Based on their research at the center, here's what Dr.Rosenberg and his colleagues recommend as the components of a lifestyle that can delay -and even reverse- many of the maladies we too often assume are the inevitable result of old age.
I am the opinion that you should prohibit using single-use plastic bags. Some prople say that if we discouraged customers from using single-use plastic bags by charging them some money per bag, customers would not waste single-use plastic bags. However, I believe that everything would not be going well like this, and agree with banning plastic bags. Single-use plastic bags are waste of resources and cause severe environmental pollution. They do not only spoil the beauty of landscapes such as parks, beaches, mountains and so on but also are fear to harm the ecological system. Last year alone, in my grandmother's town, over 3% of all marine animals found dead on their shores died after eating or becoming caught in plastic bags. Thus, I maintain that you should prohibit using single-use plastic bags.
>>38 I am *of the opinion 私は次の意見の内(意見の側)におります [ that you should prohibit [ using *[ throwing-away ] plastic bags ]. 使ったら捨てるポリ袋 Some prople say [ that [ if we discouraged customers from [ using throw-away plastic bags ] by [ charging them some money per bag ] ], 使い捨てポリ袋 customers would not waste throw-away plastic bags. However, I believe [ that everything would not be going well like this ], and *I agree with [ banning plastic bags ]. 主語をはっきり言う Throw-away plastic bags are *a waste of resources ポリ袋全体を一つの無駄遣いと見る and *they cause severe environmental pollution. 主語をはっきりさせる They do not only spoil the beauty of landscapes such as parks, beaches, mountains and so on, but *they also harm the ecological system. 主語をはっきりさせる Last year alone, in my grandmother's town, over 3% of all marine animals [ found dead on the shores ] *主語 were found [ to have died after [ eating or being caught in plastic bags ] ] *述語.
Thus, I maintain [ that you should prohibit [ using throw-away plastic bags ] ].
>>41 [ Even if a person is old ], 人は年を取っていても he can look younger [ if he has somthing [ for which he lives ] ]. その人は若く見えるようになることが出来る[その人が[それを目指して生きる]ものを持つならば]
Throw-away plastic bags are *a waste of resources ポリ袋全体を一つの無駄遣いと見る and *they cause severe environmental pollution. 主語をはっきりさせる They do not only spoil the beauty of landscapes such as parks, beaches, mountains and so on, but *they also harm the ecological system. 主語をはっきりさせる Last year alone, in my grandmother's town, over 3% of all marine animals [ found dead on the shores ] *主語 were found [ to have died after [ eating or being caught in plastic bags ] ] *述語. Thus, I maintain [ that you should prohibit [ using throw-away plastic bags ] ].
>>29 [ Based on their research at the center ], here's [ what Dr.Rosenberg and his colleagues recommend as the components of a lifestyle 医者達が生活様式の器具として薦める物があります [ that can delay -and even reverse- many of the maladies 多くの病気の発生を遅らせたり好転させたりする [ [which] we too often assume [ are the inevitable result of old age ] ] ] ]. 私たちがよく考えてしまう[避けられない老いの結果だと]
There's energy, there's protein, there's fiber, and there are thousands of other materials in food that probably have a lot to do with why diets rich in fruits and vegetables are so healthy.
>>3 It seems [ that there were three tombs near here ]. 現在と過去 There seems [ to have been three tombs nere here ]. 現在、これより古いことを不定詞で表すときは完了形を使います。不定詞は[to+動詞の原形]なので、to have〜にするのです。
>>5 "Good night,sir",said the policeman, [ passing on along his beat ], *修飾の分詞句 [ trying doors *修飾の分詞句 [ as he went ] ]. (訳・「おやすみ、だんな」と警官は言って、行く先の戸締りを確かめながら、 巡回区域に沿って通り過ぎて行った。)
There's energy, there's protein, there's fiber, and there are thousands of other materials in food that probably have a lot to do with why diets rich in fruits and vegetables are so healthy.
>>49 There's energy, there's protein, there's fiber, and there are thousands of other materials in food 食べ物の中には、Aエネルギー源、タンパク質、繊維、他の何千もの物質がある [ that probably have a lot [ to do with [ why diets rich in fruits and vegetables are so healthy ]. 果物と野菜を多く取り入れた食事療法は何故健康に良いかと言うことに大きく関係する@ @はAに続きます
>>46 [ Speaking of Jennifer ], she got [ engaged to a businessman ]. 彼女はした[ビジネスマンと婚姻約束されているように] I'm at a loss for words. I hope [ she won't break it off ]. 彼女が婚約を破棄しなければいいが・・・
The young person in adolescence confronts a dual task, one that will occupy him for the rest of his life: to become different from others, finding personal uniqueness and identity while, at the same time, becoming a member of society and finding unity and identification with others.
>A:When is the essay( )?B:Three o'clock,July15. >1 due 2 until 3 by 4 deadlined
2. until は till と同様,「〜まで続けて」(継続)を表すので×。締め切りではない。 3 by は「〜までに」締め切り,期限を表すが,本問の場合,byを入れても,期限までに 「何をしなければならないのか」が明記されていないので×。 When is the essay to be handed in by? 「論文はいつまでに提出しなければならないのか」 ならOK。 4. deadline「締め切り,期日」は名詞として覚えておこう。
Society is supposedly founded upon a shared understanding. The only way it can maintain this commonly greed upon outlook from generation to generation is by passing on from parents to children the most basic thoughts and ideas that hold people together.
>>3 >>6 >>26 >>50 It seems that there were three tombs near here.
×(It) (seems) to (have) (been) three tombs nere here. ×(There) (seems) to (have) (been) three tombs nere here. ○(There) (seem) to (have) (been) three tombs nere here.
The ethical choices faced today are not just more difficult than in the past,but many of them are brand-new decisions created by the revolutionary ideas and groudbreaking innovations.
not just 〜but 〜だけでなく〜も っていうのは分かりますが これにmoreがはいり〜より〜だけでなく〜だ という訳がされていますが こんな用法あるのですか?
英作添削お願いします You should adopt English as Japanese official languages as well as Japanese. Although adopting two official language may confuse Japanese people, I believe that adopting English has more advantages than non-adopting English. nowadays, by globalization, all the countries of the world are closely connected with each other. A lot of countries adopt English as their official languages and a lot of people all over the world can speak English. I expect that if most of Japanese people could not speak English, we would be defeated other countries such as India, China, Singapore and so on in the future because today's financial circles is ruled by USA which adopt English as an official languages. Thus, I insist like this.
@大統領な肖像画がかけられました。 A portrait of prime minister was hung 日常生活から開放される。 We become free B制服のせいで彼は警察官と認識された。 He was recognized police becaus of his uniform 私は今の仕事に満足している。 I was satisfied with present job
>>104 You should adopt English [ as *a Japanese official language [ as well as Japanese ] ]. [ Although [ *having two official *languages may confuse Japanese people ], I believe [ that [ adopting English ] has more advantages than not [ adopting *it ]. Nowadays, by globalization, all the countries of the world are closely connected with each other. A lot of countries adopt English as their official *language and a lot of people all over the world can speak English. I expect [ that [ if most of Japanese people could not speak English ], we would be defeated by other *foreign countries such as India, China, Singapore and so on [ because in the future, today's financial circles *may *be ruled by *the USA [ which *has English as *its official *language ] ]. Thus, I insist *in this *way.
today's financial circles *may *be ruled by *the USA 今日の経済の循環は、Aアメリカによって統括されているかも知れない [ which *has English as *its official *language ] ]. @公用語として英語を持っている
1.その問題を解くことは困難であることがわかりました。 I found () difficult to solve the problem. 2.トムはクラスのどの男子よりも背が高い。 Tom is taller () () () () in his class. 3.仕事と楽しみを結びつけることは大事です。 It is important to combine work () pleasure. 4.彼は昼も夜も休み無く試験の準備をし、よくできました。 He prepared for the exam () and (), and he did very well. 5.苦労が見事に実りました。 The effort () () handsomely.
>>101 添削 Even if Japanese people didn't do well individually, they did well in their original ways in groups.
別解 Although the Japanese haven't achieved high performance in working individually, they have made great success in their unique way in which they can display their ability in groups.
>A fundamental strategy is "understanding myself". >It is rather essential that they don't establish an American way >but establish an original Japanese way.
添削 A fundamental strategy is "understanding yourself". It is rather essential that they don't establish an American way but establish an original Japanese way.
別解 "Understanding yourself" is the basic strategy. It is rather essential that the Japanese establish their own way of working, not an American way.
It is the fundamental strategy to "know yourself". The Japanese need to establish thier own method which is not an imitation of the American one.
たとえ個人では力を発揮できないとしても、グループで力を発揮する独自のやり方で日本は成功を収めてきた。 even if Japanese cannot give full play to their ability individually, they achieved a great sucess by working as a group.
「己を知れ」が戦略の基本である。 アメリカ的なやり方ではない独自の日本的な方法を確立する事はむしろ必然なのである。 Knowing yourself is the basic strategy. It is rather inevitable to estabilish an original Japanese way than copying American way.
If it is done properly, both economic goals and conservation goals, which seem to conflict with each other, can be reached, It is essential to use local communities and people of the rainforests,
ふぉふぉふぉ。 >>168 >If it is done properly, both economic goals and conservation goals, >which seem to conflict with each other, can be reached, 「もしそれが適切に行われれば,互いに矛盾しあっているように 思われる経済的な目的と保存的目的のどちらも達成できる」
>It is essential to use local communities and people of the rainforests, 「地元の社会と熱帯雨林に住む人々を利用することが不可欠だ」 前後の文脈がないのでlocal communityの和訳は確定できない。 「地元の地域社会」「現地の集落」などが考えられるが,適切な訳を選択すればいい。
I discovered,or thought I discovered,that Hitler,though no doubt resolved to make Germany a world power,had no clear-cut plan how to do it and moved forward with the changing situation.
>>171 The boy is looking at the picture [which] Taro Okamoto painted. The man who painted the picture [which] the boy is looking at is Taro Okamoto. The man is Taro Okamoto, who painted the picture [which] the boy is looking at. [ ]内の関係代名詞は省略可能。
>>173 Willingness to learn opnes our minds and leads us ( in ) the right direction. direction「方向,方角」につく前置詞はinで覚えておこう。 lead to〜 は「特定の目的地へ導く,通じる」 directionは到達点ではなくて,曖昧な範囲のあるものととらえられているため, inを用いる。
それから昨日公園で私達があったのは太郎のお兄さんです。 これは私と友達との間で答えが違いました。 ひとつは We met the man (who is tarou's big brother)in the park yesterday. もうひとつは The man (whom we met in the park yesterday is Tarou's big grother) どちらが訳に近いですか?又は間違って いますか??
I have always loved your songs. 僕はずっとあなたの歌が好きでした I have sung your songs many times. あなたの歌を何度も歌ったことがあります I have been collecting your CDs for five years. 5年前からあなたのCDを集めています I have just sent a fan letter to you. あなたへのファンレターをちょうど送ったところです
昨年以来、私は阪神のファンです I (have)(been) a Tigers fan (since) last year. 私は阪神巨人戦のゲームに2回行ったことがあります。 I have (been) to games between the Tigers and the Giants (twice). 先月は東京ドームの試合に行きました。 I (went) to a game at Tokyo Dome last month. 来週の試合の切符を買ったところです。 I (have) just (bought) a ticket for next week's game.
The interval following its appearance untill approximately the end of the seventh century is rermed the kofun p eriod, from the many mounded tombs (kofun) of round,square,() keyhole shapes that characterize this era. ()にas well asが入る
It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
The interval following its appearance untill approximately the end of the seventh century is rermed the kofun p eriod, from the many mounded tombs (kofun) of round,square,() keyhole shapes that characterize this era. ()にas well asが入るのはなぜでしょうか?
これらのワインはヨーロッパのワインと比べて質の点で劣るかもしれない。 という文なんですが、 These wines may be inferior to European wines in quality. ではダメなんでしょうか? 解答はThese wines may be inferior in quality to European wines . でした。
あとallとus you などを組み合わせる場合、us all や you all でないとダメなんでしょうか?
〜したものだ used to 〜 古本屋 secondhand bookstore 書店街 book town 時間を潰す kill time 見て回る look around 建設中の建物 building under construction じっと without moving もう少しで〜する almost 〜 車にひかれる be run over by a car a car hit me
>>220->>222 The man who painted the picture [which] the boy is looking at is Taro Okamoto. でもOKだけど、あまり良い英語文ではないと先生はいってました(回答者すいません!) 主文を読み間違えてました。先に形容詞節を作った方がいいのかな? 皆さん親切に教えてくださって、ありがとうございました。
それから昨日公園で私達があったのは太郎のお兄さんです。 The man (whom we met in the park yesterday ) is Tarou's big grother ですが、これも×でした。isじゃなくてwas が正解だったのですが、太郎のお兄さんは今もお兄さんのはずなのに どうして過去形? 時制を一致させないといけないのでしょうか? 他問題で時制が違うものもあるんだけど・・・。
>>221 もうひとつの答えとしてまだ習ってないけ受け身で絵を主語にした場合 The picture(which the girls are looking at) was by okamoto tarou.という答えでした。221さんの答えと微妙に違うのですが、 訳し方の順番によってかわっちゃうからでしょうか? The picture was painted by Okamoto Tarou that the boy is looking"
More often than not, a woman's job outside the home is simply a means of earning a living (untill) she is married or of supplementing the family income after marriage so that she can buy things〜
>>305 It is in September that I injured my knee when I was playing basketball. I never experienced such a large injury. The injury has made me difficult to walk. はひゃっはひゃっはひゃっ。
>>281 More often than not, a woman's job outside the home is simply a means of [ earning a [ living ] [ until she is married ] ] 結婚するまでの生活費を稼ぐ手段であるか or of [ supplementing the family income after marriage [ so that she can buy things ] ]. または、結婚後色々な物を買うことが出来るように家計を補助する手段化である
>>324 We have [ to have [ these ploblems solved ] ] これらの問題が解かれることを持つことをしなければならない、解いてしまわなければならない in order [ to make [ this material better ] ]. この物質がもっとよくなるようにするために
I'd like [ to have [ these clothes washed ] ]. これらの服が洗われることを持つことが出来たらと思う、洗ってもらえたらと思う
To be more than a face in the crowd demands of the person, a balance between control and freedom, a sense of social commitment and a feeling that one is responsible for supporting the best in society while refusing to be content with the worst. 1訳 2後半のthat節はwhileの前までか、それとも最後までか? よろしくお願いします。
>>337 [ To be more than a face in the crowd ] demands of the person, 大衆の中の一つの顔以上のものであろうとすることは、その人に対して求められる a balance between control and freedom, 自由と制御の均衡を保つことを a sense of social commitment 社会的な責任を and a feeling *[ that one is responsible for 自分は、責任があるという心を [ supporting the best in society while [ refusing [ to be content with the worst ] ] ] ]*. 社会の中の最も良き物を支えることに対しての[社会の中の最悪な物を保つことを拒否する一方で]
Consequently it is not much use trying to judge peaple by appearance. という文なんですが、notのところはmuchがあるからnoがnotに変わっているんですか? it is no use doing〜の表現なら知っているんですが。 よろしくお願いします。
英作の質問です 『私が考える最も単純な例は穴です』という日本語なんですが、模範解答では The simplest example that I can think of is a hall. となってるんですが、私の答えは The example I think simplest is a hall. なんです これでも合っていますかね?
>>387 The boy looks as if he were sick. You had better consult at the hospital. I feel as if I were on the ship. Speak louder so that you can have everyone hears it. にょろっ!としたね♪
>>388 They are prevented from remembering to do it by memories.
>>387 @その少年は、まるで病気であるかのように見える。 The boy looks as if he is sick. A病院で検査してもらったほうがいい。 You had better get a check up at a hospital. B私は、まるで船の上にいるようだ。 I feel as if I were on a ship. Cみんなに聞こえるように、もっと大きな声で話しなさい。 Speak louder so that you can make yourself heard.
I (already make) many male friends when I started school. 小学校に入る前に男の子の友達はたくさんいました I (never like) a girl 好きな女の子はいませんでした One day, my homeroom teacher said that Mari (move) to Sendai. ある日まりちゃんが仙台に 引っ越したと担任の先生が言いました
()内を変える問題なんですが had already made had never liked had movedであってますか;?
>>399 >I (already make) many male friends when I started school. >小学校に入る前に男の子の友達はたくさんいました >I (never like) a girl >好きな女の子はいませんでした >One day, my homeroom teacher said that Mari (move) to Sendai. >ある日まりちゃんが仙台に >引っ越したと担任の先生が言いました
a doctor=一人のある医者 that doctor=あの医者 the doctor=その医者 some tea=いくらかのお茶 this tea=このお茶 これで分かるように、名詞が指すものについては、英語の場合には、必ずどれかを明らかにするのです。 どれとまだ定めないときには、a やsome などをつけます。 名詞が1回出てきてそれと同じ物を指す場合は the をつけます。 又最初からこれと定めればthisを使うなど、ある一つの、ある幾らかの、この、その、の様に英語では基本的に必ずどれかを明らかにするのです。 I have *a pen. I have *another pen. I have still *another pen. I have *these three pens. I like *this pen very much. My lover gave me *the pen.
>>399 I *had already *made many male friends [ when I started school ]. その時までに沢山の男友達を作っていました I *had never *liked a girl. その時まで女の子を好きになったことはありませんでした One day, my homeroom teacher said [ that Mari *had *moved to Sendai ]. 担任の先生は言いました[その時より前にまりちゃんが仙台に引っ越したことを] 過去のあるときよりも前のことを言うとき、又、過去のあるときに至るまでのことを言うときには、過去完了形を使います。
The other day I received 15 dollars from a man who has been on his back for 20 years, and the only part that he can move is his right hand. And the only companion that he enjoys is smoking.
I *love people. **Love is very important in **life. My love is always on you. We *live. **Life goes with **love. Our life can be ahappy thing if we love.
日本語に合うように英文を完成させたいんですが、 I [] a computer game until I went to junior high school. I [] to play games like other children before my parents bought me one. When I went to the shop to buy the new game, they [].
>>417 I [ had not played ] a computer game until I went to junior high school. I [ had wanted ] to play games like other children before my parents bought me one. When I went to the shop to buy the new game, they [ had already been sold out ].
小学校卒業まで6年間ピアノのレッスンを受けていました。 1I ()()() piano lessons for six years when I finished elementary school. 日本ですばらしい教師に出会うまで海外で音楽を勉強したいと思っていました。 2I ()() to study music abroad until I found a great teacher in Japan.
>>451 小学校卒業まで6年間ピアノのレッスンを受けていました。 1 I (had)(been)(taking) piano lessons for six years when I finished elementary school. 日本ですばらしい教師に出会うまで海外で音楽を勉強したいと思っていました。 2 I (had)(wanted) to study music abroad until I found a great teacher in Japan.
>>451 I had been taking piano lessons for six years [ when I finished elementary school ]. その時まで指導を受け続けていました I had wanted [ to study music abroad ] [ until I found a great teacher in Japan ]. その時まで勉強したいと思っていました
Keiko: What nutrient do we have to be most careful about meeting the daily amount of intake? Ann: It’s a very difficult question as there is no one nutrient that stands alone. That’s the reason you’re advised to eat a variety of food at each meal. But as a woman, I would suggest you to check the amount of calcium. Keiko: Calcium is an important nutrient for strong bones and teeth, isn’t it? Why do you say “as a woman”? Isn’t it equally important for both sexes?
Ann: Yes, you’re right. But there’s a special reason for women to be careful. Osteoporosis is a disease that causes your bones to become thin and weak. It occurs mostly in women after menopause. That’s because the female hormone estrogen helps women maintain bone strength. As estrogen levels decline, bones weaken, and they can be more easily broken. The bones in the hip, wrist, and spine are at greatest risk for breaking. You must have seen some old people here in Japan walking bent over・・・ that is due to osteoporosis. They may notice they have lost height over the years and their upper back is curved forward. These problems are the result of not having enough calcium in their diet when they were younger. Keiko: Can we prevent osteoporosis by eating foods high in calcium? Ann: Yes, make sure your diet has enough calcium. You’d better avoid alcohol, quit smoking, and get plenty of exercise.
Keiko: OK. I think I will have a glass of milk every morning from now on. Ann: ・・・Add tofu and broccoli to your diet, as they are rich in calcium, too. Keiko: But some of my friends say they’ll have diarrhea when they drink milk. Ann: Oh, that’s lactose intolerance, which is fairly common in Japan. In America, it is common with Middle Eastern, African-American, Hispanic and Asian populations. All dairy products contain lactose, but some, such as yogurt or aged cheese, contain less. There is an orange juice fortified with calcium, or supplements such as calcium to help improve your diet. Keiko: Can we depend on supplements?
Ann: Not entirely. You should not swallow a handful of pills. Nutrients contained in natural ingredients are the best, of course. But when you have to depend on pills, follow my advice. First take iron pills with juice; vitamin C helps the absorption of iron. Then, take calcium or magnesium pills in the evening as they will be absorbed better that way. Keiko: How interesting! Now I will start taking some calcium pills, because it is difficult to take dairy products in a traditional Japanese diet. Thank you, Ann, for practical advice, and also, for pointing out that dietitian’s advice should be factual and exact. I’d like to give such clear-cut, easy-to-understand explanation to may patients in my future career.
Advice from Ann Part 2 Ann: There’s another important point. When you’re involved in nutrition education or guidance, you always have to know about cultural differences. Keiko: Culture? Ann: Yes, because foods and customs are closely related to the history and culture of that person or population. There are different religious taboos. For instance Indians may be vegetarian or not eat beef. Mormons do not drink caffeine products or use alcohol. For dietitians, to ask about your patients’ religious preferences is as important as knowing about food allergies. Working in a big country like America, where you can find such a variety of people, you have to be very careful about these differences.
Keiko: What about in Japan・・・・・・ Ann: Well, in a big city like Tokyo or Osaka, people from many countries are living here. You might have to be ready to treat foreigners as your patients. Knowing their food preferences, religious habits, and cultural backgrounds can increase their acceptance of the diet you plan. This will decrease their hospitalization and improve their recovery. Keiko: Knowing this will help me be more concerned with individual patients. Ann: That’s true. Oh, by the way, you know about genetically engineered and irradiated foods, don’t you? Keiko: Yes, I’ve heard of the term genetic engineering. Ann: It is used to enhance the quality, nutritional value, and variety of food available for human consumption by increasing the efficiency of food production and processing. For example, pork DNA cells can be added to tomatoes to decrease a certain type of plant disease. Keiko: It sounds like a great idea! Ann: It certainly is. However, can a strict vegetarian eat a tomato with pork genes? Keiko: ・・・・・・??? Ann: It’s a joke, of course, but it seems to bring about a new type of problem. Keiko: Oh, I see. So we have to watch for new technology if we are to be a good dietitian.
Ann: Exactly! You need to be aware of everything we eat and how food is made. Keiko: You mean how to manage various cooking devices like a microwave oven or an electromagnetic cooking table? Ann: Not only utensils but about the food, too. Have you heard of the “slow food” that is getting popular? Keiko: The word fast food is adopted by Japanese language, but I never heard of slow food. Can I guess you mean there are many dishes which are cooked over low heat, taking many hours to cook? Ann: Yes, that is right! However, another meaning is technology which requires a long period of time for maturing, such as various types of cheese, or wine and other alcoholic beverages. Keiko: Oh, I see. We have very unique fermentation processes for miso, and soy sauce.
Ann: Yes, you do! I saw the brewery process for various types of sake on a tour. This type of food provides a lot of nutritious value, as well as delicious flavor. It is very interesting that people are now paying more attention to the significance of spending a longer time to prepare foods while they are trying to finish everything else so quickly. Keiko: Thank you very much, Ann, for your valuable advice. Now I’m really getting to know that dietitians have to understand and apply not only nutrition knowledge, but also culture, advanced technology, and individual preferences to compliant patients. Ann: Most important of all is to try to understand other people so that you can communicate smoothly. In order to experience another culture, you must come visit me next summer, before you begin working. Keiko: That sounds great! I’m looking forward to seeing you in America next year!
この手の曖昧文において、どうしても has ではなく is を使いたいのであれば、 文意を明確にするなんらかの説明・情報の付加が必要となるのが普通。
例えば、 A week is seven days and (six) nights. A week is defined as seven days (and nights). A week is the equivalent of adding seven days (and nights). A week is that it contains seven days. A week is comprised of seven days. A week is divided into seven days. A week is (partly) made of seven days.
>>470 また、他方の理由として、 上記の例をみてみると、実は week と day は論理的に包含関係にあると気付く。 is だけだとこの包含性が出せない。
また、There are seven days in a week. の書き換えで、 A week has seven days. in があるために is ではなく has が相応しい。 結局はこれも week と day の包含関係。
また、 week と day の代わりに次のような文を考えれば、 Almost every human face has two eyes. Almost every human face is two eyes. face と two eyes の包含関係を保てば、has の文、保たなければ is の文で、 明らかに is では論理的にも意味的もおかしいことがわかる。
I think English is important because it is widely used around the world as a common language. Plus, I will have to write my papers in English while doing some research in the future.
父と野球の試合を見に行く事が楽しみの1つでした。 Going Soccer game with father (was one of my favorite) 当時から私はサッカーするのが好きだった。 (Since those days),I liked playing Soccer ワールドカップで私は好きな選手を見る機会がありました。 I had opportunity to see my favorite Player 私の夢はプロのサッカー選手になりワールドカップでプレイすることです。 (My dream) is to become professional Soccer Player and 〜 厳しい練習を毎日続けなければならない。 (I must) ()内の単語はそのまま使って下さい。自分でやってみたのですが… 皆さんの力をお借りしたいのでよろしくお願いします
(1)Do you think it is important to study english? (2)What kind of job do you want to exprience? という問題がテストに出るので事前に考えてくることと言われましたが、作ってみたところ文法的に正しいかどうか分かりませんので添削お願いします。 高一までの学習範囲で、できればお願いいたします。
(1)yes,I do the two reasons First I like A foreign film Therefore I want to watch it without translation (←勉強をして)をいれたい Next I want to go to the university Because of that I think it it important to study English
(2)Yes,I do I want to be A programmer The two reasons First,I like to use the PC second, I can make a lot of people efficient Because of that Ihink want to Be a programmer
質問です。 『英文法・語法正誤問題(河合塾)』、p27の問題(2)で、 門の前に立札があり、「立ち入り禁止」と書いてあった In front of the gate stood a notice board which read,"Keep Out". という文があります。 解説に書いてある通り、副詞句が文頭に出て、 主部:a notice board which read,"Keep Out" と、述部:stood が倒置になっているという、構造は分かるのですが whichはnotice boardを受けているから、readの部分はreadsになるのでは と思うのですが、なぜ原型のままなのか教えてください。
>>523 (1)Do you think [ it is important [ to study English ] ]? (2)[ What kind of job ] do you want [ to exprience ]? (1)Yes, I do. I have two reasons. First, I like a foreign film. Therefore, I want [ to watch it without translation ]. Next, I want [ to go to a university ]. Because of them, I think [ it it important [ to study English ] ].
(2)I want [ to be a programmer ]. I have two reasons. First, I like [ to use the PC ]. Second, I can make [ a lot of people live efficiently ]. Because of them, I want [ to be a programmer ].
no one has made any mistakes no mistakes have been made by anyone 書き換えなんですけどnoをnothingじゃだめですか? あとHis untimely death is a great loss to all of us and we will certainly be missed by him なんでmissedをmissにするんですか?
>>549 Tom is not so intellectual トムはそんなに知的ではないので [ that he finds [ it a great hardship [ to be deprived of his library ] ] ]. [彼は[自分の図書を取り上げられることはとても苦しいことであるように]思ってしまう]
>>573 @My father is cosidering [ which one to buy ]. AMy father is considering [ which one he should buy ]. B"Which one should I buy?" My father is considering it.
No person can live two hundred years. はAny person cannot live two hundred years.とは言い換えられない。 つまり'not...any'は可能であるが'any...not'は不可能である。英語には 「any(とその合成語)は必ず否定後および準否定語の後ろにくる」 という原則がある。
Tom is not so intellectual トムはそんなに知的ではない [ that he finds [ it a great hardship [ to be deprived of his library ] ] ]. [彼は[自分の図書を取り上げられることは堪らなく苦しいことであるように]思うぐらいに]
それぞれのチャンクが英語の語の役割のどこに当たるかを考えれば何も迷うことは無い。 <Tom> <is not so intellectual> <that he finds it a great hardship to be deprived of his library> < >. で、「トムは そんなに知的というわけじゃない (それは何に関してかというと)書斎を取り上げられることが辛いと思うことに関して、だ。」
>>604 @Any there any oranges [ left in the basket ]? AAny there any oranges [ that are left in the basket ]? BAre oranges left in the basket? Any there any oranges?
1 I am (tiring, tired) to talk with you. 2 It was (tiring, tired) job to do. 3 I heard someone ( calling, called ) me. 4 I heard my name ( calling, called).
駄目でス あの手の文でよく見受けられる説明は関係代名詞の省略ってのがあるな。 We don't have any room available. みたいな例文がよく使用される。 つまりDo you have anything (which is) planned for Sunday? っていう考えだな。
anything planning ならだめです。 any planning(s) もだめ。 any plans ならOK Are you planning something for Sunday? まで変えればOK. ただしこの場合は、相手が「yes」と答えることを期待した問いかけになります。 Are you planning anything for Sunday? あんまり聞かないけど、たぶんOK.
>>624 なんか問題変だぞ、もっとまじめにやれ 1 I am (tiring, tired) to talk with you. こんな言い方しない I am tired of talking with you. が普通 2 It was a (tiring, tired) job to do. a 抜けてる 3 I heard someone ( calling, called ) me. 4 I heard my name ( calling, called).
Has the reality of my imagination any lasting relation to the reality of those events which immediately affect the lives of men? 質問です これ動詞は何ですか?hasですか?なんで先頭にあるんですか?
It is impossible for me to finish the report in a week. 「私がその報告書を1週間で仕上げるのは不可能だ」 と比較してみよう。 この場合,to fonishは,前置詞の目的語になっているわけではなく, 形式主語のitに対する真主語。for meがその意味上の主語。
>>665 中高生にはそういう説明の方がいいだろうけど、ネイティブにいわせると本当の理由は違うらしいよ。 マメ知識として。 大学で日本語ペラペラのネイティブの先生がこれに関してそう説明した記憶がある。 ちょっと正確な記憶が曖昧なんだけどw、 確かそういう構文の of の目的語にto do を使う場合もあると言ってた。 かなりいじわるなレアケースとして。 なんでもcomplain of me to doをつかったら[これから先、〜をする(〜になる)であろうことに対して不満を言う」という意味になるらしい、確か。
That is a factory where a lot of people work. That is a factory in which a lot of people work. この場合,where = in which だから,どちらで書いてもOK。 ただ,工場そのものを働く場と捉えて,whereで言う方が自然だと思う。 in whichは工場を箱のような,囲いのある建物のように捉えて, 「その中で大勢の人が働いている」ことを強調していると思う。
>>658 Does the reality of my imagination have any [ lasting ] relation to the reality of those events [ which immediately affect the lives of men ]? これが一般的 昔はイギリスでは、 Have you pencils? と言っていた。
"a bunch of leaf" の検索結果 約 1,270 件 "a bunch of leaves" の検索結果 約 99,900 件 quatが加算名詞ならbunches of Yemeni quatsかな?束が複数ならだけど。 自信は無い。 kat qat khatどれでもいいみたいだね。現地のもんみたいだから。
Most people don’t know that the idea of "happiness" in a personal sense is a relatively new one. The idea that happiness as such should be the controlling or dominating factor in human life rarely occurred to the people of ancient and medieval times. Along with the vague concept of "progress," the idea of happiness is a product of the last centuries, when man began to feel he had overcome the forces of nature and when the idea of the individual personality became more important than the family, the tribe, the city, or the nation. People in the past were not supposed to aim at happiness as an ultimate goal; they may have hoped for it as a by-product, but they did not judge the worth of their lives by this standard. Marriages then held together not because the couples were "happier," but because they weren’t looking for happiness in marriage.
We can see this even as late as our grandparents’ time. Divorces were infrequent not merely because the laws were stricter and morality more severe. The couples them selves were content if they got along together fairly well, had enough to live on, reared decent families and died with a sense of conjugal accomplishment. We today ask a great deal more of marriage - just as we ask a great deal more of life generally. The average married couple is not satisfied short of "happiness," however this happiness may be defined - and its definition usually includes some idea of romantic love that was unrelated to marriage in past ages. I can see good in both attitudes. The past was more realistic, and we are more ambitious. Our grandparents didn’t expect too much out of marriage, and were satisfied with mere "adjustment." We expect a great deal - perhaps too much - and are unwilling to settle for less.
Along with the vague concept of "progress," the idea of happiness is a product of the last centuries, when man began to feel he had overcome the forces of nature and when the idea of the individual personality became more important than the family, the tribe, the city, or the nation.
Marriages then held together not because the couples were "happier," but because they weren’t looking for happiness in marriage.
Our grandparents didn’t expect too much out of marriage, and were satisfied with mere "adjustment." We expect a great deal - perhaps too much - and are unwilling to settle for less.
Bill said to them “let's take a break” の書き換えで Bill suggested to them that we should take a break でも大丈夫ですか? 解答がBill suggested that we take a breakなんですけど…
筆者の意図を読みとるためには、読もうとする作品に興味や関心を持つことが重要だ。 In order to grasp the author's intent, it is vital to take an interest in and (what/about/are/you/with/be/concerned) to read.
>>691 The visit gave experts the impression [ that the United States isn't investing much in [ what is widely regarded [ to be a lame-duck Cabinet ]. アメリカは、日本のようなアヒルがよたよた歩くような内閣を余り当てにしていないという印象〜
We may study for ever, and we are never as learned as we would. ←[No matter how long we study, we shall never be as learned as we wish(to be).] いつまで勉強しても決して自分の望むだけの学識は積めぬもの。
>>740 In order [ to grasp the author's intent ], it is vital [ *to take an interest in *興味を持つこと and (*to) be concerned with * 関わりを持つこと [ what you are about [ to read ] ] ]. *あなたが何を読もうとしているかその読む物
>>709 Along with the vague concept of "progress," the idea of happiness is a product of the last centuries, *過ぎた数世紀 [ when man began [ to feel [ he had overcome the forces of nature ] ] ] *この期間に人々は〜と感じ始めた and [ when the idea of the individual personality became more important than the family, the tribe, the city, or the nation ]. *この期間に個々の人間を考えることは〜
Marriages then held together *結婚は人を結びつけた [ not because the couples were "happier," ] *二人で居ることが幸せだからではなく [ but because they weren’t looking for happiness in marriage ]. *幸せをを探すものではないということで
Our grandparents didn’t expect too much out of marriage, and were satisfied with mere "adjustment." We expect a great deal - perhaps too much - *私達は期待しすぎる and are unwilling [ to settle for less ]. *私達はより少ないところでけりをつけて満足するのを嫌がる
>>753 友達の選択にはもっと注意するべきだ you should be more careful in your choice of friends. *もっと気を付けなければ You can not be too careful in your choice of friends. *気を付けすぎると云うことはないよ、幾らでも気を付けて良いよ
>>771 @I am longing [ to go to Paris ]. 僕は憧れている[パリに行くことに] AI am longing for this. I can go to Paris. Aの右の述語を左に繋いだ物が@です。
I long for Jenny with the light brown hair. フォスターの歌でありますが for Jennyは前置詞句で修飾句です。動詞を修飾するなら副詞的用法ですが、 副詞的用法=〜するために、〜して だけど 意味的には long for=seek, want だから 〜することを、という名詞的用法だよ
The man who had come a thousand miles to fill an appointment, uncertain almost to absurdity, with the friend of his youth, smoked his cigar and waited.
toは前置詞で、前置詞は 前置詞+名詞 の形で使います toは到達することを表します toは to+動詞の原形 で使うこともあります。 このtoはその動詞の行為に至ることを表します。 He went to a supermarket [ to buy fish ]. 彼はスーパーマーケットに行った[魚を買うために]
>>783 The man *主語 [ who had come a thousand miles *修飾部 [ to fill an **appointment, *修飾部 [ (which was) uncertain almost to absurdity ], *修飾部 with the friend of his youth ] ] * **の修飾部
>>743 We may study for ever, and we are never as learned as we would. 私たちは永遠と勉強するかも知れない、そして 私たちは決して私たちが想像しているように学ばない。 かなぁ、日本語にしにくいけど。 learnedは受動態でwouldは仮定法ってやつだと思う。 でただのas〜asだよ。
asの例文は参考になると思うから貼っておこう。 I worked as hard as I could.
>>784 whatever you please, as you please, as she pleases etc used to say that someone can do anything they want まぁasであなたが喜ばせる、満足させるって意味が前のにくっついてるだけだけどねぇ。 あと踏み込んだこと調べるなら和英じゃなくて英英使った方が良いよ。 このレベルの問題解いてるならlongman wordwise dictionaryあたり使えるでしょ。
You may be learned, but you cannot know everything. その意味が必要なければこれでもいいんじゃない。
>>792 She wishes [ that she had her own computer now ]. *今の反事実は過去形 [彼女は、自分自身のコンピュータを今持っていたらなあと思う] She wishes [ that she had had her own computer then ]. [彼女は、自分自身のコンピュータをあの時持っていたらなあと思う] *過去の反事実は過去完了形、又は過去の助動詞+完了形
>>808 Ed, I love you. I want t see you. I want share bodies with you. I have not ever shared bodies with males. But I can do it with you. You are very handsome and attractive. So as you wish, I shall send you the plum trees and me as well. Please love me long.
>>812 She married as she was young. She married young. どちらも 彼女は若くして結婚した だよ 813のような進学校ばかり居ておりこうさんばっかりしか教えることの出来ない進学校の屑のような教員達が イエスキリストから輝くものを貰っている僕にやっかんでやっかんでケチつけているにしか過ぎないんだよ
while desks and filing cabinets and computers meteor down on the crowd around the building and smoke funnels up from the broken windows and three blocks down the street the demolition team watches the clocks, i know all of this the gun, the anarchy,the explosion is really about she.
>>838 >それとasはwhenとかなり近い使い方もあるよ >She heard a scream as she was watching TV.とか・・・・なんか、二つのことが同時進行みたいなニュアンスがwhenと違うところかな その通りだがas she was youngを若かったときに、と訳すのは無理だと思う。 She married as a French. 彼女は(実際にはそうじゃないのに)フランス人として結婚した。 ならある。
>>743 1-c-(1) strongly desire : wish □I would I were young again
often used without a subject and with 'that' in a past or conditional construction □would that I had heeded your advice ■Would that he were living at this hour. (京都大2001前期【T】下線部3)
..., and we are never as learned as we would [(that) we were].
There is no end, indeed, to making books or experiments, or to travel, or to gathering wealth. Problem gives rise to problem. We may study for ever, and we are never as learned as we would. We have never made a statue worthy of our dreams. And when we have discovered a continent, or crossed a chain of mountains, it is only to find another ocean or another plain upon the further side.
>>838 >She heard a scream as she was watching TV.とか・・・・なんか、二つのことが同時進行みたいなニュアンスがwhenと違うところかな
それ分かる。 It was renamed just as I registered it.
前、登記関係の文章で、「役所で改名と登記を一緒にしてもらった」という文を、 こんな感じに書いたら、ネイティブの添削会社に、 「意味がはっきりしない。この改名と登録は、同時に起きた別々の出来事なのか?」と聞かれて、whenに直せと言われた。 もしかしたら、justをつけて、asのニュアンスが強調されたのかもしれないし、 よくわからないけど。 英英辞典では、as = while or whenとなってる。
お願いします・・・ 太郎とうい名前の宇宙人と一緒に住んでいるのですが、 友達の太郎と同じでややこしいので彼に「Dan」ってあだ名つけました。 って文脈なのですが、そこで、or を使って言い換えの文で、 「私はDan、すなわちエイリアンの太郎を愛しています。」 という文を作りたい場合 @ I love Dan, or a alien "Tarou". A I love Dan, or alien ”Tarou”. B I love Dan, or Tarou of a alien. C I love Dan, or Tarou of alien. D いずれも間違っている。 のどれなんでしょうか?もしDならどういった表現が正しいのでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。
>>857 「私はDan、すなわちエイリアンの太郎を愛しています。」 I love Taro [ who is an extraterrestrial alien ], or Dan [ which I named him [ to distinguish him from my friend Taro ] ]. だと思います。 誤解を招かないためには、こうするのが良いと思います。
>>844 goの過去形がなぜwentなんですか? 殆どのアメリカ人も殆どのイギリス人も、僕も知りません どなたか知りませんか イギリスの民謡の「ロック・ローモンド」に where me and my true love were ever *wont to gae on the bonnie bonnie banks of Loch Romond の様な歌詞があったと思うんですが このwontと関係があるのですか?
The sky [ which I see from here in Miyazaki ] is different from the sky [ which my lover in Tokyo sees ]. 宇宙の空間の中にぽっかりとある地球なのです。丸いのです。球の形なのです。 物質が引き合って出来上がったま〜るい地球なのです。僕が見ている僕の上の切り取られた空は、東京の人が見ている空とは別の空です。 今ブラジルの人達が見ている空と僕達が見ている空は全く別の空です。
The [ changing ] panorama of the skies 変わり行く展望の空 高原を車で行き変わりゆく空の景色 等です
こんなような疑問文の場合、日本語を聞いた瞬間的に、「be動詞を使う」「Do Does didを使う」と判断するコツを教えてください。 未だにゆっくりと頭で考えて、ともすると、一度、平文に直して「ああ、動詞が入っているから…」「ああ、she is だから…」とまで戻らないと正しく考えられません。 一応は理屈で考えれば大丈夫です。ただ、紙のテストならOKなのですが、スピーキングになるととたんに固まってしまいます。 瞬間的に判断するコツを教えてください。
>>881 彼は今何をしていますか? *進行形だから疑問文でbe動詞 What is he doing right now ? 彼は何をするのが好きですか? *この無駄から助動詞do,does [ What ] does he like [ to do ] ? 彼は毎日何をしますか? *現在を挟んだ前後だから現在形 What does he do every day ? * 〃 彼は昨日何をしましたか? *〜した、と過去だから、助動詞did What did he do yesterday ? 彼は明日何をしますか? *今あることに向かって行っているからbe going to〜 [ What ] is he going [ to do tomorrow ] ? 彼らは今何をしていますか? What are they doing right now ? 彼らは何をするのが好きですか? [ What ] do they like [ to do ] ? 彼らは毎日何をしますか? What do they do every day ?
>>885 You should have spent wonderful holiday. 一番目の文はI was surprised that you could use Japanese with mobile phone. 二番目の文はYou Japanese are nice. 三番目はそれでいいらしいよ。 にょろっ!としたね♪
>>915 その状況でprevented us from leaving??? 戦争がどうのでなら解るんだけども、その状況じゃ使わないと思うよ。 googleで使用例検索してみたら。 let'sは話し言葉だけど、informalじゃないのかな? そのプランを行動に移すとかいってるのにレッツラゴー・・。 どうなんだろうか。
Because it was pouring with rain, we was not able to depart to Tokyo. じゃなくて Because it was pouring with rain, we couldn't leave for Tokyo. こっちの方がいいなぁ。たぶん。 departはformalだった。 becauseの他にand,as,sinceなんかも意味の強さは違いますが使えます。
1. We have never heard her to speak ill of classmates. 2. They are discussing on where they should go for their holiday. 3. Almost the people in the car injured in the accident. 4. That story sounded like very interesting.
>>921 >>922 about 71,000 English pages for "what is the capital of the United States". about 19 English pages for "where is the capital of the United States".
>>920 1. We have never heard her [speaking] ill of classmates. 2. They are discussing on [which] they should go for their holiday. 3. Almost [of] the people in the car injured in the accident.
>>921 >>922 ちょっと自分なりに考えてみたけど、疑問詞無視して平叙文に直せば The capital of the United States is (?). なんだよね。 ?がwhereの場合 首都が?にあります・・。おかしくない?? 日本語で言えば日本の首都が東京にあります。みたいな文だよね。 東京タワーが東京にありますとかなら変じゃないけども。 首都が?ですって質問だからwhatじゃないと変だと思う。 これなら首都は東京です。で普通の文だね。
>>920 1. We have never heard her speak ill of classmates. 2. They are discussing where they should go for their holiday. 3. Almost all the people in the car were injured in the accident. 4. That story sounded very interesting.
1. 若者が本をたくさん読まないのは残念です。 (a pity, books, don’t, is, it, many, people, read, that, young). 2. 困ったことに、私はかぎをなくしてしまった。 (have, I, is, the key, lost, that, the trouble). 3. 問題は彼がそれに同意するかどうかである。 (agree, he, if, is, it or not, the problem, to, whether, will). 1語不要 4. 雨が降ろうとふるまいと、日曜日には遊びに行きます。 We (come, if, it, not, on, rains, see, to, you, whether, will, or, Sunday). 1語不要 5. 忘れないうちに、彼に電話をしたほうが良いよ。 (before, call, don’t, forget, him, should, you, you). 1語不要
It is a pity that young people don't read many books. The trouble is that I have lost the key. The problem is if he will agree to it or not. We will come to see you on Sunay if it rains or not. you should call him before you forget. はひゃっはひゃっはひゃっ。
We could not go to Tokyo because of the heavy rain. Let's move forward with the plan. The heavy rain prevented us from [ going to Tokyo ]. [ Because it poured hard ], we were not able to depart for Tokyo. We should put the plan [ into action ]. The terrible rain prevented us from [ leaving for Tokyo ]. Let's go ahead with the plan. [ Because it poured hard ], we couldn't leave for Tokyo.
>>948 They are stupid and talk about things they know about nothing. 解説: They are stupid 彼等は愚かである and talk about things〜 そして〜のことについて話している they know about nothing.彼等は何もないことについて知っている。 はひゃっはひゃっはひゃっ。
It is a pity that young people don't read many books. That trouble is that I have lost the key. The problem is whether he will agree to it or not. We will come to see you on Sunday if it rains or not. Before you forget, you should call him.
>>948 They are stupid and talk about things they know nothing about.
>>955 It is said that the coming fall of this year will have an economic recovery.
(1)お母さんにもらった新品の時計なの。 It is the new watch my mother gave me. (2)最後にそれを見たのはどこなの。 Where did you see it at the last time? (3)その映画の上映まで一時間あるので、町を案内するよ。 We have to wait for an hour before the movie starts. I'll shou you around the town.
the mice didn't eat all the cheese,did they? このねずみ達はチーズを全部食べなかったよね? ですか? let's watch those two tiggers,shall they? この場合上上がりで読むと、見ようよね?いかないの?それとも 見てみない?のどっちのニュウアンスですか? 下がると みるよね?という念押しだと思いますが・・。 宜しくお願いします。
@One of his sister is a master of coffee shop, and the other is an actor. AOne of his sister is the master of the coffee shop, and the other is an actor. BOne of his sister is the master of her coffee shop, and the other is an actor.
>>986 お母さんにもらった新品の時計なの。 It is *a new watch [ my mother gave me ]. 最後にそれを見たのはどこなの。 Where did you see it *for the last time? その映画の上映まで一時間あるので、町を案内するよ。 We have to wait for an hour [ before the movie starts ]. I'll show you around (in) the town.