すいません、ちなみになんですが、これを関係代名詞を使った文で表すと、 ○This is the cafeteria that I met my husband for the first time in. だと思うんですが、 This is the cafeteria that I met my husband in for the first time. は×ですよね?
While we were playing handball last August, one of the players suddenly stopped playing and clained to have difficulty breathing. She was taken to a hospital and the symptoms turned out ..... 語順並び替えです caused heatstroke to by have been
turn out (自) (1)(…の)結果になる, 結局は(…に)なる, (…であることが)わかる, 判明する((to do, that節)) 辞書にはこうあります。 (a)〈〜 out (to be) Aで〉Aとなる, Aであることが分かる こうもありました
なので She was taken to a hospital and the symptoms turned out to have been caused by heartstroke. この順を考えてみたのですが・・・to不定詞に「to現在完了受動態不定詞」なんて使い方教えてもらったことありませんし。 そもそもcausedが原因とかですが、turned out to doに意味がかぶるんですよね。 〜になる。symptomsが症状とかですから こういう和訳になる英語になればいいんですよね?きっと。 「彼女は病院に運ばれた。そして熱射病である事がわかった。」 でもturned outで〜であることがわかる。だとしたらto have been causedはなんでしょうか? なんかそれぞれが中途半端にかぶってる気ガして。
causeを他動詞でそれの現在完了となると〜の原因になる。でもそうなるとbyがいらないんですよね。 目的格にbyなんていりませんよね? to have been causedで・・
>>24 The symptoms turned out to have been caused by heartstroke. 「兆候の原因が判明した」時間と「熱中症が原因した」時間を比べると 後者の方が先に発生していますので、完了不定詞を用います。 完了不定詞というキーワードで検索してみて下さい。
>>23 Looking t the impact of the emergenece of these communication tools on our social landscape, the change occurring in telephonic communication may seem the greater of the two because it is so obvious on the street in the elevator, in the restaurant. 「これらの通信機器がわれわれの社会の光景に及ぼす影響を見るに、 (携帯)電話(の領域)で起こっている変化の方が(手紙→メールという変化よりも)より大きいように見える、 というのもそれ(=そのような変化)は路上において、エレベーターのなかで、レストランの中で一目瞭然であるからである。」
単純化して Heatstroke caused the symptoms.(熱中症がその症状を引き起こした) これを受身にすると The symptoms were caused ny heatstroke. これに tourned out を付け加えると The symptoms turned out to have been caused by....( to have 以下は tourned out より時制の上でより過去なので)
>>42-43 ありがとうございます。 >>41ではcauseではなくてturn outを軸に考えて見たかったのです。 途中の文章が確かに形としておかしいですが。 To cause Heatstroke turned out the symptoms. にすれば多少はマシになるでしょうか。 でも結局turn outで考えると途中おかしな意味になりますね。 熱中症がその症状だと判明しただとか。 素直にcauseを軸に考える方がいいのでしょうね。
In spring many Japanese enjoy seeing Sakura, the cherry blossoms. There are lots of types of Sakura. I specailly like seeing Shidare Sakura, the weeping cherry. Frankly speaking, it would fasctionate me less than the food and drink we would enjoy with. Today after my club activity in school I was seeing my boy friend, walking about the shore together. He is always being blind in love with me and it disgusts me a little, honestly. この文章に文法的にミスありますか? 多分ないと思うんですけど(x_x;) お願いします!!
>>54 honestlyはおかしくないか?細かいことだが、 Frankly spreaking, He is always being blind in love with me and it makes me a little disgusted. のほうがよくないか? はひゃっはひゃっはひゃっ。
1.What's your name? 2.Do you speak English? 3.Where are you from? 4.What do you do? 5.What do you do for fun? 6.How old are you? 7.What's your e-mail address?
(a)T'm 23. (b)T'm Silvia Carvalho. (c)Yes, andTalso speak Portuguese. (d)Sao Paulo, Brazil. (e)T'm a student. (f)It's silviaC@starlink.net.br. (g)Tlike listening to music, going to the movies, and traveling.
例えば次の文章ですが "Gandalf, Gandalf! Good gracious me! Not the wandering wizard that gave Old Took a pair of magic diamond studs that fastened themselves and never came undone till ordered? Not the fellow who used to tell such wonderful tales at parties, about dragons and goblins and giants and the rescue of princesses and the unexpected luck of widows' sons? Not the man that used to make such particularly excellent fireworks! I remember those! Old Took used to have them on Midsummer's Eve. Splendid! They used to go up like great lilies and snapdragons and laburnums of fire and hang in the twilight all evening!" You will notice already that Mr. Baggins was not quite so prosy as he liked to believe, also that he was very fond of flowers.
添削お願いします。 1,One day on TV I watch Student from japan korean and indian discuss together 1'ある日テレビで日本、韓国、インド出身の学生が話しあっているのをみた。 2,It 【 】that English is the most important language 括弧の中に入りのがわかりません 2,そのおかげで私たちは英語が最も重要な言語であると再認識しました。
1、I felt myself (treat)as a special guest at her'S home. 2、Japanese should make their views (know) at international conference. カッコの中を適当な形にするのと訳がわからないのでお願いします
>>154 2. It (made us realize again) that English is the most important language. It (gave us a new understanding) that English is the most important language.
A question with "What" on the head of a sentence is asking something which questioner want to know. So, you have to answer what he want to know. For example, What is the creature? It is a sea otter named Khu chan.
A question with "How many" asks the number of something. So, you have simply to answer him how many something are. For example, How many are Tokyo Tower? Oh, you are kidding. Only one. How many are apples on the table? Three apples on it. How many are speedwell crawling on the floor? Two are crawling.
A question with "What" at the beginning of a sentence is asking the name of something which the questioner wants to know. So, you have to answer what he wants to know. (これでもいまいち冗長で曖昧な繰り返しがあるね。)
For example, What is the animal called? It may be a sea otter named Khu chan.
A question with "How many" asks the number of something. So, you have simply to answer the questioner how many animals (or whatever) there are. For example, How many Tokyo Towers are there? Oh, you are kidding. Only one. How many apples are there on the table? (There are) Three apples on it. How many speedwells are creeping on the floor? Two are creeping.
Thank you for your pointing wrong points in my sentence. But, I can't understand why "How many are tokyo tower?" is obviously a mistake. It is true that your answer "How many tokyo tower are there?" is completely right, since its answer is "there is just one." But, for me, my answer is right as well, considering the answer to my question is "It's just one."
1、The boys were so exciting that they would not listen to what the teacher was saying. 2、After I had worked hardly all summer.I became able to speak English a little. 3、It seems to be no doubt that the truck driver is responsible for the accident. この3文で各文文法的に間違いがあるみたいなんですけど、どの場所が教えてください!どう直せば良いかも良かったら教えてください!!!
1. It is said that one of the purposes of learning a foreign language is to know how people in other countries live and think.
2. "Haven't you been told that your voice is soft?" "Yes, I sometimes have. I feel ashamed to talk about private matters in a loud voice when people are around.
3. I had been told to finish the work by five but I coldn't make it until as late as seven because I had yet to do another work that I had been told to do the day before.
>>255 1.外国語を学ぶ目的のひとつは、外国のひとたちの生活や考え方を質ことであると言われている。 One of the main purposes of to learn foreign languages is to know the ways of living and thinking of foreign people. 2.「あなたは声が小さいと人から言われませんか」 「ええ、ときどき言われます。特に周りに人がいるときには、プライベートなことを大きな声で話すのは恥ずかしい気がするんです。」 Don't people say you speak in too small a voice? - Yes, they do. I feel embarrased especially when I talk about my private things in a loud voice. 3.5時までに仕事を片付けておけといわれていたが、前日言われていた仕事もまだ残っており、結局7時までかかってしまった。 I had been told to fish the work by 5 o'clock, but as I had other work they had asked me to do the day before, so the result was that I was forced to stay until 7 to finish them all.
ふと空を見ると鳥が自在に大空を飛んでいて、わたくし「ああ、鳥が楽しそうに空を飛んでいる。 何の妨げもなく、思うがままに。これこそ自動詞的行為だわ。Birds fly! Oh!!」 と楽しく見ていましたら、どうしたことか、その中の一羽が私に向かって猛然突進してきたのでした。 「あれ、あなた、自由に遊んでいたんじゃなかったの?なぜこちらに来るの?あぶない、ぶつかる!!」 He bumped me so hard that I could stand on my foot any more, バタンと土の上に尻餅をつき方々のていで帰宅しました。 しかし不思議でしたのは、はじめは自動詞だった鳥の行為が、いつどの瞬間に他動詞に変化したのか、ということでした。 また、雷が鳴っているときとI'am thunerstruck! なときは態が転換してるのですか? 考えすぎて夜も眠れません...。
>>273 I have done today's work. Now I will go to an izakaya. 僕はこれまでに今日の仕事をやっちゃたんだ。これから居酒屋行こう。 Today's work has been done. Now I will go to an izakaya. 今日の仕事はこれまでになされちゃったんだよ。これから居酒屋さ。
次の文を()を強調する強調構文に書き換えなさい 1,I have been looking for this bag. (this bag) 2,I wanted to see you,not Ken.(Ken) 3,We arrived home late in the night.(late in the night)
完璧ではないかもしれんが →人の外見でなく、人の性格を見て判断すべきだ You should judge people from their personalities, not from their appearances. →その疑問は政治組織で話し合わざるをえない We have no choice but to discuss the question in the political organization. →彼らが人々を撃った現場は残酷で〜(私はそれが好きではない) っしょ? これは多分OK →その映画は〜だと言われている 英語の意味がよく分からんが... be shot in 〜で 〜に撃たれる それ以外の日本語の意味の部分は訳せてる。 →ダーウィンの理論は有力であったが、それは完全に原型(彼自身が作ったもの)ではなかったのかもしれない。 Although Darwin's theory has been influential,it may not have been entirely original. という意味だな。
>>306 The data is read by a [reader] and processed according to specific needs. The data (was?) transmitted (as?) the tag provides [identifying] information →そのデータは読取装置によって読まれ、特定の要求にそって処理される。そのデータは個人を特定する情報を持つタグを送信した。(byがいらん気がするし、それとも受動態か?) 日本語と英文の意味が結構違う気がするし、選択肢をそのまま使っては解けない気がする。
これもお願いします(-_-;) there are many @contributing factors that Amakes someone more likely to have the syndrome, but scientists don't know Bhow important each one is.
1,太郎は雨だから家に帰ったのではなく、疲れたから家に戻ったのです。 Taro returned home (not because/it/but/he/was rainy/was tired/because). 2,お金をいくらか貸してもらえないでしょうか。 We (are/have/if/wondering/you) some money we can borrow, 3,最初の数章を読んだだけで、その本を読むのに飽きてしまった。 I had (the book/chapters/when/read/the first few/hardly/of) I became tired of reading it. 4,貧しいからといって、人を軽蔑してはいけません。 We should not (man/he/look/is/poor/a/because/down/upon). 5,The little house was very good (as/been/designed/had/in/that) a place pf rest. 以上並び替えです。お願いします。
>>333 1.not because it was rainy but because he was tired 2.are wondering if you have 3.hardly read the first few chapters of the book when 4.look down upon a man because he is poor
1 there is nothing in particular to say you today 2 today i have nothing particular to say you 3 there is no particular news to communicate you today 4 i have nothing special to tell you today
明らかに違うものを選べ 1 the spaghetti tasted deliciously 2 the taste of the spaghetti was good 3 the spaghetti tasted really delicious 4 the spaghetti was tasty
>>352具合が悪そうだね 1 you are looking very poorly 2 you do not look s if you are n good health 3 you are not well seeming 4 you seem to be ill →4 肝心なのは何を読むのではなくて、どう読むのかだ 並び替え it is not what you read but [it is how you read it that counts] .
和訳 夏休みにイギリスにもどるとき、日本人の友人たちは私を空港に見送りに来るといってきかない When I come back to Britain, my Japanese friends stick to sending me off at the airport.
Ask your veterinarian to insert HomeAgain[] The HomeAgain Pet Recovery Service is contacted to obtain the [] name and phone number. You are [] immediately and plans are made for you to bring your pet home. 空欄を次の選択肢から選ぶのですが、どれを選べばいいのいいですか? 1.scanning 2.ID information 3.contacted 4.microchip 5.owner's よろしくお願いします。
Ask your veterinarian to insert HomeAgain[4.microchip ] The HomeAgain Pet Recovery Service is contacted to obtain the [5.owner's] name and phone number. You are [3.contacted] immediately and plans are made for you to bring your pet home.
毎年出る頻出英語客観問題という本の別冊付録5ページに This is the coldest summer( ). (適切でないものにマークせよ) @after the war Ain fourteen years Bin my experience Con record Dsince 1976 解答は@
著者はリンガメタリカの中澤氏なのですが、sinceがなぜOKか という解説をするために挙げた問題で、なぜ@がダメなのかは 全く触れられていません。 なぜこの場合after the warがダメなのでしょうか。
354 名無しさん@英語勉強中 2009/04/16(木) 09:40:34 お前は負け犬だというのは You are a underdog でおkですか? 361 I Love London. 2009/04/16(木) 14:03:00 >>354 You are a dog which lost the game.
昔々、江戸の町に暗くなると人の寄り付かない坂道がありました。 Long, long ago there ( ) a slope in the city of Edo which people ( ) away from after dark.
ある日、男がその坂道を歩いていると、着物のそでに顔をうずめて泣いている若い女をみかけました One day, a man ( ) along the slope and ( ) a young lady crying with her face buried in her Kimono sleeves.
男は女の背中をたたき、何故泣いているのか尋ねました The man ( ) her back and ( ) her why she ( ).
その女は振り向いて顔を見せました その女には、眼も鼻も口もなかったのです! The lady ( ) around and ( ) her face. She ( ) no eyes, no nose and no mouth!
413 :I Love London ◆rKzxtzG6tI :2009/04/16(木) 21:59:39
>>408 昔々、江戸の町に暗くなると人の寄り付かない坂道がありました。 Long, long ago there (was) a slope in the city of Edo which people (stayed) away from after dark.
ある日、男がその坂道を歩いていると、着物のそでに顔をうずめて泣いている若い女をみかけました One day, a man (walking) along the slope and (saw) a young lady crying with her face buried in her Kimono sleeves.
男は女の背中をたたき、何故泣いているのか尋ねました The man (tapped) her back and (asked) her why she (crying).
その女は振り向いて顔を見せました その女には、眼も鼻も口もなかったのです! The lady (turned) around and (showed) her face. She (ha) no eyes, no nose and no mouth!
414 :I Love London ◆rKzxtzG6tI :2009/04/16(木) 22:00:48
ところで >>356 の並び替え it is not what you read but [it is how you read it that counts] . だけど 質問者の>>352と比べてみると it is not what you read but [that,it,how,read,counts,you] 明らかにカッコの中身増えてるんだが
例にならって、過去の場面の文に書きかえなさい。 例:We aren't hungry. We have just had lunch. →We weren't hungry. We had just had lunch.
(1)Tom cannot walk. He has broken his leg. (2)I don't know who she is. I have never seen her before. (3)The house is dirty. They haven't cleaned it for a week. (4)We are good friends. We have known each other for a long time. (5)I am very tired. I have been working hard all day. (6)Her eyes are red because she has been crying.
彼女は付き合いにくい人だそうです。 ( ) ( ) that she is difficult to get along with.
母が病気なので私はその会合に出席できなかった。 My mother's ( ) prevented ( ) from ( ) the meeting.
We couldn't arrive on time because of the traffic jam=The traffic jam kept ( ) ( ) arriving on time. It is reported that the typhoon caused widespread damage=The typhoon is reported ( ) ( ) caused widespread damage Both he and I object to the proposal=He doesn't agree to the proposal, and I don't ( ) The students complained that the test was too difficult=The students complained of the test ( ) too difficult
熱帯地方での暮らしがどんなものか想像できますか Can you imagine (is/live/what/like/it/to) in the tropics? 消防車は火事が起きた10分後に到着した The fire engine (broke/after/arrived/out/ten minutes/the fire)
>>431 ( I ) (hear) that she is difficullt to get along with. My mother's (sickness, illness) prevented (me) from (attending) the meeting. The traffic jam kept (us) (from) arriving on time. The typhoon is reported (to) (have) caused widespread damage. He doesn't agree to the proposal, and I don't ( either) The students complained of the test (being) too difficult. Can you imagine ( what it is like to live) in the tropics? The fire engine ( arrived ten minutes after the fire broke out).
あなたにご迷惑をおかけしたなら、大変申し訳ありません I'm awfully sorry (I/you/might/any/caused/trouble/have) 私たちが犯人だと思った男が、警察に逮捕された The man (the criminal/suspected/who/was/was/we)arrested by the police.
すいません分からないのが2つ出て来ました…。良かったら教えてください! お願いします!
434 :I Love London ◆rKzxtzG6tI :2009/04/17(金) 10:00:01
might I have caused you any trouble. who we suspected was the criminal was...
ボロボロ。訂正箇所は★印 [413]I Love London ◆rKzxtzG6tI 2009/04/16(木) 21:59:39 >>408 昔々、江戸の町に暗くなると人の寄り付かない坂道がありました。 Long, long ago there (was) a slope in the city of Edo which people (stayed) away from after dark. ある日、男がその坂道を歩いていると、着物のそでに顔をうずめて泣いている若い女をみかけました One day, a man ★(walked) along the slope and (saw) a young lady crying with her face buried in her Kimono sleeves. 男は女の背中をたたき、何故泣いているのか尋ねました The man (tapped) her back and (asked) her why she (was crying). その女は振り向いて顔を見せました その女には、眼も鼻も口もなかったのです! The lady (turned) around and (showed) her face. She ★(had) no eyes, no nose and no mouth! be/cry/turn/stay/walk/see/have/show/ask/tap
ボロボロ。訂正箇所は★印 [413]I Love London ◆rKzxtzG6tI 2009/04/16(木) 21:59:39 >>408 昔々、江戸の町に暗くなると人の寄り付かない坂道がありました。 Long, long ago there (was) a slope in the city of Edo which people (stayed) away from after dark. ある日、男がその坂道を歩いていると、着物のそでに顔をうずめて泣いている若い女をみかけました One day, a man ★(walked又はwas walking) along the slope and (saw) a young lady crying with her face buried in her Kimono sleeves. 男は女の背中をたたき、何故泣いているのか尋ねました The man (tapped) her back and (asked) her why she ★(was crying). その女は振り向いて顔を見せました その女には、眼も鼻も口もなかったのです! The lady (turned) around and (showed) her face. She ★(had) no eyes, no nose and no mouth! be/cry/turn/stay/walk/see/have/show/ask/tap
450 :I Love London ◆rKzxtzG6tI :2009/04/17(金) 16:23:05
The customer said tothe cashier:I have 2 packages of lard at 9 cent;2 cakes of soap at 27 cents; and 3 packages of sugar and 6 pastries,but I do not remenber the price of the sugar and pastries. これってお客はレジ係の人に言いました。「私は9セントのラード二つと27セントの石鹸二つと砂糖三つにお菓子六つ持っています。でも砂糖とお菓子の値段がわからない」であってますか? 誰か教えてください。
@Where did they hold the meeting? =Where ( ) the meeting ( )? AWe must keep the window open. =The window ( )( )( ) open. BThe committee is discussing the problem of global warming. =The problem of global warming is ( )( ) by the committee. CThey have finished the work. =The work ( )( )( ). DMy friends made fun of me. =I ( )( )( )( ) by me friends.
465 :I Love London ◆rKzxtzG6tI :2009/04/17(金) 22:02:20
>>464 @Where did they hold the meeting? =Where ( was ) the meeting ( held )? AWe must keep the window open. =The window ( must )( be )( kept ) open. BThe committee is discussing the problem of global warming. =The problem of global warming is ( being )( discussed ) by the committee. CThey have finished the work. =The work ( has )( been )( finished ). DMy friends made fun of me. =I ( was )( made )( fun )( of ) by me friends.
don't arrow to bring in anything! 中に何も持ち込むな! であってますか? この時のarrowの働きについてうまく飲み込めないのですが、どなたかお教えくださいませんか? to bring 持ち込む事 in anything 中に何も don't 否定形 これだけで中にも何も持ち込むなにほとんどなってると思うのですが、arrowの動詞として役割は何になりますか? don't bring in anything!とはどう違うのでしょうか?
スウキチの自作英語 上級用ブログ: Neighborhood women are takling care of the wastes [ brought by the inhabitants and gathered at the places for [ picking up ], [ talking among themselves ], [ for which sound I woke up ]. I dyed my hair [ which was turning brown ] [ to make it black ]. I let [ hot water run into the bath tub ]. Now it is 5 minutes [ passed ] [ since I put the hair dye on my hair ]. I will wash away the dye.
そして高校生が修正。 高2 全然ダメ。星印が修正箇所。 ★My neighboring women ★take care of the ★garbage brought by the inhabitants and ★gather at the place for ★talking about themselves and gossips, ★for which noises I ★wake up. I dyed my hair ★into black which ★had turned brown. I ★ran the bathtub. Now ★five minutes have passed since I put the hair dye on my hair. I ★am going to ★wash the dye away from now.
>>479不可能だよ。直接に指すにはheかhe or sheとしなけりゃならない。 >>469のSomebody rang my doorbell, but I don't know who it was.のitはsomebody を指してるんじゃないよ。じつはI don't know who it was...のwho以下は強調構文なんだよ。 つまりこの問題文はWho was it that rang my doorbell?という疑問文がI don't knowの目的語として組み入れられて間接疑問節となってるんだよ。 だから厳密に言うと、Somebody rang my doorbell, but I don't know who it was that did it(=rang my doorbell).ということなんだよ。
他の言い方があるのか?と思うくらい普通、大丈夫かね、その辞書。 英二郎よりこぴぺ put on 【句動】 〜を…の上に置く、〜を…に接触させる、〜を…の場所に持ってくる[連れてくる] ・Oh, he put him on to load the bases. : 《野球の実況中継》おっと敬遠です。 〔衣服を〕身に着ける、着る put on a badge バッジを付ける put on a bamboo hat 笠をかぶる
質問させて下さい。不定詞の問題で、答えが The poem she wrote was very difficult to understand. 彼女が書いた詩は理解するのが非常に難しかった。となるのですが、 The poemのあとに何でsheの代名詞が続けるのかがいまいち分からないんです 教えて頂けないでしょうか
>>507さん自信がおありのようなのでお願いします。 It is fun to talk with you.は It is fun talking with you.でも可能ですよね? だとしたらIt was fun for him to swim there.は It was fun his swimming there.にできますか? もしできないならそれはなぜですか? それと、for〜が無いIt is 〜 to 〜は全部動名詞に変えられるんですか? 変えられないものがもしあるとしたら理由もお願いします。
(これは火fireに関する話です。itはfireということです。) Not only do we use it to cook food and warm ourselves, but we can also change the form of things through its heat.
この文のandですが、「主語 A動詞 and B動詞」においてABを入替えても意味が崩れないようのと同じように we use it to warm ourselves and cook food としても良い意味でのandですか?それとも we warm ourselves and use it to cook food ですか? つまり、「〜 to A動詞 and B動詞」みたいな使い方もアリなのかナシなのかが気になったのです。
(これは火fireに関する話です。itはfireということです。) Not only do we use it to cook food and warm ourselves, but we can also change the form of things through its heat.
but以後はとても難しいのですが、わかりますか? warmの副詞節という解釈であってますか?・・・ 「私達は暖房設備を変える事もできる」これだとthrough its heatとthe form of thingsが中途半端にしか反映されてない気がして。 through its heatはitsとはwarm ourselvesの事を指してるんですよね? the form of things がaではなくてtheであるのは火を使った暖房設備と特定的だからですか?
through its heatというのはthe form of thingsに掛かってるのですか?全体に掛かってるのですか? 「その暖房を通して」?「その暖房が終わって」? あと少しでわかるんですが、あと少しがわかりません。 お助けお願いします。
という事ですか。 しかし、だが、ばかり頭にあったのと、Not only doは その前の文までにあげた火の利用方法に対してかかっているものだと思っていました。 Not only doは「.」を超えて作用する事から検討したこと自体が大きなミスでした。 butもandも大抵のものは「.」を超えないで「,」超えるだけですもんね。
>>539 It's the difference of view point. When you say "it dates back ...", you are looking the past things from present time. "it dated from..." is the way you see the things from past time.
>>523 I walked from Shinjuku to Yoyogi Park from 1:00 to 1:30. *6時までと到達を表し、終点を言っている I studied mathematics from 3 till 6. *6時まで続けてと言う持続の感じが出る
>>527 Not only do we use it [ to cook food and warm ourselves ], but we can also change [ the form of things ] [ through its heat ]. 私達は変えることが出来る[物の形を][それの熱を通して]
○ we use it [ to warm ourselves and cook food ] × we warm ourselves and use it [ to cook food ]
つまり、発言してから2000年にさかのぼるか、さかのぼってから発言するかみたいな感覚の違い、それぞれ適切に使えば良いというわけですね。 それよりも"it dated from..." is the way..てなんですか・・・こっちのがわかりませんでしたよ。 A is the way Aはこのやり方 Aはこの考え方 でいいんですか? It is "it dated from..." that you see the things from past time.ならわかりました。
They are the difference of view point. When you say "it dates back to...", you are looking the past things from present time. That(theの方がいいですか?) other is "it dated from..." that you see the things from past time. こういう英訳はどうでしょうか?
>>558 "They are differences of"だと、疑問は a difference between two だったから、おかしい。 It is... のは言い方が強い感じだけど、それでも良いと思うならOKと思う。 The other is... は通じることは通じるだろうけど変。 Another one you mentioned "it dated from..." is かな。
This sort of art, we learn in childhood, is meant to excite laughter,that to provoke our tears.
という英文で訳例には、 「このような表現方法は笑いを引き起こすことになり、 あのような方法は涙を誘うことになるといったことは、子供時代に身につけておくのである」 となっており、, we learn in childhood, 部分の文修飾や 同一構造上の省略は分かるのですが、 is meant to- 部分の文型&訳出の仕方がわかりません。 教えてください。
After reading your sentence, I thought good translations often bewilder the beginner.
The translation you showed might be good depending on a context the sentence is set in.
"We learn in childhood" is a part inserted into a main sentence, "This sort of art is meant to excite laughter,that to provoke our tears."
By the way, "is meant to" means "is devised to", and a part of "that provoke our tears" means exactly "that sort of art is meant to provoke our tears." Thus, "sort of are is meant" is omited.
>>563 >"They are differences of"だと、疑問は a difference between two だったから、おかしい。 >It is... のは言い方が強い感じだけど、それでも良いと思うならOKと思う。 >The other is... は通じることは通じるだろうけど変。 >Another one you mentioned "it dated from..." is かな。
The other is ...は変だけど、That other isはいいということでしょうか? それともやはり両方変ということでしょうか? 僕は和訳練習ばかりしているので、なかなか英訳は上達ないんですよね。
>>574 skillful technique という言い方は普通にある。 それより、skill にするなら、複数形にする。 >>580 My brother is as tall as [I was ten years ago]. People live longer today than they [did] in the past.
さしずめ答は @ There is a pear in the basket. A It was rainy yesterday. なんだろうけどそれを答として求めている問題だとしたら愚問としか言わざるを 得ないと思う。 直示のthere 構文だったら定名詞句でOKだったはずだし 天候のit (形式主語)なんか別にいらないんじゃない。
lerning another language is important, because it enables us to communicate with people in a different country and to learn more about that culture. But the real importance of lerning another language goes even deeper. It makes us realize the relativity of our values, be they cultural or lingistic.
>>587 [ Learning another language ] is important, [ because it enables [ us to communicate with people in a different country ] and [ to learn more about that culture ] ].
But the real importance of [ learning another language ] goes even deeper (than that).
It makes [ us realize the relativity of our values ], [ be they cultural or lingistic ].
[ if they may be cultural or lingistic ] それらが文化的な物であろうが言語的な物であろうが
第二言語を学ぶことには、 to communicate with people in a different country をできるようになることと、 to learn more about that culture.をできるようになること以上にさらに重要なことがあるってこと。 (589さんはlearn more about that cultureの一つしか挙げてないが)
質問です。 find it 〜 to do・・→することは〜だとわかる。 という文法は見かけるのですが、think it 〜 for+人+to doという ように、for+人をfind itの文法にいれることはできないでしょうか? 例えば、 「彼がその仕事を終わらせるのは不可能だとわかった」というのを 英文にすると、 I found it impossible for him to finish the task.とすることは できますか? I found that he can't finish the task.でもいいですよね? 宜しくお願いします!読みにくくてすみません。
>>596さん 回答有難うございました。 すみません。もうひとつお伺いしたいのですが、 「彼がその仕事を終わらせるの不可能だと分かった」 という日本文を英文にする場合、下の3つにすることはできますか? I found it impossible for him to finish the task. I found that he can't finish the task. I found it impossible that he finish the task.
どうしてもitを使いたければ、 I found it to be impossible for him to finish the task. にすれば間接的知覚になるからまだいけそう。 でも文体的にto不定詞が二重になって落ち着かないから、やはり 事実として判明したことを表すthat節がいいでしょう。
>I found it impossible for him to finish the task. 間違いなし。
>I found that he can't finish the task. can't ==> couldn't (時制の一致)
>I found it impossible that he finish the task 間違いなし。 I found it impossible that he [should] finish the task. のshouldの省略。 ただし、文語的で古くさいが、下手な口語用法よりは正式な表現。
>>614 論点が違う。 面倒だから文法書から引用する。 perception verbの項より (6)知的知覚構文。知的知覚動詞は、典型的に次の構文に生じる。 @I found that this chair was comfortable. AI found this chair (to be) comfortable. どちらも「椅子の座り心地のよいことがわかった」という内容であるが、 @はthat節がつき、Aはto beが省略されればSVOCの構文となる形である。 that節を用いると、that節の特性から内容が事実として判明したという ことを述べる形となる。Aについていえば、一般的にto beのある文がより間接的な知覚を表し、 無い文がより直接的な知覚を表す。
Sometimes the person designated to deal 【would】 want to leave the game or sit out one hand. A player 【could】 do so by passing the marker―passing the buck―to the next player.
>>673 lied -> lay, railroad tracks -> a railroad track
>>674 Sometimes the person designated to deal 【would】 want to leave the game or sit out one hand. ゲームで、順番が回ってきた人が、時には、ゲームをやめたい、勝負したくないということがあるだろう。 A player 【could】 do so by passing the marker―passing the buck―to the next player. プレイヤーは、次の人に責任転嫁することで、そうすることができるかも知れない。
ここでのwould と could の用法は、どちらも婉曲表現。sit out one hand は、多分こんな感じの意味だろう。
Bookings for goods meant to last several years fell 1.5 percent, the fifth drop in six months, according to the median forecast in a Bloomberg News survey ahead of a Commerce Department report April 24.
>>740 意味を無視すると文法的な話は普通できないんだが、単純に語法の点で見ると、 Yes、 I have a dream sometimes myfather makes the rules sometimesの位置がダメ。 the rulesは普通に考えればmakeの目的語か補語だからtheはあってもいいような。 やっぱり意味がめちゃくちゃだから文法的説明は不可能。 意味あっての文法だから。
Yes、 I sometimes have a dream that my father makes (the) rules 私は父が規則を作る夢を時々見る Yes、 I have a dream my father sometimes makes (the) rules 私は、父が時々規則を作る夢を見る なんだよこれ
>>725 [ Bookings for goods [ meant [ to last several years ] ] ] fell 1.5 percent, the fifth drop in six months, [ according to the median forecast in a Bloomberg News survey [ ahead of a Commerce Department report April 24 ] ].
[ Bookings for goods [ which was meant [ to last several years ] ] ] fell 1.5 percent, [ which is the fifth drop in six months ], [ according to the median forecast in a Bloomberg News survey [ ahead of a Commerce Department report April 24 ] ]. このような構造です。
>[I you he/she/it we you they] all take did in the past >Raining, not rain, present participle because it was raining for an extended period of time, it didn't rain for just one moment, then immediately stop, it's imperfect. >I'm not sure why it's go instead of went, but that's how it is all the same.
>>760 We didn't go out [ because it was raining ].
Seemingly you are a native speaker and one [ who helps students with [ their learning of English ] ], aren't you? There are some guys [ who say [ that your use of English is wrong ], [ maintaining [ that your sentence means [ that they didn't go out not [ because it was raining ] but [ because we were tired or something ] ] ]. Can you give us a word about this?
>[I you he/she/it we you they] all take did in the past >Raining, not rain, present participle because it was raining for an extended period of time, it didn't rain for just one moment, then immediately stop, it's imperfect. >I'm not sure why it's go instead of went, but that's how it is all the same.
>>760 We didn't go out [ because it was raining ].
Seemingly you are a native speaker and one [ who helps students with [ their learning of English ] ], aren't you? 767 says [ that your use of English is wrong ], [ maintaining [ that your sentence means [ that they didn't go out not [ because it was raining ] but [ because we were tired or something ] ] ]. Can you give us a word about this?
>>760 We didn't go out [ because it was raining ].
Seemingly you are a native speaker and one [ who helps students with [ their learning of English ] ], aren't you? 767 says [ that your use of English is wrong ], [ maintaining [ that your sentence means [ that they didn't go out not [ because it was raining ] but [ because they were tired or something ] ] ]. Can you give us a word about this?
>>775 I don't see how this particular sentence (We didn't go out because it was raining) OR (We didn't go out, because it was raining) could mean anything other than they did not go out, because at the time it just happened to be raining. It's perfectly correct English, I assure you.
>>725 [ Bookings for goods [ meant [ to last several years ] ] ] fell 1.5 percent, the fifth drop in six months, [ according to the median forecast in a Bloomberg News survey [ ahead of a Commerce Department report April 24 ] ].
[ Bookings for goods [ which was meant [ to last several years ] ] ] 商品の予約[予測された[数年続くと]]が
fell 1.5 percent, [ which is the fifth drop in six months ], [この6ヶ月間で5回目である]1.5パーセントの下落をした [ according to the median forecast〜 〜中間予測によると
>>793>>792 A comma here (go out, because / go out) makes sense but it is not needed, it is superfluous (not necessary). The word because in the middle of a sentence normally indicates a small pause.
英文法辞典を見ると、かのJespersenがnegative attraction(否定辞牽引)を解説してる。 I didn't go because I was afraid.(僕は行ったけれども怖かったからではない) この例にはBecause I was afraid, I didn't go.(僕は怖かったので行かなかった) の読みもあり、曖昧となってしまう。
>>815-816 すみません。文脈なしではわからないものというのもあるのですね。 The percentage of the distance covered by means of transport in Japan. 電車や車、飛行機などの利用状況の表を年代別にされてるものです。 その表のタイトルです。
一応まとめておきますか。 @We didn't go out because it was raining.は 「雨が降っていたから出かけたわけではない」又は「出かけたのは雨が降っていたからではない」 AWe didn't go out, because it was raining.は 「雨が降っていたから出かけなかった」 以上が基本。ただし、コンマが無くても下の意味になることも時々ある。 notは基本的に後ろの語句を否定するがコンマは越えない。 @はnotがgo out because it was rainingを否定するからああいう訳になる。 Because it was raining, we didn't go out.にすると 「雨が降っていたから出かけなかった」に確定するのは、notが後ろしか否定しないから。 notはgo outを否定するだけ。 notが後ろを否定するという特性から、どこまで否定するかの射程を はっきりさせる必要がある。 だから通常はコンマが無い場合@の訳になる。 「雨が降っていたから出かけなかった」にしたい場合はコンマを付けるか Becauseを前に出すという話はこういう意味から来ている。
780 :Vuk:2009/04/20(月) 19:21:32 >>775 I don't see how this particular sentence (We didn't go out because it was raining) OR (We didn't go out, because it was raining) could mean anything other than they did not go out, because at the time it just happened to be raining. It's perfectly correct English, I assure you. を読んだ?生きている英語を使って日常生活をしている人がこう言ってるんだぜ!
>>845 Lord Bacon says that atheism leaves to man reason, philosophy, natural piety, laws, reputation, and everything that can serve to conduct him to virtue; but superstition destroys all these, and erects itself into a tyranny over the understandings of men: hence atheism never disturbs the government, but renders man more clear-sighted, since he sees nothing beyond the boundaries of the present life.
[799]名無しさん@英語勉強中 2009/04/20(月) 20:06:28 英文法辞典を見ると、かのJespersenがnegative attraction(否定辞牽引)を解説してる。 I didn't go because I was afraid.(僕は行ったけれども怖かったからではない) この例にはBecause I was afraid, I didn't go.(僕は怖かったので行かなかった) の読みもあり、曖昧となってしまう。 [801]Vuk 2009/04/20(月) 20:08:28 >>799 He puts it very well. That's correct.
>>852 If we wish to explain our ideas of the Divinity we shall be obliged to admit that, by the word God, man has never been able to designate but the most hidden, the most distant and the most unknown cause of the effects which he saw; he has made use of his word only when the play of natural and known causes ceased to be visible to him; as soon as he lost the thread of these causes, or when his mind could no longer follow the chain, he cut the difficulty and ended his researches by calling God the last of the causes, that is to say, that which is beyond all causes that he knew; thus he but assigned a vague denomination to an unknown cause, at which his laziness or the limits of his knowledge forced him to stop. Every time we say that God is the author of some phenomenon, that signifies that we are ignorant of how such a phenomenon was able to operate by the aid of forces or causes that we know in nature. It is thus that the generality of mankind, whose lot is ignorance, attributes to the Divinity, not only the unusual effects which strike them, but moreover the most simple events, of which the causes are the most simple to understand by whomever is able to study them. In a word, man has always respected unknown causes, surprising effects that his ignorance kept him from unraveling. It was on this debris of nature that man raised the imaginary colossus of the Divinity.
>>847 Lord Bacon says [ that atheism leaves to man reason, philosophy, natural piety, laws, reputation, and everything [ that can serve [ to conduct him to virtue ] ] ]; but superstition destroys all these, and erects itself into a tyranny over [ the understandings of men ]: hence atheism never disturbs the government, but renders man more [ clear-sighted ], [ since he sees nothing beyond the boundaries of the present life ]. 括り係が括りました。 訳し係が訳してください。
>>855 [ If we wish [ to explain our ideas of the Divinity ] ], we shall be obliged [ to admit that ], by the word God, man has never been able [ to designate ] but [ the most hidden ], the most distant and [ the most unknown cause ] of the effects [ which he saw ]; he has made use of his word [ only when the play of natural and [ known ] causes [ ceased [ to be visible to him ] ]; [ as soon as he lost the thread of these causes ], or [when his mind could no longer follow the chain ], he cut the difficulty and ended his researches by [ calling God the last of the causes ], that is [ to say ], [ that [ which is beyond all causes [ that he knew ] ]; thus he but assigned a vague denomination to an [ unknown ] cause, [ at which his laziness or the limits of his knowledge forced [ him to stop ] ]. Every time [ we say [ that God is the author of some phenomenon ] ], that signifies [ that we are ignorant of [ how such a phenomenon was able [ to operate by the aid of forces or causes [ that we know in nature ]. It is thus [ that the generality of mankind, [ whose lot is ignorance ], attributes to the Divinity, not only the unusual effects [ which strike them ], but moreover the most simple events, [ of which the causes are the most simple [ to understand by [ whomever is able to study them ] ] ]. In a word, man has always respected [ unknown ] causes, [ surprising ] effects [ that his ignorance kept him from [ unraveling ] ]. It was on this debris of nature [ that man raised the imaginary colossus of the Divinity ]. (*_*) (^-^*) 括り係で〜す。分業で〜す。得意得意でいいので〜す。
Every time [ we say [ that God is the author of some phenomenon ] ], that signifies [ that we are ignorant of [ how such a phenomenon was able [ to operate by the aid of forces or causes [ that we know in nature ]. It is thus [ that the generality of mankind, [ whose lot is ignorance ], attributes to the Divinity, not only the unusual effects [ which strike them ], but moreover the most simple events, [ of which the causes are the most simple [ to understand by [ whomever is able to study them ] ] ]. In a word, man has always respected [ unknown ] causes, [ surprising ] effects [ that his ignorance kept him from [ unraveling ] ]. It was on this debris of nature [ that man raised the imaginary colossus of the Divinity ]. (*_*) (^-^*) 括り係で〜す。分業で〜す。得意得意でいいので〜す。
>>867 If ignorance of nature gave birth to gods, knowledge of nature is made for their destruction. In proportion as man taught himself, his strength and his resources augmented with his knowledge; science, the arts, industry, furnished him assistance; experience reassured him or procured for him means of resistance to the efforts of many causes which ceased to alarm as soon as they became understood. In a word, his terrors dissipated in the same proportion as his mind became enlightened. The educated man ceases to be superstitious.
>>869 [ If ignorance of nature gave birth to gods ], knowledge of nature is made for their destruction. In proportion as man taught himself, his strength and his resources [ augmented with his knowledge ]; science, the arts, industry, furnished him assistance; experience reassured him or procured for him means of resistance to the efforts of many causes [ which ceased [ to alarm as soon [ as they became understood ] ] ]. In a word, his terrors dissipated in the same proportion [ as his mind became enlightened ]. The [ educated ] man ceases [ to be superstitious ]. これは哲学ですね。ケチ付けて妨害放題のこいつ等偉ぶり人間にじっくり瞑想させたいな。 どうせケチ付け自己利権は死ぬまでなおらないけどさ。 でもなおって欲しいよな、ほんと、こいつ等のためにさえもイエスは自ら十字架の刑を受けたのだからね。 どうせ言ったって分からないけどさ。 でも分かって欲しいよ。 ほんと死ぬまでには。
George Bennard (1873-1958) Words & Music: George Bennard, 1913 (MIDI, score). The Old Rugged Cross was written in Albion, Michigan. Or Pokagon, Michigan. Or Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin. All three towns claim to be the birthplace of this hymn. ------------------------------------------------------ On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross, The emblem of suffering and shame; And I love that old cross [ where the dearest and best For a world of lost sinners was slain ]. Refrain So I’ll cherish the old [ rugged ] cross, [ Till my trophies at last I lay down ]; I will cling to the old [ rugged ] cross, And exchange it some day for a crown.
O that old rugged cross, [ so despised by the world ], Has a wondrous attraction for me; For the dear Lamb of God left His glory above [ To bear it to dark Calvary ]. Refrain In that old rugged cross, [ stained with blood so divine ], A wondrous beauty I see, For ’twas on that old cross [ Jesus suffered and died, [ To pardon and sanctify me ] ]. Refrain To the old rugged cross I will ever be true; Its shame and reproach gladly bear; Then He’ll call me some day to my home far away, [ Where His glory forever I’ll share ]. Refrain
O that old rugged cross, [ so despised by the world ], Has a wondrous attraction for me; For the dear Lamb of God left His glory above [ To bear it to dark Calvary ]. Refrain In that old rugged cross, [ stained with blood so divine ], A wondrous beauty I see, For ’twas on that old cross [ Jesus suffered and died, [ To pardon and sanctify me ] ]. Refrain To the old rugged cross I will ever be true; Its shame and reproach gladly bear; Then He’ll call me some day to my home far away, [ Where His glory forever I’ll share ]. Refrain
@Because his leg was badly injured , the athlete was sent to the Hospital. A She returned home late. She was exhauted from practicing kendo ALL afternoon. これを分詞構文で表すとどのようになるのですか?
903 :I Love London ◆rKzxtzG6tI :2009/04/21(火) 00:57:39
@Because his leg was badly injured , the athlete was sent to the Hospital.
His leg (being) badly injured, the athlete was sent to the hospital. Having his leg badly injured, the athlete was sent to the hospital. With his leg badly injured, the athlete was sent to the hospital.
A She returned home late. She was exhauted from practicing kendo all afternoon.
She returned home late, (being) exhausted from practicing kendo all afternoon. (Being) Exhausted from practicing kendo all afternoon, she returned home late.
I thought ( ) to support the chairperson and make during a speech yesterday. A.it be my responsibility B.it my responsibility C.it to my responsibility D.of it my responsibility
Anything you could do to help male the negotiations ( ) would be very mach appreciated. A.a success B.is a success C.to be a success D.will be a success
>>902 [ Because his leg was badly injured ], the athlete was sent to the Hospital. She returned home late. She was exhauted from [ practicing kendo ALL afternoon ].
[ His leg being badly injured ], the athlete was sent to the Hospital. [ Returning home late ], she was exhauted from [ practicing kendo ALL afternoon ]. 10公式のIを参照下さい。
>>904 He seems [ to enjoy parties ]. *パーティー一般が好き He seems [ to be enjoying the party now ]. *今楽しんでいる He seems [ to enjoy the party every Mounday ]. *月曜日毎に楽しむ 10公式のGHIで括っていくだけでどこが間違っているか自動的に出てきます。
>>904 He seems to enjoy the party. その特定のパーティーを楽しむように見える。 見えるのは現時点での状態だから動作動詞のenjoyは進行形にしなければならない。 He seems to be enjoying the party. そのパーティーを楽しんでいるように見える。 現時点での状態だから問題ない。 He seems to enjoy the party every Monday. 毎週月曜日にパーティーを楽しんでいるように見える。 every Mondayが付くと習慣を表すようになるから、状態的と言っていい。 見える対象になれる。
>>905 BC think A(to be)BでAをBと考える。think of A as Bだからof有りは不可。 Anything you could do to help male the negotiations ( ) までが主語。maleが意味不明だが、 help O to doを基本に考えれば済む。
Anything どんなことでも [ you could do あなたがよろうと思えば出来る [ to help 助けれになるように [ make させる [ the negotiations a success ] ] ] ] 交渉が成功となる is worth は値する [ doing ]. 行うに
動作動詞には行為動詞と完成動詞がある。 完成動詞の例:paint a picture、make a chair、build a houseなど これらの特色は、終結点があることである。 例えばpaint a pictureの場合には、絵が完成するということがその終結点にあたる。 この点で完成動詞はpush a cartやrunなどの行為動詞とは決定的に異なる。 行為は「等質」であるために、それがどれくらい持続したか聞けるのに対し、 完成は終結点があるために等質ではなく、持続期間をFor how longでは聞けない。 逆に、完成にかかった時間を尋ねるHow long did it take to 〜のような take構文は完成動詞では使えるが等質である行為動詞には終結点が無いため使えない。 動作動詞はこのように等質性、終結点の問題から時間的概念に制約が生まれる。 現在時制に限って言えば前述の通り習慣や瞬間的出来事を表すが、 完了形などではそうした制約によって使用の制限が生まれる。 そして、時間的概念も変化するので、簡単にはまとめられない。 動作動詞と状態動詞の時間的概念は時制との絡みで考えるべきものであり、 今回のような不定詞における使用では、現在時制に近い時間的概念を持つ。
>>957 @Every morning, he goes [ running along the bank of a river ]. AHer dog follows her. BEvery morning, he goes [ running along the bank of a river ], [ her dog following her ].