The hens, though, deserve some credit. The world has not had a pandemic (a global epidemic) of influenza since 1968. Four decades are long enough to forget that something is dangerous, and people might have done so had they not spent the past ten years considering the possibility that a form of bird flu which emerged in Hong Kong in 1997 might be one mutation away from going worldwide.
質問変わるんですけどワンピースのセリフで、 『好き勝手やりなさる・・・!』というのがあるんですが ユーチューブで英語のワンピースをみたら『HE certainly ##### how to do as he pleases』ってなってたんですけど#####の部分は何入るか分かりますか?画質悪くて見れなかったんですけど。あと、この英文を直訳したらどんな感じですか? よろしくお願いします
I have been to Shinjuku 2-chome. Tomorrow is Children's Day and a holiday, so there were many people, males females, Tokyo Japan overseas. Visit Shinjuku 2-chome open bar on weekends so you can ralk with males and females from all over the world.
荒らし認定されたキチガイは置いといて Ross : Ijustfeellikesomeonereacheddownmythroat, grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck... ロス:喉に手を突っ込まれ、小腸をつかまれて引っこ抜かれて首に巻きつけられた気分だ... 過去形だね。likeは接続詞。
荒らし認定されたキチガイは置いといて Ross : I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck... ロス:喉に手を突っ込まれ、小腸をつかまれて引っこ抜かれて首に巻きつけられた気分だ... 過去形だね。likeは接続詞。
教会堂に入り四時まで礼拝が続きました。今頃は会食とぶどう酒の時間です。 今御茶ノ水のネットカフェですがこれから僕も会食に行きます。 東京に来て本当に解放されました。アーミン、主よ、感謝します。 ---------------------------------------------------------- 片岡 数吉さん−東京 (09/4/13) 明日は自分の塾を始めるための事務所を近くの不動産屋さんで探します。 今日は塾予備校面接に行きました。履歴書書いて、英検一級証書コピーを渡し、 英語のテストをやり帰りました。一問難しいのがあったけれど、 I could not ( but ) ( try ) ( in ) ( vain ) ( to ) remember his name. で合ってる?他はすらすら出来ました。
アメリカヤフー です Students of the University of Delaware The University of Delaware, [ founded in 1743 ], offers over 100 academic majors; its [ distinguished ] faculty includes internationally [ known ] scientists, authors and teachers. - 116k - Cached
Students of the University of Delaware The University of Delaware, [ founded in 1743 ], offers over 100 academic majors; its [ distinguished ] faculty includes internationally [ known ] scientists, authors and teachers. - 116k - Cached
アメリカヤフー です Students of the University of Delaware The University of Delaware, [ founded in 1743 ], offers over 100 academic majors; its [ distinguished ] faculty includes internationally [ known ] scientists, authors and teachers. - 116k - Cached
ネイティブの用例を採集してみますと、ほとんどが "a student at A University" になっています。しかし、 稀ながらin も of もあるようです。そうは言っても、 入学試験や英検、TOEIC では、at のみを使われた 方が無難でしょう。 *****************************
西友七著『英語前置詞活用辞典』は、I'm a student at the London College of Economics.(私はロンドン 経済大学の学生です。)をはじめ、at の付いた4例を 挙げた後、注で「日本語の『の』に引かれて of を 使うのは避けた方がよい」と述べています。
*********************** その学校で勉強する学生、だからです
************************** 英和辞典(『ジーニアス英和辞典』、『ランライズ英和辞典』、 も "a student of A University" は誤りと断じています。 上記のように、at のみを正用法とする辞典があるのですが、 in も of も重点のおき場所によっては使われるようです。 「帰属関係」、「係わり合い」に重点を置けば、of も 選択肢としてあり、正用法と思います。次回はその例を 挙げてみたいと思います。
英和辞典(『ジーニアス英和辞典』、『ランライズ英和辞典』、 も "a student of A University" は誤りと断じています。 上記のように、at のみを正用法とする辞典があるのですが、 in も of も重点のおき場所によっては使われるようです。 「帰属関係」、「係わり合い」に重点を置けば、of も 選択肢としてあり、正用法と思います。次回はその例を 挙げてみたいと思います。
アメリカヤフー です Students of the University of Delaware The University of Delaware, [ founded in 1743 ], offers over 100 academic majors; its [ distinguished ] faculty includes internationally [ known ] scientists, authors and teachers. - 116k - Cached
TheAssociated Students of the University of Montana is the representative body [ for students to voice their concerns, create new programs, and fund student groups on campus ]. アメリカヤフーです
The Haitian Student Association (HSA) provides educational, cultural and social enrichment to the students of the University and knowledge about Haiti and the Haitian community. HSA promotes unity, social and self-awareness among the Haitian students on campus. HSA tries to educate Haitians students and the University community in general about Haiti's political and cultural aspects by:
>>221 It is impossible to be a quarrel among them. 喧嘩になるというと日本語としては正しいように思えるが、 喧嘩というものになるという意味になって変。 There is構文の主語はその後の名詞ではあるが、thereを主語の ように使った文もある。 これはその例。 彼らの間で喧嘩が存在することは不可能である。 つまり、彼らの間で喧嘩が起きることはありえないという意味になる。
ただ、to be a quarrel among them の意味上の主語として for there を入れます つまり For there to be a quarrel among them is impossible. (That there will be a quarrel among them is impossible.)
>>212 If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.
Were an opinion a personal possession of no value except to the owner; if to be obstructed in the enjoyment of it were simply a private injury, it would make some difference whether the injury was inflicted only on a few persons or on many.
But the peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error.
>>224 心に浮かんだことを書き留めるとよい You should write down things [ which occur in your mind ]. You should write down things [ which occur to you ]. You may well write down things [ which come up in your mind ]. You may well write down [ what comes up in your mind ]. です。
>>230 The crust needs 殻は必要とする [ to be weak enough 十分な弱さであることを [ to let [ the young bird break out ひな鳥が割って外に出られるぐらい [ when the time comes for [ hatching ] ] ] ]. 生まれ出るときが来たときに
when the time for [ hatching ] comes 卵からかえる時間が来たときに という構造ですが、どうでしょうか。
>>228 [ If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion ], mankind would be no more justified in [ silencing that one person ], [ than he, [ if he had the power ], would be justified in [ silencing mankind ] ].
[ Were an opinion a personal possession of no value except to the owner ]; [ if [ to be obstructed in the enjoyment of it ] were simply a private injury ], it would make some difference [ whether the injury was inflicted only on a few persons or on many ].
But the peculiar evil of [ silencing the expression of an opinion ] is, [ that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the [ existing ] generation; those [ who dissent from the opinion ], still more than those [ who hold it ].
[ If the opinion is right ], they are deprived of the opportunity of [ exchanging error for truth ]: [ if wrong ], they lose, [ what is almost as great a benefit ], the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, [ produced by its collision with error ].
[ If the opinion is right ], they are deprived of the opportunity of [ exchanging error for truth ]: [ if wrong ], they lose, [ what is almost as great a benefit ], the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, [ produced by its collision with error ].
>>236は本当に頭悪そうだな。there構文のthereはexpletive pronoun。 虚辞の代名詞といって、それ自体に固有の語彙的意味は持たないが、 名詞として文の形を整える役割を果たす。 形式代名詞である以上、文の形式的にはthereが主語。beの後ろは意味上の主語。 There is a quarrel.は形式的にはthereが主語だから、 Is it possible to be a quarrel?ではbeの主語が一般的な人になってしまい、 元のthereという主語が消えて意味がわからなくなる。 「喧嘩であることは可能ですか?」では意味不明。
A: Can there be a quarrel among them? *主語はa quarrel、述語はbeです。 彼らの間にけんかはあり得るか? Is it possible? そのことは可能か? B: It is impossible [ for there to be a quarrel among them ]. そのことは不可能だ[彼らの間にけんかがあることは]
It is impossible [ for a quarrel to be among them ]. そのことは不可能だ[けんかが彼らの間にあることは] これでいいですか?
when the time for [ hatching ] comes 動名詞で言う when the time [ for the bird to hatch ] comes 不定詞句で言う when the time [ when the bird hatches ] comes 関係副詞節で言う when the time [ around which the bird hatches ] comes 関係代名詞節で言う 鳥が卵からかえる時間が来たときに The time [ around which the bird hatches ] comes. [鳥が卵からかえるぐらいの]時間が来る で捉えるとどうですか?
>>283 I have lost my watch. 10公式のFです。現在完了形。過去から現在に至るまでのことを表す。 時計をなくして今持っていません。「これまで」を当てはめた言い方。 これまでなくしたままで見つかっておりません。警察に届けたのですが、いい人が拾ってくださっていたらいいのですが悪い人が拾って自分の物にしたら悲しいです
You should write it down which occurs to your mind. これがやはり間違っていることは分かりましたが 理由は、関係代名詞の先行詞には人称代名詞は取れない、ということであっていますか? あまりにも基本的なことなのか、参考書にも載っていません。 よろしくお願いいたします。
The chimpanzees would take long pieces of grass and put them into white ant houses. Then the chimpanzees would catch the white ants on the grass. チンパンジーたちは長い草を何本か持っていき、それをシロアリの巣の中に入れた。 それからチンパンジーたちは、草についたシロアリをつかまえるのだった。
>>327 For all that you ask us such a question, your translation makes me feel that you understand very well how the auxiliary verb " would" works in the sentence.
毎年クリスマスが近づくと、罪の意識を感じつつも、 できるだけ長く夢を見させてやりたいと思って、 子どもたちを再びだますことを決心する。 Christmas come close by every year. I want my children to have dreams as long as possible. I decide to decieve my children. I feel sinful.
時々、子どもたちから『戸締まりをしているのにどこからサンタクロースは入ってくるの?』 と聞かれて困ることがある。 Sometimes children ask me. All the doors are closed. Where does Santa Claus come in the house through? How can I answer them? I am at loss.
時々、子どもたちから『戸締まりをしているのにどこからサンタクロースは入ってくるの?』 と聞かれて困ることがある。 Sometimes children ask me. All the doors are closed. Where does Santa Claus come in the house through? How can I answer them? I am at loss.
毎年クリスマスが近づくと、罪の意識を感じつつも、 できるだけ長く夢を見させてやりたいと思って、 子どもたちを再びだますことを決心する。 Every year [ when Christmas comes close by ], I decide [ to decieve my children [ feeling sinful ] [ so that my children may have dreams as long as possible ] ].
時々、子どもたちから『戸締まりをしているのにどこからサンタクロースは入ってくるの?』 と聞かれて困ることがある。 Sometimes I am at loss [ being asked by my children [ where Santa Claus comes in the house through [ while all the doors are closed ] ] ].
>>359 I finished [ having a bath ] and now I'm lying on my stomach on the 6 straw mat floor without [ wearing anything at all ]. I'm writing this problem [ as I'm naked ].
>>383 I have finished [ having a bath ] and now I'm lying on my stomach on the 6 straw mat floor without [ wearing anything at all ]. I'm writing this problem [ as I'm naked ].
My room has 6 straw mats. I live in a room [ which has 6 straw mats ]. I live in a room with 6 straw mats. I live in a 6-straw-mat room. の様に言います
I have finished [ having a bath ] and now I'm lying on my stomach on the 6 straw mat floor without [ wearing anything at all ]. I'm writing this problem [ as I'm naked ]. 僕は問題を書いているところだ[裸のままで]
I have finished [ having a bath ] and now I'm lying on my stomach on the 6-straw-mat floor without [ wearing anything at all ]. I'm writing this problem [ as I'm naked ].
ハイフンは読んで分かりやすいようにです。言うときは単語を並べただけの語句です。 ハイフンはなくても構いません。ただ単語を並べた物という認識は必要です。 as〜=〜である状態で です the floorは私の部屋の床で特定の床なのでtheが付きます
I have finished [ taking a bath ] and now I'm lying on my stomach on the 6-straw-mat floor [ wearing nothing at all ]. I'm writing this problem [ naked ].
>>421 そのwhileの使い方は苦しいね I finished taking a bath and now I'm lying on my stomach in my 6 tatami room without any clothes on. I'm naked while writing this problem. whileをandにしても大丈夫。
仕上げ訂正 I just finished taking a bath and now I'm lying prone on the floor in my six tatami room with no clothes on. I'm naked while writing this problem.
>>457 I have finished [ taking a bath ] and now I'm lying prone [ on the floor [ of my 6 tatami room ] ] with [ no clothes on ]. I'm naked [ while I am writing this problem ].
I have finished [ taking a bath ] and now I'm lying prone [ on the tatami floor ] [ in my 6 tatami room ] with [ no clothes on ]. I'm naked [ while I am writing this problem ].
東大入試コース: 要約して伝えなさい。 I was going to the station to go to Ikebukuro, when on the waker's lane I saw something put in a plastic bag for wastes to be put. The thing moved. I felt weird and looked back and walked back to see what it was. It was a woman in a large waste plastic bag with an unbrella put up to prevent rain. It was raining and rather cold. I felt shiver. I went to th McDonald shop very close to buy two cups of coffee, one for me and the other for her. I went back to her and asked if she was all right. To my surprise, sheresponded to me in English. "I'm not against the parking-prohibition. Go away!" I said, "You can go to the park and sit under the roof. Aren't you feeling cold? Will you have this cup of coffee?" She repeated, "Go away!" I went away. There are many surprising strange things in Tokyo.
It was raining and rather cold. I felt shiver. I went to th McDonald shop very close to buy two cups of coffee, one for me and the other for her. I went back to her and asked if she was all right. To my surprise, sheresponded to me in English. "I'm not against the parking-prohibition. Go away!" I said, "You can go to the park and sit under the roof. Aren't you feeling cold? Will you have this cup of coffee?" She repeated, "Go away!" I went away. There are many surprising strange things in Tokyo.
以下の前置詞で適切なのはどれですか?すみません教えてください ・We got some informations at the website. ・We got some informations on the website. ・We got some informations in the website. ・We got some informations from the website.
まず、book on 〜 という使い方があって、これは、「 〜 についての本」と訳されます。 book about 〜 と同じ意味なんですが、about より on のほうが一般的に使われます。 information も bookと同じく、その直後に on も about も使いますが、本から知識や情報を得る場合は、 on が使われることが多いことから、information も about より on が使われることが多いのではないかと 感じます。
>>492 We found some information on the website.そのサイトで見つけた We saw an interesting story in the website. そのサイトの中で見た We got some information from the website. そのサイトから得た
A.()から正しい語句を選べ。 1.What is the railroad (fee,fare) to Osaka? 2.There were delightful (accidents,incidents) at the party. 3.The man confessed his (crimes,sins) to the priest. 4.Do you like the (climate,weather) of Hokkaido? 5.He receives a monthly (wage,salary) of 250000 yen. 6.There is no (key,lock) on the door. 7.Mars is the (planet,comet,satellite) nearest to the earth. 8.The (observation,observance) of the law is our duty. 9.The (reason,cause,result) for her absence was a bad cold. 10.We express our thoughts by (way,means) of language. 11.He is living on the third (story,floor) in the building. 12.The (scent,odor,perfume) of lilacs was strong in the air. 13.A (creditor,debtor) refers to one who owes something to another.
B.文の誤りを示せ。 1.His this garden is very beautiful. 2.Many people of Asia won independence after the war. 3.Shakespeare wrote a number of poetry. 4.I have a bad toothache, so I must go to the dentist. 5.The immigration from Japan to Brazil began in 1908. 6.I am sorry to call on you at such an early time. 7.Is the data sufficient? 8.Junko has good taste in cloths. 9.I have some ten-dollars bills now. 10.There were a large crowd in the park.
>>505 B1.This garden of his 2.people→countries 3.poetry→poems 4.○ 5.immigration→emmigration call→to have called 7.Is→Are、Isのままでも正解だけど 8.cloths→clothes 9.ten-dollars→ten-dollar 10.were→was
ビールの味は泡で決まるの中の新情報は何かを考える。 答えは泡。 だから、泡を主語にするか、泡を動作主にした受動態にするか。 動詞は一般動詞を使うかbe動詞を使うかの二通り。 泡を主語にした場合の一般動詞は決める。 決めると言ってもいわゆる決定ではないから左右するくらいに言い換える。 be動詞を使う場合は補語が決め手。 Foam is the conclusive factor in the taste of beer. Foam conditions the taste of beer.
'Popular' music can be said to comprise all the various kinds of music that might not be considered under the general heading of 'serious' or 'classical' music. The division between the two worlds has always been fairly clearly difined, with those active in one sphere rarely trespassing in the other, and never more so than today, when, instead of the distinction being based on fluctuating artistic 'taste', it is fairly based on economic considerations.
>>548 1,How can they object to spending a week in Hawaii during the New Year. 彼らは、正月の間を一週間ハワイで過ごすことにどうして反対などできようか。 (賛成にきまっている) 2,That the cause of the food poisoning is O-157 has been proved. 食中毒の原因はO-157ウィルスだと証明された。 ThatからO-157までが名詞節で主語になる。 3,What can be done must be done at once. できることはすぐにやらなくちゃ。
>>548 How can they object to [ spending a week in Hawaii during the New Year ]. 彼らはどのようにして反対できるか[正月に1週間ハワイで過ごすことに] 正月に1週間ハワイで過ごすことに反対するなんてあり得ない
G[ That the cause of the food [ poisoning ] is O-157 ] has been proved. [食物の毒物化の原因がO−157であることが]これまでに証明された。 10公式Gの従属節です。最初のthatは接続詞です。 G[ What can be done ] must be done at once. [なされることが出来ることは]すぐにされなければならない。 出来ることはすぐにやれ。 10こうしきのGで、最初のwhatは関係代名詞です。
Message to all. Kataoka is a nasty gross guy and sent me a picture of him naked with his dick tied behind his back. This really disgusted me and I would appreciate it if you all called Bungie and got him banned from Kataoka.
>>552 It may have been, in part, man's better memory そのことは、一部には、人間の記憶の方が優れていたことがあったためだろう [ that enabled [ him to rise above the chimpanzee ] ]. 人間をチンパンジーよりもすぐれた物にしたことは
In part, "man's better memory" may have enabled [ him to rise above the chimpanzee ]. 人間の優れた記憶力がならしめたのだろう [人間がチンパンジーより優れるように]
>>545 船旅で自分の船が難破してしまい、 一人だけが大海の孤島に流されてしまった I was having a travel by sea. My ship wrecked. I was carried to an island. The island was alone in the big ocean.
東大入試コース: 内容を要約して日本語で伝えなさい。 Korea was once ruled by Japan, Japanese army ruling it. Japanese army was brutal or yaban and did many inhuman things to Korean people. Japanese people treated Koreans as people who are inferior to them. Japanese people did a lot of bad things to Koreans. We must bear in mind that we will never look down on people of any foreign country.
>>577 To my surprise, the isolated island was a treasure one, so that I was able to find all kinds of jewels everywhere on it. If I took them to town, I would be a billionaire for sure. In addition, I noticed that only beautiful women lived there, which made me feel it was a paradise. I lived there with them happily ever after.
和訳をお願いします。 Asia is already the world's driest inhabited continent per capita,and as its population,urbanization and dirty industrialization grow――and global warming dries out the region――clean water will only become more precious. 長くて申し訳ありません。
[]は主語・目的語のいずれの働きをしているのか。という問題です。 1.He received notice of [his uncle's] sudden death. 2.He was pleased with my acceptance [of his invitation]. 3.She is absorbed in [her son's] education now. 4.I was shocked at the news of [Masato's] failure in the exam. 5.He was happy to hear of [Junko's] quick recovery from a cold.
次のうち、定冠詞をつけなければならないものはどれかという問題です。 Hyde Park English Channel London Bridge Philippines Himalayas Lake Braikal Malay Peninsula Tokyo Station Nile Yomiuri Pacific Ocean Cape Cod Bungei-Shunju
>>585 He received notice of *his *uncle's sudden death. 名詞の所有格 He was pleased with my acceptance *of *his *invitation. 前置詞による形容詞的修飾句 She is absorbed in *her *son's education now. 名詞の所有格 I was shocked at the news of *Masato's failure in the exam. 名詞の所有格 He was happy [ to hear of *Junko's quick recovery from a cold ]. 名詞の所有格
Hyde Park English Channel London Bridge the Philippines スペイン王フィリップの名前を取った Himalayas Lake Baikal Malay Peninsula Tokyo Station the Nile the Yomiuri 読売新聞社の新聞 Pacific Ocean Cape Cod Bungei-Shunju
[167]片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A 2009/05/06(水) 21:13:29 what barbarous things did Japanese army did to koreans? can you tell any that you know so we may realize how inhuman it is? [168]名無しさん@英語勉強中 2009/05/06(水) 21:35:55 >>167 Yes, I know that Japanese army plundered Kimuchi from Korean citizen. That was really bad thing. 完全に馬鹿にされてますね
>>579 [ To my surprise ], the [ isolated ] island was a treasure island, and I was able [ to find various kinds of jewels all over the island ]. [ If I had taken them to towns ], I would have become a billionaire for sure. In addition, I noticed [ I was not alone on the island and there lived beautiful women ], I felt [ myself being in a paradise ]. I lived there with them happily ever after.
度々すいません。>>505なのですが The scent of lilacs was strong in the air. A debtor refers to one who owes something to another. Junko has good taste in clothes. の訳を教えて頂けないでしょうか。お願いします。
>>614 One of the biggest problems 大きい問題の1つは [ facing a [ mixed ] couple 体を交えている二人に関わる [ thinking about marriage ] ] 結婚を考えている can be であると言える the image イメージ [ each has of the other ]. それそれが相手について持っている
>>505 What is the railroad fare to Osaka? There were delightful incidents at the party. The man confessed his sins to the priest. Do you like the climate of Hokkaido? He receives a monthly salary of 250000 yen. There is no lock on the door. Mars is the planet nearest to the earth. The observation of the law is our duty. The reason for her absence was a bad cold. We express our thoughts by means of language. He is living on the third floor in the building. The scent of lilacs was strong in the air. A debtor refers to one who owes something to another.
This garden [ of his ] is very beautiful. Many peoples of Asia won independence after the war. Shakespeare wrote a number of poems. I have a bad toothache, so I must go to the dentist's. The immigration from Japan to Brazil began in 1908. どこが悪いの? I am sorry to call on you at such early time. Are the datas sufficient? Junko has good taste of cloths. I have some ten-dollar bills now. There was a large crowd in the park.
This garden [ of his ] is very beautiful. Many peoples of Asia won independence after the war. Shakespeare wrote a number of poems. I have a bad toothache, so I must go to the dentist's. The immigration from Japan to Brazil began in 1908. どこが悪いの? I am sorry to call on you at such early time. Are the datas sufficient? Junko has good taste of cloths. I have some ten-dollar bills now. There was a large crowd in the park.
This garden [ of his ] is very beautiful. Many peoples of Asia won independence after the war. Shakespeare wrote a number of poems. I have a bad toothache, so I must go to the dentist's. The immigration from Japan to Brazil began in 1908. どこが悪いの?分かる人は教えて! I am sorry to call on you at such early time. Are the datas sufficient? Junko has good taste of clothes. I have some ten-dollar bills now. There was a large crowd in the park.
Mr Oakley rang up and asked if you’d go to a cocktail party at the Savoy next Tuesday at six. I said you would if you possibly could, but you might have to go to the dentist’s. [The Treasure / W. Somerset Maugham]
She was going to the butcher’s, she told me, on purpose to order in some meat on Wednesday, and she has got three couple of ducks, just fit to be killed. [Pride and Prejudice / Jane Austen]
One afternoon when the snow was dirty again along Riverside Drive, Gloria, who had been to the grocer’s, entered the apartment to find Anthony pacing the floor in a state of aggravated nervousness. [The Beautiful and Damned / Francis Scott Fitzgerald]
Many peoples of Asia and Africa won independence after World War U. (アジアとアフリカの多くの民族が第二次世界大戦後独立を勝ち得た) 〔ルミナス英和辞典〕
The subject peoples of her empire were anxious for their own independence. [The British way in warfare, 1688-2000 / David French] 〔コウビルド英英辞典〕
Immigration from the Cook Islands to New Zealand began in the late 1950s. [Pacific Art / Anita Herle]
That trend was augmented when immigration from the Mexico interior to the Southwestern United States began in the 1880s and 1890s. [Race and Ethnicity in America / Ronald H. Bayor]
Immigration from Finland to the United States began in 1 865. [Michigan History Magazine / Michigan Historical Commission]
Immigration from the Caribbean to the United States began in the latter half of the nineteenth century. [The Caribbean World and the United States / Robert Freeman Smith]
Immigration from Ulster to America began in the closing decades of the seventeenth century. [The American Historical Review / American Historical Association]
国際人として日本に関する知識は大量に必要だけど、話をするときは できるだけ中立的に、偏らないようにって意識が必要だと思うんだけどね。 なかなかそうはなってくれない。 実用を重視した英語教育とか言ってるけど実態は全然違ってる。 例えば友達と遊んでる時に、「4時から他の友達との約束があるんだ」 みたいな英作文で、 I have an appointment with my friend.とやっても平気な顔をしている。 すごい失礼な言い方だよね。 実用を教えるなら気遣いを教えなきゃ。 I have an appointment with another friend of mine. と言うべきだってね。 日本の英語教育はまたまだ。
I'm up. I'll be out for the park to exercise my body together with community people to the sound of radio. So I'll have 20 minutes to stay with you. So do this task so you may shine your brain.
>>641 He didn't put the idea into practice [ because it was raining ]. 雨が降っていたから彼はその考えを実行に移さなかった。 [ As it was raining ], he didn't put the idea into practice.
It was not [ because it was raining ] [ that he didn't put the idea into practice ]. He didn't put the idea into practice not [ because it was raining ]. 彼がその考えを実行に移したのは雨が降っていたからではない。
I have not taught any group of students who aim at higher grade universities, so there will be times when I am not familiar with questions of trivial matters. But there can not be seen any other persons who are able to explain as logically and simply as I do. So I will be able to perform miracles at extra schools which we call juku.
>>720 「思想は自由だ」には「思想(をすること、およびその内容)は自由だ」という含意がある 従ってYou can have your own idea.もしくは、Freedom of thought is garanteed.がその訳としては適当だと思うよ というか、大体にしてfreedomに形容詞的用法はないでしょ? 仮に名詞のつもりで使っているなら「自由=思想」っていうわけわからん等式が出来上がるだけだよ
There are indeed a wide variety of treatises in the world, but a thesis, by definition, is one that looks at things from a certain perspective and describes them just as they are seen from that point of view.
This way of approaching problems may be given its due share of weight in that it offers a systematic method which makes things coalesce in an organized manner.
What is troublesome, however, is the extensive prevalence in the world of academic writings and theories distorting some things unrecognizably out of their original shapes by coercively applying to everything the same formula obtained from obstinate adherence to that single fixed and hardened viewpoint.
Among those dysfunctional axioms is the "ten golden rules", advocated by Sukichi Kataoka, a weird teacher turned NEET, and not at all golden in fact, because the perverse, slothful nature of the rules grossly hindered his physically handicapped and mentally retarded students from learning English in a normal way.
Most important is the profound exploration of things which can only be achieved by basically observing things from a fundamental angle and occasionally changing the way one sees them when stuck in the process, and what is required, therefore, is creative annihilation.
Won this way is also a Nobel Prize for physics, which Sukichi Kataoka will never get, unsurprisingly.
find: used to say that sth exists, grows, etc. somewhere ■These flowers are found only in Africa. ■You’ll find this style of architecture all over the town.
All individuals must eat to survive, but what people eat, when they eat, and the way in which they eat are all patterned by culture. No society regards as food everything in its environment which can provide nourishment.
'It's very thoughtful of you, Mr Brown,' he said, 'and I'm sure everyone will be most grateful, but I hope you've left yourself some money to put in the bank for a rainy day.' 彼は次のように言った。「ブラウンさん、ご親切にありがとうございます。きっと皆が非常に感謝していると思いますけど、まさかの時のために銀行に預ける分として、ご自分のために少しは残しておありになるでしょうね。」
で「but I hope you've left yourself some money to put in the bank for a rainy day.」 のto put〜らへんがよくわかりません。形容詞的用法の目的語関係の不定詞だと思いますが、なぜこのように表現するのかいまいちしっくりきません。というかこの不定詞をどのように訳せばいいかわかりません。
また、〜left yourself some money in the bank〜では駄目でしょうか。
Because it is an object, it concretizes or makes tangible what would otherwise be only an intangible state. Its physical presence helps locate, define, and freeze in time a fleeting, transitory experience, and bring back into ordinary experience something of the quality of an extraordinary experience.
1.the purpose of devices;why it was made 2.dependable 3.movement of things engaged in activity 4.text or graphic file;a report;a record keep or save for future use 6.thing made for a particular purpose integrated circuit made of silicon place in position(equipmen,etc) 9.reliability and quality of manufactured goods 10.information that is processed by a computer
この鞄を買いたいですか Do you wan to buy this bug? 彼女たちは釣りに行きますか Do they go fishing? 田中さんはタイを訪問しますか Does Ms.Tanaka visit Thailand? そこに行く必要がありますか Do I have to go there? 妹さんたちはディズニーランドに行きますか Do your sisters go to Disneyland?
>>735 There are indeed a wide variety of treatises in the world, but a thesis, by definition, is one [ that looks at things from a certain perspective and describes them just [ as they are seen from that point of view ] ].
This way of [ approaching problems ] may be given its due share of weight in [ that it offers a systematic method [ which makes [ things coalesce ] in an [ organized ] manner ] ].
[ What is troublesome ], however, is the extensive prevalence, in the world of academic [ writings ], of theories [ distorting some things unrecognizably out of their original shapes by coercively [ applying to everything the same formula [ obtained from obstinate adherence to that single [ fixed ] and [ hardened ] viewpoint ] ] ].
[ What is opposite of those dysfunctional axioms ] is the "ten golden rules", [ advocated by Kazuyoshi Kataoka, an excellent teacher [ turned free agent ], and surprisingly golden in deed, [ because the deeply sought, yet simple nature of the rules grossly facilitate his physically [ handicapped ] and mentally [ retarded ] students in their [ learning ] of English following a very natural way ].
Most important is the profound exploration of things [ which can only be achieved by basically [ observing things from a fundamental angle ] and occasionally [ changing the way [ one sees them [ so that the object may be seen cubicly ] ], and [ what is required ], therefore, is realistically [ viewing ].
Won this way is also a Nobel Prize for physics, [ about which Kazuyoshi Kataoka will get that of human language, triumphantly ].
[ What is troublesome ], however, is the extensive prevalence, in the world of academic [ writings ], of theories [ distorting some things unrecognizably out of their original shapes by coercively [ applying to everything the same formula [ obtained from obstinate adherence to that single [ fixed ] and [ hardened ] viewpoint ] ] ].
[ What is opposite of those dysfunctional axioms ] is the "ten golden rules", [ advocated by Kazuyoshi Kataoka, an excellent teacher [ turned free agent ], and surprisingly golden in deed, [ because the deeply sought, yet simple nature of the rules grossly facilitate his physically [ handicapped ] and mentally [ retarded ] students in their [ learning ] of English following a very natural way ].
Most important is the profound exploration of things [ which can only be achieved by basically [ observing things from a fundamental angle ] and occasionally [ changing the way [ one sees them [ so that the object may be seen cubicly ] ], and [ what is required ], therefore, is realistically [ viewing ].
Won this way is also a Nobel Prize for physics, [ about which Kazuyoshi Kataoka will get that of human language, triumphantly ].
Most important is the profound exploration of things [ which can only be achieved by basically [ observing things from a fundamental angle ] and occasionally [ changing the way [ one sees them [ so that the object may be seen cubicly ] ], and [ what is required ], therefore, is realistically [ viewing ].
Won this way is also a Nobel Prize for physics, [ about which Kazuyoshi Kataoka will get that of human language, triumphantly ].
>>784 But it(主語、toはrightと繋がりが強いから仮主語とは考えにくい。) wants the right(目的語、want O toの形ではない) {to approve any drug company's use of virus samples(of句はuseの目的語を形成)}(rightに かかる形容詞的用法の不定詞).
>>750 'It's very thoughtful of you, Mr Brown,' he said, 'and I'm sure [ everyone will be most grateful ], but I hope [ you've left yourself some money [ to put in the bank for a rainy day ].' 銀行に預ける→お金 some moneyを修飾する形容詞的用法
Aさんの文 Let me see .... It takes about five minutes. It is Hommachi. Youare welcome. How may I help you? I see. Go straight down this street and turn left at the next corner. Bさんの文 What is the name of the station? Oh, I'm looking for the nearest subway station. I see. How long does it take to the station? It is very king of you. Thank you. 二人の会話が成立するように並び替え、訳す問題なのですか、どなたかお願いします
>>758 [ Because it is an object ], それは物体なので it concretizes or makes tangible それは具体化させたり明確化させる [ what would otherwise be only an intangible state ]. そうでなかったなら捉えることの出来ない状態だった物を Its physical presence helps それが物体としてあることは促進させる [ locate, define, and freeze in time, a [ fleeting ], transitory experience ], 変化していく体験を捉え定義し時を逃さず固定させることを and [ bring back into ordinary experience something of the quality of an extraordinary experience ]. 又、非通常な性質を持つ体験を通常の体験に引き戻すことを
>>815 (通りすがりの者ですが、) the most difficult (subject) のこと。 科目は数が限定されているので、それらを比較して最上級にすることに問題はない。 形容詞の最上級にはthe が必要。
ちなみに >>806 は most が 単に very の意味で使われてる例。 このときは最上級ではないので the をつけない。(必要があるときは the でなく a をつける) なぜなら、他と比較して「若者にとってそれが一番必要」と断定は出来ない (しないほうがよい)から。訳語は日本語の問題で「一番」でもなんら問題ない。
The Oxford Sentence Dictionary(OSD)links every word,sense,phrase,and derivative in the Oxford Dictionary of English to a selection of extra example sentences taken from the Oxford English Corpus.
意味合いについて。 まず、以下の文章から。 文法的に違うものですが、 I will go to the movie. という文章と I will be going to the movie. という文章は意味はいっしょでもニュアンスが少し違います。 「映画に行く」ということだけを伝えている上の文章と違って、下の文章は、 「前にも映画に行ったことがあって、その時の記憶が頭の中に鮮明に残っており、 映画に行こうとしている自分や映画館に入った自分のイメージがはっきりした上で また、映画に行くのだ」というニュアンスを持っています。
そうかんがえると、 have you do は、「do させる」という意味しかなく、 have you doing は、「(かつて私がやったことがあるように、また)あなたにdo させる」 というニュアンスがあるのではないかと思います。あくまで推測です。
>>882 What do you speak? 「なにを話すの?」 どの言語を話すのか、という意味もあれば、どんな内容の話をするの? という意味もあって、あいまいですね。会話の流れがあってその間にこの言葉が入るのでなければ、 なにを言いたいのか、よくわかりません。 What language do you speak? なら言いたいことはわかりますが、what の場合は、 What kind of language というほうが一般的です。
この場合は、関係代名詞が省略されているわけではないんですね。関係代名詞が省略されないケースです。 This is a temple which was built four years ago. なら文章として正しいのですが、 This is a temple was built four years ago. という形に省略はできません。 「ひとつの文章にひとつの述語動詞」という大前提が崩れるからです。(is と was) この文章の述語動詞はis のみですから、was を入れるなら、関係代名詞を省略してはいけないわけです。 しかし、この問題には関係代名詞が選択肢として入っていない。となると関係代名詞は関係ないわけです。 この問題は分詞の問題。 This is a temple built(過去分詞) about four years ago. 分詞を使って直前の名詞を形容する用法です。詳しくは、「分詞」「形容詞的用法」「直前の名詞」「直後の名詞」あたりで ぐぐってみてください。
There are so many people that I can't go through. 「あまりにも人がたくさんいて、通ることができない。」 このような文章を作る場合は、so と that はセットですので、必ずso が必要になります。
会話では、実際に発音してみるとわかりますが、 There are many people outside. と発音するのと、 There are so many people outside. では、so がついているほが大げさな表現だという ことがわかります。 実際は、話す人のくせのようなものですから、話半分、と考えてよいと私は思います。
"Explain," she said, her glasses glinting ominously. Ron launched into the story, starting with the barrier at the station refusing to let them through. "— so we had no choice, Professor, we couldn't get on the train." "Why didn't you send us a letter by owl? I believe you have an owl?" Professor McGonagall said coldly to Harry. Harry gaped at her. Now she said it, that seemed the obvious thing to have done. "I - I didn't think – " "That," said Professor McGonagall, "is obvious."
上記英文中にNow she said it, that seemed the obvious thing to have done.という文がありますが、これはitが先行詞、thatが関係代名詞と考えればいいわけでしょうか?よろしくご教授お願いします。
>>897の回答はどうかねえ?文法用語の用い方が正確でない。 英文法において“itとthatが同格”というのは例えば It is necessary that he should be there.「彼が底にいることが不可欠である。」のitとthatのような場合だよ。 質問文のNow she said it, that seemed the obvious thing to have done. はNowとsheの間にthatを補ってNow that she said it.. 「彼女がそのことをいってしまった今となっては、そのこと(that)は自明だった。」で that seemed のthatはYou should have send us a letter by ao owl.ということで、 itとthatはともに一つの事柄を指すものの、いわゆる“同格”ではない。 強いていえば同一の対象を指し示している、ということであって断じて“同格”ではない。
If these substances build up inside the human body,they can lead to a narrowing of the arteries,which in turn puts people at high risk of coronary heart disease.
people might have done so had they not spent the past ten years considering the possibility that a form of bird flu which emerged in Hong Kong in 1997 might be one mutation away from going worldwide
The first great change in their life style came when, instead of hunting and gathering animals and plants, they brought them together and looked after them in a single location. This eliminated the element of danger present in hunting and reduced the probability of starvation, as there was no longer the possibility of returning empty-handed from a foraging expedition. It was the beginning of agriculture.
There are some people who are anxious about the growth of English. If some languages are replaced by English, we should be very concerned about it. But using English as a common language is a different matter. English is not denying local identities," says David Graddol, writer of a British Council report.
>>949 He was also several days away from a shave. [Nineteen Eighty-Four / George Orwell]
Dependent on their homegrown crops, most ancient people were just one harvest away from starvation. [Jacob / Ruth R. Brand]
Public fears of bird flu seem to have abated in recent weeks, but scientists know the world is always one viral mutation away from a deadly pandemic. [TIME / May 24, 2006]
The KGB's agents are everywhere. They're with me when I go for a walk, they follow me home after work, and if I wake up in the middle of the night, they're just a phone call away. [TIME / Feb 3, 2009]
The first great change in their life style came [ when, instead of [ hunting and gathering animals and plants ], they brought them together and looked after them in a single location ]. This eliminated the element of danger present in [ hunting ] and reduced the probability of starvation, [ as there was no longer the possibility of [ returning empty-[ handed ] from a [ foraging ] expedition ]. It was the [ beginning ] of agriculture.
1 Though I go on and on, there is nothing but desert. In the roadless desert I go alone; then,a calm whisper reaches me, ''MY weary friend, come to me".
2 Naked feet ache, baked by hot sand. Extream thirst makes me want to die; then, a calm whisper reaches me, ''Come and drink from this fountain of life".
3 I have no house to return to exhasuted completely. Hopeless, I desire death; then, a reassuring whisper reaches me, ''Come back to God, to your father".
What was once a largely communicative activity aimed at looking after the sick has become a technical enterprise able to treat them with increasing success.
has becomeがVなのはわかりますが What was once〜activity かつて〜だった活動が名詞でSとして aimed atは何でしょうか?主格の省略はありませんし