John's mother wanted to go shopping, so she asked him ( ) his little brother while she was out. @if he looked after Cto look after (AとBは略) (センター本試2002) 正解はCで、@で正解となるには、「〜してくれるかたずねた」なので if would(could) look after としなかければいけないと解答にありましたが、 He asked me if I was all right.のような文はwouldは使われていません。 ask〜if…の文のとき、どういった時に、wouldまたはcouldが必要なのですか?
>>6 The fact [ that more than half of all people like blue better than any other color ] is a sign [ that it is neither violent nor immoral ].
>>7 John's mother wanted [ to go [ shopping ] ], so she asked him [ to look after his little brother ] [ while she was out ]. She asked him @[ if he would look after his little brother ]. She said to him, "A Will you look after your little brother? " Aは今よりの後に面倒を見るのでwill、 @は尋ねたとき(過去のあるとき)より後に面倒を見るのでwouldです
BShe asked me [ if I was all right ]. She said to me, "C Are you all right? " Cは今のことなのでare、Bは尋ねたとき(=過去)のことなのでwasです。
He advised me that I (should) keep the secret. このshouldは米語では省略可と辞書に載っているのですが、
My mother told me that I should eat more vegetables. という文でshouldは省略できるのではないかと前にここで質問したところ、 このshouldは「〜すべき」という意味のshouldだから省略不可と言われたの ですが、この二つの文は何が違うのでしょうか?
>>25 @Where is bank?→ CCould you tell me G[ where the bank is ]? @Who is the man in a white coat? → CDo you know G[ who the man in a white coat is ]? BHow old is his grandmother? → BI'm not sure G[ how old his grandfather is ]. CWhere does our teacher live? → AI asked him G[ where our teacher lives ]. CDoes she speak French? → CI don't know G[ if she speak French ].
I believe him to be a genius. のto be は省略可ですか? 辞書のbelieveのところでは「〜+O+(to be)補」で省略可となっていますが、 これは後ろにくる補語が何であっても省略可という意味ではないですよね? 補語によっては省略できない場合もあるということですよね?
>>37 I believe this. He is a genius. 従属節にして I believe [ that he is a genius ]. 従属節を不定詞にして I believe [ him to be genius ]. 不定詞にしてto beになったら多くは省略できるので I blieve [ him a genius ].
I admit [ that he is hansome ]. I admit [ him to be handsome ]. I admit [ him handsome ].
のto be は省略可ですか? 辞書のbelieveのところでは「〜+O+(to be)補」で省略可となっていますが、 これは後ろにくる補語が何であっても省略可という意味ではないですよね? 補語によっては省略できない場合もあるということですよね?
>>37 I believe this. He is a genius. 従属節にして I believe [ that he is a genius ]. 従属節を不定詞にして I believe [ him to be genius ]. 不定詞にしてto beになったら多くは省略できるので I blieve [ him a genius ].
I admit [ that he is hansome ]. I admit [ him to be handsome ]. I admit [ him handsome ].
This room is pleasant to work in という文をITから始まる文に書き換えた時 it is pleasant room to work in て書き換えてダメと言われたんですが何故ですか? 因みに答えは it is plesant to work in this room と言われ、この答えには納得してます。
>>48 この場合のitは形式主語。つまりto〜がitの内容なんです。 to〜をitに代入してみると To work in is pleasant room.と意味不明な文になってしまう(中で働くのは快適な部屋?) でも下の文なら To work in this room is plesant.(この部屋で働くのは快適だ)と意味が通ります。
ほぼ同じようにしたいんですが 何を入れたらいいですか? ●He remembers the day well on which humans stood on the moon for the first time. ●He remembers the day well ( ) humans stood on the moon for the first time.
●This book tells you the way to fix your bike. ●This book tells you ( )you can fix your bike.
●That was the reason he didn't want to see it then. ●That was ( ) he didn't want to see it then.
●They are looking for an apartment in which they can keep a dog. ●They are looking for an apartment ( ) they can keep a dog.
「Give me a match,I think my gas tank is empty.」 「Lets see if its loaded.」 「You can make it easy,that train isnt coming fast.」 「What,your mother going to stay another month?」 「Let me have that bottle,Ill try it.」 「Sure I was out with your wife,what about it?」 「Yes,dear,I lost my pay gambling」 「Just wach me dive from that bridge.」
Both men and women wore nail polish in the ancient world. As a matter of fact,high-ranking soldiers in Egypt,Babylonia,and Rome spent hours before a battle (5語)their (2語)and nails painted. (A)having (B)on (C)makeup (D)and (E)curled (F)putting (G)hair
We may have felt lonely on an individual level, with the sudden realization that after all is said and done, we must face the dark moments of life completely on our own. 私たちは個人レベルで孤独を感じなければならない。 あと訳せません。お願いします
We may have felt lonely on an individual level, with the sudden realization that after all is said and done, we must face the dark moments of life completely on our own. 全てが言われたり行われたりした後、人生の暗い瞬間に完全に自分一人で直面しなければいけない、ということを突如理解することで、私たちは個人的に孤独を感じるかもしれません。
>>69 Japanese people tend to say what they really think vaguely. This is because they are afraid that the person who are criticized might take it as a criticism of his personality rather than that of his opinion.
>>120 the South American ringtailed lemur was once considered an endangered species, が前半。 これを分詞構文にすると、having been once considered an endangered species (主語は主節と同じだから省略) で、havingbeenは省略するのが普通だから省略すると問題文になる
>>84 We may have felt lonely on an individual level, with the sudden realization [ that [ after all is said and done ] we must face the dark moments of life completely on our own ]. 全てが語られた行われた後に、 人生の暗い瞬間に完全に自分一人で直面しなければいけない ということを突如理解することで、 私たちは個人的に孤独を感じたことがあるかもしれません。
He dexided to withdraw all the money from the bank with the interest rate ( ) down. @going Ato go Bgone Cgo
She listened to me with tears ( ) from her eyes. @fall Afalling Bfell Cfallen
An hour later she came back home with her face glowing with the warmth of ecercise. She sat down at once and ate lunch with her eyes fixed on the plate. 一時間後、彼女は顔を興奮の暖かさ(?)から真っ赤にしながら家に帰った。 彼女は一度座り、 〜〜昼食を食べた。
>>88 @[ Once considered an [ endangered ] species ], the South American ring-[ tailed ] lemur has become a much more common sight in the Amazon in recent years.
AThe South American ringtailed lemur was once considered an [ endangered ] species. 輪尾キツネザルはかつては絶滅危機種であると考えられていた(過去) BIt has become a much more common sight in the Amazon in recent years. それはこれまでによく見られるようになった(過去から今まで)
@はAとBを繋いだ物です。 主節の時間は現在を基準とする。 従属部分の動詞をwasと取れば主節の基準よりも古いので、 having+動詞の過去分詞、にして、having been considered、です。 従属部分のwasを助動詞、本動詞をconsideredと取れば、輪尾キツネザルは「見なす」行為を受ける物なので過去分詞の形を用い、分詞のconsideredを用い、considered〜、で良い。 受け身の意味を表す過去分詞を使うときは、時制はほぼ無視される。
>>145 ○Wounded and tired, he continued to work. Though he was wounded and tired, he continued to work. ×Having been wounded and tired, he continued to work. *********************************************************** 従属すべき主語述語の動詞が受け身でそれを分詞を使って簡単に言う時には、受け身であることだけを過去分詞で表し時制を表すことはしません。 10公式のIを見れば、簡単に解決する話です。 イエス様は凄いですねえ。 私にこれを下さいました、 アーメン。
>>170 コンサイス英文法辞典より 分詞構文 (4)分詞構文の変異形. 主節との意味関係をはっきり示すために、 分詞構文の前に前置詞withや接続詞を置くことがある。 withはbeやhave以外の独立分詞構文に用いられる。 With population increasing everywhere, improvements in agriculture are an absolute necessity. After reading the story, I did a cross-word puzzle. Although impressing the examiners, he nevertheless failed.
[ Coming in the snack bar ], a beautiful figure will come into my eyes. On [ coming in the snack bar ], a beautiful figure will come into m eyes. スナックバーに入るのと同時に
Among the agencies through which this wish was to be realized were the United Nations, the forces of occupation, and, at a different but still important level, education. この文を二つに分けてほしいです
>>221 二つですか? Among the agencies through which this wish was to be realized were the United Nations, the forces of occupation, and, at a different but still important level, education.
>>221 @Among the agencies [ through which this wish was [ to be realized ] ] were the United Nations, the forces of occupation, and, at a different but still important level, education. ************************************************************
AAmong the agencies were the United Nations, the forces of occupation, and, at a different but still important level, education.
BThis wish was [ to be realized ] ] through several agencies.
>>233 英語の構造上は二重否定じゃないけど、日本語にすると二重否定になっちゃう例ですね。 それから、もしかすると Dangerous, exceptionally destructive weapons had been given to an immature world, immature in the sense that the continuation of political and economic policies( through acts of war) had not been discounted despite the dreadful and obvious consequences もしこの早稲田の問題の事だったらhad not been discountedの主語を勘違いしてる。 この文は the continuation had not been discounted の骨組みに、修飾語が沢山付いてる。 discount を否定した日本語が難しいので肯定的に訳すと、 「戦争を通じた(through acts of war)政治的、経済的な政策を続ける事が、考慮されてつづけて来た。」
>>239 >>233 Dangerous, exceptionally destructive weapons had been given to an immature world, 特別には快適な兵器が未熟な世界に(その時まで)与えられ続けた
immature in the sense [ that the continuation of political and economic policies( through acts of war) had not been discounted despite the dreadful and obvious consequences ].
>>253 We took a rest for a while after having worked hard. He is absent today. I hear he's sick. I want to be absent from school since I feel bad today. He took a week leave and went to Europe.
>>253 After working hard we took a rest for a while. He is absent today; he seems to be ill. Today I feel ill and I don’t want to go to school. He took a week off and went to Europe.
(略式)では通例 had は軽く発音され,You'd better ..., You better ..., さらに Better ... となることが多い: (You) better go now. そろそろ行った方がいいぞ。
とあります。もちろん主語は you 以外でも可。
先生は,It is better to make it 8:00. で頭の "It is" と to 不定詞の to を省略したもの,と言ったのですか? では,例えば It is good to make ... とか It is easier to make ... のような文が,それぞれ Good make ... や Easier make ... と言えるかどうか, 質問してみるといいと思います。グーグルで調べてみてもいいでしょう。
Dangerous, exceptionally destructive weapons had been given to an immature world, immature in the sense that the continuation of political and economic policies through acts of war had not been discounted despite the dreadful and obvious consequences. すみません一度聞いておいておきながらよくわからなくなってしまいました。 解答では訳が 【危険で、特別に破壊的な兵器が、未熟な世界に与えられてきた。未熟というのは、戦争という行為を通して政治的・経済的政策をつづけることが、 恐ろしくて明白な結果であるにもかかわらず、考慮されてこなかったという意味で未熟なのである。】 となっていたのですが、not been discountedのところを直訳すると「考慮されないことがない(=考慮されてきた)」ですが 訳をみると考慮されてこなかったという風になっていますが、そこがよくわからなくなってしまいました。お願いします
I heard someone shriek at the middle of the road in mid night. We left from our house in just 12 o'clock in the evening. He got angry as I have broke the promise. He retired from his company when he was sixty. He resigned from his company all of sudden and left for India. Many young women quit her job on getting married. He had trouble in getting a new job. I wonder if how much money I require to start a new job.
>>307 I heard someone in the street cry in the middle of the night. We set off just at midnight. He got angry because I forgot the appointment. I left my umbrella (behind) in the train. He retired from his company at the age of 60. Suddenly he left his company and set off for India. A lot of young women quit their job when they get married. He had trouble finding a job. How much money is needed to start a business? I have to go to the dentist after finishing today’s work. I’m seeing him on my next holiday. He went to Italy on summer vacation.
>>305 Dangerous, exceptionally destructive weapons had been given to an immature world, 特別に破壊的な兵器が未熟な世界に(その時まで)与えられ続けた
immature in the sense [ that the continuation of political and economic policies( through acts of war) had not been discounted despite the dreadful and obvious consequences ].
>>328 discountはnegative implicative verb(否定的含意動詞)だから、 確かに前にnotがあればdouble negation(二重否定)となるが、 二重否定は全て肯定となるわけではなく、二重否定でありながら 否定的な意味となる使用例は非常に多い。 古英語や中英語では当たり前の用法だったため、現代でも多く見られる。 You don't need no money. あんたお金などいらんじゃろが
>>248 彼は、私が遅刻した事を許してくれなかった。 He didn’t forgive me for [ being late ]. 彼の父は、彼が一人で外出するのを許さなかった。 His father didn’t allow him [ to go out alone ]. 最近、煙草を吸う若い女性が多い。 These days, a lot of young women smoke. 最近、彼から便りをもらった。 Recently I heard from him. 私が電車に乗ろうとした時、誰かが私にぶつかった。 [ When I was about [ to get on the train ] ], someone bumped into me. 横浜に行きたいなら、電車に乗るのが便利だ。 It is convenient [ to take a train ] [ to go to Yokohama ]. 英語を読む時にはいつも辞書を使いなさい。 Use your dictionary [ whenever you read English ]. 彼は競馬にお金を使い過ぎる。 He spends too much money on horse races.
It is convenient [ to take a train ] [ to go to Yokohama ]. 英語を読む時にはいつも辞書を使いなさい。 Use your dictionary [ whenever you read English ]. 彼は競馬にお金を使い過ぎる。 He spends too much money on horse races.
The research is the most comprehensive and longest study 【to date】 of 1,534 North American fossil mammal species over 80 million years. 【】の意味を下から選べ (a) today (b) so far (c) to estimate (d) to determine この問題は【】=(b)を知っているかどうかの問題だそうですが、 知らなくてdateを「年代を推定する」という方の意味だと思い「見積もる」という意味の(c)を選んでしまったのですが こっちのほうで訳すと「年代を推定するための包括的で長期的な研究」という意味で 意味的に通じると思うのですがどうでしょうか
All mammals have the first molar, whose size can [establish] body sizes, establish の意味として最適なものを1つ選びなさい。 (a) settle in position (b) create (c) bring about (d) determine bは作り出す、cはもたらす、dは決定する、aがよくわからないのですが 全ての哺乳類は前歯を持っていて、それで体の大きさを決定付けることができる という事でdが答でいいでしょうか? すみません、答のページが消えてて分からない状態です。お願いします
>>412 A: Excuse me. Could you give me the way to the City Hall ? B: Take a bus for C university at the station, and get off at the fourth stop. You'll see a big shopping center on your left. The City Hall is just across the street. A: How long does it take? B: Well, I guess around ten minutes, unless there's no traffic jam. A: Thank you very much.
誤りを訂正する問題です。お願いします。 1.She is 17 year old. 2.I have a 17-years-old son. 3.He was sitting on the bench with his eyes closing. 4.Don't speak with full your mouth. 5.My father was standing with his arms folding.
..., the grandfather slowly leaned forward, put his arms around the head [and] feet of the little [form], then pressed his face to the white sheet covering her and remained [still].
1.[and]が繋いでいるのは___と___である。 2.[form]と同じ意味の本文中の語は___である。 3.[still]と同じ意味のstillを含む文を一つ選びなさい。 a.He is still living in Hollaido. b.The wind is strong now, but it will be still stronger tonight. c.The students stood still for their photograph.
..., I recognized that I had the chance [to take] a prize-winning news photograph. I measured the light, found the right place, and raised the camera [to take] the photograph.
>>446 1.Beside the house *[ was a flower bed ], ... 2.On a table, [ lighted by a window ], *[ lay the small body, [ covered in a clean white sheet ] ].
I can still see in my mind's eye *[ that poor old man looking down at the place in the driveway [ where the child had been ] ].
>>448 ..., the grandfather slowly leaned forward, put his arms around *[ the head and feet ] of the little *form(=her,she), then pressed his face to the white sheet [ covering her ] and remained still.
He is [ still living ] in Hollaido. The wind is strong now, but it will be [ still stronger ] tonight. *The students stood [ still ] for their photograph.
>>450 ..., I recognized [ that I had the chance [to take a prize-[ winning ] news photograph ]. 賞を勝ち取る写真を撮る→チャンス。名詞に繋がる形容詞的用法 I measured the light, found the right place, and raised the camera [to take the photograph ]. 写真を撮るために→カメラを持ち上げた。動詞を修飾する副詞的用法。
Obviously it's the hardest job [ to select your really precious book out of so many books ]. Yet, [ the harder the job is ], the greater the joy will be [ that you have got yourself to it ]!
>>466 It is surely quit difficult to find a valuable book of so many books in the world. However, the more difficult it is, the greater pleasure taken by coming across the book would be.
>>497 There are a lot of hot spring resorts with ski slopes in the Japan sea coast. Many young people ski there during the day and relax in hot springs in the evening. However, these area are often hit by severe snowstorms during winter. Local people avoid driving in the snow after dark even if they are used to do so. Since weather changes suddenly, clear weather in the morning can turn into a snowstorm.
1. a) Do you have the time? b) What time ( ) ( )? 2. a) The post office is two blocks away from here. b) ( ) ( ) two blocks from here to the post office. 3. a) There has been no rain for two weeks. b) ( ) ( ) ( ) rained for two weeks.
1. 私たちが彼の家を見つけるのは大変だった。 It (his house/was/us/find/for/to/hard). 2. なぜ彼が居なくなったのか謎である It (he/suddenly/a mistery/why/disappeared/is). 3. 彼が来るかどうか、はっきりしない。 It (will/is/he/not/whether/uncertain/come/or).
Environmentalism is a movement that has done much good in the world. It has been one of the most important political and educational---even spiritual---movements of the twentieth century. We owe the movement a great deal. But timees are changing , and now environmentalism , too , is becoming part of the problem.It has begun to harden into an ideology and mystique, and some of its doctrines are increasingly dysfunctional:for example, a romantic tendency to view all human activity(except that of primitive peoples) as destructive to nature and an automatic hatred of technology.
>>499 1. a) Do you have the time? b) What time (is) (it)? 2. a) The post office is two blocks away from here. b) (It) (is) two blocks from here to the post office. 3. a) There has been no rain for two weeks. b) (It) (has) (not) rained for two weeks.
>>503 You are supposed to protect your own country from the enemy. You are supposed to observe the law. He has got into the habit of smoking. Bowing is a custom of Japanese people. I woke in the middle of the night because the telephone rang. I have to get up at six tomorrow morning so as not to be late for school.
>>476 [ The harder the job is ], the greater the joy will be [ that you have got yourself to it ]!
[ The harder the job is ], the greater the joy [ that you have got yourself to it ] will be! 君が自分自身をその本に至らしめたという喜びは、なお一層大きいであろう [ ]は、the joy、と同格です。名詞節です。
We had a hard storm outside last night, and to make matters worse, we had had a blackout for more than two hours. これは↑ It was a hard storm outside last night.とどちらの方が適切でしょうか? to make matters worseはwhat was worseとどちらの方が適切でしょうか? あと嵐は家の中で起こるわけないのでoutsideはいらないような気もします。 それとstormの形容詞はhardで問題ないでしょうか? その他お気づきの点がありましたら教えていただけると有難いです。
>>499 1. a) Do you have the time? b) What time ( is ) ( it )? 2. a) The post office is two blocks away from here. b) ( It ) ( is ) two blocks from here to the post office. 3. a) There has been no rain for two weeks. b) ( It ) ( has ) ( not ) rained for two weeks.
1. 私たちが彼の家を見つけるのは大変だった。 It was hard for us to find his house. 2. なぜ彼が居なくなったのか謎である It is a mistery why he suddenly disappoeared. 3. 彼が来るかどうか、はっきりしない。 It is uncertain whether he will come or not.
children must play a lot. his father scolded him for his hanging around with his friends every night, he regreted that he hung around during the last summer vacation. i visit my uncle last sunday. she has a good taste in music.
>>497 >>498 There are a lot of hot spring resorts with [ skiing ] slopes on the Japan Sea coast. Many young people ski there during the day and relax in hot springs in the evening. However, these areas are often hit by severe snowstorms during winter. Local people avoid [ driving in the snow after dark [ even though they are used to [ driving on a snowy road ] ] ]. [ Since the weather changes suddenly, a clear weather in the morning can turn into a snowstorm.
>>510 Children should play a lot. His father scolded him for always going around with his friends at night. He regretted having wasted his time during the last summer vacation. I went to see my uncle last Sunday. I like to read books. I am interested in reading books. She has good taste in music.
>>501 Environmentalism is a movement [ that has done much good in the world ]. It has been one of the most important political and educational---even spiritual---movements それはこれまで最も重要な政治的教育的の運動の一つであった of the twentieth century. We owe the movement a great deal. But times are changing, and now environmentalism, too, is becoming part of the problem. It has begun [ to harden into an ideology and mystique, and some of its doctrines are increasingly dysfunctional: for example, a romantic tendency [ to view all human activity (except that of primitive peoples) as destructive to nature and (as) an automatic hatred of technology ].
>>503 >>505 You are supposed [ to protect your own country from the enemy ]. You are supposed [ to observe the law ]. He has got into the habit of [ smoking ]. [ Bowing ] is a custom of Japanese people. I woke in the middle of the night [ because the telephone rang ]. I have [ to get up at six tomorrow morning [ so as not to be late for school ] ].
>>515 >>510 Children should play a lot. His father scolded him for [ always playing around with his friends at night ]. He regretted [ having wasted his time [ playing out around ] during the last summer vacation ]. I went [ to see my uncle ] last Sunday. I like [ to read books ]. I am interested in [ reading books ]. She has good taste in music.
516 日本語力の欠如のせいか It has begun [ to harden into an ideology and mystique, and some of its doctrines are increasingly dysfunctional: for example, a romantic tendency [ to view all human activity (except that of primitive peoples) as destructive to nature and (as) an automatic hatred of technology ].
>>516 Environmentalism is a movement [ that has done much good in the world ]. It has been one of the most important political and educational---even spiritual---movements それは、これまで20世紀の最も重要な政治的教育的な、霊的でさえある、運動の一つであった of the twentieth century. We owe the movement a great deal. But times are changing, and now environmentalism, too, is becoming part of the problem.
It has begun [ to harden into an ideology and mystique ], and some of its doctrines are increasingly dysfunctional: for example, a romantic tendency [ to view all human activity (except that of primitive peoples) as destructive to nature and (as) an automatic hatred of technology ].
1. Many people in England want to have a garden of their own, but actually they wouldn’t enjoy working there. 2. The English are proud of beautiful gardens and use a lot of money to have them tended to by a professional gardener. 3. In England, even the busiest people usually try to take care of their gardens all by themselves. 4. On my way home from work, I have often stopped to have a chat with those spending time in their garden.
>>528 1. Many people in England want [ to have a garden of their own ], but actually they wouldn’t enjoy [ working there ]. 2. The English are proud of beautiful gardens and use a lot of money [ to have [ them tended to by a professional gardener ] ]. 3. In England, even the busiest people usually try [ to take care of their gardens all by themselves ]. 4. On my way home from work, I have often stopped [ to have a chat with those [ spending time in their garden ] ].
1. I had my teacher correct my essay in English. =I got my teacher ( ) correct my essay in English. =I had my essay ( ) by my teacher in English. 2. Your shirt is torn at the elbow. It needs to be mended. =Your shirt is torn at the elbow. It needs ( ).
It has begun [ to harden into an ideology and mystique ], この運動?は、イデオロギーや神秘性へと固くなりはじめた。 and some of its doctrines are increasingly dysfunctional: また、いくつかのその教義は、ますます機能障害になりつつある。 for example, a romantic tendency [ to view all human activity (except that of primitive peoples) たとえば、、、、、ここから分かりません… as destructive to nature and (as) an automatic hatred of technology ].
>>536 It has begun [ to harden into an ideology and mystique ], この運動は、イデオロギーや神秘事へと固まりはじめた。 and some of its doctrines are increasingly dysfunctional: また、いくつかのその教義は、ますます機能障害になりつつある。 for example, a romantic tendency [ to view all human activity (except that of primitive peoples) たとえば、未開社会の人たちを除いた、全ての人間活動を自然に対する破壊的な物と見たり、技術に対する理由無しの嫌悪すべき物と見なすロナンチックな考え方の傾向である as destructive to nature and (as) an automatic hatred of technology ].
1. あちらがあなたが昨日話してくれた男性ですか。 Is that (talking/ you/ the man/ about/ were) yesterday? 2. これは図書館に返さないといけない本ですか。 Is this the book (be/ returned to/ which/ the library/ must)? 3. 私の言ったことに対する彼女の反応に私は驚いた。 I was surprised at (what/ I/ her/ reaction/ to/ said). 4. 授業で聴いた音楽はバッハによる作品だ。 The music (class/ we/ to which/ was/ listened/ in) by Bach.
英語の並び替え問題で The dog (so much water/be/drink/thirsty/must/to). という問題がありました。この問題の答えは The dog must be thirsty to drink so much water.「そんなにたくさんの水を飲むとは、その犬はのどが渇いていたのに違いない。」 だったのですが、私は The dog must drink so much water to be thirsty.「その犬はのどが渇いているので、たくさんの水を飲まなければならない。」 と書いたのですがこれでもOKなのでしょうか?
This is a penomenon which is caused by account of increases of enrollment limits and the declining birthrate. Moreover, because of this, various issues happen both on college side and applicant side.
This elevator is now out of order. Something is wrong with my PC. He broke his favorite vase. He dropped his watch on the floor and damaged it. The typhoon destroyed the entire city. I was sad to see our old school building pulled down. The new building spoiled the beauty of the scenery.
>>597 They are pround of long history of their town. He always boasts that he has never been beaten in a tennis match. He showed the way to the station to me by drawing a map. Could you tell me your phone number? He told me how to drive a car.
They are proud of the long history of their city. He always boasts that nobody can beat him in tennis. He showed me the way to the station by drawing a map. Would you tell me your telephone number? He taught me how to drive.
>>582 中学校では、S+V+O+C、等、5文型という言葉は使いません。 目的語と言う言葉は使います。 中学レベルでは You call me my boy. You make me happy. 等の文を扱いますが、 目的語はどれかと聞かれたらmeとOに当たる部分を答えることになると思います。 my boy やhappyの部分は、補う言葉、ぐらいの言い方だと思います。 中学レベルの言葉で捉えた方がいいと思います。
書き換え問題です 1.The girl [wearing red clothes] is my daughter. (前置詞inを用いて[]内を同じ意味に) 2.We could see someone playing the guitar on the street. (someoneを主語にした受動態で) 3.[As I was unable to walk any more], I stayed there for a long time. ([]内を分詞構文で)
>>625 1 The girl in red clothes is my daughter. 2 Someone is seen playing the guiter on the street. 3 Being unable to walk any more, I stayed there for a long time.
和訳の問題です 1 The football season has already begun. 2 Seeing is believing. 3 You must write a letter in English. 4 I found the book very interesting. 5 She made me a Christmas cake. よろしくおねがいします。
休暇を利用して海外旅行をする学生がますます増えています。 countries / growing / vacation / of / students / in / spend / foreign / their / numbers.
天然ガスを利用する車が一般に普及しない大きな理由は、専用のガソリンスタンドが不足してるためだ。 (problem / back / a / widespread / major / holding / use / the )of natural gas in motor vechicles is the lack of filling stations.
訳なし。 I was touched by what he was meaning to say even ( much / left / he / though / unsaid)
訳なし。 A study shows Japanese women bow more often than men, and their bows last one-and-a-half seconds on average,(compared / less / one second/ than / to)for men.
メアリーが紙を風になびかせてそこに立っているのが見えた。(一語不要) I saw (hair / her / Mary / standing / stood / there / waving / with )in the wind.
>>631 1 The woman in white is a nurse. 2 They were standing with thier shoes off. 3 He was the man I thought who I had met before. 4 I heard little birds singing in the trees. 5 This is the woman who Ann said could show us the museum. 6 A few birds could be seen to enter the birdhouse. 7 She was seen studying hard at the libraly. 8 tired from the work , I went to bed at nine. この上なくすっきりだね♪
>>631 1 The woman in white is a nurse. 2 They were standing with thier shoes off. 3 He was the man I thought who I had met before. 4 I heard little birds singing in the trees. 5 This is the woman who Ann said could show us the museum. 6 A few birds could be seen to enter the birdhouse. 7 She was seen studying hard at the libraly. 8 tired from the work , I went to bed at nine. この上なくすっきりだね♪
指示に従って書き換える問題です。 1 I like these pictures.(否定文に) 2 Chinese people like to eat raw vegetables.(否定文に) 3 There are four major islands in Japan.(疑問文に) 4 Professor Kim teaches Russian at our university.(疑問文に) おねがいします!
>>630 1 They ski every year. 2 The problem are very difficult for me. 3 My mother knows that teacher well. 4 Our teacher showed us some pictures. 5 We chose him as the captain.
What a Friend we have in Jesus, [ all our sins and griefs to bear ]! What a privilege (it is) [ to carry everything to God in prayer ]! O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, [ All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer ].
What a Friend we have in Jesus, [ to bear all our sins and griefs ]! What a privilege (it is ) [ to carry everything to God in prayer ]! O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, (It is) [ all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer ].
This photograph was taken in F1 Australian grand prix on August in 1985. (この写真は1985年8月のオーストラリアGPで撮られたものです。) He is Ayrton Senna.(このドライバーはアイルトン・セナです。) In the reason why I had chosen this photograph, he was 14th place in the preliminary contest of this race. However, he pulled out 12 machines and became 2nd place in the final. (僕がこの写真を選んだ理由は、彼はこのレースの予選では14位でした。しかし、 彼は決勝で12台抜きをして、2位になりました。) But, he died of the accident in the San Marino grand prix in 1994. (しかし、彼は1994年のサンマリノGPでの事故で亡くなりました。) I think he is the most fastest driver. (私は彼は史上最高のドライバーだと思います。)
>>644 1 I don't like these pictures. 2 Chinese people don't like to eat raw vegetables. 3 Are there four major islands in Japan? 4 Does Professor Kim teache Russian at our university? あぃぃ〜〜〜ん!すっきりか?あぃぃ〜〜〜ん!
1. あちらがあなたが昨日話してくれた男性ですか。 Is that (talking/ you/ the man/ about/ were) yesterday? the man you were talking with 2. これは図書館に返さないといけない本ですか。 Is this the book (be/ returned to/ which/ the library/ must)? which must be returned to the library 3. 私の言ったことに対する彼女の反応に私は驚いた。 I was surprised at (what/ I/ her/ reaction/ to/ said). her reaction to what I said 4. 授業で聴いた音楽はバッハによる作品だ。 to which we listened in class was
What a Friend we have in Jesus, [ to bear all our sins and griefs ]! 私達はイエスの内に何という友を持つことであるか[私達の全ての罪と悔いを負うとは]! What a privilege (it is ) [ to carry everything to God in prayer ]! そのことは何という特権であることか[祈りの内に全てを神の元へ持って行けるとは]! O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, あー、私達は何という平和を無駄にすることか、あー、何という無駄な苦しみを負うことか、 (It is) [ all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer ]. それは、である[全て、私達が祈りの内に全てを神の元に持って行かないから]
AWhat a Friend we have in Jesus, H[ to bear all our sins and griefs ]! @What a privilege (it is ) H[ to carry everything to God in prayer ]! O Awhat peace we often forfeit, O Awhat needless pain we bear, @(It is) G[ all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer ].
What a Friend we have in Jesus, [ all our sins and griefs to bear ]! What a privilege (it is) [ to carry everything to God in prayer ]! O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, [ All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer ]. Amen
1 Columbus went to America in 1492.(疑問文に) 2 The United Nations is important for international peace.(理由を尋ねる文に) 3 They went to Kyoto (by bus).(()を問う疑問文に) 4 The most exciting sports event is the Olympics.(疑問文に) おながいしますっ
質問に対する答えを英語で答える問題です 1 Where is the nearest post office? (あそこです) 2 When do universities start the new school year in Britain?(9月です) 3 How do you like Japan? (とても気に入りました) 4 What is your favorite food? (とても気に入りました) 5 Who is the president of that company?(スミスさんです) 6 Hoe far is it from your home to the nearest station?(約500メートルです) 7 Why is that novelist so famaous?(たくさんの本を書いたからです)
>>667 1 Columbus went to America in 1492.(疑問文に) Columbus did go to America in 1492. *助動詞のdidを文頭に出して下さい
2 The United Nations is important for international peace.(理由を尋ねる文に) The United Nations is important for international peace why. be動詞を文頭に出して下さい。次に疑問詞=尋ねる言葉、を文頭に出して下さい 3 They went to Kyoto (by bus).(()を問う疑問文に) They did go to Kyoto how. *助動詞を文頭に。助動詞のdidを文頭に。
4 The most [ exciting ] sports event is the Olympics.(疑問文に) The most [ exciting ] sports event is the Olympics. *be動詞を文頭に。
>>625 1.The girl [wearing red clothes] is my daughter. (前置詞inを用いて[]内を同じ意味に) 2.We could see [ someone playing the guitar on the street ]. (someoneを主語にした受動態で) 3.[ As I was unable [ to walk any more ] ], I stayed there for a long time. ([]内を分詞構文で) >>629 1 The girl [ in red clothes ] is my daughter. 2 Someone could be seen [ playing the guiter on the street ]. 3 [ Being unable [ to walk any more ] ], I stayed there for a long time.
()内の適する語を選ぶ問題です 1 Mike (don't/doesn't/didn't) smoke any more. 2 We (don't/didn't/won't) be able to stay at such an expensive hotel. 3 (Do/Does/Are) this shirt go with you? 4 (Will/Do/Are) it be alright whith you? 5 (Are/Does/Will) you do me a favor? おねがいしますっ
>>678 Is that (talking/ you/ the man/ about/ were) yesterday? the man youwere talking with 2. これは図書館に返さないといけない本ですか。 Is this the book (be/ returned to/ which/ the library/ must)? which must be returned to the library 3. 私の言ったことに対する彼女の反応に私は驚いた。 I was surprised at (what/ I/ her/ reaction/ to/ said). her reaction to what I said 4. 授業で聴いた音楽はバッハによる作品だ。 The music (class/ we/ to which/ was/ listened/ in) by Bach. to which we listen in class was
>>681 1 Mike doesn't smoke any more. 2 We won't be able to stay at such an expensive hotel. 3 Does this shirt go with you? 4 Will it be alright whith you? 5 Will you do me a favor?
>>578 > 578 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [sage]: 2008/09/30(火) 01:19:54 > This is a penomenon which is caused by account of increases of enrollment > limits and the declining birthrate. Moreover, because of this, various > issues happen both on college side and applicant side. > > これは定員増加や少子化などにより大学入学希望者総数が入学定員総数を下回ることを > 引き起こす現象です。さらに、これにより、受験者側と大学側の両方に様々な問題が起こります。 > > と言いたいのですが上記の英文だと変ですか? This is a phenomenon caused by increasing enrollment quotas set by universities as well as by the declining youth population in our country, resulting in the quotas not being fulfilled in higher education.
>>633 > 633 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [sage]: 2008/09/30(火) 22:24:30 > 各組の文がほぼ同じ意味を表すように、()に適語を補う問題です > > 1.We heard Mike practicing the piano in the living room. > Mike (was) (heard) (practicing) the piano in the living room. わkらん
> 2.She had a bag in her hand and went out. > She went out (with) a bag (in) her hand.
> 3.We saw him come out ofthe house. > He was seen (there) (coming) out of the house. わkらん
> 4.We thought the 10:30 bus was good for our flight, but the bus was late. > The 10:30 bus, which (we) (thought) (was) good for out flight, was late.
質問に対する答えを英語で答える問題です 1 Where is the nearest post office? (あそこです) 2 When do universities start the new school year in Britain?(9月です) 3 How do you like Japan? (とても気に入りました) 4 What is your favorite food? (とても気に入りました) 5 Who is the president of that company?(スミスさんです) 6 Hoe far is it from your home to the nearest station?(約500メートルです) 7 Why is that novelist so famaous?(たくさんの本を書いたからです) おねがいします
>>707 > 707 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 []: 2008/10/01(水) 07:00:12 > 質問に対する答えを英語で答える問題です > 1 Where is the nearest post office? (あそこです) Over there. > 2 When do universities start the new school year in Britain?(9月です) In September.
> 3 How do you like Japan? (とても気に入りました) A lot. > 4 What is your favorite food? (とても気に入りました) Peking duck. > 5 Who is the president of that company?(スミスさんです) Mr Smith. > 6 Hoe far is it from your home to the nearest station?(約500メートルです) Around 500 metres.
> 7 Why is that novelist so famaous?(たくさんの本を書いたからです) Because he did write loads of books. > おねがいします
>>733 move the chair there this machine doesn't work i can't operate this machine could you tell me how to get to the station this road leads to yokohama city i came across him and talked with him for a while
I expect someone to understand them . という文で to understand は全体で名詞の働きをしていてexpect 補語と先生は言うんですが、 全体で形容詞の働きをしていて補語になっていると僕は思うんですがなんでこの考えは駄目なんでしょうか? 教えてください。
>>733 Please move the chair to there. This machine doesn't work. So I cannot do it. Would you tell me the way to the station? The main street goes to Yokohama. I met him on the street and had a bit chat with him.
Move the chair there. This machine doesn’t work. I can’t operate this machine. I can’t use this machine. Can you tell me the way to the station? This road leads to Yokohama City. I met him on the street and we chatted for a while.
日本語の意味を教えてください。 Manko, a spokesman for the Russian force, said that the European would “work to the border of the zone, which is a position of the parties.”
>>749 He drank a cup of tea. After eating the soup, he went on to the main dish. Don’t forget to take your medicine after supper. He is ashamed that his son stole the money. He is too shy to talk in front of a large audience. She was embarrassed when she was laughed at by her classmates.
例えば、What are you doing? という疑問文に対して、 I am doing... で返す必要はない。(別の言い方をすれば質問者は動詞のdoの平叙文を必ずしも期待していない) 別に I am looking for... など別の動詞でもいい。 このような疑問文の動詞doは、他の動詞でもいいわけ。
適切な語句を選ぶ問題です 1 (See/To see/To seeing) is (believe /to believe /to blieving). 2 I came here (help/to help/helping) you. 3 We were glad (hear/to hear/hearing) the news. 4 Would you like something (drink/to drink/drinking)? よろしくおねがいします。
>>783 Who was it that wrote this book? You are requested to fill out this form to join this club. Could you draw me a map so that I won’t get lost? He likes to paint pictures. There is a wide river near his house. His house is very large.
>>783 Who has written the book? Please fill out on this application form if you join this club. Could you draw a map for me? He likes drawing pictures. There is a wide river near my home. His house is very large.
1. Many people in England want to have a garden of their own, but actually they wouldn’t enjoy working there. 多くのイギリス人は自分の庭を持ちたいと思うが、実際にはそこで楽しく仕事しようとはしない。 2. The English are proud of beautiful gardens and use a lot of money to have them tended to by a professional gardener. イギリス人は自分たちの美しい庭に誇りを持っており、庭師にそれを手入れしてもらう事に大金を使う。 3. In England, even the busiest people usually try to take care of their gardens all by themselves. イングランドでは、最も忙しいような人でさえ、たいてい自分自身で自分の庭を手入れしようとします。
4. On my way home from work, I have often stopped to have a chat with those spending time in their garden. 仕事からの帰り道に、よく、自分たちの庭に時間を割いている人々とおしゃべりするために立ち止まった。
彼らは自分の国のために戦っている。 They are fighting for their country. 彼はいつも奥さんと喧嘩している。 He always quarrels with his wife. その市の人口は百万近い。 The city has a population of alomst million. 彼は月に辛うじて十万円ほど稼ぐ。 He barely earns around one-hundred thousand yen every month. 約百人の人がパーティーに集まった。 About one-hundred people gathered in the party.
>>833 They are fighting for thier own country. He is always quarreling with his wife. The population of the city is near by one million people. He barely earns about 100000 yen for a month. About 100 guests assembled for a party.
They are fighting for their country. He always quarrels with his wife. The population of that city is nearly one million. He earns barely 100,000 yen a month. About 100 people gathered for the party.
>>848 @ According to the evening news on TV, Tokyo had the heaviest snow in years. The evening news on TV said that Tokyo had the heaviest snow in years.
A A friend who lives in Tokyo is coming to see me for the first time in three years. I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to a friend coming to see me from Tokyo. I have not seen him for the last[past] three years.
>>848 テレビの夕方のニュースによれば、東京はここ数年ぶりの大雪だったとのことだった。 I[ According to an evening news on TV ], it snowed most heavily in Tokyo in these several years.
東京に住んでいる友達が3年ぶりに遊びに来ます。私はとても楽しみにしています。 My friend I[ living in Tokyo ] is coming H[ to see me after three years' absence ]. I'm looking forward to I[ seeing him ].
>>904 If this trend continues, one out of four people will be over 65 in less than 30 years. If this trend continues, those aged 65 or more will account for[ make up ] a quarter of the whole population within 30 years.
>>914 [ If this trend continues ], one out of four people will be over 65 in less than 30 years. [ If this trend continues ], those [ aged 65 or more ] will rule a quarter of the whole population within 30 years.
>>534 > 1. I had my teacher correct my essay in English. > =I got my teacher ( to ) correct my essay in English. > =I had my essay ( corrected ) by my teacher in English. > 2. Your shirt is torn at the elbow. It needs to be mended. > =Your shirt is torn at the elbow. It needs ( mending ).
>>960 > どなたかこの問題お願いします(´・ω・`) > > 次の各組がほぼ同じ内容になるように、( )に適する語句を答えよ。 > > > @My right arm was hurt ina fight. > > I ( fucked ) my right arm hurt in a fight. > > > AOpen the window at once. > > ( Shit ) the window ( fuck ) opened at once. > > > BI was given the message by someone wearing a red jacket. > > The person ( pissing shitty fuck ) the message by someone wearing a red jacket. > > > CNobody has ever spoken to me like that before. > > I have ( god-damn fuck ) spoken ( ass-hole ) like that before. > > > DYou must finish the work by tomorrow evening. > > The work must ( be fucked ) by tomorrow evening.
>>963 >3.Yoko had been learning Germany for half a year before she went to German. german と germany 逆 Yoko had been learning German for half a year before she went to Germany.
和訳ですっ! This state of things might have lasted until his working life had ended in the natural way had not his employer, the head of the firm, died and his son, a young man with modern ideas and a determination to increase his business, come into possession.