
>Also, every supermarket product has labels in both languages.

Sounds like some areas in America where hispanic population is large.
Although I've never been there and just read somewhere about that.
The winner of the anime song contest wrote somewhere, either in her blog
or her posts in 2ch that her grandpa or granma doesn't understand English.

In an article I read on the web, she is dubbed anime industry's version of
Riah Dizon. Riah used to be dubbed Black Ship of Japan's show business.
And Catherine is dubbed Blackship, too in the article.

Black ship, in case you don't know about it, is a ship Commodore Perrie from
America was onboard, requesting Japan to open its market and promote
trades with foreign countires after more than 300 years of closed foreign
trade policy. Precisely, in Nagasaki prefecture, Japan was open to foreign
trade with Netherland and maybe Portugal, too. I forgot pretty much what I learned
in Japanese history class, so I'm not 100% sure about the trade with Netherland and Portugal part.
349名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/23(月) 19:28:04
Judging from her passion for anime and her photos on some websites,
she seems like Otaku. She doesn't look like a typical western woman
who's too assertive but instead, looks like a reserved woman.
That's an advantage in my opinion.
As long as she knows otaku culture in Japan and is otaku-minded, which
she seems to do and is, I'm sure she will have her fan base, although she
shouldn't too shy to speak Japanese and express herself in Japanese without
being afraid of making mistakes to communicate with Japanese otaku.

Jobs in show business in general are unstable and she's just made a step
in her carrer. Who knows what she'll end up with, say, in five years?
What if she loses momentum she has now? She has looks and maybe she'll
get married with a Japanese man and make a good wife in five years
after getting out of show business.

What I noticed about her is that she is short and that maybe an advantage to her
in Japan. Otaku likes kawaii girls and a short girls tend to be considered kawaii.
These days, tall female idols are popular, too but a long time ago,
a tall girl didn't sell in Japan's show business as as an idol.
350>>1:2009/03/25(水) 14:38:37

I don`t know my Japanese history very well, but didn`t Commodore Perry
force the opening of Japan at gunpoint? I thought `Black
Ships` had a negative meaning, like threatening technology from the
West? She seemed like such a nice girl, too.. www ^^

To me, she feels like the `Ichiro Suzuki` of the Anison industry. I
always liked it, but now that there`s a fellow Canadian who`s become
its latest star, I feel a more personal connection. I need to buy any
CDs that come out with her songs and become her biggest fan.

As for Spanish in the US, its very similar, but one big difference is
that Canada officially has two languages. The United States does not
recognize Spanish as one of its national languages, even though a huge
number of people speak it.

So some Americans feel resentment and anger that Spanish, the foreign
language from immigrants, is rising to equal status with English.

In Canada, however, French was adopted as the second language by the
order of Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau in 1982. It mostly served to
keep French Canadians happy, and most English speakers in Canada
don`t care about French being everywhere.

Personally, I`m from Vancouver, so there`s very little French spoken
there. In fact, it seems that Chinese and Hindi are more like the
second and third languages there just by the number of families that
have immigrated there.
351手伝ってください:2009/03/26(木) 17:46:07

I am hoping to take a degree in Business Studies in the future.
Therefore, through acquiring a degree, I will have a good advantage to increase my job opportunities.
352245:2009/03/26(木) 20:48:39
... futureまでは全く問題ないです。

~ future to make my job hunting more successful.

353351:2009/03/26(木) 21:06:56
354名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/26(木) 21:16:57
355名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/27(金) 14:19:30
> didn`t Commodore Perry force the opening of Japan at gunpoint?

Yes, you're right if you're true to the history but "Blackship" in Riah Dizon and Catherine's
case, there are no negative nuances. It's just that they came from overseas
to get into Japan's show business market. Media make interesting words
to attaract readers' attentions and this Blackship anology is one of them, I think.

Thank you for going into the detail about Spanish in USA and French in
Canada. Yeah, I heard that American people are raising eyebrows about
Spanish immigrants not being able to speak English and the spread of Spanish language.
Spanish written on labels on consumer products are due to American
companies' catering to imigrants and descents of them to exband their
sales in Hispanic market in USA while Freanch written in handouts, traffic signs and such in Canada(Quebec)
are due to Canadian government policy.

So you're from Vancouver. I heard many Japanese go there to study English for a
year or so. Canada's considered a safer place than USA so it's popular
destination for English learners. Regarding Chinese in your city, I read an article
long time ago. Hong Kong was handed over to China in 1997 (If I'm not wrong.)
and before the handover, some chinese in Hong kong was afraid of being
taken liberty in any way by Chinese government so they flooded to Vancouver.

I'm sure the presense of Catherine gives you 元気. ^-~
356K.K.:2009/03/27(金) 15:35:38
I read that you were reading a book written by William when you were on the way to Canada.
is he a famous author? how many his works have you ever read?

do you know 1984? the novel is also related to cyberpunk.
the work is so famous that we learn it in civic.


I was deeply touched by tachikoma's devotion to バトーさん...
though I go to mister doughtnut sometimes, a advertising sound at the shop reminds me of tachikoma.
this is because the narrator was the same dubber worked tachikoma!

this is Fate.
the anime is worth to watching.
you can listen to a song the beautiful Canadian singer sang at latter episodes.

357名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/03/27(金) 18:12:19
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