【例文】 Relatives of Michael Jackson will seek a second autopsy on the star because they still have unanswered questions about his death.
[Relatives of Michael Jackson] 主語(主部) [ will seek] 述語動詞 [ a second autopsy on the star] 目的語 [ because they still have unanswered questions about his death] 接続詞becauseが先導する副詞節
もう少し詳しく見ると・・・ [Relatives(名詞)]←[ of Michael Jackson(of が先導する形容詞句)] [ a(形容詞)]→[ autopsy(名詞)] [ second(形容詞)]→[ autopsy(名詞)]←[ on the star(on が先導する形容詞句)]
[ because] [ they] 副詞節の中の主語 [ still have unanswered] 副詞節の中の動詞 [ questions about his death] 副詞節の中の目的語
>>19 まちがい発見。失礼。 ×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× [ because] [ they] 副詞節の中の主語 [ still have unanswered] 副詞節の中の動詞 [ questions about his death] 副詞節の中の目的語 ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××
○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ [ because] [ they] 副詞節の中の主語 [ still have] 副詞節の中の動詞 [ unanswered questions about his death] 副詞節の中の目的語 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○
>>28 Hey you! Is it related to this thread? I think that It is unrelated. How do you think? Then, Why did you make a response like this? Perhaps, Is it because you are foolish? You must consult a physician the psychiatry department.