Weather forecasting is a very complicated process. Data such as wind speed, amount of water vapor, and atmospheric pressure are gathered from all over the world as well as from satellites in space.
Well? because I have never lived in an English speaking country. I know my English is terrible, but I'm learning everyday. I'd be grateful if you could correct my mistakes. Could you tell me why you are so mean to me, by the way?
>>29 Yes, your English is terrible. And if you do know that, just shut up! You'd never ever be grateful if somebody corrects your mistakes, you never have been. You just get mad and start putting up idiotic comments!
You people use beautiful English, and I was astonished by witnessing it!! OK, then I'll behave myself from now on. But I'm sure I was not the first one behaving like that and won't be the last. Don't say I didn't warn you.
自分の好きな歌の英語詞を訳せ、という宿題を出されました。 僕は「eyes on me」という曲を選びました。 どうしてもわからない箇所がいくつかあったので、よろしくお願いします。
1.My last night here with you? Maybe yes, maybe no kind of liked it your way How you shyly placed your eyes on me Did you ever know? That I had mine on you
桐原書店の頻出英文法1000のある一問についてですがThe man decided to wait at the staiton until his wife came. 「その男は妻が来るまで駅で待とうと決心した。」 時・条件を表すuntil節のcameは何故現在形ではないのですか? 時・条件を表す副詞節の動詞は現在形ですよね?
Obtaining fingerprints may not be easy. Police examining a crime scene must be careful not to damage or destroy evidence. Good police teams limit the number of people working in an area where they are investigating a crime.
Have you heard people speak Hawaiian before? You all know that aloha means hello,but it also means welcome and love. Do you know how to say Thank you in Hawaiian?We say Mahalo. Hawaiian is a very musical language. We have only forty-five syllables in our language,and the second is very soft. In the old times,we had no writing system,so our history and our stories were passed on from parents to children by month. In the nineteenth century Europeans and Americans came to our islands and set our language into the Roman alphabet. これどういう意味ですか
All they could think of was to keep looking around there. の約は「彼らはその周辺を調べることさえできればよかった」 という意味で合ってますか? いまいち、“all”の訳し方が分かりません。 参考書を見ると、似たような表現に All you have to do (〜しさえばよい)というのがあります。
Since then,people have been using it for various purposes. We have been frineds since we were in elementary school. Corn can be harvested again and again.
>>78 Fifteen minutes for breakfast is much better for you than fifteen minutes of extra sleep. 「15分余計に寝るよりは,その15分間で朝食を摂る方があなたにとってずっとよい」
for you が much better に直接かかるからです。
>>80 All they could think of was to keep looking around there. 「彼に考えられるのは,その周囲を探し続けることだけだった」 all はあくまでも「全部,すべて」です。 問題文を直訳すると,「彼らが考えられるすべては,周囲を探し続けることだった」となります。 意訳して上の訳になるわけですが,分かりますでしょうか。
All you have to do 「〜しさえすればよい」も,本来は「あなたがしなければならないすべては〜だ」 という意味です。つまり,「〜しさえすればそれがすべて」→「〜しさえすればよい」となります。
>>84 Corn can be harvested again and again. 「トウモロコシは何度も繰り返し収穫することができる。」 (「〜収穫されることがができる」が原意)[受け身] 3番目ってこんな事じゃなくても、 Corn can harvest again and again. にしても一緒じゃないんですか?
>>86 それは違います。 トウモロコシは穀物なので,「収穫される」側ですから,英文は受け身(be+過去分詞)にする必要があります。 Corn can harvest again and again. は受け身になっていませんから間違いです。 Corn can be harvested again and again.が正しい文です。
Farmers can harvest corn again and again.「農家はトウモロコシを何度も収穫できる」 ならば能動でOKです。
Japan is a land of contact---of old and new,and of East and West.During the last 30 years industrialization has spread so rapidly in Japan that some of its own identity have lost.
landは「土地」でいいです。私は「国」と勝手に意訳したに過ぎません。 of contact が 前の a land にかかっています。「接触の土地」 of old and new, and of East and West の2つのofはどちらもcontactにかかっています。 「古いものや新しいもの,東洋のものや西洋のものの接触する土地」
「名詞 + (前置詞 + 名詞)」という形があれば,「後ろの(前置詞 + 名詞)が 前の名詞を修飾する場合が多い」と覚えてください。 land ( of contact ) 「接触の土地」→「接触する土地」(名詞を動詞らしく訳すとわかりやすくなることがあります) contact ( of old and new, and of East and West) 「古いものや新しいもの,そして東洋のものや西洋のものの接触」
>>89 Japan is a land of contact---of old and new, and of East and West. [ During the last 30 years ], これまでの30年間で industrialization has spread so rapidly in Japan 日本では工業化が急速に進んだので [ that some of its own identity have lost ]. 日本独自の物の幾つかの物がこれまでに消失した。
>>81 Since then, people *have *been *using it for various purposes. *現在完了+進行形 その時以来、人々はこれまでいろいろな目的で使い続けてきている。 We *have *been frineds [ since we were in elementary school ]. *現在完了形 私たちはこれまで友達であり続けた[私たちが小学校にいたときから] Corn *can *be *harvested again and again. *助動詞+受身形 トウモロコシは繰り返し収穫されるということがありえる。 ** can=成立する People can harvest corn again and again.
>>66 Have you heard [ people speak Hawaiian ] before? You all know [ that aloha means hello ], but it also means welcome and love. Do you know [ how to say Thank you in Hawaiian ]? We say Mahalo. Hawaiian is a very musical language. We have only forty-five syllables in our language, and the second is very soft. In the old times, we had no [ writing ] system, so our history and our stories were passed on from parents to children by month. In the nineteenth century, Europeans and Americans came to our islands and set our language into the Roman alphabet. 語のまとまりを捉え辞書を使って調べましょう。
>>60 [ Obtaining fingerprints ] may not be easy. [指紋を確保することは]かんたんではないだろう。 Police [ examining a crime scene ] must be careful [ not to damage or destroy evidence ]. [犯罪現場を調べる]警察は気をつけなければならない[証拠を損傷したり消滅させたりしないように] Good police teams limit the number of people [ working in an area [ where they are investigating a crime ]. 良い警察のチームは、人の数を制限しなければならない[[自分たちが犯罪の捜査をしている]場所で働く]
You all know that aloha means hello,but it also means welcome and love. って アロハが「こんにちは」を意味することは皆知っているでしょうが、それはまた「ようこそ」や「あなた」も意味します。 って訳せるみたいですが、Youって皆って訳せるんですか?
Corn *can *be *harvested again and again. *助動詞+受身形 トウモロコシは繰り返し収穫されるということがありえる。 ** can=成立する People can harvest corn again and again. He can play the piano. 彼がピアノを弾くことが成立する。 =彼はピアノを弾ける。
>>80 All [ they could think of ] was [ to keep [ looking around there ] ]. [彼らが考えることの出来る]全てのことは、[[その周辺を見回すことを]続けること]であった。 =彼らが考えうるのはただその周辺を見回し続けるということだけだった。
>>9 My uncle *has *lived in Canada for twenty years.**これまで住んできた**現在完了 I *have *been *driving for two hours.**これまで運転し続けてきている**現在完了+進行形 They *have *been *running on the playground for thirty minutes.**これまで走り続けている**現在完了+進行形 She *has *been sick since last week.**これまで病気の状態である**現在完了 My brother has been listening to the CD since this moring.**これまで聞き続けている**現在完了+進行形 The mountain *can *be *seen from here.**見られることが成立する。=見ることが出来る。**助動詞+受身
A: Look! He plays tennis. B: Oh, he *can play tennis! テニスをすることが出来るんだ〜 I like [ playing tennis ]. We *can play tennis together. 一緒にテニスをすることが成立するよ〜 I will be great fun. I like him very much, and I *can have a very happy time with him. 彼と幸せな時間を過ごせるよ〜、一緒に時間をすごすことが成立するなんて・・・(嬉しいなあ)
>>156 I'll get to this work right away.は間違いでないですが、不自然です。
get on this workだと「この仕事に接触する」→「この仕事にとりかかる」です。 (onが「接触」であることをお忘れなく) get to this workだと「この仕事のある所に行く」だから 仕事との接触なく「仕事に着手する」の意味が出てきません。
ただし、get to business/workはよく使います。 これならbusiness/workという抽象的な世界になり、 「business/workそのものに行く」の意味になるので 「これから仕事に着手する」の意味が出せます。 なお、businessはget down to businessとdownをつけたほうが自然です。
One of the most remarkable communication systems found in the nonhuman world is that of the European honeybee. This insect is able to communicate the location of an especially rich food source to its hivemates when it returns to the hive.
>>159 One of the most remarkable communication systems(S) found in the nonhuman world is(V) that of theEuropean honeybee.(C) 「人間世界以外でもっともめざましいコミュニケーションシステムは ヨーロッパのみつばちのものだ」
This insect(S) is able to communicate(V) the location(O) of an especially rich foodsource to its hivemates 「この昆虫は巣にいる仲間に、 えさの豊富にある特定地を伝えることができる」 when it returns to the hive. 「巣に戻ったときに」
Thank you for your letter.I will do my best to answer your questions. In Japan, rice and "misoshiru" and "Natto" are a typical breakfast. You know, "Natto" smells decaying something. Compared to that of the past, Japanese eating habits have shifted to that similar to America and Australia and so forth, so the number of Japanese peole suffering from high brood pressure and diabetics have been surging. I think they are good things because we can curtail the time to eat, but they are unhelthy to human bodies. What do you think about that? 文法的間違いがあるか指摘してくださると大変うれしいです。
In Japan, rice and "misoshiru" and "Natto" are a typical breakfast. →rice, miso soup, and natto You know, →削除 Compared to that of the past, →削除 that similar to America and Australia and so forth, →be affected by the Western styleなどを使ってみては number of Japanese *peole→peopleが綴り間違い have been surging→has been increasing I think they are good things because we can curtail the time to eat, →わかりにくいので全面改善を。たとえば、 It is convenient because it takes us less time to cook ….など。 but they are *unhelthy to human bodies. →Japanese breakfast is healthierくらいで。To以下は不要です。
Mozart's father was a musician with a considerable reputation in Europe. He had taught Mozart that art never fails to console man in his saddest moments.
Mozart's father was a musician with a considerable reputation in Europe. He had taught Mozart that art never fails to console man in his saddest moments.
>>234 英語力ってどうしたら効率よく身に着きますかね…俺 高1なんですけどまともな大学行けるか焦りまくってます。 Senior high 1st grader: Please tell me the best way [ to improve my English ability ]. Kazuyoshi Kataoka: Come round to my thread and ask me any questions [ you have ]. Then, you will suddenly go sharp upward in your ability. Your teacher and friends will be astonished and wonder [ what has happened to you ].
>>228 Mozart's father was a musician with a considerable reputation in Europe. He had taught Mozart [ that art never fails [ to console man in his saddest moments ] ].
最近このスレに来た人たちに教えておきますが >>215と最近のあおりコピペ乱発中学生が訳したのは Ten dollars, if not less, will be enough to buy that. です。で、if not lessは「少なくとも」と訳さなければいけないそうです。 最近出てくるコテハンでまともな>>240さん、訳してみてくれませんか?
>>179 Thank you for your letter. I will do my best [ to answer your questions ]. In Japan, rice and "misoshiru" and "Natto" are a typical breakfast. You know, "Natto" smells [ *something decaying ]. [ Compared to that of the past ], Japanese [ eating ] habits have shifted to ones [ similar to American, Australian and so forth, so the number of Japanese people [ suffering from high blood pressure and diabetics ] have been surging. I think [ they are good things [ because we can curtail the time [ to eat ] ], but they are unhealthy to human bodies. What do you think about that?
>>158 One of the most remarkable communication systems [ found in the nonhuman world ] is that of the European honeybee. This insect is able [ to communicate the location of an especially rich food source to its hivemates [ when it returns to the hive ] ].
>>262 Ten dollars, [ if not less ], will be enough [ to buy that ]. Ten dollars, [ if it does not go less than that ], will be enough [ to buy that ]. 10ドルは[お金がそれ以下にならないならば]十分であるだろう[それを買うのに] 10ドルあるならば、それを買うのに十分だろう。
キミ、キミ、そこのif not lessバカ中学生君、これ訳してみ。 ちなみにnativeが書いた文だからね。 まああまりいい文じゃないけど、at maximumとかぶるからね。 この文でもif not lessを少なくとも、と訳すのかい? ただ、if not lessがわからないようでは文全体がレベル高すぎるかな、中学生には無理かも。
As a student traveler, you may be under 21, which is the legal drinking age in the US. Guess what? Drinking ages around the world are far more reasonable -- most drinking ages worldwide are at maximum 18, if not less, which makes sense for legal drinking ages. And provided you act like a grown up, you can probably be served a cerveza with that fish taco anywhere, regardless of age.
こんなのもあるよ、これもキミにはちょっと難しいかな The primary motivation for investing some assets outside Canada has not changed. Canada accounts for only 2%, if not less, of the world market. Also, Canadian stocks are typically concentrated within the financial and natural resources sectors.
Thank you for your letter. will do my best to answer your questions. In Japan, cell phones can be seen. One of the most advantageous is that wherever you are, you can call and e-mail anyone, so cell phones have prevailed in Japan.These functions are diversity:taking pictures, as I mentioned , calling and e-mailing anyone, furthermore, watching TV! But , on the other hand , Japanese people , in especially young people , use them in public places , such as libraries and trains. The problem is becoming an enormous one in Japan. Japanese government should deal with this problem! I am looking forward to hearing from you soon .
これは、同映画の次の台詞を受けて言っています。 My momma always said "Life is like a box of chocolates. you never know what you're gonna get." ママが「人生はチョコレート箱のようなもの。開けてみるまで何が入っているかわからない」って よく言っていたんだ。
>>314 Thank you for your letter. I will do my best to answer your questions. In Japan, cell phones can be seen(←意味がよく分かりません). One of the most advantageous (aspects) 名詞が必要です is that wherever you are, you can call and e-mail anyone, so cell phones have prevailed in Japan. These functions→the functions(theseにしてしまうと上で言っている二つのことだと思ってしまいます) are diversity→diverse(形容詞に):taking pictures, as I mentioned, calling, e-mailing (anyone), and even watching TV! (furthermoreはあまりこんなところでは使わないかな) (But), on the other hand, Japanese people, especially young people, use them in public places, such as libraries and trains. The problem is becoming an enormous one(issueにすると更にいい) in Japan. The Japanese government should deal with this problem! I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
>>306 As a student traveler, you may be under 21, [ which is the legal [ drinking ] age in the US ]. Guess what? [ Drinking ages around the world ] are far more reasonable -- most [ drinking ] ages worldwide are at maximum 18, [ if not less ], [ which makes sense for legal [ drinking ] ages ]. And provided [ you act like a [ grown ] up ], you can probably be served a cerveza with that fish taco anywhere, regardless of age.
The primary motivation for [ investing some assets outside Canada ] has not changed. Canada accounts for only 2%, [ if not less ], of the world market. Also, Canadian stocks are typically concentrated within the financial and natural resources sectors.
>>352 JOHN: [ Be that [ as it may ] ], I have to do this *on behalf of her. ANDY: You fool!...You can do more than that. JOHN: You can make fun of me, my friend....But I know [ that I deserve to accept the fact [ as it is ] ]. ジョン「たとえそれがどうであっても、オレはやんなきゃいけないんだよ。彼女に代わってね。」 アンディ「バカ! ・・・そんなやり方でしかできないのかよ。もっとできるだろうが!」 ジョン「笑っていいよ、アンディ。でもさ、オレはありのままの事実を受け入れて当然なんだよ。」
>>314 Thank you for your letter. I will do my best [ to answer your questions ]. In Japan, cell phones can be seen. One of the most advantageous is [ that [ wherever you are ], you can call and e-mail anyone, so cell phones have prevailed in Japan. The functions are diverse: taking pictures, [ as I mentioned ], calling and e-mailing anyone, furthermore, watching TV! But ,on the other hand , Japanese people, especially young people , use them in public places, such as libraries and trains. The problem is becoming an enormous one in Japan. Japanese government should deal with this problem! I am looking forward to [ hearing from you soon ].
With stories of violent crime hitting the headlines, it sometimes seems that we live in a very dangerous world. However, while such crimes do occur on occasion, I believe that society is doing enough to keep its citizens safe. Prevention is better than cure and so it makes sense to start with education. Young people are taught the difference between right and wrong at school, and most of them grow up with a respect for law and order. Crime is often glamorized on TV, but there are also books and TV programs that inform the public about the harsh conditions in prisons and how much the victims of crime suffer, both physically and emotionally. These must surely deter some people who would otherwise have become involved in criminal activities. Finally, although some people argue that surveillance cameras invade our privacy, that is a small price to pay for the role they play in protecting us. Cameras stop many people from committing violent crimes. Even when such crimes do occur, the cameras can be used to help the authorities catch the perpetrators and bring them to justice. Violent crime will not disappear completely, but if we all work together, we can ensure that we live in a safe society, now and in the future.
それと,thatは関係代名詞ではないですよ。前節の議論の内容を指した代名詞「そのこと」です。 Finally, although some people argue that surveillance cameras invade our privacy, that is a small price to pay for the role they play in protecting us. 「最後に,監視カメラは私たちのプライバシーを侵害していると議論する人々もいるが, それは警察が私たちを守る課程において演じる役割のために支払う小さな代償である。
>>401 1. The mother always has her daughter brush her teeth after meals. 2. Let her go ahead. 3. My parents always make me do the dishes. 4. I'll let you know Miki's mail address later.
1. Our teacher always makes us (to) study even early in the morning. (make somebody do something) 2. Let us (to) go on a picnic tomorrow. (let somebody do something) 3. He has his father help him with his homework. (have somebody do something)
>>376 With stories of [ violent crime hitting the headlines ], it sometimes seems [ that we live in a very dangerous world ]. However, [ while such crimes do occur on occasion ], I believe [ that society is doing enough [ to keep its citizens safe ] ]. Prevention is better than cure and so it makes sense [ to start with education ]. Young people are taught the difference between right and wrong at school, and most of them grow up with a respect for law and order. Crime is often glamorized on TV, but there are also books and TV programs [ that inform the public about the harsh conditions in prisons and [ how much the victims of crime suffer, both physically and emotionally. These must surely deter some people [ who would otherwise have become involved in criminal activities ]. Finally, [ although some people argue [ that surveillance cameras invade our privacy ] ], that is a small price [ to pay for the role [ they play in [ protecting us ] ] ]. Cameras stop many people from [ committing violent crimes ]. [ Even when such crimes do occur ], the cameras can be used [ to help [ the authorities catch the perpetrators and bring them to justice ]. Violent crime will not disappear completely, but [ if we all work together ], we can ensure [ that we live in a safe society, now and in the future ].
Cameras stop many people from [ committing violent crimes ]. [ Even when such crimes do occur ], the cameras can be used [ to help [ the authorities catch the perpetrators and bring them to justice ]. Violent crime will not disappear completely, but [ if we all work together ], we can ensure [ that we live in a safe society, now and in the future ].
>>382 What made [ you go there ]? 何が成らせるか[君がそこに行くように] The teacher often has [ her students repeat sentences after her ]. その先生は頻繁にする[彼女の生徒たちが彼女のあとについて言う様に] [ As I kept [ asking many times ] ], 僕が何度も求めることを続けるので my parents let [ me go the rock concert ]. 僕の両親はさせてくれる[僕がロックのコンサートに行くことを] Look! There’s a bike behind us. Let [ him pass ]. 見て!後ろに自転車がいるよ。させてあげて[彼が通るように]
1, I found it difficult to speak french. 2, Do you think it effective to study just before the exams? 3, I have little time to play computer games. 4, My father has few books but many magazines. 5, My mother seldom watches TV. 6, My brother hardly eats any vegetables. 7, The puppy barked happily as if he understood every word. 8, My sister talks to me as if she were my mother.
>>426 more than two years「2年以上」 ↓ noをつけると、「以上」の部分がゼロになる。 ↓ no more than two years=two years ↓ ただし、「本当なら2年以上あったいいのに それ以上になっていない」というニュアンス ↓ no more than two years=「2年しか」
同じように考えれば no less than two yearsが「2年も」になることもわかるはず。
1,Where do they speak Chinese? 2,When did they build the bridge? 3,What language do they speak in Australia? 4,How many people did he invite to dinner? 5,Yumi takes care of the dogs. 6,A car ran over his cat. 7,A tall man spoke to us. 8,Did Jack give up the plan?
>>431 1.Where is Chinese spoken? 2.When was the bridge built (by them)? 3.What language is spoken in Australia? 4.How many people were invited to dinner by him? 5.The dogs are taken care of by Yumi. 6.His cat was run over by a car. 7.We were spoken to by a tall man. 8.Was the plan given up by Jack?
>>433 1.My friend sings as if she were a professional singer. 2.My father talks as if he knew everything. 3.I found it difficult to play the violin well. 4.I seldom eat bread for breakfast. 5.hardly understand what she says because 6.make it a rule to walk my dog
1.few→little 2.will be→would be又はwere 3.makes seldom→seldom makes
彼は彼女の夫のような口振りで話す 仮定法であれば he tell as if he were her husband となり 直接法、すなわち話し手が彼は彼女の夫であると推測している場合は he tell as if he is her husband となると思うのですが これが過去形の場合、仮定法では he told as if he were her husband となりますよね 解らないのは過去形の直接法の場合なのですが、どのように表現すれば良いのでしょうか? 日本語でいえば 彼は彼女の夫のような口振りで話した(<話し手の推測>きっと彼は彼女の夫なんだろう) です
It is as cold as yesterday. 比較の文は何と何を比べているのかが重要だと習いました。 この文だと昨日と比べているものは何になるのでしょうか? 日本語訳では「昨日と同じくらい今日は寒いです」となっているのですが、 それだとToday is になるのではないんですか?元々Today is だったら 今日と昨日を比べているということで納得できたんですが。
>>457 Today is としちゃいけなかったんですか。どうもありがとうございました。 すいませんもうひとつ、この文も何とを比べているのかよくわからないんですが、 解説していただけないでしょうか? You have to eat as much vegetable as meat. (肉と同じくらいの野菜を食べないとならないですよ。)
This situation is often supported by the political elites in those countries, as they are usually the ones that prosper most under such circumstances, further adding to the sence of injustice within the population and often resulting in harsh repression and brutal security measures being employed by those elites. All too often,international arms companies,with the assistance of their governments,are ready and willing to provide a wide range of weapons systems, often directed at the harsh control of dissident movements,with small arms killing tens of thousands of civilians each year.
This situation is often supported by the political elites in those countries, as they are usually the ones that prosper most under such circumstances, further adding to the sence of injustice within the population and often resulting in harsh repression and brutal security measures being employed by those elites. All too often,international arms companies,with the assistance of their governments,are ready and willing to provide a wide range of weapons systems, often directed at the harsh control of dissident movements,with small arms killing tens of thousands of civilians each year.
>>463 This situation is often supported by the political elites in those countries, [ as they are usually the ones [ that prosper most under such circumstances, [ further adding to the sence of injustice within the population ] and [ often resulting in [ harsh repression and brutal security measures being employed by those elites ]. All too often, international arms companies, with the assistance of their governments, are ready and willing [ to provide a wide range of weapons systems ],
疲れた。中高生の皆、訳してごらん。 often directed at the harsh control of dissident movements,with small arms killing tens of thousands of civilians each year.
This situation is often supported by the political elites in those countries, [ as they are usually the ones [ that prosper most under such circumstances, [ further adding to the sence of injustice within the population ] and [ often resulting in [ harsh repression and brutal security measures being employed by those elites ] ] ].
All too often, international arms companies, with the assistance of their governments, are ready and willing [ to provide a wide range of weapons systems, [ often directed at the harsh control of dissident movements, with small arms [ killing tens of thousands of civilians each year ] ] ]. 訳してごらん。
This situation is often supported by the political elites in those countries, [ as *those *political *elites are usually the *people [ that prosper most under such circumstances, [ further adding to the sence of injustice within the population ] and [ often resulting in [ harsh repression and brutal security measures being employed by those elites ] ] ].
All too often, international arms companies, with the assistance of their governments, are ready and willing [ to provide a wide range of weapons systems, [ often directed at the harsh control of dissident movements, with small arms [ killing tens of thousands of civilians each year ] ] ].
[ as *those *political *elites are usually the *people [ that prosper most under such circumstances, [政治的エリートたちは[そういう状況下で最も肥え太る]人間たちである]
*続きを訳してごらん。 [ further adding to the sence of injustice within the population ] and [ often resulting in [ harsh repression and brutal security measures being employed by those elites ] ] ].
[ further adding to the sense of injustice within the population ] [さらに不正義の感覚を人々の中に引き起こし]
and [ often resulting in [ harsh repression and brutal security measures being employed by those elites ] ] ]. 又[[激しい抑圧や猛々しい取締りがそういうエリートたちによって行われる]という結果をしばしば生み出したりして]
All too often, international arms companies, [ with the assistance of their governments ], are ready and willing [ to provide a wide range of weapons systems, [ often directed at the harsh control of dissident movements, with small arms [ killing tens of thousands of civilians each year ] ] ].
All too often, international arms companies, [ with the assistance of their governments ], are ready and willing [ to provide a wide range of weapons systems, [ often directed at the harsh control of dissident movements, [ with small arms [ killing tens of thousands of civilians each year ] ] ].
Jeff: Hello, this is Jeff. Laura: Hi, Jeff. Jeff: T'm at the station butTdon't know how to get to your place. Could you tell me the way? Laura: Sure thing, but will you do me a favor on the way? Jeff: My pleasure. What is it? Laura: Tneed extra paper cups. Could you drop by Basket Market and buy some? Jeff: No problem. And on the wayTwant to buy some roses for you at the florist's.
Laura: Oh, that's nice of you. OK, follow my directions and you'll be at my place. But just remember. Wood Street is blocked between Baystar Bank and Betti's Beauty Parlor, it's under repair now. So, go straight across the bridge in front of the station and go up the road to Wood Street. You can buy some flowers at Rubi's on your right. Then go back down the street toward the station, but turn right. Basket Market is on Reele and Wood, just across the street from the post office. Then go one block to Penn Street and turn right. My house is the third on the left. Jeff: Tgot you. Thanks much. See you later. Laura: Thanks. Bye.
It is,of couse, a massive oversimplication to say that poverty leads to terrorism,Yhe political aims of radical paramilitary groups, whatever their philosophies,can only be achieved if they have, among other things,the support of those whom they claim to represent and are able to muster the resources that they need. That support will depend on how deep and enduring are the grievances of those people,and the ability of the groups to tap into this underlying reservoir of discontent and marginalisation. The success of groups such as Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Palestinaian territories, is in part due to the fact that they are able to provide the medical,educational and social services that the local goverments have failed to deliver,thus securing the allengiance of a dissaffected population and legitimising their violent agenda.
>>503 It is,of couse, a massive oversimplication [ to say [ that poverty leads to terrorism ] ], The political aims of radical paramilitary groups, [ whatever their philosophies (may be), can only be achieved [ if they have, among other things, the support of those [ whom they claim to represent ] and are able to muster the resources [ that they need ] ]. That support will depend on [ how deep and [ enduring ] are the grievances of those people, and the ability of the groups [ to tap into this [ underlying ] reservoir of discontent and marginalisation ] ]. The success of groups such as Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Palestinaian territories, is in part due to the fact [ that they are able to provide the medical, educational and social services [ that the local goverments have failed to deliver ], [ thus securing the allengiance of a [ dissaffected ] population and legitimising their violent agenda ].
The success of groups such as Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Palestinaian territories, is in part due to the fact [ that they are able to provide the medical, educational and social services [ that the local goverments have failed to deliver ], [ thus securing the allengiance of a [ dissaffected ] population and legitimising their violent agenda ].
The success of groups such as Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Palestinaian territories, is in part due to the fact [ that they are able to provide the medical, educational and social services [ that the local goverments have failed to deliver ], [ thus securing the allengiance of a [ dissaffected ] population and legitimising their violent agenda ] ].
the alleged, but now generally discounted, pre-war link between Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and al-Qaida has become a self-fulfilling prophecy, in that treating Iraq as part of the ‘war on terror’has only spawned new terror in the region and created a combat training zone for paramilitaries and jihadists. People across the world now overwhelmingly believe that the Iraq war has increased the likelihood of terrorist attacks worldwide.59If extended to Iran, the implications of intervention would be disastrous.60 It was hoped by the planners in Washington and London that the removal of Saddam Hussein and the spreading of democracy to Iraq would eventually vindicate their policy of pre-emption. However, it has become clear that ‘democracy’ in this instance actually means the privatisation of state-run industries, plus elections.61The US policy of detention without trial of “unlawful combatants” in Guantanamo Bay; the widespread and deliberate bombing of civilian infrastructure in Afghanistan and Iraq; the abuse and torture of prisoners at the Abu Ghraib prison; and the destruction of Fallujah, the “city of mosques”, are just four more of the injustices of the ‘war on terror’ – injustices widely reported across the Muslim world, further adding to the sense of oppression and marginalisation (Islamic militants often also cite Chechnya, Kashmir and Palestine as further examples of Western oppression of Muslims). As the Defense Science Board (an advisory committee to the US Secretary of Defense) concluded in September 2004, “Muslims do not ‘hate our freedom’, but rather they hate our policies”.62A post-7/7 UK Home Office working group also concluded that British foreign policy, especially in the Middle East, was "a key contributory factor" in the motivations of radical extremists.63
>>542 The [ alleged ], but now generally [ discounted ], pre-war link [ between Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and al-Qaida ] has become a self-[ fulfilling ] prophecy, in [ that [ treating Iraq as part of the ‘war on terror’] has only spawned new terror in the region and created a combat [ training ] zone for paramilitaries and jihadists. People across the world now overwhelmingly believe [ that the Iraq war has increased the likelihood of terrorist attacks worldwide.
[ If extended to Iran ], the implications of intervention would be disastrous.
It was hoped by the planners in Washington and London [ that the removal of Saddam Hussein and the [ spreading [ of democracy to Iraq ] ] would eventually vindicate their policy of pre-emption ]. However, it has become clear that ‘democracy’ in this instance actually means the privatisation of state-run industries, plus elections.
The US policy of detention without trial of “unlawful combatants” in Guantanamo Bay; the [ widespread ] and deliberate [ bombing ] of civilian infrastructure in Afghanistan and Iraq; the abuse and torture of prisoners at the Abu Ghraib prison; and the destruction of Fallujah, the “city of mosques”, are just four more of the injustices of the ‘war on terror’ – injustices widely reported across the Muslim world, further adding to the sense of oppression and marginalisation(Islamic militants
However, it has become clear that ‘democracy’ in this instance actually means the privatisation of state-run industries, plus elections.
The US policy of detention without trial of “unlawful combatants” in Guantanamo Bay; the [ widespread ] and deliberate [ bombing ] of civilian infrastructure in Afghanistan and Iraq; the abuse and torture of prisoners at the Abu Ghraib prison; and the destruction of Fallujah, the “city of mosques”, are just four more of the injustices of the ‘war on terror’ – injustices widely reported across the Muslim world, further adding to the sense of oppression and marginalisation(Islamic militants
同格の文で の中が形容詞+名詞の文てありますよね、 I have as many books as you. こうゆう文で否定文てないんですか?検索してもでてこないので。 たとえば「私はあなたほどたくさんの本をもっていません」と言いたい時とか。 I don't have as many books as you.
>494 :片岡数吉 ◆q1XDCabc/2 :2009/01/06(火) 21:36:20 >All too often, international arms companies, [ with the assistance of their governments ], are ready and willing >[ to provide a wide range of weapons systems, >[ often directed at the harsh control of dissident movements, [ with small arms [ killing tens of thousands of civilians each year ] ] ].
@Get up at once, ( ) you will miss the train. 1. and 2. or 3. but 4. so AI’m interested in Kyudo, ( ), “Japanese archery.” 1. and 2. or. 3. but 4. that BI’m not sure ( ) he likes it or not. 1. tat 2. when 3. why 4. whether CIt is true ( ) he said so. 1. why 2. what 3. that 4. whether
訳お願いします。 この文章難しすぎます。 Psychoanalysis is both a new understanding of how the human mind works and a new way of treating illnesses of the mind. One of the important ideas of psychoanalysis is that we do not know most of our thoughts and feelings and cannot control them. Sigmund Freud compared the human mind to a block of ice floating in the ocean. Just a small part of the ice shows above the surface of the water, while most of theice is beneath the surface. Freud said that the mind was somewhat like the ice. We know only a small part of our thoughts and feelings. He called this part of the mind the conscious. The large part of our thoughts and feelings that we do not know and cannot control he called the unconscious. You can prove to yourself that the unconscious part of your mind is at work. What are you doing with your hands? Are you biting your nails? Are you playing with a pen or pencil? Unless you consciously tell yourself to do these things, it is undoubtedly the unconscious part of your mind that is responsible for these actions.
>>573 Get up at once, or you will miss the train. I’m interested in Kyudo or“Japanese archery.” I’m not sure [ whether he likes it or not ]. It is true [ that he said so ].
>>578 Psychoanalysis is both a new [ understanding of [ how the human mind works ] ] and a new way of [ treating illnesses of the mind ]. One of the important ideas of psychoanalysis is [ that we do not know most of our thoughts and [ feelings ] and cannot control them ]. Sigmund Freud compared the human mind to a block of ice [ floating in the ocean ]. Just a small part of the ice shows above the surface of the water, [ while most of the ice is beneath the surface ]. Freud said [ that the mind was somewhat like the ice ]. We know only a small part of our thoughts and [ feelings ]. He called [ this part of the mind the conscious ]. [ The large part of our thoughts and [ feelings ] [ that we do not know and cannot control ] ] he called [ the unconscious ]. You can prove to yourself [ that the unconscious part of your mind is at work ]. What are you doing with your hands? Are you biting your nails? Are you playing with a pen or pencil? [ Unless you consciously tell yourself [ to do these things ] ], it is undoubtedly the unconscious part of your mind [ that is responsible for these actions ]. 言葉はこのようにまとまっています。このまとまりを捉えて自分で訳せば英語力が2倍になります。
仮定法過去完了の文になるように、( )の語句を直しなさい。 (1)If I (finish) my homework, I could have gone out to play. (2)If I (meet) you earlier, I would have married you. (3)If I had taken an umbrella with me, I (will not get) wet. (4)If you had left your office earlier, you (may be) in an accident.
1. This umbrella is not mine. It’s my father’s. =This umbrella is not mine ( ) my father’s. 2. If you work hard, you’ll master English soon. =Work hard, ( ) you’ll master English soon. 3. He gave me some money as well as good advice. =He gave me not only good advice ( ) some money. 4. There is little hope of her quick recovery. =There is little hope ( ) she will ( ) quickly.
>>618 1. This umbrella is not mine. It’s my father’s. =This umbrella is not mine but my father’s. 2. [ If you work hard ], you’ll master English soon. =Work hard, and you’ll master English soon. 3. He gave me some money as well as good advice. =He gave me not only good advice but also some money. 4. There is little hope of her quick recovery. =There is little hope [ that she will recover quickly. ==There us little hope of [ her recovering quickly ].
>>602 The aesthetics of fast food are [ of much less concern ] to me [ than its impact [ upon the lives of ordinary Americans ] is ]. ファーストフードの美学は、私には関心のずっと低い事柄である [[普通のアメリカ人の生活に]ファーストフードが与える切迫度よりも] **アメリカ人の生活にファーストフードが与える力と比べると、ファーストフードの美学なんて僕には遙かに関心のない事柄だ
1. 学校の行き帰りによく彼と会います。 I often see him (way/ from/ on/ to/ my/ and) school. 2. 困ったことに、誰もその仕事をしようとしなかった。 (was/ that/ trouble/ nobody/ the) wanted to do the job. 3. 何の助けも必要ないことをはっきりさせておきたかった。 I wanted (it/ that/ clear/ to/ make) I didn’t need any help.
>>605 present=ここにある、ここにいる=ここにある物=ここに差し出す=贈り物 I am present. I present you with this ring for [ our getting together ]. This ring is a present to you. I will present my presentation to you.
>>634 1. 学校の行き帰りによく彼と会います。 I often see him ( on my way to and from ) school. 2. 困ったことに、誰もその仕事をしようとしなかった。 ( The trouble was that nobody ) wanted to do the job. 3. 何の助けも必要ないことをはっきりさせておきたかった。 I wanted ( to make it clear that ) I didn’t need any help.
@Be it my guess AThough it is my guess これは僕の推測なんだけれど(条件) Aは従属節だから接続詞で始まる。 従属する節は、接続詞を使う代わりに述語の最初の言葉を節の頭に出すことも出来ます。 @のit=ここに言うこと、その場にあるもの、は省略できます。 It is nice [ to meet you ]. Nice [ to meet you ].
>>640 @[ If the weather permits ], we are going to hold the party outside. A[ The weather permitting ], we are going to hold the party outside. @の動詞を、分詞(=動詞の原形←ing)、にして、Aのように簡単な言い方をすることが出来ます。
@Steve jogs for an hour every day ( ) he is too tired. 1. although 2. if 3. unless 3. since AAs ( ) as I know, he has nothing to do with the matter. 2. far 2. long 3. much 4. good BTake your coat with you ( ) it gets cold. 1. now 2. though 3. so 4. in case CThe ceiling of the room was brown, ( ) the walls were all white. 1. before 2. why 3. while 4. because
A: Will you have (either) tea or coffee? B: I will have tea. C: I will have coffee. D: I will have (both) tea and coffee. E: I will not have (either) tea or coffee. I will have neither tea nor coffee.
This is as GOOD as new. これは新品同様に良い。(話し手の「良い」という感じを主眼に) This is as SAME as new. これは(全く)新品同様である。(「同じ」であることを主眼に) わざわざ、as と似た意味をもつ same を使っているからには、「同じ」ことを強調している。
因みに、 最初の as は副詞、2番目の as は接続詞。 as には元々「同じ」という意味が含まれていることに注意。 さらに、「同じ」という意味を含むからには、「何」と比較して「同じ」なのかを述べておく必要があり、 その必要な「何か」を述べておくことが一般的となっている。
1番目の副詞 as で「何かと同様に」と述べておいて、その1番目の副詞 as が指す 「何か」を2番目の接続詞 as を用いた副詞節で補っている。 感覚的には、例えば、形式目的語の it に似ていて、
>>686 He like to go on a date with me. He likes calling me every day. He likes seeing movies. He likes to see new movies. He enjoys having dinner with me.
One of the qualities of the Englishman which is a great part of his strength is that he is always ready to learn by his mistake , when once he is convinced of them.
one of the qualities of the Englishman 英国紳士の特長の一つ which is a great part of his strength 彼らの際だつ強み(彼らの強さの大部分を占める) is that は he is always ready to learn by his mistakes, 彼らは失敗から常に学ぶ準備がある when once he is concinced of them them=mistakes その失敗を一旦納得すれば
>>705 One of the qualities of the Englishman [ which is a great part of his strength ] is [ that he is always ready [ to learn by his mistakes ], [ when once he is convinced of them ] ].
仮定法過去完了の文になるように、( )の語句を直しなさい。 (1)If I (finish) my homework, I could have gone out to play. (2)If I (meet) you earlier, I would have married you. (3)If I had taken an umbrella with me, I (will not get) wet. (4)If you had left your office earlier, you (may be) in an accident.
>>713 [ If I had finished my homework ], I could have gone out [ to play ]. 遊びに行けたはずだったのに [ If I had met you earlier ], I would have married you. 君と結婚しただろうに [ If I had taken an umbrella with me ], I would not have got wet. 雨に濡れなくてすんだだろうに [ If you had left your office earlier ], you might have been in an accident. 事故に遭っていたかも知れないよ、ぞ〜っ
It is time [ that you went to school ]. 今は、時間だよ[君が学校に行ったはずの]
>>715 @もし彼がゴールを決めていたら彼のチームは試合に勝っていたかもしれない。 [ If he had made a goal ], his team might have won the game. Aあの時カメラを持っていたら写真を撮ったのになぁ。 [ If I had had a camera then ], I would have taken the picture. Bもし彼が5分早く起きていたら、そのバスに乗れたのに。 [ If he had got up 5 minutes earlier , he could have gotten on the bus. Cフランス語が理解できればなぁ。 I wish [ that I could understand French ]. Dあなたがここにいればなぁ。 [ If you were here with me now ], I would kiss you into you mouth. [ Were you with me here now ], I would put you on my thigh. E彼はまるで宇宙に行ってきたかのように話す。 He talks [ as he would talk [ if he had been to space ] ]. Fもし無人島へ行くような事があれば、あなたは何を持っていきますか? [ If you were to go to a island [ where no one lives ] ], what would you take with you?
Jesus doesn't leave you. He will be with you for ever. He will come to you [ whenever you call for help to him ]. I say so [ because hae has been so with me ]. He helped [ me standing upright [ even when I was about fall and collapse ] ]. So speak out your burden to Him and cry, and He will yield His power on you.
(1)あの時カメラを持っていたら写真を撮ったのになぁ。 If I ( ) had the camera with me then, I would have taken pictures. (2)もし彼が5分早く起きていたら、そのバスに乗れたのに。 If he had got up five minutes earlier, he could ( ) caught the bus. (3)フランス語が理解できればなあ。 I wish I ( ) French. (4)あなたがここにいればなあ。 I wish you ( ) here. (5)私は前に彼に会った事があるかのように感じた。 I felt as if I had ( ) him before.
>>729 > (1)あの時カメラを持っていたら写真を撮ったのになぁ。 > If I ( had ) had a camera with me then, I would have taken pictures. > (2)もし彼が5分早く起きていたら、そのバスに乗れたのに。 > If he had got up five minutes earlier, he could ( have ) caught the bus. > (3)フランス語が理解できればなあ。 > I wish I ( understood ) French. > (4)あなたがここにいればなあ。 > I wish you ( were ) here. > (5)私は前に彼に会った事があるかのように感じた。 > I felt as if I had ( met ) him before.
(1) If I (had) had the camera with me then, I would have taken pictures. (2) If he had got up five minutes earlier, he could (have) caught the bus. (3) I wish I (understood) French. (4) I wish you (were) here. (5) I felt as if I had (met) him before.
BHowever, this is sometimes difficult to achieve because the differences between ところが、そいつは時には達成するのがとても難しい、なんでかっちゅうと、新しいアメリカ人の the cultures and languages of new Americans and those of established Americans 文化や言語と、すでに完全なアメリカ人となった連中のそれとの間の違いが多くの場合とっても大きい are often very great. からなのだ。
>>735 @It may take a long time for migrants to abandon the language and customs of the old country and to become a part of the American way of life. 移民が元の国の言語や習慣を捨て、アメリカの生活様式の一部となるには、長い時間がかかるかも知れない。
APeople thought that the United States could serve as a melting pot and produce a unified population. 人々は、合衆国が人種のるつぼとして助けとなり、統一された国民を生んでいると考えた。
BHowever, this is sometimes difficult to achieve because the differences between the cultures and languages of new Americans and those of established Americans are often very great. しかし、これを成し遂げるのは、時には困難である。新しくアメリカ人となった移民達と、すでに地位を確立したアメリカ人の、文化や言語の違いがしばしばとても大きいからだ。
>>744 It has been hard [ to concentrate on my studies lately ] [ because a road has been being constructed in front of my house ]. 僕んちの前でこれまで道路が建設されてきて今も建設されているので
>>735 It may take a long time [ for migrants to abandon the language and customs of the old country and to become a part of the American way of life ].
People thought [ that the United States could *serve as a [ melting ] pot and produce a [ unified ] population ]. 混ぜて溶かす鍋としての*役割を果たす
However, this is sometimes difficult *[ to achieve ] [ because the differences between the cultures and languages of new Americans and those of [ **established ] Americans are often very great ]. *統一した国民を生み出すという目標を達成することは難しい **それまでに造り上げられたアメリカ人の文化や言語
>>793 You should teach the students ( such things as will be ) useful in later life. 「学生に後の人生で役に立つようなことを教えるべきだ」 as は関係代名詞。先行詞things に such がつくと関係代名詞に as を使うパターン。
質問です @とAの文がほぼ同じ意味となるようにかっこを埋める問題で‥ @There is no reason why we should not do it. AThere is no reason(for not doing)it. これが答えなんですが、根拠が分かりません。関係副詞のwhy=for whichだからって事と、Aのfor以下が動名詞になっててforの直後にnotがきてる事はわかるんですが‥ ・何で動名詞の意味上の主語であるmeを書かないんですか? ・@にあるshouldはAにおきかえてないけどいいんですか?
>>797 最初のものは考え方はあなたのほうが正しいと思う。 文法的に正しいのはThere is no reason for us/our not doing it.になるはず。 英文がちょっと不自然だが、そういう指示だからしょうがない。 ただし、出題者は@のweを「一般的な人」と考えているのだろう。 その場合は、ourやusはいらないということになり、Aが正解。
動名詞の意味上の主語は全体の主語と一致しなくても書かないことがある。 ↓の場合意味上の主語は提案された人たち。全体の主語はHeで一致していない例 ex) He sugested going to the movies tomorrow. 今回の問題は「パンピー」が意味上の主語になってる。
入れようが無いので仕方が無い。 ただ便宜上次のように理解しておけばまぁいいと思う。 what to doという表現はthe things to doだけれども 「すべきこと」というshouldの意味を内包していたりする。 the reason not to doも似たような感じでshouldの意味を含んでいる。 (この場合、〜すべきというより当然性の感じが強いけど) 形容詞的用法の不定詞を前置詞for+動名詞で置き換えた(for not Ving =not to V)ものが 問題の書き換えなのでshouldを書かなくてもまぁいいんじゃない?みたいな。
Sound like you are getting some rain,isn't it 付加疑問文ですよね? 雨が降ってるるみたいだねって訳 だったと思いますが、〜 likeの後って名刺か、him coming みたいな形じゃないと駄目じゃなかったですか?前置詞だから 文章がきてもokなのでしょうか?このsomeって訳さなくて いいんでしょうけど、少しって感じでいいんですか?
A: You had a *busy day? B: I had a *slow day. A: Is it a *slow day as Kawashima Eigo said. He said a *slow train. Isn't a life like a *slow train very good? B: Yes, it is. Kawashima Eigo was a *wonderful person. Kawashima Eigo was *more *wonderful than *wonderful Kataoka Kazuyoshi.
>>827 This would amuse the white people このことは白人達を面白がらせる [ who would assume 捉える [ the comical chicken chaser could not be the [ cunning ] slave stealer ] ]. 漫画チックな臆病者を追い立てる者は、だまくらかして奴隷を盗んでいく者であるとは考えられないと
A man intends to steal a slave. He plans a trick to decieve the slave owner. He is a very cleaver and very good man. He is very cunning, as cunning as a fox. He robs the slave of the slave owner. What does he do with the slave? He has fallen in love with the slave young man the moment he saw him. What does he do with the slave? He say, " now you are free. You may go far far far away to somewhere you'll not be a slave any longer." Why did you steal me and help me to be free for ever? Because I never don't want someone live an unhappy life whom I have fallen in love ummediately the moment I see.
She took life one day at a time. (母は一日一日人生を大切に送った。) のat a timeは「一度に、一回に」という副詞じゃなくて、 「一度の」というone dayを修飾する形容詞の働きですか? She(S) took(V) life(O) one day at a time(C).ですか?
>>827 This would amuse the white people このことは白人達を面白がらせる [ who would assume 捉える [ the comical chicken chaser could not be the [ cunning ] slave stealer ] ]. 漫画チックな臆病者を追い立てる者は、だまくらかして奴隷を盗んでいく者であるとは考えられないと
たとえば、 No one ran in that race.だと通常の主語の否定で 「走った人はいなかった」だけど Never did they run in that race.だと否定は動詞部分で「彼らは走らなかった」 Never in that race they ran.だと「そのレースで走らなかった」になる。
3 is am areなどのbe動詞の場合はそのあとにnotをつける。 This is a pen.→This is not a pen . 普通の動詞の場合には動詞そのものではなくて 代わりの動詞(代動詞)を動詞の前において 代動詞のあとにnotをつける。
He takes a walk every day.「彼は毎日散歩する」 →(代動詞を前に)He does take a walk everyday. →(代動詞のあとにnot)He dose not take a walk every day. これで完成。なお、is notはisn'tとdoes notはdosen'tと 短くする(縮約という)するのが普通。
私の理解では、 theがつかない⇒話し手が、その名詞の「種類」のみに着目 theがつく⇒話し手が、その名詞の「個性」に着目 ということだと思う。たとえば「Do you have a pen?」と言った場合、「(ペンであればどのペンでもいいから) ペンを持っていますか?」ということ。
それに対して「窓をあけてくれませんか?」と言う場合は、相手の近くの窓のことを言っているわけだから 「Will you open the window?」となる。「Will you open a window?」なら、 窓が複数あって「どの窓でもいいから、 窓を開けてくれませんか?」のような感じになる。
この文章なんですが‥ 訳 【映画を見に行ってもいいよ。でも終わったらすぐ帰って来なさい。】 You can go to the movies as long as you come right home when it's over. が答えの英文です。 英文の中で、come right homeってあるけど、 come home rightの順番じゃ駄目なんですか?何でですか?
He is being willfully blind to the realities of the situation. 自分はwillfullyもto the realiesもis beingに掛かっているように見えるんですが、 違うくてblindに掛かっていると書かれています。 もしかしたら形容詞句・副詞句がよく分かってないのかもしれません… どうしてそうなるのか、よければ詳しく教えて欲しいです。
Letterman: Did your directer get up and said about that? Natalie: ah...kinda...yeah... Letterman: What did he say? Natalie: Oh... "Natalie stop sleeping during the movie." Audiences:Hahahahahahaha Letterman: Does he... does he have an accent? Natalie: Yeah! Audiences: HAHAHAHA Natalie: Quick!
>>884 A car comes this way. ある1台の車がこっちに来るよ。 The car stops before us. その車が俺たちの前で止まるよ。
A: Is that boy your brother? be動詞の疑問文、be動詞を主語の前に出す。 B: No, he is not my brother. be動詞の否定文、be動詞の後にnotを付ける。 A: Is that handsome boy your brother? B: Yes, he is my brother. be動詞の肯定文
A: Does that boy play the piano? 一般動詞(〜する)の疑問文、助動詞の do(es) を使う。 [do(es)+動詞の原形]にし、do(es) を主語の前に出す。10公式のC B: No, he does not play the piano. 一般動詞(〜する)の否定文、助動詞の do(es) を使う。 [do(es)+動詞の原形]にし、do(es) の後に not を付ける。 A: Then does that boy there play the piano? B: Yes, he plays the pinano. 一般動詞の肯定文、10公式のA
>>924 She lives in Tokyo. → She is the woman LIVING in Tokyo. だから、 She married an African. → She is the woman MARRYING an African. となる。(実際は、「marry 〜」は動作を表すので、こうはならないが)
この場合は、 She is called Hana-chan. → She is the woman CALLED Hana-chan. と同じで、 SHe is married to an African. → She is the woman MARRIED TO an African. となる。
>>936 My cat finally came back. She was sleeping in the basket of my bicycle outside. She has not been back home since the day before yesterday, so I was worried about her.
どうもありがとうございます!日本語かかないですいません。 私の猫じゃないんですよ。でもかごに居ついてしまったので 餌をあげています。なので外猫って事になります。 has been livedの方がいいかな・・。 住んでることはいまもですが、居なくなった事、かえってきた事は両方 とも過去のことなのでhadだと思ってましたが、何故hasなんですか? まだいなくなってるって事になっちゃいませんか?
従って、be married to は2)を受動態にした表現です。 marry A to B → A is married to B 「結婚させられる」→「結婚する」 受動態ですから、これは動作と状態の二つを意味します。動作を明確にする場合は be を get にして、get married to となります。もちろん、be married to でも動作を 表しうることは言うまでもありませんが。逆に、次の例1)では状態を意味することは ありません。
1)The man married Mary last month. = 2)The man got[was] married to Mary last month. = 2)' The man and Mary got[were] married last month. = 3) The man and Mary married last month. (これは自動詞用法)
>The writer of the novel is a Japanese woman ( ) an African and now living in New York City.
marry → marrying be married to → being married to → married to * being(現在分詞) を付けた形は普通ありません。過去分詞が名詞を修飾できるからです。 同様なことは分詞構文でもあります。受動態の分詞構文でbeingを省略するあたりと 同じように理解するのがいいでしょう。
この文章なんですが‥ 訳 【映画を見に行ってもいいよ。でも終わったらすぐ帰って来なさい。】 You can go to the movies as long as you come right home when it's over. が答えの英文です。 英文の中で、come right homeってあるけど、 come home rightの順番じゃ駄目なんですか?何でですか?
right now たった今 right away 今すぐに right in the middle of the night まさに真夜中に
come right home 「(他の場所に寄り道せずに)すぐに家に帰る」
You can go to the movies as long as you come home right when it's over. としても意味は通じます。ただしこの場合はrightがwhen節を強調することになるので, 「まさに映画が終わったとき=映画が終わったらすぐに」といいう意味になります。
>>973 She married him last month. 彼女は彼と結婚した。*行為 She is *married to him now.=She has married him for a month. 彼女は彼と結婚している。*結婚している状態 *married は、受け身よりも完了の過去分詞から来ているように思うのですがどうでしょうか?
Native speakers, is the usge of *used *to here not permissible?
The cat [ that had *used *to sleep outside in the basket of my bicycle ] came back ( yesterday ). she hadn't returned since the day before yesterday. So I had been worrying about her.