Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 117

344ビンセント:2008/10/11(土) 00:49:08
They're as much "jokes" as some people from other
countries want to have a school life in Japan, really.

I'm saying "other countries" because I'm not American
or Japanese. I have wondered about school life in Japan
in several occasions though.
345名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 00:52:25
Shool kill. gakko gorosino 酒鬼薔薇
346名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 00:53:27
Because the drama was full of blacks? or white students like
347ビンセント:2008/10/11(土) 00:55:45
I think you mean "kill school". Which is still pretty nonsensical.
Do you hate school or something?
348名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 01:00:44
full of black? nope...I don't think so. But yes, some black some white
some spic some asians etc..
It was not that violent drama though. It was rather serious
and each student holds some kind of problem and teachers
too. They struggle in life and was written by
that famous script writer, David E Kelly. That was a good one.
349名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 01:02:02
What I pointed out >>342 is in this video...
In japan lockers are usually in the class room.
And I guess lockers are not always equipted in
japanese school. Highschool I went to had lockers in every
class room though.

Isn't it true that american girls are more flashy and wearing
heavy make up? White girls are more attractive but I don't like their flamboyance.
350名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 01:03:39
>>347 You should study more about japan. Why not copy and paste 酒鬼薔薇
and google it?
You'll know a trune genius you've never met.
351名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 01:12:16
I want to go to orange county and challenge racialists here.
I'm gonna
I'll show them what true japanese warrior is.

I'll kick the door of a restaurant full of white peopleand
drink alone with my legs over the table! But when some ugly nazis made faces at me and try to offend me, I'll
pour beer over the face, punch them in the face and throw them one after another!
352ビンセント:2008/10/11(土) 01:13:00
Ah, so something like a "school killer". I see.
I don't hope to ever meet this "genius".
353名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 01:17:43
He spelled "shool kill" in his letter of criminal declaration.
354ビンセント:2008/10/11(土) 01:23:08
I'm so dumb sometimes. >_< Thanks.
355名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 01:28:12
"This is the beginning of the game... You police guys stop me if
you can... I desperately want to see people die, it is a thrill
for me to commit murder. A bloody judgment is needed for my years
of great bitterness. shool kill. school killer of 酒鬼薔薇"
356名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 01:40:40
Symbol mark sakakibara uses was similar to that of Zodiac's.
Propeller or nazi like mark in the circle on stick.
357名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 02:01:04
I missed your reply. Thanks. Your reply comes across.
You have a future in your horizon.
358名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 02:28:46
359名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 02:33:29
360名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 03:35:49
Wow, I kinda like that asshat.
361名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 04:20:12
Jews and Spics made sub-prime morgage crisis and
you white workers pay the price for it.
How does it feel?
362片岡数吉:2008/10/11(土) 04:27:11
Evil Jews and righteous Jews are.
More and more all American low income workders will fail with their morgate.
Only communist parties have wisdom to salvage societies to recovery.
363名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 04:35:33
wth? that's really amazing. is she really a human being? i mean, i guess she has no backbone lol.
I was confused which are her legs or arms.
364名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 04:47:54
As a white worker, I don't really mind.
365名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 05:02:06
Hello people.

Scary times out there.
Let's feel better!
What is your favourite joke?
366名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 05:08:36
A: I heard your neighbor's just made a new 塀
B: Hey!
367Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2008/10/11(土) 05:31:50
Yes, many high-schools here do have corridors with lockers in them as you
describe. But not all. My high-school, for example, did not have lockers
at all. They gave you a separate set of books in the classroom and you had
a set at home as well. Therefore, you did not need to carry any books.

We tend not to have lockers in classrooms here. If we had lockers (past
tense, I am no longer in high-school), they would be in hallways. Going
into another classroom in between classes would just be bothersome and
cause problems for the instructors.


If anyone here plans on going to an American school, make sure to choose
one in a good neighborhood. Some of the others can be pretty rough. The
teachers won't care as much about your wellbeing in a school in a bad
neighborhood either, most likely.

Do not expect things to be as they are in high-school dramas. They're just
that, written dramas. They're completely fictional. Things aren't like that.
368名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 05:39:55
I heard somewhere White and African American don't mingle much at school.
They sure spend some time together but that's just bare minimum such as
after school football practice and other school activities.

Other than that in their free time, they don't really mingle.
In a class room, white and black people sit sperately unconciously.
Why is that? I think they think they are different from each other
at th bottom of their heart.
369名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 05:57:25
>>367 Interesting story.
By the way, I have had a question for you.
When do you think you started to be unable to post
in 2ch?
Many foreigners with trip-code left 2ch.
米人, keitan, rosiajin for example.
There is no evedence to prove the connection of their abscence and IP problem.
But I want to know the date. Then I'll check the date of
their disappearance.
370名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 05:58:35
Check the words, Jena six.
371片岡数吉:2008/10/11(土) 08:03:22
Indeed birds of the same wing flock together.
But we are all humans of the same body who can give birth to children.
372Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2008/10/11(土) 08:15:31
I can't really provide you with an accurate time-frame; first it started
with them banning everyone from my ISP (*, so I began using proxies
to connect. Eventually they managed to ban every proxy I had, and I couldn't
find one that would work, and wasn't particularly motivated to try. It
was for quite a while.

Not necessarily. While this is certainly true for a large portion of
people of different races, there are many who do choose to intermingle
with those of other races. I was one of the people that would do this.
Many of my best friends growing up were of other races.

As for the others, I think it's more of a subconscious action than anything.
Most people are brought up amongst people of their own race, and tend
to flock toward them in social environments and otherwise. My mother
ran a daycare when I was small, and I was raised in a very multicultural
environment. I can only assume this had some impact on me, as I do not
feel the urge to mingle with people of any particular race.

>>371 put it rather well.

373片岡数吉:2008/10/11(土) 08:25:29
What a Friend we have in Jesus, [ all our sins and griefs to bear ]!
What a privilege (it is) [ to carry everything to God in prayer ]!
O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear,
(It is) [ all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer ].
374片岡数吉:2008/10/11(土) 08:28:23
Что за Друга мы имеем?
Нас Он к жизни пробудил,
В Нем мы счастием владеем,
В Нем источник вечных сил.
Ах, как часто мы страдали,
Боль терпя напрасно там,
Где просить мы забывали,
Чтоб один помог Он нам.
375片岡数吉:2008/10/11(土) 08:29:55
Quel ami fidèle et tendre
Nous avons en Jésus-Christ!
Toujours prêt à nous entendre,
À répondre à notre cri!
Il connaît nos défaillances,
Nos chutes de chaque jour,
Sévère en ses exigences,
Il est riche en son amour.
376名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 08:30:03
Thats was June of last year. It had been about a year when 2ch accepted my ISP again. (My ISP is also
When I really wanted to post, I borrowed the naborhood's wireless network that worked well lol.
377名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 09:50:21
378アメリカ人:2008/10/11(土) 10:06:48
Jeez they keep banning my ISP (Comcast), and it worked yesterday...
37928chan Supporter:2008/10/11(土) 11:07:41
I'm using Comcast and I'm not having any troubles connecting here.
380アメリカ人:2008/10/11(土) 11:11:04
Now it's not working...?
381アメリカ人:2008/10/11(土) 11:13:27
nvm, I'm an idiot. apparently my lines were too long. my ISP was blocked before tho.

So I go to a public school in Chicago and it is very very diverse. Here are my estimates: 25% white, 25% black, 25% hispanic, 20% asian, 5% other.
I hangout with tons of different people at school and I have plenty of friends across every ethnicity. However, it is true that outside of school I hangout mostly with other white kids.
My school is a little different from other Chicago public school though because you need to take an entrance exam and get at least a certain score to attend.
So pretty much everyone is intelligent and therefore we all have common academic backgrounds.
Also my high school teaches 5 different languages: Japanese, Chinese, French, Spanish, and Latin.

Actually at my school the girls wear less make-up then the girls at the Japanese high school I went to.
However, since we don't have to wear uniforms at my school the girls definitely show off through fashion. This of course is in general, there are also girls that wear lots of make-up/don't wear flashy clothes.
38228chan Supporter:2008/10/11(土) 11:19:05
Wow, you're lucky your high school teachers 5 languages. Mine taught only Spanish and French.

Additionally, the estimates for my school was about 25% Hispanic, 15% Black, 15% White, 25% Armenian, and 20% other.
383名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 11:46:08
They gave you a separate set of books in the classroom and you had
a set at home as well. Therefore, you did not need to carry any books.
This idea is very impressive. Had I known about it!
I used to carry and bring back all the text books and note books everyday.
At least I could have left them at school. And bring them back home
if necessary. I wonder why I didn't come up with this idea.
And I'm not sure everyone had his/her own key to his/her locker. It shoud have been.
But I don't remember.
384名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 12:08:35
Many of my best friends growing up were of other races.

385名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 12:15:22
Tom Metzger, the founder of WAR (WHITE ARYAN RESISTANCE)
had been liberal untill he met blacks for the first time in his 20's.
386名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 12:23:21
Do you wanna go to University of Chicago?
387名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 12:27:51
Is this where >>381 goes to?
388名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 12:39:50
here in japan already aliens have come.
they are in many meanings wonders.
389名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 12:40:07
>>382 15% White, 25% Armenian
Aren't Armenias considered to be white?
They must be white in census. But there seems to be an implicit
barrier between true white people and Armenians.
390名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/10/11(土) 12:49:54
wtf...true white american???
is it a name of booze? like white russian?

guys, it's columbus day next monday here.
so why don't you study a little history of the great america?
391アメリカ人:2008/10/11(土) 13:10:46
My school does this. I have 2 copies of all my textbooks, except for Japanese class.

392アメリカ人:2008/10/11(土) 13:14:03
Nope. Not interested in the University of Chicago and nor do I attend DHS.
double post, that's weird. You get the idea though.