Thank you for your letter.I will do my best to asnwer your questions. There are many natural disasters in Japan, such as floods , earthquakes. The most impending natural disaster is earthquakes. You can see many shelters in case of an earthquake. When a big earthquake occurs, there is a possibility that people's residents collapse. If so , they can use the shelters. I often see the junior high school students do emergency drills. I think it is a good thing because they will be panic and cannot even escape if an earthquake occurs.In fact , Japanese government has encouraged Japanese people to do so. I am looking forward to seeing from you again. Karen
>>2 Thank you for your letter. I will do my best [ to asnwer your questions ]. There are many natural disasters in Japan, such as floods , earthquakes. The most impending natural disaster is earthquakes. You can see many shelters for earthquakes. [ When a big earthquake occurs ], there is a possibility [ that people's residences collapse ]. [ If their residences have collapsed ], they can use the shelters. I often see [ junior high school students do emergency drills ]. I think [ it is a good thing ] [ because they will have a panic and cannot even escape [ if an earthquake haas occurred ]. In fact ,Japanese government has encouraged [ Japanese people to have emergency drills ]. Karen, I am looking forward to [ hearing from you again ].
カッコ内に適切な関係代名詞を入れて文を完成させ、訳す問題です。 1.The nurse ( ) works in this hospital is very kind. 2.Is she the lady ( ) handbag has been stolen? 3.The boy ( ) you saw at the gate is his brother. 4.I konow this boy ( ) mother is a famouse novelist.
>>11 The nurse [ who works in this hospital ] is very kind. Is she the lady [ whose handbag has been stolen ]? The boy [ whom you saw at the gate ] is his brother. I konow this boy [ whose mother is a famous novelist ].
{}内の語句に続けて、関係代名詞を用いて一つの文にして、訳す問題です。 1. Look at {the car}. /It has a broken side mirror. 2. This is {the tree}. /It was planted last year by the mayor. 3. {The tie} matches my suit well. /I bought it yesterday. 4. {The music} is Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. /I am listening to it. 5. I had to do {the very thing}. /I did not like to do it.
>>14 Look at the car [ which has a [ broken ] side mirror ]. This is the tree [ which was planted last year by the mayor ]. The tie [ which I bought yesterday ] matches my suit well. The music [ which I am listening to ] is Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. I had to do the very thing [ that I did not like [ to do ] ].
>>7 A: You are very handsome. Are you handsomer than any other boy in your school? B: Yes, I am. But my lover is *much **handsomer than I am. And my sister is *much **more beautiful than some movie stars.
>>21 Ken drove Diana to the airport last Sunday. It was last sunday [ that Ken drove Diana to the airport ]. Ms. Brown met Sally in the supermaket yesterday. It was Sally [ that Ms. Brown met in the supermarket yesterday ]. It was in the supermarket [ that Ms.Brown met Sally yesterday ]. 満点です
1. In spite of his wealth, he was not at all happy. =( ) he was wealthy, he was not at all happy. 2. Whenever I called her up, she was out. =( ) time I called her up, she was out. 3. The higher we climb, the colder the air becomes. =( ) we climb higher, the air becomes colder. 4. As soon as he saw her, his heart began to beat faster. =The ( ) he saw her, his heart began to beat faster.
Every action follows a previous action,every thought a previous thought in uninterrupted series. これが訳せません。 一応前後の文章も手元にありますので 訳す際にそれも必要そうだったら言ってください。 話全体としては輪廻とかそんな感じの話のようです。 おねがいします
>>2 Thank you for your letter.I will do my best to answer your questions. There are a variety of natural disasters in Japan, such as floods, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes. such as の後は3つくらい例を挙げたほうがいいです。
The most frequent natural disaster is an earthquake. 最も頻繁に起こる災害は地震だと言いたいのでは? impending disaster だと、 一番間近に迫っている災害という意味になります。
You can see many evacuation shelters prepared for disaster in Japan. in case of は副詞節だったと思います。
If a big earthquake occurs, there is a possibility that people's residences collapse, and if such an earthquake happens, they can use the shelters. resident は「居住者」の意味。if so は、文脈的にあいまいな気がしたので、すこし具体的にしました。 has happened でも、どちらでもいいです。
I often see junior high school students take part in emergency drills. 単に「する」より、「参加する」のほうがいいと思います。生徒は避難訓練を やらされる側なので。 the を使うには、ここではどの生徒なのか相手も知ってないといけないので外しました。
I think these drills are good because if once an earthquake occurs, they may become panic, and also they may not be able to even escape from a building. ここも it は具体的にしました。
In fact, the government encourages people to do so regularly. 政府が訓練を勧めるのは日常的なことなので、現在形のほうがいいです。
I am looking forward to hearing from you again, Karen.
>>31 輪廻と言えば仏教に関する文章だと推測します。 『因果応報」というか行為や思惟の連綿性について述べていますが 適訳を捻り出すのは難しいです。 Every action follows a previous action, every thought (follows) a previous thought in uninterrupted series.
>>42 This is をItに変え、I の前にthatを加えてみると、強調文(だっけ?)になる。 the computer を強調した文になる。これが!あの!先日話したPCです。 これを、普通文に戻してみる。私は先日PCについて話した。 I ( )the computer the other day.
>>53 1.(afraid of making mistakes) 2.(eating too much at night) 3.(teaching Chinese to young children) 4.(avoid walking on this street) 5.(of not having)
片岡先生他の皆様前スレッド後半でお世話になった者です。 (猫の文章で)スレが終わってしまったためこちらにお礼を書きます。 どうもありがとうございました。良くわかりませんでしたが、先生が ネィティブにきいたらhave used to sleepでいいという答えだったん ですか?これだと今は寝てない気がしますけど・・。 she came back to her nest which is the basket of my bicycle. こんな文章でも解りますか?
The level and quality of discourse in this U.S. presidential campaign has not been particularly high, especially in recent weeks.
So I found former Gen. Powell’s recent analysis of the current state of affairs, as part of his widely publicised endorsement of Sen. Obama, to be a welcome and refreshing improvement in this regard:
It’s a shame that much of the rhetoric and commentary surrounding this campaign was not more like this.
過去といっても、「今日」までの事なら現在完了になります。 「まだ戻っていない」という意味にも取れますが、 別のところで、came back と言っているので、誤解はないと思います。 the outside cat that has been missing since the day before yesterday has been found. のような言い方もできます。 片岡先生の言っている通り、昨日戻ってきたなら、過去完了になります。
>have used to sleepでいいという答えだったん ですか?これだと今は寝てない気がしますけど・・。
まだネイティブの返事はもらっていないみたいですが、 辞書で調べると used to は助動詞扱いなので、had は、つかないと思います。 仮につけられたとしても、文脈的に合わないと思います。 to の後ろは、look forward to の時みたいに、名詞やingが主流です。
>she came back to her nest which is the basket of my bicycle.
文法的には合っています。nest は少し不自然だと思います。 使うなら、自分だったら home にします。
The outside cat who went missing has been found in the basket of my bicycle again. She haven't returned since the day before yesterday, so I was worried about her.
ア.A team is only as good as ( )who join it. @a manAthe manBmenCthe men イ.All technological changes have( )in unexpected conseqences. @resulted Adissolved Bfallen Cturned
>>93 A team is only as good as the men [ who join it ]. チームというものは、[それに加わっている]人間達と同量の良さを持つ All technological changes have resulted in [ unexpected ] conseqences.
>>98 I have lived in Tokyo 私はこれまで東京に住んできた。 私はこれまで東京に住んだことがある A: Have you ever lived in Tokyo? B: Yes, I have lived in Tokyo for two periods of time. うん、これまで2期間住んだことがあるよ *とにかく「これまで」が当てはまるなら現座完了形が使える
>>68 The cat had used to sleep there. 居なくなったその時までよく眠ったていたものでした
Chat in Englishで聞いたのですが、まだ回答が来ていません。 We used to play in the mountain. 僕達は昔よく山の中で遊んだものです。*過去に頻繁にした行動 She came back to her nest [ which is the basket of my bicycle ]. いいと思います。
But it is better not to cut out the gate and the umbrella, because the gate looks like something you might find in an old Japanese city and the red umbrella makes a beautiful contrast with the blue flowers.
1. もう大人なのだから自活してよい。 (that/ up/ you/ grown/ now/ are), you should support yourself. 2. 皿はそのままにしておいていいよ。 You can (they/ leave/ as/ are/ the dishes). 3. まもなく春がきた。 (before/ long/ not/ it/ was) spring came.
>>112 写真の構図かなんかか?文脈がわからんから勘で・・ But it is better not to cut out the gate and the umbrella, because the gate looks like something you might find in an old Japanese city and the red umbrella makes a beautiful contrast with the blue flowers. でも、門と傘を外さない方がいいぞ。門は古い日本の街にいかにもありそうな感じにみえるし、 赤い傘は青い花とビューチフルな対比になってるじゃん。
On November 7,1991,I retired from professional basketball because a blood test showed I was infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. I have been very fortunate since I told the world that I have HIV. Although some people have said and written some unkind things about me since I went public with my terrible news, in general people have accepted me and most of them told me they still love me.
But I'm one of the lucky ones. Most people with HIV infection,including AIDS,don't get that kind of support. They are rejected,sometimes even by family and friends. That rejection is ugly. It'based on hate and ignorance. Too many of us know what it feels like to be discriminated against because of our color or religion or disability or sexual identity. People with HIV are discriminated against,too...
Z会のTREASUREという教材の予習をしています。level5で大変難しいものです。いくつかお助けください。 lesson5 AMERICA AND EDUCATION Politics, economy or even health epidemics affect international student population demographics making American education less accessible to certain peoples.
makingの働きはどのようなものでしょうか? 「, making…(= and (they) make American education …)」みたいに継続用法の分詞構文と考えれば良いでしょうか?
International graduate students teach American students in return for tuition and stipend considerations. 「in return for tuition and stipend considerations」の言ってることが曖昧なのですけど 「払うべき授業料を払わない代わりに教える」ってことかな? stipend considerations(奨学金?)はどう考えたらいいか?「奨学金の代わりに(もらわないで)」さらに教える? ん?もらわないし、さらに教えなければならないなんて、なんか不合理なような気がしますが。どうなのでしょうか?
I speak Spanish, French, Italian and English and have been in international education my entire professional life. I have worked at several universities both in the United States and abroad.
in international educationのinは「受けて」という意味でしょうか?「従事して」という意味かでしょう?後者かな?
>>159から続く文ですが言っていることがよくわかりません。 I know that access is the great equalizer amongst people. An educated population that is aware of events and advances in other places can only contribute to internationalization. We cannot avoid the impact that telecommunications has had upon us nor can we remain isolated peoples. It is not possible for nations, even those in the process of emerging, to maintain seclusion. But only through sincere exchange of ides and peoples can U.S. cultural imperialism be tempered.
まずequalizer「平等にさせるもの」とは何を言っているのでしょうか 第2文、なぜonlyがあるのか?can only contribute「貢献しかできない」とは、それ以外ではあまり役に立たない。と否定的にとらえているのでしょうか? その後、第3、4、5文はなんとか訳せますが、第5文の言いたいことが不明。流れがつかめない。 「孤立は不可能」→But→「アメリカの帝国主義を抑えることができる」うーーん、いまいち言ってることがわかりません。 よろしくお願いいたします。
>>165 Any book will be fine, so long as it's interesting. >>162 Never have I seen him being so angry. Both you and I are wrong. I wonder if he would forgive me. You had better say sorry to him before it gets too late.
@ We have been playing tennis ( ) two hours. 1. during 2. for 3. in 4. while AWe discussed the matter ( ) a cup of tea. 1. in 2. on 3. over 4. during BI’ll finish my homework ( ) this Wednesday. 1. in 2. within 3. till 4. by CHe is famous ( ) a great musician in Japan. 1. as 2. by 3. to 4. for
1. I don’t agree to this proposal. =I’m ( ) this proposal. 2. The sunrise is so splendid that we cannot describe it. =The sunrise is too splendid ( ) words. 3. It is not important whether he will come or not. =It is ( ) no ( ) whether he will come or not. 4. The news says the President will visit China next month. =( ) ( ) the news, the President will visit China next month.
In America is counseling provided after a death このprovidedってノートにVって書いてあったんですが、前の カウンセリングを就職してる形容詞じゃないですか? 用意されたとか備え付けのとか。。 アメリカは死んだあとの備え付けカウンセリングです??意味が変!
センターの去年の語句整序についての質問なんですが Do you remember where that bicycle shop was? Something has gone wrong with the bicycle I bought at that sale. 和訳は あの自転車屋さんがどこにあったか覚えてる? 特売で買った自転車がおかしくなったんだ。 って訳ですけど このsomethingはどういう意味なのでしょうか?
>>203 1. I don’t agree to this proposal. =I’m (against) this proposal. 2. The sunrise is so splendid that we cannot describe it. =The sunrise is too splendid (beyond) words. 3. It is not important whether he will come or not. =It is (of) no (omportance) whether he will come or not. 4. The news says the President will visit China next month. =(According) (to) the news, the President will visit China next month.
@My aunt was astonished ( ) the sight of the documents. 1. with 2. to 3. at 4. in AI can ( ) understand his lecture. 1. hard 2. seldom 3. rarely 4. hardly BThe English exam was ( ) but easy. 1. not 2. only 3. anything 4. something CThis album ( ) me of my happy childhood. 1. minds 2. reminds 3. remembers 4. thinks back
Psychoanalysis is both a new understanding of how the human mind works and a new way of treating illnesses of the mind. One of the important ideas of psychoanalysis is that we do not know most of our thoughta and feelings and cannot control them. Sigmund Freud compared the human mind to a block of ice floating in the ocean. Just a small part of the ice shows above the surface of the water, while most of the ice is beneath the surface. Freud said that the mind was somewhat like the ice. We know only a small part of our thoughts and feelings. He called this part of the mind the conscious. The large part of ourthoughts and feelings that we do not know and cannot control he called the unconscious. You can prove to yourself that the unconscious part of your mind is at work. What are you doing with your hands? Are you biting your nails? Are you playing with a pen or pencil? Unless you consciously tell yourself to do these things, it is undoubtedly the unconscious part of your mind that is responsible for these actions.
There are many natural disasters in Japan, such as floods , earthquakes. The most impending natural disaster is earthquakes. You can see many shelters for earthquakes. When a big earthquake occurs , there is a possibility that people's residences collapse. If their residences have collapsed , they can use the shelters. I often see junior high school students do emergency drills. I think it is a good thing because they will have a panic and cannot even escape if an earthquake has occurred.
この文章の I think it is a good thing ~~~~~~~ has occurred. という文章は文法的には間違いはないけど、論理的におかしい。と 先生から指摘を受けました。 何処がおかしいんでしょうか…?
●The little girl is always saying , "I like cake." The little girl is always saying that ()() cake. ●He said to me, "I will come to the party." He () me that ()()() to the party. ●She said to her children, "What are you reading?" She () her children ()()()(). ●Our teacher said to us, "Do you have a red pen?" Our teacher () us ()()() a red pen. ●I said to my sister,"Turn off the radio." I () my sister ()()() the radio."
1. She speaks English fluently. =She is a fluent ( ) of English. 2. Physics is too difficult for me. =Physics is ( ) me. 3. Some scholars agreed to the plan, and others didn’t. =Not( ) of the scholars agreed to the plan. 4. If you take a number 2 bus, you will get to London. =A number 2 bus will ( ) you ( ) London.
>>244 @ We have been playing tennis ( ) two hours. 2. for AWe discussed the matter ( ) a cup of tea. 3. over BI’ll finish my homework ( ) this Wednesday. 4. by CHe is famous ( ) a great musician in Japan. 4. for
Freud said that the mind was somewhat like the ice. We know only a small part of our thoughts and feelings. He called this part of the mind the conscious. The large part of ourthoughts and feelings that we do not know and cannot control he called the unconscious. You can prove to yourself that the unconscious part of your mind is at work. What are you doing with your hands? Are you biting your nails? Are you playing with a pen or pencil? Unless you consciously tell yourself to do these things, it is undoubtedly the unconscious part of your mind that is responsible for these actions.
>>237 ●The little girl is always saying , "I like cake." The little girl is always saying that (she)(likes) cake. ●He said to me, "I will come to the party." He (told) me that (he)(would)(go) to the party. ●She said to her children, "What are you reading?" She (asked) her children (what)(they)(were)(reading). ●Our teacher said to us, "Do you have a red pen?" Our teacher (asked) us (if)(we)(had) a red pen. ●I said to my sister,"Turn off the radio." I (told) my sister (to)(turn)(off) the radio."
In America is counseling provided after a death このprovidedってノートにVって書いてあったんですが、前の カウンセリングを就職してる形容詞じゃないですか? 用意されたとか備え付けのとか。。 アメリカは死んだあとの備え付けカウンセリングです??意味が変!
リサは私に将来歌手になりたいと言った Lisa () me that she () to be a singer in the future. 私は彼にいつロンドンを訪れるのか尋ねた I () him when he () London. 彼はゲストに準備はできたかどうか尋ねた He () the guests () ready.
>>261 わしゃ、>>209 とは別人じゃが connseling が主語であることは間違いないが provided 以下がcounseling を修飾しているかどうかは微妙で よう分らん。文構造は二通り考えられるんじゃないか? 1 Counseling provied after a death is in America 2 Counseling is provied after a death in America
The youngest, who was not in the least ambitious, took no part in their arguments. in the least ambitiousをnotで否定して、野心を持っていた、となるように思いましたが、 解答には「年下の弟は、野心というものが全く無かったので、この争いのは加わらなかった。」と書いてあります。 いったいどうしてですか?
Not what the citizen of a country do when they must of necessity do something , but what they do when they can do anything by choice , is the basis for the judging of a people's life. One can tell much about a man by noting the object and pastimes to which he naturally turns for joy.
友達からこんなメールが来て、心配しています。 よろしくお願いします。 went to the house of the Dany The Dany was falling down in that place contacted in the hospital and got accompanied by and to the hospital now came. your transformation continuously comes and conveys a welfare in you.
Dany in home. me go Dany fall (come)down. me cell ambulance so Dany hospital now . Dany lose one's consciousness
1 先月、市立美術館である美術展が開かれました。 An ( )( )(was)(held)at the city museum 2 そのうちの1枚はゴッホによって描かれた ( )( )( )(were)(painted)by Gogh 3 彼の絵は多くの日本人に愛されてます His picture was ( )( )( )( )( ) わかる所は埋めましたがわからないのでお願いします。
>>309 Diabetes is a condition where people don't produce enough insulin to meet their body's needs or their cells don't respond properly to insulin. 「糖尿病とは、必要なインスリンを十分に作れないか、細胞がインスリンに 適切に反応できない状態である」
Considering the situation where they are living a very poor life, nobody could blame them for their mistake. 「極貧の生活をしている彼らの状況を考慮すると、誰に彼らの間違いを 責められないだろう」
The case where winners differed in opening 4 races. 「開幕4戦とも勝者が異なった場合」
*All of them asked him to be President.(All→S,asked→V,him→O,to be→C *My aim in life is to become a doctor.(aim→S,is→V,to become→C) *I want to be a doctor.(I→S,want→V,to be a doctor→O)
It has been more than sixty years since the computer was invented for the first time. What used to be seen as a dream-like fantasy has turned into reality. That day would come soon when a car which can move automatically ( automatically moving car) will come into existence.
Sixty years had already passed since computer had invented at first by Neuman. What had once seemed just a dream came out in this reality. So, the day might be soom when the car automatically driven without operating appears.
Thank you for your letter. I will do my best to answer your questions.
I think computer-generated characters will someday reduce the need for human actors because it is more favoritable for kids to use computer-generated characters. In Japan, there are a lot of comic books.These make adults interested and funny ,and through reading comic books ,they can get a lot of things , such as enjoying the various feelings, so adults in Japan read comic books. I prefer nonfiction to fiction because I like to see people achieve things that I think it is impossible to come true. Fiction is free of things I seek for. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
>>318 I have no idea what ( 1 ) he does wantなら間違いとは言い切れない 1,he wants 2,dose he want 3,he dose want 4,want dose he Let me have alook at the ring,(4 )? 並び替えなさい Do you (1 )( 3)( 4)(2 ) ( 3)do you (1 )(4 )(2からwhereとれ ) 1,think 2,is going where 3,where 4,she 適語を補充しなさい Why ( should)(we ) talk to Jill about it? 意味が決まってなければ別解いくらでもできる didn't weとか (What )do you think of his new plan? これだってwhyで間違いとは言い切れない What will the weather(be )like tomorrow?
How lucky なんてつういてるんだ!でいいですか?あと 腕を折ってついてた。何故かって? Because it was my right arm and so I could not do my homework.右手を骨折した為、僕は宿題ができなかった んだ。(nenedじゃなけど、文の流れから、宿題をしなくて 良かったんだ。って訳でもokでしょうか??
When the time ( ), most credit cards offer people a choice: they can pay all or just part of what they owe. @ has to pay A comes to pay B to be paid arrives C to pay will come
Osechi ryori is specially prepared New Year's food, beautifully arranged in lacquer boxes. Many of the delicacies inside are named in hopes for the families health and prosperity. The main dishes are colorful vegetables, fish, black beans and so on. The are arranged and tableware are really important parts of Japanese meals. People say that we enjoy our food twice, first by looking at it, and second by eating it.
He is so silly that no one trusts him at all. (彼が本当に愚かで誰もまったく彼を信用しません。) ↓too to の文にすると He is too silly to be trusted at all. となるのですが、この be trustedというのは受動態で 訳は(彼があまりにも愚かなのでまったく(誰にも)信じられない)となるのでしょうか?
>>345 文法間違いがあるかどうか、だけの依頼なので指摘はそれだけにとどめておきますが、 * favoritable辞書にないけど、 favorableかな? * CG characters をuseするのはkidsでいいの? * make adults interested and funny =adultsをinterestedかつfunnyにする、に読めてしまう。 attract and amuse adultsといいたかったのかな? *the various ->theは不要 *that I think it is impossible to-> that I think are impossible to *is free of ->lacks 基本的にfreeは好ましくないものが含まれてないという意味なので
I think that she runs in the park. I think that she looks happy. I think that she loves you. I thing that she gave him the letter. I think that she made him angry.
>>348 大変ありがとうございます。 that I think it is impossible to-> that I think are impossible to この部分なのですが なぜこうなるのかよく分かりません。 I like to see people achieve things . と I think it is impossible to come true them(things). だと思ったのでこのような形にしました。
もしI think がなかったとすると、thatは関係代名詞の主格なので、 I like to see people achieve things that are impossible to come true. という構造になる。。 そこにI think を挟むので I like to see people achieve things that I think are impossible to come true. になる。 用語はむずかしいけど、要はこれだけのこと。 come trueは、主語がcome trueするという用法。 目的語にするなら、make it come true など。 ついでに言うと、come true を使うなら、thingsはdreams/hopes/wishesとかのほうが、 相性がいいと思う。
あとpreferのあとの、fictionとnonfictionは語順が逆だとおもう。 I prefer nonfiction to fiction これだと、フィクションよりノンフィクションのほうが好きということになる。 それから、 Fiction is free of things I seek for. これは、あえて訳すと、フィクションには私が求めているものがまったくない。という意味になるよ。
How lucky なんてつういてるんだ!でいいですか?あと 腕を折ってついてた。何故かって? Because it was my right arm and so I could not do my homework.右手を骨折した為、僕は宿題ができなかった んだ。(needじゃなけど、文の流れから、宿題をしなくて 良かったんだ。って訳でもokでしょうか??
>>394 direction は in と結びつくんだな、これが。 君は正しい方向に向かっている、とか言う場合でも、You are going in the right direction. みたいにいう。なぜ、in か俺はネイティブのように 感覚的にイメージで理解していないので、機械的にdirection にはin だと 覚えてる。
>>394 おそらく「in the direction」のことを言っているのだろうが、それはイディオムというより考え方の違いだと思う。 日本語では「太陽は東【から】昇る」と言うところ、英語では「The sun rises【in】the east.」と言いますよね。 日本語の場合、「方向」は言わば「矢印の先」のようなイメージだが、英語の場合は「広がり」を持ったイメージなのだと思う。 「空【に】雲が浮かんでいる」と同じように「東【に】太陽が昇る」「改札口の方向【に】走っている」となるのだと思う。
1.英語に堪能であれば、私は彼を雇うのですが。 If he __________ proficient in English, I __________ him. 2.きみがかぎを持っていないことを知っていたら、ドアにかぎをかけなかったのですが。 If I __________ you didn't have a key, I __________ the door. 3.彼はまるでアメリカへ行ったことがあるかのように話します He takes as if he __________ to the United States.
>>404 1.英語に堪能であれば、私は彼を雇うのですが。 If he were proficient in English, I would employ him. 2.きみがかぎを持っていないことを知っていたら、ドアにかぎをかけなかったのですが。 If I had known you didn't have a key, I wouldn't have locked the door. 3.彼はまるでアメリカへ行ったことがあるかのように話します He takes as if he had been to the United States.
>>409 1.There are many groups of cell clusters (around) the world. 2.Two cells in different clusters can use the same range (of) frequencies. 3.Your cell phone connects to a base station when you (make) a call. 4.When you move from one cell (to another), the system hands you over to the new cell. 5.Cell phones have developed many functions (other than) voice.
>>410 This question is, is this really (the place) where we want to be spending all our money?
>>342 @I am sorry for having been lazy. AI am sorry. BI was lazy. CI am lazy. DI am sorry for being lazy. CをAにつなぐなら、動詞を[動詞の原形←ing]にして、前置詞をつけて@です。 BをAにつなぐなら、CがAより時間が古いことをあらわすために動詞の原形でかつ古い時間を表せるものとして完了形を使い、having+動詞の過去分詞、にして@になります。 10公式のIをご覧ください。
Do you have a dream? Do you have a aim? Do you spend your time meaningfully?
You must have wasted your time once and have regretted it. As proverb goes,time flies like an arrow. When you read this letter,perhaps you might waste your time again. Put importance on your own time. No more regret in your life.
>>418 However,when I return to Japan each year,【are/I/of/Japanese/am/lucky/reminded/the/how】to have such good service. こんなもんかな? 文脈なしの問題か・・i am reminded how lucky the japanese are to
>>419 Sometimes but not always or even usually. 時々ね、いつもではないし、よく、とまでもいえねっす。
Customer: Could we have three tofu burgers, please? Server: I'm sorry, we've sold out today. Customer: That's too bad! Your tofu burgers are so delicious that I brought my friends with me so they could try some. Server: ( ) Why not try the lotus root burgers, instead ? If you don't like them, you don't have to pay.
( )に入る答え → I'll tell you what.
センター試験の問19です。 I'll tell you what. の意味がわかりません。日本語訳を教えていただけないでしょうか。
A>I didn't go to class yesterday because my car broke down. B>You( )mine. I wasn't using it. ()内に入るのはcould have borrowedなのですが could borrowが入らないのはなぜなんでしょうか・・・? ちなみに仮定法です。
@tempura (has)(been)(thought)(of) as a typical japanese dish @天ぷらは典型的な日本料理の一つと考えられています。 Atempura (was)(not)(created)by japanese A天ぷらは日本人が造りだしたのではありません Btempura(was)(introduced)(into)(Japan)in the 16th B天ぷらは16世紀に始めて持ち込まれました。 CHowever,it (has)(been)(changed)to suit japanese taste Cしかしそれは日本人の味覚に合うように変えられてきています。 わかる所や出来そうな所は埋めてみたのですが間違いの指摘と答えを教えて下さい。
The right picture shows Kuro-mame(黒豆), black soybeans. Mame also means hard working and obdurability, symbolizing a wish for good health of one's family in the New Year. The left picture shows Kazunoko (数の子), herring roe. Kazu means "number" and ko means "child". It symbolizes a wish to be gifted with numerous children in the New Year. Tazukuri (田作り), dried sardines cooked in soy sauce. Since this fish used to be spreaded as fertilizer in rice fields, this symbolizes a good harvest. Kurikinton (栗きんとん), chestnuts in sweet potato mash, meaning "treasure", because it looks like gold dumplings. It symbolizes leading a wealthy life. Shrimps bend their backs when they are steamed, symbolizing a long life, by assosiation of elder people. Datemaki (伊達巻 or 伊達巻き), sweet rolled omelette mixed with fish paste or mashed shrimp. They symbolize civilization, because it looks like Japanese roll book.
正しい語句を選ぶ問題です。 1 Liz ( said/talked/told ),"I will do that job." 2 I ( said/talked/asked ) him to open the door. 3 Our boss (said/told/talked ) us to reach the goal. 4 If I ( am/was/were ) you, I would never do such a thing. おねがいします!
>>488 1 Liz ( said ),"I will do that job." 2 I ( asked ) him to open the door. 3 Our boss ( told ) us to reach the goal. 4 If I ( were ) you, I would never do such a thing.
>>434 Customer: Could we have three tofu burgers, please? Server: I'm sorry, we've sold out today. Customer: That's too bad! Your tofu burgers are so delicious [ that I brought my friends with me [ so they could try some ] ]. Server: I'll tell you [ what you can do ]. Why not try the lotus root burgers, instead ? [ If you don't like them ], you don't have to pay. *分からないときは省略されている言葉を考えましょう。
>>492 Important matters is whether... は主語が複数なのにbe動詞がisだからだめ。 もしareにしたとしても、whether you can make yourself understood in English とのつながりがだめ。whether以下が複数名詞ではないから。
What's important is whether.....ならOKだけど、語群にisが一つしかないから この問題の正解にはならない。
動詞matterは「----が重要である」という意味。 whatは関係代名詞で、The thing which と書き換えられる。つまり、 What matters is whether.....は、The thing which matters is という意味だ。「重要なのは、.....かどうかだ。」
正しい語句を選ぶ問題です 1 They suggested that we ( go/went/will go )by bus. 2 If I had enought money, I ( can/could/could have ) buy this book. 3 ( With/Without/As for ) you help, I could not finish this report. 4 I wish I ( can/could/could have ) be more intelligent. おねがいします。
>>514 1. They suggested that we go by bus. 2. If I had enough money, I could buy this book. 3. Without your help, I could not finish this report. 4. I wish I could be more intelligent.
When it comes to poor eating habits,the problem is not just how TV takes away from physical activity,but the fact that it's distracting,and they don't know how much they're eating.
>>388 これはanother。 職場でまさにしょっちゅう使っている! If you want to get one more, you'll have to pay another 200yen. みたいに言っているよ。 この場合、200yenをヒトマトメみたいに考えて、もう1回200円を払わなければならない、みたいなイメージかな・・・? otherとanother については、この1年間ぐらい、ずーっと考えていて、やっと感覚的に少し分るようになった。 another って、ようするに an other なんだよね。 だから、 the other , others はあっても the another だのanothers はありえない。 それから、the other やother は あっても冠詞無しのother もあり得ない。 そういうことが少し分ってきた。
Lobsters of around 10cm wash it well and I turn leaving a tail and I can enter and grow line eyes. Arrive and fry tempura powder to the lobster which I grew. I hold rice in a small-sized straw bag type. I put the tempura of the lobster on the rice ball, and write sky soup and wind up toasted laver and is completed.
The egg mixes a yolk and a white well and I add Awaguchi soy sauce and mix it with a broth. I mix water with dogtooth violet starch and add it. I spread salad oil in the omelet caliber and heat it and wind it up from this side before I carry away an egg thinly, and a case completely hardens. I return an egg toward you if I finish winding it up and I spread oil and drain an egg and bake it and wind it up likewise. I repeat this several times.
No one in the village guessed why he had died, but a killer was already among them. The fact was, plague-carrying fleas which had fed on rats traveled in the cloth to Eyam, and the plague spread in the village the moment George opened the parcel. Things got much worse over the next few weeks, with the tailor's son having died soon after George, followed by six more deaths. 訳お願いします!!
Rince shrimp about 10cm long well in cold water, then peel the shell off, leaving the tail on. Make equally spaced cuts in them. Straigten out shrimp, dip it into tempura batter, then fry it. Shaping hot rice into musubi(small rectangular rounds). Place deep fried shrimp in the middle of it. Wrap each musubi with nori and it's ready.
Beat eggs in a bowl. Add dashi soup and thin soy sauce in the egg and mix well. Add starch and water in the bowl and mix well. Heat salad oil in a square tamagoyaki pan. Pour a scoop of egg mixture in the pan and spread over the surface. Cook it until half done and roll the egg toward the top side. Move the rolled egg to the bottom side. Oil the empty part of the pan and pour another scoop of egg mixture in the space and under the rolled egg. Repeat that cooking it until half done and rolling the egg several times so that the omelet becomes thicker.
>>531 Consult a dictionary and you can find all the meanings of those phrases in it right away. 1 学校へ行く途中でその手紙を投函するのを忘れないで。 今朝その手紙を投函したことを私は憶えている。 2 私はカナダを訪れたことを決して忘れない。 明かりを消すのを忘れないで 3残念だけどパーティーには出席できないよ 彼女にあんな失礼なことを言ったことを私は航海している。
A>I'm worried about Anna. She's really been depressed lately. All she does is stay in her room all day. B>That sounds serious. という文があるのですが 三行目(ALL she.......)には原形不定詞が用いられていて 訳が「彼女がすることといえば、一日中自分の部屋にいるだけだ」 なのですが 「なぜ不定詞を用いるのか」というのと 「不定詞の意味(用法)のどれにあたるのか」がわかりません・・・ ちなみにこの場合、原形不定詞でもto不定詞でも可なのはわかります。
>>522 you think は挿入されているだけと考えてカッコに入れちゃってくれ。 すると @(you think) you are right A(you think) it is right B(you think) is right Cit is (you think) right
@ACは you are right, it is right で文になっちゃってる。 これでは前に what を置けない。文の要素が余る。 Bについて見ると what is right となり、「正しいこと」の意味になるから ここで you think を戻してやる。 what (you think) is right:正しい(と君が思う)こと
ま、挿入とかエロチックな表現を覚えるよりはw、 「what you think is right:正しいと君が思うこと」の形を覚えるのがよい。 what you believe is right とか、 what I think is interesting とか、形で。 記憶のポイントは think とか believe とかの「思う」系の単語の直後に is が来るってこと。
>>511 その形だと最後の as にはSVが続くのが正しい。 Taro has about ten times as many CDs as I have. が基本の形。しかし have が二回目なので代動詞 do を使ってもよい。 Taro has about ten times as many CDs as I do. さらに省略してこれはどうか。 Taro has about ten times as many CDs as I. 文法的に問題ないはずだが、嫌うネイティブが多い。 (特に文法の勉強をしてない人)
than の扱いもこれに似ている。 今は中学校でも He is taller than I. とは教えてないんじゃなかったかな? He is taller than I am. としているはず。 He is taller than me. が本当は圧倒的なんだが、 文法重視なのでさすがにこうは教えられないでしょうw
You should not only acquire knowledge, but also enhance your communication skills. Such efforts will benefit you even when you are unable to become a teacher.
1、妹は私に自分が昼食を作るつもりだと言った My sister () me that she ()() lunch. 2、男の人が電車の中で「静かにしなさい」と生徒たちに言った A man () the students ()()() on the train. 3、店員は彼女に翌日またそこに来るように頼んだ The clerk () to her, "Please()() again ()." 4、彼女は弟にどうしてそんなことをしたのか尋ねた She () her brother ()()() such a thing. 5、彼は私に私たちがどこで野球をするか尋ねた He asked me () we () baseball.
Globalisation is even harden to track now that one-third of all trade is withing companies, for example Toyota shipping car parts from Japan to the US for final aseembly.
>>575 1、妹は私に自分が昼食を作るつもりだと言った My sister (told) me that she (would) (make) lunch. 2、男の人が電車の中で「静かにしなさい」と生徒たちに言った A man (told) the students (to) (be) (quiet) on the train. 3、店員は彼女に翌日またそこに来るように頼んだ The clerk (said) to her, "Please (come) (here) again (tomorrow)." 4、彼女は弟にどうしてそんなことをしたのか尋ねた She (asked) her brother (what) (to) (do) such a thing. 5、彼は私に私たちがどこで野球をするか尋ねた He asked me (where) we (played) baseball.
テキストの例文 Medical precautions 1. To avoid infection, have your doctor give you shots for typhoid, cholera and yellow fever before depar-ture. 2. To prevent malaria, start taking Aralan tablets two weeks before departure.
When British people receive a present of a pen-knife or nail scissors or a set of fish-knives , we always take great care to give a small coin to the parson giving the present.
>>531 @Remember [ to post the letter on your way to school ]. ARemember. BYou must post the letter.*主語はAと同じなので省略。述語は不定詞にする。こうして@になる。 CI remember [ posting the letter this morning ]. DI remember. EI posted the letter.*動詞を見て動名詞にしてCになる。 FI'll never forget [ visiting Canada ]. GI'll never forget. HI visited Canada.*動詞を動名詞にしてFになる。 IDon't forget [ to turn off the light ]. JDon't forget. KYou must turn off the light.*主語はJと同じなので省略、述語を不定詞にしてIになる。 LI regret [ to say [ that I cannot attend the party ] ]. MI regret. NI must say.*主語はMと同じなので省略、述語を不定詞にしてLになる。 OI regret [ saying such a rude thing to her ]. PI regret. QI said such a thing.*動詞を見て動名詞にしてOになる。 **** 主語と述語を簡単にしたものが不定詞。動詞を簡単にしたものが動名詞と分詞。
>>582 Globalisation is even hard [ to track ] [ now that one-third of all trade is withing companies, for example Toyota shipping car parts from Japan to the US for final aseembly ].
>>536 A>I'm worried about Anna. She's really been depressed lately. All [ she does ] is [ (*to) stay in her room all day ]. B>That sounds serious. ********************** できるだけ簡単にするために省略。
>>528 Lobsters of around 10cm fof lengtyh are washed well. I leave the tails. I fry them deep. They turn light brown. I shape rice into a the size of a small ball. I put the tempura of the lobster on the rice ball.
>>530 No one in the village guessed [ why he had died ], but a killer was already among them. The fact was, plague-[ carrying ] fleas [ which had fed on rats ] traveled in the cloth to Eyam, and the plague spread in the village t [ he moment George opened the parcel ]. Things got much worse over the next few weeks, with [ the tailor's son having died soon after George ], [ followed by six more deaths ].
>>596 [ When British people receive a present of a pen-knife or nail scissors or a set of fish-knives ], we always take great care [ to give a small coin to the parson [ giving the present ] ] ]. そういうプレゼントをくれる人には小銭を上げてください。
>>619 [ If I *were you ], I *would not force my students to memorize awefully to many things. 現在僕が君だったとしたら、僕は地獄の詰め込ませはしない。現在の反事実は過去形 [ If I *had *worked at a college-going senior high school ], my students *would *have *graded their English ability far up. 過去において僕が進学校の教員だったとしたなら、生徒たちの英語の能力を大きくレベルアップしただろう。過去の反事実は、過去完了形か、過去の助動詞+完了形
>>669 Reading the posts which are not concerined with the thread title here, I realized how people like me, who have been known as NEET, are disgusting.
>>670 Thank you for taking the trouble of introducing yourself. You must be very tired.
東京のネットカフェだけProxyからの書き込み無しなの?犯罪対策で? >>619 [ If I *were you ], I *would not force my students to memorize awefully to many things. 現在僕が君だったとしたら、僕は地獄の詰め込ませはしない。現在の反事実は過去形 [ If I *had *worked at a college-going senior high school ], my students *would *have *graded their English ability far up. 過去において僕が進学校の教員だったとしたなら、生徒たちの英語の能力を大きくレベルアップしただろう。過去の反事実は、過去完了形か、過去の助動詞+完了形
>>663 Excuse me. Please stand side by side with me. You are very handsome. I want your picture. Let's smile! Cheese!
Niets are fuckingly weird. They make unrelated responses.
>>669 [ Reading the posts [ which are not concerned with the thread title here ] ], I realized [ how people like me, [ who have been known as NEET ], are disgusting ].
>>670 Thank you for [ taking the trouble of [ introducing yourself ] ]. You must be very tired.
OOPS! I realized [ how disgusting people like 669, [ who have been known as NEET ], are ]. OR I realized [ people like 669, [ who have been known as NEET ], are so disgusting ].
In many primitive cultures children participate much more in the activities of the community than they do in ours, and their presence at evening conference around the campfire is not only tolerated but encouraged. Children generally have much more of a sense of being wanted and of belonging. Accordingly, disciplinary problems are often fewer than they are in our own society.
あ、違うか、やっぱりIn many primitive culturesは、時は原始時代か? それと、is not only toleratedに関して。 なぜisなのか?wasではないのか?原始時代のことなら。 そして、is tolerated許される?とは、どういうことか? そもそもevening conferenceは子供が居てはいけないような会合だったのでしょうか? よろしく教えてください。
I like him the less.私は彼を好きだ(ますます少し)→好きの度合いが減った I hate him the less.私は彼を嫌いだ(ますます少し)→嫌いの度合いが減った I hate him never the less. 私は彼を嫌いだ(―でも無い ますます少し)→変わらず嫌い neverthelessの意味→the lessというわけでもない=変わらず
I hate him, nevertheless, he like me. 私は彼を嫌いだ,nevertheless,彼は私を好きだ。
関係副詞を用いて、前後の分を1つにする問題です。 1. I was about to go out. then I felt the house shake. 2. I met him at two. then it began to rain. 3. We walked together as far as the station. We parted there. 4. Tokyo is really overpopulated. More than ten million people live there.
>>718 I was about to go out, [ when I felt the house shake ]. I met him at two, [ when it began to rain ]. We walked together as far as the station, [ where we parted ]. Tokyo [ where more than ten million people live ] is overpopulated.
There is,first,the solemn music of the priests' marches,their two invocations to Isis and Osiris,and Sarastro's aria extolling friendship and forgiveness,'In diesen heil'gen Hallen'. Mildness and majesty soar in unexampled union above a harmony solemn with dark instruments - bassoon and horn,at times basset-horn and trombone - whose texture is at once rich and light.Sarastro's music, according to Shaw,was the only one fit for the mouth of God,but that misses the point.There is in it neither the apprehension of an unknown power nor the joy in resurrection that mark Christian faith; the power in known,and - whatever the calls on Isis and Osiris,pale deities - it is a human power;we may rejoice,but in human wisdom.Even the church music borrowed by the men in armour as they tell the young prince about the ordeals - a Lutheran chorale above a four-part fugato - manages to be solemn without transcendence.It is a token of Mozart's insight that exaltation of the human never grows complacent or overbearing.The Magic Flute is an unrepeatable climax of 'enlightened' faith in human beings' ability to guide themselves and the world;while it lasts,it rings true.
す〜きち君、次のうち一番よく使われるのはどれですか? 一番あまり使われないのはどれですか? New car sales tumbled 18%. New car sales plummeted 18%. New car sales sagged 18%. 私の直感ではplummetが一番よく使われ、saggyはあまり使われないように思うのですが、合ってますか?
Either the seller or the buyer can make an offer, but in international trade it is usually the exporter who does this. An offer sent by the buyer is usually called a"bid"
When we entered an elementary school, we were six years old. Six years old is old enough to distinguish good things from bad things. And we had been teached moral education by our surroundings. In addition, these days are a lot of kindargardens or juku like an English school, a swimming school and so on. By becoming six years old, we had a lot of chance to learn high standards of behavior. I think that a school is a place to learn high standards of education like an arithmetic or Japanese and so on. We learn too much about moral problems. So, we should not encourage to aducate about moral problems.
>>779 There is, first, the solemn music of the priests' marches, their two invocations to Isis and Osiris, and Sarastro's aria [ extolling friendship and forgiveness ], 'In diesen heil'gen Hallen'.
Mildness and majesty soar in [ unexampled ] union above a harmony [ solemn with dark instruments - bassoon and horn, at times basset-horn and trombone - [ whose texture is at once rich and light ] ].
Sarastro's music, [ according to Shaw ], was the only one [ fit for the mouth of God ], but that misses the point.
There is in it neither the apprehension of an [ unknown ] power nor the joy in resurrection [ that mark Christian faith ]; the power in [ known ], and - [ whatever the calls on Isis and Osiris, pale deities ] - it is a human power; we may rejoice, but in human wisdom.
Even the church music [ borrowed by the men in armour [ as they tell the young prince about the ordeals ] ] - a Lutheran chorale above a four-part fugato - manages [ to be solemn ] without transcendence.
It is a token of Mozart's insight [ that exaltation of the human never grows complacent or [ overbearing ] ].
The Magic Flute is an unrepeatable climax of '[ enlightened ]' faith in human beings' ability [ to guide themselves and the world ]; [ while it lasts ], it rings true. ***就任式の音楽のことですか? きちんと人間として取り組んでいこうとする姿勢を見せるような音楽
>>782 New car sales tumbled for 18%. New car sales plummeted for 18%. New car sales sagged for 18%. plummetが一番、落ちていく saggyは二番、暗く沈んでいく tumbleはおかしくない?、バタッと前に倒れる?
>>796 [ When we entered an elementary school ], we were six years old. Six years old is old enough [ to distinguish good things from bad things ]. And we had been teached moral education by our [ surroundings ]. In addition, these days, there are a lot of kindargartens and private facilities like English schools, [ swimming ] schools and so on. By the age of six years, we had had a lot of chances [ to learn high standards of behavior ]. I think [ that a school is a place [ to learn high standards of education like an arithmetic or Japanese and so on ] ]. We learn too much about moral problems. So, we should not be encouraged [ to be educated about moral problems ].
>>808 @It's no use [ your excusing yourself for [ doing such a thing ] ]. AIt's no use. BYou excuse yourself.*動詞を見て動名詞にして@になる。 CYou do such a thing. *動詞を見て動名詞にして@になる。
DI could not help [ asking him [ to stay a little longer ] ]. EI could not help. FI asked him.*動詞を見て動名詞にしてDになる。 GHe might stay a little longer.*heは前にhimがあるので省略、述語を不定詞にしてDになる。
These terms help both the exporter and the importer easily understand who makes arrangements for shipping and insuring the goods,who has title to them at each point, and who assumes responsibility for loss or damage of them at any point.
These terms これらの条項は help 助ける both the exporter and the importer 輸出する者と輸入する者の両方に easily understand 簡単に 理解することを who makes arrangementsfor shipping and insuring the goods, 誰が、商品の発送と保険の手続きをするのか、 who has title to them at each point, 誰が、それぞれの時点での、所有権をもつのか、 and そして who assumes responsibility for loss or damage of them at any point. 誰が、どの時点で、商品の損失あるいは損害に対して責任を負うのか、を。
>>285 These terms help [ both the exporter and the importer easily understand [ who makes arrangements for [ shipping and insuring the goods ] ], [ who has title to them at each point ], and [ who assumes responsibility for loss or damage of them at any point ] ]. これらの契約条項は輸出業者と輸入業者両方が、簡単に理解する手助けをする 誰が船積みや商品の保障の手続きをするか 誰が各時点に於いてそのことに対して権利を持つか そして誰が各時点に於いて損失や損傷の責任を負うかを
>>857 ←でした These terms help [ both the exporter and the importer easily understand [ who makes arrangements for [ shipping and insuring the goods ] ], [ who has title to them at each point ], and [ who assumes responsibility for loss or damage of them at any point ] ]. これらの契約条項は輸出業者と輸入業者両方が、簡単に理解する手助けをする 誰が船積みや商品の保障の手続きをするか 誰が各時点に於いてそのことに対して権利を持つか そして誰が各時点に於いて損失や損傷の責任を負うかを
These terms help { both the exporter and the importer easily understand [ who makes arrangements for ( shipping and insuring the goods ) ], [ who has title to them at each point ], and [ who assumes responsibility for ( loss or damage of them ) at any point ] }.
I have no idea { what to expect from his behavior }. 僕彼の行いから何を予想すればいいのか思い付かないよ〜 I can't tell { what to expect from his behavior }. 僕彼の行いから何を予想すればいいのか言えないよ〜
These terms help { both the exporter and the importer easily understand [ who makes arrangements for ( shipping and insuring the goods ) ], [ who has title to them at each point ], and [ who assumes responsibility for ( loss or damage of them ) at any point ] ですか?
These terms help { both the exporter and the importer easily understand [ who makes arrangements for ( shipping and insuring the goods ) ], [ who has title to them at each point ], and
[ who assumes responsibility for ( loss or damage of them ) at any point ] }
The art of yesterday can no more express our life of today than can the cave or mud hut fit our own housing needs. This does not necessarily mean that the art of other peoples was not often just as beautiful and fine as any we can produce today. 第2文のthat節を訳していただけますでしょうか。notやらoftenやらjustやらが訳しにくいのですが。not oftenで部分否定なのかなあ?
ちょっと辞書を引いてみましたが、ますます悩むばかりです。 とりあえずは部分否定ではないと思います。次の2つの辞書の例文によると。 It isn't often (that) taxis come this way. タクシーがこちらに来ることはめったにない. It wasn't often that people liked her. 彼女はめったに人に好かれなかった
ところが、上の2例に倣うならば、次の別の辞書の例文は「めったに着ない」と訳さなければならないのに、部分否定のように訳しています。 I do not often wear a suit. [=It is not often (that) I wear a suit.] 私はしょっちゅうスーツを着てるわけじゃない さらに次の追加の説明がある。(notはoftenを否定.I often don't wear a suit.は「私はスーツを着ないことがしばしばある」の意)
次はnot veryの部分否定ですね。これはこの訳し方で納得 I haven't been there very often. あまりそこへ行ったことがない
次の英文の和訳を依頼しましたら次のような回答を得たのですが、ちょっとばかり疑問を持っています。正しい和訳なのでしょうか? Mathematics is not a series of techniques. These are indeed the least important aspect, and they fall as short of representing mathematics as color mixing does of painting.
My house () () Odori Park. 私の家は大通り公園の近くにある Our school () () the suburbs of Sapporo. 私たちの学校は札幌の郊外にある It () seven stops () Sapporo Station by subway. 札幌駅から地下鉄で7つ目
To live and work in Japan is to be part of a “managed society”―what Chie Nakane refers to as a Vertical Society. Japanese who have never lived abroad (may not be able to) fully comprehend what this means,so an explanation is in order.
>>952 My house ( is )( near ) Odori Park. 私の家は大通り公園の近くにある Our school ( is )( in ) the suburbs of Sapporo. 私たちの学校は札幌の郊外にある It ( takes ) seven stops ( from ) Sapporo Station by subway. 札幌駅から地下鉄で7つ目
>>953 答えはCです。 "may not be able to"は「(完全に理解)できないかも知れない」ということですね。 「できない」はふつう"can't"ですね。ですが,助動詞は過去形にすることによって, 断定を避けた遠回しの表現になることがあります。 "couldn't"で「できないでしょう」とか「できないかも知れない」ということを意味しますので Cが答えです。
1、I quickly phoned two friend to see if ( )( )( )( )( ) 2、(we)(must)(buy)(tickets)soon because they will sell out quickly 1一緒にでかけられるかどうか知るために、二人の友人にすぐに電話しました 2チケットはすぐに売り切れるので私たちは急いで買わなければなりません 今助動詞の所なので助動詞を使うと思いますがわからないのでよろしくお願いします。一応片方埋めてみました
>>958 )10分程歩くと私達は小さな駅についた。(bringを使って) Ten minutes walk brought us to a small station. 2)この絵を見ると私は金沢にいる祖母を思い出す。(remindを使って) Watching this picture reminds me of my grandmother living in Kanazawa. 3)あの木の下でしばらく休みましょう。(名詞restを使って) Let's take a rest under that tree for a while. 4)新聞によるとその事故で50人がケガをしたそうだ。(sayを使って) The newspaper says the accident injured fifty people.
>>965 もう少し自然な英語に。 2)この絵を見ると私は金沢にいる祖母を思い出す。(remindを使って) [ Looking at ] This picture reminds me of my grandmother living in Kanazawa. 4)新聞によるとその事故で50人がケガをしたそうだ。(sayを使って) The newspaper says [ that ] fifty people were injured in the accident.
>>959 How old do you think you are? 「君は自分がいくつだと思ってるんだ?」
もう少し自然な英語に。 2)この絵を見ると私は金沢にいる祖母を思い出す。(remindを使って) [ Looking at ] This picture reminds me of my grandmother living in Kanazawa. 4)新聞によるとその事故で50人がケガをしたそうだ。(sayを使って) The newspaper says [ that ] fifty people were injured in the accident.
The seller will from time to time give information about newly developed product ,price revisions and [post-sale] services. ASuch [post-transaction] communication is called ["follow-up"].
He would die of shame when he was sent to the grocer for a bit of tea or piece of soap , and the grocer looked at him and said , “Not until you pay what you owe me.”
>>983 He would die of shame 彼は恥ずかしさで死ぬ思いをしたものだった [ when he was sent to the grocer for a bit of tea or piece of soap, お茶をちょっぴりとか石鹸の欠片を手に入れるために食料品店に使いにやられたとき and the grocer looked at him and said, そして食料品屋が彼を見てこう行ったとき “(You will) not (have them) あんたに渡すことは出来んよ [ until you pay [ what you owe me ] ].”] あんたが溜まってるツケをはらわにゃ
答えどーれだ? A: Look at all these bills! How can we ever pay them? B: I know ーー we’re spending too much. 【 】. A: OK, but what? B: Well, we could sell the car and use the train.
(1) We must try to earn a little more. (2) We should be more economical from now on. (3) We’ll have to do without something. (4) We’re not saving enough money.