect to what is beautiful or ugly,good or bad,true or false. A Persian father may marry his daughter while this shocks the Greek.
The sixth mode takes its rise from the fact that a color differs in moonlight,sunlight and lamplight;that a stone in water can be moved by one man,while two are needed to lift it on land.
The seventh mode proceeds by observing that in different positions and from different distances things appear differentry (e.g. the sun at rising, at noon, at sundown),and concludes that we never know them as they are in themselves.
The eighth mode notes how the properties of things are said to vary in quantity and quality:thus what is hot or cold is not absolute,but relative to us and our condition,as is the amount of wine which is healthful.
The ninth mode points out that things are called rare for subjective reasons. For some,earthquakes are rare occurrences,for others usual.
The tenth mode has to do with relatives of all kinds,and suggests that,since we can know them only with reference to something else,we cannot know them in themselves.
Sextus Empiricus devotes much times these modes,which he lists in a slightly different order than that of Diogenes Laertius whose order we have followed. Sextus feels these tropes are based on differences in judging subject,on variances in the object,or on both,and he groups the tropes accordingly.
02の「そういうこととは」魔の時間のような、「超常現象」というかそんなもののことだろう。 05 dark spirits of shadow landsの訳はどんなのがいいかわからなかった。shadowには「幻の」意味もあるあらしい。 All of this is a shadow world. これはすべて幻の世界だ Into the nextは4から続いている。from our world into the next (world)
07のmany namesてのは、The incubus,the succubus,the old hag. というような名前のこと。
08:The demons come after midnight in the first three hours of the new day. in は「----後」と理解する場合もあるけど、ここでは、「のあいだに」かもしれない。 三時間後ぴったりの時間に現れるというより、その三時間のあいだのどこかで 現れると理解するのが自然な感じがするんで。
お願いしますm(__)m well do speed run a little later if not another day but chapter 1-1 if you want a good time you have to play the level offline but I'll walk you through it.chapter 1-2 we can do together,it's real easy
よろしくお願いいたします。 All sellers must wait 14 days for their first disbursement to be initiated. In addition, checking account information must be on file for a full 24 hours before an automatic disbursement is initiated. Once the initial 14-day hold has passed, you may manually request disbursements as often as once every 24 hours, as long as 7 days have passed since checking information was entered.
Villages are not infrequent and Numazu,a semi-industrial city of nearly 40000 inhabitants,is located along the river not far back from the coast. The Fuji Delta-Fan,with its numerous widely scattered villages and network of roads,together with its mixed culture of pear plain.
Villages are not infrequent and Numazu,a semi-industrial city of nearly 40000 inhabitants,is located along the river not far back from the coast. The Fuji Delta-Fan,with its numerous widely scattered villages and network of roads,together with its mixed culture of pear orchards and paddies,offers even more of a contrast to the lagoon-plain.
As people became more sensitive to the rights and needs of invited and needs of individuals, it became necessary to change the words we use to discribe them.
The new attitude was summed up in the slogan: “Greed is good.” A ruthless attitude began to spread in business. The new heroes included “takeover merchants” and asset strippers, who forcibly took over companies by buying control of their shares and then broke them up to sell off their assets, such as land and buildings, and left their previous workers without a job. For the British salary man in his peaceful suburbs this was a new experience. Suddenly, after twenty or thirty years of steady work with the same company he could find himself made redundant, out of work. The fashion for “corporate management” spread, which in Britain seems more to do with extracting the maximum profits from an existing business by any possible means, rather than building up a business.
by the way: do you do record shopping in Japan?? In case you do, can i send you a small list with stuff to search for me?? これお願いします。状況としては私が出品者で相手が落札者です(個人間取りひきで、音楽好きなものどうしのやりとりととらえてください。)
訂正します。 >>263 The third mode is based on the differences between the senses:to sight,an apple is red;to taste,sweet,and so forth. The eye finds dimensions in a painting which touch does not;some things are pleasant to taste and not to smell,and vice versa.
The fourth mode is based on differences of condition:things appear diffrently to us depending on whether we are well or ill,sleeping or awake,young or old,happy or sad,etc.
The fifth mode relies on the different customs of men with respect to what is beautiful or ugly,good or bad,true or false. A Persian father may marry his daughter while this shocks the Greek.
The sixth mode takes its rise from the fact that a color differs in moonlight,sunlight and lamplight;that a stone in water can be moved by one man,while two are needed to lift it on land.
The seventh mode proceeds by observing that in different positions and from different distances things appear differentry (e.g. the sun at rising, at noon, at sundown),and concludes that we never know them as they are in themselves.
The eighth mode notes how the properties of things are said to vary in quantity and quality:thus what is hot or cold is not absolute,but relative to us and our condition,as is the amount of wine which is healthful.
I've always been a watcher and observer, trying to balance the writerly need to experience and the compassionate need to listen to stories and understand.
You know I just realised...this is the first time I'm seeing you without headband. And you know what? You look kinda funny. It's weird man, I knew something was odd. I mean, your forehead is huge, bro! I thought your hair was big, but damn! That's a four times, four times, forehead. That's what they mean when they say headquarters. You're a big headliner, a headmaster, a...
this huge issue cannot be improved, as long as everyone tries, because it is huge issue, so even someone try to improve it by oneself, it is not going to be improved.
here is some solutions
you should care about someone like, if i say this, what does she feel? kinda thing
we should learn world history, so we can learn many things like, why the human rights exists, why people war to get human right when we learn the world history, and then we can learn human rights.
>>345 I thought that I was ignored... (´;ω;`) or actually I did enough to be done. I'm sorry for that.
well,.... I got a new German girlfriend yesterday! yesterday was lucky day! → 7/7
she is German and 15 y.o and live in south Germany. she is very pretty! I'm going to meet her when I get into Kyoto!
well, ... I'm so happy!!
by the way, I watched Himeka on TV. you were talking about her though, I wasn't interested in her at the moment. but now I think she is really pretty!! though my girlfriend is as beautiful as himeka.
Grand Prize winner will be required to sign, complete and return a notarized Affidavit of Eligibility/Release of Liability and Publicity (where permitted) within fourteen (14) days of notification.
Thanks for the relpy.. I am looking around for old pick-ups but even in europe they are rare.. and you are right about the compatebility with modern equipment, but that does not count for all... for exemple the telefunken T1000, T 1001, T 1002 are all magnetic elements dating from the late thirties but with modern values.. output around 4.0mV 47kOhm. And they are very minature.. about 25 grams and the size of half a matchbox. I recently discovered a Philips element they made till the early fifty's that weights 150 grams.. with a very large horseshoeshape magnet.. Iam planning to make a complete vintage record player, preamplifier and power amplifier to the highest standard.. but examining two possibilities.. first is a germen solution.. (I have the schedule of a telefunken preamplifier for studio use..) or second recreate a marantz audio consolette but with some alterations for equalisation settings.. ( I hope you are aware of the diffirence between RIAA and the very many equalisation for electrical records before 1955?)
BTW I was a little surprised by the Japenese labels and pressings of polydor and Telefunken.. I was aware of the japanes grammophone company as I have a complete La Traviata of 1928 wich exists half of Columbia pressings of 1928 and half of later japanese pressings..
Gawker has called us the creative classes. But I don't think pill-popping is confined to just the artsy types. Dash Snow comes to mind. But it's rampant in CEO culture, with the wealthy, with those that have access and want to try new things. After all, pills are expensive, so pill-popping is for the rich.
Our culture pushes us to try the newest latest shinny object, weather it be tech, clothing, accessory or drug. Then again, aren't they all sort of the same thing.
I have not held a conventional job for years, and much of the clothing I write about is of marginal utility as work wear. That is because on the job clothes ought to be as close to a uniform as a man's personality will allow, which leaves little to write about. In the photos, the dandy Italian industrialist Luca di Montezemolo illustrates the point with monochromatic perfection. Gray suit, white shirt and gray necktie in the top photo. Blue suit, white shirt and navy necktie in the bottom. A man should keep it simple so others are focused on what he has to say, not what he is wearing.
We recognize that all peoples of the world have the right to live in peace, free from fear and want. We believe that no nation is responsible to itself alone, but that laws of political morality are universal; and that obedience to such laws is incumbent upon all nations who would sustain their own sovereignty and justify their sovereign relationship with other nations. We, the Japanese people, pledge our national honor to accomplish these high ideals and purposes with all our resources.
To call this a "green dream team" would not be putting it too strongly. But what about actual policies? With the fiscal crisis intensifying into an unemployment crisis (two million jobs lost so far) and threatening an era of prolonged depression, Obama has made it clear that everything has to be subsumed into the urgent task of rebooting the economy. Accordingly, all eyes were on the draft Obama-Biden stimulus package circulating on Capitol Hill earlier this month. The plan makes it clear that the US car industry will indeed be bailed out, not just to save jobs but to "ensure that the next generation of clean vehicles is built in the United States". Although most of the document deals with the nitty-gritty of tax credits, mortgage assistance and the like, a section on "Manufacturing and Green Jobs" restates the campaign-trail commitment to spend $150bn over ten years on clean-energy technologies, and commits to 25 per cent of electricity being generated from renewable sources by 2025.
But there is much, much more that needs to be done - and the danger is that a single-minded focus on the economy (even with the greenish-tinged stimulus package) will distract the new administration from other urgent tasks. The first of these has to be the creation of a US-wide "cap-and-trade" plan to limit carbon emissions across the American economy - something that Obama has repeatedly promised, but may run into problems delivering given the shakiness of the economy. "Special interests" provide jobs, too, after all, and existing lobbies always fight harder than fledgling ones. Recent EU experience is salutary - Europe's own cap-and-trade scheme has run into the sand because of industry lobbying, with the cement, car and coal industries using the credit crunch as a reason to demand - and win - a further round of free carbon giveaways. The European carbon cap is now so weak that the latest estimates suggest industry will be able to avoid any emissions cuts until 2017 simply by buying cheap overseas offsets.
Now the EU has dropped the ball on climate, America has to lead the way. After years of inaction, Obama really is our last hope. If the US gets serious about cutting its own emissions and speeding the transition to a clean-energy economy, then China too may feel impelled to move, breaking the international political deadlock. But the US has a long way to go – its own emissions have soared since Bush repudiated Kyoto back in 2001.
For its part, the US environmental movement is not short of demands. At the end of November, a coalition of 29 green NGOs published a 390-page document for the Obama transition team, requesting a 35 per cent domestic carbon emissions cut by 2020, better protection for the Arctic against oil drilling, policies to promote organic farming, a stronger focus on wildlife conservation and the restoration of science as the basis for environmental policymaking, as well as a whole host of other reforms. The problem will be balancing all these competing demands at a time when presidential attention is constantly demanded elsewhere – as the economy continues to slide and the war in Afghanistan intensifies, not to mention the crisis in Palestine.
But if even a small proportion of Obama’s rhetoric is translated into concrete action, then a new era really is unfolding. George Bush will be history. It’s a delicious prospect.
Your idea for an animated Project GA is an God saver but at the same time, an idea never even thought to happen...
-Everybody needs to remember that "Galaxy Angel" is not "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya"... What I'm getting at is, Galaxy Angel is not a widely known Project, it was a miracle that Galaxy Angel reached out to all our hearts, but the downfall of galaxy angel was maybe "Inevitable"... Yami, revisiting the topic about the GA project not being well know, your small petition or appeal do you actually think people will stand up? look at angel-tai... we and several others are the last known defenders, discounting the bots and trolls, a site that saw alot of attention in the past 3 years, now look... it's nearly empty... top contributors like you, Yami, GAtakito, xxangelchanxx, Greenninja, and a handful of others we all know"... we may be the only ones who know and/or follow galaxy angel...
Ok know im mad.ARE YOU FUCKING SHITTING ME?!?! MAYBE BECAUSE THE FUCKING ANIME AND MANGA WAS REALESED TOO THE USA SO OBVIOUSLY WERE GONNA BE INTERESTED IN THE FUCKING GAMES. I just cant believe you are telling us to drop galaxy angel just because we arent japanese. Go fuck yourself.
I still don't understand where the bounds go here... Takayuki, Galaxy Angel is not the only anime made in Japan and hosted by Foreign sites... -Administration has decide to "IGNORE" your outcries, and "USE" of this site will continue note and capitalized "WILL CONTINUE", not "DISOLVE", it will not "CLOSE" and it will not "STOP"!!! -And Takayuki reading on to what you just said, I'm really starting to think you're Racist against foreigners. you're racist against people out of your country... and that for one, is beginning to look like a crime..
In case no one has figured it out yet, there's a possibility takayuki is a troll (a bad one at that), so just ignore him.
Lol,you people don't follow much anime, do you realize how much anime failed by following a visual novel? The only good one i know is phantom of inferno and shuffle. If they make a anime based of the games were all going to be disapointed.
Angel-tai.com is at its all time low, I estimate 60-70 % of the registered users don't come here anymore let alone know this site exists, now galaxy angel is probably at it's crash point,
すみません、よろしければこれもお願いします 元スレ:ttp://jonigodoy.deviantart.com/art/Korea-VS-Japan-67669908 Illustration created for a videogame magazine, with regards to the new Korean wave, called "Hallyu". This new popular culture has been influencing to the whole world, including Japan, though this country is a superpower.
Raina didn’t really have anything either. And to tell you the truth, it was a pretty shitty apartment. I mean, the lock to the complex door didn’t work, and neither did the lock to our apartment door.
To be honest, I never cared about idols much. I like the product more than the maker, I guess. The only reason I like Himeka is because I'm happy to see another Canadian in Japan, who's breaking barriers and living her dream.
Thank you very much for returning the item. We will contact you after receiving your return parcel and refund the return shipping cost to you in form of our store credit.
Again, sorry for the inconvenience caused.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
Eight out of ten of its Senate endorsements won their seats (assuming Al Franken in Minnesota holds his razor-thin recount victory), while in the House 41 out of 54 LCV-endorsed candidates won their races. And then there is the new president.
Obama’s energy pick, Steven Chu, is a Nobel Prize-winning professor of physics and a strong believer in clean energy, light years away from Bush’s prolonged war on science. And the president-elect has even created a new post of “energy tsar”, where Carol Browner (who headed the Environmental Protection Agency during Clinton’s two terms) will have a broad brief to begin the decarbonisation of the US economy.
1 名前: アメリカヤマボウシ(東京都)[sage] 投稿日:2009/07/18(土) 18:09:44.89 ID:6GScw2yo ?PLT(16694) ポイント特典 http://img.2ch.net/ico/u_ocha.gif ジェイソン・ベイのブログ ttp://fullcount.weei.com/sports/boston/baseball/red-sox/2009/07/15/two-days-ill-never-forget/ Workout day. I run back in from the field to get sunglasses. Locker room completely empty except Ichiro stretching on the floor and his translator sitting on the chair beside him. Sow we make small talk, and I ask him where he lives in Seattle because I lived in the suburbs.
Well, I had barely got the last word out when Ichiro says something in Japanse. Then his translator turns to me, deadpanned and straight-faced and says, “I’m going to mess with your house.” The way he said it was malicious, and Ichiro is on the floor dying laughing like it was the funniest thing ever. I was just like, “OK, I’ll see you guys out there.” I didn’t know what to say. It was weird.
We have received written endorsements from Olympic organizations in Asia, Oceania, Central and South America as well as Africa, and will continue to spread all our positive news of global growth on every level as the summer goes along.
It did not strike her as in the least grotesque that she should be making of Robert the object of conversation and leading her husband to speak of him. The sentiment which she entertained for Robert in no way resembled that which she felt for her husband, or had over felt or ever expected to feel.
She had all her life long been accustomed to harbor thoughts and emotions which never voiced themselves. They had never token the form of struggles. They belonged to her and were her own, and she entertained the conviction that she had a right to them and that they concerned no one but herself. Edna had once told Madame Rationale that she would never sacrifice herself for her children, or for any one. Then had followed a rather hearted argument; the two women did not appear to understand each other or to be talking the same language. Edna tried to appease her friend, to explain. "I would give up the unessential; I would give my money, I would give my life for my children; but I wouldn't give myself. I can't make it more clear; it's only something which I am beginning to comprehend, which is revealing itself to me"
「Hello ○○○, I just wanted to say Hi, and congratulate you for your videos, I really liked them all. It's incredible to see how a beautiful girl like you has that talent, you seem to be very young, I think you should go to auditions for professional music training or something like that, in order to see you performe around the world. However, honestly I really liked your works.
Another thing I would like to tell you is that I think I'm falling in love with you, you are very beautiful. Though I have to say that we are far away from each other, I am from Mexico. I don't know why but I would like to talk with you. Do you an MSN Messenger account? in order to chat with you, see your pictures, etc.
I suppose that you're getting loads of "penpalship" (do you think that this word exist for real, or I just made it up?) requests, and I hope that you aren't already fed up of reading lots of "first letters"
I write about city this and country that quite a bit, and a reader wrote back asking me to discuss the relevence of city vs. country clothes in a time when a man in a country style tweed jacket may be dressed more formally than the majority of men on the street in a major city. Great question, and the simplest explanation is a single word: color.
Every man, even one whose wardrobe does not extend much past shirts and trousers, looks more natural in colors that are related to his surroundings. Most people, men and women alike, wear lighter colors in the bright light of summer, darker ones in the depths of winter, and black after the sun sets. It makes equal sense to wear greens and browns for a walk in the country, and grays and blues amidst concrete and stone.
Italian Wine Blue Moon Lit sky The night for 2 Spells Amore A river walk venice light with gentle breeze spells amore when you wake with the laughter the morning after spells amore amore for you I city view a table for 2 so high above spells amore from candle light brown eyes delight the time is right for amore when you wake with the laughter the morning after spells amore amore for you
The U.S. is seeking a uniform ceiling of 25 percent on all farm import tariffs. Tokyo, however, is looking to set the lowest tariff reduction rate before determining an average tariff cutback rate for all items. This would allow importing nations to maintain high tariffs on certain imports, including rice in Japan's case.
Some people who have seen the race feel that Dance in the Mood's loss may have in part been her jockey's error in judgement. Her jockey, Yutaka Take did not seem aware of the location of the Hollywood Park turf course finish line, and made a move that was just a little bit too close to the finish line to result in victory.
全文はこちらです。 2004 With the race under new G1 status, the field of horses had a diversified mix, the most notable horse being Dance in the Mood (JPN), a descendant of famed racehorse Sunday Silence. However, the favorite came up short.
By trapping Dance in the Mood at the rail and staying outside, Ticker Tape (GB) then drove past Dance in the Mood, and securing the win.
Some people who have seen the race feel that Dance in the Mood's loss may have in part been her jockey's error in judgement. Her jockey, Yutaka Take did not seem aware of the location of the Hollywood Park turf course finish line, and made a move that was just a little bit too close to the finish line to result in victory.
>>1 I'm not sure if I understand the last sentence. Did the jockey think that the finishing line is farther than it really is? He put out a last spurt too late because he thought the finishing line was farther than it actually was? Would you explain the latter half of the sentense?
That last part confuses me too. It's not very clear, but I think you're right. He tried to pass another jockey, or make some kind of manoeuvre, but he started it too late, and couldn't get far enough before crossing the finish line.
I think the original writer of that line could have been a little more clear, though.
Because the managemant of a firm dose entertain expectations about the future,each asset arrangement or plan of operation signfies a series of expected dividends including,as a "final dividend," the expected market value of the assets remaining in the possession of the firm on the horizon date. These alternative dividend streams, each associated with a different asset composition,may differ from one another, and management will value some more highly than others. The firm's valuation of each dividend stream is a subjective value and represents the value to the firm of a particular asset arrangement as a box of profitmaking tools. It is the inequality of these subjective values that enables the firm to select one asset arrangement in preference to others at any given moment in time. If the firm seeks to maximize profit, it is clear that the firm should select that composition of assets which, in the eyes of management, has the greatest subjective value.
アメリカから個人輸入したのですが、初めて購入するサイトから、メールが来たのですが、 お願いします。以下、原文 For customers using credit cards with a USA billing address, we can usually verify that the billing address is correct without the need for our customer to contact their credit card company. However, in your case we must verify that you are the cardholder for the following 2 reasons:
1. your address is international, we could not verify your billing address with the USA credit card office.
2. your "shipping" address is different than your billing address
For these reasons, we need the cardholder, who is yourself, to confirm that he is 1. the cardholder 2. approves of delivery to another address other than his billing address. The only way we can verify both criteria is for you to obtain the 6 digit code which is on file with your Mastercard for the transaction originating from The Tannery.
We have been told by mastercard that this is the only way we can protect the cardholder and our customers from fraudulent use of their card.
We thank you for your understanding, and hope this information is helpful for you to speak to Visa.
I'm sorry for leaving such a long text again, but can I get some help translating this into Japanese?
In this text, "CCHR" or "Citizens Commission on Human Rights" can be translated as 「市民の人権擁護の会」.
The Church of Scientology declares, explicitly, that all psychiatrists are evil. Through the church's front group, the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), the Church of Scientology has relentlessly attacked psychiatrists -- not for something they all do, but just because they are psychiatrists -- and, of course, "psychiatrists are evil" according to Scientology's dogma. L. Ron Hubbard has declared that the Great Evil in this universe, down through millennia, has been directed by and carried out by psychiatrists. Yes, he did say this, quite a number of times. According to Hubbard, all the evil in the world has been and is being caused by psychiatrists. As part of the Church of Scientology's hate campaign against psychiatrists, CCHR has "documented" a huge number of bogus claims, blaming psychiatrists for the Holocaust, for 9/11, for school shootings, and, well, for just about everything bad that has happened.
This group touts beliefs that have resulted in horrific tragedy. CCHR claims that mental illness doesn’t exist, that it is merely a construct of psychiatry and big pharmaceutical companies to sell expensive drugs. Scientologists will often eschew modern medical treatments in favor of the teachings of a science fiction writer who dropped out of college. Of course, money spent on doctors is money not being spent on Scientology.
The most high profile case in 2009 has been the death of John Travolta’s son Jett. Travolta’s wife, Kelly Preston, is a vocal opponent of psychiatry, and a CCHR representative. Jett died following one of the violent seizures he was suffering several times a week. He received no treatment for these seizures.
psychiatrists=精神科医 or 精神分析医 I don't know which word is better althgouh I used the former word.
For people who don't know anything about Scientology, they don't know what "a science fiction writer who dropped out of college." means so I added (サイエントロジーの創始者)meaning, the founder of Scientology (if I'm not wrong.)
Explain that as useful as manuals can be, the most effective way to find a solution is to ask someone online. マニュアルはとても便利「ですが」、一番効率的なのはネットで聞くことです。 この文での as useful as can be は、「とても便利ですが」程度のニュアンスでしょうか?
I saw an ad of Scientology in NY Times website. I couldn't believe my eyes. Maybe it doesn't matter as long as they pay ad money. If I didn't know anything about the organization, I wouldn't gave felt anything odd about their ad on such a top class news paper. Maybe Anonymous's work is getting prevasive, at least in me.
>>545のAs useful as manuals can be=Although manuals can be useful と考えるのは愚か。前者はマニュアルは(その目的に合ったように)役に立つ、と いってるのに対して、後者はいわば「役に立たない」、といっている。 つまり、同じ局面での話ではない。
>>555 どういう意味での不愉快なのかこれだけでは分かんないけど、例えば、 If I upset you, I apologise. If I made you feel uneasy, I apologise. If I made you pissed off, I apologise. (口語) If I made you cheesed off, I apologise.(口語)
I 'm raedy to confirm the purchase about these items but i would like to know some informatons:
- THe cost of shipping to ITALY (Europe). - If you are agree to make a " track & Trace " shipping way parcel. - If you are agree to put clarity on the parcel the value of the content in " Japan YEN " NOT DOLLARS to avoid any confusion at customhouse in ITALY.
While i 'm waiting an answer i thank you for the attention
すみません、宜しくお願いします。 He won the 5th International Bach Competition. という英文の場合、「彼は・・・で優勝した」という意味になると思いますが これは必ず第1位の優勝を意味するのでしょうか? 例えば第2位の人や他の入賞者でも上記の英文をそのまま使うことは可能でしょうか?
Dans une pluie reguliere, j'ai ete en couches. Io non raggiungono invece, non puo toccare, sei lontano. Dovrebbe essere abbandonato, ma mi piace ancora andare. Ich mochte belohnt werden nicht? Der Schmerz nicht erreichen, die hots fur Sie.
1. Nothting happens until now. 2. Do not look down on others only because he is younger than you. 3. Can I see that gray sweater? And the white one beside? 4. I can see a monkey jumping over roof to roof. 5. We hurried to the station in the same way that most of others did.
When it's not possible to meet, we just meet each other. We look like lovers who are younger than 20 years old. Though I've thought it was good for a long time associating as a friend, now, I am surprised at the depth of my desire only by doing so here. MOON CHILD of just start... Perhaps, all of anything surrounding us doesn't change, but... Tonight, two of us are MOON CHILD It would be better to be able to do surely well. Baby, kiss me again, Cause We're the MOON CHILD.
Despite the public importance of this case, the proposed consent judgment would leave uncertain the truth of the very serious allegations made in the complaint.
"leave uncertain the truth of..."となっているのは "leave the truth of... uncertain."だと"the truth of..."の部分が長すぎるので 語順を変えたのかなと推測したのですが、実際はどうなのでしょうか。
The Moon enters your very sensitive, psychic sign on Friday and remains there until Sunday afternoon. So this is truly a Pisces weekend, Sister Neptune! You'll actually love Friday, despite a little temporary water retention (watch out for the salty fries and margaritas) and get a little sweaty workout in to release some of the bloat. You're in a musical frame of mind.
If someone says, "Concert!" or "Dancing!" you are so there! It won't take much temptation to move you out of the house and into a more glam, escapist, sensual world. You belong in theater, indie movie theaters, or on stage. You've got stars in your eyes all weekend. This also upgrades your chances for some pretty juicy romantic encounters, you lucky Fish! Saturday morning and afternoon are more of the usual same routine stuff. You kind of go through the motions, performing tasks you could do blindfolded. Your mind is thinking about escape, better times, romance, and of course, music. Saturday night might not be as spectacular as you'd hoped. You'll be busy or be called away to help someone. You're a sucker for a sob story, which is one of the reasons we love you. Sunday calls for a morning walk, run, bike ride, climb or swim. Don't just sit there wondering what happened to your butt and thighs, Work 'em, baby!
The arms have been used before, both with and without the crown of St. Stephen, sometimes as part of a larger, more complex coat of arms, and many of its elements date back to the Middle Ages
The Coat of Arms of Hungary was adopted in July 1990, after the end of the Socialism regime, although it has been used before, both with and without the crown (headgear), sometimes as part of a larger, more complex coat of arms, and many of its elements date back to the Middle Ages.
The only way to really find out if sunspots and solar wind are playing a larger role in climate change than most sciencets now belive would be to significally reduse our carbon emission.
長いですが誰か訳してください。 according to the sample which sent in advance of the shipping. If the goods are packed,one exemplar of the packing list shall be put inside and one outside the package under plastic or metallic cover.If the goods are not packed,the packing list shall be handed over with the goods. The packing list shall be typed in English or Japanese and one original authenticated on the backside with the stamp of your Company shall anyway be sent by separate mail to EJ. EJ will give the shipping instruction before the contractual delivery date as far as preliminary packing lists are issued by supplier in conformity with instruction.
>>629 I don't have anything on which my address is written in English. So instead, I'll send this as the attachment of this e-mail. I hope you accept this file. Thank you.
Partsrange is VAT registered and all items are sent with a VAT Invoice but all items INCLUDE VAT. Please contact me regarding postage quotes if you are located out side of the UK. This item will be sent on a 2 to 3 days delivery. If paying by cheque please allow us 1-2 weeks to allow cheque clearance and make Cheques made payable to ○○Thank you
Yes i can ship to japan but the shipping would probably be really exspensive. If you would like you can give me of zip code and i can figure the shipping for you?
海外の通販サイトからのメールなのですが翻訳お願いします Thank you for contacting Play-Asia.com. I am sorry to hear about your problem. Is the duplicate game still newand factory sealed? We can accept your return for this time. However, wecan only refund the product cost in the form of store credit afterreceiving it. Besides, we would need to charge about US$5-10 restockingfee if the game is opened. If it is alright, please kindly reply. Wewill give you the instructions on returning. Thank you very much! If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Best regards,
Recently, when I went to greet a friend arriving on a Japan Airlines flight from Tokyo, it was pretty funny to see that 99 percent of the Japanese passengers were wearing face masks. After weeks of the Japanese media making a huge story out of the swine flu (which is a very small story here) the assumption was that by wearing a face mask you would be somewhat protected.
One week after that flight arrived we were all having dinner in Honolulu. The total number of flu cases in Hawaii was five, and the number of Japanese flu cases had just jumped to 133 overnight. Had anyone actually looked at the data, it would have been easy to see that most of the people catching the flu were young, and very few were over 50 years old. In addition, face masks don't really make a difference -- and there was more danger in Japan than Hawaii.
It's not that I don't agree to use caution when traveling abroad. In general, your body is vulnerable after changing time zones and when you come off of an airplane that has bad recirculated air. Nor am I not worried about the outbreak of an international plague. Yes, it is, and could get, very scary. My point though is not about how to avoid the flu, but rather how you shouldn't believe everything the Japanese media tells you on television and live in fear about everything around you.
Notorious for creating "a mountain out of a molehill," the Japanese media, in its endless search for exciting material to fill up television time, has been known more than once to mislead the Japanese population. Sensationalism, which in most countries is considered "rumor" or "scandal," is on Japanese television nightly as "official news." On the other hand, the Japanese media, very conscious of the advertisers that support the programs, will occasionally NOT run certain stories for fear that those clients will pull their advertising off the air and they will lose their revenue. Many years ago I was in Tokyo when a Japanese "news" network had gone to a major American city to film the police make a "real" arrest of a rape in progress, but when there weren't any rape incidents after a week of waiting, they decided instead to stage an arrest with actors, so they could show the Japanese public "how dangerous America is." I'm sure that everyone that saw the finished program believed that America was in fact, a very scary place.
The Japanese media has for years created propaganda that makes everyone believe that everywhere and everything else outside of Japan is unsafe and dangerous. This has created a society of Japanese that are easy to exploit and afraid to move freely about the planet. The truth will set you free, and that's the last thing you want people to have if you want to keep control of their minds.
>>665 "Height and legs" Many Japanese anime characters look slight and their heights and measurements are designed to cater to the Japanese market.
"Bow-legs" It is said that the bowing is acquired after birth and the Japanese people tend to grow up with bowed legs because of our lifestyle. Some Japanese, however, have beautiful legs. Way back when kimono was our standard dress code, they used to properly straighten out their bowing as they grow. On the anime "Keion", everyone's legs seem to be slightly bowed.
"Head to body proportion" Usually, Japanese anime characters are 5-7 heads high. A too thin or too tall character might strike viewers as cold, even if the characters’ face is cute and amicable. >Hard to explain 「萌」… Despite of the fact that many tall and cool characters gain popularity, the most important thing would boil down to this word, “friendliness”.
>>665 "Color of eye and hair" Anime characters are painted in every color of the rainbow. Different colors are used for different characters simply because coloring makes it easy to visually discern each character and also describe their personalities. Adding to that, it is helpful for a viewer to remember a character, combined with the color allocated to him/her. Unlike novels and comics, which are silent and static, in animation, the characters move actively on screen, so they need to be distinguished by color. Also, sometimes, the color adopted for a character might have particular meanings. Let's take an example: "Usagi Tukino" from Sailor moon, a famous Japanese anime for teenage girls. Her dark blue eyes symbolize night sky and her yellow hair means full moon. Others except for regular characters in the same anime, on the other hand, are depicted not to stand out too much, by painting their hair all in black or blown. On the other hand, there is a counterexample. We have "Touch", a popular romantic comedy and baseball anime by Mituru Adachi. In this anime, the characters are not color-coded. It's not a lack of personality. Because of the fame of mangaka Adachi, people automatically zero in on his blockbuster. The important thing is if a viewer can figure out it’s his work at first glance. I heard that Adachi and the animation company and his fans all couldn’t care less about coloring.
There is an anime where the main character has blue hair and his twin brother has pale purple, his classmate has pink and the homeroom teacher has blond, although all of the characters are set up as Japanese. This trend is ongoing partly because the coloring process has become incredibly easy in full color by using digital media. There were some anime titles with rather offbeat coloring even in 70s.
>>665 "Skin color" It's highly unlikely that Caucasian's skin color turns brown to that extent by exposure to sunlight. It gets more reddish or pinkish. (Refer to the picture attached) You might have seen some American middle-aged women who make a habit of going to tanning salon have white stains dotted on their skin. The amount of melanin pigment contained in the Caucasian people is extremely low. Even though they are referred to as white, the skin looks rosy rather than white, because capillaries in their body are nearer the surface of the skin. Races in East Asia also create a low amount of melanin pigment. Their capillaries, however, are running through more inside of their skin, so their skin color is less affected by blood vessels. In other words, it should be called the standard skin color. The term "yellow race" is named by American based on their subjective view. Whether the skin color of Japanese should be taken as yellow or not is still disputing. People with white skin actually exist in Japan, or rather, in Northern Japan.
>>665 "Eye" When people see westerners with deep and clear double eyelids, they tend to mistakenly understand their eyes are large. The adult human eye-ball is generally about 25mm in diameter. Everybody has a similar eye size irrelevant to their body size or race. Babies' eye is about 17mm in diameter, slightly growing afterward. On the contrary, the eyes of two-dimensional characters are large itself. It's about 50mm in diameter. Their double eyelids are expressed just by a few short strokes. You might find it if you look closer. Hidden double eyelids? Refer to the picture. This is a common type of eyelids among Japanese.
"Double eyelid and Mongolian fold of anime character" It is said that about 70% of Japanese have Mongolian folds. It might be good for men, because it would make their eyes look sharp. On Japanese anime characters, the red parts of the inner corners of the eyes are usually ignored. The obvious double eyelid like westerners’ eye is not seen in Japanese anime. ttp://blog.emelnopeia.com/images/062.jpg Barbie seems to have the western type of eyelids. Her height and face was designed in the image of Japanese so that we feel a bond with her, as opposed to the concept of Rika. ttp://www.liccacastle.co.jp/news/img/news/080321_3b.jpg
>>665 "Nose" In the profile of the Japanese anime characters, as an idiosyncratic point, the bridge of the nose is drawn with a stroke that curves inward toward the face. Such a measure is adopted because their nose is low overall, as opposed to the top of the nose. Can it be taken as Caucasian nose? When you look at it from a view directly in front of the character, the top of nose is simplified, because of the small nose. It can be concluded that the nose bridge of anime characters is low, even if the top is slightly higher. And this feature would apply to Japanese rather than Caucasian, who has a high bridge nose. In Japanese anime and manga, the nose is most popularly represented with a few simple strokes, or just omitted if need be.
"Mouth" 各人種の頭蓋骨によるEライン(先天性遺伝) ・黒人は口元が前に飛び出してる骨格 ・黄色人は丁度真ん中に口元がくる骨格 ・白人は口元が完全に引っ込んでる骨格 日本のアニメ、ゲームで使われるのは黄色人種型です >Not clear what the Eラインmeans… Japanese teeth tend to be ill-aligned. Here are a couple of possible examples. 1. Japanese don't take it for granted that they undergo orthodontics, even if they have a snaggleteeth. 2. Japanese are in favor of eating soft foods. (Biting hard foods can help growing jawbones while soft foods might result in inadequate development of jawbones) These problems are not congenital and stem from the Japanese lifestyle.
>>665 "Profile" アニメキャラは横から見ると鼻根が高いからコーカソイドだとか言う人が居るんですが 専門系に通う人に聞いたところあれは横から見た際の輪郭→耳→頬→鼻すべての表現らしいです 鼻根に見えるところはおそらく頬 2Dという世界でA地点(耳)からB地点(鼻)までの奥行きをだすための表現だそうです つまり丸い断面に対して目の位置を横にずらすことで耳から目までの距離、目から頬までの距離、頬から鼻までの距離 を表現できます 連続性がないアニメ特有の横顔と言ったところでしょうか >I can imagine. I can’t even understand more than half the time.
"Head size" Here is a list of idiosyncratic points of Japanese anime characters. 1. Large and wide eyes, covering about 50% of their face. 2. Large iris. 3. Small and simply portrayed nose (almost deleted) 4. Flat faces. 5. Larger head ratio to body (5.7 heads high) 6. Slim arms and legs. ・骨格や立体性が希薄 >I don’t understand this sentence. ・頭部がやや大きい >It seems me that this line is mentioning the same thing with 5. From Wikipedia 画像を見てわかるように横長で大きい >The subject is omitted. “What” is wide and large? The outline of the face must be wide enough to draw large eyes. The mouse and the nose are very small so that the eyes can command more attention.
"3D characters in a 2D world" 連続性のある3Dフィギュアをみてみよう >Meaning not clear. You can see the nose is simply portrayed and the facial structure is rather flat, and the head ratio is large. It is often said that anime characters look like Caucasoid in profile. But actually their nose bridge is not so much high but low, or rather, flat. That point contradicts the traditional theories of Japanese animation.
Sounds like you are majoring in animation at a college. Excellent report. Even though there are some parts I left unchanged, don’t blame me. I guess it would cost more than 10 thousands yen if you hire a professional translator.
hey dude, i saw yo check out my profile. Great that you like hip-hop, but you might not know this, but i will tell you you just dissed my culture in your profile etenicity you have japanes and Hispanic/Latino Nothing about black/african.
You ned to study more of the history. I grew up in hip-hops arms when it started in the boogie down bronx. When they would turn a street into a party. when DJ flash and the furious five would do a free concert in the street.
I wanted to travel as far away from Thornfield Hall as I could. I travelled fof two days and nights until at last I arrived at a place where there were no towns or villages and few houses.
The following items have been packed and are ready for despatch.
1 x Felt F4 SL 2009 Gloss Grey 52cm 1 x Wiggle Complementary Bike Tools -
They will be picked up from Wiggle within one working day and should be delivered to you 1-2 days after that. As these items have now been processed we are unable to cancel or amend them. Should items be despatched that you wish to amend or no longer require, please wait for them to arrive, then refer to the returns section of the website. Complete all the required information and send the goods back to us.
By the way, ●●(私)-san, would you write someone if you know you won't be able to understand that person's reply? To say the truth, after I posted my ad on the forum, a self-proclaimed japanese housewife started to send me mails, since they doesn't look suspicious I've been answering back her messages (I think it's a her), but it doesn't look like she's actually reading them or she doesn't understand them... to say the truth, it's more like she's speaking to herself... what do you think about it?
Gauge: 17 stitches and 19 rows = 4"/10 cm in 1 X 1 rib stitch with two strands held together
A note about gauge and finished measurements: this hat is worked with two strands held together throughout and is meant to be worn stretched out to fit snugly on the top of the head. Unstretched, the finished circumference will be considerably smaller than average adult head measurements.
Instructions: Cast on 64 stitches with two strands held together. Place stitch marker at beginning of round. Work in 1 X 1 rib stitch (*knit one, purl one*, repeat from * to * until end of row) until hat measures 9"/23 cm from cast-on row.
Begin shaping top of hat as follows:
Top Row 1: (work 6 stitches in rib patt, knit 2 together) 8 times--56 stitches remain Top Row 2: (work 5 stitches in rib patt, knit 2 together) 8 times--48 stitches remain Top Row 3: (work 4 stitches in rib patt, knit 2 together) 8 times--40 stitches remain Top Row 4: (work 3 stitches in rib patt, knit 2 together) 8 times--32 stitches remain Top Row 5: (work 2 stitches in rib patt, knit 2 together) 8 times--24 stitches remain Top Row 6: (work 1 stitch in rib patt, knit 2 together) 8 times--16 stitches remain Top Row 7: knit 2 together 8 times--8 stitches remain
Do not bind off. Cut yarn leaving a tail approximately 12"/30.5 cm from knitting needle and thread the end through the tapestry needle. Insert the tapestry needle into the last stitch in the row purlwise and thread it through all the stitches on the dpns. Remove each dpn slowly as you thread through all the stitches on that needle. Pull the yarn taut forming a circle. Tie the yarn off.
Pom-pom: you can use a Clover 2 1/2" pom-pom maker or do it yourself by wrapping the yarn around a stiff piece of cardboard (or something similar) about 3”/8 cm wide. Wrap the yarn around the cardboard until the pom-pom is the desired thickness. Cut yarn about 20”/51 cm from the cardboard. Thread the end of the yarn through the tapestry needle and wrap it three times around the center of the pom-pom loops, pulling them taut. Pull the pom-pom off the piece of cardboard. Make a strong, tight knot in the yarn wrapped around the center of the pom-pom. Cut the ends of the pom-pom loops and trim to form a round ball. Attach the pom-pom to the top center of the hat with the tapestry needle and yarn.
In early previews, Pete Hines was said to have stated that "the humans going up against the mutant occupiers were mercenaries working for the Talon Corporation. " However, it is most likely a previewers mistake, and Hines mistook the military term "company" as being the business term "company".
the fact that she is seeing someone else is not "personal unpublic" information. its already out there. in fact, its already been printed as of last week. the fact that you had not seen that the information had been made public yet is not my problem. i'm not putting anything out there that wasn't already out. i've known for weeks she was seeing someone new but decided to not say anything until it was already out there
But he crowded the current a little so that he was still fishing correctly though faster than he would have fished if he was not trying to use the bird.
“THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA”を読んでいるのですが、ここで引っかかってしまいました。 so that、though、ifの関係が理解できず、意味が読み取れません。
hey will you please help me out and perfer me as a player if you do that send me a message back saying you did and i'll perfer you back as a player thanx for the help
Baalthus Vane: Our banner flies ever glorious, undefeated we stand, steeped in victory. The Iron Phalanx, six thousand strong, our ever-honed blades, the Tiger's gleaming claws. Pride of the Empire, Scourge of the Vraii, masters at Turonium, and Kai-Vorg. Smiters of the Southern Host, routers of the Horde, Bane of the Over-King, we march to war!
And so, the Emperor himself rides to rendezvous with Baalthus Vane, accompanied by his sorcerous aide. The Legion of the Ebon Tiger reaches Gul-Kothoth at dusk on the fifth day of their march from the fields of Kai-Vorg, halting upon the great arid plan which stretches before the city, the huge dust cloud sent up by their massed arrival obscuring the dying embers of the setting sun. As the vast army begins to make camp, arraying their splendid tents and banners, and assembling their gargantuan siege-wagons, the Emperor stands gazing at the huge brooding walls and colossal cyclopean gates of the city-fortress before him, vowing that a torrent of red slaughter shall befall Gul-Kothoth, regardless of any sorcerous trinkets the Vyrgothians may possess, and that the Over-King shall pay dearly for his sublime arrogance. And twelve leagues distant, an army of five score and ten, bearing the Obsidian Crown, approaches the city...
(To be continued in Episode IX, including the chapter "The Wizards Do Battle")
>>734 I received the invoice from you for the item. But the shipping cost in it is quite different from what I confirmed in your e-mail. Please correct the shipping cost as $100 that you e-mailed.
>>724 the fact that she is seeing someone else is not "personal unpublic" information. 彼女が誰かと交際しているという事実は,皆に知られていない個人情報ではない.
its already out there. in fact, its already been printed as of last week. これはit'sのタイプミス? もうすでにばれているよ.実際,もうすでに先週活字になっているよ.
the fact that you had not seen that the information had been made public yet is not my problem. その情報がすでに公表されていたということをあなたがまだ知らないという事実は,私にとって問題ではない.
i'm not putting anything out there that wasn't already out. 公表されていないことを,私は何も公表しようと思わない.
i've known for weeks she was seeing someone new but decided to not say anything until it was already out there 私は数週間前から,彼女が誰か新しい男とつきあっていることを知っているが,そのことが公表されるまで,何も言うつもりはないと決めていた.
Short laser pulses propagating in media with retarded optical nonlinearity undergo a continuous frequency downshift, a phenomenon which is readily understood in the spectral domain as the Raman amplification of the l ong-wavelength part of the spectrum leading to the depletion of its shortwavelength wing.
主語[Short laser pulses [propagating in media with retarded optical nonlinearity]] 動詞undergo 目的語[a continuous frequency downshift](= a phenomenon)
同格, a phenomenon a phenomenonの説明[which(a phenomenon) is readily understood in the spectral domain] [ as the Raman amplification of the long-wave length part of the spectrum leading to the depletion of its shortwavelength wing.]
We now show that, in the waveguide regime, t his effect may lead to interesting and significant consequences, competing with a redshift of optical solitons induced by the Raman effect and giving rise to a electric density blueshifting of highpeak- power solitonic features of the laser field.
>>754 Since this document is very long, please read it when you have a time.
>>753 You can find Bus Terminal on the first floor of Nishitetsu Kurume Station. There, please take the bus #9 for "Takenoko", and get off at the last stop.
Bus Centerでもいいけど,ググるとほとんどが日本のバス案内なので,Terminalにしました.
Thank you very much for your kind words! I've been able to sleep recently, so I'm feeling fine. You don't have a cold, or haven't had any trouble sleeping recently, have you? Is everything okay with you?
涙はつらい時じゃなくて、いつか幸せになる日のためにある この文章を翻訳にかけると Tears it is not time when are painful, and exist for the day when it becomes happy some time. と出たのですがもう少し短くシンプルに表現することはできないでしょうか?
You are all welcome to join SW3 - then we can be safe and grow
I would like to move things along as a Blood Alliance - strong alliances who will protect each other and attack common enemies jointly
Blood Alliance should be CLS [SW3] and LOLWUT
|SB| later or now I don't mind
If you don't know World 3 formed a Blood Alliance from 3 of the top alliances and rule the world - one - Gummy misbehaved and got targeted otherwise it was succesful
the man and his wife get home. they are tired and hungry.
wife:I want to have a big dinner. (a big dinner comes out of the box.) man:well,well! this is a wonderful dinner. I went to have some good wine with it. (they find a big bottle of wine on the table.) man:what else can we get from the box? can we wish for another dinner for tomorrow? wife:on,no.be careful.it is going to be our last wish. man:you are right.Let’s go to the going to be our last wish. man:you are right. Let’s go to the king and ask him about it tomorrow.
[15:41:22] andreaの発言: Februalia, January 30 - February 2: The ancient Romans had a festival for nearly everything, and if you were a god, you almost always got your own holiday. Februus, for whom the month of February is named, was a god associated with both death and purification. In some writings, Februus is considered the same god as Faun, because their holidays were celebrated so closely together.
The festival known as Februalia was held near the end of the Roman calendar year -- and to understand how the holiday changed over time, it helps a bit to know the calendar's history. Originally, the Roman year had only ten months -- they counted out ten months between March and December, and basically disregarded the "dead months" of January and February. Later, the Etruscans came along and added these two months back into the equation. In fact, they planned to make January the first month, but the expulsion of the Etruscan dynasty prevented this from happening, and so March 1st was considered the first day of the year. February was dedicated to Februus, a god not unlike Dis or Pluto, because it was the month in which Rome was purified by making offerings and sacrifices to the gods of the dead.
At any rate, because of the association with fire as a method of purification, at some point the celebration of Februalia became associated with Vesta, a hearth goddess much like the Celtic Brighid. Not only that, February 2 is also considered the day of Juno Februa, the mother of war god Mars.
Februalia was a month-long period of sacrifice and atonement, invovling offerings to the gods, prayer, and sacrifices. If you were a wealthy Roman who didn't have to go out and work, you could literally spend the entire month of February in prayer and meditation, atoning for your misdeeds during the other eleven months of the year.
>>820 Speaking of spring, it means "Hanami"(flower viewing) here in Japan. In this season, a lot of Japanese enjoy Hanami, that is eating food or drinking under the cherry blossom. Besides, it is also graduation season.
file: a long, narrow tool of steel or other metal having a series of ridges or points on its surfaces for reducing or smoothing surfaces of metal, wood, etc.
business counterpart(native american)が、 よく、recreate the wheel という表現を使うのですが、 いまいち意味がはっきりしません。 例えば、I chose to send you this so I did not have to recreate the wheel.といった使い方です。 どなたかわかる方、お願いします。 自分なりにいろいろ調べたんですが、どうもピンときません。
Henry Poole's, I believe they're the oldest on Savile Row. Founded in 1806, a hundred years before even Messieurs Anderson and Sheppard got together. A top quality house with an excellent reputation. Not a particularly "hard" or "soft" coat, but a good mixture. They also specialize in court dress etc- lots of frilly bits. This requires a lot of specialist skill, and is not my field at all. I think Anderson’s will just beat them at the post for having the largest business on Savile Row, but not by much.
We shall then consider a relation between these functions analogous to that of monogeneity, which for functions in the ordinary sense was established by Cauchy.
The poster-printed on paper and placed on public or semi-public display – is defying all its Cassandras. In an age marked by the rapid advance of ever larger – or else alarmingly tiny – electronic displays, the poster still continues to hold its ground, as a more accessible, more readily grasped and far more enduring medium than its digital counterpart. So the jury for this latest >>100 Best Posters<< competition rose enthusiastically to the challenge of filtering down Quantity – more than 1,500 poster designs, submitted by more than500 entrants – to yield Quality, as the competition’s motto demands, in the from of precisely 100 posters or poster series. One contentious aspect of the competition rules was readily acknowledged. >>In general it will certainly be easier for students to find interesting and experimental graphic solutions, simply because they don’t have the same constraints to work under as the professionals, <<said the joint chairpersons of the jury, Bastien Anbry and Dimitri Broquard (Zürich, SWI). They revealed, however, that >>… the jury chose to exclude that particular parameter, focusing primarily on assessing a poster’s quality. << This approach to the judging , adopted also by the other jury members Cordula Alessandri (Vienna, AUT), Prof. Georg Barber, Dr. Anita Ku”hnel and Christian Lage’ (all Berlin, GER), has resulted, this year again, in a rich and varied array of unusual poster designs representing all three participating countries.
The trend illustrative solutions is less prominent this year, with the jury selections characterized predominantly by a symbolic, very sparing use of visual elements, some solutions involving eyecatching photographic images – inserted or adapted – and some occupying the purely typographical end of the spectrum. With their daring coloration, the arresting starkness of the social or political messages – and, sometimes, well-judged irony informing product-marketing artwork – the posters in this selection are very different from the general run of material supposed to cater to public taste, the kind of artwork mass-produced for billboards, sidewalk advertising columns or roadside hoardings. In the nature of things, the judging of the 100 Best Posters 08 is bound to produce highly varied results, but the interested observer can be certain of one thing at least: the poster landscape has more to offer than merely images of beautiful people in a perfect world and the simplistic dominance of pre-election party rivalry. Mindful of the niche existence to which so many superb designs are confined, one is prompted to adapt the slogan of one prize-winning poster very slightly and address it to designers and their clients alike: >>Risk it!<< Hermann bu”chner
すみません、ちょっと(自力では)意味が通じないのでよろしくお願いします。 (相手も英語圏の人間ではないので英語が完璧ではないかも) Please leave the mail address and phone number that I could be able to send you a couple of new copies after coming out! もう一つ Through your creating experience, what’s main style of Japanese illustration (in common character)? これは「あなたの経験では、日本のイラストのメインスタイルは何だと思うか」という事でしょうか? (私自身のスタイルを聞いているのか、日本のイラストのスタイルを聞いているのか悩んでいます) すみませんが宜しくお願いします。
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Order Bookボタンを押すと、ご希望の冊数の本を友達、ご家族やファンに直接発送することができます。 指定しない限りあなたの本は公開されません。友達や家族にあなたの本を紹介しますか?それとも Blurbブックストアでの販売をご希望でしょうか? www.blurb.comへログインし、あなたの本のカバーをクリックして(青い矢印をさがしてください) 「Announce」「Make Public」「Set Your Price」のいずれかを選んでください。
>>886さんが言っているのは884がトライアルの文だと言う事だと思います もう、この文でトライアル落ちたので答え合わせがしたいのですが Dylan's latest chart success comes amid suggestions that he is open to the idea of a musical collaboration with fellow rock legend Sir Paul McCartney. の部分がどういう風に日本語にして良いのか判らなかったので お願いします。
what is extrodinary about this text is that with the exception of its final entry and a brief reference to the conquest of 711 it contains no material relating to spain whatsoever.
>>888 上の文は読んでなくて、下の英文のみ訳したが If you:S get:V(使役) him:O <to tell:v' you:o' [where this lieutenants is]:o'1,[ my guard could pay hum a little visit]:o'2>:O . あなたが、彼にこの副官(少佐?大尉?)の場所を言わせる事ができたなら、私の護衛が騒音に少し(でも)見回れただろう。
メールを下さった方に、プロフィールを教えて欲しいの意で please teach your profile if good. I want to talk with you a lot! と返信したら、相手の写真と相手の日本旅行の思い出話が返ってきたのですが、 もしかしたらこの英文は間違っているのでしょうか… 教えてください
In the way that Isidore had answered a need to place the emergent Romano-Gothic monarchy in the broader perspective of the history of Rome`s dealings with the Visigoths and also the Christian and Biblical chronology of the world, so in the aftermath of 711 the changed fortunes of the peninsula that resulted,and the sudden rise of new racial elements to political and cultural pre-eminence in it, required contemporarise to lool at these events in a wider time scale.
Run the supplied black wire with connectors from the Compufire tach adaptor pink wire along the backbone of the frame, underneath the fuel tank and up into the back of the headlamp bucket. This is the wire that will connect to the green wire on te tachometer. It is easier to run the black wire if the fuel tank is moved back and up by removing the bolt and lifting the tank to expose the frame backbone.
I have been living alone for a month which is a very interesting thing... suddenly you begin doing strange things and wonder if you are doing it because you have no one to tell you not to or because thats what you truly want to do...?
Hello my friend, I regret to tell you that you stuff was defected before I sent out, I have to send it back to my supplier, if you don’t mind, pls choose another items with same price in my listing,what about this shirt the black colour or White colour or purple colour, Or I will fully refund to you. Thanks and I’m sorry for any inconvenience.
海外AmazonのCD説明です。下部文の後半はアーティスト名なのですが、あとの説明がわかりません。 よろしくお願いいたします。 Album Details Previously a French only collection but now available in Asia, which includes the same audio tracks as the French version but adds a bonus 45 minute VCD (viewable on all DVD players) of various European fashion shows. This collection has been released to
Album Description Fabulous Music from the Runways of Europe to Help You Strut Your Stuff to the Max with Moby, Rinocerose, Smith and Mighty, Laurent Garnier, Ian Pooley and More!
dAで下記のメール貰いましたが、何のことかわかりません。よろしくお願いします。 (翻訳手伝ってあげるとかそんな事でしょうか) I make a work with the word "light" in many languages. Can you, please, send me the word for light in japan language ? You can draw the sign for me , please ? I don't trust in internet translators.
お時間があればお願いします。 In the examples i am talking of the person continues to behave in what most people would agree is a normal manner,but one so remote from his old self that he appears to those who know him,to be someone else entirely.
ドラマの会話ですがお願いします >cut from the herd and better left to die の部分がわかりません。
You're trapped in your skull, inside a hovel, alongside a man who spends his life scrounging for money, preying on unfortunate weaklings, cut from the herd and better left to die.
Be warned that a low timebetweenshots combined with a >1 rate of fire multiplier MAY cause NEM10 on lower end systems. (Networking event manager, CPU equivalent of DoSing)
As a backup,engineers are experimenting with homes and businesses designed to survive floodwaters by rising above them. In the town of Maasbommel in the Netherlands, a construction firm is now completing a prototype neighborhood of 34 amphibious houses designed to float atop floodwaters.
In 1989, a group of Canadian researchers studying a blood pressure drug were astonished to discover that drinking a glass of grapefruit juice dangerously increased the drug's potency
They were testing the effects of drinking alcohol on a medicine called Plendil. The scientists needed something that would hide the taste of alcohol so that subjects would know only that they were taking the drug and not know whether they were drinking alcohol with it.
In particular these would have included a Latin Historia Arabum,almost certainly written in the reign of the Hisham,if not in spain then in north africa. It is quite possible that the compiler of the Chronicle of 741 worked in the reign of the latter`s short -lived successor Walid.
Hatoyama was conferencing by phone with the leaders of South Korea and Australia, meeting with journalists and otherwise behaving as Japan's Prime Minister
手元のOxford American Dictionaryから otherwise adv. 1 in circumstances different from those present or considerend 後の文を見ても分る通り、実際にはまだ鳩山は「総理ではないが 総理のであるかの様に振る舞っていた。」事を明示するために otherwiseを付けてるんだと思う。
So I had my very best idiot trousers on in Germany at the Street Gig we did at a Go Kart track in Dettenheim. I did say beforehand that I shouldn’t go on them as firstly I shouldn’t be in charge of anything that can go over 20 miles an hour and secondly I am the most accident prone idiot in the western world. Did I heed my own advice? Did I fuck! So on I went and crash after crash later; finishing on a particularly nasty one that put took me to hospital where I discovered I have a broken rib. Sweet. Of course there’s piss all that can be done to fix it and you just have to ride it out but let’s just say I’ve had to drink myself to sleep every night as sober sleep is way too sore. Don’t try that at home people! To the people (and there have been a few lovely souls) that have given me care packages at the gigs thank you very much. You’re very sweet. It’s helped. But not as much as the drink.x
Within hours of the DPJ's historic general-election victory on Aug. 30, Hatoyama was conferencing by phone with the leaders of South Korea and Australia, meeting with journalists and otherwise behaving as Japan's next Prime Minister - which he certainly will become in just a few weeks.
>>981 Webster's Unabridged otherwise : in other respects *weak but otherwise well*
このようにbutやunless otherwise specified「別段規定のない限り」 なんて場合には、「その他の点では(違って)」となるけど、 … and otherwise…などandで並列に並べると、文脈に応じて「その他(の点でも)」 なんて訳すことになる。
* The purpose of the partnership shall be to acquire, hold, operate, improve, lease, sell and otherwise manage the real property described in Exhibit I.
* The assist frames 20 , 21 may be mirror images of one another and otherwise include substantially identical components.
>* The purpose of the partnership shall be to acquire, hold, operate, improve, >lease, sell and otherwise manage the real property described in Exhibit I.
ついでに、アメリカ版OEDという位置づけのCentury Dictionaryの ... and otherwise...の例文
otherwise: By other means; from other causes; on other terms. Well ought ye be reson a grete mater to bringe to ende be so that ye be of oon acorde, and of oon will, ffor otherwise may ye not spede. Merlin (E. E. T. S.), iii. 581. Sir John Norris failed in the attempt of Lisbon, and returned with the loss, by sickness and otherwise, of 8000 men. Raleigh. By negotiation and otherwise he secured the alliance and the interests of the various Italian governments on his side. Prescott, Ferd. and Isa., ii. 15.
>OEDには ... and otherwise...では1つだけ >... was considered more prudent, economically and otherwise, to let him go... >「経済的にもそれ以外でも賢明」と訳すと思うけど、これも「あるいはそれ以外では」って訳す?
いや、そういう and otherwise で完結してるようなのは「その以外も」で良い。(大体>>963に同意してるんだから) 動詞などが等位接続されてるときに後の項目の頭にotherwiseと付いてる形の時の話。
In a desert You're standing A silhouette In motion
On those lonely afternoons in June I need you Just like raindrops You'll feel so good upon my lips Just like raindrops Even though you're a million miles away
There's a space out there And then when we can move
You taste so great, on my lips You taste so good, on my lips Your moisture drips upon my lips Just like a waterfall Straight through the heart of me
>>980の原文をみても、まだ"journalists and otherwise"と思っているとしたら、 あなたのひどい勘違いだと思うけどなぁ。
* International and U.S. proposals on the table target the hot topics: increasing capital requirements, corralling the "shadow banking system" of nonbank lenders, and otherwise trying to ensure that risk doesn't balloon out of control. (source: Business Week, 9/7/2009)
* The Arab world will be another test. A March report from Paris-based Reporters Without Borders listed a number of regional states-including Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Syria-on its annual list of countries it considers "enemies" of the Internet for jailing bloggers and otherwise preventing free speech on the Web. (Business Week, 8/26/2009)
* "The Internet is increasingly under attack as lawmakers seek to mandate technological behaviors, impose new taxes and otherwise restrict the free flow of information and commerce online," said DelBianco. (eWEEK, 8/18/2009)
The issue thus remains an open one,though priority might still be given to the claims of Russian,not least in that the literary culture displayed by this author is quite consistent with the learning known to have been available in the former Russian capital in the late 14 century.
>>987 In a desert You're standing A silhouette In motion 砂漠にあなたは立っている 動く一つの影 On those lonely afternoons in June I need you the glory afternoonsみたいだけど。素晴らしい六月の午後 君に居てほしい Just like raindrops You'll feel so good upon my lips 雨のしずくのように 君は唇に心地いいだろう。 Just like raindrops Even though you're a million miles away 雨のしずくのように 君ははるかかなたににるのだが There's a space out there And then when we can move むこうに場所がある それから動ける時に You taste so great, on my lips You taste so good, on my lips 君は唇に最高に心地いい 唇に最高に心地いい Your moisture drips upon my lips 君のしずくが唇に滴り落ちる Just like a waterfall Straight through the heart of me 僕のハートをまっすぐ流れる滝のように
Summer may be over but the season for white trousers has not ended. Wear them at least until the leaves fall. And if you are fortunate enough to have a pair of white flannels that will keep you warm when the temperature is near freezing, wear them on sunny days all winter. I think brown shoes a touch smarter than black in this context however.