1.今日私たちのクラスは来年の修学旅行の時期と行き先について長い討論を行いました。 [our school trip] 2.2月の信州へのスキー旅行を提案する人もいれば、7月に北海道のバス旅行をしてはどうかと言う人もいました。 [a skiing trip, a bus tour around Hokkaido] 3.どちらの案にも賛成しない人もいました。彼らが提案したのは10月の沖縄への船旅でした。 [a boat tour] 4.私にはそれぞれの提案がわくわくするものに思えました。 [sound] 5.できることなら提案されたこれらの場所すべてに行ってみたいと思います。
1. The VIP Program, which started more than a century ago, has a long history. 2. Anyone from anywhere in the world can join the VIP Program as a volunteer. 3. Voluntary work in the VIP Program is often done over the borders of the U.S. 4. Some volunteers in the VIP Program actually get paid for their work.
1. The writer has never told anyone about his trip abroad. 2. You can look for a family-run guesthouse for cheaper accommodations. 3. There are some five-star restaurants that serve inexpensive meals. 4. Travelers tend to spend more money on shopping than on eating out.
>>25 1. The writer has never told anyone about his trip abroad. その文筆家は彼の海外旅行について誰にも話していない。 2. You can look for a family-run guesthouse for cheaper accommodations. もっと安い泊まり先が良ければ民宿をさがせばいいよ。 3. There are some five-star restaurants that serve inexpensive meals. 5つ星のレストランでも安価な食事出すとこもいくつかあるよ。 4. Travelers tend to spend more money on shopping than on eating out. 旅行者は外食より買い物により多くの金を使いがちだ。
1. Have you finished (to write/writing) your report yet? 2. I saw the metal (beating/beaten) into a thin plate. 3. I had my pants (shorten/shortened) by the tailor. 4. I hope (to see/seeing) your brother again. 5. Please stop (to talk/talking) to me. I am trying (to solved/solving) a puzzle.
1. a) I expect that he will join us. b) I expect ( ) ( ) join us. 2. a) We consider him innocent. b) We consider ( ) ( ) ( ) innocent. 3. a) I saw him while he was crossing the road. b) I saw ( ) ( ) the road. 4. a) He pretended that he did not hear me. b) He pretended ( ) ( ) hear me. 5. a) It seemed that he was satisfied with the post. b) He ( ) ( ) with the post.
>>34 I expect him to join us. We consider that he is innocent. / We consider him to be innocent. I saw him crossing the road. He pretended not to hear me. He seemed satisfied with the post.
>>25 1. The writer has never told anyone [ about his trip abroad ]. 作家はこれまで誰にも話していない[自分の外国旅行について] 2. You can look for a [ family-run ] guesthouse for cheaper accommodations. あなたは、宿泊費のもっと安い[家族で経営される]ゲストハウスを探すことが出来ますよ 3. There are some five-star restaurants [ that serve inexpensive meals ]. 値段の高くない食事を出す五つ星レストランが幾つかあります 4. Travelers tend [ to spend more money on [ shopping ] than on [ eating out ] ]. 旅行者は、[[食事すること]よりも[買い物をすること]に多くのお金を使う]傾向を示す
If we fail to take effective action,(the day/ our environment/ becomes/ when/ unhealthy/ for us/) may soon come. The reason (to convenience stores/ I/ why/ my own bag take/) is that I don't accept plastic bags from them.
The habit of smoking, once formed, cannnot easily be beroken, unless the sumoker gets so sick that he is obliged to give it up, or gor some other reason he swears that never smoke again.
>>70 The habit of smoking, once formed, cannnot easily be beroken, unless the sumoker gets so sick that he is obliged to give it up, or gor some other reason he swears that never smoke again. 喫煙の習慣っちゅうのはいったん形成されるとやめざるを得なくなるほど具合が悪くなったり、 あるいは二度とすわないと誓うほどのなんか別の理由を得ない限り、容易にやめることはできんのよ。
1)ジェーンは日本語を流ちょうに話す。 Jane is a fluent () of Japanese. 2)私たちは、彼が音楽の才能のある人だとおもっている。 We think that he is a man of musical (). 3)私は、彼の仕事の成功の知らせを聞いて驚いた。 I was surprised to hear the news of his () in business. 4)大統領はヨーロッパを訪問することにした。 The President made the () to visit Europe.
>>82 Jane is a fluent speaker of Japanese. We think that he is a man of musical ability. I was surprised to hear the news of his success in business. The President made the desicion to visit Europe.
The first letter you were kind enough to write to mw only having reached me on my returen to London from Paris, I thought it was too late ro answer it. It's therefor with all the more engerness that I hasten to answer the one which I have just received.
何故彼らは何時間も待たされたのだろう。 [for/made/wait/what/them]hours? この道を行くと図書館に着くでしょう。 [bring/will/road/you/this]to the library. 大雪のため列車は遅れた。 A heavy snow [the train/delayed/be/to/caused]. 病気のため彼はパーティに出席できなかった。 His [from/prevented/illness/joining/him]the party.
You will find that each one solved makes others easier to solve, and you will be surprised to know how closely the solutiopn of one is related with that of thers.
We are so used to placing a sixty yen stamp on a letter and having it delivered to anyplace in Japan within a short time that we are likely to forget that there was a time when it took weeks and months to deliver a letter.
>>61 [ If fear is the negative reason for [ buying a product ] ], 恐れが製品を買うことの否定的理由であったなら then [ wanting a good self-image ] is the positive reason for [ choosing it ]. 善き自己の姿を欲しがる事は、選ぶことの肯定的理由である。
>>95 You will find that each one solved makes others easier to solve, and you will be surprised to know how closely the solutiopn of one is related with that of thers. あんたは一つの問題が解決されると、他のが解決されやすくなることを知り、またある問題の解答が いかに他の問題のそれと関連しているかに驚くだろう。
>>100 We are so used to placing a sixty yen stamp on a letter and having it delivered to anyplace in Japan within a short time that we are likely to forget that there was a time when it took weeks and months to deliver a letter. 60円切手手紙に貼付けりゃすぐに日本中どこにでも配達してもらえるっちゅう状況に あんまり慣れきってるのでおれたちゃ手紙が配達されるのに何週も何ヶ月もかかった時代が あったことを忘れがちだ。
>>100 We are so used to [ placing a sixty yen stamp on a letter and having [ it delivered to anyplace in Japan within a short time ] ] [ that we are likely [ to forget [ that there was a time [ when it took weeks and months [ to deliver a letter ] ] ].
>>132 状況によるがまず必要 >>131 1,私はヒロシに駅に向かえに着てくれるように頼んだ。 i asked hiroshi to pick me up at the station 2,私は妹に夜遅くピアノを弾くなといった i told my sister not to play the piano late at night 3,彼はドアに鍵がかかっているのことに気づいた i noticed that the door was locked 4,私は隣の人が朝早く外出するのをよく見かけます。 i often see my neighbour going out early in the morning 5,私は彼女が他人の悪口を言うのを聞いたことがありません。 i have never heard her speak something ill of somebody 6,私は先生が新しいメガネをかけているのに気づいた i noticed that my teacher was wearing a new pair of glasses 7,電車の中で私は足を踏まれた。 somebody trod on my foot (while i was) on the train 8,私は彼が自転車に乗ってるのを見た。 i saw him riding a bicycle
>>72 1、この電子レンジの使い方を教えてくれますか Could you tell me the way [ in which to use this micro-electric range ]. 2、彼はわたしにどこでチケットを買うかを教えてくれた He told me[ where I could buy a ticket ]. 3、コーチは、海で一人で泳ぐのは危険だと私たちに警告した。 The coach warned us [ that [ swimming alone in the sea ] is dangerous ]. 4、私は皆さんに私の祖国がどんなに美しいかをお見せしましょう I would like [ to show [ what a beautiful country my motherland is ] ]. 5、先生は私たちに何か質問があるかとたずねました The teacher asked us [ if we had any questions ]. 6、京の日替わりランチは何かウエイターに聞いてみよう Let [ us ask the waiter [ what today's [ daily-changing ] lunch is ] ]. 7、郵便局への行き方を教えていただけませんか Could you tell me [ which way we should take [ to go to the post office ] ]. Could you tell me [ which way to take [ to go to the post office ] ].
>>146 はい、イエス様がいてくれるので、絶対に負けません。 >>142 It was a pity [ you had done that ]. *[ ]は過去より古い に感情・主観のshouldを入れたい場合、 It was a shame [ you should have had done that ].です。 *[should have had done]=[感情の助動詞+動詞の原形のために、過去形の代わりの完了形+過去より古いことを表すために、更なる過去を表すための完了形] だからです。
A piano is expensive, but a car is more expensive. How much is the most expensive domestic limousine? I think it's about ten million yen, I'm not sure. But in any case, the most expensive thing is land, isn't it?
1. He wanted to be a teacher more than anything else. 2. The theme park is much more exciting than anywhere else. 3. I couldn't answer at once when (I was) spoken to. 4. I don't cross the street here, if (I am) not in a hurry.
適語補充問題と 1.早起きには慣れています。 I am () () getting up early, 2.私が何歳か当てられますか。 Can you () how old I am? 3.この番組は環境問題を取り上げています。 This program () () environmental problem. 4.この町はあの町より3倍大きい。 This town is three times () large () that town. 5.妹はいつも私を当てにしている。 My sister always () () me.
語句を適切な形に直す問題です。お願いします。 1.昨日お会いできなくて申し訳ありません。 I'm sorry not to (meet) you yesterday. 2.登れば登るほど、寒くなりました。 The (high) we climbed, the (cold) it grew. 3.私たちが着いたときには、映画は始まっていました。 The movie (start) when we (arrive). 4.彼の忠告がなければ、我々は失敗していたでしょう。 If it had not been for his advice, I would (fail). 5.私は彼がそこに行くことを主張しました。 I insisted on (he) (go) there.
添削してくれるALTのかたにもっと正確に意思表示がしたいので、 質問します。 「じゃあ、ご都合のいい時にお伺いしたしますので、 これを提出しておきますね。ということで、何時、都合がよろしいでしょうか」 Now,I hand in this notebook, and I will come here when it is convenience for you to give me some advice. So,when it would be convenient for you? では、添削おねがいします。
>>209 1. I seem to have mistaken Jane for her sister.
2. I'm sorry not having called you back sooner.
3 The children are proud of that their father was a famous baseball player. their father having beenでも良いんだろう。答えはこんなことを期待した質問だろうけど、 どう考えても同じ意味とは言えない。悪問。
並びかえです。よろしくおねがいします。 (1) あの女性は道に迷っているようだ。 That woman (have /her /lost /seems /to /way). (2) 彼はあなたのお役に立ててとても喜んでいます。 He is very glad (able /been /have /help /to /to) you. (3) ビルが毎日携帯で長電話しているのは気に入らない。 I don't (on /of /approve /Bill /his cellphone /talking) for a long time every day. (4) 私の妹は、自力ですべての問題を解いたことを自慢に思っている。 My sister is (all /answered /having /of /proud /the question) by herself.
>>231 That woman seems to have lost her way. He is very glad to have been able to help you. I don't approve of Bill talking on his cellphone.. My sister is pround of having answered the question all by herself.
1.There is a language dying out somewhere in the world every two weeks or so. 2.There is a man waiting to see you. 3.There are three guests coming for the weekends. 4.There is some bread left on the table, if you are hungry. 5.Someone is studying in the next room. (thereで始まる文に書き換える)
>>237 1.A language is dying out somewhere in the world every two weeks or so. 2.A man is waiting to see you. 3.Three guests are coming for the weekends. 4.Some bread is left on the table, if you are hungry. 5.There is someone studying in the next room.
>>237 1. Some language is dying out somewhere in the world every two weeks or so. 2. Somebody is waiting to see you. 3. Some guests are coming for the weekends. 4. Some bread is left on the table, if you are hungry. 5. There is somebody studying in the next room. (thereで始まる文に書き換える) うふふふ
Can you correct grammatical errors in these sentences if are there any?
I make it a rule to write English compositions every day, and I want to you to correct errors in these everyday. So I am sorry to make you busier,but please help me.
>>245と同じ形式の問題です 幼い子供はどこでも皆、寝つく前にお話を読んでもらうのが好きです Small children everywhere love to(1.before 2.getting 3.read 4.to 5.stories 6.them)to sleep.
来週金曜日にM.I.T.のライス博士による特別講演があります。 出席ご希望の方は水曜日までに私にお知らせくださいDr.Rice from M.I.T. is giving a special lecture next Friday (1.are 2.by Wednesday 3.if 4.you 5.interested 6.me)in attending.
「電車やバスの中で携帯を使用してもいいとおもいますか」 “Do you think (1.use 2.be 3.cell phones 4.people 5.should 6.to)on the train or bus?”
>>250 “Do you think people should be allowed to use cell phones on the train or bus?” Small children everywhere love to have stories read to them before getting to sleep.
Dr.Rice from M.I.T. is giving a special lecture next Friday (1.are 2.by Wednesday 3.if 4.you 5.interested 6.me)in attending. ?? 下の語群からではオレには無理、inform me とかlet me knowなら分かるが・・誰かよろ
Becauseを使って文を並び替える問題。 She practices every day,and so she can play the shomisen well です。これだと
she can play the shomisen( well(,)because she Practices every day.だと思うのですが、訳は毎日練習してたので、三味線が上手に 弾けるになりますが、なんか変?毎日三味線を練習してたので、って 訳の時は、大事な情報は前に入れたほうがいいのでしょうか?
>>265 When he was young, he often dreamed of making the world a better place to live in. If I were you, I'd put an advertisement in the local paper and see what response you(I?) get. Baby talk is the language used by babies when they are just learning to speak.
but it is too late now for me to say no, the something-smelling parcel distracted my motivation to open it. it reminds me of my feeling i dislike the aromatic in fact. when reluctantly opened it , i thought "oh, such a smell was described 'a sweet fregrance'." these natural resins have similar sappy smell. well, it is natural because of resin.
並び替えの問題です 1 昨日からずっと雪がふり続けている。 It ( yesterday / since / snowing / been / has ). 2 私たちは互いにに十年来の知り合いです。 We ( each other / ten years / for / known / have ). 3 この本を読み終えたら、君に貸してあげるよ。 When ( this book / reading / finished / you /lend / it /to /have / I / I will ). 4 私たちが空港に着いたとき、飛行機は既に外出していた。 When ( we / the airport / arrived / at / the plane / already / had /left ). おねがいしますっ
>>297 1 Doves are considered as the symbol of peace. 2 A new rule will be announced by the governor. 3 A watch was given to me by my grandmother. 4 I was given a new watch by my grandmother.
>>245と同じ形式の問題です 来週金曜日にM.I.T.のライス博士による特別講演があります。 出席ご希望の方は水曜日までに私にお知らせくださいDr.Rice from M.I.T. is giving a special lecture next Friday Please let(1.are 2.by Wednesday 3.if 4.you 5.interested 6.me)in attending. 語群 make/get/use/have/know/allow
>>313 I'm willing to be a computer programmer. Because I'm good at programming a computer. I hope to feel satisfied at the job. I hope to have gourmet foods with the earnings at the job. Because the foods I get with my own earnings must taste great, I believe.
Follow the signs for the A64 York Road. Follow this dual carriageway out of the city centre for approximately five miles. At the first roundabout you come to, go straightforward past the Killingbeck Police Station on the left. (http://www.allenbuild.co.uk/pdfs/map_ne.pdf)
1.どうして彼女の言うことを信じる気になったの? What led you ( ) ( ) ( )? 2.どうして故郷を出る気になったの? What led you ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )? 3.彼女はそのクスリがやせるのに役立つと信じ込まされていた。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) that the pill would help her to lose weight.
4.この紅茶は熱すぎて飲めない This tea is ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5.そこは歩けないほど離れてはいない It's ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 6.学ぶのに遅すぎるということはない It is ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
すいませんでした。全角スペースに修正しました。 1.どうして彼女の言うことを信じる気になったの? What led you ( ) ( ) ( )? 2.どうして故郷を出る気になったの? What led you ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )? 3.彼女はそのクスリがやせるのに役立つと信じ込まされていた。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) that the pill would help her to lose weight.
4.この紅茶は熱すぎて飲めない This tea is ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5.そこは歩けないほど離れてはいない It's ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 6.学ぶのに遅すぎるということはない It is ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Becauseを使って文を並び替える問題。 She practices every day,and so she can play the shomisen well です。これだと
she can play the shomisen( well(,)because she Practices every day.だと思うのですが、訳は毎日練習してたので、三味線が上手に 弾けるになりますが、なんか変?毎日三味線を練習してたので、って 訳の時は、大事な情報は前に入れたほうがいいのでしょうか?
それから英作問題で、太郎は次郎程真面目に勉強しなかったので、英語が 上達しませんでした。という文章がありました。 Because Taro didn't study as hard as Jiro, he didn't make progress in English.にしましたが、 この場合ならstudyの後にitでもいいが、Englishという情報を 先に入れた方がよくて、makeのあとにanyを入れたほうがいいと 言われました。しかし答えはもっと単純にand soの構文で した。この場合本当に従属節の目的語にitをもってきちゃっても いいものなのでしょうか??
【サンプル】 I am the bone of my sword. (体は剣で出来ている) Steel is my body,and fire is my blood. (血潮は鉄で 心は硝子) I have created over a thousand blades. (幾たびの戦場を越えて不敗) Unknown to Death. (ただの一度も敗走はなく) Nor known to Life. (ただの一度も理解されない) Have withstood pain to create many weapons. (彼の者は常に独り 剣の丘で勝利に酔う) Yet,those hands will never hold anything. (故に、生涯に意味はなく。) So as I pray,unlimited blade works. (その体はきっと剣で出来ていた。)
【サンプルを元に次の文を英訳して下さい】 I am the bone of my saw.(身体はノコギリで出来ている。) A is my lover,and fire is my sister.(恋人はAで、心は妹。) I has had a lot of terrible experiences over a thousand blades.(幾たびの修羅場を越えて不敗。) Unknown to Defeat,(ただの一度も論敗はなく、) Nor known to Life.(ただの一度も理解されない。) Have withstood pain to crazy many saws.(彼の女は常に独り 鋸の丘で狂気に笑(な)く。) Yet,those hands will never hold anything.(故に、生涯に意味はなく。) So as I pray,unlimited razorsaw works.(その体は、きっとノコギリで出来ていた。)
>>389 1.Everyone was given a box of sandwiches for lunch. 2.Takashi had a makeup exam on German and got a B. 3.The soldiers couldn't receive enough medical treatment. 4.Some people hit upon good ideas while sleeping.
A かっこ内の語を並べ替えて、{}内の語の前に入れ、文を完成させよ。 1. I happened to find {boxes} there. (big/two/wooden) 2. I want a {rope}. (strong/nylon) 3. That {lady} lives next door to us. (tall/Australian) 4. My aunt bought me a {dress}. (white/silk/pretty)
>>431 I happened to find two big wooden boxes there. I want a strong nylon rope. That tall Australian lady lives next door to us. My aunt bought me a pretty white silk dress.
I have nothing special to tell him. There is something noble about him. He says that Japan is a country lacking in natural resources.
1)We've known one (other/another) for five years. 2)(These/Those) who apply for the job have to attend the class. 3)I don't like the red hat.Do you have a black (it/one)? 4)''Would you like to drink (any/some) more tea?'' ''Yes,please.'' 5)(Each/Every) of us has a room in the hotel. 6)You should join us if you have (some/any)time.
They are given sun protection factor (SPF) numbers that show how much protection each product provides against the sun's ultraviolet rays. 太陽光の紫外線に対して それぞれどのくらいの保護効果があるかを示す太陽光線保護指数(SPF)が表示されている。
>>451 They are given sun protection factor (SPF) numbers [that show {(how much protection)(O) (each product)(S) (provides)(V) against the sun's ultraviolet rays}].
>>449 どのような社会で生きるにせよ、人は単独に生きるわけではない。 それなら他人の心を理解することは、人生でなにより大切なことであるはずである。 In whatever society you may live, you cannot live totally on your own. Therefore, understanding the feelings of others should be the most important thing in life. そうかね?
In my opinion, TV is bad for children. First of all, there is too much violence on TV. If children watch a lot of violence scenes, they may think acting violently is not bad. Also, children want to buy everything they see on commercials. Every day we can see a lot of brand-new goods on TV. If children see new toys on TV, for example, they may keep on asking their parents to buy them toys all day long. If they get new toys, they will get rid of old (other) toys too soon. Moreover, watching TV is too passive. Children should be doing more creative and active things.
語句を選ぶ問題です 1 This church was ( build/built/to build ) about four hundred years ago. 2 Many passengers were ( injure/injured/injuring ) in the accident. 3 The auditorium was ( crowd/crowded/crowding ) with many students. 4 The Statue of Liberty was given (with/from/to ) american by France. 5 The glass was filled (by/of/with )water. おねがいしますっ
The difficult thing about learning a language is the vocablary, whether learning one's native language or learning a foreign language. Vocabulary takes longer to learn than either of the other parts mentioned.
>>481 The social impact theory holds that the larger the group, the less pressure there is on any one member to preoduce. 社会衝撃説ではグループが大きいほど各メンバーに対するpreoduceする/させる圧力は小さい
>>484 このパンを切るナイフがほしいんですが。 I want a knife to cut this bread. 彼女は頬杖をついて物思いにふけっていた。(一語(句)不要) She was lost in thought with her head resting on her hands. 両親の世話にならないことは彼にとってどんなに良いか知れない。 It will do him infinite good to be independent.かな?ofが・・(infinite/him/independent/be/good/of/to) I was thinking of the speech I had to make when I heard my name called. "The shops will be closing soon. Are you ready to go?" "Well, (all/is/I've got/the shopping/to do/toget)list." ダメだ、パス He was feeling very foolish as he realized what she was going to tell him.
Judy: Hy, Taro. Here is a present from Tokyo for you. This is a shamisen music CD. I hope you will like it. I went to Tokyo during the summer vacation, because my father and mother came to Japan. Taro: Oh, thanks. I like this kind of music. Why did they come to Japan? Judy: My father came to Tokyo with my mother to join a meeting about environmental problems. I went to meet them at the airport. It was very crowded because it was Sunday. When I saw them, I was very happy. Taro: That's great! I heard about the meeting held in Tokyo. By the way, where did you get this CD? Judy: I went to the concert of this shamisen music group and bought it there. When we got to the hotel from the airport, we saw a poster for the shamisen concert. Then my father smiled and showed me the [ ]. He got them through the Internet. He knew that I was a big fan of the group. The concert was held that night. Taro: You were lucky! That group often holds concerts, but it is difficult to get tickets. Did you go to the concert with your father?
Judy: Yes, I went there with both my parents. It was exciting to listen to the music. After the concert we went back to the hotel because we had to get up early for the meeting. Taro: Did you go to the meeting, too? Judy: Yes, I did. Two months ago my father called and told me about their visit to Japan. He invited me to the meeting because he was going to make a speech on the first day of the meeting. So he got permission for my mother and me to join the meeting. My mother and I only went to the first day of the meeting although it lasted for two days. On the second day of the meeting I went to an amusement park with my mother. Taro: Did your parents leave Japan after the meeting? Judy: No, they didn't. After two busy days of meetings my father wanted to visit a traditional place in Japan. So we visited a famous temple in Tokyo. On the next day I said goodbye to them at the hotel, and they left Japan by plane. Taro: They sound like busy people.
(注) by the way ところで poster ポスター invite 招待する permission for 〜 to ... 〜が…する許可
(3) 本文の内容から考えて,次の問いに対する答えの文が正しいものになるように,下の[ ]に入る最も適当な1語 を書け。 What day did Judy's parents leave Japan? 答えの文: They left Japan on [ ]. (4) 本文の内容に一致する英文はどれか,最も適当なものを,(ア)〜(エ)から1つ選べ。 (ア) Judy gave Taro a shamisen music CD because he asked her to buy it in Tokyo. (イ) Judy went to the shamisen music concert with her father and mother. (ウ) Judy joined the meeting about environmental problems with her father for two days. (エ) Judy went to the amusement park with her father because he wanted to go there.
Mr. Sato: Speech time! Kazuo, you are the first student to give us a speech about traveling. Come here. Are you *ready? Kazuo: Yes. I often travel by train. I have three *reasons. First, I can enjoy beautiful views out of the windows on the train. Next, I like taking the pictures of stations when I am traveling. *Finally, I like eating 'ekiben' on the train. Traveling by train is a lot of fun. Mr. Sato: Wow, good speech! I want to (A)[ taken / your trip / the pictures / look at /  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ during ] next time. Thank you, Kazuo. How about you, Kyoko?  ̄ ̄ ̄ Kyoko: OK. Traveling is exciting. It teached me a lot because I can learn many things about different cultures. So, I really want to go abroad and talk with many foreign people.
Mr. Sato: Great! You did a good job, Kyoko! Talking with foreign people will open your eyes to the world. When I studied abroad, I often felt (B)this. Nice speech, Kyoto, thank you.  ̄ ̄ Well, today, you've studied how to speak well in front of others. You should give your idea and its reasons in your speech. Try to remember this because it's important. In the next class, you're going to give a speech about (C)your *hobby. See you.  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ (注) ready 用意ができている reason 理由 finally 最後に hobby 趣味
(3) 本文の内容に合うように,@,Aにあてはまるものを,次のア〜オからそれぞれ一つずつ選んで記号を書きなさ い。 Mr. Sato thinks the two students' speeches are good. He also thinks a good speech needs an ( @ ) and its ( A ). ア culture イ traveling ウ reasons エ talking オ idea
オバマ大統領についての問題で Republican administrations over Democratic ones because the former are seen as having a more consistent commitment to free trade. ↑を訳さなければならないのですが全然わかりません・・・ どなたかお願いします><
お聞きしたいのですが、 the method is highly secure but has some problems with facility and privacy.と書いてありました。銀行のキャッシュカードについて 書かれた記事です。 セキュリティ面が安全でも、facilityとプライバシー面で問題がある。 facilityというのはどのようにな意味でしょうか?どのように訳したらいいでしょうか?
>>502 we cannot expect any sunshine until next week how can i know the details of the accident a friend of mine took a special seat of the concert for me >>504 機能性位かな?
Asian economies that have benefited from trade liberalization in recent years tend to prefer U.S. Republican administrations over Democratic ones because the former are seen as having a more consistent commitment to free trade.
The evident answer:it didn't take them much time at all,at least by prehistoric standards-probably no more than 100,000years,instead of nearly a million. 日本語訳教えて頂きたいです。 後、文中の:などの記号はどういう意味なんでしょうか?
>>537 i didnt like the way he talked but i acted according to his suggestion (anyway) pupils these days sometimes make questions that teachers cannot easily answer
語句を選ぶ問題です 1 He was satisfield (by/of/with )the result of the exam. 2 My aunt's purse was (steal/stole/stolen ) at a supermarket. 3 you must always keep your room (lock /locked/to lock). お願いします。
>>537 >>538氏のを手直ししてみる I didn't like the way he talked but I did as he suggested. Students of today sometimes ask questions teachers cannot easily answer.
>>549 You'll have a chance to learn more about the people who you work with. Living another country, Tom may face situations he has never been in before. We decided to take advantage of the low prices in the summer sale.
>>551 (1) I would have visited there along with him (2) I could have a vacation (3) I had done the homework. (4) I would buy a mansion in Beverly Hills (5) he had not met Bill
The largest circle,it can be argued,ends at the nation's geographical frontiers.Perhaps htat partly explains why many Japanese,it appears,are not always at ease overseas in the company of foreigners.
>>574 一つ目のitは The largest circle ends at the nation's geographical frontiers 二つ目のitは many Japanese are not always at ease overseas in the company of foreigners
Despite the (high season) crowds and traffic Nice is a delightful place, mainly because it combines an old Italian port town atmosphere with parks and flowers, and the candy-floss architecture of the Riviera's belle epoque.
並び替えお願いします。 「海が汚くて彼らは泳げない」 (to/dirty/for/in/the sea/swim/is/too/them) 「環境が汚染されているのは自分たちの責任ではない、と彼らは言っている。」 They say (the environment/their fault/that/it/not/is) is being polluted.
>>608 When I was going to a primary school, I was often watching a house just in front of my school, thinking that I would be happy if the house were my home.
I regret not having bought the dictionary that a teacher recommended as very practical.
>>608 > ・小学生の頃、私は学校の真向かいにある家を眺め、この家が自分の家ならとても幸せだろうと思ったものだ。 junia high skuru when, i skuru straite front house view, this haus is my haus very happy will think used to.
> ・私は、先生が最も役に立つと言った辞書を買わなかったことを後悔している。 i teacher is most useful said dictionary not buy is regret.
>>665 幼稚園児に教えるみたいにして教えないと分からんのか??回答者やるのはやめろよ、あと5年は。 つってるつもりか?だとすると面白くないし、本気ならマジバカ。 Ten dollars,if not less,will be enough to buy that. if not lessがなければ、 10ドルはあれを買うのに十分だろう、 これはいいだろうな、いくら何でも。 if not lessはlessではないとしても、もっと少なくはないとしても、だ。 だから10ドルあればたくさんだ、もっと少なくていいかもしれない/もっと安くないとしてもね になるんだよ。 下にググッた例文あるから、考えてみなよ、脳みそあるんならw
My EeePC 900 boots into XP in around 30 secs, if not less. It said on the news the other day, that bakeries are now getting only half, if not less, of their normal supply of butter.
if not lessは挿入句として使われてるね。 not lessの後にthan $10があるはずだから、not less thanで辞書を見ると [少なくとも]って書いてあるね。 10ドル、少なくともそれだけあれば買えるだろう。 みたいな感じ? 10ドルより少なくていいという意味があるとは考えにくいね。
なお、Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary の if の項目には
4: even though : although perhaps <an interesting if untenable argument> 5: and perhaps not even <few if any changes are expected> ?often used with not<difficult if not impossible>
このうち4の用法なら「10ドル未満ではないにしても」=「10ドル以上じゃないと買えないよ」で 5の用法なら「10ドル、もしくはそれ未満でも」=「10ドル未満でも買えるよ。10ドルなら余裕だよ」になる。 辞書には if not が 5で出ているから、if not は 5の方が普通なのかもな。
I live in Japan. I am interested in 商品名-ID, Number:#24990. Please let me know if you could ship it to Japan as well as the total cost including shipping cost.
下の文で省略可能な語句を示しなさい。 (a) While he was taking a walk, he came across a gold ring on the ground. (b) This custom, if it is seen through the eyes of for-eigners, would seem rather strange.
It's a city of great vitality, particularly in the evenings when what seems like the entire population turns out to parade on the streets and meet frineds.
>>791 It's a city of great vitality, particularly in the evenings when what seems like the entire population turns out to parade on the streets and meet frineds. その都市は活気あふれた都市である。特に夜になるとまるで全市民が街に繰り出して 友人に会おうとしているかのようである。
和訳お願いできますか? While the concerns about declines in sales may be justified for the tobacco companies, the economic impact on bars and restaurants in parts of Canada where public smoking is banned has been contrary to what many feared.
>>802 anyは形容詞だから、if anyは形容詞の後ろに置く。 There is little, if any, difference between them. それらには、たとえあったとしても、少ししか違いがない littleは形容詞 anythingは名詞だから、if anythingは名詞の後ろに置く。 She had little, if anything, to do. 彼女には、もしあったとしても、少ししかすることがない littleは名詞
文中のthese arrangementsは何を指すのですか There are many theories about how and why Japanese society is so tightly structured around the group. Years ago, psychiatrist Takeo Doi suggested it was amae, a powerful sense of child-like dependence, which tied Japanese together. Others write of how Japanese still function in a village society, reaching out through a series of lager and larger groups: family and village, company and keiretsu, city, region, nation. Psychiatrist Masao Miyamoto has called it the philosophy of messhi hoko, or self-sacrifice for the group. Karel van Wolferen, the Dutch journalist, has argued that these arrangements are not cultural – they are political. Groupthink, he wrote, did not develop gradually out of a unique culture. It was chosen quite deliberately by a ruling elite 300 years ago as a way to control the population.
「」部の訳がわかりません。とくにwaysの意味が特定できません。その後 -- に続くものもなんだかわかりません。 どうぞ教えてください Of modern societies, he pointed out, the Americans were closest to individualism. And the Japanese, not surprisingly, were the closest to collectivism. In other words, 「our two cultures appear most separated in very basic ways – how our lives as social beings are organized.」
>>809と同じ文章にある英文なんですが、centralityの意味を特定できません。この文脈ではcentralityはどんな意味になるのか??? The centrality of the group in Japan has been written about many times, but the difference is so far-reaching and so ever-present that it is impossible to ignore. よろしくおねがいします。
>>839 The reason to invite somebody is, of course, to wholeheartedly treat him/her, and to show him/her the ordinary everyday life of the host.
When welcomed into a garden or a room, you would be able to clearly see the taste of the host family, and can also see the way of life the host family want to live.
There are many theories about how and why Japanese society is so tightly structured around the group. Years ago, psychiatrist Takeo Doi suggested it was amae, a powerful sense of child-like dependence, which tied Japanese together. Others write of how Japanese still function in a village society, reaching out through a series of lager and larger groups: family and village, company and keiretsu, city, region, nation. reaching以降は分詞構文でfunction in a village societyの具体的な説明なのか、それとも villageよりも大きな単位へと広がっていくことを述べているのか??? または別の考え方をするのでしょうか。よろしくお願いします。
>>862 each day でも every day でもどちらでもいい。 強いていえば、each day は毎日とは限らず、例えば学校のある平日だけの各日を指したりできる。 だからその文では each day の方が好まれるわけだ。 でも every day でも常識的に分かるのでどちらでもいい。
ちなみに everyday じゃなくて every day ね。 読む時は同じだけど書く時は両者は区別する。
>>880 1. If he really said that, he must be deranged. 2. Firstly, I shall talk about my childhood. 3. Please excuse me for troubling you. 4. It sounds unlikely for you to lose a key.
Asの中にthe social impact theory saysを入れると、主節は事実になってしまうから不可。 that以下は理論の内容の一部であって事実ではない。 Asの中にthe larger the groupを換えて入れると、the social impact theory holdsの行き場がない。 だから書き換えられない。
>>898 ちょっと変え過ぎじゃない? As the group gets larger, there is less pressure on any one member to produce, according to the social impact theory. これなら意味的には実は>>897より原文に近いよな。 でもこんな書き換え問題はさすがに無さそう。
>>909 1 To carry out homework instead of the person himself and herself on Englishboard of anonymouse messageboard "2ch" in the Internet is a social problem in these days. 2 The gap of the English skill on Englishboard users of anonymouse messageboard "2ch" in the Internet is too serious, and this is clearly showing the Japanease scholastic ability gap of English in these days.
>>798 economic sanctions brought about serious power shortages the workers will go to work within 5 minutes when ordered get the engine running before you turn on the heater