What are the science-related issues that the public will have to make decisions on in the future?By far the most urgent is that of nuclear weapons.Other global problems,such as food supply or the greenhouse effect , are relatively slow-acting.On the other hand , a nuclear war cuold mean the end of all human life on earth within days.The relaxation of East-West tensions has meant that the fear of nuclear war has decreased in the mind of the public.But the danger is still there as long as there are enough weapons to kill the entire population of the world more than once. Nuclear weapons are still aimed at all the major cities in the Northern Hemisphere.It would only take a computer error to start a global war. If we manage to avoide a nuclear war, there are still other dangers that could destroy us all. There is a sick joke that the reason we have not been contacted by an alien civilization is that civilizations tend to destroy themselves when they get to our level.But I have sufficient faith in the good sense of the public to believe that we can prove this wrong. 訳してくれないでしょうか?よろしくお願いいたします。
Instead of measuring and competing on results ,efforts to improve health care delivery have made the fundamental error of attempting to control supply and micromanage provider practice.
No one was prepared for Professor Hill’s questions. この文は受動態でしょうか? もしそうなら能動態にすると、No oneが主語なので no oneが目的語になり、人を用意するというよくわかんない状態になってしまいます。 どういう文構造なのか教えて下さい。
My friend [ ] here by now, for he took the first train. 1.can arrive 2.may arrive 3.must arrive 4.ought to have arrive 答えとその理由を教えて下さい。
> 和訳です。 > > Nearly one of every seven dollars spent on final goods and services in the USA economy goes to > the health sector. 「合衆国経済に於いて 末端の物やサービスに支払われる 弗の七分之一近くが 健康分野に費やされる。」
>>986 一つの文を「主部/述部」と割った際に、 述部(Predicate)の中心となる動詞が述語動詞(Predicate Verb)です。 例えば Nearly one of every seven dollars spent on final goods and services in the USA economy goes to the health sector.では goes to the health sectorが述部、 goesが述語動詞です。
>>973 どうもです。 あ、私質問間違えてました。 ×haveは状態動詞で継続を表す時、have been livingではなくhave livedじゃありませんでしたっけ? ○liveは状態動詞で継続を表す時、have been livingではなくhave livedじゃありませんでしたっけ? で、liveは継続を表す時have been livingなんですね?