Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 129

( ´・ω・) Let's have Pu-erh tea and chat!
( つ旦O ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫
と_)_) 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦

Previous Thread:
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 128

Hey!!! you NEETs, nerds, YouTube-link spammers, pedophiles, neo-Nazis,
Yukorin enthusiasts, Nanako SOS admirers, Part-Time-Preachers,
Diplomats' spoiled sons, losers who can't remember Kanji characters,
Big-boobs fans, Weeaboos from all over the world, learners of Japanese
who are too lazy to update their Japanese blogs very often, and cunning
linguists. And let's celebrate the comeback of the Internet-addicted

Here is the place to have a ball!!!!!
2名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/12(木) 17:18:14
3名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/12(木) 19:03:41
i've just begun to watch a tv series called "a little house on the prairie."
it's so moving and enlightening (at least for those who want to learn
about the core of the american cultures) that i almost can't stop wathcing it.
as a matter of fact, i can't understand all of the conversations in it.
nevertheless, i'm definitely sure this is a must-see tv series
for learners of english and american cultures.
4金玉儿:2009/03/12(木) 20:57:42
Japanese starve for speaking with the foreigner, therefore when they saw writing "アメリカ人" or "チリ人", they make a response greedly .
Moreover, though Japanease make a response to the remark of the same Japanese as carping at a fault, they never carps at a fault to the foreigner's remark.
Speaking with the foreigner for the Japanese is honor act as if they speek with the TV entertainer of their yearning.
If you see Japanese groins at that time, you will find to be wet in the combustor.

5名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/12(木) 21:57:06
You've made a good thread,>>1 OTU
6チリ人:2009/03/13(金) 01:51:44
Thats an original book by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Its a classic American children's literature
7名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/13(金) 02:04:31
My stereotype to Latin girls are they have big boobs.
They have nice suntans. They wear a thong.

Your country is thin and looooooooong.
8チリ人:2009/03/13(金) 02:22:01
Well, all that its somewhat true, except for the thong thing.
And yeah, Chile is thin and long, thats because we have almost every landscapes.
We have the most arid desert in the world (Atacama) and a part of Antartica.
9名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/13(金) 02:46:19
Do you think your country has a rival country?
Maybe Peru?
10チリ人:2009/03/13(金) 03:20:14
There are some rivalries, yep, we have fought a war 120 years ago between Peru and Bolivia.
But to be honest they arent really that hard with those things, we are much friends now.
At least much more than the Asian world and his China/Korea/Japan conflicts.

By the way, in Peru the Japanese community is very strong, they even have a Japanese president, Fujimori.
I guess you maybe know something about that story.
11名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/13(金) 03:29:55
Yeah, some people emigrated to Brasil, Peru and other Latin American
I know about Alberto Fujimori.
He lived in Japan for a while not to be arrested by Peruvian government,
or something like that. But in the end he was forced to come back to
Peru and were arrested, right? I don't know much about the story, though.

You speak English and have Internet access. You must be elite in Peru.
Don't get offended but Peru isn't a wealty country so not many people
have Internet access... You must be from a rich family.
12アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2 :2009/03/13(金) 03:35:40
You're saying foreign posters with trips get attention because we're like celebrities?
In a way that's true, but isn't it beneficial for you guys? I don't mean to be an attention whore
and I didn't think I was pandering for it. I'm not to sure I'm comfortable with making "groins wet in the combuster".

That is a classic although I can't say I've read/seen it.
The only things I learned about Chile were Incas and Spanish colonization and those were under
broader topics such as colonization and indigenous civilizations in the Americas.
13アメリカ人:2009/03/13(金) 03:40:00

Every American girl reads the original books.
I read them too, when I was younger.
I wonder if they would be good for students of English.
14チリ人:2009/03/13(金) 03:41:26
Im not from Peru! im from Chile, things are better in Chile at least in political stability and economical ways.
More than 40% of the population in Chile has Cable Internet. Im middle class i guess.
And yes, Fujimori got some problems with human rights, i dont know too much about it because im not from Peru, but he is still somewhat famous.

By the way, i heard that also Chile is "famous" in Japan because of a whore... yeah, a whore, called Anita Alvarado, who works in Japan and now is millionaire.
15名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/13(金) 03:59:16
>Im not from Peru!

lol Sorry about my mixing up Chile with Peru. I know you are from Chile
but when you started talking about Peru, I mixed them up! More people than I expected
have fast Internet access.

>Anita Alvarado

Haha. Some years back, Japanese media covered the news about her.
A city official who's said to be Anita's husband sacrfice lots of money to her.
The money wasn't his but public money. So he was arrested, if I'm not wrong.

When I heard the news, I was full of questions because Anita doesn't look
attractive enough for a man to give her lots of money.
I don't think Anita loves her husband although her husband seemed to
love her. Anita just wanted Japan money. Their marrage was fake, I think.

You two are different people?
16名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/13(金) 04:15:27
I was just talking about Peru because i was asked about that in >>9 , dont worry.

And well, yeah, here in Chile Anita hasnt have a good reputation anyway.

>You two are different people?

Yes, he is from USA i think.
17名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/13(金) 04:41:05
I wanted ask >>12-13 are different people. Sorry.
18アメリカ人:2009/03/13(金) 05:14:19
Yes, I don't have a tripcode. I wrote >>13 only. Should I change my name?
19名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/13(金) 05:22:44
Yeah. I think it's a good idea to change your handle name not to confuse
people here. >>12 has used アメリカ人 as his HN for quite a long time.
If he changes his HN to Home Stay Advisor or Scatology Major or whatever,
then you can stick to アメリカ人 as your HN, though.
20名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/13(金) 05:25:03
If you wish to have a name, it should be recognizable and identifiable.
アメリカ人 would be too ordinary a name to be distinguished.
21アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2 :2009/03/13(金) 11:07:36
Do you think I should? Scatology/Scientology/PantySniffer would be an impressive handle.

I'm so sorry btw, someone asked about my kanji quiz tomorrow(ah!) and I totally forgot to reply.
The AP test in May only tests recognition of kanji because for the writing portion you use a word processor like MS Word.
Also I doesn't test kanji in isolation, only in context (i.e. whole words). So that's the format of my quizzes in class as well.
The trouble is then I don't learn the 音読み and 訓読み very well, just the reading for whatever it is in the specific vocab word.
We do learn the stroke orders for each kanji in class but it's not emphasized.

Ah! I have a calculus quiz as well!
>>969 from the last thread
I'm learning Java now in school and I want to major in Computer Science next year (my college acceptance letters arrive soon).
I guess my end goal is to get a job as a programmer in the games industry although i'm open to whaever crazy ideas my best friend
who's also majoring in CS has.
22名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/13(金) 19:13:42
Crazy idea your friend has? Like this? :attacking companies by spamming and demanding money as a reward for stopping it.
This is what he thinks, isn't it?
23名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/13(金) 19:34:37
Sounds like the Korean Cyber Terror Organization known as VANK...
24名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/13(金) 21:37:27
It's first comes, first served basis so I don't think you need to
change your HN. But if you think a HN should speak for itself what you are,
then the candidates of a HN are very eloquent and good to choose from.

>i'm open to whaever crazy ideas my best friend who's also majoring in CS has.

Do you mean he and you might start up a company at the garage of your
apartment like other legendary entrepreneurs?
25名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/13(金) 22:08:38
The YouTube link that Tennessean gave us in the previous thread took me to one of the most awesome
blogs I've seen in a while. At first, I had no idea if this guy was all serious or just insane, but sort of
came to the conclusion that the blog itself is a huge joke that is filled with irony, sarcasm, and satire.
Considering the fact there are so many Korean people actually suffering under oppresion and tyranny there,
it's not all that funny, but was pretty thought provoking as well. I liked the entry "True Face Of Japan ". lol
26金玉儿:2009/03/13(金) 22:28:05
Are you studying Computer Science now?
I'm also researching a way of packing a lot of information in a bit.
Though it is impossible by the routine ways, but it might be possible by the quantum theory.
But I never get any good inspiration.
Therefore, I want your advice of it.
If I hit upon a way of it, can I get Nobel prize?

27real yakibuta ◆rZ/DxCHAR. :2009/03/13(金) 23:57:32
>>14 Chilean

I've read previous thread.
And I didn't know that "la ki su ta" is said " Lucky Star" by foreign countries!
Isn't Animation for adult Gorgo 13th or something? lol

I think " Sa za e sa n " is the best Animation text to learn Japanese.
Because it describes just general Japanese family,
and even now this TV viewership is more than 20%, every old and young Japanese knows it,
and I saw a book which is written by English and Japanese in bookstore.
I think it's a good text for Japanese English learners too.

By the way Japan has deserts too. Most famous desert in Japan is " Tottoli desert hill".
The place is in Tottoli Prefecture. And There are local specialty foods there,
such as Asian pear and lakkyou.
28real yakibuta ◆rZ/DxCHAR. :2009/03/14(土) 00:44:19
Oh. " a book " is a Sazaesan cartoon book.
29名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/14(土) 00:47:00
Tottori desert hill isn't categorized as a desert.
One of the big defference between desert and desert hill is precipitation.
Tottori gets a moderate amount of rain as well as the other prefectures and it even snows in winter.
Actually, there is no desert in Japan.
30Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/03/14(土) 01:03:20
At one time I thought I might like computer science, but I realized that I don't
give a damn about computers outside of just having fun on applications and games.
31チリ人:2009/03/14(土) 05:07:49
I always have some interest in Sazae-san, mostly for be a historical animation in Japan.
It is too hard to find it with English subs?
Thanks for your recommendation!
32名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/14(土) 08:20:46
One of the sales pitches of ipod touch is Wi-Fi wireless internet connection
and you can access to the Internet on the road.

I wonder why アメリカ人 has to use neighbor's bandwith? If you have no way
of accessing to the Internet on his own, what's the point of having an
ipod touch? I thought if you don't have your own Internet access, then,
ipod classic or ipod nano meet your demands. If you don't keep lots of
music in an ipod then an ipod shuffle is sufficient.
33名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/14(土) 13:28:06
I admire talented programmers who always get everything done so efficiently and elegantly.
I hope you get accepted into the college.

As for your career, your goal may change as you learn a lot at college, and you may consider another path.
Maybe you land on a job that has nothing to do with computers, but a lot of opportunities are open to versatile guys like you.
Whatever walk of life you choose, programming skills and a second language will be a plus.
You speak English and are learning Japanese and Java. I have never seen a trilingual derelict who doesn't enjoy his life.

I could have given some advice if you wanted to be a scientist, but it'd be too early to preach how wonderful science is.

You made a wise choice. Apps and games are not science any more.
If you're a consumer and interested in taking advantage of personal computers,
you'll get bored with computer science/engineering sooner or later.
Riding a bike is fun, but I don't think riders should learn mechanical engineering or dynamics.
34アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2 :2009/03/14(土) 13:34:23
Ooh thanks for the suggestion!
>garage...legendary entrepeneurs
Haha, that made my day. Have you seen the movie Pirates of Silicon Valley? If you have you have serious geek cred.

I'm only in a high school CS class so I won't be much help on the data compression front lol.
Although I do like reading articles about quantum computing (not that I understand it in any meaningful sense).
I hope you get your Nobel Prize, 頑張って!

My ISP is blocked but my neighbor must have a different ISP because I can post. I do have my own wifi connection a home.
Plus my iPod touch is serving me well during class once I figured out the school wifi password.

I had a great day to day. My calculus quiz was postponed and my kanji quiz was incredibly easy and I easily answered
the extra credit questions(thank my flashcard application for my iPod for that). However, the highlight of my day was seeing
the Chicago premier of the movie "TOKYO!" . I surprised myself by understanding a lot of the Japanese.
As I said to my friends, "TOKYO! left me with shudders. See it if you want great social commentary and a dose of the absurd."
35片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A :2009/03/14(土) 13:46:50
WASHINGTON – [ Turning more upbeat ], President Barack Obama said Friday [ his administration is working to create a "post-bubble" model for solid economic growth [ once the recession ends ].
He said [ that means the days of [ overheated ] [ housing ] markets and "[ people maxing out on their credit cards ]" are over.
But first, Obama said, "We've got [ to get through this difficult period ]."
There are "modestly [ encouraging ] signs" on that score, said Lawrence Summers, Obama's top economic adviser,
[ citing indications [ that consumer [ spending ] had stabilized after [ taking a dive over the holiday season ] ].
The White House attempts [ to be positive ] matched a fourth day in a row of stock market gains.
The Dow Jones industrials gained ****53.92 points [ to cap Wall Street's best week since last November ].
Administration officials were criticized earlier this year for [ painting too dark a picture of the economy in an effort [ to win congressional passage of the president's ***$787 billion stimulus package ].
But more recently, the president and others on his team have tempered their comments in hopes of [ building confidence ],
[ including the president's suggestion last week [ that it was a good time for those with a long-term perspective [ to buy stocks ] ].
36片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A :2009/03/14(土) 13:59:41
A Poem by Victor Hugo "I wish you"
First of all, I wish [ you love, and that by [ loving ] you may also be loved ].
But [ if it’s not like that ], be brief in [ forgetting ]
And [ after you’ve forgotten ], don’t keep anything.
I wish [ that wouldn’t happen ],
but [ if it does and you forget ], you could be a person without desperation.
I also wish [ you may have a lot of friends ],
And [ even if they are bad and inconsequent ],
They should be brave and true
37片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A :2009/03/14(土) 14:00:36
And, at least one of them, should be completely reliable.
But [ because life is the way [ it is ] ],
I also wish [ you may have enemies ].
Not many or too little, just in the right number
[ So that you will have to question your own certainties and truths as well ].
And may there be among them at least one [ who is just and fair ],
[ So that you can never feel too secure in your ideas ].
I wish [ you may be useful but not irreplaceable ]
38片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A :2009/03/14(土) 14:01:21
And in your bad moments,
[ [ When you have nothing else ], That sense of usefulness will keep you on your feet ].
So equally, I wish [ you to be tolerant,
Not with those [ that make little mistakes,
[ because that is easy ] ],
but with those [ that make a lot of mistakes and can’t help it ]
And make good use of this tolerance [ to set an example to others ] ].
I wish [ that, [ being young ], you don’t mature too quickly ].
And [ once you’re mature ], don’t insist in [ getting younger ].
And [ when you’re old ], don’t feel despaired [ Because each age has its pains and pleasures And we need them both in our lives ].
39片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A :2009/03/14(土) 20:02:39
Victor Hugo's word,
how do you like this?
40名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/14(土) 23:17:58
Hi kazu, how are you doing?
41名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/15(日) 01:45:41
Never heard of Pirates of Silicon Valley.
I'll google it later. I just know that founders of google, DELL and
presumably other start-ups busness were launched in a garage.
42名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/15(日) 01:47:07
The western actor in the movie TOKYO looks like Brad Pitt.
Never heard of this film, either.
43名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/15(日) 02:23:28
Looks like it's one of those lines like "Lost in Translation", except the actors are mostly Japanese.
Probably, those famous directors from Paris, NY and Seoul put their own interpretation of Tokyo, its cultures
and some social issues into each work based on their style. I'd like to watch it if I have a chance.
The most surprising part is YMO under the name of HASYMO did the ending music for it.
44アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2 :2009/03/15(日) 04:39:42
I just got acceptance letters from USC and NYU!!!!!
45名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/15(日) 04:43:50
Hey, congratulations. You can dance with Zak on campus if you go USC.
What if you are accepted by Cornel?
46名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/15(日) 05:43:03
47名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/15(日) 07:25:29
I don't understand how wifi wireless connection works.
What do you have to do to have your ipod touch connected to the Internet?
First you have to buy an ipod tocuh and bring it home.
What do you have to do then? In my case, I have fiber optical Internet
connection but my PC is connected to the router or something with a
cable. The way you connect your ipod touch to internet is different
depending on whether your home PC is connected to the Internet with cable
or wireless?
48名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/15(日) 08:42:40
Do you have some connector to connect the iPod to your PC?
When I connect my game machine, Nintendo DS, to Wi-Fi, I use the USB connector.
Maybe the iPod also needs some gadget.
49名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/15(日) 09:16:29
I'm 47. I neither have ipod, DS nor PSP.
I was asking in 47 out of curiusity. I don't know much about LAN, networking
and such.

You have to connect your DS to PC to get internet access with DS?
That sounds inconvenient.
50名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/15(日) 09:18:14
I gotta go now and will check this thread at night.
I hope somebody'll answer my question.
51名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/15(日) 09:30:10
you just need a wifi access point.
if you don't have one, go get one at some computer shop.
52名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/15(日) 09:36:36
Google is your friend, just remember that.
5348:2009/03/15(日) 10:37:05
No way!
I connect DS to the network just to play online game.

I'm sorry but I don't know about WI-FI system.
You had better to ask in Computer category thread.
54加拿大人:2009/03/15(日) 13:47:51
If you have a wireless router, the DS will search for the connection automatically and then go online.
As for the iPod touch, I think you can use a wireless router in much the same way.
Although I know that many people use the 3G card, which lets you go on the internet anywhere.
However it costs a lot of money.

55real yakibuta ◆rZ/DxCHAR. :2009/03/15(日) 14:42:55
I didn't know this. haha
The definition of a desert seems that the rain is short,
and amount of evaporation is more then precipitation.

Here is the book. And we can see sevral pages.
It may be available if Amazon or something internet stores exist in Chile.
I have looked at this book carefully for the first time,
And I thought a little that this book isn't suitable for Japanese learner.
Because, at first, the Japanese sentences written in this book is too colloquial for learner.
Second, contents of the book is too old. Third, few kanji characters are used in the book.
I think that following stuff is better than above as a textbook of parallel translation.
Push the button of "閲覧する(e tu ra n su ru)". This meaning is "look".
I forgot the contents of previous thread,
and was what you needed such a stuff that voices are Japanese and letters are Engilish ?
Oh, Full-length Gundam is going to be made at "Si o ka ze ko u e n (潮風公園)" in "O da i ba (お台場)".
It's 60 feet !
56名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/15(日) 15:04:24
I'm playing TearRing Saga now. It's a long while since I completed the game last.
It's fun to play, of course, but to be truthful, I wanted to find other SRPGs.

Do you have recommendations for fun and interesting turn-based strategy games?
I like the Fire Emblem series as well as tearring saga, but just
to let you know, I tried to play the Romance of the three kingdoms, but it was boring.
57名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/15(日) 16:16:06
I'm really interested in PC games, but I know next to nothing about them.
I'd love to play an RPG if there's good one.
58名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/15(日) 16:46:32
Last Remnants will be in store sooner or later.
I'm sure it's a PC game.
59名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/15(日) 17:07:07
What's Last Remnants like?
Is it an RPG?
60名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/15(日) 17:43:03
Don't think you don't know, but just in case let me inform you this,
Fire Emblem is also released for DS.
61名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/15(日) 20:09:40
The Last Remnant

Seems like a good game.
62名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/15(日) 21:49:36
hello, how are you.
What is your name?
63名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/15(日) 22:30:46
I love video games. What do you like to do?
64名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/15(日) 22:46:24
Thanks for your response.
It still sounds inconvenient that you have to connect your DS to PC when
you play online game.

>Computer category thread
Thanks for your suggestion.

>the DS will search for the connection automatically
Thanks for your response, too. DS is very clever.

>3G card
I've never heard of 3G card but maybe you're talking about using cell phone network.
I think I need to do more research.
65名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/15(日) 23:15:49
>real yakibuta
I guess you love baseball. Am I correct?lol

Man, fire emblem is surely a masterpiece. I love it too.
By the way, I sometimes watch game play videos with the player speaking to audiences
on Niconico. This one is funny. It seems a 2ch'er made it.

Now to answer your question, I've played Summon Knight 2, FE, FFT, Utawarerumono,
and so on. They are really interesting. And though I haven't played it myself, Super Robot taisen seems like a
popular SRPG. If you are interested, I suggest you check it out.
66firestar:2009/03/16(月) 00:37:14
great movie
one of my favorites
67名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/16(月) 01:07:36
I love video games, three, especially like dragon quest.

Put that aside, I have a question.
When you say, "Japan isn't a utopia like America", does that mean
America isn't a utopia? Or is it a utopia?
If you want to mean America isn't a utopia as well,
it should be "Japan isn't a utopia unlike America"?
Please she light on this.
68名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/16(月) 01:08:37
69名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/16(月) 02:21:45
America is a utopia. That's for sure. That's why people move there even if they become illegal immigrant.
70名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/16(月) 03:32:27
I found the whole movie put up on the Internet.
The actor who plays Carter in ER plays Steve Job in the movie.
I tried to watch the whole movie but thought twice and decided not to
watch it because I find it understanding spoken English difficult.
So I went back to my day to day rutine, meaning I set sail on a daily
porn sites tour.

I happened to read an interesting quote from the wife of Bill Gates.
She kind of envies ipod and mac users because in the Gates family,
Bill Gates doesn't allow her to use Apple's products.
71片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A :2009/03/16(月) 03:36:57
On a hill far away, there's an old [ rugged ] cross,
the emblem of [ suffering ] and shame.
It was on that old coss [ Jesus suffered and died
[ to parden and sanctify me ] ].
I will cherish that old [ rugged ] cross
[ till my trophies all I lay down ].
I will cling to the old [ rugged ] cross
and exchage it some day for a crown.

Really Jesus' cross is the key [ for you to enter Heaven ].
Let [ us lend His Key free of charge ]!
Let [ your tears shed many figures of your sin ]!
72チリ人:2009/03/16(月) 04:19:38

I love videogames too.
But im more fan of fighting games.
Street Fighter IV wasnt really that good, is too similar to II.
By the way, i heard that Arcana Heart is extremely famous in Japan, im waiting for Suggoi! Arcana Heart 2.
73名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/16(月) 05:18:33
World Baseball Classic

Japan VS Cuba has just started.

74加拿大人:2009/03/16(月) 05:59:56
It means that America is a utopia, and Japan is not a utopia.
If the person wanted to say that America was not a utopia too, it could be phrased:
"Japan is not a utopia, like America," with a comma. Though that sounds awkward.

Man, SFIV was bad. I regret buying it.

75名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/16(月) 06:07:49
It just crossed my mind but was your HN アメリカ人 and you changed it
to the current handle name not to make everybody confused?

How do I pronounce your kanji character?
76名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/16(月) 06:13:23
at the top of 3rd inning

Two down, runner on 1st and 3rd base

Japan 3
Cuba 0
77加拿大人:2009/03/16(月) 06:20:35
No, 加拿大人 means Canadian while アメリカ人 means American.
Unless I'm wrong - I had to look it up in a dictionary so I can't be too sure.

I'm not too clear on what your second question is... You mean how is 加拿大人 pronounced?
I think it's Kanada-jin.
78名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/16(月) 06:36:58
I'm 75 and Japanese.

>You mean how is 加拿大人 pronounced?
Yeah, that's what I meant. I couldn't read the kanji although I'm Japanese.

I did some research and 加拿大人 is a way of china's writing.
Although Japan imported kanji from China, it seems like 加奈陀人
is used in Japan. But カナダ人 is more common as アメリカ人 is
more common than 亜米利加人. I mean usually when we write contriy's name
we don't use kanji but use katakana.
79カナダ人:2009/03/16(月) 07:24:08
Oh, I see! Thank you for the explanation. I'll use this spelling.
80名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/16(月) 07:24:45
You are welcome.
81名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/16(月) 09:51:15
According to today's paper, a Canadian woman who's been a big fan of Japanese anime is going to debut as a singer in Japan.
She is supposed to sing in Japanese. She moved to Japan a few years ago and won first prize. Her song will be used as a opening song
for some anime (and the name slipped my mind).

We won! Well, there's still a long way to go, though...
But the pitchers did quite well. Hope they will do well again in the next games. ^^
82名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/16(月) 09:55:58
One thing to worry about the representatives of Japan is Ichiro hasn't been at his best since the begining of the first round of WBC.
I really hope he's going well soon.
83名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/16(月) 10:03:12
Let's look on the bright side.
Japan's team can win without Ichiro's best performance.

I think he proves his ability under extreme pressure such as in the final game
and semi-final.
84名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/16(月) 10:14:44
Obviously no one can replace Ichiro, so...but well, yeah, you're right.
Maybe his presense itself can encourage other players to perform better.
85名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/16(月) 13:24:52
Why is Ichigo Kurosaki that weak? He's the protagonist, and even after he goes vizard,
he's still weak. Why do other captains seem stronger even though they can't hollowficate themselves?
I thought hollowfication makes shinigami much stronger.
86名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/16(月) 15:44:08
sweet dreams, Anny
87real yakibuta ◆rZ/DxCHAR. :2009/03/16(月) 22:27:29
Yeah, you bet it is. Today's game was nice game!
but I like soccer too.
It's a little pity that I won't be able to see the next game live due to my job.
88名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/16(月) 23:33:29
It's easy. Just quit your job.
89Guyjin ◆TTtxpqNzhE :2009/03/17(火) 03:11:49
Hi everyone. Sorry for not posting for a bit. I was on vacation with my girlfriend! It was a lot of fun~
In other news I got an acceptance letter from MIT two days ago. YES!
(・ω・) How is everyone doing?
90名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 03:45:12
Vacation with your girlfriend? I envy you.
Where did you go? What did you do?

And congratulations on the acceptance letter.
MIT is an extrememly good university.
What other universities did you apply for if you don't mind my asking?
No matter what universities they are, MIT sounds like best choice to me.
91名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 04:16:50
Have you otaku guys heard of this Canadian singer living in Tokyo. I hadn't. She was on yesterday's Asahi newspaper
with a color photo of her that says she won an anime song competition last September and will pretty soon make a debut
with the OP song for a TV anime show, and it's on not an indie but major label, Sony Music Japan.
You can listen to her singing from 15:00 on this clip.

I don't really care for anime in general but I must say she's really good.
92イギリス人:2009/03/17(火) 05:07:41
Watched NASA's launch of the space shuttle 'Discovery' last night.
The commentating was both hilarious and terrible at the same time.
"Taking the space station to FULL POWER FOR FULL SCIENCE".

Anyway, that will be Japan's first long-term journey to the ISS.
Valuable for JAXA.
93名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 05:27:35
I've just watched the niconico video. She is a great singer and deserves to
be the winner of the contest. Actually, she's the only one who has
great singing techniques. Other contestants are terrible.
As some people in niconico commented on the video, other contestants
had better just sing karaoke. They sing off key. Terrible. It's natural
this Canadian woman won the contest.

Not only she sings very well, she doesn't have English accent when
she sings the Japanese song. Without the fottage, I'd had assume she's
Japanese. Other than her song itself, I can tell that she's been
immersed in Japanese songs. Many Japanese singers theses days move their
one hand in the air while singing to express their emotion.
This Canadian woman does the same when she sings.

This is her fan site on youtube where you can watch her sing.
ttp:// (This is not her own youtube
channel but a channel run by her fans.)

She has a blog and in this entry, she write about the contest.
Ahe writes in Japanese in the blog and the Japanese is almost perfect.
Maybe her Japanese friends or people relating music industry proofread it.
94ベイエリア人 ◆wI.9LiivDc :2009/03/17(火) 05:28:00
I missed the registration for college classes again.
I still got into good classes, but I really wanted to take Japanese...
Too bad. That class was filled up.
95チリ人:2009/03/17(火) 05:59:05
Woah, she is really awesome!
96名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 06:04:25
My English isn't good enough to understand why the comment is hilarious.

I don't know much about the space station and the launch of the space shuttle
except that Koichi Wakata, Japanese astronaut was on board this time.

I take the Japanese course was pretty popular.
97Guyjin ◆TTtxpqNzhE :2009/03/17(火) 06:12:15
We spent the whole week hanging out together in DC. Not much sightseeing was accomplished but we did spend a lot of time just hanging out, talking, etc.
I am also applying to Princeton, Stanford, Cornell and Berkeley. I think I might go to Princeton instead of MIT if I get accepted because their undergraduate program in Physics is really astounding. Then I can go to MIT for graduate school
(・ω・) UHO! Amazing~
98名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 06:22:34
Japan's national baseball team is going to have a match against Korea AGAIN.
Hmm, 3 out of 6 games... I'm just bored with this match.
I really want to see Japan having matches with other national teams such as from
Europe and America..
99名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 06:31:28
I would have spent time in a hotel all day, I mean, on bed, humping.
UHO is used wrong. It is used right in that you have exclamation marks
in your head but the exclamation should be in a homosexual way, like
when you watch this video.
100名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 06:36:09
I agree. But that can't be helped.
If Both Japan and Korea move on to the final, they are supposed to play
three more games.
101名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 06:43:40
Now that I've found a similar post (>>81) to mine, I feel painfully stupid but anyway..
Yeah, she has perfectly mastered up the J-pop style of singing like tons of vibrato and flat flows,
on top of her perfect pronunciation. And her exceptional singing. There's no reason why she could've lost it.
I can see her try other styles of music with her talent.
Also, from what I can read on her blog, she seems like a very decent person as well. Thanks for the links.
102名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 06:46:13

Watch this video. The way he makes sushi for his adorable dog looks
like professional but he says in his blog that he's not a pro.
The way he cuts cucumber is really awesome at 1:41

He has muscular arms and some people mention that in comments.
One person says UHO (in Japanese)there, other people says similar things. That dog is soooooo cute.
103名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 06:46:59
Never mind. I don't complain about that.
Coz that'd happen to everyone. So don't feel stupid. It's not worth it.
104名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 06:52:33
I thought you are >>81. lol
105アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2 :2009/03/17(火) 08:16:02
106アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2 :2009/03/17(火) 08:28:30
False alarm.

That's an impressive list of schools there. Congrats on MIT!
I'm still waiting on Columbia and Cornell but NYU and USC were my top choices anyways.
Just have to decide on LA or NYC... Zac Efron could be a deal breaker lol. Although Bo Burnham
goes to NYU and Moot possibly got in as well...

I loved this video; it made my day.
The cucumber slicing blew my mind and reading the comments when that huge flame leapt out was hilarious.
Also when I read 「犬になりたい」i burst out laughing.

107名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 08:45:17
I'm looking for a nice simulation role playing game.
108名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 08:46:58
109名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 09:31:35
WTF are u talking about
110名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 09:38:56
You can watch the video in >>102 on youtube, too, although
it is divided into three parts on youtube.


He originally started uploading videos on youtube then began uploading
them on noconico, too, I think. Or someone puts them on niconico
without his permission.
111名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 09:48:44
A Golden retriever in general is very clever and so is she.
Coco, the dog is she, by the way.

She barked at her male owner after the flame. It's not because the dog
was surprised at the frame. You heard the dog's female owner, who's
shooting the video scream being surprised by the flame. The dog thought
the man did something bad to make her scream so the dog accused the man
of making her scream by barking at him. Very clever dog.
112名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 10:20:12
>>91 >>108

I searched and she used to post in 2ch with fixed handle name, before
she came to Japan.

She was just a woman who loved to be an anime singer and she made her
dream come true. She looks young but she's already 30.
113名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 11:11:56
297 :HIMEKA ◆9WWAtIF1ss []:2008/03/19(水) 10:35:20 ID:cO0jsBHE0

The above is an exerpt of the thread linked in 112.
She sounded really depressed on the early stage of her life in
Japan and was struggling. Seems like she deleted her blog entries in which
she wrote something very negative and depressing things.
It's very natural now that she paved the way to becoming a singer in

In 777
, she wrote it would be impossible for her to win the contest.
and the latter the thread goes, the more she and 2channelers quarrel.
That's kind of entertaining. In 780 she wrote she doesn't want to
go to the final competition for various reasons.
114名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 11:14:12
XShe looks young but she's already 30.
OShe looks young but she's already 28 years old.
115名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 11:22:26
I found some articles about her on the Internet and they never mention
her quarrels with 2channelers and her writing about private things
and whining, struggling on her blog, which is of course.

116名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 11:26:47

Ichiro has a way with words.
His comment on "having a match with Korea again" is so so
That's one of the reason I like Ichiro very much.
117名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 12:30:57
That's so witty, Ichiro. lol
118アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2 :2009/03/17(火) 14:01:01
Let me try translating: "There's a relaltionship with Korea. The impression is she's separated from but we still have met her in town.
So it's that sort of thing. If that's the case then perhaps it'd be better if the two people have been married. As to that extent there's a relationship."

I know that's not a very good translation, but I think that's the gist. Ichiro is pretty darn witty.
119名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 14:22:44
Ichiro is said to be a bright student to the extent that he might have entered
Tokyo university.

His father wanted Ichiro to go to a high school whose baseball club is
strong. But the principal of Ichiro's junior high school didn't want him to
go to the high school because it was obvious Ichiro would have not time
to study because of hard baseball practice so the princiapl persuaded
the manager of the hich school's baseball club not to accept him because
Ichiro has potential and if he studied as he did in juniro high, he would be accademicaly
good to pass Tokyo university's entrance exam.

Ichiro's father told the manager to accept him, claiming Ichiro and his father's
dream is Ichiro's becoming a baseball player.
120名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 14:26:25

One thing I find especially funny about it is that he's married already(in real life), so
there'd be no chance that ex-girlfriend and he would be in a relationship again.

Think Ichiro implies he is also bored with another match as many others(including audiences) are.
121名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 14:46:42
I'd translate like this.

Somehow Japan is pretty closely connected with Korea.
It's like you happen to see your ex-girlfriend in town.
That happens often. Maybe getting married with her is a good idea
if the two see so often and are connected that way.

Ichiro compare seeing ex in town to Japan and korea's national
teams game. I don't understand Ichiro's metapher though.
Anyway, in WBC's system, Korea and Japan play games many times.
Tomorrow's game is the third time and If both team move on to the final,
they'll play fifth time in this tournament.

That's because of adoptation of new tournasment system in WBC.
In the old system, Japan and Korea played three times.
122名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 14:59:18
What? I'm sorry to say, but if I read your translation first, I'd have
different idea than what Ichiro meant to say...

>I don't understand Ichiro's metapher though
I see. That showes in your translation...
123名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 16:30:33
I bet Ichiro would be a good troll on 2ch.
In fact, he said on an interview that he once posted on 2ch to defend himself in his thread when people
were criticizing his personality as being selfish and egoistic. He wrote "Actually, Ichiro is a nice guy."
and someone asked "Are you Ichiro by any chance?", then that completely shook him out of his anger.
He's really funny.
124名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 18:03:05


I've never heard of that. When did he had the interview?

It's tough to make use of 2ch if you are easily tricked, isn't it?
Especially if a source of information isn't exhibited...
125名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 18:19:07
I actually watched it myself on TV about 2 years ago. It was kind of a special program about Ichiro,
so said part might be much older, though. I think the episode was from when he just moved to America.
You might be able to find it on youtube. Sorry, but I just don't feel like I have to prove it.
126金玉儿:2009/03/17(火) 18:19:18
Eeeeeek!! Ichiro posted on 2ch.
Woooops!! Ichiro posted on 2ch.
I also posted on 2ch as much as Ichiro. Therefore, I'm Ichiro, and a celebrity. I am proud of that as if my groin gets wet!!

127名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 19:06:04
Don't think. Feel, then you'll be Ichiro.
128金玉儿:2009/03/17(火) 20:32:50
Hey, you guys!! Though this is a photograph of my face, ↓ can you believe it?
It seems to be a young woman in twenties, but I'm an old man in fifties.
Apparently, I might be born under a checkered star... Can you believe it?
129名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/17(火) 22:08:17
130名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/18(水) 05:42:08
Anita Alvarado is not white.
131Guyjin ◆TTtxpqNzhE :2009/03/18(水) 06:38:21
Thanks for the lesson! A good deal of humping was accomplished. w We also watched movies!
132名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/18(水) 07:24:15

In this video at 0:02, you can see a a poster of a boy in a white tank top.
Is he Zak whom アメリカ人 wants to be like?
Can the girls in the video be called a "bitch?"
I guess they are not the type of girls who are accepted by a good university.
133名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/18(水) 07:29:22
In America, do you have to get a permission from her parents when you go on a trip
with your girlfriend?

It depends on parents, but I guess decent parents in Japan don't welcome
with open arms their daughter going on a trip with a man at the age of 18 or so.
I guess some girls tell a lie to their parents, saying she goes on a trip with
her female friend when in fact she goes on a trip with her boyfriend.
134名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/18(水) 09:05:19
Hey!!! I'm sure there are a certain numbers of fans of turn-based strategy games.
I've been searching for a nice one, and I've just found this game, King’s Bounty:The Legend.
It looks like a real nice game.
What's your take? Do you also think it's worth playing?
Is it popular in America?
135名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/18(水) 15:28:23
136名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/18(水) 16:16:40
Why they planted Korean flag on the mound??
It's so provocative act.
137名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/18(水) 16:22:03

138名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/18(水) 16:26:21
139名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/18(水) 16:27:33

140名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/18(水) 16:29:07

141名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/18(水) 16:41:20
Yeah. Japan's national team has to be more motivated by the act.
The ability of Japan's each player is higher than that of Koreans
but as a team, Korea did a good job in this game and the last game.

Japan's number of hit was larger than Koreans. It's just that Japan gave
more walks and Japan's hits were intermittent.

I think Japan'll beat Cuba tomorrow and there's still a hope for Japan
survive the tournament but Japan has to be more motivated.
Ichiro didn't hit in this game. If he get back to his normal conditon,
things will change. Korean players have a big motivation. If they do well
in WBC, they don't have to serve in military.
142名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/18(水) 17:22:31
Mr. Perfect Korean must be really proud of this victory somewhere on the internet. I wonder how much it will contribute
to his popularity among white girls all over the world.
143名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/18(水) 18:50:21
I think he insists Korean men are so attractive that every girl on the street gets
pregnant just by looked at by Korean men.
144名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/18(水) 23:41:46
The game looks really good.
I wonder if there's anyone here who actually played it.
Think I'll play the trial version. What I'm worried about is that my PC doesn't reach
the required spec for that game... Ooooh, it really hurts!
145名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/18(水) 23:47:01
146名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/18(水) 23:58:56
Hello Chile-jin you still here?
Just wanted to say hi because anime fans are scarce around here
147名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/19(木) 00:05:28
Say hi to Kintama儿 'cause he's a respectable otaku too, if I recall correctly.
148チリ人:2009/03/19(木) 01:00:46
Yes im still here!
I hasnt say a comment because i dont know a thing about baseball
(that what are you talking about right guys?)
Here in Chile Soccer is the most popular sport.

By the way i also want to play Zwei!! 2 but my PC cant handle it.
149名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/19(木) 04:13:51
Did they do that again just in the elimnation round?
I guess they did that act because they won against japan.
They would not have done that if they had beaten a team
other than japanese team. Possibly they might do against U.S too.

I remember they did that act even when they lost to Japanese team
in the semifinal? round in the previous WBC.
And Korean media started to make an excuse that Korea was the true champion
because they beat japan twice or Cuba must have been unhappy
with weaker and bogus japan or something.
150名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/19(木) 04:17:39
I didn't watch the match. But I must agree that korean
was stronger.
But they almost always do somthing nonsense and provocative
that I didn't expect to happen.
It ruins everything including korean honor.
I never learn. lol
151名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/19(木) 05:08:30
I remember a newspaper cartoon in which a cuban batter was
grudging against a japanese catcher. The cuban was depiced like
a beast or primitive tribesmen.

That was something beyond emphasis. That was intentional and hateful.
I can't find the one. Instead I found this one.
I happened to find thins one.
The Japanese teeth are actually less prutruding than whitemen.
The Japanese have shorter nose and chin, which makes our teeth
look prominent. These phenomenon are (more) common among koreans too.
For some reason Koreans see japanese from the white people's standpoint.
Anyway, we can still see wartime propanga-like cartoon in korean
152名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/19(木) 06:32:41
Really? That seems strange to me. In America parents aren't really involved too much once you are in college. My girlfriend is in college even though I am not so maybe that is what makes the difference?
153Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/03/19(木) 06:57:56

Speak for yourself. My parents are probably planning on clinging to me until I am 40 years old.
A little annoying, but it isn't a bad thing.
154名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/19(木) 07:02:40
Zwei 2!
Now that you mention it, I remember I watched a game play video of it, and yeah, the action role playing game seemed
impressive, beautiful graphics, cute characters and everything.

So your computer is old fashioned?
I don't think the game takes a high spec computer to play with.
155名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/19(木) 07:05:18
What type of video/PC games do you like, Tennessean?
Fight game, action game, or turn-based starategy?
156名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/19(木) 07:16:41
Yeah, king's bounty seems quite awsome.
I really want to play it myself, and so I checked if there was a thread for that game
and found one. According to some posters there, the English used in the game is a bit difficult
and it's sometimes a pain to read English like that, but I'm so interested in king's bounty
that I can't give up because of that.
The problem I have here is, like you said, my computer can't seem to handle the game.
You need to have a high spec computer to run King's Bounty on. *sigh*
157名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/19(木) 10:12:17
When I was a little kid, other kids were always talking about their favourite
baseball players and such but I never understood why it was so popular.
Soccer is very popular in Japan too. Old people watch Baseball and
younger people generally prefer Soccer I think.
Kids around me were talking less and less about Baseball as they grew up,
and by 15, no one was talking about Baseball any more.

Zwei 2? Are you really from Chile? Those domestic PC games are pretty
obscure even to Japanese gamers.
158名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/19(木) 10:24:16
I'm 83 years old and stil wannabe a baseball player.
159名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/19(木) 10:50:59
>Those domestic PC games are pretty
>obscure even to Japanese gamers.
That's not true. I mean, yeah, you're partly right, but among those who play
PC games, falcom is a famous game developer. So if he's interested in PC games as well,
chances are he's also interested in their games.
160チリ人:2009/03/19(木) 11:24:28
>Zwei 2!
>So your computer is old fashioned?
>I don't think the game takes a high spec computer to play with.

Yeah, is really old fashioned, its from 2005 and i know it will run slow.
But i will try to buy a new PC in the end of this year.

>Zwei 2? Are you really from Chile? Those domestic PC games are pretty
>obscure even to Japanese gamers.

Yes im Chilean and videogames are my favorite hobbie, much more than Anime.
Japanese videogames are the best for me, here in Chile and mostly all America we lost some consoles.
PC-Engine wasnt really popular outside of Japan so i get one (imported) when i was young mostly because of Dracula X.
In that time i discover a lot of Japanese games that you cant find here.

Still my favorite genres are Fighters, Shooting and Puzzle games, totally Arcade player i guess.
I was waiting for DoDonPachi Dai Ou Jou on Xbox 360 but i heard that the port is horrible...
161名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/19(木) 11:59:11
Zwei 2 looks like an interesting game. That's for sure.
162名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/19(木) 14:52:34
How about civilization 4? I heard it was a good game.
163チリ人:2009/03/19(木) 15:08:38
I never player 4, they change the game rules A LOT.
The last Civilization i played was 3, absolutely awesome game if you like turn-based games.
164名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/19(木) 18:26:09
【朝鮮日報】日本がキューバ戦に勝利し4強入りできたのは霧のおかげ 第1回大会の時と同様、日本はWBCで運がいいようだ[03/19]
165名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/19(木) 22:14:00
Import PC-Engine to play Dracula X? I see you are hardcore XD

I used to go to an arcade after school. I mostly played vertical shooters
because that was the only thing I could play decently with the arcade
controller stick. I eventually got good enough to see some final bosses
with one credit in some easier games.
But I never got used to playing fighting games with the arcade stick.
I had trouble executing simplest moves such as.. shoryuken...
166名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/19(木) 22:48:58
I played 2 and 4. Liked 2 and didn't like 4 for some reason.
I think Civ2 was the first English game I bought.
I remember the smell of the box. Imported computer games have this
smell that smells like foreign smell, I always smell it when I open the boxes.
167名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 03:48:29
How many times did you say "smell"?
Enough is enough.
168電子工学者:2009/03/20(金) 06:50:44
I'm swamped with work and there's a possibility that I may not get to
go to Nagoya for research/fun. (´;ω;`)

This makes me a sad engineer.
169名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 07:20:36
Noagoya is a wonderful village. You are unlucky.
170名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 07:24:12
171名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 07:45:57
Nagoya village is located somewhere between Tokyo and Osaka.
That is all I know.
172片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A :2009/03/20(金) 08:06:53
Tokyo is better than Nagoya.
Tokyo has everything [ that everyone wants ].

I am in Miyazaki.
But in April, I will be in Tokyo.
173名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 08:14:56
Who cares?
174名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 08:19:53
I cares
175名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 08:52:59
King's bounty looks like Might and Magic 5.
I haven't played either of them myself, though.
176電子工学者:2009/03/20(金) 09:11:02
Remember, kids:

A sad engineer is an alcoholic engineer.
177名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 09:40:36
I don't care if you are alcoholic or not.
Go to a rehab and release a CD like the bitch.
178チリ人:2009/03/20(金) 10:55:27
How many non-Japanese games are really popular in Japan anyway?
I heard that Outer World was somewhat popular, GTA also.
179名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 10:56:57
Hey! That's kind of surprising. I've just started HOMM5!!!!

But I have problems, I mean like alphabetical characters used in
the game is tiny and so hard to decipher, and since this is the first time
I've played HOMM series, I have no idea how to play (so I need to read tutorial
messages but, you know, it's hard to read them because of the said reason).
Hmmm, to be truthful, I'm still in dark what I should do at the begining of the first map.
Any pointers? I'd really appreciate it if those of you who played HOMM5 helped me out.

Anyway, the game is visually very entertaining. I like it very much.
180firestar:2009/03/20(金) 10:58:03
you guys all right over there? or is cnn just full of it?
181名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 12:52:37
I'm not an expert on this but I think there are 2 kinds of gamers in Japan,
those who play a lot of non-Japanese games (mainly PC gamers), and those
who don't care about them (mainly console gamers and casual gamers)
So, all kinds of non-Japanese games are popular among the former. I'm one of
the former so I dont really know what's popular among the latter and whats not.
I think nowadays people play more non-Japanese games on the new consoles
but I dont know much about that cuz i dont own them.
GTA, God of War, Halo, were quite popular I think.
182名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 13:24:34
well in this crisis suicide rate going up isn't a surprise...
"breeds a culture where suicide is still seen as an honorable option"
i dont know about this though...
183名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 13:35:15
Kim Yona criticised Japanese ice skaters, saying that they constantly disturbed her while practicing though there is no evidence.
Do you have any opinion about this?
184名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 13:42:44
In other countries, people often hurt other persons when they want to
ptotest against something too irregistable. But, in Japan, people often
choose to kill himself to do so. People like Kato, who commited
that cruel murder case, is still rare in this country, where there was
a tradition of seppuku.

185名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 14:37:42
help, i were looking for food then rat trap got my penis!
it is pain! much pain but i will live
186firestar:2009/03/20(金) 14:57:21
ya cnn tends to exaggerate. just as i thought.

187チリ人:2009/03/20(金) 14:57:28
Outside of Japan mostly all people think that Japan never plays US or Europe games.
I cant blame Japan, videogames in USA at least on console were terrible in the 90s on the 8 and 16 bit era.
There is the idea that "PC Gamers in Japan" mostly plays Eroge or Doujin games... and there are not too much fans of FPS or RTS.
I guess this is a stereotype and there is a strong community of gaijin games in Japan but its more a niche, maybe?
188名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 15:10:54
ISn't CNN morereliable than FOX?
What's the most reliable TV media? PBS?

Regarding the article, I don't think there's no exaggeration.

>"breeds a culture where suicide is still seen as an honorable option" ][
In Chrsitain society, suiside is disgrace. But in Japan, suicide is considered
to be less bed than Christian countries, I think.
189名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 15:15:25
All those "suicide is honorable in Japan" claims are exaggerated to some extent.
Certainly our culture and traditions (and the economic turmoil too) have something to do with the higher suicide rate,
but it doesn't seem that they are the main cause. After all, we're all humans and no one in their right mind would want to hurt themselves.

I think the biggest problem is the stricter regulation on stimulant drugs for clinical depression/ADHD/whatever
and poor treatment of such illness and disorder.
Also poor understanding of mental diseases among the Japanese is aggravating the dire situation.
In fact, quite a few people regard seeking for professional help for mental illness/disorder as extremely shameful.

I'm not sure if the you-can-fake-mental-disorder situation in the US is better than our you-can't-get-any-stimulant-no-matter-what,
but it seems the US is handling patients who need help much better.
190名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 15:20:57
Xis considered to be less bed
O is considered to be less bad

In Japan, suicide is considered to be beautiful in a way.
In Christian countires, suicide is immoral, against Christ's preach.
191firestar:2009/03/20(金) 15:24:44
fox is just about the only fair and balanced news corp out there.
192名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 15:33:50
well that quote was from some japanese men, so it's not cnn's fault...
it is true that there is a big difference in how suicide is seen in Japan
and the rest of the world, but it all depends on the context and
commiting suicide because you lost your job and money isn't a honorable option
193名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 15:35:10
You are trolling, are you?
Fox is a right wing broadcast station.
PBS is least biased TV and radio station, right?
194名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 15:38:57
I find your American joke amusing.
195firestar:2009/03/20(金) 15:40:54
no, it's just that most everyone else is left, so when one sees a network with a 50/50 split for the first time they think it's right wing because they have never seen that before.
196名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 15:46:34
>it's just that most everyone else is left
If this doesn't mean you're leaning toward right, what else would you say?
197名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 15:49:47
Fair and balanced distortion, that is.
198firestar:2009/03/20(金) 15:55:49
i used to shun fox news until a few months ago. i was strictly a cnn person.
i let the left slander me and i thought fox was some right winged news corp and i did not want that kind of influence.
but then the other news networks jsut got more and more left. they did not even try to hide it.
i had always heard the mass media was slanted to the left but i just thought it was slander from the right.
then i saw it for myself.
so i started adding fox news to my news lineup and have been pleased so far.
plus my favorite talk show host has a show on fox now. he used to be on cnn.
199名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 16:29:09
Yes, until the late 90's it was exactly as you said, western videogames were seen as
weird/lesser shite in most cases.
Also, what you said about Japanese PC gamers and Eroge is exactly how it was
in the 90's. There is a 2ch banner (I think it's on the PC games board) where
a 2ch character is buying Inukatana (parody of Daikatana, an infamous FPS phail)
and some kid saying "that guy's buying an Eroge!" or something like that.
But we get a lot of real good games from the west now, and the FPS/RTS community
in today's Japan is far bigger than a niche. I think there are even some Japanese
pro FPS/RTS gamers who compete internationally.
200名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 16:58:24
PBS is run by donations so no biased.
Other broadcast campanies are influenced by certain companies because
they are sponsers.
201名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 16:59:16
Um, don't think of news media as reliable or anything. They only give superficial information and are never fair.
These problems become obvious when you watch news pertinent to your expertise,
and every expert in a particular area knows that.
You should always take anything from any sort of mass media cum grano salis.
202firestar:2009/03/20(金) 17:03:36
i don't have an opinion on PBS. i do not watch that network and thus can not make comments.
203名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 17:16:19
Show me an example based on your expertise.
204名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 17:20:27
Take a look at IT related news.
205名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 17:23:25
Like what kind of IT related news?
Give me a specific news that doesn't reflect on reality or truth.
206名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 17:29:42
What's luuuuvvve?

Got to dooooooo
Got to dooooooo
wiiiith it.

In the PV of the song above, what sports players appear?
207名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 17:34:13
...if you don't think a randomly chosen news would be generally superficial, then I don't know what I could do.
I don't quite understand how a person could be convinced that news articles that can be understood by your average person would be deep enough.

Also, how would you think you can explain to non-experts a complicated matter without skewing reality?
Could it be fair when you should dumb down information? If you think you can, I don't care any more.

Do you want a jargon filled explanation of a news article? I can't facepalm any harder...
208名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 18:12:32
I've been playing Japanese games most of the time with a few exception of English translated
Japanese games like final fantasy 9 and dragon warrior 7. As I said in >>179, I've started HOMM5 and
this is the first time I've ever played a non-Japanese game. I haven't got the hang of it.
I need to know what I should do.

>I think nowadays people play more non-Japanese games on the new consoles
I agree with you. Funny to know you're almost in the same situation as mine,
I mean, I don't have those new consoles like xbox360 or PS3, but I do know
that some games have been ported to such consoles.

Now I'm in between PC gamers and console gamers. DS and PC games.
Anyway, I'll search for Japanese HOMM5 fans coz I want to ask them about the game. :)
209名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 19:05:03

Japan and America is going to have a match!
Let us enjoy ourselves!
210名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 19:09:40
   /     i f ,.r='"-‐'つ____  こまけぇこたぁいいんだよ!!
  /      /   _,.-‐'~/⌒  ⌒\
    /   ,i   ,二ニ⊃( ●). (●)\
   /    ノ    il゙フ::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \
      ,イ「ト、  ,!,!|     |r┬-|     |
     / iトヾヽ_/ィ"\      `ー'´     /
211名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 20:54:37
one word: RTFM
212名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/20(金) 22:21:16
today's night meal
1 bowl of diarrhea (main meal)
3 well-fibered pieces of shit (salad)
213名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/21(土) 03:36:29
what a self-sufficent guy you are!
214Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/03/21(土) 10:21:06
I haven't pooped in a few days.

215名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/21(土) 11:12:14
You should take a lesson from these guys.
216名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/21(土) 21:57:44
I've heard that not to poop everyday doesn't mean you are unhealthy.
It depends on a person how often they poo.
Actually, it's very common for me not to poop for three or four days and
I'm completely all right.

If I don't poop for a three or four days, my poo become very long and huge and
it's like that of Saint Bernard's. When I get it out of my body and
see it in toilet, I feel a sense of achievement. It doesn't flush by just
one try. Two flushes are need to get it all gone. So far, I haven't had to
call a plumber.

If you can't poo for more days and feel uncomfortable, tell me.
I'll go to your place with chopsticks to insert it and pick your anal
to get it out of your body. I'm a certified anal picker.
217名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/21(土) 23:38:31
Japan is up against USA in WBC semi-final in 1 and a half day.
A few US players such as Chipper Jones are suspended due to injury.
US's players and American baseball fans just considered WBC to be
spring pre-season matches and don't take WBC so seriously and that's
what I don't like about US national team's attitude.

On behalf of the injured players, players from Chicago Panty sniffers
should join the US team.
218イギリス人:2009/03/22(日) 04:56:09
So the BNP posted a leaflet through my door today. Because I know some
of you seem to be fixated on right-wing politics, I've scanned this
flyer. Enjoy.
219ドイツ人:2009/03/22(日) 05:34:58
so, what are you gonna vote in the next election?
Me, I can't decide between Greens and Nationalists.
220名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/22(日) 05:35:58
thank you god
221名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/22(日) 05:36:46
The next errection will cum on your face.
222イギリス人:2009/03/22(日) 06:50:55
I have no idea... last two elections, went for Liberal Democrats, but
they haven't actually been in power since Churchill. If they get in,
I'm pretty sure we'd have the Euro.

How's Merkel doing over there?
223名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/22(日) 07:23:08
What would happen if a person with foreign accent call the number to
get the free information pack?
224ドイツ人:2009/03/22(日) 07:44:38
Meh, we've had worse. I'm not a conservative and I especially don't like how her administration handles the financial crisis
(LOL LET'S GIEF TAX MONIES TO CHINESE AND AMERICAN-OWNED COMPANIES!!1!), but at least she's pretty smart and seems to know what she's doing most of the time.
225Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/03/22(日) 10:37:56

My problem is solved now! Thanks, Japanese television!
226名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/22(日) 10:41:25
I guess your poo was like that of elephant.
227名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/22(日) 12:02:44
EU... This is madness!
I didn't know Igirusujin was still around. And Doitsujin is new to me.
Do they post as anon here?
228Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/03/22(日) 12:07:39

Like a rabbit's would be more accurate.

by the way

This scene of Gundam is fucking great.
229名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/22(日) 12:11:32
As most of the people living all over the world say, Korean guys are absolutely popular all over the world even now.
They say Korean guys are like white Asian people because Korean guys are smart, gentle, cool, hot and sexy.
But it seem they will consider Korean guys are the best of all the peoples after WBC is finised with Korea at the top of
the world, looking down on all the other baseball teams. You know Venezuela completely beat America the other day, and
now Korea makes Venezuela get down on its kneads just by comletely beating the country. The world should admit Korean guys
are phisically talented as well as mentally superb. All the girls on this planet are naturally attracted to this kind of guys.
American people respect Korea for Korean high-tech gadgets and phisical strength. In other words, American people know how smart
and tough Korean guys are. They love Korean products and Korean guys. I wouldn't be surprised if American girls rushed to offer
marriage to Korean guys. :) Europian girls already noticed that since when they knew Korean succer team was really strong.
Now it goes without saying all the girls in this world are mesmerised with Korean guys.
I'm proud of it. :)
230名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/22(日) 12:24:17
That scene is very famouse and even I, who's not otaku in any sence
know it. "Even my dad hasn't hit me." is a famoue line.
The scene is followed by Amuro pooing by the way.

Here you come!
231名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/22(日) 12:34:15
lol Emoro
232名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/22(日) 12:50:50
I know you know everyone knows that. However, maybe Germans don't know yet.
233名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/22(日) 13:15:19
How very sick of you! Don't you ever try to show us how ignorant of you.
Yes, lots of German girls are already interested in Korean guys.
And even if a few of them haven't known yet, once they notice how very attractive Korean guys
are, they'll go crazy for K-guys. So such girls should know that now.
Anyway, it occured to me when I read you, though, that you're just jealous of Korean popularity.
American people are so honest that they admit the truth, but Germans are not?
Either way, this is a good oppotunity for you to know how impressive Korean guys are.
As I said, most of the girls all over the world are already mesmerized with Korean guys, and those few people
who don't know about Korean guys yet will love Korean guys when they see Korean guys. That is, it'd be safe to
say all the girls living on this planet will fall in love with Korean guys sooner or later.
I'm really proud of it. :)
234名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/22(日) 13:37:17
To tell you guys the truth, I was really dombfounded and surprised that
there are still, though only a few, people who claim they don't know how popular Korean guys are around the world.
I was at a loss for words about their ignorance of what's happening in this day and age. Korean guys are attractive and many girls are attracted to
Korean guys, yes, that is the only truth you need to know. Those who oppose that fact should be considered uneducated or just ignorant.
I thought I taught you guys how very popular Korean guys were, but it seems that wasn't enough. Those few people need to know how impressive
Korean guys are and they have to respect Korea no matter what because Korea is worth full respect.
But of course, I'm proud of the fact that many girls in the world already like Korea very much. :)
235名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/22(日) 13:49:03
I am well aware that your statement is completely backed up by アメリカ人's confirmation and
イギリス人's silence about it. However, it has yet to be confirmed by any actual German resident.
Otherwise, my ignorance won't be cleared up as it should be.
236名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/22(日) 14:03:52
I don't know what you are saying, but there's one thing I know for sure is true.
Korean guys are absolutely popular among girls all over the world because Korean guys are smart and sexy.
The world knows that except for a few ignorant people.
I'm proud of it. :)
237名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/22(日) 14:25:12
↑ あほ
238名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/22(日) 14:29:01
>>Korean guy
I think if most peaple all over the world know Korean supremacy, there would be no need to try hard to show it here in my arrogant opinion.
How do you think about it ?
239名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/22(日) 19:43:26
I don't know if Korean yonger has popularity among girls in Japan.
But, I think they are appearing in TV programme more often than ever.
What do you think is the reason of this?
240名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/22(日) 22:25:40
today's night meal
smoked sock filled with tennessean's rabbit poop
241名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 01:08:46
In 7 hours, Japan vs USA in World Baseball Classic is broadcast.
I think I have to go to bed now to watch the game.

USA national team is supplemented with a closer from Chicago Panty Sniffers.
Before he makes appearance in the game, Japan has to earn as many runs as
possible. To advance to the final, Japan has to knock USA to shatters.
242名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 01:50:13
Tennessean armed with his impacted poop is going to defend the team USA and defeat whatever enemy stands in their way.
243名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 02:01:18
Rumor has it that an American starter of the game is going to throw a ball of poop.
244名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 02:06:51
They say he can pitch a three times faster ball than normal pitchers do.
245名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 02:13:24
As long as the pitcher throw a ball of poo, there is no pitch by hit
in any game. Who wants to be hit by a poo? A hitter stands far away
from the plate.
246名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 03:26:09
wtf is this?
247名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 05:11:12
Re:Intentional Impeding during Warm-up at Figure Skating[Yuna Kim]

I'm like "haaaaaaa, this is how Korean people blame others"...
248ドイツ人:2009/03/23(月) 06:38:09
It's true, Korean men are adored by all German girls.
My girlfriend left me because she knew I'd never be as smart, strong and sexy as a K-Man.
"Masturbating to Korean dramas is better than being together with you!" she told me.
More and more people here start to know how great Korea is.
I myself trashed my Mercedes last week and bought a Hyundai instead.
And of course, there's no food as delicious as some good, real Korean sushi.
Sometimes I'm sad that my country isn't as cool as Korea,
but then I remind myself that everyone else, too, has to accept and live with the fact of Korean supremacy, so I'm not ashamed.
249名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 06:45:13
LOL I guess your cell phone is manufactured by samsun and
your TV is manufactured by LG.
250名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 07:47:56

Japan vs USA
251ドイツ人:2009/03/23(月) 07:55:52
Heh, one of my PC monitors really is an LG.
Seriously speaking though, here's all what most Germans/Europeans know about Korea:
-Korea is somewhere in Asia.
-Most people are pretty sure that Korea is a country. Others think it's probably a part of China.
-Korean writing looks sort of like Chinese, but not exactly like it.
-They eat dogs. (China is far more famous for this though)
-North Korea's dictator is a funny-looking madman.

If someone over here is interested in or fascinated with East-Asian countries, they're usually into Japanese or maybe Chinese stuff.
And unlike the USA, we don't get many immigrants from Korea, so yeah, naturally there's not much awareness about that country's culture.
252名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 08:03:19
Oooh, SBS again.

For those who are not in the know, SBS is an infamous Korean TV station (not to Korean people but the rest of us. lol)
for their sensationalism based on lies.
For example, off the top of my head, what they did in the past was

1) broadcast a false report like all US beaf was infected with mad cow deaseas and lead thousands of Koreans to be turned extremely hard against USA.
They did it without scientific evidence..

2) sneak into the place where the ceremony of the Beijin Olympic was supposed to take place
and record a rehearsal without permission and broadcast it by breaking the rule(s).

And this time they are blaming Japanese skaters, especially Mao Asada, in a gratuitous manner for interrupting Kim Yuna? All based on that edited and mozaiced video
which turned out to be fault now? Gee, I feel sick.

* I'm sure you can confirm that those videos I mention above do exist on youtube, just in case you are interested to watch.
253名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 08:29:24
American people, what is people around you reaction like about WBC?
Allmost all posters including American here are nerd and you and your
friend don't even talk about WBC?

米人 is a Boston Redson fan and she might be interested in WBC, too.
Then again what she cares is only her local team, though.

30 minutes to go!
254名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 08:31:07
255名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 08:38:56
This may be a bit off the point, but as for me, I didn't hear about those names (Sumsung and LG) just about half a year ago.
And I've never seen their cellphones nor monitors sold in Japan, probably because I just didn't notice.
You? Did you know the companies far back?

That'd be an exciting game. Tatsunori Hara, the superviser of the team, said he respects American baseball and he's happy and excited to
have a match with America. And I agree with him. I don't know why I feel this way, but whether we win or lose isn't a matter any more.
I guess it's because we can respect each other no matter what the result will be. I just want to enjoy watching the game. ^_^

>-North Korea's dictator is a funny-looking madman.
He announced N.K would launch a satellite into space, but it's thought
it was just an excuse... It'd be a missile, actually..
256名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 09:17:37
America 1 - 0 Japan
257Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/03/23(月) 09:34:10

I didn't even know it was going on until I saw this thread. Everyone I know is
is talking about their basketball brackets right now.
258名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 09:45:09
America 1 - 1 Japan
259名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 09:56:31
America 2 - 1 Japan
260名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 10:16:27
Matuzaka is not good today.
Japan shoud win this game so that Japan have to beat fucking Korea like a fucking dog in the final.
261名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 10:24:17
America 2 - 4 Japan
262名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 10:26:46
America 2 - 5 Japan
263名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 10:30:33
America 2 - 6 Japan
264名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 10:34:39
Japan is really good.
265名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 10:47:12
Samsung and LG are OEM for some Japanese electronics and computers,
so you might have something Korean in your room without knowing.
266名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 10:51:04
I have almost no interest in Korea.
The game we're holding now is really interesting.
No matter what points Japan is leading, I feel America's batters will make hits/homeruns.
So it might be an idea for Japanese audiences to forget about Korea for now. It's America
we are having a match with!
267Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/03/23(月) 11:02:36
Oh, I found this baseball game on television. These Japanese players look pro. I don't
think we stand a chance.
268Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/03/23(月) 11:14:55
Oh this tournament is in North America? Japanese players are doing very well so come to
a different country and play this well.
269名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 11:23:53
Yes, they are pro.
Just to be fair, America won Puerto Rico at the last moment, I mean, in the 9th inning
before they made their way to the semi final. So if Japanese players feel easy, it'll be
a pit hole. As I said, America is mostly comprised of MLB players, and MLB is the best league in the world.
270名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 11:48:00
America 4 - 6 Japan
271名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 12:03:51
America 4 - 7 Japan
272名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 12:09:23
America 4 - 8 Japan
273名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 12:10:44
America 4 - 9 Japan
274名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 13:16:10
275名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 14:22:00
The number of spectators I saw on TV shows how you Americans aren't
interested in WBC.

WBC consists of the first rounds, the second rounds, the semi-finals and the final.
16 countires participated in the first rounds, they are divided into 4 groups, being
4 countires in each group. Top two teams in each group can advance to
the second rounds. top 2 teams X 4 groups-=8 teams moved on to the second
round. Second round was held at the Petco Park in San Diego. The first rounds
were held in each reagions. The Asian group's first round one consisting of Japan, Korea, China and
Taiwan was held in Tokyo. Japan and Korea moved on to the second rounds.

In the second rounds, the 8 countires are devided into two groups,
being 4 teams in each group. the top two teams in each group, top 2 teams X 2 groups =4 teams
moved on to the semi-finals, which is Japan, Korea, USA and Venezuera.
Korea won over Venezuera and moved on to the final. Japan beat USA so
the final is Japan vs Korea. The semi-finals and the final are played
at Dogers Stadium in LA.
276名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 14:22:41
WBC was first held in 2006 and Japan is the defending champion in this
WBC. Although "3" years has passed since the first WBC, it's said it's held
every "4" year from now on. WBC was started by MLB's comissioner with the
aim of spreading the popularity of baseball in sight worldwide.
It's USA who adovacated WBC after all. It's difficult to say USA team's players
are the best of the major leaguers. If the best team is 100, I would say
this USA team is from 90 to 95 because some players declined to participated
with traing for the upcoming regular MLB' regular season prioritized.
It's odd that while MLB's commisoner advocated WBC, some MLB players don't
participate, putting WBC low on the list.

Japan and Korean teams aren't with the best lineups, too though.
IN capan's case, Hideki Matsui, one of the players of NY Yankees, Japan's best slugger,
didn't participate. In his case, it's due to his injury of the last season.
He's almost fully recovered now but due to MLB's regulation, he couldn't join Japan's
squad. The regulation's aim is to protect injured players from overwork.
Even if he says it is ok with playing for Japan's squad, it isn't permitted.
Again, the regulation is a bit odd to think that WBC was advocated by MLB's commssioner.
The regulation shows that MLB puts priority on MLB's regular season.
MLB wants Major leaguers to be in the best condition for the upcoming regular
season. I would say if he's OK with participating, MLB should allow him to
play in WBC. Anyway, Japan is 95-98% best lineup, I would say.
277名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 15:08:14
I have known the names of the two companies for at least five years because
I read newspaper's economy section. But I have to admit all I knew about them at first
was just that they are electric appliances manufactures, and I didn't know anthing about
their products' lineups.

About a few years ago, I subscribed to C-NET's news letters so I became familiar with
Samsung and LG's products. ttp:// (I subscribed C-NET's
various newsletters to practice reading English.)

As for Samsung's cell phones in Japanese market, I found them advertized in
新聞チラシ of Japan's cell phone carriers, if I remember correctly.
As for LG, I don't know their products are sold in Japan.
This is news of March 2008 and I remeber reading this news in newspaper.
The news is about Sony's partnership with Samsung.
278277:2009/03/23(月) 15:10:15
And I didn't know the fact >>265 wrote about.
279名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 15:25:44
This is a pen!
do not you ares?
280名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 19:43:40
I know little about professioanl sports in USA.

Actually, all I know is Pittsburgh Steelers's rival team is Chicago Panty Stealers.
281名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 20:04:42
You can't forget the world series champion, Tennessee Butt Stealers.
282名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 20:10:30
283real yakibuta ◆rZ/DxCHAR. :2009/03/23(月) 20:53:52
Oh, Japanese team beat American team in WBC.
I think the relation between Japanese baseball and American baseball
is much the same as relation between Japanese car and American car.
284名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 21:46:08
Just because we happened to win this time doesn't mean Japan is up
to par with MLB. America didn't choose thier best players because
of their contracts. Many of them value thier own teams.

Anyway, we have a game with Korea again tomorrow.. Hmm.
From my past experience, I think I'll feel bitter even
if we win or lose. You know what I mean? If we win, they
will say, "all the rules of WBC is made in favor of Japan.
Japan is dirty. We're the true winner." or something like that.
And if we lose, they will say, "we concur Japan. It's proven
Japan's weak. Ichiro is the worst baseball player. Japan should admit
Korea is superior to Japan. And Dokto is a Korean teritory
(and me thinking that's nothing to do with baseball.)
Japan is envious of Korea." or something like that.
I base this theory on my experience. Korean newspapers
(which are translated into Japanese of course) always say
things like that. Actually, what I write above is/was
already written in Korean paper. I read them online.

Hmmm, all I could do would be just sigh.
285real yakibuta ◆rZ/DxCHAR. :2009/03/23(月) 22:31:39
Whatever they say, it would be better than Japan lose. haha.

There is another problem in other countries which have many good MLB players.
if those countries gather most of good players,
there are many players who can't take part in the game,
and they will be dissatisfied with their situation.
286名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 22:40:05
There are always baseball fans out there who actually enjoy watching baseball games, not just their own
national teams, regardless of what counrty they are from. So, let's not get hopes up. Maybe some media
facilitate those sentiments that go back and forth between them, or some players provoke their opponents
by being a jerk, but you can either manage to keep a little bit of distance but at the same time enjoy the whole
thing, or totally get carried away by it. Either way, I don't think you'll lose anything. It's just baseball.
I'm definitely looking forward to the game.
287ドイツ人:2009/03/23(月) 22:58:04
I love Baseball, I've spent my whole childhood playing it. But for some reason, I don't enjoy it at all as a spectator sport.
288名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 23:18:00
i didnt know germans play baseball
289名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 23:29:03
I guess the professional leagues of baseball are not popular at all over there.
Oliver Kahn is admired with a sense of awe by lots of Japanese football fans, by the way.
290名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 23:29:35
Oh yeah? Isn't it uncommon for kids in German to play baseball?
German kids play football as far as I know.
In this World Baseball Classic, Netherland is the only country in
Europe which participated.

Some Japanese people who are involved in football such as amateur football
coaches, pro football coaches and retired players go to German to learn
football teaching skills and training skills frist hand. They're all surprised at
how German is advanced in terms of football facilities and how they grow up
on football. Footbal is in German's gene.

Football field covered with lawn specificly made for football is very
rare in amateur level here in Japan. The system in Germany to produce
pro football players is very well organized. That's what I heard.
291名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 23:52:23

Do you know how she's doing now? Have you heard of her?
If I'm not wrong, she's the only German who climbed to the top of
Billboard chart in USA. This song was neck and neck with Cyndi Lauper's
"Girls just want to have fun" in those days. Yes, I'm old.
292名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 00:04:31
look at how popular the ger-man is!
293名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 05:15:47
Korea is totally ugly!

I've never seen such a ugly country.
294名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 09:40:54
I ugly(agree) with you.
295イギリス人:2009/03/24(火) 10:04:36
Still around, though don't really have much to say about baseball, video
games (anymore, anyway... just no time), Koreans (don't actually know any),
or UHO. Just trying to escape my job still, and also planning a trip to
Russia. There are so many things I'd like to ask Rosiajin... wonder where
he got to...

I'd expect a barrage of abuse and racism...

Really enjoy that song, forgot about it until now though. Thanks.
296ドイツ人:2009/03/24(火) 10:17:12
I've been sorta out of touch with German pop culture ever since I got broadband internet access (English immersion ftw!), but last
thing I heard was that she did a few new songs and remakes of old ones (like )
and that she's involved in a lot of charity activities.

Yeah, it's very rare for German kids to play baseball. Football/soccer is the most popular sport over here, I think we even have the
second best team (after Brazil) in the world, in terms of titles we've won. But me and my friends decided to try out baseball, and
some other kids joined us after seeing us play. It was fun, so it turned into a habit to play basically whenever the weather was good.
Some of us even joined organized softball teams later on (only reason that's even possible is that I live in a big city). We didn't have
any real baseball gear most of the time though, usually we just played with an old tennis ball and a large stick we found somewhere.

What are some games Japanese kids usually play, other than baseball?
Over here, basketball and American football are sort of catching on, my brother even was a professional player of the latter for some time.
297名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 10:29:24
WBC, the final, Japan vs Korea is about to start.
Now pre-game ceremony is going on with national anthems and all.
298名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 10:39:53
beat the fucking Korea
299名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 11:15:28
2 down with runners on the first and the second base.
Hitter Ichiro, ground to the first. Three out.
300名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 13:14:20
I played soccer most often with my friends, since all you need to play it
is a soccer ball. Also soccer is very simple and every kid can play it,
you just run around kicking the ball, whereas in baseball you need to
have some skills and knowledge to play it.
(without minimal skills to throw accurately or hit with a bat, the damn game
just won't work)
In school, most of major ballgames are popular here. Baseball, soccer,
basketball, volleyball, tennis, softball... Most schools have their own teams
for these sports.
301チリ人:2009/03/24(火) 13:32:56
Today is my birthday!
What things Japanese people do usually on their birthdays?
302名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 14:08:33
Korea vs Japan
The Game is extended into 10th inning.
The score is 3-3.

Happy birthday!!
Got to get back to TV. This PC isn't a Laptop.
303アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2 :2009/03/24(火) 14:23:54
304アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2 :2009/03/24(火) 14:24:47

ICHIRO'S A BEAST. I've been watching all night and I saw the game against the US.
This is epic.
305アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2 :2009/03/24(火) 14:27:01
I saw an old friend a few days ago and he's a baseball otaku (obsessive fan of the Chicago Panty Sniffers).
He told me he loves Ichiro and then told me the quote someone linked here (in English). It was pretty funny altough
I didn't tell him I saw the original Japanese quote.
306アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2 :2009/03/24(火) 14:39:39
307名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 14:44:03

308名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 14:48:37
prepare for Korean internet attacks
309名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 15:18:10
Japan won the WBC!!!!!

Japan 5- Korea 3

When runners on the second and third base, Ichiro hit a game deciding hit
to the center field in the top of the 10th inning.

>obsessive fan of the Chicago Panty Sniffers

>the quote someone linked here
What was the Ichiro's quote like? I don't remember seeing it here.
I just remember seeing a quote of a Panty sniffer, "Sniff it when you're
nervous. That'll calm you down."
310名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 15:22:39
Ichiro's interview was really impressive.
First, he brought tears to my eyes, then made me laugh,
and lastly made me sure how he love baseball..
You did it, Ichiro! You are my hero!
311名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 15:26:42
on birthday i usually curl up in the corner and cry.
but other people eat cakes and maybe give presents. nothing special.
312名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 15:28:34
ichiro was already a god 15 years ago, and he is still a god.
just incredible.
313名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 15:31:56
>What things Japanese people do usually on their birthdays?

In Japan, if you're a small kid your mom buys a cake and eat it after dinner with your family.
In many cases, If you are an elementary school student, there's a small party held at your place.
You invite your friends to your house and eat a birthday cake and have fun.
If you go to junior high school, there's no home birthday party like that any more.
Maybe your close friends give you a small birthday present.
As an adult, it depends on a person. If you have lots of close friends,
they may throw a birthday party at a bar or something for you.
If you have girlfriend, she'll give you a present and maybe dine out at
a restaurant.
314名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 15:34:32
Do they broadcast his interview after the game?
I watched TBS but didn't see his interview.
Did you watch the game on a channel of Skyperfect TV?
315名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 15:42:01
It's not fair that Chicago has two baseball teams!
Panty Sniffers and Panty Stealers!
316名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 15:45:52
Similar to American Customs,
Families hold parties for young children
As children go, they are more likely to have parties with friends.
As an adult, these things seem the same, as adult birthday celebrations
usually consist of drinking liquor.
317名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 15:48:26
Did you watch the interview?
Ichiro said he'd been in bad shape and at some point his heart was almost broken
(*I'm sure he mentioned he betrayed our trust. He said he was frustrated at himself
and we know he felt that way. ;_;)
and as we witnessed, at the last moment Ichiro hit...

I thought it wasn't matter if Japan won or lost, and if we had lost
I would've been contented, but seeing Ichiro was almost in tear,
it really touched me. He's human. He makes mistakes, but what makes
Ichiro a hero (at least to me) is that he lives up to our expectations when we really need that.
318名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 16:02:56
Someone already made an AA. This must be when he answered the interviewer and he was about to go. lol

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319名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 16:28:34
320チリ人:2009/03/24(火) 16:42:11

So is exactly the same as all the world, i was waiting for something different in Japan.
Here in Latin America is somewhat the same, but when you are a child we got the tradition of "Piñatas".
Piñatas are some kind of figures with candy inside, and you need to destroy it with your eyes covered with a ribbon.

This is a joke video about piñatas, i didnt find a better example to be honest.
321チリ人:2009/03/24(火) 16:43:13
322名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 16:50:26
Just as I expected, Korean paper says Japan's dirty sumurai. lol
Why is Korea always like this? I hope the country sometimes goes beyond
my expectation. lol
Something like it's Korea that drew Ichiro's true power so Korea is worth the winner.
Yeah, they need some humour. I'd say that's never gonna happen. though.

【野球WBC】日本は「ダーティー・サムライ」。韓国との決勝戦での卑劣プレーに世界が眉をひそめた … 在米コリアン系メディア [03/24]
323名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 17:05:42
dads get hit in the nuts too often, they should wear a cup...
324名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 17:45:34
Nice to neet you!
325名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 17:51:22
Funny video. For some reason, I've heard of Pniatas.
Maybe Hispanic families keep the tradition in America.
Do parents make it on their own or is it sold in a store?

We have similar thing. It's a play on the beach.
It has nothing to do with birthday, though.
326名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 18:04:34
Oliver Kahn was famouse in Japan.
He was in Japanese TV commercial film.

>my brother even was a professional player of the latter for some time
You are from Americanized family.
I know NFL (pro football league in USA) had another league in Europe
called NFL Europa.
Even some Japanese have played there. Your brother is a real athlete!

I googled and found out that there were 5 teams in Germany.
Berlin, Cologne, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Rhein.
327名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 18:58:00
Thank you for the information and the link.
Good to know she's still in show business alive and kicking.
She still looks really young in the video.

According to Wikipedia, her birthday is March 24th in 1960. She's 49 years old. She looks really young.
It happens to be today. The same birthday with チリ人!
What a coincidence!
328名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 19:19:17
Rosiajin is in bed now surrounded by a dozen of attaractive Japanese girls

in his dream, I mean...
329名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 19:50:09
I think Korea is beatiful country.
I want to watch the korean flag on the pitching mound.
It's very funny.
330チリ人:2009/03/24(火) 19:55:47
Oh yeah! i remember that game because of an Anime called Hanaukyo Maid Tai.
A lot of characters plays the Watermelon game in an episode.
By the way, Piñatas were invented in Mexico, not Spain, and it was propagated to all Latin America.
Thanks for the info!

Is she the same girl who sangs "99luft Balons"?
Funny to know that she has her birthday the same day as me, im 25, though.
331名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 21:18:35
i blindfold myself and smash my penis with a hammer until next morning
that is the game i play on my birthday
332名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 22:04:46
Ha, I didn't really know who Cyndi Lauper is, but the song sounded like Goonies
so I serched for te Goonies song and it was her. I love this song.

What's with all the fat men in her videos?
333金玉儿:2009/03/24(火) 22:22:01
Though I dislike South Koria, I like South Korean's Kim Yu-na.
I was very glad because Japan won South Korea at baseball, but If Asada Mao defeats Kim Yu-na in figure skating, I will hate Asada very much .
It's means that you keep smashing your penis until next morning ? But I think your penis will be squashed by a first blow of hammer.

334名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 23:20:22

I think you're familiar with this song, too. This song is one of her hit songs
and covered by lots of singers. It's used in CM, too.
335名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/24(火) 23:51:27
I agree that Korea is a beautiful country.
I mean, the country is endowed with beautiful nature.

However, planting the Korean flag on the piching mound
is really rude.
336名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 01:46:08
I respect the Korean closer for not having walked Ichiro in the 10th, although maybe he should have if they
hadn't wanted to lose the game since first base was open. I guess they really wanted a win over Ichiro as well,
which wasn't about strategy but something personal against him. And it made the perfect climax of the entire tournament.
And I'm so glad that Ichiro delivered.
337名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 02:03:46
338名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 02:09:46
It was too boring to watch the baseball game of Asian brothers...
339名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 02:15:41
Korea isn't Japan's brother but just an annoying neighbor living next door.
340名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 02:31:10
I see. They are brothers on bad terms but are so much alike...
People in other countries couldn't tell one from the other....
341名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 02:35:56
I read the comment the Korean manager made after the game, too. I took it as his indecisiveness that he regretted.
The count was 2-2, so I think the pitcher chose to challenge Ichiro.
342名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 02:38:38
Indeed, they could be twins!
Mom is China and Dad is......Russia!?
343名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 02:49:50
Troll harder, you don't even make sense there.
344名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 02:50:43
Historically, it is true that China has brought up the two children, Japan and Korea.....
345名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 02:55:08
Korea and Japan were once colonies of China....
In 1945, Korea became independent of China, while Japan in 1950....
346名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 02:57:37
Er, your analogy itself is a clarifying manifestation of your lack of culture and understanding, but whatever.
347名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 03:04:32
In terms of culture, Chine is the mother of the two children; Korea is the elder brother and Japan is the younger.
348名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 03:11:44
Perhaps, you are a microorganism or parasite that causes diseases in one of them, huh?
349名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 03:15:29
So, what made the K&J twins break up? I wonder....
350名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 03:28:18
Speaking of disease, both of K&J twins probably have caught a disease...
A disease in which patients go mad about batball or bathball or something.....
351名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 04:57:10
>People in other countries couldn't tell one from the other....
They just have to follow this infallible guide on how to tell East Asians from one another:
352名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 05:48:24
Maybe you should study the world history more.
Japan and Korea have never colonized by China;
they were China's daughter nations.

Korea was colonized by Japan untill 1945,
and Japan was under the occupation of GHQ until 1952.
Before the WWII, they were both independent countries.
353名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 06:22:06
Exactly !
354名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 09:49:49
Japan's team at the WBC played really good. Congratulations.
355名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 09:52:30
I understand...

Before WW2,
Korea was a independent country but a colony of Japan and a daughter of China.....
Japan also was a independent country but a colony of U.S. and a daughter of China......
356名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 10:02:39

It's the great result of K&J twins' close cooperation and bonds of friendship, thank you....
357名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 11:06:01
daughter of China ?
358名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 11:15:12
Those Chinese who distort history tries are not permitted to join this thread !
I'm fed up with Sinocentrism.
359名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 11:22:01
超速報!WBC イチロー優勝インタビュー!2009  ICHIRO 51

360名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 11:42:33
Yes, the K&J twins are China's daughters.....!
361名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 11:57:12
362名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 13:50:20
363名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 14:16:22
When you write agree and ugly in Japanese characters, both are
written アグリー.

I know to native English speakers, they sound different from each other but
do you say ugly and agree rhymes with each other?
364名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 14:53:47
You are absolutely right. The japanese pronunciation of these english words sound completely the same.

When spoken from a native voice, they do not rhyme.
365名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 15:01:12
Yeah, native english speakers pronounce the words like UH-gly and uh-gREE,not agurii.
366名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 16:02:13
The number of people who speak Chinese or Japanese (a dialect of Chinese) is about 2,000,000,
far more than that of English speakers....
So we should respect the pronunciation of Chinese including Korean and Japnanean.......
367ドイツ人:2009/03/25(水) 16:06:01
Do Japanese textbooks/dictionaries use katakana to represent the pronunciation of English words?
It's a good idea to learn IPA (, it does a good job at clearing up how to pronounce stuff
and is used in many English-English dictionaries (the only kind of dictionary for this language you should be using if you can read this).
But of course, to actually speak well, you have to listen to thousands of hours of English, there's no way around it.

It's a bit frustrating that the English use a writing system that is so badly suited for their language. From Japanese kana and
Spanish, German or Italian words written in Latin letters, I get a fairly precise description of how to pronounce it. Kanji
at least give me a good idea of what the word means. But when I learn a new English word, I still sometimes have to look up its
pronunciation and get no clue about its meaning other than the context I discover it in.
368名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 16:53:12
No, textbooks and dicktionaries use phonetic alphabets.
369名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 17:00:41
Thanks for your response.
Are you a native English speaker?
I want to ask native English speakers to confirm if they think the two
words rhyme. I'm sorry if you're Japanese and feel bad about this post.

370名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 18:10:45
Some dictionaries ,especially which target on junior high kids or below,
use both katakana and IPA to describe pronunciation of words.
I don't approve of these dictionaries because these can lead children to
be under illusion that Japanese pronunciation can be applied to english pronunciations.
371Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/03/25(水) 21:47:03

If Japanese had some way to say syllables beginning with L, it would make
things a lot easier.

It seems to me that a lot of Japanese people have trouble saying L words because
it isn't in their language. Kind of sucks.
372金玉儿:2009/03/25(水) 22:20:07
The thing that Japanease not to be good is not to say syllables beginning with L, but to say syllables beginning with R?
Japanese are not good at the pronunciation of R.
Then why they are not good at that? Well I think that the reason for that they are shameful because the pronunciation of R looks like operatic singer's singing voice.
373名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 23:11:41
i dig hole to protect myself from nuclear war and
look for food in dark warehouse to prepare for survival of fittest.
then rat trap got my penis! i bleed silently from penis in warehouse alone
and wait to die
374名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/25(水) 23:25:37
peter! are you allright! a rat who is danny, said so to dying peter
peter's penis blood is became ice and blood stopped because now is winter.
peter ejaculated and penis bleed again! what a fool! said rat and leave peter alone
375名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/26(木) 00:01:06
So native speakers don't take that the two words don't rhyme with each othter.
376名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/26(木) 00:04:44
Nah. When I speak Japanese, I have to use a whole lot different set of phonemes, and vice versa.
On top of that, tonality, stress-timed vs. mora timed and other differences all make it difficult.
I don't think just adding L to the language would help a lot.
377名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/26(木) 00:20:17

Empire State Building was lighted up like Japan's flag to celebrate
Japan's visctory in World Baseball Classic.

He's just talking about the difference in pronunciation between agree and
378名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/26(木) 00:25:26
I disagree.
Japanese people cannnot pronunciate R sound because
they have no R sound in Japanese.

I was once amazed to see that some French people cannot
pronunciate H sound. That's because they have no H sound
in their language. NOT because they are ashamed of H sound.
379名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/26(木) 01:17:54
>they have no R sound in Japanese
You do, it's just not the R of e.g. American English. The R in syllables like れ sounds a lot like the R in Scottish English.
It's somewhere between that and the L sound really, but native speakers usually interpret it as an R when you say it.
380名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/26(木) 02:33:23
381名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/26(木) 04:14:00
I too have a problem pronouncing my L's and R's sometimes.
382イギリス人:2009/03/26(木) 04:40:01
Been trying to roll mine for months, but still can't... so jealous of
people who can. Lenin couldn't roll his Rs though.
383名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/26(木) 05:29:18
like hitler's r's?
384Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/03/26(木) 11:08:03
To say a proper L, you have to start with your tongue touching the roof of your mouth,
then end it with it smacking the back of your bottom teeth.

or back of top teeth to back of bottom teeth. i dunno.
385名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/26(木) 11:41:27
The deadline's coming up.
I guess you've been extremely busy with making a new kind of April
Fool's Day virus.
386名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/26(木) 18:18:06
Here comes a Wolf!!
387名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/26(木) 19:44:56
Do Americans really take a bath tub with full of bubble ?
388チリ人:2009/03/26(木) 19:55:29
Anyone saw とらドラ! ending?
It was somewhat bland compared to the quality of the series in general but it was cute.
389名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/26(木) 20:06:13
Hey Chilejin! I watched it live last night and it was a neat ending indeed!
And I was reading the Toradora threads just now.
It ended so neatly there is not much to be said about it though.
390チリ人:2009/03/26(木) 20:43:08
Yeah, i wanted to post something in those threads but my Japanese is still too weak...
391名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/26(木) 20:55:02
Aw, speaking of which, did you watch it raw?
How good is your Japanese?
392金玉儿:2009/03/26(木) 21:01:18
Japanease are not good at the pronunciation of R, but Yakuzas (Japanease Mafias) are good at that.
The reason for that is they trill their r's, "Gorururuaaa!!!", when they threat others.
393チリ人:2009/03/26(木) 21:02:05
I first saw in RAW, yeah
Then i saw it fansubbed, but to be honest it was somewhat easy to understand.
The kiss scene was very beautiful... "もういちどう。。。" (Hope that i didnt spoiled too much)
But finally i was happy with the ending, i mean, it was too obvious... but it was much more neat than average Shoujo/Bishoujo Anime

Im at second grade in my Japanese classes (im studying Japanese professionally, i want to get the translator title).
But there is still a really loooong way to go...
394チリ人:2009/03/26(木) 21:02:51
It was >>391, sorry.
395名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/26(木) 21:07:54
>Im at second grade in my Japanese classes
Does that mean you've been studying for 2 years? Or is it that you "earn" grades by taking some sort of test?
396チリ人:2009/03/26(木) 21:10:50
This is my second year in Japanese classes.
I can read hiragana, katakana, about 70/90 Kanjis and basic things.

But i know some other things because im a self-taught person.
397チリ人:2009/03/26(木) 21:16:03
By the way:

It seems that mostly all people are discussing about if the kiss was a normal or a "French" kiss.
I think it was a normal but sweet kiss, what do you think?
398名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/26(木) 21:25:21
So・・ If every Japanese uses YAKUZA world, Everybody can use “r” better than before right??
399名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/26(木) 21:33:06
Oh, so you are good enough to understand raw anime!

And yea, the kiss scene was very well done. In Toradora threads
everyone is talking about what "happened" afterwards. (hehe

I understand the ending was too obvious, some people seemd to be
disappointed by that. But personally I expected it to end like that
after watching ep 24, so it was all good for me.
400名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/26(木) 21:38:10
I don't remember that well but it seemed normal to me.
401チリ人:2009/03/26(木) 21:47:35
>And yea, the kiss scene was very well done. In Toradora threads
>everyone is talking about what "happened" afterwards. (hehe

Well, i heard that Toradora was based on a light novel and on an unfinished manga.
So... i guess there is "more" of Toradora anyway right?

To be honest i cant imagine how Toradora can continue (excluding the ero wishes of all).
402名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/26(木) 22:13:20
From what I read, the novel was finished before the last anime ep.
I don't know about manga... I only watched anime and didn't care about
the original materials.
And by "happened" I meant secks after the kiss. They kinda implied it
by having the two hold hands tightly. (on the train back home)
403名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/26(木) 22:44:44
It was pretty easy to understand what you implied by saying“what happened afterward”, probably because I'm Japanese.
Japanese perople often write/say this way in Japanese.
404チリ人:2009/03/26(木) 23:18:44
Yeah i understand what you say about what "happened" (thats because i say "excluding the ero wishes of all").

Im pretty sure that next Comiket will be full of Toradora doujinshi...
405名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/26(木) 23:21:26
peter is killed by coldness of winter. do not underestimate winter.
this you become if you underestimate winter! said butcher and
throw body of peter on floor. dead body sleeps there silently.
peter is became so cold. it is peter's death.
makahannyah haramita shingyo amen. farewell peter.
406名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/26(木) 23:23:25
He is so sad・・

407名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/26(木) 23:40:53
Ah kk!

I shudder at the thought of graphic Taiga x Ryuji action...
408名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/26(木) 23:59:00
you! give that stove to me! you little rat!
butcher attacks rat who with stove. rat died instantly vaporating
remember this rats! no one mess with butcher. ruler of this land!
409名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/27(金) 00:34:04
that reminds me, is there any movie that is more epic than lord of the rings?
i want to see some huge war like orcs vs humans in lord of the rings.
no modern day war.
410名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/27(金) 00:40:51
Good luck with your studying Japanese!

Though I haven't seen Toradora, but
studying Japanese with animes is kinda
motivating, isn't it?
411チリ人:2009/03/27(金) 02:30:17

>Though I haven't seen Toradora, but
>studying Japanese with animes is kinda
>motivating, isn't it?

With anime, music, movies, video games, doramas, you name it!
412ベイエリア人 ◆wI.9LiivDc :2009/03/27(金) 03:01:12
What is the meaning/reference to 「それはマジでキチガイじみてるからやめろ」?

A person I was talking to over irc was trying to figure out the meaning, but all we could understand were "maji" and "yamero".
413名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/27(金) 03:17:07
Still can't access to 2ch at home?

I need the context to translate it well but I think there are two possibilites.

1) Stop doing it because the act of doing it is kind of crazy/stupid/insane.
2) Stop doing it because it is kind if crazy/stupid/insane.

In 1), speaker is ordering/requesting/advising not to do something because the
act of doing it is crazy/stupid/insane.
In 2), speaker is ordering/requesting/advising not to do something
because "the something" is seems so crazy/stupid/insane that you should
keep away from it.
414名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/27(金) 03:23:17
The literal translation would be "Stop it, that really sounds crazy."
This katakana "kichigai" is generally used as something very outrageous/dangerous/scary/ in a negaive sense.
415チリ人:2009/03/27(金) 03:26:25
And what about マジ? i saw it in a lot of threads.
416名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/27(金) 03:28:53
Really?/Seriously?/For sure?, etc.
417名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/27(金) 03:33:20
Ah, leave out the question mark, I thouht it was part of the phrase.
418411:2009/03/27(金) 04:10:39
Forgot to translate majide.
As 416-417 says, it can be translated using a adverb but in 1) and 2)
I would just add "I mean it" at the end of each sentense.
419Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/03/27(金) 11:49:16
I have a question. This whole deal of company loyalty, salary men, etc; is that a result
of Japanese culture or perhaps a result of high competition for jobs? I was thinking maybe
it is a result of older Japanese culture where samurai had this code of honor and loyalty (of
course a general would want to indoctrinate ideas of loyalty into his servants).
420日本人 ◆EyxCPX2ero :2009/03/27(金) 12:19:06
421名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/27(金) 12:24:28
The former one is right.
And I think it's also a result of Japanese traditional culture, where people admired older people.
422名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/27(金) 12:25:50
423名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/27(金) 12:42:00
(continued from 421)
and I'm not sure but maybe old Japanese society where samurai prevailed also has contributed to its seniority system in companies.
This is likely enough to this unique Japanese system.
424名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/27(金) 12:46:35
I don't know. If you trace it back to samurai era, maybe you can say that.
But common understanding is Japan's company's lifetime employment system
contrinutes to it. Different from American companies, Japanese companies
don't give their employees a pink slip easily. That results in employees
loyalty. And it's common an employee work for the same company until they

Now things have changed and western value and merit system has been adopted
and employees loyalty is less than before. Job changing getting more common.
425名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/27(金) 13:10:15
I like dump trucks.
426名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/27(金) 13:23:42
So, how many of these foreigners in this thread live in Japan?
427名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/27(金) 13:37:31
Nobody. All foreigners here are posting from abroad.
Some foreigners living in Japan posted before, though.
428名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/27(金) 14:26:44
I've seen native speakers use ` instead of ' such as "I don`t know" instead of
"I don't know." Do you know why? they're just having fun getting out of mold?
Come to think of it, ` looks cool than using '.
What's your take on this phenomenon?

Using ` isn't acceptable in an official document, right?
429名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/27(金) 15:09:06
I've not seen the punctuation mark used as a way of meaning ' so often.
So I have no idea.
430名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/27(金) 20:56:24
Ok, thanks for your response.
Any native English speakers?
431miki:2009/03/27(金) 22:19:29
皆さんこんにちは ^^

I'm a fan of Japanese mystery novels

I'm interested in ''東京ダモイ 鏑木蓮''
has anyone read this book?

if you like mystery too
what mystery novels do you recommend?
432名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/27(金) 22:37:37
I've never read the book and I don't read much in the first place.
I spend most of my free time studying English and I used to try reading
English novels. I read one Japanese mystery novel translated to English.
That's "Spiral" and in Japanese, it's title is "らせん" written by
Koji Suzuki. That movie was a sensation and Sadako became a buzz word.
433チリ人:2009/03/27(金) 22:53:16
I never read a Japanese mystery novel... sadly. Sorry
434名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/27(金) 23:52:18

I'm sure this is a gadget you native English speakers who are crazy about Japanese girls
are interested in.
435ベイエリア人 ◆wI.9LiivDc :2009/03/28(土) 00:39:24
Have you heard of a game called "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon"?

It's a game based on the "small world experiment", created by
three college students.

At some point, they watched "Footloose", followed by
"Quicksilver", both movies starring Kevin Bacon. During this
viewing, they began to speculate on how many movies Kevin Bacon
had been in, and how many other actors he was thus "linked" to.

It was intended to be a simple party trick: someone would tell
them the name of an actor or actress, and then they would find a
link between that person and Kevin Bacon. However, it's now
familiar enough in American pop culture to be referenced to in
some TV shows. Here's an example:

Beat Takeshi has never appeared in a movie with Kevin Bacon.
However, he appeared in "Johnny Mnemonic".
Simon Sinn appeared in "Johnny Mnemonic" (though he had an
almost nonexistent role). Simon Sinn was also in "Where the
Truth Lies".
Kevin Bacon had a major role in "Where the Truth Lies".
Therefore, Beat Takeshi has a Bacon number of 2.
436名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/28(土) 01:44:30
Never heard of the game, never did it for that matter.

I am not in any Kevin Bacon's movie, which is obvious because I am not
an actor. But I ate a slice of bacon on a slice of a toast this morning.
So I have a Bacon number of 1 alpha.
437金玉儿:2009/03/28(土) 05:39:29
The Japanease youth culture in postwar denied an old Japan lifestyle, and have mimicked the United States lifestyle.
If so, why don't they throw away Japanese and speak English?
Though they think that any United States thing is fantastic, why don't they speak English?
It is very mysterious for me...
438名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/28(土) 08:55:47
Would you wear hundoshi and kimono, and write Engrish then?
You'd be a real kintama that you are.
439Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/03/28(土) 09:59:10

Probably because parents taught their kids Japanese. A lot of Japanese people
learn English as a second language because of it's international importance, anyways.
Kind of like I have been learning Japanese because I think it sounds awesome and it
is amazing resume fodder, to learn a complex Asian language on one's own self-initiative.
Trying to learn some Mandarin Chinese, now.
440名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/28(土) 13:45:04
Do people in America know that much about movies?
Sounds like I would have to implant a movie database chip
into my brain to play that game?
441名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/28(土) 14:20:52
You should start learning Korean now.
It's the most beautiful language in the world.
Most girls all over the world today are truly interested in the Korean language because they want to
understand what Korean guys say. They say Korean guys are hot and cool, innocent and sexy, and gentle and smart.
The thing is, Korean guys have what appeals to girls. You know, phisical strength and mental strength as well as
kind heart. There's no wonder they want to marry one. Thousands of words couldn't say how much girls are interested
in Korean guys. Those girls chose a Korean world star named the Rain as one of the most influential people all over the
world. That explains how they love and respect Korean guys.
Another reason they love Korean guys is because they appreciate how dependent they are on Korean guys in their daily life,
you know, Korean high-tech gadgets have become something of necessity like Samsung smart phones and hyundai cars, especially
in America. it's a given American girls are mesmerised with Korean guys. No doubt about it.
And it's a sure bet that more and more girls will fall in love with Korean guys once they get their hands on Korean products
which are absolutely selling well all over the world. They know how much Korean guys contribute to their life.
I'm really proud of it. :)
442名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/28(土) 14:37:28
He was always prepared to make himself useful, and
there was nothing, however tiresome, that you asked
him to do for you that he would not do with pleasure.
(The Razor's Edge, W. Somerset Maugham)

What is the meaning and function of 'would' in the last line?
443名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/28(土) 14:52:47
I just remembered this one incident I witnessed on some Japan-related forum.
Some Korean guy started a thread about people's favourite languages,
saying "I guess you all like Japanese, it's a cool language. Korean is like Japanese,
it sounds a lot like Japanese" which was denied by some Westerner's post
"No it doesn't sound similar at all to me"
The Korean guy was talking very friendly at first, but then some anti-Japan American
guy came in and said fuck Japan, they're gay. Then the Korean guy took a 180 degree
turn and started to bash Japan together with that American guy. It was hilarious.
444Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/03/28(土) 15:07:30

Yea Korean is alright, but I think Chinese should be prioritized because they are ALL THE RAGE
right now. They have dreadful business practices, but their GDP is soaring!!!
445=.=:2009/03/28(土) 15:28:53
If Japanese women judge Korean men from only drama characters
that's a big mistake =.=

I'm sorry, I really don't like Korean
446名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/28(土) 16:11:45
Whatever language you choose, the fact remains Korean guys are considered fascinating and attractive to most sensible girls all over the world and
Korean high-tech gadgets are far more competitive than Chinese dreadful products are.
You must admit that. Korean guys make the best husbands. That's what almost all the girls all over the world know.

I don't give a shit about your meaningless opinion, coz most girls in the right mind say they are truly interested in Korean guys.
They express their affection to Korean guys on the internet. Korean guys deserve their interest. Korean guys are so smart they invent
cool electric gadgets and not only that Korean guys are also very sexy so girls can't get K-guys out of their heads. That's the truth.
I'm really proud of it. :)
447名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/28(土) 17:39:21
They sort of do. Listen to some Japanese pop music,
a lot of it has Engrish spliced into it. Other songs are completely in Japanese
but sung with a fake American accent.
448名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/28(土) 21:25:05
449チリ人:2009/03/28(土) 22:48:57

Those McDonalds commercials in Japan are extremelly popular in Japan right?
I saw it in a lot of parody videos.
450名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/28(土) 23:19:30
Yes, Ronald was popular a while ago I think. I'm not a niconico person so
I don't know much. I only watched some on youtube.

Some of the Ronald videos I liked
451チリ人:2009/03/28(土) 23:56:15
I laught a lot with the MOTHER remix song.
I guess the most famous Ronald videos is the Touhou remix
452名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/29(日) 00:12:55
Yeah, that video was what got me into Touhou music
453名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/29(日) 00:15:43

I felt myself having goosebump when I watched this video.
Ichiro is thought-provoking and philosophical. I'm in awe.
454名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/29(日) 00:39:06
Don't miss the Japanese legendary rapper for which even イギリス人 kneels down for.

イギリス人's i-pod's heavy rotation.
455名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/29(日) 01:22:24
Is Ronaldo famous name in Britan and related countries?

First ronald that came to my mind is Brazilian soccer player Rolando
and second is fake Ronaldo in Portugese.
And wait a minute.. Ronaldo Reagan was there!
And I remember hearing that Ronald on Portugese was named after that President.

I think soccer Rolando's image is too strong and wanes ex-president.
Their prime time is different.
456名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/29(日) 01:26:01
And he is not Ronaldo, but Donaldo, isn't he?
457名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/29(日) 01:32:04
Things are complicated.
Ronaldo seemst to be porutugese name and Ronald is British name.
Both must be coming from Christian name.

His second given name, "Ronaldo," was chosen after then-U.S. president Ronald Reagan, who was his father's favourite actor.[

Oh, God. His father choose Reagan not for his presidency but his acting career.
458名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/29(日) 02:03:04
Ronald is a Germanic/Nordic name, I think.
I know lots of Americans, Dutch and Germans with that name.
Dunno if Ronaldo is actually related to that or if it's an original Latin name.
459名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/29(日) 02:13:06
Oh, Really? Interesting story.
Ronaldo is so famous that he seems to have overwhelmed the origin.

I guess story is different in the U.S because soccer and soccer
player are not the center of the attentions.
Besides, Reagan was Amerca's own President who Americans can never
460名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/29(日) 02:23:49
I just learned Ronnie is a nickname for Ronald.
Do Americans call Ronald Reagan Ronnie Reagan?

The man below is Ronnie Coleman and different from Reagan, he seems to be
always called Ronnie. He is arguably the best Body Builder ever.

And Ron Paul is Ron Paul. I don't know the rule.
Maybe nickname for President is unpolite and other cases may follow with
the flow of the names.
461名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/29(日) 02:26:24
Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton : There are many examples that
contradicts with my assumption.
462イギリス人:2009/03/29(日) 04:52:26
I showed those to my colleagues at work a few months ago. They were
pretty impressed with Cool TAK. Especially this one guy who pretends
he's black sometimes and says "mother bitches!" a lot.

Near enough everyone here has heard of Ronaldo, even though he's never
played for any British teams.
463Outrageous Catherine Zeta-Jones:2009/03/29(日) 08:12:31
Good morning!
How a good sunny day!!
464名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/29(日) 14:05:05
It's cloudy here but it feels like spring has come.
In a week or so, cherry blossoms vewing parties will be in full swing.
That's nothing to do with me. First, I don't go out as a reclusive man
so don't care if it's spring or not. Second, I have no friends so I have
no one to go to a cherry blossoms vewing party with.
465名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/29(日) 15:15:46
Oh, outrageous Catherine Zeta-Jones...
466名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/29(日) 15:20:14
By the way, how does the word “Zeta” function in a name ?

For example, David Zeta-Beckam or Micheal Zeta-Jackson is ok?
467Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/03/29(日) 15:24:30

America has... pine trees. Seriously, our vegetation/shrubbery/trees are terrible.

But cherry blossom viewing parties? Even for an awesome tree, that seems like it's
going overboard.
468名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/29(日) 15:52:46
Zeta indicates that the person is a cyborg or an artificial lifeform.

The main purpose of Hanami is to get drunk and do stupid things
just like any other party.
469名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/29(日) 16:07:31
>Do Americans call Ronald Reagan Ronnie Reagan?

470名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/29(日) 16:11:12
Yes, I know a number.
471名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/29(日) 16:16:24
I thought you know Japan's tradition and culture to some extent so
I was kind of surprised at your comment.

Cherry blossoms vewing party, which is called "Hanami" as 468 says is
Japan's event throughout Japan. Family memebers, friends or coworkers
gather to drink and have some fun under bloomed cherry tree. Some sing Karaoke.

Even Japan's meteorologial agency announces the date of when cherry blossoms
will start to bloom every year. The far northern, the later cherry blossoms bloom.
472名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/29(日) 16:23:59
Yes, I know a number.
473名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/29(日) 16:33:11
That brings back childhood memories...
I don't live in Japan, but my city has a park with quite a few sakuras.
And once a year, there's a festival with a few thousand people and very nice fireworks.
I loved going there when I was a kid.
474名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/29(日) 17:04:47
The people in the park enjoying cherry blossoms vewing is Japanese?
Japan gave many cherry trees to Washinton. So I guess people in Washinton DC are
familiar with cherry blossoms vewing.
475名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/29(日) 19:37:41
What are you guys talking about.
I'm the one who is cherry boy.
No more cherry thing, that I don't want to hear it anymore.
476金玉儿:2009/03/29(日) 22:00:09
Japan gave many cherry trees to Washinton, and United States gave many dogwoods to Japan in return for the Sakuras.
Many Japanese don't enjoy vewing cherry blossomes but enjoy drinking sake on the pretent of vewing Sakuras.
By the way, a novel "A Peach-Buttocks-Girl" is written by an auther Hashimoto Osamu.

477名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/29(日) 22:04:20
Yes, I know a number.
478名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/29(日) 23:54:25
Yes, I know a number.
479名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/30(月) 01:11:50
Hey foreigners can post again. I missed translating messages to English in that other thread. So much fun, or maybe I'm just so bored.
480名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/30(月) 02:04:12
Yes, I know a number.
481名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/30(月) 07:44:24
I want to punch a tiger.

I will videotape it and put it on the internet.

People will watch it and say "He punched a tiger. I wish I was as manly and awesome as he is."

But then I will move to the Brazilian Rain Forest and make sure that nobody ever sees me again.

They will all ask "Where did he go?" and I will become a legend.

In sixty years I will reappear on the streets of Tokyo wearing nothing but a thong made of tiger fur.

I will then become the first foreign Japanese Prime Minister.
482名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/30(月) 08:23:37
Siberia's winter has hardened my soul. Cuddle bears taught me how to fight.
I am ready to go now.
483名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/30(月) 08:33:07
You know who is fucking amazing?

I am motherfuckers,now all you yellow commies should be lining up to suck my dick.

Derp derp da durrr
484名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/30(月) 10:26:15
Golly mister, I thought commies were red!

Every day is a learning experience.
485名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/30(月) 10:32:11
There are no cuddle bears in Siberia. There are only grenades and bags of jagged glass.
You are part of the rebel alliance and a traitor! Take her away.
486Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/03/30(月) 12:46:42
The Republicans are starting to annoy me a little. They don't care about the country,
they just care about opposing anything Obama does and gaining more votes. Totally
487firestar:2009/03/30(月) 13:57:43
these sakura are in DC. I have been there and I have seen them.
wikipedia has images.

i have seen them in bloom they are very nice.
we also have cherry and apple trees that look like this planted around my university and a collage friend and I would go and photo them each spring as they bloom.
488名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/30(月) 14:37:21
You should appreciate it to Jonney the apple seed.
489firestar:2009/03/30(月) 14:44:18
490名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/30(月) 15:08:11
Yes, I know a number.
491名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/30(月) 15:20:09
Thanks to Jonney Appleseed, there're lots of apple trees in America
as far as I know.
492名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/30(月) 15:32:31
Yes, I know a number.
493名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/30(月) 16:36:55
Can you be a little more specific?
You are talking about AIG or something?

I hear the poll showes that the number of people who support Obama
has been dwindling (though it still is over 50 percent isn't it?)
mainly because of that AIG managirial staff recieving horrible amount of money thing.
Some people in 2ch say, however, more and more American tax money is used to pay other
financial organizations than is used for AIG. Still, American media doesn't seem to focus
on the problem. If American people are notified of it, I'm sure they will get angry.

>They don't care about the country,
>they just care about opposing anything Obama does
I know how frustated you are. Seeing the biggest opposition party in Japan, which calls themselves
Democratic Party, doesn't coorperate for overcoming this financial crisis, I think I can share what
you think about those politicians whose heads are full of shit.
494名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/30(月) 17:01:49
Personally, I expect Obama to succeed and get honored in the future.
495名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/30(月) 17:36:21
Yes, I know a number.
496名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/30(月) 17:44:55
Get the hell off my back, you airhead.
497名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/30(月) 17:47:58
you are boring
498名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/30(月) 22:30:39
Yes, I know a number.
499名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/30(月) 23:41:41
Not that I care but just a friendly reminder. If you keep posting the exact same nonsense line over and over,
soon they can ban you. Though I'm not sure of the number of posts it takes to cause that,
I know it only takes a true idiot to get banned and their IP number will be showcased somewhere. Good luck.
500firestar:2009/03/31(火) 04:21:15
fucking progressives fuck fuck
it really is starting to look like a good idea for me to move out of the nation.
anyone from canada here? how are things going up there lately?
501名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/31(火) 04:47:18
It's said that there's a kingdom for NEET.
Flee from America and live in the NEET kingdom, where you don't have to
502名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/31(火) 04:52:21
I shall allow you to sow seeds of apple throughout the kingdom.
I'm the king and I shall rear a monument in which your name is engravd,
"firestar Appleseed."
503名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/31(火) 07:59:34
Gates said that the U.S. military could shoot down "an aberrant missile, one that was headed for Hawaii ...
or something like that, we might consider it, but I don't think we have any plans to (do) anything like that at this point."

Hmm.. I just recalled that Obama is from Hawaii.
Perhaps, the U.S. is now starting to think it's time to withdraw their forces from Japan as well.
Or just keep them on a long paid vacation as some kind of incentive for otaku recruits?
I thought we had a treaty...
504firestar:2009/03/31(火) 09:55:44
i lol'd
505firestar:2009/03/31(火) 10:32:57
i just learned a new word today
506名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/31(火) 10:40:32
Yes, I recognized a true natural number which can control entire world.
507firestar:2009/03/31(火) 11:03:19
and so what is it?
508名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/31(火) 11:48:36
It's what you first come up with.
509名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/31(火) 15:39:45
It's a bird in zoological classfication. They live in Antarctica and can't fly.
If you want to see it, go there.
510firestar:2009/03/31(火) 16:07:41
you mean a penguin?
511名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/31(火) 16:30:26
That's right! Not funny, eh? I know.
512名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/31(火) 17:45:29
Hi guys!
Does anybody know good US message board sites similar to 2ch?
We could all go there and try talking to American guys,
and come back here and share our experiences.
How do you think?

513名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/31(火) 18:25:54
I only know English. I hope that I am still welcome as I only want to socialize with 2ch.

There is a board that mocks 2ch, actually. It is very popular now:
However has a wider demographic and an even simpler board style. That might be more of what you are looking for since most people on 4chan act childish.
514名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/31(火) 18:38:52
I think it's an exciting idea (^ω^.)
If I were skilled enough to communicate with others in English, I wouldn't hesitate to join it.
515名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/31(火) 18:43:28
here is full of exert in english?
i am into english.

this is big a find!!
516名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/31(火) 19:32:23
Yes, I know a number.
517名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/31(火) 20:22:38
Yes, I know a number of Japanese people who can speak English is increasing.
518名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/31(火) 21:48:22
In that case, a should be raplaced by the.
519名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/31(火) 22:19:11
I call myself Mr. Anology. I can explain every incident on earth to you, using baseball analogy.

eg) I got up late and couldn't make it to the class.

I would use this baseball anology:

It's like, a runner on the first base started late trying to steal a base
and was tagged out.

I can explain each and every incident that happens to you in daily life,
using a baseball analogy. Do you have anything that you want me to explain with a baseball analogy?
Go ahead.
520名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/01(水) 01:35:02
I stumbled over the stone and got injored.

Can you explain this incident by using baseball anology?
521名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/01(水) 02:52:08
There's also
similar to 4chan/2chan, but smaller, less focused on otaku/weeaboo culture and the visitors write much more correct English than 4channers.
522名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/01(水) 03:26:32
It's easy.
You were on the first base and trying to steal the second base.
The pitcher threw a ball to the first baseman to stop you from
stealing the second base. You hurried back to the first base in time.
You are safe. You thought the first baseman threw the ball back to the pitcher but in reality
he hid the ball in his glove. You tried to steal the second base again and
made a few steps away from the first base. Ouchhhhh. The first baseman
tagged you out.
523名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/01(水) 04:59:38
Hey, hybrid 4channers.
I don’t your future and killing soon!

Also, the best board similar to 2ch in style and in culture is 4-ch, and not 4chan.
4chan is ugh.
524名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/01(水) 05:26:07
Can you explain this with your analogy?

Korean guys are so hot and sexy that white girls are mesmerised with them around the world.
I'm proud of it. :)
525Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/01(水) 05:57:50
If Korean men are so sexy, then do they attract other Korean men as well?
What about the Korean women? If Korean men are apparently mating with women all
over the entire world, then surely there is an imbalance.
526名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/01(水) 06:06:45
It's too easy.
A pitcher insists his fastball is more than 100mph/160kmph and thinks all the scouts of major
league's clubs are fascinated by his pitches. He's very proud of it.

But everybody knows that his fastball is less than 50mph and can't
even pass as a little leaguer.
527金玉儿:2009/04/01(水) 06:12:07
Can you really explain every incident in the metagalaxy, using baseball analogy?
Well, I always masturbate while comparing the strength of Kim Yuna's thigh with strength of Mizener's thigh.
I wan to win Kim's thigh, and when I think so my penis begin to grow up huge and burst.
Can you explain this phenomenon with your analogy?

528名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/01(水) 06:29:45
I don't know who Mizener is and I'm not 100% sure what you mean so
this anology might not so good. Anyway, here goes...

A pitcher is good at throwing both curveball and fastball.
He wants to strike a hitter out with his fastball because he thinks
it's more cool than throwing a curve. The thought of him striking the hitter
out gets him really excited.
529名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/01(水) 06:37:56
Please try and explain Holocaust in baseball analogy.
530名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/01(水) 06:46:25
Theoretically, you're right in that there should be an immense number of homosexual Korean couples over there,
but I don't know, since Mr. Perfect Korea only mentions white girls. Maybe Korean girls are extremely popular, too.
531名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/01(水) 06:57:25
An arrogant General Manager of a big club fired lots of players in his
team who he thinks are terrible by his own biased standard.
532名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/01(水) 08:00:09
I happened to meet an old friend on the street after the long time interval and then found myself falling love with her.

Can you explain this with your anology?
533名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/01(水) 12:23:42
534名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/01(水) 12:24:59
535名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/01(水) 12:27:46

536名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/01(水) 12:31:47

537名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/01(水) 13:36:42
538名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/01(水) 14:57:15
We can recoganise same people wether the board displays ID or not.
539名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/01(水) 15:18:53
One hitter was in a terrible slump so he changed his hitting form.
He got back to his hitting form that he had long time ago.
The hitting form clicked and he get out of the slump and
540名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/01(水) 18:42:04
make no sense to me
541名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/01(水) 19:31:32
"recoganise" is used in England OK?
Do you prefer it to USA?

542名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/01(水) 19:34:48
That means either Most Korean women are mateless due to their men being gay or mating with westerners,
or that almost all Koreans only have sex with foreigners. In either case, the Koreans as an ethnic group will
quickly cease to exist over the next few generations.
543名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/01(水) 21:34:42
If you are a man, MUST SEE!!!

544名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/01(水) 22:11:39
>Microsoft offered a $250,000 reward to anyone who could catch the worm authors.

イギリス人..... Never answer if someone knocks on your door.
Pack your things and fly to Cyberia ASAP. You need to hide deep in the woods. Watch out!!!

Looks Yummy.....
She must be one of the girls called 女神 in 2ch jargon.
545名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/01(水) 22:44:34
>She must be one of the girls called 女神 in 2ch jargon.

546名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/02(木) 10:40:50
+   +
  ∧_∧  +
  (0゚・∀・) ワクワクテカテカ
  (0゚∪ ∪ + wakuwakutekateka
  と__)__)   +
547名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/02(木) 19:04:47

I've just posted a question in the thread.
If you have time, please answer me. Thank you.
548sage:2009/04/02(木) 19:18:45
What is so funny...
549名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/02(木) 20:37:03
Yes, I know a number.
550名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/02(木) 21:20:21
>>549 is the first retard JAP to actually make sense
551名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/02(木) 21:43:40
are you retard dude?
552名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/02(木) 21:44:28
stupid JAP country is stupid asshole
Fuck retard ASO
stupid asshole w
553名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/02(木) 22:57:06
You had better wank watching this.
554名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/03(金) 00:09:54
Yummy yummy
555real yakibuta ◆rZ/DxCHAR. :2009/04/03(金) 02:57:54
I found the following C&P.
   /__.))ノヽ  control panel →
   .|ミ.l _  ._ i.)  voice recognition →
  (^'ミ/.´・ .〈・ リ select " Microsoft Sam "(If you are Japanese.) 
  .しi   r、_) |   Useing the following text, play voice.
    |  `ニニ' /   " what she got so dat Tatar. "
   ノ `ー―i´

That's funny. haha
We can listen to his cliche.
556名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/03(金) 03:09:59
All I could choose was Ann. There's no Sam in my PC, maybe because
my PC is vista? Tater is better than Tatar. It sounds more like てた。
557Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/03(金) 10:27:57
I've begun looking over Chinese a bit. At first glance, a lot of the characters
are written the same and even have the same meaning as Japanese. The traditional
characters even look similar, just a few added strokes.

That sure is convenient.

The pronunciations on the other hand... I don't think it's possible to get it
right on my own without a native speaker. Lordy.
558Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/03(金) 13:33:10
>The House budget drew opposition from 20 Democrats as well as all 176 Republicans who voted.

>In the Senate, only two Democrats voted against the plan, along with all 41 Republicans.

Really, every single one? Not a single Republican think it is a good idea, while
nearly all the Democrats do?

This is what I was talking about earlier, how the Republicans are just putting their
fingers into their ears, saying "BLAH BLAH I CAN'T HEAR YOU", and opposing anything
Obama does.

Oh yea, and,

>But a Republican alternative fared poorly in the House, where 38 GOP lawmakers voted against a plan supported by their own leadership.
Officials ascribed much of the opposition to a provision that called for eliminating traditional fee-for-service Medicare for individuals
who reach age 65 in 2020 or later and replacing it with coverage from private insurance companies.

559名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/03(金) 15:10:10
oh...Taepodong is coming.
560名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/03(金) 17:08:12
Opposing The Great Brotherly Leader President Obama is ridiculous!
561名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/03(金) 19:05:24
Hey, I'm going to learn Chinese language with almost no knoledge about it as you.
Maybe, I know a little bit more kanji than you have, so I get to a certain level more quickly.
But let's compete!
562名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/03(金) 19:20:16
Americans win when they and Japanese start learning Chinese together.
Knowing a Japanese version of Kanji won't help. Instead that puts a huge roadblock in the way.
Americans can transfer their grammar of English to Chinese, but Japanese can't that of Japanese.
In addition, there are a whole bunch of easy access to China for Americans, but there are few for Japanese.
Japanese are supposed to pick Korean instead of Chinese. They can be super-students without troubles.
Good luck anyway for your challenge.
563名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/03(金) 20:06:11
Really? It's sad that knowing kanji used in Japan won't help with acquiring Chinese.

Looking at the pronunciaiton, both Chinese and English have wide range of sounds, unlike Japanese.
Native English speaker don't seem to get trouble in speaking Chinese as long as I watch videos in youtube.
564Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/04(土) 01:20:33

Alright, first, I have to wait until the book I ordered comes in!


I think it will, actually. Japanese characters are almost exactly the same
in appearance and inherent meaning as Chinese characters, but the readings of
said characters are different. However, that means I won't have to, say, memorize
the basic alphabet again. Except for the single Hanzi which seem to have single characters
565名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/04(土) 02:19:01
Out of curiosity, how many Kanji do you know?
566名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/04(土) 05:35:00
The Japanese version of Chinese characters are somewhere between traditional ones and simplified ones.
They are all logograms but different in minor details. It's like looking at texts in Russian, Polish, and English.
Anyway, when Japanese start learning Chinese, they start learning from reading Chines texts. This works fine.
But when it comes to speaking, the knowledge of how to pronounce Chinese characters in Japanese interferes them every step they go.
(Remember Americans who are learning French....)
The golden rule for any Japanese to learn Chinese is to spend all of your time on speaking and listening at the beginning. This works.
Hope this would be of your assistance.
567名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/04(土) 05:51:20
Don't think, just feel.
568名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/04(土) 05:59:00
More to be precise, it's like a difference among the Greek, the Russian, and the Roman alphabets.
The traditonal and Japanese ones are like those of the Greek and the Russian. The simplified ones are like that of the Roman.
569名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/04(土) 06:27:23
What exactly happened in NY?
Seems like some random shooting took place and a dozen of immigrants got killed there.
570Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/04(土) 06:34:37

Apparently some idiot blocked the back door of an immigration services center with his car,
went in with a gun, and started killing as many people as he could before killing himself.

Obama reacted swiftly in giving his thoughts and prayers to the victims and Biden chastised
the already dead gunman.
571名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/04(土) 07:21:57

Have you ever heard of or ate at Coldstone Creamery?
I hadn't heard of it until I watched some videos on youtube.
The icecream sold there looks delicious and I definately want to try some
but I'm confused with its staff sing a song. I felt this feeling coming up from inside of me, "JUST SHUT UP!"
Very irritating.

Yeah, girls there are cute but....Just "SHUT UP!" is what I thought
about them. Am I the exception? What do you think?
Also, from hygienic point of view, singing like that is rediculous.
They spit over icecream, right? I bet a man with girl's saliva fetish
would love it.

Some videos on youtube show Coldstone Creamery clerks overseas sing and dance
while making icecream. What the heck. I guess the idea behind it is
to entertain customers but at least I wan't entertained.
I don't like the idea of importing the custom of singing to its outlets
in Japan. They think what's popular in America should get popular in Japan, too
and I don't like it.

Let me use this baseball analogy here. I hate Coldstone Creamery clerks' singing
as much as I hate some Japanese baseball players who chew a gum in a
game like hell, thinking its cool influeced by Major Leaguers.
572名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/04(土) 07:46:31
Ummm.. It looks like there have been lots of shooting sprees going on lately.
We've got a madman with a missile (or whatever satellite) across the sea but most probably no one's gonna die.
I guess one with a gun in the neighborhood might actually be more of a threat in real life. 合掌
573名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/04(土) 07:51:30
It's a terrible scene.
If it started as a result of being influenced by other country, I think it's all the worse.(^_^;)
574名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/04(土) 09:46:30
Maybe that dude played "Postal" too much....
575Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/04(土) 10:14:18

Is what you find so annoying something which can be explained or is it just
irritating for no particular reason? I don't see anything annoying about that.
I went to a Coldstone Creamery once. It was alright. The service was nothing


I almost wish someone would just invade North Korea and get that idiot out of power. He
is starving his whole country because of his own personal pride. It's ridiculous, but I
have a feeling if anyone does invade he will make every damn person in the country a
conscript and the causalities would end up being huge.

Besides that, these kinds of killing sprees just about happen on a regular basis now.
It's pretty consistent.


I have no idea. Certainly not enough.
576Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/04(土) 10:19:57
hahahaha, I just noticed this.

On yahoo finance

>Here are 10 great affordable places to retire.

-- Binghamton, N.Y.

They release this article on the exact same day that there is a killing spree in
Binghamton. Just great lol. Indeed, a great place to retire.
577名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/04(土) 11:04:49
I just watched Fox News. I thought I was under illusion that I was in wonderland...
Bill O'Reilly was criticizing Obama for, in his speech in Paris, being wrong regretting the tortures
inflicted by the US Forces in Iraq and too much pandering to the French. On top of that,
O'Reilly endorsed what Bush did in the past 8 years. Is he sane by American standards,
or did I misunderstand something about why Europeans are somewhat anti-America?
578名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/04(土) 11:23:56
An artificial satelite is going to be lounched across Japan from North Korea. Be careful‥
579名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/04(土) 12:25:29
580Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/04(土) 12:31:22

Europeans are just bitter that they lost all of their former colonies, nothing more.
581名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/04(土) 13:38:09
no, you!
582名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/04(土) 16:12:41
Yes, I know a number.
583名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/04(土) 18:42:36
Japanese Government can't detected the missile. It's may fake for another
one to having us confused. Be ware for it!
584名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/04(土) 19:35:38
Are there
dengerous places in Los angels?
585名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/04(土) 21:08:15

As far as I know, one of the dangerous places in LA is sounth central
586名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/04(土) 23:24:21
North Korea thought twice to launch a missile.
587金玉儿:2009/04/05(日) 06:16:13
I thnk Kim Yu-na's thigh the stronger because her thigh is thin and soft.
Therefore I'm convinced Kimmy Mizener know better than to hit her fat and firm thigh against Yu-na's thigh!!
Even if One hundred of Kimmy Mizeber's thighs in a bunch confront Kim Yu-na's thigh, they could not win.
Do you know Kimmy Mizener?
588イギリス人:2009/04/05(日) 10:03:56
Hid for a week, but it was too cold, so came back.

Being in what once was the largest colonial superpower the world has ever
seen, there's not really all that much tension between here and the US.
Britain's most distrusted nation is still just across the sea. France.
589名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/05(日) 11:07:41
People tend to forget but it's true that the UK also took a major part in
the Afghanistan and Iraq invasion for its own interests. I watched a good
BBC documentary show that describes what was going on in Britain
right before entering the Afghanistan war.
590名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/05(日) 11:58:30
Go ahead.
591名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/05(日) 12:11:06
North Korea... for Christ's sake.
592名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/05(日) 12:56:42
Where did the missile go anyway?
593名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/05(日) 13:29:10
I guess the missile plunged into the Pacific ocean.
594名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/05(日) 17:24:30
>Being in what once was the largest colonial superpower the world has ever
seen, there's not really all that much tension between here and the US.

Pardon my ignorance, but I don't understand the structure of this sentence.
I understand this type of sentences are called the participial construction,
and the deleted subject of the sub clause is identified with the subject of the main clause.
But here, I wonder what the hidden subject really is.
Probably, Britain, or I?
595名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/05(日) 23:02:35
Well, I think this sentence is a bit irregular, meaning-wise.
But anyway, yes, 'here' means U.K., I think.

Did that bother you?
596名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/06(月) 01:26:20
I see, thanks. I just got a little confused, since I still haven't got the hang of it.
Besides, イギリス人 often drops the subject, so I couldn't get rid of the feeling that he might possibly omit some word.
597名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/06(月) 01:31:50
Those North Korean leaders are fucking crazy.
598名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/06(月) 12:12:37
What's Fuck?
599名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/06(月) 14:09:01
My American girlfriend says her friends are all interested in Korean guys
and I asked her why, then she answered, "obviously Korean guys are really quite attractive.
I know all the girls over the world fall in love with Korean guys and we all American girls also can't help it."
and after that, she added, "Korean guys are mesmerising because they are smart, manly, and self-confident. I thought
you would say no when I asked you out. I was totally nervous then. Having a Korean boyfriend was my dream. So I'm really
happy now." Yes, I know Korean guys are popular with girls, but I didn't expect this much.
Korean guys are known as highly educated, gentle to girls, as well as manly and sexy. No wonder girls are attracted to Korean guys.
My girl says Chinese and Jap guys are far pathetic compared to Korean guys, She says those who walk on the street with them are considered a loser
so many girls don't have any interest in them. I don't know why they are disliked so much, but one thing is for sure: even if American girls
are not interested in Jap and chinese guys, that doesn't mean Asian guys need to feel depressed. Korean guys represent Asian sexiness. Korean guys popularity will never change.
On the contrary, it's increasing. So all Asian guys should be thankful to and proud of Korean guys! :)
600名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/06(月) 14:51:00
We must wage a vigorous and ruthless war against North Korea.

A pre-emptive strike, nuclear or conventional, which can wreak
devastating and irrevocable havoc on the whole land of North Korea,
is the only solution to the intractable impasse facing us.

North Korea is a malignant tumor which must be wiped out,
once and for all, for the stability and prosperity of the Far East.

Now is the time to take action.
601名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/06(月) 14:59:49
602名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/06(月) 16:32:03
North Korea is a bleeding malignancy without extracting which
a numbing cataclysm that will eventually lead to the dysfunctional
paralysis and agonizing demise of Japan is never to be evaded.

But, unfortunately, anti-humanitarian, resource-devouring China
and ever-callous, ever-implacable Russia, which together with
tumorous North Korea coalesce as a totalitarian axis of evil, are
the fanatical foes too perilous to handle with the present military
capability of Japan.

Avaricious America will never intervene militarily because there is no oil at stake.

Hence the need to make Japan nuclear.
603名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/06(月) 16:53:59

Go Oil, young man!

604名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/06(月) 16:57:12

Go Canine, Korean Guys!

605名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/06(月) 17:02:28

Go Kennels, Korean Guys!

606名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/06(月) 18:07:24
Rocken Roll is dead.
So is 米人.
607名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/07(火) 00:07:32
Rick roll is still alive and kicking.
608名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/07(火) 01:12:31
Rick Rolling stopped being funny the day it was invented.
609名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/07(火) 01:36:49
Now the most famous Rolling is this.
610Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/07(火) 06:00:20

Sounds like you had a nice conversation with your hand.
611名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/07(火) 06:06:57
Responding to him looks like you want to join the conversation with him and his hand.
612名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/07(火) 06:12:20
613Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/07(火) 10:36:17

Yea yea, I heard about that. That is a Japanese show, isn't it? That news anchor
looks kind of Asian... or Indian, I guess, but he sounds American.

...I think I am the only tripfag left here except for the one special appearance
of イギリス人.
614Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/07(火) 12:01:02
I'm reading this book called, "The Great Crash, 1929", it is just infinitely
interesting. It's been in print continuously since it was published in 1955.
People back then were just insane. They were betting into the
securities market when a large majority of them didn't even understand how it
worked... just it makes them money somehow. Not even the Chairman of the
Democratic National Committee knew how it worked and he was publishing articles
telling people how to become rich.

The Fed seemed to know what was going on, that everyone else was being fucking
stupid, but they were just keeping their mouths shut because they didn't want
to take the blame for preemptively causing an inevitable crash.
615名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/07(火) 12:31:37
Majority of people in the US still believe Pearl harbor was a "surprise attack"
and even compare it to 9/11. So what can I say. People ARE fucking stupid.
616615:2009/04/07(火) 12:58:26
by the way, Thanks for bringing up the book. I'm currently reading Grate Gatsby and that book could
definitely be the next one.
617名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/07(火) 13:20:02
Even majority of Japanese people blindly believe Japanese armies attacked Hawaii without any statement before it.
Still, I have no idea if it's true or not.
618名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/07(火) 13:51:19
Japan DID attack Hawaii without declaring the war. Japan declared war 30 minutes
after the attack so it is technically a surprise attack. So there is no excuse there, but
30 minutes? Did it really matter when the administration was well aware that they are
invoking the attack by sending Japan the ultimatum?

Sorry Tennessean it may not be fair I talk about it here but I just couldn't believe
American media brought up Pearl Harbor 8 years ago. And the last depression,
and ignorance of both American and Japanese citizens, were 2 of the major
reasons we got into the war so I thought it's somewhat relevant.
619Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/07(火) 14:13:13

I tend to stay as far away from the American media as possible so I didn't even know about that, but besides
that, I'm not offended at all. 9/11 isn't at all like Pearl Harbor in that the terrorists were just aiming to
kill American citizens, not wage war with our military.
620Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/07(火) 14:17:32
American leadership was desperately looking for a way to enter WW2 long before Japan
attacked. America usually doesn't enter or start a war unless freedom or the country is
somehow threatened. Pearl Harbor gave them an excellent reason to enter.
621名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/07(火) 14:18:53
US secret agency had known that Japan would attack pearl harbor, but they hadn't let hawaian military know Japans attack.
622名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/07(火) 14:43:25
Thank you. That's exactly how I see it and I know a lot of American people do too.
But sadly "people" are not as smart as you are, and one of the things that drives people
even crazier is money, so considering the circumstance we are in, it is natural to
be interested in what happened in the last depression. That's why I start reading
an old book and it seems you picked another book from the same age.

Thank you again for bringing it up. I'll read it after I finish great gatsby.
it'll take some time though.
623名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/07(火) 14:50:54
The administration was aware of the attack, there is no question about it.
but I don't know if they knew it would be Pearl Harbor. I personally doubt it.
624firestar:2009/04/07(火) 14:59:41
from reading the political/historical posts made by mr tennessean over the past few months, "smart" would be a poor word choice.
"uneducated" would be a better choice.
read the books The 5000 Year Leap, American Progressivism, The Real George Washington, The Real Thomas Jefferson, The Real Benjamin Franklin, and Liberal Fascism.
all good reads
625firestar:2009/04/07(火) 15:02:57
i can't post via the app "Thousand" anymore. what is wrong?
626名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/07(火) 15:04:09
You mean "educated"?

Now you are asking me too much, but I'll keep these in my mind too. Thanks,
627名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/07(火) 15:19:48
OK. I made it too political. My bad.

It sounds like you have been here for months Tennessean, what made you ?
Are you trying to learn Japanese? Did 2ちゃんねる help or is it mainly for motivation?

What's your favorite Japanese learning site?
628firestar:2009/04/07(火) 15:22:35
629名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/07(火) 15:33:56
630名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/07(火) 15:43:30
It provides an interesting view, but isn't it too much like
a TV commercial for Dodge Ram?
631名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/07(火) 15:51:40
I mean, "Ford is so old they suck we have Hemi and we rule!" kind of way?
I actually find Republicans are more oligarchic.
632名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/07(火) 19:35:36
This is a nice pussy.
Must see.
633金玉儿:2009/04/07(火) 20:36:27
Kim Yu-na must be a most beautiful and a most graceful since human race appeared on the earth.
Why don't president Barack Obama and North Korean 金正日 sign over thier posts for Kim Yu-na?
634Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/08(水) 03:17:56

It's mainly for Japanese learning. There is so much slang used around here
that it isn't easy to read a lot of stuff.


Is this guy Japanese? But anyways, yea, I'm an idiot.
635名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/08(水) 05:13:59
Japan Pledges To Halt Production Of Weirdo Porn That Makes People Puke

well, not that I would care...

636名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/08(水) 05:45:23
Yum Yum Yummyyyy.
637Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/08(水) 11:24:07
I got my Chinese book... and yea, I have no clue how to pronounce nearly
all of this stuff. The book gives explanations of how to move the mouth
to make the sounds, but it isn't too helpful. I think I was supposed to
order another book which goes with the one I already got. That one probably
has the CDs this book is referring too.

The drawings in this book are quite interesting, btw, it looks very old.
It is fitting for a book from a communist republic.
638名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/08(水) 11:35:16
Don't think, just feel!
639名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/08(水) 11:43:59
You practice practice practice practice practice practice practice the whole day through
To practice practice practice practice practice practice practice is what you are supposed to like to do.
It ain't no trick to master Chinese quick lol!
640名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/08(水) 12:06:02
I have no interest whatsoever in those creative porn films or don't give a damn if they get prohibited,
but my impression is, they were moronic enough to keep watching it until they got sick. Silly.
641名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/08(水) 15:58:05
Do you know Aizawa Yurie?

Aizawa Yurie is a Japanese singer-songwriter age 18.
She is not only a singer-songwriter, but also DJ of the radio FM-YOKOHAMA.

Besides she is a student at the music university.

She is very cute and her songs are so nice.
I think she will be one of the best singer-songwriter in Japan soon.

Don't miss her songs!!
642名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/08(水) 18:04:09
I met a group of three tourists yesterday.
They looked like in trouble about where they're going so I walked up to them
and gave them a direction.

They're young, one man and two women, maybe in their early twenties.
One of the woman who had a guide book in her hand seemed like she speaks
Japanese a little, at least she knows some Japanese words. Actually, she said a few
Japanese words in the conversation.

I found it really hard to speak decent English. When writing, I can
proofread, have enough time to correct my English on my own but when I talk in English
I have to respond quickly and don't have enough time to make decent English sentenses so
in most cases I end up saying a bombardment relevant words without making proper
sentenses. That's a shame.

When I study English, I read out English for speaking practice.
But it tends to be monotone without emotion, I sound like a robot
or something. Maybe I was a bit like that when talking to them, too. Besides,
I was a little nervous about speaking in English, so I got high-pitched.
High-pitched English speaking robot speaking without emotion.
643名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/08(水) 18:05:11
The man listened to me with his mouth half open. Maybe he thought,
"who is this man speaking strange English? He lookes so desperate."
The woman with a guidebook looked friendly and listened to me with
smiles on her face. Maybe that's because she knows how difficult it
is to speak in a foreign language or she is used to handle Japanese
people who speak English. Maybe she lives in Japan, teaching English and
invited the two to Japan and now they're on tour in Japan. Her facial
expression looked like as if she had told me, "you're doing a good job.
Hang in there"

The other woman wore sunglasses and I couldn't see her facial expression
much but she looked like she was smiling sometimes judging from her mouth.
The three are really tall. Maybe the both women are as tall as 170cm and
the man is as tall as 190cm. I'm tall but I was kind of overwhelmed by
their size besides being overwhelmed with having to speaking English.

I think we talked for about five minutes or so on the street and then said
good-bye. As I was walking away from them, I thought, "I should have used
that expression to explain that to them more efffectively. Oh, I used a wrong
word. I should've been more relaxed whe talking...etc.." Hindsight is
always 20/20. Funny thing is that I was also thinking about posting this incident
in this thread while walking away from him.
644金玉儿:2009/04/08(水) 18:05:21
Any woman will do as long as she has a fur-doughnut.
645名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/08(水) 18:50:42
646名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/08(水) 19:13:42
Xwhile walking away from him.
Owhile walking away from them.

Thanks for reading.
647名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/08(水) 19:32:17
648名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/08(水) 19:34:02
Who are you?
649名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/08(水) 19:39:49
650金玉儿:2009/04/08(水) 20:58:24
If someone bundle up 100 of Kagari's thighs and bump those against Sekimori Hinowa's thigh, A bunch of Kagari's thighs will be sure to break.
Though her thigh is thin and tender, it's extraordinarily tough! !
Moreover, though her bone density is low, the thighbonevery hard to break.

※ If there is a unclear war, the human race will perish, except for Sekimori Hinowa and Kim Yu-na>
651金玉儿:2009/04/08(水) 21:05:25
Sekimori Hinowa nad Kagari are characters who appear in Fujita Kazuhiro's Manga "Ushio and Tora".
You small flies should remember that thing!!
652名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/08(水) 21:48:36
Is it dangerous to walk alone in LA at night?
653金玉儿:2009/04/08(水) 22:16:01
It isn't dangerous for you to walk alone in LA at night, even if you are a Japanease young girl with nothing on.
Therefore, you may as well walk around there showing your pinkish ass.
654名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/08(水) 22:43:52
We always know more in hindsight, when we get to relax.
I've read it's because when in panic or stress, the brain reroutes its blood
away from those areas of it that are responsible for advanced functions like
long-term memory and towards areas that are more relevant in
fight-or-flight situations. That's why the best answers to exams we wrote in
the morning often come to us in the comfort of our bed we lie in as the day comes to a close.
And probably also why we learn better when offered a reward in case of success,
rather than punishment in case of failure.
The more we put ourselves under pressure, the worse we get...
I wonder if this kind of thing can be overcome with meditation or something like that.
655名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/08(水) 23:01:25
As is said generally, breathing by your stomach helps you feel relaxed.
656名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/09(木) 06:14:11
/ \ ftw

found this AA on youtube
657Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/09(木) 06:36:45
Breathing through my stomach never helps when I give speeches.
658ベイエリア人 ◆wI.9LiivDc :2009/04/09(木) 06:51:00
Whenever I talk to people, my mouth suddenly goes dry.

It's terrible. It makes me sound like a fool.
659名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/09(木) 07:03:19
That's one of the common signs of you getting nervous.
For some people, sniffing a panty works when you want to soothe nervousness.
Maybe you can try it.
When was the last time you talked with a person face to face, not
including interactions through a messenger software or anything on the net.
660名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/09(木) 08:46:39
Uehara, Japanese pitcher's debut game against NY Yankees.
You can watch Uehara vs Hideki Gozilla Matsui.

Yankees 0-- Oreoles 2 in the top of the second inning.
661名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/09(木) 19:19:43
Uehara won his first win in MLB.
He threw until the 5th inning. congratulations.
662名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/09(木) 19:25:14
Today I realized that expressing own opinion in front of an audience is bad for one's health.
While speaking, my heart was beating seriously. I was even afraid that I might disappear from this world because of a heart disease.
663金玉儿:2009/04/09(木) 19:52:32
Whenever I pinch young woman's ass, my penis suddenly goes dry.
It's awful. It makes me sound like a pervert.
That's one of the common signs of your penis getting vioent desire.
664名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/09(木) 19:57:10
What happened?
665金玉儿:2009/04/09(木) 20:02:38
Today I realized that rubing own penis in front of an audience is bad for my health.
While rubing, my penis was beating seriously. I was even afraid that I might disappear from this world because of the explosion of my testicles.
666名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/09(木) 20:55:44
At school, I explained to a teacher why I chose the course.
Since I'm not used to making a speech, I got nervous.
I could find it kind of interesting though..^o^
667名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/09(木) 21:18:50
why are you all talking so nagative thing?
668名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/09(木) 21:37:10
Audience is a group of people so it's impossible to say "an" audience.
I thought you did a presentation in front of lots of people.
669名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/09(木) 22:17:03
If you feel comfortable addressing an audience, then you should be a politician.
670Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/10(金) 05:12:26
In "The Great Crash, 1929", the author explains that during 1929, before
the crash, the Harvard Economic Society was established, "an extracurricular
enterprise conducted by a number of economics professors of unexceptionable

"The purpose of the Society was to help businessmen and speculators foretell
the future."

Even after the crash, the society stood firm that "a severe depression
like that of 1920-21 is outside the range of probability. We are not
facing protracted liquidation."

The author states, "This view the Society reiterated until it was liquidated."

Quite a good joke there.
671名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/10(金) 05:42:52
Sometimes I wonder if those intelligent professors do something that
contribute to our society. Government should stop distributing money used
for their research.
672Alexdhamp:2009/04/10(金) 06:48:22
Wow.. Some strange topics here.. O.o lol About the usage of
"an" before audience, we actually use it that way. Like saying
"To stand before an audience.", for example. I'm not real sure
of the reason why, as I am no English teacher. But, thinking
about it, I would guess that it's because it's a noun, an idea
expressing the fact that there is a group of people.
But..ah..if it was "I've stood before many audiences.", then
the idea of "audience" is plural, thus why an "a" would not be
used then. Well, that's my take on it as a native speaker,
anyway. Sorry if I've just confused anyone. >.<
673名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/10(金) 07:01:45
Ooops.... You're already here. I post a message to you in
another thread.
674Alexdhamp:2009/04/10(金) 07:15:21
Yeah, I noticed. Sorry about that. Thanks for the guidelines, though.
675名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/10(金) 07:44:28
So, you're teaching yourself Japanese.
If you're a biginner in a real sense, then you'll find even this website
difficult but just for your info, I'll put a link here.

I for one, don't believe online language learning.
I think learning resources in print and being taught face to face work more
for any language learners, especially for beginners.

If you're in intermidiate level or advanced, then reading online can
work, I think. If you need to output Japanese, taking advantage of Internet
works, like using SNS, messangers, reading blogs. But as for entry level
learners, that won't work. That's my opinion.
676Alexdhamp:2009/04/10(金) 08:12:24
I agree with you completely. However, I also see nothing wrong
with trying to learn if you have the appropriate resources. One
just needs to remind themselves that their knowledge of the self-
taught subject will be faulty until they can receive the proper
training. I guess, it depends on how well one learns something,
too. Besides, not much I can do with no classes in my area. >.<
Thanks for the resource, too, it's much appreciated. ^_^
677名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/10(金) 08:49:57
hey tenesean, what do you think about 9.11.
I mean, is that a conspiracy of US government or terror of islamic terrorist?
678Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/10(金) 09:04:05

I've seen the evidence for the conspiracy theory, it isn't very convincing.
I'm just going to say it was a terrorist attack for now.
679名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/10(金) 11:00:02
"A conspiracy" would be a stretch. There was a considerable degree of sentiment of hate in the islamic world
against the US government, which acts like a puppet of Israel. Just that some nations, military industries, and
religious and opinion groups took advantage of the situation and tried to secure their own interests.
680Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/10(金) 13:06:33

It's more like Israel is a puppet of the U.S.
681名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/10(金) 13:25:37
Here comes a brain-washed SOB....
682Alexdhamp:2009/04/10(金) 14:01:35
Conspiracy Theories now? You know, I remember reading about
and watching a few programs on the TV that stated our US
Government had sufficient data on their collective desks
that they should have seen the 9/11 attack coming. Kinda
makes one wonder if Bush and his cronies used the attack
and it's resultant backlash as a catalyst to allow them to
invade Iraq? Hmm.. If that's under a corrupt
683名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/10(金) 14:33:52
You mean Israel used to be a puppet of England and now of the US? In a way, it looks like it
but I think you are underestimating the Israel lobby and their influence on US foreign policy.
Iran used to be a puppet of the US, and Saudi Arabia is still one of the US oil industry.
And realistically speaking, except some industries, ensuring stable oil supply from the Middle East
would be in the US's best interest, rather than pursuing military hegemony in the region.
684名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/10(金) 18:01:19
685名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/10(金) 20:02:30
Hey Alex, you wrote in the other thread:
>are you a native speaker, too? If not, you're quite good!
Why, thank you! No, I'm not a native speaker, but I'm German,
so I guess I've had a head start compared to Japanese people who start studying your language.
Brits actually tend to mistake me for an American when I talk to them...
I'm still not really satisfied with my English though, but maybe I'm just being too self-critical.
686名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/10(金) 20:58:18
How many years have you been studying English?
687名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/10(金) 21:14:48
Record your voice and upload it for everyone here to listen to it.

If you're not sure what you say in Engish.
Read this.
688金玉儿:2009/04/10(金) 22:07:13
Do you know Kagari and Sekimori Hinowa?
They are female charactors who appear in Fujita Kazuhiro's Manga "Ushio and Tora".

Kagari is terribly violent, ferocious, and strength of her thigh isunbelievable.
Strength of Kagari's thigh is stronger than a bundle of 100 women's thighs.
But even her thigh is no competition for Sekimori Hinowa's thigh.
Because her thigh is far cry from Sekimori Hinowa's thigh.

689名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/10(金) 22:25:10


690名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/10(金) 22:40:13
Uh... really creepy
coz my name is RYO and ♂.
691名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/10(金) 23:52:40
The popularity of Korean guys has been growing larger. Girls all over the world say they are mesmerised with Korean guys
because Korean guys look hot, sexy, smart, and self-confident. What the girls say is all true. I believe those girls deserve a Korean guy.
I'm 110% sure they will lead a happy life if they are with a Korean guy. There are many American girls that say they can't live a day without one look at hot Korean guys.
I used to think American girls were too busy consuming their own things to notice there are amazingly hot guys outside America, but I was wrong. They are already interested
in Korean guys. Personally, Korean cool high-tech products must've attracted their attention firstly, and after that, they turned their eyes on Korean guys himself. As a result,
they ended up noticing there were Korean guys that matched their preference. I wouldn't blame them for not having known the fact. It's just a start. Korean guys and American girls
will make perfect couples. Having said that, that doesn't mean Korean guys and American girls have no problem to get over. At the top of the list we should take care of are there
many girls all over the world who feel jealous of American girls if they are with Korean guys. Korean guys should convince it's not American girls fault. It's Korean guys fault.
If there was the sufficient number of Korean guys who pair with those who want to marry a Korean guy, that kind of problem would never happen. I'm really sorry about that.
But I'm really proud of it as well. :)
692名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/10(金) 23:55:43
Troll, troll, troll...
693名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/10(金) 23:57:52
you are boring.
you have no sense of humour at all.
694名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 00:01:35
Oh, here comes British spelling!
695名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 00:02:46
Buy me a Kimuti.
696名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 00:06:55
Korean guys seem very popular among Europian girls too.
Those girls often say they can't believe why they didn't know there are this hot guys on earth.
But that couldn't be helped. Europian girls must have been satisfied with days without Korean guys,
obviously because they just didn't know. Without the Internet, I believe, they wouldn't have noticed yet...
But now that they use the Internet, they can watch Korean guys as much as they want. And based on their IT conditions,
it was just a matter of time before Europian girls develop a burning passion for Korean guys.
I think Europian girls can rival American girls. So hopefully, they will enjoy talking about Korean guys and someday
they will surprise Korean guys with their impressive beauty. I'd say Korean guys wouldn't refuse their offer.
Be positive and seize the moment, girls!!
697名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 00:09:21
You should have spelt this way: Kimchi
Got it?
698名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 00:10:27
Take me out to the Korean restaurant
Take me out with the Korean boys,
Buy me some Kim-chi and Purukogi
I don't care if I ever get back.
Let me root, root, root for the Korean boys,
If they don't get my heart it's a shame;
699名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 00:16:12
Let's kimchi together.
700名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 00:17:32
I already know you are Japanese and just practice writing English by making use of Korea.
I guess you don't feel a sense of gulty any more because you hate Korea, so there is no need to
worry about how foreigners think of them after they read your trash.
I've never seen such a sly person as you!!!! You had better feel ashamed.
701名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 00:18:26
That reminds me. Yeah, Korean food has become quite popular on the global scale.
American girls and Europian girls should learn to cook/prepare Korean meals
if they really want to marry a Korean guy - that means learning to cook is a must
since both American girls and Europian girls want to get a Korean guy theirs.
I'm proud of it. :)
702名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 00:20:58
I wanna marry a sweet Korean man.
And I wanna be the mother of his children.
703名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 00:23:13
I've heard that Korean boys are so sweet that all the women of the world want to be their wife. Is it true?
704名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 00:24:24
Korean boys are best. So I heard. Is that true?
705名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 00:27:28
Don't talk rubbish. Korean guys are fabulous. That's the only truth there is.
Plus I don't need to practice English, since mine is perfect.

Jap don't seem to admit to it that they are the ones who should feel guilty for what they did in WW2.
That's why they don't even appologize to Korea.
706名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 00:29:39
You SOB, answer my questions, will you?
707名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 00:31:53
It may be better for you to write down these things on ceiling of a toilet in your house.
Everytime you sit down on a seat, look up and read your paper as to “how Koreans are popular abroad”.
708名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 00:32:02
>Jap don't seem to admit to it that they are the ones who should feel guilty for what they did in WW2.
>That's why they don't even appologize to Korea.
You know what? Vietnames would say exactly the same thing to you against what your people did while they were in Viet Nam.
709名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 00:33:05
Almost correct. Not all of them, but most of them.
It seems that many people has come to know how very popular Korean guys are now.
I'm proud of it. :)
710名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 00:34:35
Are you from Vietnam?
711名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 00:38:48
Whenever I saw an mixed race couple in America, an Asian man with a white chick was always Korean. You may not believe this, but somehow they were very popular among white chicks. Someone please tell me why.
712名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 00:42:46
You can't answer my question because you told a lie to trick everyone here into thinking of Korea as villain or something.
That's dirty. I knew it. Don't you ever try to decieve us.

How dare you to turn around and accuse peace loving Koreans for being violent.
713名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 00:49:12
Please tell me why you love white women so enthusiastically.
714名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 00:53:30
Here you go:
I've got a cold right now, and the only microphone available to me at the moment is my crappy MP3 player,
so you can't make out too many details, really.
715名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 00:54:18
Hey, are you talking to me?
716名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 00:56:12
Pretty much all Koreans I've met are polite, hardworking and fairly nice, but whenever they find out I'm Japanese
they HAVE TO bitch about what Japan did in the past and they are not capable of rationally discussing history.
Which is what makes me feel like avoiding them. Such a shame.
717名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 00:58:46
A starightforward and serious message to the well-known troll here. LOL!
718名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 02:28:23
Thank you for taking the time to record your voice!
The choice of a reading material is humorous. hehe
You read very smoothly and I can tell you are very proficient in English.
Your accent doesn't include "R" sound piculiar to American English.
So I wouldn't think you're American if I was asked to judge where you're from.
But I can't deny if I didn't know you're from Germany, I would have thought
you're American. Anyway, good job and thank you.
719イギリス人:2009/04/11(土) 04:29:39
The parts where the 'r' is prominent makes it (somewhat) clear it's a
Germanic language you're used to (though maybe I'm just picking that up
from living there in the past). I'd say you're leaning much closer to a
British-English type of accent, though, than an American type. The German
in your accent is hardly noticeable though.
720名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 06:11:57
Why apostrophe and comma are often omitted in Queens English?
721名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 06:40:56
Thanks for the comments, guys!
Heh, pretty much as expected. I used to sound a lot more American, but lately I've been listening to lots of British stuff
(such as BBC documentaries and Battlestar Galactica, featuring Gaius Fracking Baltar). And apparently, that was
enough to make me shift halfway towards British English, and maybe fall back to German here and there.
What I've noticed myself compared to how I spoke a few months ago is, for example, that I pronounce my Rs differently
and that my vowels have a bit of a London-ish slant to them. I don't really care either way, though. Unless I move to an
English speaking country, I don't see a need for trying to acquire a specific accent.

Anyway, back to my cun-jee
722名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 09:01:10
What is cun-jee? If it's Kanji, I're gonna to be furious, German!
723An American:2009/04/11(土) 09:52:08
724An American:2009/04/11(土) 10:00:18
Is any one here? Please say hello to me
725名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 10:08:48
726名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 10:16:10
Who are you?
727Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/11(土) 10:29:40
There is this show on BBC called "Little Britain" that I find just quite
a good laugh. A lot of people say British humor is shit, but I disagree.

Here is just a random sketch.
728An American:2009/04/11(土) 10:41:41
This is not me.

And I am an American with the very generic name
John Smith
729An American:2009/04/11(土) 19:32:05
Stop hijacking my name.

My name is John Smith. How did you know?
730名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 19:54:14
731名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 19:58:34
"No! I must kill the Americans" he shouted
The radio said "No, John. You are the Americans"
And then John was a John Smith.
732金玉儿:2009/04/11(土) 21:21:08
When you looked and laughed at my post, Why do you say like that?
733名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 21:45:47
Yukorin is the cutest girl in the whole universe
734名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/11(土) 21:46:10
deserves a good laugh.
735撲殺天使 ◆mcSmT7rh9k :2009/04/12(日) 00:12:33
Seriously, please let me ask you guys this, Is watching English-dubbed animes a valid way for studying English?
What do you think?
I'm not sure if that goes well or not.
736名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/12(日) 00:29:39
At least, that way is not best way learning English.
737名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/12(日) 00:32:03
Only if you want to sound like a dubbed anime character, I think; hence, Beavis & Butthead would be a better choice for you.
738Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/12(日) 01:43:06
We could set up a voice communication channel somehow and I could talk to
you fellas until the cows come home.
739撲殺天使 ◆mcSmT7rh9k :2009/04/12(日) 02:02:03
You don't say... You are funny

I'm a bit embarrassed to tell you guys this, but my TOEIC score is only 890.
I know it's a tad too early for me to study English through dubbed animes.
BUT I love one anime as hell, to death. so, I cant decide on which of the two to take, do or not.

740名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/12(日) 02:55:55
It depends your goal.
If you'd like to score more in TOEIC, watching anime in English might not
be the best choice. Reading newspaper and listening to NHK's English learning
programs are more effective for TOEIC.

The idea of us chatting online has been brought up before but it vanished into
thin air...
741名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/12(日) 04:11:47
>Is watching English-dubbed animes a valid way for studying English?
Yes, of course. But unless you want to build yourself an English-only environment,
where you don't allow yourself to watch anything in Japanese but still want your
anime fix, I don't see why you'd want to do that. I mean, American anime dubs usually aren't
exactly masterpieces of voice acting (ask western anime fans about it). And considering the
USA harbor the largest and most influential entertainment industry on the planet, there's
bound to be something that country produces that you like.
742Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/12(日) 05:50:06
I watch these starcraft video reports quite a bit, made by a guy named "Greth".
Perhaps you could watch and learn a bit about English from this guy's commentary.
He speaks like a normal person in real life. He is from Belgium, but he sounds just
like a native English speaker. A little British in his accent, though. Plus, he is
The guy has something like 180 videos in total.
743名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/12(日) 08:52:29
I want to hear you speak German rather than English.
Maybe you could translate that Korean pride post into German and read it?
That would be beyond awesome...
744名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/12(日) 09:12:49
Why don't you speak English first?
745撲殺天使 ◆mcSmT7rh9k :2009/04/12(日) 12:31:52
Thank you all for your advices.Yor comments are great helps.

You are right. I take you up on it.

I'll take it a step at a time.
I should get a TOEIC score better than now, then consider watching animes.
I want to watch Elfenlied in English someday in the future tho.
As for now, I should channel my aspiration into getting a better TOEIC score.

746名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/12(日) 15:20:05
I only speak katana English. I don't have a mic.
747名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/12(日) 16:26:31
Are you the ドイツ人 who dropped in here a couple weeks ago? Or another German?
748名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/12(日) 18:00:25
てりたまさん(21YAPUさん(24) ぶるーさんAKIRAさん(56)POMさん(15)ひろやすさん(54) ☆★LUCKY★☆さんの写真☆★LUCKY★☆さん(30)ハカセさんの写真ハカセさん(95)

し-やんさん(29)とみ〜さん(56)m(・д・)iさん(29)はぎけん♪!!さん(55) ボリさんの写真ボリさん(67)SхT#515さん(113)ヤス@お風呂だいすきさん(38)あーさん(24)
YURIKAMOMEさん(64)  べさん(76)パンテーンさん(68) うめしげさん(180)シモウマさん(123) ハカセさんの写真ハカセさん(95)やっつんさん(155)ぽりんさん(75)
あんチャンさん(178)あけぼぉさん(67ごっとんさん(58)ング→コウト君さん(145) 赤ぱんチョチョリーヌさんの写真赤ぱんチョチョリーヌさん(279)ノダケンさん(58)つんともさん(194)
むつみつえさん(159) のじりんさん121)S1/2さん(66)ほりでさん(120)めたも‐んさん(172)ガチャリンさん(100)
749名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/12(日) 20:15:30
I'll invent an anal cleaner to make money for English lessons.
750金玉儿:2009/04/12(日) 21:41:43
Are you a German?
Is Hitler still alive?
Which is strong Hitler or Kim Yu-na?
Can bodyguard of Nazis defeat her?
751名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/12(日) 21:43:25
Yeah, that was me. But this whole namefaggotry thing isn't really my style.
And since I'm not a native English speaker, there's no point in marking my posts in any way,
so I went anonymous.

Why? I don't have a strange accent when speaking German.
And it's not like my voice is extremely cool or anything, especially not
with a stuffed up nose. If you just want to listen to some German,
you can always watch a few videos on Youtube, like these:
752名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/12(日) 21:51:23
>Are you a German?
Sometimes I tell people I'm Canadian, but yes.
>Is Hitler still alive?
Yes, he spends his retirement days living in his secret base on the dark side of the moon.
>Which is strong Hitler or Kim Yu-na?
Hitler's beard beats Yu-na's thighs.
>Can bodyguard of Nazis defeat her?
Only the cyborg Nazis.
753名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/12(日) 21:55:52
As far as I'm concerned, there haven't been many Germans we've had here, so I wouldn't see you
as an attention whore or anything even if you decided to have your tripcode back on. Besides, it'd be convinient
for us to ask you questions about Germany. But it's all up to you.
754名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/12(日) 22:29:07
Thanks, but I really do enjoy my anonymity when I'm on the Internet.
755名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/12(日) 22:51:11
I was just kind of tired of English and thought it would be refreshing
to hear something different, and yes I could just watch German videos
on youtube but it's just no fun. I just thought it would be cool to hear
non-English language from someone in here. But yeah.
756名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/12(日) 23:07:18
I hear that Merkel is famous for her sexual outfit.
How do the German think about that?
757名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/13(月) 00:00:52
It's a mustache, not a beard! Can mustaches be called beards? I don't know.
But I refuse to call a mustache a beard.
758名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/13(月) 00:03:27
We generally regard her as very ugly. I think some German men's magazine
even voted her the ugliest celebrity in Germany. And I'm not sure what you're referring to,
but I remember that some time ago the front pages of all newspapers showed a photo of
her with a very deep neckline. Most of those people who cared thought it was pretty
embarrassing for her as a representative of the country to wear something like that,
especially with her reputation for looking pig disgusting.
759756:2009/04/13(月) 00:12:50
760名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/13(月) 00:18:28
"German men" is incorrect. It's Germen. Likewise the women are called Gerwomen.
Germany was named after the fact that there are many Gers in that country.
761名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/13(月) 00:23:51
Talking about German, don't forget ロルちゃん
762名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/13(月) 00:39:22
Japanische & Koreanische Spezialitaten? What the fuck is that shit?
763名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/13(月) 01:38:29

This one was very very VERY interesting. He talked about the difference
between German and Japanese and some stuff. I especially liked the part
about how hard it is for foreigners to learn certain Japanese words like
gyaa-gyaa, zaa-zaa, puku-puku, gabu-gabu, pika-pika or shittori, kossori, hossori etc.

His videos are very interesting. I'm a fan now.
764名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/13(月) 01:48:03
Over here, Asians from different countries often run shops or restaurants together.
Also, I said earlier that most people in Europe know that Korea exists, but don't
really know anything about it. Japan on the other hand is well known, and products
from your country generally have a good reputation.
So when Koreans want to sell something in the west, they sometimes associate themselves with Japanese culture.
Look at this Hyundai ad for example:
765名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/13(月) 01:54:03
Wow. Never expected sumo wrestlers to be on Korean company's ad.
They are desperate to take advantage of Japan's traditon and culture
to boost thier sales.
766名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/13(月) 01:55:57
It is said that Japanese is a difficult language to learn for foreigners, but it's not true.
The only Japanese word that non-native speakers should verbalize is "Pika" in reality.
The crucial point is how you can put your emotions into it depending on the context, your feelings,
and who you are talking to. I suggest you watch Pokemon and study that yellow thing.
If you truly understand what he's trying to say and feel what he feels, then you are genuinely Japanese.
767名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/13(月) 02:11:44
And that's not just any sumo wrestler, it's Akebono!
Glad he got his ass kicked repetedly in K-1.
768名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/13(月) 02:16:20
He's Konishiki, not Akebono.
Both of them are from Hawaii though.
769名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/13(月) 02:26:54
Oh yea yuo are right, it was Konishiki.
770名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/13(月) 02:59:59
Do you watch Ask A Ninja?
771Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/13(月) 03:33:00
I know this guy that regularly does business in China. He says that the farther
you go into the mainland of China, the more you hear of people getting "pollution
headaches". The pollution is so bad there that they get soar throats and headaches
from it. Must be awful.
772名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/13(月) 03:47:04
Cities along the coast are prosperous, hence, air pollution is observed.
The farther you go into the mainland, the more serious pollution headach?
I don't get it. Industrial toxic garbage is mined in inland China or something?
773名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/13(月) 04:39:37
I was reading a blog and found this "^5."
From the context, I can imagine it means "high 5."
Have you ever seen ^5 on a blog or website?
Is it common? I wonder why ^ means "high."
Any ideas?
774Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/13(月) 07:24:39

So that guy is living in Germany at the moment, but he goes to some kind of
Japanese sector of the town? I'm guessing デユッセルドルフ is how you would pronounce
his town.
775名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/13(月) 07:32:50
Two restaurants run by konishiki in LaQua went bankrupt in January this year.
I don't know the primary cause of bankruptcy.
Sumo wrestlers often try to run Chanko restaurants.
I think Masaru Hanada (Former yokozuna Wakanohana ) is the most successful businessperson.
776名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/13(月) 08:30:28
777Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/13(月) 11:17:24

That guy is a politician of sorts, I figure? If so, he is breaking the number
one rule of being a politician, don't dress like a 1940s mobster. In other words,
don't dress like a really rich guy. American politicians have always emphasized
the importance of appearing humble.
778名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/13(月) 12:30:03
The man in business suit isn't a politician.
He is a representitive of an organization.
The reason why he organized the demonstration is to protest against a left wing
organization which tries to make it possible for Philippino parents to
continue to stay in Japan.

The parents and their junior high school student daughter has lived
in Japan for years. But it was found out that the parents immigrated
to Japan illegaly before their teenage daughter was born. Now that they
were found not to be eligible to stay in Japan, Japanese court
ordered the parents to go back to the Philippines. Only their daughter was
allowed to stay in Japan.

One left wing organaization demand that Japan should go easy on them and insist
the whole three stay in Japan. The man in business suite is against it.
He is against perks for Koreans in Japan, too. Some people say that korean
living in Japan now were forced to come to Japan as labor during WWII but those
type of Koreans already went back to Korea after the war and Koreans living in Japan now came to
Japan on their own will looking for better opportunities in life.

But they pretend to be forced to come to Japan during WWII and Korean descendants
in Japan asked for welfare payment from municipal governments.
So Japanese people really in need for Supplemental Security Income
can't get it because of lots of Koreans in Japan. Municipal government
officials feel guilty of Japan's forcing to Koreans to Japan during the war
so they tend to have Koreans get eligible to Supplemental Security Income easier
than Japanese in need. Municipal officials don't have to feel guilty
because Korean descendants living in Japan came to Japan on their own will
but pretend to be forced to come to Japan.
I'm not >>776, by the way. Really tough to explain complex things in English.
779名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/13(月) 18:31:54
Yes it's Dusseldorf written in katakana.
780名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/13(月) 19:07:36
781名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/13(月) 22:22:07
This is becoming sort of a complicated issue now, involving Zainichi interest groups in it.
Those demonstrators are not really a right-wing organization, though probably conservative,
they are just a civic group who insists on the deportaion of illegal immigrants, especially the
case of the Philipino family. I feel sorry for the split of the family, but they should have lawfully
entered the country in the first place. I suppose this kind of thing wouldn't get much news coverage
where sending back illegals is nothing unusual.
782名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/14(火) 01:36:22
I remember the news a Zainichi who was killed by his wife turned out to be
an ex-yakuza and an boarding member of buraku union, self-proclaimed
outcaste group. His Japanese name was on the list of buraku union.

Why could he be buraku (of japanese indigenous people) union offcier?

Another news is that a buraku union adviser was arrested for
intimidation. He had been extorting money and usurp construction works
for his company from the city and private sector.
He was closely associated with yakuza too.

Things are complicated and hard to explain in a simplistic way.

There is a buraku waku in municipal offices like osaka
So they must keep hiring buraku people.
Some of them didn't work at municipal office and did his own business.
Money had been kept paying untill somebody worked up nerves.

783名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/14(火) 01:47:50
a Zainichi who was killed by his wife

Posters of komei party were on the wall of his house.
He was ex-yakuza, a boaring member of buraku union and a member of sokagakkai.
Komei party is manipulated by cult religion, sokagakkai.
Separation of religion and politics must be started from
784名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/14(火) 03:24:49

When you're stressed out, watch COCO chan's video.
The owner of her made cookies for her this time.
They seem to have been made in accordance with recipies for dogs
so don't overreact how bad for dogs foods made for human can be.
785名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/14(火) 04:19:49
You just call out my name,
and you know wherever I am
I'll come running, oh yeah baby
to see you again.
Winter, spring, summer, or fall,
all you have to do is call
and I'll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah.
You've got a friend.

Those lyrics come to me ever so often when I feel realy alone and
feel like cring. I'm not the listner of this song.
I'm usually alone but care little most of time.
786名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/14(火) 04:44:21
I'm alone most of the time too. But I like it this way, so it's not a big deal.
Actually, I only feel lonely and bored when I'm around people.
Especially when there's no hope of escape any time soon.
787名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/14(火) 05:13:01
I agree.
But when you meet sudden and strong sadnesses like disease, death
of your relatives, etc, loneliness might come home to you.
788名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/14(火) 05:53:44
If you feel lonely, this is the song for you. The song bulks up your energy level.
789名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/14(火) 10:18:40
That's what I expected. lol
But you are right.
790名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 01:05:35
Fly with this funky airline attendant, then you'll be fly.
791名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 01:19:54

I wanna strip the bikini swimsuites off the girl after girl.
792Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/15(水) 06:59:58
I went to an interview for a part time job today. I was naturally a little
nervous and they asked me a lot of bullshit questions to gauge my personality.

Anyways, one of them was, "What is your greatest fear?"

I wanna hear what the Japanese are scared of.
793Alexdhamp:2009/04/15(水) 07:32:13
Ugh! I hate those damned personality test.. 50 some odd
meaningless questions that are "supposed to gauge your
personality".. Bah.. Psycho-babble... Just give me the
damn job or don't give it to me, you know?! XD
794名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 07:35:57
What kind of job are you applying for?

You should have answered that your greatest fear is to have fear in yourself.
That's a cool answer.
I'd asnswer that my greatest fear at the moment is economy getting worse and worse
and society is less stable in every way. That would be an answer to give them
a decent impression.

What I fear most in life is questions like, "what did you do on the weekend,"
"Do you have any plans for coming vacation." Because I have no friends
and all I do on weekends and on holidays is just stay home. This type of
question is the most annoying to me and I am fearful of them.
795名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 07:37:42
地震、雷、火事、親父 are what they say we are supposed to be scared of, traditionally.
796Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/15(水) 08:37:51

It's a job as a personal trainer. I'll probably be teaching older folk how
to exercise with weights.
797名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 08:53:20
Both Japan and America is aging rapidly so the demands for that kind of
job must be on the rise. Do you know how to do exercise with weights?
You're self taught? Maybe they'll tell you teaching techniques once you
get the job. Didn't know you're an athlete type.
798Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/15(水) 10:59:56

Yea, I have to spend a few days learning a few things as part of the job.
Stuff like basic first aid, CPR, and just the basics of using the equipment.

Something like 100 people applied for this job besides me. Jobs in America
are hard to find nowadays.
799名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 11:29:13
exercise with weights.

HaHa. That explains you are buff and capable of fighting off
villains in Tennessea.
Are you as macho as Brat Pitt? More?

But beware! You might be next Christopher Newsome someday.
Choose your time and your opponents.
Justice won't always pay.
800名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 11:33:31
America is the only advanced country whose population is
growing. Birthrate of Americamust be 2 or more white that of Japan
is nearly 1.25.
I'm not sure of white american's case though.
High brithrate includes illegal immigrants and those descendants.

801名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 11:48:18
One out of 100 applicants?

By the way when I first saw Channon Christian, she reminds me of
Britney Spears. Even though I'm not interested in Hollywood
celebs at all.
Channon Christian resembles Britney so much.
There was a rumor that Britney will play the role of Channon Christian
in the movie dealing with the murdercase. She denied the rumor.

Channon Christian must be cute girl next door type in the U.S.
That may be the another reason which gets white american mad
with Black criminals.
802カナダ人 ◆YUKI4lVki2 :2009/04/15(水) 12:07:24
Hm...first post here. I didn't know you guys had a board for English.
I'm going to start spending more time here =)
803名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 12:09:01
Hello カナダ人, seems that we have another Canadian in 2ch!
804Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/15(水) 12:11:49

I think I resemble James Bond a bit more.
805Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/15(水) 12:12:55
the newest James Bond, not the older ones.
806カナダ人 ◆YUKI4lVki2 :2009/04/15(水) 12:18:16

Thanks =) Am I quoting correctly? I'm not familiar with the system.

Also, it's past 11p.m here so I'm going to watch Saki then go to bed.

Everyone have a nice day!
807名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 12:19:10
Oh, really.
Sorry but your face seems to be rather cool and scary type?
New James Bond and Putin resemble each other and both are
808名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 12:20:07
809Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/15(水) 12:22:34

Yea, that describes me pretty well. My looks alone have been seducing women
for years now. Being handsome really has it's benefits, almost everyone treats
you better because of it.
810名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 12:27:01
You mean you come to 2ch to see other boards on day to day basis?
WHat board? Anime?

English board for better or worse is a place mainly to discuss "in Japanese"
how to study Enlgish, how to get a good score on English test" and such.
And almost all threads seem to be made for the purposes.

As far as I know, there are only a few threads where posts are in English.
This thread is another good thread where English is written.

Hmmm...Sounds like you have great build. I hope your hairline isn't receding
like the James Bond. When did you start pumping iron?
811カナダ人 ◆YUKI4lVki2 :2009/04/15(水) 12:32:00

No, I've only been here maybe once or twice before because I'm studying Japanese. I mainly read the anime and techno music board.

I realize this board is mainly to discuss English "in Japanese" but this is still helpful for me since I can still be in a Japanese environment without being completely removed from English, I hope to learn some stuff.


Yes, that one =P
812名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 12:32:08
Putin's face is assailant's face.
His eyes are dead and focused at one point.
I read a comic magazine yesterday and a boss of Russian
smuggling drugs was obviously taken after
putin's face.
Tattoo of Scorpion was written on the side of putin's forehead.

In japanese comics, Russian thugs are either Putin or MMA fighter Fedor.

Bush looks rather dumb and wimp. He looks cheerful hick too.
But I guess Bush would shot
putin with machigund untill putic is confiremed to
be dead, backing down and crying.
He would drink a beer at home and forget about the nigthemare soon.
813カナダ人 ◆YUKI4lVki2 :2009/04/15(水) 12:33:16

Agh, sorry for the long text. I am not used to the posting yet.
814名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 12:33:20
Can you survive the korean cirsis? : mesmerizing korean guys
steal white girls in America.
815名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 12:35:07
Don's you have brown eyes?
Blue eyes are the charming point of new James bond and Putin.
816名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 12:41:24
Fill in the E-mail field isn't mandatory, by the way.
Of course you can keep the way you are. It's just that not many people fill in
the e-mail field.
817名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 12:42:32
He's a man of justice, physically and mentally strong, well educated, popular, sexy, good with women. But a 2channeller?
Umm, it does remind me of Mr. Perfect...
818名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 12:46:57
819Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/15(水) 12:46:59

Indeed, blue eyes gives them a boyish appeal, but I have the same boyish
appeal in different ways. My eyes are as scary and cool as my face is. I
like the consistency and personally I don't like blue eyes.


I have encountered some of these pretty boy Koreans in real life, they aren't
all that special. I can see why they go after white girls though. Almost all
their female counterparts are horrendous. I feel kind of bad for them.
The few Japanese ikemen I've seen are quite a bit better, though.


Probably since 13-14, earlier than I should have, but my growth wasn't stunted
because I started so young.
820Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/15(水) 12:48:24

That is almost right except my abs and chest are more defined.
821名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 13:01:07
Murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom happened
in Knoxville, Tennessee, your hometown.
What was your opinion and thoughts about the case
as an individual and Tennessean?
822名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 13:03:24
Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom were around
your age.
And stop using steroids.
823名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 13:03:59
If you can correct your taste in loli girls I think you'll be even eligiable to
be a president candidate in the future. Never mention your visit to 2ch in real life, though.
824Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/15(水) 13:04:33

Well, you see... I'm not much of a people person. I can socialize just fine...
It's just that I don't like hanging around people a lot. I feel better doing
stuff alone.


Not surprised. It's Knoxville. I'm glad I didn't go to the University
of Tennessee or else I surely would have been mugged 20 times by now.
I'm not going to try and fight a guy with a knife and a gun if all I gotta
do is give him 20 bucks.
825名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 13:08:48
Like this?

Or you're more bulky?
Tell us what kind of body you have. There're lots of samples there.
Be objective.
826名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 13:10:31
Tennessean is mine!
827名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 13:11:14
Then You don't wanna relate the case with racial issue?
You didn't get angry because a pretty white girls was raped and
murderd. Maybe revenge shoud be left to a korean brave guy here.
I guess the case is equivalent to the concrete encased high school
girl case in adati ward. The worst kind of juvenile crime in Japan
in 20 years.

As long as I remember about Knoxville7s case, the one part of bereaved families wanted to
avoid racial agenda. But now they seem to admit that was a racially
motivated violence.
828名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 13:17:33
I wish bravemen like Tennessean were here in Japan.
Jo kamisaku would have been punched in the face and
down on his knees and beggegd for mercy.
But Tennessean kept punching and kicking and choking him.
Kamisaku was dead happily ever after.

829名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 13:26:26
What do you mean? I never said his is mine.
I'm not "uho."

I found Tennessean.
Hey, what's the point of lying on the concrete.
830名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 13:29:38
Subconsiously, you are. But it's okay, he won't pass moral judgment on that.
831名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 13:36:57
Don't be foolish guys.
I'm the one who has everything you want.
832名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 13:43:48
Let's have a tea party and fun with Tennessean.
833名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 21:40:38
This news is pretty awesome.
An Iranian woman who has been living in Japan for 9 years won a rookie award of literature today.
It is one of the most prestigious awards for new novelists, and a non-native speaker winning it
is just amazing. Most importantly, she's pretty hot.
834名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 22:00:03
The second link is for the article about a prize she won when she was a student in 2006, by the way.
835名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/15(水) 23:44:01
Thanks for the link.
Wow! wow! wow! Just WOW!
I'm amazed by her beauty and talent in math, science and Language acquiring.
Just 9 years of living in Japan has led her to the level where she can win
the literature award? It doesn't have to be possible. Even I, Japanese native English
speaker can't write a novel, win an literature award for that matter.
I think, she is gifted in language. And she's sooooooo beautiful.
836名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 00:11:00

She works for Panasonic. As for the photo of her, she looks sexiest in the photo in the 833's
link. she is stunningly hot and sexy in the photo. I must admit when I saw other photos of her
after searching, I got a little disappointed. She looks good in other
photos but the first photo makes look her shockingly hot and sexy.

How can a person with herself exposed to Japan only 9 years win a literature
award? I study English more than 15 years and can't write a English novel.
All I can do is post in 2ch in English. I wouldn't be as fluent in
English as she in Japanese even if I lived in an English speaking country
for 9 years.
837カナダ人 ◆YUKI4lVki2 :2009/04/16(木) 01:07:39

I admit it is pretty amazing to win the award when she is not
a native speaker, however I think that being in a country helps
greatly when learning the language.

Also, she was writing. Maybe she is not a very good speaker?
838名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 01:22:00
Being in a country where your target language is spoken help you learn a language.
But only a fraction of such people can reach a level where they can write a novel
and win an prestegeous award.

I can imagine that she's a good speaker, too. She won a speech contest
held annually by Kobe city mayor about 5 years ago.
839名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 01:40:52

Do you know the Canadian woman won the anime song contest
around last September, and will make a major record CD dubut in March or
April or sometime soon? She'll sing a song of a new anime broadcast from
coming April as a reward for winning the contest.

If you're interested in about her, read relavant posts from >>91 to 115
in this thread. I came to know her here.
840名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 02:38:51
No matter what team you root for, Seattle Mariners, Chicago Panty Sniffers or Panty Stealers...
you'll be impressed with this video.
841Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/16(木) 02:47:17
A few of my friends who were born in different countries and have lived in America
for several years now can speak English just as good as me. You guys could probably
become just as fluent as her if you lived in an English country for that long and
went out to socialize a lot.
842カナダ人 ◆YUKI4lVki2 :2009/04/16(木) 03:01:41

Yes very true, I actually can not imagine another example where
such an award has been won. I did not know that she also won the
speaking contest.


No I'm not aware of her, but I just watched a few videos and
she seems okay.

Well, I'm out. See you guys later.
843名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 05:40:54
844名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 05:44:28
iz she a freak?
845名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 07:03:35
dame it!
Why the hell did HANSHIN get weak?
Somebody tels me who the worst is.
I miss DONDEN...
846Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/16(木) 11:03:43
When I get older, I want to buy a vineyard and start making wine each year.

Seems peaceful.
847名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 11:15:05
LoL to Donden. Mr. Okada used to appear in the CM.
Maybe Menchi has to be blamed. He's been betraying fans and his temamates. Arai shoulld get better.
Kanemoto Uho Aniki is doing a fabulous job.
I couldn't believe when he hit three straight homeruns in two games!
Some people say he is using performance enhancing drug.
I get horney watching this video. I can't resist licking her neck and ears
like a dog.

You need to move to California.
You are influenced by this article?
848Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/16(木) 11:33:50

Nah, I read about a business owner who makes 300 bottles of amazing wine
each year from his own personal vineyard and gives them out as presents
to people he knows personally. That's a great diplomatic move.
849名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 11:51:23
You need to make a fortune to buy a vineyard.
Add me as a friend from 2ch on your list of giving bottles of wine.
850名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 11:59:58
It's one thing to buy a vineyard, but another to make good wine from it as well.
It would still be pretty sweet to own one though
851カナダ人 ◆YUKI4lVki2 :2009/04/16(木) 12:32:40
There are lots of vineyards around my town.

The wine doesn't taste very good though ;_; it's better to buy from
a place that knows what they're doing.
852名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 12:38:16
There was this one wine festival in my city, and the cheapest wine ended up winning the "Best Wine" award.
So sometimes I really wonder if the expensive wine is always worth it.
853名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 12:57:12
Have you ever shot a gun?
854名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 13:02:11

'The fuck did that come from?
855名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 13:03:15
I doubt even an expert can distinguish cheap wine and expensive wine.
There were TV shows in Japan where show business people guess which is
expensive one.
In this video at 4:34, A is French wine and costs 1000$ and B is 20$ from Spain.
The man is an actor. He runs a wine bar, too and he is known for his
knowledge of wine. But He guessed wrong saying B is the expensive one.
All of the guests guessed wrong.

856名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 13:10:09

Well everyone can make mistakes.
Plus, how would you explain people who critique wine for a living? They are all fakes?
857名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 13:13:02
Also, in my opinion wine is very much a sign of status.
Even if the cheap and expensive wine taste the same, a prestigious businessman wouldn't serve the cheap wine to guests.

I'll never be able to afford 1000$ bottles though, so I'll make due with the cheap stuff :P
858名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 13:21:46
Naomi Kawashima, who is well known for her knowledge of wine guessed
wrong in the same show. That explains there's no big differences between
expensive wine and cheap wine in terms of taste and flavor.
What makes them differentiate them is brand name, not taste and flavor.
859名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 13:33:57
They've done studies using MRI machines to scan for brain activities
signaling "happiness", and found that people enjoyed the same wine more
if it had a higher price tag. There's some proof that you can "taste"
the price itself.
860名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 13:49:03

That does make sense.
When I go out for an expensive meal I always savour it a little more than I would a cheap restaurant.
Even if the food is mediocre.
861名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 14:26:47
On the topic of expensive things, there's a funny talk at Ted Talks
(basically youtube for smart people) where the speaker goes around
the world trying out expensive luxuries, from extremely rare wine
to Japanese kobe beef.


Also a good chance to practice your listening skills!
862名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 15:24:49
I love TED.
I just wish half the things there would come into fruition.
863名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 19:18:46

--「病としての韓国ナショナリズム」 伊東順子著 洋泉社  2001年10月
864名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 19:26:07
To open the door
is danger
865名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 20:28:55
You might find this one interesting concerning what she thought drove her to writing when she was a student.
She knew her Japanese wasn't perfect and always had to have her writing corrected by another hand,
but she felt strongly motivated to write about some people she met that made her acutely aware of who she was,
and what made it possible to be where she was at. As she puts it herself, she definitely is endowed with the
circumstances, which we also tend to overlook, as well as literary talent I guess.

866名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 21:14:06
Thanks for the link.
I did a lot of research about her on the Net, so I read it last night.
She said that when she won a literature award for International student
in 2006, a lot of people help proofread it. I wonder if that's the case
with the award this year. Maybe be editors of publishing company proofread
her novel but that what hapopens even to even Japanes authors.
So that's not something to be dubious about. I want to listent to her
867名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 21:30:36
What is "ballistic glass"?
I saw this ward on the article of Afganistan's tribal area.
The article said "a rock slammed into the ballistic glass" and "Man,he pegged my window"
Is this something like balletproof window?
868名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 21:54:32
I think your hunch is getting right way. In the American Heritage Dictionary here,
It says "Of or relating to the study of the dynamics of projectiles."
869名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 22:19:57
870名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 22:39:48
871名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 23:08:07
I didn't know Jesus Crist was Korean. I'm ashamed of myself.
872名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/16(木) 23:10:23
ボ    剣道部          ヒソヒソ・・・        「大変だったけどね(・3゜)」
ク          クンニわ一回だけ     塾   カーセックス
っ   性交義塾                 講                      とちおとめ
娘             眼鏡っ子       師         ア  デートはいつもラブホか車
 コソコソ・・・            親不孝               ニ    「口の中がたかゆきで一杯」
   「1時間半しか一緒にいられなかったけど」  中     メ好き
                              学               マ   「乳首触りすぎい 」
        ボーイッシュなあの子         生       ザワ・・・    ス   
        「今日わ、キスしまくったせいで   / ̄ ̄ ̄\    ベ     ク
絵が上手い 口の中たかゆきだあwww笑、」 ./ ─    ─ \   ロ        用意周到
                           /  <○>  <○>  \ チュー
   黒髪  気持ち良かったし ナニソレ・・・ |    (__人__)     |    
ザワザワ・・・・     ガヤガヤ・・・        \    ` ⌒´    / 「手まん気持ち良かったし 」
         トヨタ車       嫉妬   /             \        性の個別指導
873Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/16(木) 23:49:14

It isn't uncommon for people to just completely make stuff up about Christianity.
Priests and pastors have been doing it for over a millennium. See, back in the day,
all the bibles were in Latin. Only those who were officials of the Church were
educated in Latin. The Church officials could make up anything and say it is in
the holy text in order to get whatever they wanted.
874カナダ人 ◆YUKI4lVki2 :2009/04/17(金) 01:06:27

875名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/17(金) 03:43:10
I'm neither of them but after following the links I found out that there's
a big fuss going on in some parts of 2ch community. The below is what
I found about this commotion.

There's a high school girl who is doing show business in Japan and
there's a thread about her in 2ch. One 2channeler searched for her info
on the web and found a blog written by her female classmate.
The info about her was tedious but what surprised the 2channeler most was that
the classmate wrote lots about her own personal life with lots of photos in
her blog, which is already deleted.

The girl is 10th grader from this spring. (Japanese school year starts in April.)
She went to a cram school to pass high school entrance exam, which she did.
In the cram school she went, most/all of the teachers are univeristy students.
She fell in love with one teacher and he seems to sleep with her according
to her blog. She wrote how she loves him and how he carasses and kisses her,
how much he loves about licking her nipples and how she felt good about
his rubbing her pussy and how it feels good. She is stupid enough to write such things
in detail with her photos on her blog.

The problem is it's against ordinances in some parts of Japan to sleep with a girl under 18 years old.
The man seems to be a 19 year old university student and I don't know how the ordinance
is adapted in this case, where both are minors. She wrote so much details about her, her
school, how their date went that it wasn't difficult to find out her name, her middle school
and high school name, and such. With such clues plus google search
has led to more detailed info such as her address, her home's telephone numbe rwhere her
dad works for and his name.
876名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/17(金) 03:46:34
She is a pretty cute girl who loves anime so some 2channelers are jealous of
the university student who takes her to Love Hotel to sleep with her.
He's cautious enough to hide his lower face when she takes a photo of him.
His first name and name of the car he drives is clear from her blog posts
and photos but her family name and the name of university isn't still clear.

The jealous 2channelers want the whole things to get more attention and
preferably want the university student arrested for a obscenetiy charge against
minor. Some 2chanellers gave bombardment of calls to her home, the cram school she went,
her high school. Some may have contacted with the police by email.

I'm curious abuot how this incident'll turn out to be.
Some Internet media has written articles about this incident.
If this girl wasn't a classmate of the show business girl, this incident
would have never happened.
877名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/17(金) 04:31:56
Christ may have been born in Korea, but he actually spent most of his life in Japan.
You can even go and visit his grave:
878名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/17(金) 04:59:14
Haha, I visted there once actually, it was in a really deserted area and there was nothing but a tomb stone there.
I heard someone started it to promote the village and get tourists come by, but none of the locals even gave a shit. lol
879名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/17(金) 05:05:00
Wait, that wasn't a stone, maybe a cross. I don't even remember.
880名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/17(金) 05:39:23
Actually, I did some research and found out the Israeli Embassy built a monument on the site,
and Jerusalem is a sister city of the village. wtf?
881名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/17(金) 07:27:42
882カナダ人 ◆YUKI4lVki2 :2009/04/17(金) 09:58:10

Thanks for telling me, I wasn't expecting anyone too. I wish I would
of had a chance to read the blog ;_; oh well. There are some cases like
that here in Canada too, they take a long time to go through court.

Is 19 minor in Japan? Here under 18 is minor but the drinking age is 19.
883名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/17(金) 10:18:12
Japanese and Jew brother theory was started by an Scottish.
884名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/17(金) 10:23:44
From the age of 20, we are considered legally adult.

When things like this happens, 2channelers take advantage of "wiki" website
to get information organized and keep updated. Every new moves are made or
new info comes in, they add them to the wiki website.
The link to the wiki website is in >>870. (Japanese)

Man, right before I write this post, the wiki website was alive but now
it says this wiki is freezed. This sometimes happens when those who
are in a bad situation claims to the wiki's company to freeze and shut down
the website. In this case, maybe the girl's school teacher or the cram school
send email to the wiki's company.

But 2channelers know this'll eventually happen so I think they are ready for another
wiki website. They preserve what was written in the former wiki website
so it's no sweat for them to start a new wiki website.
885名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/17(金) 10:32:29
I saw her pics and some blog quotes on the wiki before it got removed.
She's a typical stupid annoying otaku. Also she's definitely not "pretty cute".
All in all I would love to knee her in the face. That teacher guy can fuck
the shit out of her ass for all I care.
886カナダ人 ◆YUKI4lVki2 :2009/04/17(金) 10:38:08

Ah okay thank you. I saved the wiki page for future reference.


Are Japanese Otaku more annoying then some American ones?
Do not watch this, you might be offended:
887Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/17(金) 10:40:02
One of the things I find really attractive about a girl is very fine, shiny,
silky, and healthy hair. I don't care about breast size, ass, what have you; what
I like is hair. Even if a girl is perfect in every other way, I won't even look at
her if her hair is hideous.

Unfortunately, this makes the list of potential partners for me somewhat slim. I
guess I can afford to be a little picky though.
888名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/17(金) 11:22:13
If a new wiki website is made, the URL will be different so saving the
URL doesn't work. I've seen the video. Kind of fun to watch.

Oh, yeah? I'd say she's pretty. You just saw one photo on the top page of
the wiki website maybe? In the photo, I agree she doesn't look cute but in several other photos
I saw, she look cute and attractive enough.

By the way, the photo on the top page was photoshopped. The university
student's face and her face replaced with original man and woman's face.

This girl is cut out for you.
889名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/17(金) 12:44:02
Haha, it's just a comedy right? Making fun of other "weeaboos" I think.
890カナダ人 ◆YUKI4lVki2 :2009/04/17(金) 13:31:05

Sometimes it is not, in that case I am not sure. I think that
there are actually people like that though, which is upsetting.

This video is for comedy:
891名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/17(金) 20:34:26
I only speak Japanese, so Japanese ones are much more annoying to me naturally.
But if there was a championship for annoying internet idiots judged by multilingual
people, I believe Japan would dominate in every age class.
892名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/17(金) 21:04:12
Ichiro set a new Japan record.
893名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/17(金) 21:17:58
I'm Ichiro, any questions?
894名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/17(金) 21:21:05
Is it true you made love with Kawasaki ?
895名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/17(金) 21:29:50
Oh, Ichiro! I have many many questions to ask for you!
The news said you had a tumor in your stomach. How did it feel to have pain?
And I'm wondering if you are sure of 200 hits? Oh, and your homerun yesterday!
That was absolutely fantastic. Sorry I'm getting carried away. Famous Ichiro in 2ch!
Who can't? Well, anyways, how would you describe yourself? A baseball genious?
Your definitely great, Ichiro. Please come visit here again! We will welcome you anytime!!!!
Your legend alive!!!!
896名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/17(金) 21:42:48
He had two balls and a butt. That's all I can say.

That tumor hurt like a motherfucker. I guess I had enough kimchi for the season.
Thanks for your support, it means alot to me. I feel like I'm up for 400 hits now.
Later guys, peace!
897名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/17(金) 23:04:00
Thank you for the link. and, I serched about it too.
Probably,it is a enforced balletproof glass.
898名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/17(金) 23:47:06
I'm Jiro.Do you have any questions?
899名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/17(金) 23:48:10
Not at the moment....
900名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/18(土) 00:38:30


901名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/18(土) 01:18:42
He's just enjoying the cultural differences. It can be annoying but
we do that to other countries too. Poking fun at things.
Watch his other videos, he's actually a good guy. Someone just said
"japs" once and he said it's racist and go away.

Plus he's fucking hilarious! Watch the kawaii video.
"Some 90 year old man is walking across the street KAWAII~"
"An old lady drops a bag KAWAIIIII~~" LMAO
902名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/18(土) 01:30:09
I was watching Roruchan's videos and he mentioned about hailstorm
in Germany and told the viewes to search youtube for hagelsturm,
and I found this videdo.
In this video the German guys speak German but sometimes throw in
"what the fuck" once in a while. Is this only in Germany or do other
non-English Europeans say it like these guys do?
903名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/18(土) 01:31:51
904アメリカ人 ◆oUpRKPX5A2 :2009/04/18(土) 02:08:54
Hey all, I'm in california visiting USC. it's so beautiful, I think I'm gonna go there for school next year.
I haven't posted in a long time because it looks like all Chicago ISPs have been blocked, even wifi I
borrow from my neighbor. I'll keep reading this thread but once I get back to chicago tonight I won't be
able to post really.
Wishing you all the best,
905名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/18(土) 02:38:31
Hello there, I'm going to bed now. Have fun in califlower!
906Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/18(土) 02:51:08

Haha, that guy has a good sense of humor, reminds me of someone I know. His
videos are interesting. The kawaii one is good, but was he being serious
about how often it's used? Like, do people really say a train is kawaii?


He isn't really insulting the policemen, but just making comical observations.
Perhaps a Japanese person wouldn't be able to tell he is just joking around,
but that is what he is doing. It's true that Japanese policemen don't carry
around heavy weapons, also. That isn't necessarily a bad thing as there are
a lot of corrupt policemen and giving them heavy weapons is not good.
907名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/18(土) 03:11:13
Hm, they do carry around guns, though, just that they scarcely shoot anybody because gun related crimes
are very rare in Japan anyway. No offence, but America itself is like a prison when it comes down to security.
908Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/18(土) 03:15:53

It has to be strict because the country is full of INSANE HEATHENS. People
around here are just stupid as hell. I've seen people riding motorcycles without
helmets and while wearing headphones which is illegal, but besides that, it's
just asking to get killed. People around here go on killing sprees in public
places like it's nobodies business.
909名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/18(土) 03:23:51
910名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/18(土) 03:45:08
It's true that some people are beyond wild. It's the same with Japan.
By the way, are you for gun-control or against it? I know it's a fairly complicated issue there over the right
to bear arms for self-defense, but what do you think about it?
911名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/18(土) 05:09:08
US will never ban guns, since it's a right protected by their
constitution. There'd be a second civil war before that happens.
912名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/18(土) 06:27:51
Hey guys, I've got a question.
This song was written by a non-Japanese person.
Do the lyrics contain any grammatical errors?
Here's a video of it with Japanese subtitles:

I don't know for sure, but if it's widely used in other EU countries, I guess it'll be in those that have
a similarly positive attitude towards American culture. Holland and Finland come to mind.
Although, even in here in Germany, using anything beyond single words like "Fuck!" or "oh, shit!" is actually
a lot less common than you might think from that video.
Most people think it's pretty annoying when someone uses too many
English (or Japanese, for that matter) expressions while speaking German.
913Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/18(土) 06:35:30
Yes. Back in the day when we didn't have a regular police force; were regularly going
to war with European countries; and had to fend off Indian tribes on a regular basis
who would raid, slaughter, and kidnapped U.S. citizens - I think it was reasonable
to think that the average person can and should carry a gun. Because of that, it was
wisely written into our constitution.

Nowadays.... well, it depends on where you live. Some places, you really do need to
be ready to defend yourself because it is like South Africa and your house can and
will be broken into every damn day. Most other places though, it is safe enough that
a person doesn't need a gun. Does that mean they should be banned? Are these people
who buy guns more prone to commit acts of violence? Yes. Does that mean everyone who buys
a gun is a criminal? No. Will banning guns keep the criminals from getting guns? Probably
just the very poor criminals, but not the organized gangs.

I think banning guns would be an effective measure to ensure safety among the general
populace because let's be realistic here. Only a very few people buy guns purely for
self defense. The rest are criminals and making it more difficult for them to buy guns
would be beneficial. However... a black market could open up for guns to criminals and
that could just make things worse.

In other words it's a complicated issue like >>910 said.

But c'mon, these people who are trying to argue that banning guns would increase
crime, get real. People can't eat if they can't get food. People can't spend money
if they don't have money. People can't shoot others if they don't have guns.
914名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/18(土) 08:21:28
Long time no see. I missed you.
Good to know you're enjoying California.

The way you sound like that's your last post makes me feel sad.
Hmmm, but there'll be nothing you can do anymore after you tried
proxies and wifi? Arghhhh... Maybe 米人 and other people from overseas
are blocked, too.

IOC (International Olympic Committe) members visited Tokyo and Japanese
Media covered it a lot. Tokyo, Chicago and Rio De Janeiro are canditaeds for 2016 Summer Olymic.
I wonder which city'll win....

Have a nice flight back to Panty City, rather Windy City....
915カナダ人 ◆YUKI4lVki2 :2009/04/18(土) 08:48:13

I think that really depends on a lot of things, in Canada we don't say it
"exactly" like that, but I've heard people say it like that. Normally
if I'm saying "what the fuck" it'd probably be like saying anything

Could some type "what the fuck" in Japanese? I don't know what it looks like.
(Or how to say it).
916名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/18(土) 08:56:26
I don't think there are some grammatical errors. Sounds like natural Japanese.
I don't know in what context was this song made but lyrics sounds

I said there is nothing strange and unnatural about this lyrics but
one subtitle maybe wrong, which is the first line of the song.

The first line is この醜いインターネッツの片隅に, whose subtitle is
"Somewhere on this interbutt, " but to my ear, it sounds like

Anyway, the lyrics sound natural.
917名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/18(土) 12:11:06
Wait, Canadians are not Europeans, are they? English is their first language
except in Quebec, right?
I think I fucked up somewhere in that post. I should be careful when asking
questions in English. But your info is valuable nontheless!

what the fuck in proper katakana English would be ホワット ザ ファック
but if I wanted to make it more funny/comical (like in manga) or closer to
how it sounds in actual English, it would be something like ワッタファック or ファーク
918名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/18(土) 12:20:03
Oh someone actually understood my question, I'm relieved.
I was reading newer posts first.
You go to niconico? I think I should stop being lazy and go create an account there.
I hate managing user ID's and passwords.
919名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/18(土) 13:59:32
I don't think sober normal people say a train is kawaii, but the thing is
that in Tokyo there are lots of crazy spontaneous people, so if they want to
say a train is kawaii, they just do. And that's probably the kind of people
he hangs out with.
Kawaii being overused by girls is true.
920カナダ人 ◆YUKI4lVki2 :2009/04/18(土) 14:24:20

Lol thanks for the information. No, you didn't fuck up your question - I should of made myself more clear
Canadians are not European, but English is our first language. (Except in Quebec)
921名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/18(土) 14:41:59
It sucks that the entire city is banned from 2ch. They're throwed off.
HotspotSheild won't work for you anymore? I hope you can get back on 2ch somehow, someday.
Anyway, good luck with your school days over there.
922名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/18(土) 16:58:09
I'll invent anal worm killer and prepare for war time business.
Because you will need anal worm killer in bad war hygene condition. I'll make a fortune.
923名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/18(土) 17:08:43
Not to mention I will be able to kill my own anal worms without getting ripped off.
924金玉儿:2009/04/18(土) 19:50:29
What is anal worm?
Are worms living in the anus?
Is it ringworm? Or, is a penis inserted in the anus?
If you want to kill thhe penis inserted in your anus, you only have to crush the penis with all your anus's strength.
925くそじぃ ◆9Ce54OonTI :2009/04/18(土) 19:53:42
926名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/18(土) 20:09:18
I agree that gun-control would be a solution to lower the number of gun related crimes, even though
organized crime is something separate they would have to deal with in combination.
Also, anyone can go through an incredibly stressful time in life, and having a gun at hand, some eccentric thought
could come across their mind and lead them to go on a rampage. So it may be just better to keep them at a minimum.
Besides, assault weapons and handguns are unnecessary for hunting deers and birds, or skeet shooting anyway.
Thanks for your explanation.
927名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/18(土) 20:58:13
Ahh, thank you for taking the time to help me out!
I think the line you mentioned is supposed to say 「酷い/ひどい」, which would be
more or less in line with the sound of it, to my ear. But it's playing in 「低画質モード」
right now, so the subtitles are very hard to make out for me.
928名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/18(土) 21:57:13
I just got off my lazy ass and finally watched it. PERFECT Japanese lyrics.
Well done who ever made this video!
929名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/18(土) 22:01:51
Not just grammatically correct but the whole song just flows so well.
930名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/18(土) 22:33:36
I just got the feeling >>929 might be bad English.
What I tried to say is
It is NOT ONLY grammatically correct BUT ALSO a great song.
Teh Japanese grammar is perfect. It is a great song. Both.
Just in case...
931カナダ人 ◆YUKI4lVki2 :2009/04/18(土) 22:47:40

It isn't really "incorrect" but the way you said it was more native.
(The big word for this is "Colloquial English") to make it a bit easier
to understand you might of done this to your sentence:

"Not just grammatically correct, but the whole song flows very well"

you maybe should not of used "just" twice. Either way it's sort of opinion.
However this is just for speaking English, don't write something like that
on a test lol.
932名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/18(土) 23:14:35
Ah thanks for the explanation.
I don't know why but I tend to say "just" a lot.
933Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/18(土) 23:45:48

You're just confusing people with your weird Canadian English!
934名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 00:23:12
935カナダ人 ◆YUKI4lVki2 :2009/04/19(日) 03:57:09

Sorry D=

So 2ch, I'm home alone tonight. What should I do? (Besides order pizza)
936名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 04:02:01
Chat with me.
Are you the Canadian girl who is working on a website about cults and religions?
Or someone else? Sorry if I'm mistaken.
937名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 04:11:16
Isn't D= supposed to be =D? I've never been to Canada so this is a
serious question. Are Canadians eyes under mouth?

What should you do when you're alone? You know the answer.
You can enjoy free online porn websites tour spree. That's most men do
when they are alone at home wherever they live, in what culture they
grow up as long as they have broadband internet connection.

Have you ever visited Japan? Any plans to visit here?
938936:2009/04/19(日) 04:20:11
Ah, never mind. I was too lazy to look for your introduction post. Sorry.
939名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 05:38:50
You guys have watched this man's youtube videos because someone has posted
one of them here before (if I remember correctly.). He's living in a rural
area of Japan, working on JET program, teaching English. It's good for us English
learners to hone listening skills by watching his videos and I actually subscribed to
him. He gives useful information from the standpoint of a current JET
and would-be JET all around the world gives lots of comments to him, applausing his
filling them in on life as a JET first-hands.

I don't want to be a wet blanket but personally I don't welcome his videos and his
attitude with open arms. He's filming videos whenever he has a chance to do it
at school, after school, between classes, lunch time, you name it.
That's what I don't like about him. What reaction whould Japanese teachers get if
they did the same thing and uploaded videos on Youtube? It's not "totally" acceptable
because videos are filmed in their working hours.

In some videos, he sneaked into a vacant room and reported what's JET life
is about. Maybe it's just me but I think he acts as if he was a reporter or
something and acts like a hero of would-be JETs. I would say it's not a good idea to
film a video as long as he is in the premises of his school. In some videos,
students spotted him shooting a film on a school corridor and he showed a slight
sign of embarrasement but kept shooting.

It's not really acceptable if he was a Japanese teacher. It seems that
he takes the full advantages of his "Gaijin" or foreigner status where
no Japanese don't have courage enough to tell him to stop filming.
The idea of reporting his filming and uploading videos to the education
board in his district crossed my mind but I gave it a second thought
because of one reason.
940名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 05:41:18
That is because he's old and looks like a loser and he would feel miserable if
he was rob of his one and only hobby as a foregner who continues to
live in Japan for the maximum of five years as a JET when most of JET
leave Japan after one or two years of living in Japan.

I am under the impression that he can't prove himself without being JET.
He has experiences of teaching English before coming to Japan but his dream
destination was Japan and came here with an expectaiton that something that'd
turn his life around would happen. He tried to stay for the maximum term of five
years feeling comfortable with Gaijin status. I would say he's just been escaping
from reality and keeps staying in Japan.

He uplaods lots of sumo videos and that's copy right infringement.
What I don't like about him is he's watching it in English.
Sumo is broadcast both in English and Japanese on satellite broadcast.
On Terrestrial broadcast, they broadcast only in Japanese.
That means he subscribed to Satellite broascast which requires a monthly
fee. The good salary of JETs are somtimes criticized by many Japanese people
for the point of cost and effect of JET program.

The way he speaks Japanese gives me an impression that even after
five years of living in Japan, he can only speak bare essentials.
I would say if he was serious about acquiring Japanese, he would
immerse himself in Japanese language environment even when he watches
TV. He says he leaves Japan in June or July after the longest possible
terms of procrastinating . Oh, well...
941名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 05:58:49
It's wrong if he is abusing his status so that he can record videos all the time.

But to criticize him for subscribing to a satellite channel and uploading sumo videos
is a bit stupid, you could probably lock up most of youtube users for copyright infringement.
942名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 06:16:50
Probably, he's just a weirdo or a weird gaijin.
943カナダ人 ◆YUKI4lVki2 :2009/04/19(日) 07:30:29

D= is just a frowning face, look the other way. Yes I suppose a free
online porn tour sounds fun.

Also, I have never been to Japan. Next year I'm going to Finland for a year
and then coming back here (Canada) for university. After I get my degree I
plan on coming to Japan, hopefully landing a job in computer science.

I'm learning the language now so I can be reasonable good when I want to go over :3
944名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 07:48:46
You guys know this Canadian guy? He seems like a quiet person but speaks quite fluent Japanese.
Plus, he is far beyond knowledgeable about Japan, and for that matter, I have to admit he's more Japanese than I am.
This guy can answer any question regarding Japan, literally anything. Seriously, he knows too much.
Japanese and no subs, but if you can read some Japanese, probably you'll understand what I mean.
945名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 07:56:03
This one is better, actually.. The whole series is pretty funny, though.
946名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 08:08:49
That makes sense. Thanks for the explanation. :)
XD is more like a frowning face to me than D= although I'm not so familiar with
emoticons in Alphabet based countries. Maybe I don't understand exactly the
meaning of the word, "frowning."

Is it common to take one year off before entering university in Canada?
It sounds like a "gap year" in UK in which they take a one year off
doing a part time job or traveling around the world doing volunteer
job like Prince Henry and what his brother's name did.

You can check this blog. The writer of the blog is working in the field of
computer in Japan with amazing Japanese proficiency.
I've only leafed through the blog but got an impression he is genius
in learning foregin languages. I'm not genious in learning a foreign
language so I don't think I can improve the way he does. If you are interested,
you can check it. His method of learning Japanese might not be for everybody
but it's still worth check it.

A Youtuber "Tokyosam" did an interview to him.

Tokyosam is a loser. You can tell from the way he speaks and his looks.
This is a comedy video in which a person who doesn't speak decent Japanese
gives Japanese learners tips to learn Japanese.
947名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 08:37:13
Wow! He sure is amazing.
I googled and found an article which says he lived in Hiroshima until the age of 14.
No wonder he knows a lot about things Japanese.

Another Robert is amazing, too. He's a Tokyo university professor.
I have seen him on a Japanese Quiz show.
I couldn't find a video in which he's speaking Japanese.
948名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 09:15:19
Thanks. I'm pretty sure he considers himself Japanese, then.
949名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 10:01:12
Do you think you can give English TV quiz questions correct answers?
Even if you speak frequently,you can't.
It's a matter of culture,
950Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/19(日) 10:26:57

I burst out laughing when the picture of the guy appeared with a Canadian
flag background. Don't know why.
951名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 10:46:57
Maybe because the picture of the guy and the flag is used too
dramatically with too much empahisis for this show.

It's as if he was representing Canada as an Olympic contestant or
something. His serious facial expression contributes to humorous
factors, too.
952名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 11:02:40
953名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 11:26:17
Is that Karakuri TV? I hate that show. Many of their shit are so obviously
staged it's just insulting and degrading. Probably the most retarded show
I've seen in my life.
I'm now sayng the beard guy is fake. He's cool.
954名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 11:28:23
*not saying
955名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 11:40:41
Did you know that pizza means fatass in 2ch lingo?
Now I can only picture you as a slobbering fatass eating pizzas on a couch!
956Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/19(日) 11:44:01
this is a bad time to say this but,

Dominos pizza is my favorite pizza
957名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 12:43:09
>>955 : We learn something new every day.
958カナダ人 ◆YUKI4lVki2 :2009/04/19(日) 13:04:18

It is not common to take a year off, I am not taking a year off either.
I was selected for an exchange program out of 5 people in my city and we're
going to study abroad. Not all of us are in Finland though, just me. One
person is going to Japan but I don't think the country is good for him...
he is ignorant about learning the language.

If I wasn't going to Finland to study for a year I would be going to university like everyone else.
But it is not necessary to go straight to university, some people take a break and some people go
back to school for a year.

Thank you for the links but I already have both of them =P


No I did not know that! Thanks for telling me, I'm definitely not sitting
on the couch, and I'm not slobbering and fat lol.
959名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 13:05:42
Pizzas are good. In Japan we have a pizza chain called Pizza-La.
(along with Dominos and Pizza Hut)
I like Pizza-La but I've seen many foreigners calling their pizzas shit
or saying lolol that ain't pizza, japs don't know pizza, etc etc.
I guess it is like Japanese sushi and westernised sushi. Modified and
adjusted to local people's taste and thus not real.

Is anyone watching UFC 97?
960カナダ人 ◆YUKI4lVki2 :2009/04/19(日) 14:11:07

Is this right? It should say "Goodnight 2ch, sweet dreams". I'm not very
confident with my Japanese. If it's wrong someone correct me.
961名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 14:50:55
I say goddamn, Hachinohe.
962名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 15:45:35

おやすみなさい is appropriate. But "2ch" part is a bit strange.
Maybe to say it is "strange" is a bit too far because I understand what you mean but
it's just that "2ch のみんな," meaning "guys in 2ch" is better.
It's a bit strange in the same way that "こんにちは、日本" sounds a bit strange.
"こんにちは、日本のみんな" sounds more natural.
In both cases I understand you mean to say 2ch means people/guys in 2ch, Japan means
people in Japan but when it's expressed in Japanaese, 2ch just refers to
2ch as a forum on the Internet and Japan refers to a country name,
not meaning "People in 2ch" and "People in Japan" respectively.


You meant to say 甘い夢, right? because sweet means 甘い, and dreams
mean 夢. But word for word translation doesn't work here because
we don't have the set phrase 甘い夢 in Japanese.
"Good night" is translated as "おやすみなさい" but there's no equivalent of
"Sweet dreams" in Japanese.

Some people might say "いい夢を" or "いい夢を見てね" is the equivelant
of "sweet dreams" but both of them sounds less common than the English
equvalent. Just my opinion, though.
963名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 19:40:09
Do you speak Finnish too or will you be taking courses in English?
964名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 21:23:14
I can't get over how good this song is.

It would be insane if we made our own Chat in English thread theme song
with Vocaloid.
965名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 22:07:22
Ha ha, yeah it's awesome. Would've been a pity if I'd had to kick it
out of my playlist just so I don't listen to too much incorrect Japanese.
966名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 22:21:56
Would anyone tell me through what process the song in >>964 was made?
Is the /jp/ board a board in 4chan/4ch?
So 4channelers are the ones who made this song?
967名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 23:09:45
I see. Thank you for the answer. You must be excited to go overseas.
968名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 23:25:14
On 4chan, yes. This song was basically a birthday present for the board's community
by the guy who made it. The board was created roughly a year ago, and
most of its userbase used to be part of 4chan's Anime&Manga board, /a/, which nowadays
chiefly consists of teenagers discussing shounen anime. Discussion on /jp/, in turn, mostly
focuses on obscure Japanese computer games.
969名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/19(日) 23:43:13
So one person wrote the lyrics and made music(composed the song), too?
So talented. Someone said the guy is non Japanese but why didn't he
write lyrics in English when users of 4chan don't understand Japanese?
970名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/20(月) 00:23:54
Why did you call him a loser? He's just doing what he wants
without hurting anyone.

>You can tell from the way he speaks and his looks
No you can't. You don't know him. If anything, you just made yourself
look like a total ass with your asinine statement.
971名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/20(月) 00:46:30
Well, the board is called Japan/General, not America/General.
Most of the regulars are both used to watching their entertainment
with subtitles and actually do speak at least some Japanese, with strongly
varying degrees of proficiency. It didn't strike me as unusual at all that
the lyrics were in Japanese, just that it seems to be GOOD Japanese really baffles me
and makes the whole thing even more awe-inspiring.
What's more, the majority of posters on /jp/ actually aren't native speakers of English,
and not all of them can fluently understand spoken or even sung English.
And besides, Vocaloid isn't well-suited for English lyrics.
972Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/20(月) 00:56:34

I didn't like his voice either. The way he speaks is really vulgar and
annoying. He may be a pretty cool and smart guy, but the way he speaks is
annoying to me. He speaks like he is a 15 year old skateboard punk, but he
appears to be an adult. I just don't like him.
973名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/20(月) 01:02:10
A loser doesn't have to hurt anyone.

My definition of a loser Gaijin is someone who can't get a good job
in their country, so come to Japan to teach English with an illusion
that they get popular with Japnese girls if they're native English speakers.

Look at Tokyosam. He's just a fat ugly guy with no IQ. He doesn't have
any qualities to get popular, get a good job for that matter, in America.
Even after a few years of staying in Japan, he speaks terrible Japanese.
I wouldn't say he speaks Japanese, though. All he can do is to utter a
few Japanese words in conversation. He can't even make a sentense.
974名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/20(月) 01:09:07
I know, I didn't like some parts like boobs and honk honk and shit either
but that's not enough for me to call somone a loser on the anonymous Internet.
Because you still don't know who he is. After all he's just giving tips
to other learners. He is positive and >>946 is negative. That's my opinion but
it's just an opinion so meh. I think I see him as a fellow laguage learner and
that's probably why I'm defending him.
975名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/20(月) 01:13:13
>He speaks like he is a 15 year old skateboard punk, but he
appears to be an adult. I just don't like him.

haha, good point.
It's unaccepatble kids in Japanese school call him a teacher.

Also, he reminds me of a fat kid who lived with Harry Potter
or the obese spoiled kid in Charlie and the chocolate factory.
976名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/20(月) 01:29:59
Thank you for the detailed information.
He seems to undersatnd 2ch/4ch jargon and it's trend.
The lyrics includes many knee-slappers.
977カナダ人 ◆YUKI4lVki2 :2009/04/20(月) 01:46:18

Ah thanks, you probably have no idea how helpful that is =D


Is a good thing I'm not under this delusion.
I like keeping to myself anyway.
978名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/20(月) 08:47:14
One thing I find hilarious about Tokyosam is, according to him, he makes a living as a "host",
which is basically a male prostitute who doesn't sell sex but caters for middle-aged women
otherwise at bars. They make pretty good money, of course it's not illegal, and I don't care
what they do, but he just doesn't look like one that women would be all over, even in Japan. lol
979Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/20(月) 09:05:01

I thought that was a joke. That guy must be a real con artist if he can
get hired by any clients as a host with a mug like his.
980名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/20(月) 09:07:16
I thought he's an English teacher.
I'm not sure but if I'm not wrong, he said something like "My students..blah blah..."
I don't remember in which video.
981Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/20(月) 09:11:21

On his blog, it says he is an English teacher in Chiba city.
982名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/20(月) 09:22:38
Yep, it's gotta be a joke. Otherwise, he's pumping up some people with false hopes. lol
983名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/20(月) 09:25:32
Oh, is that right?
I didn't know he writes blog. I wonder if he's JET or an English teacher
at private language school. Either way, just the thought of him teaching English
makes me shiver.

I wonder why he looks like a high school kid. He doesn't look matured at all.
984名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/20(月) 09:32:57
I wouldn't really be surprised if he was a host.
A guy like that can work as a host if he can talk. Of course he would never
be like a top dog but there's some demand for that type.

I just watched the other video where he talks with the black guy.
The black guy's intteligent demeanor is really contrasting to Sams swearing.
985名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/20(月) 11:15:16
He lives in Chiba, but he is Tokyosam?
986名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/20(月) 11:17:36
Where is his blog? I checked his youtube page, but there is no link.
987名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/20(月) 11:23:46
Also, can he really be a teacher?
Do English schools hire that kind of person?
988Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/04/20(月) 11:27:19

By the way, I read an article from a psychology magazine. It said that
daydreaming is good for you and very important for improving one's creativity.
It is supposed to be similar to night time dreaming, but while daydreaming,
one can write down the creative thoughts he or she has before forgetting them
and put them into practical use.
I suppose that is why they say all the best ideas are created while one is
sitting on the toilet or in the shower (like The Thinker). Einstein supposedly
came up with the Theory of relativity while daydreaming at his job as well.

Procrastinating may not be such a bad thing after all if you just can't focus
on your boring work.
989名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/20(月) 11:31:40
Maybe "Tokyo" draws more attentions from foreigners who adore Japan.
"Tokyo" Disney Land is located in Chiba. Cities in Chiba near the border
of Tokyo is within commuting distance, actually.

Check his front page of his Youtube account again.
There's a link to his blog at the bottom of his self-introduction section
990名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/20(月) 11:38:07
Thank you.
I never created good ideas while taking a shit? It must be a lie.
991名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/20(月) 11:40:53
Is there more formal way to say taking a shit?
992カナダ人 ◆YUKI4lVki2 :2009/04/20(月) 11:43:44

You must try harder.
993名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/20(月) 11:43:45
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 130
994名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/20(月) 12:03:51
I don't get what you mean.
995名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/20(月) 12:07:45
Can someone please answer >>991 ?
I used online dictionary and I got:
go to stool; defecate; empty one's bowels; relieve nature [oneself].

But I don't think these can be used in actual conversation...
Go to stool. Do people really say it?

I don't get what you mean too.
996名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/20(月) 12:29:44
I always try hard. If I try harder, I think my ass will break.
997名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/20(月) 12:32:46
taking/ having a shit, to represent the action itself is not formal anyway.
so there aint any formal way to describe ' having a shit.' going to poo sounds better
just say go to the bathroom.

using the words like stool and feces instead of shit is used in hospitals for the patients.
998名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/20(月) 12:41:21
I see, thank you.
999名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/20(月) 14:04:24
1000名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/04/20(月) 14:12:59
You did it intentionally.

Here gooooooooooooooooooooooooooes 1000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!