>>5 1、I'm often surprised because the book's impression is very different when I read it again. 2、It is natural for many Japanese that they go abroad for not only work but also enjoyment.
>>5 読んだことのある本をもう一度読んでみると、 その印象がひどく違うのに驚くことがよくある。 @I'm often surprised [ when I read a book [ that I read once ]. AIt brings me a very different impression.
BI'm often surprised [ that a book [ which I read long ago ] brings me an impression [ which is quite different from that time ].
日本では仕事ばかりではなく楽しみのために海外旅行をすることは、 多くの人にとってありふれた経験となっている。 It is a common experience with many Japanese people [ that people go abroad [ not only on work but also to have pleasures ].
>>27 A: What is taking [ you ] [ so long time ] (to do it)? B: There is a very complex sentense.
A: How long did it take you? B: It took [ me ] [ five minutes ].
A: What gave [ you ] [ five thousand yen ] with one hour's work? B: I massaged someone. 〜が + 〜する + 〜に + 〜を いわゆる第4文型 ------------------------------------------------------ A: [ What ] is taking so long time? B: [ Writing a love letter to him ] is taking so long time. 〜が + 〜する +〜を いわゆる第3文型
>>25 A: Your sack bag is so big. Why is your bag a sack ? *ただおっきい B: I sometimes must put a lot of things in my bag. So a sack is very convenient. A* Oh, it's a great sack! *すっげ〜
>>7 had betterの使い方はよく誤解があるようですが、 〜した方がよいですよなんてやんわりした意味ではなく、 〜しないとあんたはやばいことになるぜくらいの強い意味を持っています。
上司に〜した方がよろしいのでは?と提案する場合は I'm afraid that you might want to 〜という表現の方がよいと思います。 You may want to〜よりもいっそう丁寧です。(これは同期への提案くらいでしょうね) 前にI thinkとかI'm afraidとかI guessなんかをつけて主観を交えると 遠回しになってやんわり丁寧になりますね。 さらにthatで丁寧に文を導きます。
Unicorn 2 Men’s and women’s brains are different. New research, however, changes some old myths about who’s good at what. What is the latest science on the differences between men’s and women’s aptitudes, anyway? とにかく Is it true that men are better at science and math? Or is it…
引き続きUnicorn 2のお付き合いをお願いします。 Whatever differences we find between men’s and women’s brains, most scientists agree that both biology and social conditions play a part in behaviour as well as success in various fields of study.
biologyがplay a partするとはどういうことですか?生物学が行動を左右する?そんなばかな。 social conditionsがそうするのはわかりますが。 あと、最後のin various fields of studyはsuccessにしかかからないですよね?
引き続きUnicorn 2のお付き合いをお願いします。 >>64の続きの英文です Most studies agree that men’s brains are about 10% bigger than women’s. But size does not predict intelligence, as was once thought. 「size does not predict intelligence」について、「大きさは知性を予測しない」ですか?何を言っているのですか? よろしくお願いします。
Japan and the other countries are going to be connected tight. It is said that globalization promotes economic activity more and more and we can participate in this benefit. For example, we can easily read other country's various articles such as economics, politics, gossips and so on. In addition, we can easily travel around the world in a day. However, we cannot always say that globalization is good. If one foreign country would be bankrupted, the disadvantage would effect Japan immediately. For example, the bankruptcy of stock brokerage firm of United States of America effected the world economy badly. So a lot of workers of all the countries of the world lost their jobs. Thus, globalization has good and bad points.
>>63 Men’s and women’s brains are different. New research, however, changes some old myths about [ who’s good at what ]. A: What is [ the latest science on the differences between men’s and women’s aptitudes ], anyway? Is the latest science [ that men are better at science and math ]? *最新の科学は〜ということであるか。 最新の科学は何と言っているか。 最新の科学ではどうなっているか。 How is the difference according to the latest science? *上を比較してください。
>>65 Most studies agree [ that men’s brains are about 10% bigger than women’s ]. But size does not predict intelligence, [ as was once thought ]. 脳の大きさは知的能力の大きさを前もって知らせる物ではない。 脳の大きさによって知的能力を予測することは出来ない。 脳の大きさが知的能力を決めることにはならない。
>>66 There may be differences between the genders, but by far, [ what's most important ] is motivation, not aptitude. 色々違いはあるだろう。 だが、遠い隔たりをもって最も大切な物は動機である。
Love is [ [ by far (distance) ] the most important ] of all the things. [遠い隔たりを通して最も大切で] *一つの文の中で比べる場合はこうでしょう。
>>68 Japan and the other countries are going to be connected tight. It is said [ that globalization promotes economic *activities more and more and we can participate in this benefit ]. For example, we can easily read other *countries' various articles such as economics, politics, gossips and so on. In addition, we can easily travel around the world in a day. However, we cannot always say [ that globalization is good ]. [ If one foreign country would be bankrupted ], the disadvantage would effect Japan immediately. For example, the bankruptcy of *a stock brokerage firm of United States of America effected the world economy badly. So a lot of workers of all the countries of the world lost their jobs.
>>78 根元から考えましょう。 @You grill a chicken. AA cicken is grilled by you. BThere is that chicken. *BにAを入れるとCです。 CThere is a [ grilled ] chicken. ------------------------------------------------------ DYou grill a chicken. EYou grill a pig. FPeople grill food. GIt is a good way. H[ Grilling ] is a good way. I[ Grilling chicken ] is a nice way of [ cooking a chicken ]. *比較して考えてください
Less measurable but no less profound is a sapping of confidence across our land. の訳が「重大な問題でありながらより把握しにくいのは、米全土で徐々に広まっている自信喪失だ」 となっていたんですが、no less 形容詞って「全然重大ではない」という意味ではないんですか?
The castle is perched on a hill overlooking the town このoverlookingはa hillの後置修飾なのか それともthe castleが主語の分詞構文なのかというのは文意によりますか? それから分詞構文か分詞の後置修飾が見分けるコツみたいなのってありますか?
>>110 The castle is perched on a hill. で文としては成立してるでしょ。 その後ろにoverlooking the townと補足説明が入ってるだけで。 こういうのは分詞構文だろうね。 俺は分詞だ何々が下位分類だなんだはまったく覚えてないけどね。 The castle is perched on a hill overlooking the town. お城が丘の上にあるよ、町を見下ろしているね。 もっと日本語ぽくすると 丘の上にある城が町を見下ろしている。
to不定詞の分詞構文もこういう風に足りない物を後ろで埋める使い方だね。 He must be rich to spend so much money on a car. いくらでも使える。
>>110 (13) The managers, who are sacking firemen, are saving money for the company
We noted that the relative clause appears to be a parenthetical comment -- almost an intrusion into the body of the main clause -- and it is set off by contrastive intonation or commas. There are also constructions like:
(14) The mangers are saving money for the company, sacking firemen
Now in (14) the comment "sacking firemen" is plainly non-restrictive, suggesting that (14) might be taken as derived from (13), with a reduced relative clause ("who are" being omitted) that is moved to the end of the main clause. A comment such as "sacking firemen" in (14) may sometimes be retained in its original NP or else be placed at the beginning of the main clause. Compare:
(15a) John, who was wheezing noisily, came into the room (15b) John, wheezing noisily, came into the room (15c) John came into the room, wheezing noisily (15d) John came, wheezing noisily, into the room (15e) Wheezing noisily, John came into the room
>>110 We also get constructions of this type where the 'host' NP, in the main clause, is a pronoun, e.g.
(16a) He came, wheezing noisily, into the room (16b) He came into the room, wheezing noisily (16c) Wheezing noisily, he came into the room
However, English generally does not allow a relative clause to follow a pronoun; that is, one does not get:
(16d) *He, who was wheezing noisily, came into the room
This suggests that (16a-c) (and thus also (14) and (15b-e)) should not be regarded as involving reduced relative clauses, but instead as being a distinct construction type -- simultaneous appositional clauses; see (d) in §2.9.
>>110 There are similar appositional constructions where a 'comment clause' relates to the object of the main clause (although here it could not normally be moved to the beginning of the main clause):
(17a) We saw John in the garden, doing his weekly chores
alongside the non-restrictive relative clause construction:
(17b) We saw John, who was doing his weekly chores, in the garden
Note that sentences of this type may be ambiguous as to whether a final comment relates to subject or to object of the main clause, e.g. "John painted Mary naked" could correspond to "John, who was naked, painted Mary" or to "John painted Mary, who was naked" (and this is in turn ambiguous between a situation in which Mary posed naked and one where she was naked only on the canvas, with John having used his imagination as to what she looked like under her clothes).
[A Semantic Approach to English Grammar / Robert M. W. Dixon]
1.Most of the guests have arrived. (invited to the party) 2.The girls are practicing for the festival. (dancing on the stage) 3.Some of the audience rushed to the stage. (excited) 4.My little sister loves her doll. (talking)
[]内を分詞に変えて、分詞構文を完成させる問題です (1)[Because I didn't want to hurt her], I didn't say anything. (2)[Because I had already seen the movie], I stayed home tonight. (3)[When she opened the door], she saw a man standing before her. よろしくお願いします
>>128 Not wanting to hurt her, I didn't say anything. Having already seen the movie, I stayed home tonight. Opening the door, she saw a man standing before her.
>>125 1.Most of the guests invited to the party have arrived. 2.The girls dancing on the stage are practicing for the festival. 3.Some of the audience excited rushed to the stage. 4.My little sister loves her talking doll.
>>131 Scarcely had I gone out when it began to rain. ○ I don't know whether or not he will come. I had may car washed by him. Do you know who stole the bag?
>>132 Some of the excited audience rushed to the stage.
Some of the audience, excited, rushed to the stage. Some of the audience rushed to the stage excited. Excited, some of the audience rushed to the stage.
>>140 There is a river near our school. It is at the end of the hall. (The hall is at the end of it. / At the end of it is the hall.) The computer room is on the third floor.
Verizon Communications ( 1) expectations for its profit as broadband and video revenue climbed 42%. Shares rose 1.3% to before the bell.
a. which b. met c. on d. insist
Highlights include the Museo de las Casas Reales, a ( 2 ) government headquarters that houses a treasury of colonial armor and tapestries, as well as historic maps.
a. form b. format c. office d. former
“There’s a bias in our Congress and government against manufacturing, or at least indifference to us, especially on the coasts,” ( 3 ) Senator Sherrod Brown, Democrat of Ohio.
>>68 It is said that globalization promotes economic activity more and more and we can participate in this benefit. It is said that globalization promotes economic activities more and more and we can participate in the benefits of this. 以下にfor exampleで例を挙げているので、benefitは複数です。
If one foreign country would be bankrupted, the disadvantage would effect Japan immediately. If one foreign country were bankrupted, the disadvantage would affect Japan immediately. wouldをwereに変えたのは、いわゆる「時や条件の副詞節では、未来のことでも現在形を用いる」ということです。 間違えやすいですが、effectとaffectの違いは、affectは動詞、effectは名詞で使うのがほとんどです。 effectにも動詞の用法はありますが、ごくフォーマルな状況でしか使いませんし、意味も少し変ります。
For example, the bankruptcy of stock brokerage firm of United States of America effected the world economy badly. For example, the bankruptcy of a stock brokerage firm in the United States of America affected the world economy badly.
僕はよく昼食後に眠くなる 田中先生は私たちが授業中に居眠りをすると怒る 先生は優しそうに見えるが、とても厳しい人だ I often()()afterlunch. Mr.Tanaka ()()when we fall asleep in his class. He ()(),but he is very strict. お願いします
>>152 僕はよく昼食後に眠くなる 田中先生は私たちが授業中に居眠りをすると怒る 先生は優しそうに見えるが、とても厳しい人だ I often get sleepy afterlunch. Mr.Tanaka gets angry [ when we fall asleep in his class ]. He looks sweet, but he is very strict.
TIMEの記事が教材に採用されていますが、 I once knew a golden retriever named Newton who had a perverse sense of humor. Whenever I tossed out a Frisbee for him to chase, he'd take off in hot pursuit but then seem to lose track of it. Trotting back and forth only a yard or two from the toy, Newton would look all around, even up into the trees. He seemed genuinely baffled. Finally, I'd give up and head into the field to help him out. But no sooner would I get within 10 ft. of him than he would invariably dash straight over to the Frisbee, grab it and start running like mad, looking over his shoulder with what looked suspiciously like a grin. Just about every pet owner has a story like this and is eager to share it with anyone who will listen. just about everyのjustがわかりません。about everyなら「ほぼどんな」ですがjust about everyだとどんな感じになるのですか。
「」部だけでも訳してほしいです。 But that has become a minority viewpoint. Explains Alan Beck, an animal ecologist at Purdue: "There are undoubtedly still scientists out there who question the intelligence of dogs and cats because they don't have the hard data. They feel it's unscientific to acknowledge phenomena we can't prove." But the majority of Beck's colleagues, he says, now accept the notion 「that animals have, for lack of a better phrase, an emotional and intellectual life.」 "I am absolutely convinced, for example, that my dog feels guilty when he defecates on the rug," says Beck. "A blind observer could see it. He behaves the same way I would have if my mother had caught me doing it. If it looks the same as human behavior in the same situation and is being used to solve the same problem, why shouldn't you be able to use words we use for human emotions to describe it?" よろしくお願いします。
ああ、わかりました。for lack of a better phraseは「もっといい言い方がないために」 ということですね。他にいい言い方がないためにan emotional and intellectual lifeと 言っているのですね。ということはan emotional and intellectual lifeはa better phraseではないのですね。
I think that we should not treat a pet as a member of our family. Nawadays mammals, such as dogs and cats, are really popular with us because they are said that they can play with us, they are friendly, they are wise and so on. However, they are only an animal, not a human being. In the case of cats, although we treat them as members of our family, they are not attached us usually, moreover we are sometimes scratched by them. In addition, in my experience, they are only in our house when they have a meal, and they finished it, they go somewhere. I think that they cannot feel our affections. Even cats which are said wise and friendly act like this, others are needless to say.
running/who/know/you/the/boy/do/is/? 上記単語を並べ替えて作文する問題なのですが、 Do you know who is the running boy? と作文したら、間違いだといわれ、複数正解のうちの一つで近いものは Do you know who the running boy is? だといわれました。 理由がいまいち理解できなかったのですが、なぜでしょうか?
>>191 Do you know who is the running boy? これだと、あの走ってる男の子だれ?あなた知ってる? という具合に一つの文章に二つの疑問文になっちゃいます。 あの走ってる男の子だれ?という文章にしたいなら、 〜who the running boy isとなります。 同様に、彼は何歳か知ってる?だと、 Do you know how old he is?(Do you know how old is he?ではなく)となります。
英作文の問題で、 初めて歩く道は、実際よりも遠く感じるものだ。 The way we go for the first time seems longer than really what it is. 「実際よりも」という部分はこれだと、どうして違っていて どう直せばいいのでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。
>>173 I think that we should not treat a pet as a member of our family. Nowadays some mammals, such as dogs and cats, are really popular with us because it is said that they can play with us and are also friendly, wise and so on. theyをitに変えましたが、これだけきれいな文を書ける人なら、理由はわかると思います。
However, they are only animals, not human beings. In the case of cats, although we treat them as members of our family, they are not usually attached to us. Moreover, we are sometimes scratched by them. moreoverは副詞です、andやbutのようには文をつなげません。
In addition, in my experience, they are in our house only when they have a meal, and as soon as they finish it, they go out somewhere. I think that they cannot feel our affections. Cats which are said to be wise and friendly act like this, not to mention other kinds of animals. to beが省略出来ることは、正直自分は知らなかったのですが、friendlyに副詞の用法もあるので、 念のため明記しました。needless to sayは、文頭に用いるのが普通です。 個人的な判断で、not to mentionに変えました。
>>224 His name is well known all over the world. 彼の名前は世界中に知られている。 His name become well known all over the world. 彼の名前は世界中に知られる。 His name has become well known all over the world. 彼の名前は世界中に知られたものになった。 The steak has become well done. その肉はよく焼けたものになった。
It is impossible that she sid such a thingは She can't have said such a thing.と書けますが She could not say such a thing ではダメなのでしょうか? 推量を表すときは「can」原形にする決まりですか?
>>230 It is impossible [ that she said such a thing ]. そのことは不可能よ[彼女がそんなことを言ったということ] She can't [ have said such a thing ]. ありえない[彼女がそんなことを言った] She could not [ say such a thing ]. 彼女は出来なかった[そんなことを言う] can=成立する
>>235 @Her homeroom teacher Me. Yamamoto wanted. AHer dream would come true. BMr. Yamamoto makes it. AをBに入れて CMr. Yamamoto makes [ her dream come true ]. Cを@に繋いで DHer homeroom teacher Mr. Yamamoto wanted [ to make [ her dream come true ] ].
@It is impossible [ that she said such a thing ].*過去のことについて、現在判断する そのことは不可能よ[彼女がそんなことを言ったということ] AShe can't [ have said such a thing ].*助動詞を使って現在判断する。助動詞の後は動詞の原形、過去を表すときはhaveを使って完了形にする。 ありえない[彼女がそんなことを言った] BShe can't play the piano well. 彼女がピアノを上手に弾くことは成立しない、上手に弾くことは出来ない can=〜が成立することをあらわす助動詞 助動詞を使って言い換える問題です
i bet that salesman would have laughed if he could have seen my face. これって仮定法過去完了なんですか? かていほう過去完了って If I had had enough money, I could have bought the picture. こんな感じじゃないんでしょうか?お願いします
>>218 最後のcatの後ろにはカンマが必要 I have a son who lives in Tokyo. 私には東京に住んでる息子がいます。(ほかにも息子がいる可能性がある) I have a son, who lives in Tokyo. 私には息子が一人いて、彼は東京に住んでいます。 Cats, which are said to be wise and friendly, act like this,
>>243 @I bet [ that salesman would have laughed if he could have seen my face ]. これって仮定法過去完了なんですか? かていほう過去完了って A[ If I had had enough money ], I could have bought the picture. Aのhad had、[had+動詞の過去分詞]を、過去における事実に反したことを言うときに使うものが、仮定法過去完了。 過去の反事実は、B仮定法過去完了で言い、助動詞を使うときはC[過去形の助動詞+have+動詞の過去分詞]を使う。 反事実を言うときは、現在のことなら過去形、過去のことならダブル過去で言う。
>>214 [ As soon as I reached the school ], the bell rang. [僕が学校に着いたのと同じぐらいの早さで]ベルが鳴った。着くと直ぐに〜 Hardly had I reached the school [ when the bell rang ]. I had hardly reached the school [ when the bell rang ]. 僕はその時までに学校に着いたとは言えない状態であった[ベルが鳴った時に] まだ十分に着かないうちに〜
>>211 There were two expensive dresses in the show window. Bob has a lot of homework [ to finish ]. Do you know that man [ who wears a blue sweater ]? The language [ which is spoken in Brazil ] is Portuguese.
Bob has a lot of homework [ which he has to finish ]. Do you know that man [ wearing a blue sweater ]? The language [ spoken in Brazil ] is Portuguese. どれでもいいですよ
>>246 I'm wondering [ whether I closed all the windows *or not ]. Little did I dream [ this picture was so expensive ] at that time. Tom insisted [ that the plan be changed ]. I'm going to have [ this computer repaired ] by Monday. 僕するつもり[このコンピューターが修理されるように] 修理して貰うつもり
>>260 29 percent of those [ surveyed in Japan ] said [ they were lonely ], [ compared with less than 10 percent in other industrialized nations ]. 他の工業化させた国の10パーセント以下という数字に対して 他動詞の過去分詞
29 percent of those [ who were surveyed in Japan ] said [ that they were lonely ], [ as it is compared with less than 10 percent in other industrialized nations ]. 主語述語を言って従属節にするとこうなる
These are the indicators of crisis, [ (which are) subject to data and statistics ]. Less measurable but no less profound is a [ sapping of confidence across our land ] - a [ nagging] fear [ that America's decline is inevitable ], and [ that the next generation must lower its sights ]. Today I say to you [ that the challenges [ we face ] are real ]. They are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America - they will be met. On this day, we gather [ because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord ]. On this day, we come [ to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and [ worn out ] dogmas, [ that for far too long have strangled our politics ] ]. We remain a young nation, but in the words of Scripture, the time has come [ to set aside childish things ].
The time has come [ to reaffirm our [ enduring ] spirit ]; [ to choose our better history ]; [ to carry forward that precious gift, that noble idea, [ passed on from generation to generation ] ]: the God-given promise [ that all are equal, all are free, and all deserve a chance [ to pursue their full measure of happiness ] ].
>>267 @You are a good student.あなたは良い学生である。 AYou do be a good student.あなたは良い学生であることをする BBe a good student.良い学生であれ CDo not be a bad studnt.悪い学生であるな 命令文にするときは 助動詞のdoを使い、[do+動詞の原形]に直す 肯定の命令は動詞の原形から後を言う 否定の命令はdoにnotをつけて、doから後を言う 10公式のCです。 スウキチ10公式は凄いだろ
@You are a good student.あなたは良い学生である。 *これが本当の基の文。主語と述語 AYou do be a good student.あなたは良い学生であることをする *これは、主語と述語に対して、命令の意味を持つ助動詞のdoを加えたもの BBe a good student.良い学生であれ *肯定の命令は、動詞の原形から後を言い、動詞の原形より前は省略する CDo not be a bad studnt.悪い学生であるな *否定の命令は、doから後を言い、doより前は省略する *一番の基の文は主語述語だよ。そして主語述語に対して助動詞を加えるのだよ。
"I don't develop," Piccaso protested. "I am." his works reveal a restless self in fantastic discontinuity. His career might have shown more consistency and the succession of his styles might have been more comprehensible if he had committed himself to please a particular patron, or to affirm a faith, or to sell his product or promote a program, or glorify a nation or city. But none of these was his way. [早稲田大]
I've been to Coffee Leaves Coconut Tree Bar. It's been a fabulous time. People in the bar were good. I played okama at the bar. I danced with a man [ whom I met for the first time ]. He said [ that he felt good ]. I am a gay. [ When I am in any bar ], the bar becomes gay.
1:They will take some proper measure. 2:We found that house in perfect order. 3:The teacher asked me to wait. 4:They let him do it. 5:Was sugar sold at that store?
1:Which way will they select? 2:Meet is sold by the pound. 3:They say that he is one of the best tennis players in America. 4:These books is said to have a lot of illustrations in it. 5:No attention was paid to what he was saying.
1:When that box was opend, it was found empty. 2:They have never been spoken to like that before. 3:It spoils the fun of this novel to know how it is made. 4:A thief stole his wallet from his house.
>>334 They will take some proper measure. We found that house in perfect order. The teacher asked me to wait. They let him do it. Was sugar sold at that store? Which way will they select? Meet is sold by the pound. They say that he is one of the best tennis players in America. These books is said to have a lot of illustrations in it. No attention was paid to what he was saying. When that box was opend, it was found empty. They have never been spoken to like that before. It spoils the fun of this novel to know how it is made. A thief stole his wallet from his house.
Some proper measure will be taken by them. That house was found in perfect order by us. I was asked [ to wait ] by the teacher. He was let [ to do it ] by them. Did they sell sugar at that store? Which way will be selected by them? Do they sell meat by the pound? Is it said by them [ that he is one of the best tennis players in America ]. These books is said to have a lot of illustrations in it. Did anyone pay any attention to [ what he was saying ]. [ When he opened that box ], he found [ it empty ]. Anyone has not ever speak to them like that before. This novel is spoiled the fun of [ to know [ how he makes it ]. His wallet was stolen from his house by a thief.
Some proper measure will be taken by them. That house was found in perfect order by us. I was asked [ to wait ] by the teacher. He was let [ to do it ] by them. Did they sell sugar at that store? Which way will be selected by them? Do they sell meat by the pound? Is it said by them [ that he is one of the best tennis players in America ]. These books is said to have a lot of illustrations in it. Did anyone pay any attention to [ what he was saying ]. [ When he opened that box ], he found [ it empty ]. Anyone has not ever speak to them like that before. This novel is spoiled the fun of [ to know [ how he makes it ]. His wallet was stolen from his house by a thief.
朝8時台の列車が、どれほど混んでいるかは 乗ったことがある人にしか分からない Trains [ running during eight to nine ] can not be known [ how crowded they are ] by anyone [ who has never been on them ].
イギリス人の友人はどう見たって無理なのに、 なぜ混んだ電車に無理矢理乗ろうとするのだろう。 何をそんなに急ぐのかと言っている。 My English friend says [ why do they try to get on them and haste [ as it is so hard to get on them ] ].
>朝8時台の列車が、どれほど混んでいるかは >乗ったことがある人にしか分からない >Trains [ running during eight to nine ] can not be known >[ how crowded they are ] by anyone [ who has never been on them ].
>イギリス人の友人はどう見たって無理なのに、 >なぜ混んだ電車に無理矢理乗ろうとするのだろう。 >何をそんなに急ぐのかと言っている。 My English friend asks why they try to get on them and haste as it is so hard to get on them.
No one knows how crowded trains running eight through nine are if he or she has never been on them.
My English friend says he doesn't understand why they try to get on crowded trains when it's obviously impossible. He doesn't understand why they rush.
>>323 Agreeing with Pablo Picasso who said, "I don't develop; I am," Hillman believes the soul's code is written on our hearts from the beginning and that life is an opportunity to express, with increasing authenticity, that which we essentially are.
Picasso said: ‘I don’t develop; I am.’ Life is not about becoming something, but about making real the image already there. We are obsessed with personal growth, reaching towards some imaginary heaven, but instead of trying to transcend human existence, it makes more sense to ‘grow down’ into the world and our place in it.
一般的には「存在」の意味に取られているようだ。 早稲田の英文も、最後の一文をから判断すると、「存在」でいいような気がする。 his wayがそもそも存在しないのなら、最後の一文は言えないから。
Main Entry: 1haste Pronunciation: \ˈhāst\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English hǣst violence Date: 14th century 1 : rapidity of motion : swiftness 2 : rash or headlong action : precipitateness <the beauty of speed uncontaminated by haste — Harper's> 3 : undue eagerness to act synonyms haste , hurry , speed , expedition , dispatch mean quickness in movement or action. haste applies to personal action and implies urgency and precipitancy and often rashness <marry in haste>. hurry often has a strong suggestion of agitated bustle or confusion <in the hurry of departure she forgot her toothbrush>. speed suggests swift efficiency in movement or action <exercises to increase your reading speed>. expedition and dispatch both imply speed and efficiency in handling affairs but expedition stresses ease or efficiency of performance and dispatch stresses promptness in concluding matters <the case came to trial with expedition> <paid bills with dispatch>.
[ Agreeing with Pablo Picasso [ who said, "I don't develop; I am," ] Hillman believes [ the soul's code is written on our hearts from [ the beginning ] and [ that life is an opportunity [ to express ], with [ increasing ] authenticity, [ that which we essentially are ].
Picasso said: ‘I don’t develop; I am.’ Life is not about becoming something, but about [ making real the image already there ]. We are obsessed with personal growth, [ reaching towards some imaginary heaven ], but instead of [ trying to transcend human existence ], it makes more sense to ‘grow down’into the world and our place in it.
One of the vice mayors of the city, an older man who was very kind, came over with a twinkle in his eye and asked them, “What should you call me?” (This is a standard way of elders addressing children in china.)
The central focus of this early teaching is educating the child in their relationship to the closest group of people in their life. in their relationshipのinが不明です。なくてもいいのではないですか? ないとeducating the child their relationship svooの4文型になります。
>>372 そうです。次の例でもa chinese babyをtheyで受けています。教材ですよ。おかしいでしょう。 When a Chinese baby learns to speak, after learning the words “Mama” and “Baba,” they are first taught the words for Auntie, Uncle, Grandmother and Grandfather. The central focus of this early teaching is educating the child in their relationship to the closest group of people in their life.
>>373 そうです。 の間違いでした。ついでに該当箇所全部 When a Chinese baby learns to speak, after learning the words “Mama” and “Baba,” they are first taught the words for Auntie, Uncle, Grandmother and Grandfather. The central focus of this early teaching is educating the child in their relationship to the closest group of people in their life. The child is prompted by their parent when they meet each person. “Say ‘Auntie’” is something you can hear on the street every day when mothers out strolling with the baby meet an acquaintance.
a distanceは副詞的目的格 a distanceはfrom our universityにかかりfrom our universityはtownにかかる 少しばかり大学から離れた街 some small historical town one mile from our university some small historical town two miles from our university some small historical town a distance away from our university
>>334 Some proper measures will be taken. That house was found in perfect order. I was asked by the teacher to wait. He was allowed to do it. Did they sell sugar at that store? Which way will be selected by them? They sell meat by the pound. It is said that he is one of the best tennis players in America. These books are said to have a lot of illustrations in it. They paid no attention to what he was saying. When he opened that box, he found it empty. Nobody has ever spoken to them like that before. The fun of this novel is spoiled the fun to know how he it is made. He had his wallet in his house storen.
my English friend って言い方、すごく妙ちくりん。 a friend of mine from the U.K. みたいに、 a を使うはず。 日本人って、よくmy friend を使うけれど、いきなりは使えないと思う。
You never imagine how crowded a train in the morning is , untill you exprience it. A friend of mine from the U.K. says why you try to get on when you know you can't make it . What makes you in such a hurry ?
Moyashi is a new healthy food for all ages. We were founded in 1980 in Japan. Now, our association has grown in the United States and EU. As recorded in the US, some studies show their obesity percentage has increased from 13% to 32% from the year 1960 to 2004 respectively. Now, more and more people realize being healthy is paramount. Many restaurants that aren’t Japanese or Chinese restaurants serve Moyashi now. Several studies reveal that Moyashi is one of the healthiest foods in the world and very good for a balanced diet. Our association urges you and your family to get acquainted with this new kind of food and experience the variety of its recipes. We are hoping that you will start serving Moyashi on your dinner table.
I think that old people don't have to live with their families. Indeed, old people are need to help because they cannot move easily like their youth, think clearly, are tend to come down with illnesses and so on, but they don't always indicate that old people should live with their families. I think that it is pleasure for old people to living with their families. In families' shoes, however, it is very hard because they should care them carefully. Nowadays there are a lot of homes for the aged. So when their families feel hard to their care, old people can go to there. Thus, we can treat old people in a lot of ways.
When a Chinese baby learns to speak, after learning the words “Mama” and “Baba,” they are first taught the words for Auntie, Uncle, Grandmother and Grandfather. The central focus of this early teaching is educating the child in their relationship to the closest group of people in their life. The child is prompted by their parent when they meet each person. “Say ‘Auntie’” is something you can hear on the street every day when mothers out strolling with the baby meet an acquaintance.
in their relationshipのinが不明です。なくてもいいのではないですか? ないとeducating the child their relationship svooの4文型になります。
>>406 ありがとうございます。さっき答えをきいたら、 when does ken play basketbalだそうで、×らしいです 泣 もうひとつも×かも。this cityが答えになる問題で what city is your schoolにちゃいました。 多分wehre is your schoolですよね? (泣)
>>410 What city is your school in ? だったら○かもね。 What city じゃなく、Which city のほうが良いのかもしれないけど。 ところで、Where is your city ? だと、答えはthis city になるとは限らないよね。 消防署の隣です、とか、あの山の向こうです、とか、そういうことにもなるから、この場合は、 Which city is your school in ? で良いのでは?
>>412-413 お答えありがとうございます。ごめんなさい詳しくかくと、 Your school is in this city?のin以下が答えになるように する問題でした。やはり答えはwhere is your schoolだそうです。 what,which cityだとどこの市にあなたの学校があるの?だから ちゃんと都市の名前だけで答えなきゃいけなかったってことですかね? 最初の問題も、答えが何曜日ってなってるからwhat dayでいいのかと 思ってたのに、基本が間違えてるみたい。。誰か説明お願いします。
>>415 疑問詞は補助的な意味で本質は隙間。 Where is your school? Whereを無視して倒置になってるけどまぁそれをノーマルの文に戻せば Your school is ..隙間. だよね。足りてない。 隙間は埋めたいでしょ。 ABCDFGHて並んでたら埋めたいよね。答えはE。 この場合補助としてwhereが先頭にきてるから隙間の部分は場所になるよね。 隙間にin this townを埋めても違和感ないでしょ。 My school is in this town.
Where is your school? あなたの学校どこにあるの? It is in this town. この町にあるんだよ。
I know that he is busy. 読んでのごとく、彼は忙しい ってことを知っている。 この忙しいっていうのは 現在形であらわされてる。 現在形っていうのは、あたかも現在だけをあらわしていると思われがちだけど ある程度の過去から未来までの範囲をあらわしたのが現在形。 だからこの文章は、暗に「彼は、いつも忙しいんだよ」っていう意味が含まれてる。
I know that he was busy. これは、過去形で、過去形は現在形のように範囲をもたせることができないから ある地点で、忙しかった。そういう状況の彼を知っている。 っていう意味。
I knew that he was busy. これはただ単に、知っている。 という動詞が過去系になっただけで 知っていた。になっただけ。
I knew that he had been busy. これは自制がずれてるから、上の概念でthat節以下の時間がずれるだけ。
I knew that he is busy. 超ビッグニュースみたいなときにこういう 時勢の一致をさせないノーマルではない表現にするけど、 この内容じゃビッグニュースになり得ないと思う。 あたし知ってたよ!彼は忙しかったんだーーーー!!(ビッグニュース) I knew の中身を取り出して現在形でどーんとしゃべる感じだと思う。 I knew he is busy!!!! やっぱ不自然。
I know that he was busy. I know と現在形で内容が遠い過去ねぇ・・。いまいち感覚がつかめない。 私知ってるよ、彼忙しかったらしーねぇ・・。(興味なさそーに) こんな感じか。
Why did blacks , in little more than a dozen years , become nine times as likely as whites to contract a disease once associated almost exclusively with gay white men?
(1) People who live in towns do not know the pleasures of country-life. (2) The man who is speaking with my father is Mr. Smith. (3) I've received a letter which was written in English. (4) Who will take care of the car which belongs to our family ? 次の文を分詞を用いて書き換えなさい (1) When he arrived at the station, he found his train had already left. (2) As I was sick, I stayed home all day long. (3) As I had not been there before, I lost my way. (4) If you turn to the right, you'll see a three-storied building. (5) Though I admit what you say, I still think you are wrong. 次の各組の英文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )に適語を入れなさい (1) As I ( ) ( ) a bird, I cannot fly to you. If I were a bird, I could fly to you. (2) As I don't know the truth, I cannot tellit to you. ( ) I ( ) the truth, I would tell it to you. (3) As it ( ) yesterday, I ( ) visit you. If it had not rained yesterday, I ( ) visit you. (4) As he did not take my advice, he died. If he ( ) ( ) my advice, he would not havw died. (5) I'm ( ) I can't speak English fluently. I wish I ( ) speak English fluently. (6) I'm sorry you didn't call on me yesterday. I ( ) you ( ) called on me yesterday. (7) Work hard, and you will succeed. ( ) ( ) work hard, you will succeed.
>次の文を分詞を用いて単文にしなさい (1) People living in towns do not know the pleasures of country-life. (2) The man speaking with my father is Mr. Smith. (3) I've received a letter written in English. (4) Who will take care of the car which belongs to our family ? >次の文を分詞を用いて書き換えなさい (1) Arriving at the station, he found his train had already left. (2) Being sick, I stayed home all day long. (3) Not having been there before, I lost my way. (4) Turning to the right, you'll see a three-storied building. (5) Admitting what you say, I still think you are wrong. >次の各組の英文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )に適語を入れなさい (1) As I ( am ) ( not ) a bird, I cannot fly to you. (2) ( If ) I ( knew ) the truth, I would tell it to you. (3) As it ( rained ) yesterday, I ( didn't ) visit you. If it had not rained yesterday, I ( would ) ( have ) visited you. ↑ 問題のタイプミス?たぶんこうではないかな? (4) As he did not take my advice, he died. If he ( had ) ( taken ) my advice, he would not have died. (5) I'm ( sorry ) I can't speak English fluently. I wish I ( could ) speak English fluently. (6) I'm sorry you didn't call on me yesterday. I ( wish ) you ( had ) called on me yesterday. (7) Work hard, and you will succeed. ( If ) ( you ) work hard, you will succeed.
>>451 >>465 The fact that environmental destruction is not only not good to (those of) us (living now) but has also some consequences for posterity must not be reduced into the state of oblivion.
The person I happened to encounter the other day, riding on a train on my way home, is a friend of mine from elementary school days, in chattering with whom I was so absorbed that I missed the station at which I am supposed to get off.
The other day I came across a friend from elementary school on the train back home. We were so absorbed in talking to each other that we rode past our station.
>>453 >Why did blacks, in little more than a >dozen years, become nine times as likely as whites to contract >a disease once associated almost exclusively with gay white men?
この文の翻訳は1と2どちらが正確? Adult brown bears in this region can weigh over 300 kg (unpubl. data), will often appropriate kills from tigers, and have been reported to kill young tigers Such animals are immune from attack by tigers in summer, but tigers will kill brown bears in their dens in winter
One of the vice mayors of the city, an older man who was very kind, came over with a twinkle in his eye and asked them, “What should you call me?” (This is a standard way of elders addressing children in china.)
文中のan older manはなぜ、比較級でなくてはならないのですか?誰よりolderと言っているのですか?an old manではいけないのでしょうか
The central focus of this early teaching is educating the child in their relationship to the closest group of people in their life. in their relationshipのinが不明です。これはどういう意味なのでしょうか? inがないとeducating the child their relationship to…となって、SVOOの4文型になります。 その方がわかりやすく、こどもに…との関係を教える。と訳せます。inが入るとどのような訳になるのでしょうか
>>454 (1) People [ who live in towns ] do not know the pleasures of country-life. (2) The man [ who is speaking with my father ] is Mr. Smith. (3) I've received a letter [ which was written in English ]. (4) Who will take care of the car [ which belongs to our family ]? *Bの文をAの文に繋ぐとき、Bの文は従属節の形にする。この場合は[関係代名詞+(主語)+述語] (1) People [ living in towns ] do not know the pleasures of country-life. (2) The man [ speaking with my father ] is Mr. Smith. (3) I've received a letter [ written in English ]. (4) Who will take care of the car [ belonging to our family ]? Bの文の述語の動詞をAの文に繋ぐときは、分詞の形を使う。動作を受ける意味を表すときは過去分詞を使う。
(1) [ When he arrived at the station ], he found [ his train had already left ]. (2) [ As I was sick ], I stayed home all day long. (3) [ As I had not been there before ], I lost my way. (4) [ If you turn to the right ], you'll see a three-storied building. (5) [ Though I admit [ what you say ] ], I still think [ you are wrong ].
(1) [ Arriving at the station ], he found his train had already left. (2) [ Being sick ], I stayed home all day long. (3) [ Not having been there before ], I lost my way. (4) [ Turning to the right ], you'll see a three-storied building. (5) [ Admitting [ what you say ] ], I still think you are wrong. *B→A、の文で、Bの述語の動詞をAに繋ぐときは、分詞を使う。Aの時間より古い時間であることを分詞で表すには完了形を使う。
>>490 @The central focus of this early [ teaching ] is [ educating the child in their relationship to the closest group of people in their life ]. AThe focus is [ teaching the child some manners of evry day life ]. *educateの言葉の一番の基本の意味を把握することが必要です。 教育する、引き出して育てる、です。 子供達に人間関係を引き出す、では合いません。 人間関係に於いて子供達を伸ばし育てるという意味です。 BThe central focus of this early [ teaching ] is [ educating the child *into their good relationship to the closest group of people in their life ]. 子供達を良い人間関係へと育てる、なだまだいいでしょう。
>>454 [ As I am not a bird ], I cannot fly to you. [ If I were a bird ], I could fly to you.*現在の反事実 [ As I don't know the truth ], I cannot tell it to you. [ If I knew the truth ], I would tell it to you. [ As it rained yesterday ], I didn't visit you. [ If it had not rained yesterday ], I would have visited you.過去の反事実 [ As he did not take my advice ], he died. [ If he had taken my advice ], he would not have died. 過去の反事実 [ I'm sorry [ I can't speak English fluently ]. I wish [ I could speak English fluently ]. I'm sorry [ you didn't call on me yesterday ]. I wish [ you had called on me yesterday ]. Work hard, and you will succeed. [ If you work hard ], you will succeed. *現在の反事実を言うときは過去形を使う。 過去の反事実を言うときは過去完了形を使う。助動詞を使うときは、[過去の助動詞+have+過去分詞]でダブル過去にする。
He stops. He smokes. 彼は立ち止まり、それから煙草を吸う。He stopped to smoke. 彼は煙草を吸うことを止める。He stopped smoking. He forgot. He (must) meet me. He had met me. 彼は忘れた、僕に会うということを。He forgot to meet me. 彼は僕に会ったことを忘れた。He forgot meeting me.
>>524 A: I have a little more than a hundred yen. 百円よりちょっと多く B: The coffee is 120 yen. How much do you have? A: I have 114 yen. We need a little more. --------------------------------------------------- A has more than 100 yen. A has a little more than 100 yen. C has much more than 100 yen. C has 500 yen.
質問です、どなたかよろしくお願いします。 時制の一致についての理解が微妙なので(主節の動詞が過去形なら従属節の動詞も過去形にしとけばいいくらいの理解)詳しく教えてほしいのと、 それに伴ってHe said she should apply for the job.という文章の解説をお願いします。 僕の中ではshouldの時制って現在なので変な感じがする文章なんです。
>>529 その文章だったら 彼は言った。(内容は)、彼女は仕事に申し込むべきだと。 内容がもしも、言った。よりもひとつ自制がずれるんなら、 He said she should have applied for the job. になる。 彼は言った。(内容は)、彼女は仕事に申し込むべきだった(実際は申し込んでない)
彼はこの仕事に応募すべきだと言った。 という文章を直接話法で表すと He said,“You should apply for the job.” だと思うんですが、これを間接話法に直した結果 He said you should apply for the job. では時制の一致の原則に従っていないと思うのですが。
ちなみに、このような場合は【主動詞】に合わせて解釈するということです。たとえば、 「I go to the library to study.」「I went to the library to study.」「I'll go to the library to stury.」 の文のすべてで「to study」と同じにもかかわらず、時制についての混乱がないのは、無意識のうちに【go】【went】【will go】 に合わせて解釈できるからです。 shouldの場合も、【said】に合わせて解釈するのが感覚的に正しいのだと思う。
これまでの俺の長い長い黒い歴史は二度と消えず、その場にいた者たちが全員死にでもしない限り永遠に消えることは無い。 和訳するとMy long long past history never disappear, nor did the people there forever unless they all die.であってますか?
nor以降はdisappearが重複するので省略しました foreverが全否定になっているのか心配です。 not foreverで部分否定になってしまいますか?
>>529 [ If you were not to fail ], you *should study every day. [落っこちるつもりはないのなら]毎日勉強するのが当然だよ。 should は、当然こうなるよと思考上での必然的未来 [ As you do not study every day ], you *shall fail. [君は毎日は勉強しないから]間違いなく落っこちるよ shall は、必ずこうなるという必然的未来
>>401 I think that old people don't have to live with their families. Indeed, old people need to BE helpED because they cannot move SO easily OR think SO clearly AS IN their youth, and easily come down with illnesses. but THIS doesn't don't always indicate that old people should live with their families. I think that old people are happy to live with their families. In families' shoes, however, it is very hard for them to care old people carefully. Nowadays there are a lot of homes for the aged. So when their families feel it hard to care, old people can go there. Thus, we can treat old people in a lot of ways.
1 Are you looking for Tom? He went ( ) several minutes ago. ( A ) to upstairs ( B ) upstairs ( C ) on the upstair ( D ) to the upstairs これはどうしてBdesuka?
>>586 はひゃっはひゃっはひゃっ。 ちなみにXの何乗の乗は、powerと読むよ。 X2(Xの2乗) = X squared X3(Xの3乗) = X cubed X4(Xの4乗) = X to the fourth power X5(Xの5乗) = X to the fifth power … Xn(Xのn乗) = X to the nth power
>>586 はひゃっはひゃっはひゃっ。 ちなみにルートは、rootと読むよ。 √X = the square root of X 3√X = the cube root of X 4√X = the fourth root of X 5√X = the fifth root of X … n√X = the nth root of X
>>546 I have been creating darker history [ of mine ]. これまで自分の暗い歴史を作ってきて今も作っている *私の歴史は一つです。年と共に大きくなっていきます。 I have created darker history [ of mine ]. But now, I will pray and seek a new way. これまで自分の暗い歴史を作ってきた。だが今、私は祈って新しい道を求めよう。 *これまでのことだけを言うなら、現在完了形です。 We have been creating darker histories of each of ours. *人が二人でそれぞれの人生の歴史ならhistoriesです。
>>586 はひゃっはひゃっはひゃっ。 ちなみに掛け算は、ふつう、 3×5=15 three multiplied five equals fufteenと書くが、 three times five equals fufteenと書くとおしゃれだよ。 したがって台形の面積は、 sum of a both bases times height divided by two という公式で求められるよ。
>>586 はひゃっはひゃっはひゃっ。 ちなみにa ≠ bは、a is not equal to b a ≒ bは、a is approximately equal to b a < bは、a is less than b a > bは、a is greater than b a ≦ bは、a is less than or equal to b a ≧ bは、a is greater than or equal to b になるよ。
>>610 関係代名詞を使って書き直すと、受け身になるよ。 My uncle was the only person who had been injured in the car accident. そのinjuredはpersonを直接修飾しているからだよ。へこっ!としたね♪ はひゃっはひゃっはひゃっ。
>>605 The question is which to choose. 質問がwhich、足してるのがto chooseだと。 意味がわかりにくいけど、whichの意味聞かれて whichは選ぶことですよって言ってるんだと思うけどなぁ。 The question = whichで意味を足してるのはto choose to不定詞は頭の中に漠然と思い浮かべた動いていないイメージ。 単に「選ぶこと」だね。 でこういう文では後ろにくっついて意味を補足したりする。 I am very keen to loose weight. 意味が足りていない文の後ろにくっついて意味を補足する。 He is likely to win the match. ともに I am very keen. 私はとてもしたがってる。 He is likely. 彼はみたいだ。 全然意味が足りていない文でto不定詞が欠けている意味を補う。
>>610 君、過去分詞が名詞を直接修飾する場合は、be動詞+過去分詞の形にならなくてもいいんだよ、君。 過去分詞が名詞を直接修飾する方法は名詞の前に来る場合と後に来る場合があるよ。 この例では後にきているけど、それはin the car accident.という副詞句を伴ってるからだよ。 もしなければ、 My uncle was the only injured person. と前に来るよ。へこっ!としたね♪
1.Most students look forward to the summer, when they can take long vacations. I will never forget the summer when I first met her. 2.I visit the city, where there were many old buildings. I visit the city where my parents first lived after they got married. の日本語訳を教えてください。
As a scientist Galileo was engaged in a "struggle" with Aristotle, a man who had ( ) for almost 2,000 years. ( A ) been dead ( B ) died ( C ) been killed ( D ) killed himself 「科学者ガリレオはアリストテレスの苦悩に没頭していた。アリストテレスは2000年前にしんだ 」 これって世界史でも習ってないと殺されたのか死んだのかわからなくないですか?
I've decided to wander through the woods and go home. I've decided to wander through the woods and to go home. のどちらでも意味は同じでしょうか?...@
また、I've decided to write a letter and go out of the house.の場合、 「手紙を書いて、外に出る」という順序がandによって意識されて、 to write a letter and to go out of the houseだと、 ただ単に「手紙を書く」ことと「家から出る」ことを順序関係なく決めただけになると思ってるんですが(合ってますか?)、 これはto write a letter and to go out of the houseはただの並列であり、 to write a letter and go out of the houseはto以下がandでひとつにまとまっているから、という解釈でいいんでしょうか?...A
>>610 @My uncle was the only person [ injured in the car accident ]. AMy uncle was the only person [ that was injured in the car accident ]. *BをAに繋ぐとき、Aは主語述語のまま繋いでいて、従属節の形になっている。 @は、Bの述語の動詞をAに繋いでいて、分詞の形になっている。Bの述語の動詞はinjureであり、傷を負わせる側でなくて、傷を負わされる側なので過去分詞にする。wasは助動詞であるので無視する。 分詞にするときは述語動詞だけを見て、助動詞は無視する。ただし、Bの時制がAの時制より古いことを表す必要があるときは完了形にする。
>>632 @As a scientist, Galileo was engaged in a "struggle" with Aristotle, a man [ who had been dead for almost 2,000 years ]. AHe died two years ago.*2年前死んだ BHe has been dead for two years.*これまで2年間死の状態だ、英語ではこの様な言い方をする
>>661 今調べたら俺も勘違いしてたかも、 役に立ちそうな例文をここに書いておく。 I went to the pub to have a few drinks with my mates and to listen to the live band. これだったら欠けている内容をandつかって2回補ってるね。
[ If I should *be a millionaire ], I would set up a fundation [ to award people [ who work in [ developing ] countries as teachers, doctors, agricultural instructors, and so on ] ] ]. They work in *those countries [ to help people [ living there ] ], [ although they earn less than [ working in [ developed ] countries ]. Owing to their *activities, the quality of life *in these countries improves. They contribute to [ filling the gap between [ developing ] countries and [ developed ] countries by [ making chances [ for people to study ] ], and [ *overcoming the shortage of food and so on ]. [ If they should be rewarded ], many people whould become aware of these activities and many people would work in [ develoing ] countries.
( ) all the possible ways to deal with the problem, Alice seems to have chosen the least promising one. ( A ) By ( B ) For ( C ) In ( D ) Of これの意味と解説お願いします 訳は「その問題を対処できる数ある方法のうち、アリスは最低でも望みのあるものを選んだようだ」
訂正 ( ) all the possible ways to deal with the problem, Alice seems to have chosen the least promising one. ( A ) By ( B ) For ( C ) In ( D ) Of これの意味と解説お願いします 訳は「その問題を対処できる数ある方法のうち、アリスは最低でも望みのあるものを選んだようだ」でいいでしょうか?
They contribute to [ filling the gap between [ developing ] countries and [ developed ] countries by [ making chances [ for people to study ] ], and [ *overcoming the shortage of food and so on ]. [ If they should be rewarded ], many people whould become aware of these activities and many people would work in [ develoing ] countries.
>>678 to不定詞といってもto自体の指し示すという意味は死んでないからね。 and後のtoを省略した場合とどういう違いがあるんだろうか。 to have a few drinks with my mates and listen to the live band. とすべてまとめて指し示している感覚なのかな。
>>682 *Of all the possible ways [ to deal with the problem ], Alice seems [ to have chosen the least promising one(=way) ]. Alice chose the most useless way *of all the ways. アリスは全ての方法の内で最も役に立たない方法を選んだ ということですね
すみませんこれでラストです。お願いします I should very much ( ) to come, but I am afraid I shall be too busy. ( A ) like ( B ) used ( C ) willing ( D ) pleasure BとDは消せましたけど・・・わかりません Mary had already ( ) two children before she gave birth to the twins. ( A ) bear ( B ) bore ( C ) born ( D ) borne 答Dなんですが過去完了ならbornでもよくないですか? If you want to be on time, you ( ) to take the first train. ( A ) had had ( B ) may have ( C ) could have ( D ) should have まったくわかりません。
>>699 I *should very much *like [ to come ], but I am afraid [ I shall be too busy ].*は[助動詞+動詞の原形]
Mary *had already *borne two children [ before she gave birth to the twins ]. *bear-bore-borneが基本で bornは形容詞化してeが取れたものと考えるとよい
[ If you want [ to be on time ] ], you *ought to take the first train. ですが、 You may have [ to take the first train ]. あなたは持つかも知れない[一番の列車に乗ることを] で言えないこともない
This boy was another good reason for keeping the Potters away; they didn't want Dudley mixing with a child like that. When Mr and Mrs Dursley woke up on the dull, grey Tuesday our story starts, there was nothing about the cloudy sky outside to suggest that strange and mysterious things would soon be happening all over the country. Mr Dursley hummed as he picked out his most boring tie for work and Mrs Dursley gossiped away happily as she wrestled a screaming Dudley into his high chair.
grey Tuesdayとour story startsの間にはwhenか何か省略されているのでしょうか。 この2つをつないでstartsまでを従属節にしないとthere was…という主節につなげないような気がするのですが
In spite of his fame and peerless celebration,William Shakespeare remains somewhat of a mystery with regard to his personality. Although some official documents surviving from Elizabethan times provide a skeletal history of the Bard,there is very little imformation available that attests to what kind of person he really was. One would expect Shakespeare's volumious literary output to shed substantial light on the man himself,but scholars have long alleged that his works elude attemps to do so. His stunning facility with language and his remarkable powers of congnition are universally recognized,yet the nature of the great writer's individuality remains elusive. While he manages to rise beyond the narrative to describe the deepest and the most profound aspects of human nature, his plays are impeccable examples of impartiality toward human life in all its variety,and nowhere in the comedies,historians,and tragedies do we find a clear depiction of Shakespeare himself.
最後の一文の和訳をお願いします rise beyond the narrativeのところが分かりません
>>708 When it comes to thinking about "life", we are overwhelmed, as were our ancestors, by the helpless feeling that there is no end in sight to the contemplation. But if the presupposition is right that "life" and "death" are inextricably intertwined and therefore they comprise both sides of a coin, then the theorem makes sense that an organism makes for "death" from the moment when it is sent into this world, imbued with "life". This line of thought evokes in our minds a sense of hollowness, but also at the same time offers us an occasion to find the meaning of living out our lives, limited as they are in time, with as much vigour as possible.
>>732 731じゃないけど この場合 the family は my family とは言い換えられないわ my family の一般的なイメージ時にはペットも含む自分以外の家族ってことで 例えば血の繋がってない夫や妻も my family でしょ the family はこの場合血の繋がった一族のことよね
>>777 A pen is on that desk. A girl is in that room. ペンがあの机の上にあるね。女の子があの部屋にいるよ。 *誰か知らないけど女の子が一人。 The pen is on that desk. The girl is in that room. そのペンはあの机の上にあるよ。その女の子はあの部屋にいるよ。 *僕達が話題にしているその女の子はあの部屋にいるよ。
>>703 ありがとうございます。すみません昨日はあの後寝てしまって・・・ >f you want to be on time, you ( ) to take the first train. >( A ) had had ( B ) may have >( C ) could have ( D ) should have >[ If you want [ to be on time ] ], >you *ought to take the first train. >ですが、 >You may have [ to take the first train ]. >あなたは持つかも知れない[一番の列車に乗ることを] >で言えないこともない
The last Sunday in August is called "Plague Sunday" and flowers are put on Catherine's grave that day. It is the villager's way of thanking her for giving help and finally her own life to their ancestores 350 years ago.
There are relatively few people in our society who are in danger of starving to death because they cannot afford to buy enough food to eat, or★ of freezing★ to death because they don't have any shelter or enough money to pay for basic heating.
>>820 [ If you want [ to be on time ] ], [あなたが時間を守りたいなら] You may have [ to take the first train ]. あなたは持つかも知れない[一番の列車に乗ることを]。 あなたは始発列車に乗らないといけないだろう。 弱い言い方ですが問題はないです。一般には強い言い方で言いますけれど。 始発列車に乗るべきだ、と。
>>821 The last Sunday in August is called "Plague Sunday" and flowers are put on Catherine's grave that day. It is the villagers' way of [ thanking her for [ giving *help and finally her own *life to their ancestores 350 years ago ] ]. 構造を理解してください。 **は2つを並べています。
>>825 There are relatively few people in our society [ who are in danger of [ starving to death [ because they cannot afford [ to buy enough food [ to eat ] ] ], or of [ freezing to death [ because they don't have any shelter or enough money [ to pay for [ basic heating ] ] ]. 「比較的餓死する人はこの国では少ない」 「十分な食べ物を買う余裕がないために餓死する危機にある人達」 ということです。 構造を括りで見ると問題はありません。
>>835 It depends on actions, [ which mean the same thing to all people ]. チャップリンは声でなく行動、動きにたよる。 言葉は語の意味が分からないと話は分からないけれど、行動で表現すれば、どの言語の人にも伝わる。 無声映画は言葉で伝えるのではなく、動きで伝えるのです。
>>859 1間違いの例 ×There is the book on the desk ×There is Horyuji Temple near my office 何故だめなのでしょうか? There is(are) A+場所の副詞句という構文ですが Aは必ず不特定の名詞でなくてはならないです 上の2つの例文は正しくは ○The book is on the desk. ○Horyuji Tmeple is near my office. 学校のゲートにいつも警備員がいるみたいな意味でしょうか
2 付加疑問です Pass me the salt,will you? みたいな文章みたことありませんか? 依頼の語尾につけます 意味ですが Will you do me a favor? は必ず覚えなくてはならない表現です お願いを聞いてくれる? みたいな感じです
3This is the new car made in switzerland this year. I spoke of the new car. この2文を合成した文章です of whichとして前にでたのです of thatという表現はありません
be going to doは、「be go『ing』」からわかる通り、すごく活発的、動きがある だからもう物事が始まってる感じ
これはなんかのテレビで見てわかりやすかったから言うけど、 男女がケンカをしてて女性が睨んで今にも男性にビンタしそうな雰囲気だったら「she will hit his ほっぺ(なんだっけw)」 女性が手を上げてまさにビンタしかけてる瞬間に言うのが「she is going to hit his ほっぺ」
>>861 There構文ってのはお話の中に何かを登場させる意味がある。 話題の中に誰々さんがいてねとか昔々あるところにおじいさんとおばあさんが 風呂場に毛むくじゃらの蜘蛛が〜みたいな使い方だね。 〜がいる、あるってだけで覚えてると変に誤解するよ。 単に存在を表すならbe動詞使えば良いだけ。 ○She is in the garden. ×There is she in the garden. sheと言えるからにはもう話題の中にsheと言えるべき人が登場している。 だからThere構文は使えません。 まぁ用法だけ丸暗記しててこういう事知らないのも苦労すると思う。 知識以上の聞かれて逆ギレなんて愚の骨頂。 勉強すればいい。
Sending people into space is not a waste of time and money. Indeed, we should do a lot of things such as walfare, health care, solving battles and so on, but we should investigate space more and more. We human beings are born in the earth, and the earth belongs to space. It is said that falling stones which come from space are clue to birth of the earth. So, I think, investigating space is also clue to our birth, and it is worth spending time and money. Space have fascinated us since ancient times and our ancestors have dreamed of going to space. So, I think, it is interesting to dream come true their dreams. In addition, we waste a large sum of money such as war. I would like to spend money to investigate space rather than war. Thus, sending people into space is worth doing.
今読んでる洋書の表紙の裏に ADDISON-WESLEY PUBLISHING COMPANY Reading, Massachusetts Menlo Park, California / London / Amsterdam / Don Mills, Ontalio / Sydney てあるんですけど、このReadingはどういう意味っすか?
Instead the popular view appears to be that the best things in life are the ones that must be individually paid for,and that people are happiest spending their lives trying to get money to pay for things that used to be,or ought to be,free.
予測は〜だろうなんてあやふやではなくI believeと言って良いくらい強いもの。 It will rain tomorrow. 明日雨が降るよ。
例文の僕なりの解釈ね。 My brother will be twenty next year. 私の兄は来年20歳になるよ。 ここに漂っているのはwillのI believeと言っていいくらいの強い予測の精神力。
明確に決まった予定なんかなら言い方によっては単に現在形 My birthday is Tuesday. 私の誕生日は火曜日です。 でも進行形でも I'm going to dentist at 5pm on Tuesday. 火曜日の5時の時点では歯医者に行っている。 と未来は表現できます。 そこに精神力は必要ないですよね。
>>900 [ Sending people into space ] is not a waste of time and money. Indeed, we should do a lot of things such as welfare, health care, [ solving *conflicts ] and so on, but we should investigate space more and more. We human [ beings ] are born *on the earth, and the earth belongs to space. It is said [ that [ falling ] stones [ which come from space ] are clues to *the birth of the earth. So, I think, [ investigating space ] is also a clue to our birth, and it is worth [ spending time and money ]. Space *has fascinated us since ancient times and our ancestors *dreamed of [ going to space ]. So, I think, it is interesting [ to make [ their dreams come true ] ]. On the *contrary, we waste a large *amount of money on wars or such. I would like *[ us to spend money [ to investigate space ] rather than on wars ]. For these *reasons, [ sending people into space ] is worth [ doing ]. debateの原稿ですか?
If I were a bird, I would fly to you. ちなみにwereは古い表現で現代英語ではwasでOK。 テストではOKか保証できません。 仮定法では現実離れしているよね。私が鳥なんてありえない。 だからこそ過去形で離れた物を見るような表現になっている。 過去形は離れた距離の感覚があるんだよね。 まぁ全体を通してこんな事は起こりえないよって文だねこれは。 当たり前だけどw
>>979 @I was very surprised [ to hear the news of his role in the murder ]. AI was very surprised at the news of his role in the murder. BI was very surprised [ when I heard the news of his role in the murder ]. CI was very surprised. DI heard the news of his role in the murder. DをCに繋ぐとB Dの主語述語を簡単にしてCに繋ぐと@ Dの動詞をCに繋ぐと、E EI was very surprised [ hearing the news of his role in the murder ]. Dの名詞をCに繋ぐとA
すう吉さんへ Gary Murphy told local police he stopped his car after hitting thought what he was a deer but instead turned out to be a young male mountain lion.
>>978 It is prepared by [ thermal decomposition of VCl3 to volatile VCl4 ], [ leaving a residue of VCl2 ]. それは生成される、VC13を揮発性のVC14に熱分解によって変えることによって、 [VC12という残留物を残して]
>>988 Gary Murphy told local police [ he stopped his car after [ hitting [ what he thought was a deer ] but instead [ what turned out to be a young male mountain lion ] ] ].