>>8 [ If you're going [ to do it ], do it now. [君がそれをしようとしているならば]、今それをしろ。 be going to〜=(今)〜しようとしている be going to〜 は、〜する事に向かう途中、ということで、今のことを表す言葉である。 未来のことを表す言葉はwillである。
>>12 彼は今、何をし←ていますか(進行形助動詞)? What *is he doing right now ? 彼は何をするのを好むか(一般動詞)? What *does he like to do ? 彼は毎日、何をするか(一般動詞)? What *does he do every day ? 彼は昨日、何をしたか(一般動詞過去)? What *did he do yesterday ? 彼は何をする←であろうか(未来助動詞) What *will he do?
>>10 医者をもっと早く呼びにやっていたら子供は死ななかっただろう。 [ If the doctor had been sent for sooner ], the child would not have died. [ Because the doctor was not sent for sooner ], the child died. [ As they did not send for the doctor ], the child doed.
>>20 They have worked hard [ to prepare for the presentation ]. Now they are ready [ to make their presentation ]. 一文目「彼らはこれまで一生懸命仕事した(これまでのこと)」現在完了形は現在に至るまでのことを表す 二文目「今彼らは準備が整っている(状態)」形容詞は状態、性質を表す
>> March 5th 2009, I have been working with correspondence studying course for nearly 8 years. 8年近く働いてきて今も働いている *これまで+今も=現在完了進行形 March 31st 2009, I have worked with correspondence studying course for 8 years. これまで8年間働いた *これまで=現在完了形 April 1st, 2009, I have started to work in Tokyo. 東京で働き始めたところである *これまでに始めて今その状態である=現在完了形
He has been sick for a week. これまで一週間病気の状態である *これまで=現在完了形
a glance at the agricultural scene in any familiar area would enable the date to be fixed within a week or two. これをoneを主語にした分に書き換えろという問題がわかりません。 お願いします
1. ( ) the book took a long time to read, he enjoyed it. 2. Take an umbrella ( ) it rains. 3. Let me take your bag ( ) you won’t lose it. 4. He visits me ( ) he comes to Tokyo. 5. She lived there ( ) she was ten.
If you are to know about the real world, it can only be by inferring things about it from the appearances. 実在の世界について知りたいと思うならば、 それは、実在の世界がどうなっているかを現れ(見かけ)から推測することによってのみ可能となる。
>>18 彼はいまオナニーをしていますか? Is he masturbating right now? 彼はオナニーをするのを好みますか? Does he like to masturbate? 彼は毎日オナニーをしますか? Does he masturbate every day? 彼は昨日オナニーをしますか? Did he masturbate yesterday? 彼は明日オナニーをするだろうか? Will he masturbate tomorrow? はひゃっはひゃっはひゃっ。
>>51 we observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom ―symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning ―signifying renewal, as well as change.
>>74 私はパーティーには行かなかった。なぜなら病気だったからだ。 I didn’t go to the party [ because I was ill ]. 彼は車で仕事場に行く間に、いつもラジオを聴いている。 He always listens to the radio [ while he drives to work ]. 雨が降らなければ行くよ。 We will go [ unless it rains ]. *雨が降ることがなければ
って言ったの。(店員さんと俺、ビックリ) 後で聞くとさ、貴様という言葉を見たときに辞書を引いて、「貴い(あなた)様」だから 相手をめちゃめちゃ敬う言葉なんだろうと思って使ってみたんだって。 俺らは日本語ネイティブだから貴様=ケンカ用語ってのはわかるけど 辞書を頼りに勉強した外国人はこういう勘違いをしてしまうわけよ。 If you have read this instruction book, please lend it to me. だってさ 外人にこういう言い方はなぜしないんですかって聞いても 「うーん。とにかくそう言わないよ」としか帰ってこないと思う。
>>106>>74 duringは不可。while drivingがベスト。 1.は、becauseの前にコンマを入れるべき。 I didnt go to the party because I was ill.だと、notの射程がbecause節も含むことができるので、
@私は病気だったのでパーティに行かなかった。 A私は病気だったからパーティに行かなかったわけではない。 の二通りの解釈が可能になり、なおかつAに解されることが多い。 @の意味だと明確にするには、becauseの前にコンマを置くべき。 正解はI didn't go to the party because I was ill.
2. 彼は車で仕事場に行く間に、いつもラジオを聴いている。 He always listens to the radio while driving to work. driveをing形にする場合、whileを使うのが普通で、duringは無い。he isも無いのが普通。 3. 雨が降らなければ行くよ。 正解はWe will go if it does not rain. unlessを用いると、雨が降らない限りという条件になり、 行かない理由が雨以外ない場合にしか使わない。
Luke 4 (New Living Translation) The Temptation of Jesus Then Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan River. He was led by the Spirit in the wilderness, [ where he was tempted by the devil for forty days ]. Jesus ate nothing all that time and became very hungry. Then the devil said to him, “[ If you are the Son of God ], tell this stone [ to become a loaf of bread ].” But Jesus told him, “No! The Scriptures say, ‘People do not live by bread alone.’” Then the devil took him up and revealed to him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. "I will give you the glory of these kingdoms and authority over them,” the devil said, “because they are mine [ to give to anyone [ I please ] ]. I will give it all to you [ if you will worship me ].” Jesus replied, “The Scriptures say, ‘You must worship the Lord your God and serve only him.’” Then the devil took him to Jerusalem, to the highest point of the Temple, and said, “[ If you are the Son of God ], jump off! For the Scriptures say, ‘He will order his angels [ to protect and guard you ]. And they will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone.’” Jesus responded, “The Scriptures also say, ‘You must not test the Lord your God.’” [ When the devil had finished [ tempting Jesus ] ], he left him [ until the next opportunity came ].
Then the devil took him to Jerusalem, to the highest point of the Temple, and said, “[ If you are the Son of God ], jump off! For the Scriptures say, ‘He will order his angels [ to protect and guard you ]. And they will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone.’” Jesus responded, “The Scriptures also say, ‘You must not test the Lord your God.’” [ When the devil had finished [ tempting Jesus ] ], he left him [ until the next opportunity came ].
>>135 変な問題。通常形容詞を強調したい場合はveryを直前に付けるだけ。 It is very convenient for me to use this dictionary. 形容詞は強調構文の焦点位置には入れられないから、強調構文ではない。 副詞ではないから倒置もないし、感嘆文にすると文の意味が変わるし、veryしかないような。
1. Many people believe that the biggest behavioral difference between Americans and Japanese is that Japanese people prefer to do things as members of a group and that Americans prefer to do things as individuals.
2. Japanese children, when they cannot finish their food, are often told to think about how bad the farmer who raised the food for them will feel if they don’t eat it.
>>168>>170 君、確かに関係代名詞のthatではないね、君。 先行詞がないからね。 Jim has decided that〜は、Jim has decided to〜と交換可能だから、単に目的節をかついでるだけだろうね。 Jim has decided to go abroad.と同じだね。動詞によっては目的節がthatやtoで担がれるものがあるね。他に動名詞で担がれるものもあるね。 中学で習うような簡単な動詞にこのタイプのものが多いね。 にょろっ!としたね♪
I've seen th movie "Australia". It was such a fabulous movie! I recommend [ you to see it ].
Man is the son of Land. See [ that this is the basis of our [ being ] ]. I will be in Tokyo the world metropolis soon. I will tell truth by Jesus! I will run a business. The business runs by the power of Jesus!
See [ that tomorrow is Sunday ]. I can go to church!
>>149 かわいいと褒めてくれてありがとう そういってもらえるとうれしい Teacher, thank you for [ praising me [ saying [ that I'm cute ] ] ]. It is delightful [ that you say that to me ].
>>165 These papers certify これらの書類は保証する [ that you will be receiving a study allowance ], 君が奨学金を受けるようになることを showing the period [ during which you will be receiving the money ] ] ]. 君がお金を受けられる期間を示して
as if (あたかも・・・かのように〔で〕) (as would be the case if)←新英和大辞典、ODE
「あたかも〜あるかののごとく」と言う内容は”as”に”if”または ”though”をつけ、その”as if”または”as though”に続ける。 二つの接続詞が続いていて妙な感じがするが実はその間にセンテンスが 潜んでいるのである。 He talks as (he would talk) if he knew everything. (何でも知っていたらそうした口を利くだろうと思われるような口の 聞き方をする、が字義)←英文構成法P260
「I wished I were a bird.」の場合、 (A) I wished (B) I were a bird と分けると、(B)は「仮定法」ですが、(A)は「仮定法」ではありません。実際に「wishしていた」ということです。 「He talked as if he knew everything.」も (A) He talked (B) as if he knew everything と分けた場合、同じことが言えます。このような場合、仮定法の時制は(A)の時制が基準になるということです。 つまり(A)と同じであれば(B)は仮定法過去(were, knew)、(A)よりも過去にずれる場合は仮定法過去完了という わけです。
「I would fly to you if I were a bird.」のような場合は、 (1) I would fly to you (2) I were a bird のいずれも「仮定法」です。「I」は鳥ではないし(2)、あなたのところに飛んでもいかない(1)わけです。 この場合の時制は、この文の発話時を基準にするわけです。
Even so, blind imitations have been decidedly in the minority, for the Japanese usually scrutineze foreign imports, be they objects or ideas, very carefully before deciding whether or not they are worthy, then sometimes altering them so that they become uniquely Japanese. 1訳 2be they objects or ideasの文法的説明 よろしくお願いします。
>片岡氏 (1)He says he is a teacher.(彼は自分は教師だと言っている) (2)He said he was a teacher.(彼は自分は教師だと言っていた) (3)He says he was a teacher.(彼は自分は教師だったと言っている) (4)He said he had been a teacher.(彼は自分は教師だったと言っていた)
(A)He wishes he were a teacher.(彼は自分が教師ならいいのにと思っている) (B)He wished he were a teacher.(彼は自分が教師ならいいのにと思っていた) (C)He wishes he had been a teacher.(彼は自分が[昔]教師だったらよかったと思っている) (D)He wished he had been a teacher.(彼は自分が[昔]教師だったらよかったと思っていた)
I wished I were as slim as you.(あなたくらいスリムならいいと思います) I wished I were as slim as you.(あなたくらいスリムならいいと思いました) I think/thought if she were a little older she would have more sense. (彼女がもう少し大人なら、もっと分別があるだろうと思います/思いました) I feel/felt as if my head were splitting. (頭が[痛くて]割れるような感じがします/感じがしました) I suggest/suggested that the tour be postponed. (旅行の延期を提案します/提案しました)
3. It is a curious fact that although thousands of books and articles dealing with human emotions have appeared in the twentieth century, the great majority of them have been concerned with such things as fear and anxiety.
4. That our business, whatever kind it may be, must be done promptly is a universally acknowledged principle, though sadly it is not universally practiced.
I wish [ I were as slim as you ]. [あなたくらいスリムであったなら]と思う I wished [ I were as slim as you ]. *肥満が今も続くのなら現在の反事実として扱ってよい [あなたくらいスリムだったら]と思った I think/thought [ [ if she were a little older ] she would have more sense ]. *先週のことだったら今も続いている反事実だからこれでよい [彼女がもう少し大人なら、もっと分別があるだろう]と思います/思いました I feel/felt [ as if my head were splitting ]. *成る程、wereの言葉自体で反事実が表れるからこれでいいのか だが I felt [ as if my head had been splitting ]. で何ら問題はない
I suggest/suggested [ that the tour (should) be postponed ]. *思考上、論理上の必然は現在形からのズレで過去形 [旅行が延期されて当然であるという考えを]提言します/提言しました
>>237 It is a curious fact [ that [ although thousands of books and articles [ dealing with human emotions ] have appeared in the twentieth century ], the great majority of them have been concerned with such things as fear and anxiety.
[ That our business, [ whatever kind it may be ], must be done promptly ] is a universally acknowledged principle, [ though sadly it is not universally practiced ].
>>245 I can't speak english well. とは言うけどmuchなんて言わないでしょ。。 1 - 7 of 7 English pages for "I can't speak english much". googleでその文全世界で7件しか引っかからないよ。 7件も引っかかったことに驚いたw
He seemed [ to be a teacher ]. *不定詞は[to+動詞の原形]*この形は従属先の述語動詞と同じ時間を表す He seemed [ to have been a teacher ]. *不定詞は動詞の原形でなければならないので従属先の動詞より古い時間を表すためには完了形を使うしかない
He talked [ as if he knew everything ]. *as if の語が既に反実を表すから過去分詞にまでしなくても反実であることは分かる He talked [ as if he had known everything ]. *正確を期すとこれで一向に構わないという考えなのですが・・・従属節はそれ自体が十分に時間を表せるわけだし
>>251 なんか時制に迷ってるの?そんな難しく考えなくていいと思うけど。 He talked as if he knew everything. 彼はもし彼がすべてを知っていたらって話し方でしゃべった。 まぁようは彼はすべてを知っているように話した。 時制も一致しているし普通ね。 後as ifは日本語訳じゃ伝わりにくいけど意味的にはmight位の強さしかないけどね。
He talked as if he had known everything. こっちは単に過去完了形。 彼がすべてを知っていたんだということが完了形でtalkedに繋がるから まぁ用は過去の過去とか?なんかそんな日本語の言い方になるんだよ。 完了形は単なる完了形のイメージよ。 時制がどうこう以前に。
He talked [ as if he were a millionaire ]. 百万ドル長者であるかのように話した He talked [ as if he had been a millionaire ]. 昔百万ドル長者であったかのように話した
これだと納得ですね けど
He talks [ as if he were a millionaire ]. He talked [ as if he had been a millionaire ]. Yesterday, he talked [ as if he had had been a millionaire 10 years ago ].
@I liked going to watch a football game with my bother. ASince my early days I have loved playing football. BI had a chance to see my favoite player playing in the tournament. CI must go on pacticing hard.
1、My sister has decided (study) economic at college after (finish) high school 2、(Act) in movies and TV drama is what he wants to do most 3、I have to study both English and French (work) for the Unitednation ()内の語を正しい形に直す問題でいまいちわからないのを選びました。 教えて下さい
>>279 My sister has decided [ to study economic at college [ after finishing high school ] ]. [ To act in movies and TV dramas ] is [ what he wants to do most ]. I have [ to study both English and French ] [ to work for the United Nations ].
>>275 私は兄とサッカーの試合を見に行くのが楽しみだった。 当事から私はサッカーするのが好きだった 私はその大会で好きな選手をみる機会があった 私は厳しい練習を続けなければならない I liked [ going [ to watch a soccer game ] with my bother ]. Since those days I have loved [ playing soccer ]. I had a chance [ to see my favoite player in the tournament ]. I must go on [ pacticing hard ].
>>283 SVOの中にSVOCがある I feel something. *名詞 I feel [ that God helps us with Holy Spirit ]. *名詞節 I feel [ God helping us with Holy Spirit ]. *分詞句、これがSVOC、けどSVOに包括される
Last christmass I gave you my heart but the very next day you gave it away っていう歌詞がありますが このveryの品詞は形容詞でしょうか?副詞でしょうか? 形容詞のveryにまさにという意味があったと思うのですが 辞書を引いたら副詞でも同じような意味があるそうで… nextの品詞は形容詞でしょうが形容詞が形容詞を修飾することって できましたっけ?形容詞を修飾するのは常に副詞でしょうか? 曖昧なのでご教授願います。
>>294 英英見れば解るんだけど、veryは used to emphasize an adjective or adverb 形容詞や副詞をemphasizeつまりは強調するという意味なのよ。 要はnext dayを強調してるんだね。 単に「とても」とか日本語訳のあてふり単語を覚えてたらわかりにくいだろうね。 very eyesなんても言うし・・。 ちなみに品詞は副詞でしょ。
>>295 Children forget something. で文が終わると、何か?ってなんだよ・・て話で、文が中途半端だよね。 だからto不定詞で意味を埋めることで補ってるけど。 Children forget something to grow out of. grow out of sth(something)ってのは sthを大きくなってサイズが合わなくなったから着なくなるとか 大きくなるにつれてやらなくなるとか・・まぁそういった意味がある。 まぁ意味はそれであってるんじゃん。
He talks [ as if he were a millionaire ]. He talked [ as if he had been a millionaire ]. Yesterday, he talked [ as if he had had been a millionaire 10 years ago ].
で時制をはっきりと表競ることの話に関連してだけど、 時制の区別をはっきりさせるために
This morning, I recieved your letter [ [ which ] you had called me yesterday and said [ that you had had sent the day before ].
今朝僕は、君が昨日僕に電話して前の日に送ったよと言った手紙を受け取ったよ。 と、 had + had(過去分詞) + 動詞の過去分詞 と、大大過去という言い方は、数学的で論理的ですが、使われることはあるのでしょうか?
It is almost as if the more Japan borrows from the West, the more thoroughly Japanese she becomes, for it is not only Japanese to live, dress, eat and think in what might be called the traditional Japanese manner, but it is also just as Japanese to live, dress, and eat in a Western manner 1全体の訳 2in what might be called the traditional Japanese mannerのよい和訳 よろしくお願いします。
>>355 tellとsayの違いはわかってるの? tellは〜を教える。sayは単に言葉を発する。 He said to me,"I want you to join the game." そもそもこの文自体妙な感じだけど。。 彼は私に"I want you to join the game."という言葉を発した。 ってな感じだな。。 He told meで彼は私に教えてくれたんだよってほうが自然でしょ。
>>343 It is almost [ as if [ the more Japan borrows from the West ], the more thoroughly Japanese she becomes ], 日本が西洋から取り入れれば取り入れるほど、日本は日本的になっていくかのようである。
for it is not only [ Japanese to live, dress, eat and think in [ what might be called the traditional Japanese manner ] ], そうすることは日本人が[伝統的と言える日本の様式]に従って生きて衣服を着、食べ考えることだけであるだけではなくて but it is also just [ as Japanese to live, dress, and eat in a Western manner ]. そうすることは日本人が西洋の様式に従って生き、服を着、食べるみたいでもあるからである
キンタマ〜ル A: Do you bite a dog? 君は犬を噛むか B: Yes, I bite a dog [ because a dog once bit me ]. はい、私は犬を噛む A: Do you bite a penis? 君はちんぽを噛むか B: Yes, I bite a penis but softly. はい、私はちんぽを噛むけどやさしく噛みます
for it is not only Japanese [ to live, dress, eat and think in [ what might be called the traditional Japanese manner ] ], [伝統的と言える日本の様式]に従って生きて衣服を着、食べ考えることは日本的であるだけではなくて but it is also just as Japanese [ to live, dress, and eat in a Western manner ]. 西洋の様式に従って生き、服を着、食べることは同じように日本的である
1.They had a good time last night. They enjoyed () last night. 2.I broke his DVD player. That is a problem. The problem () () I broke his DVD player. 3.They say that the actor lives in this town. It is () () the actor lives in this town. 4.We know that he loves science fiction movies. He is () () love science fiction movies.
>>388 They had a good time last night. They enjoyed themselves last night. I broke his DVD player. That is a problem. The problem is [ that I broke his DVD player ]. They say [ that the actor lives in this town ]. It is said [ that the actor lives in this town ] ( by them). We know [ that he loves science fiction movies ]. He is known [ to love science fiction movies ].
猫は暗いところでも目が見えます Cats [] in the dark. 猫を散歩につれていく必要はありません We don't [] cats our for a walk. 猫を綱につなぐべきではない(keep) We [] cats on a leash. 猫には1日に2回えさを与えなければならない We [] cats twice a day.
if this is the case,you may think one solution would perhaps be to give these robots more human-like features and qualities,like they often have in japan.
the soft feet of a cat go over even the hardest floor and make no sound, and if the animal is not see, it may go anywhere and no attention will be given to it.
tom's old job was very stressful,but she feels comfortably in her new one i will let you have my answer tomorrow.i won't keep you waited anx longer ってなにが間違ってますか?
>>477 君は、ロン・ヤス会談って知ってるかい、君? 中曽根康弘とロナルド・レーガンが会談したとき、 first nameで呼び合おうってことになって、 Yasuhiro NakasoneのYasを取ってヤス、 Ronald ReaganのRonを取ってロンと呼び合ったんだよ。 にょろっ!としたね♪
>>438 I use the internet [ which covers all over the world ], [ which is the Internet ]. The united states on North America became the United States of America. The USA army force had its internet. Various internets united together and have made the Internet.
>>444 The soft feet of a cat go over even the hardest floor and make no sound, and [ if the animal does not see ], it may go anywhere and no attention will be given to it.
>>349 as it happenedは「たまたま」という意味の熟語。asは「〜ように」「〜のまま」の意味で用いられている。 >I need not, as it happened, have worried at all. 結果から見れば、心配しなくってよかったが。 助動詞+完了形は、過去の行為に対する現在の心的反応を表すから、 「結果から見れば」の訳語は助動詞+完了形の部分に該当する。 さらに、「結果から見れば」という日本語に「たまたま」の含みがあるために、 「たまたま」を訳出しなかっただけだと思われる。
>>451 Tom's old job was very stressful, but he feels comfortably in his new one. I will let [ you have my answer ] tomorrow. I won't keep [ you waited any longer ].
Tom's old job was very stressful, but he feels comfortably in his new one. I will let [ you have my answer ] tomorrow. I won't keep [ you waiting any longer ].
I received your letter today. You called me to tell me about your letter yesterday. You sent your letter out the day before. を組み合わせ1文で言うと I received the letter [ which you had told me [ that you had had sent the day before ] ]. で数学的論理的でしょうか?
I wished [ you were my wife ]. これわざわざ言うから、妻でない、と言う反事実は分かる I wished [ you were having a good time with me ]. 一緒にいて君が僕といて楽しんでくれていたらいいなあと思ったと取ってもいいし 一緒に善い時間を過ごしていてくれていたらなあと、一緒にいなくて思ったと取ってもいい
この違いをはっきりさせる必要があるなら I wished [ you had been with me ]. でもわざわざ言わなくても状況分かればそれでいい 理解=状況+使う語
A: I wish [ you are having a good time with me ]. 君が僕といて楽しくしていてくれると良いのだけれど・・・ B: I am having a good time! A: Are you really? B: Of course. Don't you see [ how much I love you ]? A: Do you really? Oh, it's like dreaming!
>>586 アメリカ人が、〜だと良いんですが、という意味で、使っているのを何度か聞いたことがありますので。 反事実の回数が多いのは事実ですが、事実として使うことがあるのも事実です。 as if〜=〜であるかのように 反事実が多いですが He talks to me [ as if he is a policeman ].
彼は僕に話す[警官であるみたいに] です。 反事実なら、 He talks to me [ as if he were a policeman ]. です。 反事実の時だけ、仮定法過去形です。
I hope you're enjoying this party. なら普通よ。 hopeは望むってこと。 こうなったらいいなぁ、こんなことになりそうだなぁ。
wishはねぇ、ドリーミーなんだよ・・。ドリーミーに願うって事。 上の文に使うとドリーミー過ぎて気持ち悪いし不適だよ。。 We wish you a Merry Christmas. なんてお祝い事にはこのドリーミーな感触はあってるね。 あと仮定法ととても仲がいいんですが、それもドリーミーな感触があってのこと。
となるべき文まで、「I wish you ARE there.」で正しいと回答している。 もちろん、前後の文脈があれば「通じる」だろうが、これはさすがに言い過ぎではないだろうか。 付き合っているネイティブが限定されているのかもしれない。あるいは、新聞の見出しの場合に 未来を不定詞、過去を現在形、受動態をbe動詞抜きの過去分詞で示すように、「メール」の場合は 許容度が違うのかもしれない。
>>648 使えない理由は二つあります。 一つは>>653氏が言っているような、時の基準が行ったり来たりすること。 もう一つ、明確な理由が、後ろにSVが来ないsinceは前置詞であるということ。 three days agoは副詞句です。前置詞の後ろは知ってのとおり名詞句でなければなりません。 たとえSVを伴っていても、一つ目の理由からsinceとagoは一緒には用いませんけどね。 ジーニアスの例文解説を見ると、 I have known him two years ago. 《これは非標準なのでI have known him for two years.とするべきと言う人もいるが、一般に使われている》 とある。 使われてはいるが、非標準だから、当然中高生は避けるべき。 これは、I wish you areも同じこと。使われてはいるが非標準。 日本語で「全然大丈夫」や「すごいおいしい」などが国語や作文のテストで減点対象になるのと同じです。
>>648 sinceは起点なんですが、問題はagoを理解できていない事でしょう。 agoはuse ago after a period of time to say how far back in the past something happened と定義づけられているように量であり、点ではないんです。 ですので使えませんね・・。
>>648 >>666 ごめん間違えた。 まぁsinceが use since with a past date, time, or event to say how long something has been happening だからsinceを使う場合agoはいらないよね。 まぁこの場合は I haven't seen her for 3 days. で終わり。 since or for? You use for to talk about a period of time. You can use it with the present perfect or the simple past tense: I have been living here for years. He waited for a few minutes. You use since to say that something has continued to happen from a point of time in the past until now. You use it with the present perfect: She has lived in China since 2002.
>>678 theには比較級の前についてそれだけ一層にという意味がありますが all the more forとか none the lessbecauseみたいに公式みたいに覚えてると If we start now,we will be bach the sooner 今出発すれば、それだけ早く帰れるだろう The danger seem to make surfing the more exciting サーファンは危険があるためにいっそう楽しいようだ みたいな文章が訳せません 難関大の受験生でも公式として覚えてしまってるらしいので穴で狙われるそうです all the moreのallは単に強調として覚えておくべきで the 比較級でそれだけ一層と覚えておくのが大切
Yahoo USAでI wish youで検索しました。 A Poem by Victor Hugo "I wish you" First of all, I wish [ you love, and that by [ loving ] you may also be loved ]. But [ if it’s not like that ], be brief in [ forgetting ] And [ after you’ve forgotten ], don’t keep anything. I wish [ that wouldn’t happen ], but [ if it does and you forget ], you could be a person without desperation. I also wish [ you may have a lot of friends ], And [ even if they are bad and inconsequent ], They should be brave and true
And, at least one of them, should be completely reliable. But [ because life is the way [ it is ] ], I also wish [ you may have enemies ]. Not many or too little, just in the right number [ So that you will have to question your own certainties and truths as well ]. And may there be among them at least one [ who is just and fair ], [ So that you can never feel too secure in your ideas ]. I wish [ you may be useful but not irreplaceable ] *敵対する者を通して自分の考えに安心しすぎてしまう危険を防げる。 自分の考えが役に立つ物であるように、だが取り替えの利かない物にならないように(進化した物で取り替えが利くように)
And in your bad moments, [ [ When you have nothing else ], That sense of usefulness will keep you on your feet ]. So equally, I wish [ you to be tolerant, Not with those [ that make little mistakes, [ because that is easy ] ], but with those [ that make a lot of mistakes and can’t help it ] And make good use of this tolerance [ to set an example to others ] ]. I wish [ that, [ being young ], you don’t mature too quickly ]. And [ once you’re mature ], don’t insist in [ getting younger ]. And [ when you’re old ], don’t feel despaired [ Because each age has its pains and pleasures And we need them both in our lives ].
By the way, I wish [ you to be sad at least one day [ So on that day you may discover [ That [ to laugh everyday is good, To laugh often is boring And to laugh constantly is an illness ] ] ] ]. I wish [ that you may discover With maximum urgency [ That, above and in spite of everything, There are people around you [ who are depressed, Unhappy and unjustly treated ] ] ]. I wish [ you to caress a dog, To feed a bird and to listen to its chirp as well [ As it sings triumphantly early in the morning] ] [ Because this way you will feel good for no reason ] ]. And then I wish [ you may sow a seed [ Even if it is really small ] And may you accompany it in its growth [ So that you will discover [ how many lives a tree is made of ] ] ].
I wish as well [ that you may have money, [ because we need to be practical ] And [ that, at least once a year, You put some of this money in front of you and say “This is mine” [ So it is very clear [ who owns who ] ]. Also, I wish [ none of your [ loved ] ones may die ], But [ if some of them do ], I wish [ you may cry without regret and without [ feeling guilty for the things [ you never said ] or the things [ you never did ]. Finally, I wish for you [ that [ being a man ], you may have a good woman and [ being a woman ], you may have a good man ] Tomorrow and the day after. [ If all these things whould happen to you ], Then I whish for you nothing
>>678 I don't love him the less [ because he has faults ]. 彼に欠点があるので彼をより少なく(その分少なく)愛するということはない
I love him none the less [ because he has faults ]. I love him not any the less [ because he has faults ]. 彼には欠点があるので、いくらかでも少なく彼を彼を愛するということはない 括ってみたらこうなりました
アメリカのネットで****を探しました Have a computer/internet problem. Help?!?
I have NOT been able [ to connect to RacerX's website ] *since *four days *ago. I have run out of ideas. I did make sure my computer was plugged in , lowered my cookies allowance and rebooted my computer AND yes, I have used the NEW URL address. I tried [ looking them up on Google, [ using links in threads on MT ] ]. Never said I was computer savy. I can get into every other website, but theirs. SO have I some how banned them??? Any suggests would be helpful and DEEPLY appreciated. Seriously, it is like [ walking around without my left arm ]. [ If your suggestion fixes this problem ], GRF stickers, hugs and kisses, and deep appreciation. I will sing your praises, forever ****.
括り訂正 And in your bad moments, *[ When you have nothing else ], That sense of usefulness will keep you on your feet. So equally, I wish [ you to be tolerant, Not with those [ that make little mistakes, [ because that is easy ] ], but with those [ that make a lot of mistakes and can’t help it ] And make good use of this tolerance [ to set an example to others ] ]. I wish [ that, [ being young ], you don’t mature too quickly ]. And [ once you’re mature ], don’t insist in [ getting younger ]. And [ when you’re old ], don’t feel despaired [ Because each age has its pains and pleasures And we need them both in our lives ].
WASHINGTON – [ Turning more upbeat ], President Barack Obama said Friday [ his administration is working to create a "post-bubble" model for solid economic growth [ once the recession ends ]. He said [ that means the days of [ overheated ] [ housing ] markets and "[ people maxing out on their credit cards ]" are over. But first, Obama said, "We've got [ to get through this difficult period ]." There are "modestly [ encouraging ] signs" on that score, said Lawrence Summers, Obama's top economic adviser, [ citing indications [ that consumer [ spending ] had stabilized after [ taking a dive over the holiday season ] ]. The White House attempts [ to be positive ] matched a fourth day in a row of stock market gains. The Dow Jones industrials gained ****53.92 points [ to cap Wall Street's best week since last November ]. Administration officials were criticized earlier this year for [ painting too dark a picture of the economy in an effort [ to win congressional passage of the president's ***$787 billion stimulus package ]. But more recently, the president and others on his team have tempered their comments in hopes of [ building confidence ], [ including the president's suggestion last week [ that it was a good time for those with a long-term perspective [ to buy stocks ] ].
Despite the new enthusiasm at the White House and on Wall Street, there was little solid evidence [ to suggest [ an end was in sight to the severe recession [ that has already cost the U.S. over four million jobs, driven home values down and sent foreclosures soaring]. And there were fresh signs of financial stress. The Commerce Department reported Friday [ that the U.S. trade deficit plunged in January to the lowest level in six years [ as the economic downturn cut America's demand for [ imported ] goods ]. And China's premier, Wen Jiabao, expressed concern over the U.S. economy and the value of his own nation's vast [ holdings ] in Treasury bonds. China is Washington's biggest foreign creditor, [ holding an [ estimated ] ***$1 trillion in U.S. government debt ]. "We have lent a huge amount of money to the U.S., so of course, we are concerned about the safety of our assets," Wen told reporters in Beijing. But in Washington, Summers said [ it was time for America [ to move past an "excess of fear" [ that has made things worse ] ]. Summers, [ who was treasury secretary under President Bill Clinton and now is director of Obama's National Economic Council ], said [ it was too soon [ to gauge the broad impact of the administration's recovery program] or [ to predict [ when the recession might end ] ] ]. But he suggested glimmers of hope. [ Speaking at a Brookings Institution forum ], he was asked by a member of the audience [ what the nation's business community could do [ to help speed the recovery ] ]. "[ What we need today ] is more optimism and more confidence," Summers said. He called it a "very good moment" [ to make investments in new construction and other projects ]. "There are a very large number of things [ that are on sale today ]." Private economists agree [ that it's too soon [ to declare [ recovery is on the way ] ] ].
"[ As long as we are losing over **600,000 jobs per month ], consumers are not going [ to be able [ to sustain [ consumer spending ] ] ] ]," said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Economy.com. "It is too early [ to conclude [ that the bottom is at hand ] ]," he said after Thursday's report on retail sales and [ consumer spending ]. The White House has been on a weeklong campaign [ to promote the president's economic recovery and financial stability plans while [ giving a more upbeat assessment of the economy's ability [ to rebound ] ]. Summers had been working on his speech for five days. Obama economic adviser Christina Romer delivered a speech along the same themes earlier in the week, and Obama on Thursday offered business leaders his view [ that the crisis is "not as bad [ as we think ]." ]
On Friday, the president called on Americans [ to keep "[ focused on all the fundamentally sound aspects of our economy ] ]." The phrase had a familiar ring. During the heat of the presidential campaign last September, Obama ridiculed rival John McCain [ when he declared, "The fundamentals of our economy are strong." ] As for the Chinese premier's comments on U.S. Treasury bonds, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said, "There's no safer investment in the world than in the United States."
He urged [ lawmakers to adopt the president's budget ], [ saying [ it would lead to fiscal discipline in the long term ] ]. Obama spoke with reporters after [ meeting with former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, chairman of his Economic Recovery Advisory Board. The president said [ the days of [ overheated ] [ housing ] markets and [ maxed-out ] credit cards are over ]. "It is very important [ even as we're focused on the financial system and the credit markets ], [ that we are laying the foundation for [ what I'm calling a post-bubble economic growth model ] ]," Obama said. "There are a lot of individual families [ who are experiencing incredible pain and hardship right now ]," Obama said.
>>728 >He said [ that means the days of [ overheated ] [ housing ] markets and "[ people maxing out on their credit cards ]" are over. >>736 >The president said [ the days of [ overheated ] [ housing ] markets and [ maxed-out ] credit cards are over ].
括り方に統一性があまりないのではないだろうか。両方とも、「the days(S) are over」ということだけど、わかってる?
He said G[ (that) that means G[ (that) the days of I[ overheated ]→[ I[ housing ]→ markets ] and (of) "[ Ipeople maxing out on their credit cards ]" are over ] ].
文の中核の主語述語は He said それに従属する主語述語は that means それに従属する主語述語は the days are over
Markets house people. The markets are overheated. People max out on their credit cards. という主語述語を 分詞や動名詞にしていています
>>750 one, two three, *1,2,3です one/two = one second = one half = a half *2分の1です two×one/two = two seconds = two halves = one *2分の2です three×one/two = three seconds = three halves = one and a half *2分の3です
Thank you for your letter. I will do my best to answer your questions. People who are choosing to have part-time jobs in Japan are increasing because they have their own dreams, such as being doctors, scientists. To achieve their dreams , a lot of money are needed. I think people should travel abroad before starting a career because they are able to get a lot of things that contribute to starting a career. What is the most important factor when choosing a career is whether it is what you are interested in.If you are not interested in it , you won't keep it for a long time.Be careful when choosing a career. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
正解はどれでしょう。 Her father paints pictures. He is a fine airtist. これをひとつの文にしろという問題なのですけど、皆答えが違います。 @Her father (who paints pictures)is a fine artist. AHer father (who is fine artist) paints pictures. BHer father is a fine artist (who paints pictures)
>>779 Thank you for your letter. I will do my best [ to answer your questions ]. People [ who are choosing [ to have part-time jobs in Japan ] ] are increasing [ because they have their own dreams, such as [ being doctors, scientists ] ]. [ To achieve their dreams ], a lot of money is needed. I think [ people should travel abroad before [ starting a career ] ] [ because they are able [ to get a lot of things [ that contribute to [ their starting careers ] ] ]. [ What is the most important factor [ when choosing a career ] ] is [ whether it is [ what you are interested in ] or not ]. [ If you are not interested in it ], you won't keep it for a long time. Be careful [ when you are choosing your career ]. I'm looking forward to [ hearing from you ].
Be careful [ when you are choosing your career ]. 注意深くあれ[君が君の進路を選んでいる(途中)ときには] Be careful [ when you are choosing your career ]. 注意深くあれ[君が君の進路を選ぶ(全体)ときには]
>>800 Be careful when you are rubbing your penis. 君はちんぽをしこしこやってるときだけ、注意深くあれ。 Be careful when (whenever) you rub your penis. 君はちんぽをしこしこやるときは、いつでも注意深くあれ。
>>801 My son was taller than all the boys present.
形容詞の叙述用法 something beautiful とかと同じ。 意味的には、something (which is) beautiful と変わらないので、文法書には、 関係代名詞の省略されたものと「考えてよい」、とされている。 関係詞の主格は、基本的に省略不可なので、実際に省略されているわけではない。 I have a son who are taller than you. このwho are は削れない。 特にpresentは名詞の前に置くか後に置くかで、意味が変わるので、よく問題に出てくる。
Noの使い方について質問なんですが、 文全体を否定しているNoとそうでないNoの見分けかたを教えて下さい。 例えば、 No authority can be wholly trusted.という文を例にとると、文全体を否定しているNoだと『どんな権威も完全には信頼できない』 という文になります。でもNoがauthorityという単語のみを否定しているととらえると、『権威がないことは完全に信用できる』となります。 どうやってみわけたらよいのでしょうか?よろしくお願いしますm(__)m
>>827 英語の否定は出てきたらその後ろの文をすべて限定して否定します。 noは真っ黒、ものすごく強烈な否定です。。 しくみはnotも同じですが、カーテンみたいなもんです。 ちなみにnotはひねりもなくただの否定って言う意味です。 以下は限定詞のnoの例文です。 No (authority can be wholly trusted). No (student is to leave the room). noの後ろが単数だと誰一人としてという意味になります感覚がわかりますか? There were no (letters this morning). There's no (bread left). There's no (telling what will happen next). He is no (more an artist than I am). これも強烈ですねw
>>823 That is mainly それは主に、である [ because they hate 彼らが嫌うから [ to see 見ることを [ things being thrown away and destroyed ], 物が投げ捨てられ消滅されるのを [ however old they may be ] ] ]. それらがいかに古かろうが
>>827 noは文の内容を否定で問題ないようです。 否定と言うより意味をゼロにするといった方がいいでしょう。 No authority can be wholly trusted. no authorityなのは解るんですが、 どんなauthorityなのかが解らないと意味が解釈できませんよね。 常に文がnoのターゲットになるということですね。 No student is to leave the room. これも同じです。no studentなのは解るけど・・ね。 There were no letters this morning. これもno lettersなのは解るけど・・ね。 He is no more an artist than I am. これも文を否定していると考えれば簡単ですね。 noが文の内容をすべて(比較もartistもすべて)ゼロにしているんです。 彼がアーティストじゃないってのは私がそうじゃないのとどっこい。 彼はアーティストなんて代物じゃない!! って意味になりますね。
( )内に入る英語の人称代名詞を答えなさい。 1) Did he tell you and Tom the news?―Yes, he did. I’m sure he likes ( ) both. 2) My sister’s name is Mary Joanne, but everyone calls ( ) Mary Jo. 3)Do you know Steven’s e-mail address? ―Yes. Shall I give ( ) to you? 4)Dad, my friends will visit me. Can I go to the park with ( ) ? 5)I bought a new bicycle for my son. He likes ( ). 6)David, I’d like to thank ( ) for your help. 7)Excuse me, but can you help ( ) ?
次の下線部を英語の人称代名詞一語に変えなさい。 1) I share a room with my sister. [] 2) He was waiting in front of Tom and me. [] 3) I got a letter from Taro yesterday. [] 4) Steve liked the white flowers but Jane didn’t like the white flowers.[] 5) Didn’t your host family take you and other students to the airport? [ ]
4.ヘレンという女の子についての次の文を読みなさい。 ( )内に入る英語の人称代名詞を答えなさい。 Helen is eighteen years old and now she is at high school. She likes the lessons but two of the teachers are very strict and she doesn’t like ( 1 ). But she has very good friends and she often hangs out with ( 2 ). Every morning she gets up at six and makes breakfast for her family. Her mother is a doctor and she is always very busy. Helen wants to help ( 3 ). She has a little brother and she loves ( 4 ) very much. So she always says to him, “ I love (5 ) very much.” He always smiles at ( 6 ). At seven thirty she leaves her home with her father and walks to the station with ( 7 ). She talks a lot about her plan for the future with her father.
1) Did he tell you and Tom the news?―Yes, he did. I’m sure he likes ( them ) both. 2) My sister’s name is Mary Joanne, but everyone calls ( her ) Mary Jo. 3)Do you know Steven’s e-mail address? ―Yes. Shall I give ( it ) to you? 4)Dad, my friends will visit me. Can I go to the park with ( them ) ? 5)I bought a new bicycle for my son. He likes ( it ). 6)David, I’d like to thank ( you ) for your help. 7)Excuse me, but can you help ( me ) ?
下線部がどこか分からんが、多分こうだろう 1) I share a room with [ her ] . 2) He was waiting in front of [ us ]. 3) I got a letter from [ him ] yesterday. 4) Steve liked the white flowers but Jane didn’t like [ them ]. 5) Didn’t [ they ] take you and other students to the airport?
4.ヘレンという女の子についての次の文を読みなさい。 ( )内に入る英語の人称代名詞を答えなさい。 Helen is eighteen years old and now she is at high school. She likes the lessons but two of the teachers are very strict and she doesn’t like ( them ). But she has very good friends and she often hangs out with ( them ). Every morning she gets up at six and makes breakfast for her family. Her mother is a doctor and she is always very busy. Helen wants to help ( her ). She has a little brother and she loves ( him ) very much. So she always says to him, “ I love ( you ) very much.” He always smiles at ( him ). At seven thirty she leaves her home with her father and walks to the station with ( him ). She talks a lot about her plan for the future with her father.
>>839 Helen is eighteen years old, and now she is at high school. She likes the lessons, but *two of the teachers are very strict and she doesn’t like *them. But she has very good **friends, and she often hangs out with **them. Every morning, she gets up at six and makes breakfast for her family. ***Her mother is a doctor and she is always very busy. Helen wants to help ***her. She has a little ****brother and she loves ****him very much. So ******she always says to *****him, “ I love *****you very much.” He always smiles at ******her. At seven thirty she leaves her home with her father and walks to the station with ( 7 ). She talks a lot about her plan for the future with her father.
>>842 The Japanese are a [ hardworking ] people. [一生懸命に働く]国民 peopleは元々、人々。転じて、国民、で、集合名詞。 集合名詞は集団の一つのまとまりと捉えるときは、単数扱いし、 集団の一人1人の人間と捉えるときは、複数扱いします。
We are a happy family. My family *has a big vegetable garden. *所有はひとまとまりなので単数扱いし三人称単数のsがつく My family **work in the garden on Sundays. *働くのは一人1人なので複数扱いし、三人称単数ではないのでsがつかない
[ If there is any milk [ left ] ], could I drink some?
1.私たちはパーティーでとても楽しく過ごした。 We (at/enjoyed/very much/the party/outselves). 2.リンゴを一日一個食べると、健康でいられると信じられている。 An apple a day (believed/in/is/keep/to/you) good health. 3.困ったことに、彼らはその問題の解決方法がわからない。 The trouble (don't/how/is/know/that/they/to) solve the problem. 4.実は、私は彼をそこで見ました。 (I/there/fact/saw/the/that/him/is). 5.ローンで私は新居を買うことができました。 (enabled/to/a new house/the loan/me/buy).
>>862 We enjoyed ourselves very much at the party. An apple a day is believed to keep you in good health. The trouble is that they don't know how to solve the problem. The fact is that I saw him there. THe loan enabled me to buy a new house.
>>862 We enjoyed ourselves at the party very much. An apple a day to keep you good health is believed in. The trouble is that they don't know how to solve the problem. The fact is that I saw him there. The loan enabled me to buy a new house. はひゃっはひゃっはひゃっ。
>>866 [ What we should do next ] is the quesuion. [次に私たちは何をするべきか、そのすることが]問題なことなのだ。
短い文を並べて言えば *What should we do? *疑問詞 We do that thing. *That thing is the question. *疑問詞の答えの部分 The question is *that thing. ということ。 詰まり最初のwhatは疑問詞の部分と先行詞の部分が一緒になった関係代名詞 と言うことです
Where can I find a "good" English translation of this poem? Thank you.
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters VICTOR HUGO I wish you first [ that you love ] and [ that [ loving ], also you are loved ]. And [ that, otherwise, you are brief in [ forgetting ] and [ that after [ forgetting ], you do not keep resentments ]. Desire, then, [ that is not thus ], but [ that [ if it is ], you know [ to be without [ being hopeless ] ]. I also wish you [ that you have friends, [ that, bad and even inconsecuentes, is brave and faithful ] ], and [ that at least there is one [ who you can trust without [ doubting ] ]. こういうのもあるよ
And [ because the life is thus ], I also wish you [ that you have enemies, neither many nor few, in the exact measurement, [ so that, some times, you question your own certainties ] ]. And [ that among them, is at least one [ who is right ], [ so that you do not feel too much surely ] ]. I wish you in addition [ that you are useful, more nonirreplaceable ], and [ that at the bad moments, [ when there is not left anything more ], that utility is sufficient for mantenerte still on ]. Also, I wish you [ that you are tolerant ]; not with [ what they are mistaken little, [ because that is easy ], but with [ what they are mistaken much irremediably , and [ that [ making good use of that tolerance ], you serve as the others' example ]. I wish you [ that [ being young ] you do not mature too much quickly, and [ that already mature, you do not insist on rejuvenecer ], and [ that [ being old ] you do not dedicate yourself to the despair ].
[ Because each age has its pleasure and its pain and it is necessary [ to leave them flow between us ]. I wish you of steps [ that you are sad ]. Not all the year, but hardly a day. But [ that in that day you discover [ that the daily laughter is good, that the habitual laughter is insipid and the constant laughter is unhealthy ]. I wish [ that you discover to you, with Maxima urgency, superficially and in spite of everything, that exists, and that surrounds to you, [ pressed ] [ beings ], unfortunate deal with injustice and people. I wish you [ that you caress a cat, you feed a bird and you hear a finch raise triumphant its matinal song, [ because this way, you will feel well by anything ]. Desire also [ that you plant a seed, by more small letter than is, and you accompany it in its growth, [ so that you discover of [ how many lives are made a tree ]. I wish you, in addition, [ that you have money, [ because it is necessary [ to be practitioner ]. And which at least once per year you put something of that money faces you and you say: “This is mine”, [ only so that it is clear [ who is the owner of whom ] ]. I also wish you [ that none of your affection dies ], but [ that [ if some dies ], you can cry without lamentarte and suffer without sentirte guilty.
>>866 What we should do next is the quesuion. このwhatは疑問詞です。 区別の仕方で一番簡単なのは、whatに当てはまりそうな具体的な物を入れてみて文意が通るかどうか。 通れば関係代名詞、通らなければ疑問詞。 この例は、次に私たちが何をすべきかが問題だ。 訳しただけでも疑問詞だとわかるが、たとえば教室の掃除を当てはめてみると、 教室の掃除が問題だ 意味不明となるから関係代名詞ではない。 I don't know what he bought at the shop yesterday. 私は昨日彼がその店で何を買ったか知らない。 これも疑問詞。たとえば洗剤を買ったとすると、「私は洗剤を知らない」となり意味不明。 I will buy what you recommend. 私はあなたが勧めるものを買うよ たとえば赤いマフラーを買うとすると、私はその赤いマフラーを買うよで意味が通るから関係代名詞。
I wish finally you that, [ being man ], you have a good woman, and [ that being woman ], you have a good man, tomorrow and on the [ following ] day, and [ who [ when they are exhausted and smiling ], still on love to recommence ]. [ If all these things got to happen ], I do not have more nothing desearte.
>>871 いくらか見当がついてるからsomeという考え方は間違い。 正しくは、話者の心に何らかの設定がある場合に疑問文でもsomeを使う。 ちなみにif節の中のanyは「ちょっとでも」という意味。 Will you have some tea? お茶を飲みますか? 相手が飲む量なんて見当はつかない。 入れる側の話者が、多くても2〜3杯かなと設定はしている。 存在を肯定する場合に疑問文でもsomeという考え方でもよい。 相手に勧める場合、否定的なanyだと感じが悪いからね。 とにかく片岡だけは信用してはだめ。
疑問詞の場合は、「〜が何かということ」みたいに事柄を表す。 関係代名詞の場合は、物そのものを表す。 I don't know what he bought at the shop yesterday. 私が知らないのは、買ったのが何かという事柄。買ったものそのものを知らないんだったら、そのものの名前を言うべき。 関係代名詞なら、例えば腕時計を彼が買っていたとしたら、私は腕時計というものを知らないという意味になる。 相手は「腕時計というのはね、直径3cmくらいの大きさのダイヤルに 1〜12の12個の数字が書いてあったりして、演習が12等分されててね、 そんで針が3本ついてて‥」 みたいな話になる。 知らないのはあくまでも「買ったのは何か」という事柄。
[ What we should do next ] is the quesuion. [次に私たちは何をするべきか、そのすることが]問題なことなのだ。
短い文を並べて言えば *What should we do? *僕達は何をすればいいの? We do that thing. *僕達は、あれあれ!あのことをするんだ *That thing is the question. *あれあれ!あのことが問題になることだ The question is *that thing. *問題になることはあの事なのだ! ということ。 詰まり最初のwhatは疑問詞の部分と、繋がる先の先行詞の部分が一緒になったもので、種類は、関係代名詞 と言うことです 更に聞きたければどうぞ
*What should we do next? *僕達は次に何をすればいいの? We do that thing. *僕達は、あれあれ!あのことをするんだ *That thing is the question. *あれあれ!あのことが問題になることだ The question is *that thing. *問題になることはあの事なのだ!
On a hill far away, there's an old rugged cross, the emblem of [ suffering ] and shame. It was on that old coss [ Jesus suffered and died [ to parden and sanctify me ] ]. I will cherish that old [ rugged ] cross [ till my trophies all I lay down ]. I will cling to the old rugged cross and exchage it some day for a crown.
WASHINGTON — Is President Barack Obama trying [ to do too many things at the expense of [ focusing on Job One: the economy ] ]? [ While the world awaits a coherent plan [ to fix America's banks ] ], the president also is urging a vast overhaul of health care, a plan [ to tax and thus limit tailpipe and smokestack emissions [ thought [ to cause global [ warming ] ] ] ], the development of alternative energy systems, a dramatic shift of the nation's tax burden, ambitious new education initiatives and a rewrite of financial regulations. [ If that weren't enough in his first 50 days ], he's also found time [ to create a White House council on women and girls ] and [ to travel weekly to politically key states ]. This week, he heads to California for two days [ to talk about the economy ]. [ If he tries to do too much ], some analysts say, [ he could end up a modern-day Jimmy Carter, [ blazing into town and throwing the kitchen sink at Congress , [ only to end his first year in office with a pile of [ broken ] [ plumbing ] ] ].
[ If he tries to do too much ], some analysts say, [ he could end up a modern-day Jimmy Carter, [ blazing into town and throwing the kitchen sink at Congress , [ only to end his first year in office with a pile of [ broken ] [ plumbing ] ] ].