Rafael, a man from Mexico, and Jim worked in a restaurant together. Jim borrowed a dollar from Rafael but when he tried to pay it back, Rafael refused. However, Jim insisted. One reason Rafaeldid not want to accept Jim's dollar was that in his culture, it is very important to be generous. Generosity and respect for others' generosity are two values that explain many Hispanic customs and attitudes. That is why Jim's refusal to accept Rafael's generosity made Rafael question their friendship. In cultures where generosity is such an important value, most people do not like to think value,most people do not lile to think of themselves as stingy or cheap, and these are terrible insults to a Hispanic Latins do not try to return amall amounts of many because it would suggest that the other person is stingy.To a latin, Jim's insistence on returning the dollar might mean that Jim thought Rafael was stingy and had to have his dollar back. As a North American, Jim felt that it would be rude if he did not try to return the dollar as soon as possible. To understand the North American point of view, it is necessary to know how important the value of self-reliance is. North Americans do not feel it is right to rely on others too much: owing too many favors means being dependent.North Americans see this as a weakness. They do not like to think of themselves as sponges,a word describing those who take too much from others. North Americans cannot respect themselves if they feel too much ( A ) to others, financially or otherwise. Instead, they prefer to be ( B ) of such obligations. North Americans feel strongly about paying their own way. To let someone else pay for them is ( C ), which is morally wrong. But if Jim and Rafael were close friends, Jim would feel that he was not taking advantage of Rafael. He would not need to pay back the dollar.
FACE BOOKでチリ人の女の子からのメッセージなんですけど、お願いします I do not know much English good but I hope you'll continue to respond ^.^ of anything by invitation n_n This invitation is a group against someone silly
of what country are you? n.n Good-bye and one take care of kisses
“With the present troubles in the Balkans and a certain major European Power rapidly outbuilding our Navy, the Admiralty might be forgiven if it started that it had rather more urgent affairs to deal with than Master Brown's little troubles. A further enquiry before the Judge Advocate of the Fleet has now fully comfirmed the original findings that the boy was guilty. I sincerely trust that this will finally end this ridiculous and sordid little storm in a teacup. I am, Sir, etc., Perplexed.”
It have always relieved me when I have witnessed or suffered life's hardships. This belief has made me tolerant, for it does not allow us to take ourselves or others too seriously ; it makes us look at others with a sense of humor.
>>864 その文はどこにあったの? こんなのめっけた。 わかりやすいでしょ。 "A man can surely do what he wills to do, but he cannot determine what he wills"-impressed itself upon me in youth and has always consoled me when I have witnessed or suffered life's hardships. This conviction is a perpetual breeder of tolerance, for it does not allow us to take ourselves or others too seriously ; it makes rather for a sense of humor.
>>864 It have always relieved me when I have witnessed or suffered life's hardships. それはいつもわたしが他人の困っているのを見たり自分が困っているときに助けになった。 This belief has made me tolerant, この思いはわたしを寛容にした。 困難に対して悲観しないようになった。かも。 for it does not allow us to take ourselves or others too seriously なぜかというと困難にあっても私たち自身又は他の人にもあまり深刻に考えなくてもよいからだ
; it makes us look at others with a sense of humor.写し違いだろ。 ; it makes rather for a sense of humor. ユーモアのセンスさえ感じさせるのだ。
I think there are crazy people all over the world, but Confucius was not Korean.
Isn't there another country, ethnic background you like to prove crazy besides Korean? You targetting one specific group is a little harsh, don't you think?
A survey asked British adults about their work and home life. Many people took part, including full-time and part-time workers, unemployed people, students, pensioners and full-time parents. The survey showed that women spend twice as much time cooking as men, five times as long cleaning the house, and eight times as long doing the laundry! British people spend more time on housework than they do on their paid jobs. Housework takes up about three hours twenty-five minutes a day, compared to two hours twenty-five minutes working, The average woman spends fifty-one minutes a day cleaning the house, but the average man spends only thirteen! Men do more house repairs, with 25% of couples saying that the man always does the DIY.
Every time I hear somebody refer to sumo as "Japan's national sport," I just have to shake my head in amazement.
It hasn't been that for a long time and may never be again.
I think "ancient and traditional sport" is more accurate these days, and with the way things have been going the past year, hopefully "traditional" can be dropped from the description some time soon.
Let's face it, sumo is in a crisis that it has never seen before.
Spinning out of control, lacking true leadership or any vision for the future, with a select few keeping a stranglehold on the sport and slowly sucking the life out of it.
My own preoccupation with Monteverdi began with a graduate seminar taught by Charles Hamm at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,in which we attempted to understand Monteverdi's mensuration signs and their proportional relationships-a topic still unresolved in the Monteverdi literature and the subject of Chapter 20 of the present volume.Witnessing how little research had been devoted to Monteverdi's sacred music,I subsequently resolved to write my dissertation in this area,eventually resulting in a thesis on the Vespers of 1610 and a published collection of essays on the Mass and Vespers.
自分的には 「I think 〜 , hopefully "traditional" can be dropped from the description some time soon.」の部分が「わかりにくい」と 感じるのは無理がないと思う。
traditional はいいイメージで使われがちなので、それを hopefully (願わくば)be dropped と言うのは、ちょっとひっかかるところです。
hopefully "traditional" can be dropped from the description some time soon.(願わくば、「長い伝統を誇る」という言葉も近いうちに やめることができよう) この文章の真意は、最近の不祥事により「今こそ相撲界の因習、旧来の やり方を改めるべき時だ」というものだと思う。 つまり、ここでの traditional はネガティブなイメージ(因習的な、旧来の やり方の)を含んでいる。「(悪い意味での)伝統なんかやめてしまえ」とい う筆者の真意はこの記事全体を読めばよくわかります。
hopefully "traditional" can be dropped 〜 と言って、読者に「おや、 なんで由緒ある伝統をすてなけゃなんないの? 」と思わせ、つい先を読みたく なるよう促す。 こういう風に読者に立ち止まらせたり、常識に反することを言って驚かせたり するのはジャーナリズムの文章によくあるテクニックです。
At least 385 privately run nursing homes across Japan are violating the law by not registering with their prefectural government, according to a Kyodo News survey released Sunday. Under the elderly welfare law revised last April, registration is required for fee-based nursing homes regardless of size or services. Previously, the law applied only to those that accommodated at least ten people and served meals. The survey found that 385 facilities in 21 prefectures, out of 776 in 37 prefectures that authorities knew about, remain unregistered even though the revision brought them under the scope of the law. The tally only covers facilities that prefectural governments are aware of. There is no way of knowing how many actually exist. A facility in Urayasu, Chiba prefecture, where a resident was allegedly locked in a cage and others were subjected to abuse was entirely unknown to prefectural authorities until a former staff member notified the city in January that its residents were being abused. The Chiba prefectural government initially said the facility, Blue Cross Yukaikan, was an apartment complex accommodating not only seniors but also younger people It later corrected its view in line with a government guideline that facilities in which the majority of residents are seniors can be regarded as fee-based nursing homes. 続きます
It is believed that there are many other such facilities, which won't be inspected by relevant authorities unless problems come to light. Officials say it is impossible to know about the operations of such facilities unless they register voluntarily. Officials of the prefectural governments with unregistered nursing homes cite the difficulty in getting those facilities to sigh up. Under the current law, nursing home operators can be fined up to 300,000 yen for failing to register with their prefecture. However, some operators are willing to risk the fine in order to avoid coming under administrative control, which could be costly if it leads to forced remodeling or service improvements, the officials said. Kunio Takami, president of the Alzheimer's Association Japan, said the recent reports of alleged abuse at the Urayasu facility points to the social contradictions in this country. "Generally speaking, the best defense against those problem business operators is for families (with elderly members) not to use such facilities. However, the truth is that many families have no choice but to rely on unregistered nursing facilities, which may be inexpensive but offer poor-quality service." 連続すいません、長文ですがどなたかお願いします
One answer to that question can be found by looking at the National Basketball Association. Since 2002, the NBA has had the good fortune of having the biggest professional sports star in China, Yao Ming. But it is the NBA's continuous effort in various grassroots programs, clinics and camps going back 20 years that helped pave the way for its current market success. As a result, the NBA is the most popular sports league in China, and today 300 million people in China play basketball. In fact, the NBA is celebrating its 20th year of broadcasting games in China. Heidi Ueberroth, president of NBA International Business Operations, said China was "by far the largest market for the NBA outside of the United States." For the next several years, Ueberroth projects at least a 30 percent annual growth rate for the NBA in China, whose overall sports market is estimated to be a multibillion dollar industry.
Fall has created a formidable niche for herself on the Tokyo scene, as a trendspotter who can write. Quite how she fits in being everywhere and knowing everyone before the mainstream catches on, is one of life's mysteries. Especially when you consider she has a family (husband met here) and two small children (Eden 5, Raffy 3). "It became natural for people to ring me up when passing through Tokyo to ask where they should go and what to see. "Then I realized that other people were charging for such information. When I met Spreckley, I told him, and we began thinking about how to pool our resources." Spreckley, too, had been at the receiving end of appeals for guidance -- from TV companies and other personal and business contacts. It was natural to want to help, but meeting Fall helped him to refocus.
I love how Leah has gyaru makeup but it's downplayed a bit more than usual gyaru, and the way you explained the steps made it easy to emulate. It's gyaru but a bit more relaxed, and easier to wear out for people NOT living in Japan. Thanks. メイクについて英語でコメントをもらったのですがわかりません。 何か英語で嫌味でも言われているのでしょうか? 訳してもらえるとありがたいです。
McCain accepted his party's pressidential nomination in a packed convention hall, insisting he can pull off the kind of change that Democrat Barack Obama talks about in a year Americans are hungry for new leadership. MaCain〜change(改革をもたらすことができる)まではわかりますが、 以降の that Democrat Barack Obama talks about in a year Americans are hungry for new leadership. が、文のどこにかかるのか、全く分かりません。 上記の文以前の内容は、共和党大会でMaceCainが「自分は改革者になる!」 と言っている、というような内容です。 文法が得意ではないので、 どなたかよろしくお願いいたします。
>>890 pull off 〈難しいことを〉見事にやってのける. McCain accepted his party's pressidential nomination in a packed convention hall, insisting he can pull off 自分にも出来る the kind of change that関係代名詞 Democrat Barack Obama talks about in a year Americans are hungry for new leadership. オバマ民主党がアメリカ人は新しいリーダーを渇望しているとここ一年間言っている変革
この商品は二つの違う缶がセットになっているのでしょうか? よくわからないので翻訳お願いします。 Yu-Gi-Oh!: Collectible Tin Wave 2 Upper Deck The most anticipated Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG product makes its return with the 7th annual Yu-Gi-Oh! Collectible tins. The first 2 (of 4) tins will arrive on store shelves in mid august; the remaining tins will be released in early november. Each unique Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Collectible tin offers an assortment of the game's top-selling booster packs from the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX era along with the first new booster pack for the brand new Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's era. The tins will also have a value-added promo pack that will contain a tournament coupon and 3 of 9 promo cards. Tin Wave 1: 2 week preview of the Duelist Genesis boosters; 2 different tins, 6 booster packs per tin, 1 tournament coupon included with the promo pack, 1 secret rare variant card. 1 promo pack and 5 booster packs: 2x The Duelist genesis, 2x Phantom Darkness, 1x Light of Destruction.
The sounds produced by human vocal organs can be studied in many different ways. The study of sounds is calld phonetics. Phonetics is mainly concerned with describing the speech sounds that occur in the languages of the world. Specifically, we want to know what people are doing when they are talking and when they are listening to speech.
Some phoneticians are interested in studying the physical and acoustic aspects of speech sounds, while others are interested in studying the patterns and functions of sounds that occur in a language. In the latter type of study, it is important to realize that speech sounds can be perceived and represented as a sequence of discrete units, even though they are physically continuous. Native speakers of any language can intuitively extract the linguistically significant units. For example, when native speakers of English are asked how many sounds there are in the word pit they will most probably ansewer three. The concept oe decreteness is a basic assumption in the study of speech sounds.
These discrete units of sounds are not arbitrarily combined; the sequence of such units is under certain restrictions. For example, there is no English word which begins with ten consonants. Furthermore, the consonants which can appear in the iinitial clusters of English are restricted. Thus for a three-consonant cluster beginning with /s/, the second consonant can only be one of /p,t,k/. Such restrictions are found in many languages, and one of the purposes of the study of speech sounds is to examine the kind of restrictions peculiar to an individual language.
Therefore, there are several levels in the study of speech sounds: on the one concrete level we try to describe what speech sounds exist, and on the other abstract level we try to examine what regularities govern the realizations of sounds in a langiage.
Instead of opposing magic and science, it would be better to compare them as two parallel modes of acquiring knowledge. Their theoretical and practical results differ in value(as science is certainly more successful than magic point of view, although magic foreshadows science in that it sometimes also works). But both science and magic require the same sort of mental operations, which differ not so much in kind as in the different types of phenomena to which they are applied. These relations are a consequence of objective conditions in which magic and scientific knowledge appeared. The history of the latter is short enough for us to know a good deal about it. But the fact that modern science dates back only a few centuries raises a problem which ethnologists have not sufficiently pondered. The Neolithic Paradox would be a suitable name for it. It was in neolithic times that humanity mastered the great arts of civilizations, which are pottery, weaving, agriculture, and the domestication of animals. No one today would think of attributing these enormous advances to the fortuitous accumulation of a perception of certain natural phenomena.