外国人本人に向かってforeignerと言うのは「よそ者」というニュアンスで 失礼らしいのですが、alienもお役所的で冷たいイメージだとか・・。 では、日本にいる外国人に大して「no(non?) Japanese」と言うのはどうなんでしょうか。 例えば、「この町で外国の方(日本人以外の方)にお会いするのは珍しいので〜…」のような 世間話的な場面で使う場合です。 「persons from other countries」も、なんか長ったらしいし…。
The artist in that case is just an intermediary craftsman carrying out the wishes of the owner. Then in all these cases, the artifact that is the coffin would be art, otherwise it is just an artifact of the civilization... rare, expensive, maybe even unique, but not a work of art. これの訳をお願いします。 あと二段目のthe artifact that is the coffin would be art,・・・のところのthatがどういうthatなのか教えてほしいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。
>>25 The artist in that case is just an intermediary craftsman carrying out the wishes of the owner. その場合は芸術家というより依頼主の注文通りに作る職人です。 Then in all these cases, the artifact that is the coffin would be art, otherwise it is just an artifact of the civilization... rare, expensive, maybe even unique, but not a work of art. そしてこの場合はすべて、工芸品である棺箱は芸術品としても、 文明の産物、珍しく高価で変わっているかもしれないが芸術品ではありません。 thatは、ただの代名詞。
>>40 研究社英和よりコピペ pride 自尊心; 誇り,プライド true pride ともいう》._keep one's pride 自尊心を失わない_hurt a person's pride 人の自尊心を傷つける _nurse one's pride (傷つけられた)自尊心を癒す_swallow one's pride 自尊心を抑える.3 _ うぬぼれ,高慢,思い上がり false pride ともいう》._She has no false pride. 彼女にはうぬぼれがない_ Pride_ goes before a fall.=Pride_ will have a fall. 《諺》 おごれる者久しからず. vanity は自分に対する過度の自信・賛美または人にほめられたいという過度の欲望; pride は正当な自尊心・自信または誇張された偽りの自信・うぬぼれ》._ 引用終わり 研究社英和中辞典以上の辞書を引こう
>>27 From the standpoint of [ what the stockholders are interested in ] is products [ that in fact are strong versus competition ], and the only way [ to make [ our products strong versus competition ] ] is [ to listen to [ what consumers want, watch the technology trends, make the modifications, and let [ the marketplace vote ].
BYou just put the book in that woman's hand. And she's gonna lob it at you like a grenade.
弁護士が主人公に言ったセリフなんですが、吹き替えでは 「全面的に罪を認めたら、容赦なく重刑を言い渡される。」となってるんですが put the book in that woman's hand.を、the bookを彼女(裁判官)の判決文と判断して 判決文にサインしたら、判決文に書いてある事が手榴弾ように投げてくるみたいな・・・ もう・・・吹き替えから遠ざかる和訳になってしまうんですが・・・ 英語は頭を柔軟にして、うまい例えと捉えて受け入れていくしかないんですか?
>>83 それぞれ英語の通り訳して良いのではないかと思う。 字幕では限られた字数で前後の意味をつなげるため実際の会話とは 別のことを書く場合があるよ。 Rarely in the case of armed robbery do強調の助動詞 we hear動詞 a plea of no contest. we rarely hear a plea of no contest in the case of armed robbery. 武装強盗の事件では論争が無いことは殆ど聞かない。法定で論争がある。 You just put the book in that woman's hand. And she's gonna lob it at you like a grenade. 賭け帳をその女に渡したんだろ。で彼女は手榴弾のようにあなたに投げてきた。 裁判で不利な証拠なんだろ。 the book 競馬の賭け帳のことかも。
1. You tell me that ... の現在進行形で that が省略。相手の入っていることが気に入らないので、 帰れと言ってるんでしょう。
2. "plea of no contest" は法律用語で、被告人が有罪とも無罪とも主張しない、という申し出。 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nolo_contendere 強盗をやってないなら無罪を主張するし、やってたら有罪を大人しく認めた方が良いよね。だから強盗で no contest 申し出るのは稀ということ。動詞は >>84 の言うとおり hear
3. まずは後半。これは、throw the book at someone (一番重い刑を科す)が元になっている。 it は the book。この表現を like a grenade で強調したから、それに合わせて動詞も lob に変えてある。この the book は法律書のイメージなので、それを踏まえて前半。裁判官に法律書を 渡しながら、煮るなり焼くなりしてくれ (no contest) という感じかな。強盗で起訴されてるから、 「全面的に罪を認めた」も同然だよね。
>>92 職員じゃないの? >>93 cosmos (秩序と調和の表われとしての)宇宙 対象語chaos 天地創造以前の)混沌(こんとん) universe 宇宙; 天地万有,万物. 全人類; (人間の活動の場としての)世界 space 空間 地球気圏外の宇宙 >>94 The dog was nowhere to be found The dog was to be found The dog was found The dog was nowhere found
>>94 The dog must be found somewhere. The dog was nowhere. 後ろを中心にする。前を不定詞にして後ろに繋がらせる。公式のHです。 The dog was nowhere [ to be found ]. 動詞を捉えて繋ぐと分詞にして、 The dog was nowhere [ found around ] ぐらいかな。
文法の基本は3種類の主語と述語 @I am with you. We are friends. AYou love me. I kiss you. BYou are handsome. We are happy. 一般的な助動詞の文と特別な形の助動詞の文を使えるようにすること CWe will climb a mountain together. We can see beautiful sceneries. Youn may kiss me. I must kiss you, too. DWe are planning about the holidays. You are checking with the Internet. ECakes are eaten by me. Beer is drunk by me. FI have loved you for three months. I have been to a movie theater. 従属の節を言う3つの言い方を使えるようにする。 GI know [ that you love me ]. You know [ what I like ]. You are a person [ whom I love ]. HYou ask me [ to love you ]. We go into a forest [ to spend a good time together ]. I[ Entering the forest ], you kiss me softly. I feel happy [ kissed by you ]. [ Spending time in the froest ] is so good.
The US and European countries have found diesel exhaust particles to be a major health hazard and have long since adopted measures to control such emissions.
However, this idea was strongly opposed by an official in the Department of Defense, so it was not successful. When the first President Bush came into office, he chose that Department of Defense official to be the new head of ACDA. 上記のchoseの文型は次と同じでいいですか We chose him to be our representative. 彼を我々の代表に選んだ よってthatは形容詞 Department…はDepartment-of-Defenseのようにハイフンで結んで1語の形容詞にした方が良いですか?
No one ever dies wishing he had spent another day at the office. 「職場でもう一日過ごせたらなあと願いながら死ぬものは誰も居ない」と訳すのですか? 何が言いたいのか? もっと働けたらなあと未練を残して死ぬものは誰も居ない。ということ? そんなことないよねえ。もっと働きたいと思う人一杯いるよねえ。
>>139 副詞句でしょ。研究社英和よりコピペ on the job 《口語》(1) (忙しく)働いて; 勤務中で[に].(2) 〈機械など〉作動中で.(3) 油断なく.(4) 性交中で._ コピペ終わり 気軽に使えないね。 >>140 can be great 素晴らしいことあると感じることが出来る >>141 choose that 指示形容詞
>>142 No one ever dies wishing he had spent another day at the office. one never dies wishing he had spent another day at the office. 彼我の人生観の違いでしょ。 定年退職、年金給付開始を喜びをもって迎える人がいるらしいよ。
There are few countries in Europe or the world where the people do not believe, at the bottom of their heart, that they are the best, or the most intelligent, or at least normal. If each culture considers itself normal, then the corollary is that it considers everybody else abnormal. By this token Finns consider Italians over-emotional because they wabe their arms while talking. The individualistic Spaniards consider the Swiss stuffy and excessively law-abiding. Lively Italians find Norwegians gloomy.
>>151 There are few countries in Europe or the world [ where the people do not believe, at the bottom of their heart, [ that they are the best, or the most intelligent, or at least normal ] ] ]. [ If each culture considers itself normal ], then the corollary is [ that it considers everybody else abnormal ]. By this token, Finns consider [ Italians over-emotional ] [because they wa** their arms while [ talking ] ]. The individualistic Spaniards consider [ the Swiss stuffy and excessively law-[ abiding ] ]. Lively Italians find [ Norwegians gloomy ]. *括ったところのまとまりの意味を考えなさい。そうすれば力が付きます。
>>136 The US and European countries have found [ diesel exhaust particles to be a major health hazard ] and have long since adopted measures [ to control such emissions ].
Accordingly, America's power justifies the refusal to listen to or reply to our critics, be they former allies in the United Nations or fellow citizens of goodwill demonstrating in the streets.
以下の文中にlive moreという表現がありますが、live longerの間違いではありませんか? longerだと「時間がもっと長く」ということになりますが、moreだと、以下の文脈では 「何がもっとだ」という意味になるのですか?なんだか変な意味なような。 Modern zoos are different from those built fifty years ago. At that time zoos were places where people could go to see animals from many parts of the world. The animals lived in cages with iron bars. Although the zoo keepers took good care of them, many of the animals did not feel comfortable, and they often fell ill. In modern zoos, people can see animals in more natural conditions. The animals are given more freedom in larger places so that they can live more as they would in nature. Even the appearance of zoos has changed.
メールで相手に趣味を聞いたら文の最後に「Soccer and stuff」とあり、stuffってどういう意味?と聞きました。「i meant " and so on " :) etc.. if you prefer.」と教えてくれたのですが、最後のif you preferはどういう捉え方をすればいいですか??
>>177 この"if you prefer"は「もし"and so on"と言ったほうがわかりやすいなら そう言い換えても意味は同じだから構わないよ」という程度の意味だよ。 "and stuff"ってのは「とかなんとか」というような意味でよく使われるくだけた言い方だよ。 ここではエロい意味は全くない。
The 51-years-old princess launched on Saturday the country's first royal blog,which she says is aimed at persuading her fellow citizens to embrace English.
Can I be of any assistance? The quality is of a consistent level. My mother is of a nuisance. He that is of all religions is of no religion. War is of concern to us all.
質問です。 Each state legislature has the power to introduce a bill to make or repeal a law. But that law has to be ratified by the state goverment, usually in a referendum. Once that happens, it is up to a judge to decide if a crime warrants it and pass sentnce.
I was able to take 商品名(Backordeだったやつ) off the order. But to put the other item in the order it will put another pending authorization on your credit card. Which means it will hold the total amount again until your bank automatically drops it off. This is usually within 48 hours. Just let me know if this is what you want me to do for you.
>>254>>255 ありがとうございます passは不定詞だったんですね to decide if a crime warrants it and pass sentnceのitが a lawが制定される事という事ですか? 最後の文がいまいちどう訳したらいいのか分からないので訳を教えてくれないでしょうか?
>>274 >>255は見なかったことにしてね。 Once that happens,ひとたびそれが起これば、法律が成立すれば it is up to a judge to decide if a crime warrants it and pass sentnce. 判事は裁判官は法律に決められた通りの犯罪であるか決めそして判決を下す。
>>278 warrant 研究社英和より 1 〈…を〉正当とする,是認する._ The circumstances do not warrant such behavior. 事情がどうあれそんな行為は許されない_ If the situation warrants it,phone me at any time. 状況によってはいつでも電話してください. 引用終わり if a crime warrants it itは法律 犯罪が法律を正当としているか 法律通りの犯罪をしているか 法律に触れているか 例 最高速度違反 法律で決まってるから犯罪になる。
すいません、並び替えお願いできますか? 「これらの行為は、忙しい日程の中で私たちの気持ちを静め、またちょっとした休憩を私たちに与えるのに大いに役立つことがある」 these activities【do much/and/to/quiet us/can/to give】us a small break in a busy schedule.
as if you needed proof とは日本語でわかりやすくいうとどうなりますか 直訳すれば「あたかも証明を必要としたかのように」ですが、つまり何を言いたいのかがよくわかりません。 グーグルで検索してみると、記事のタイトルについていたり、ある種フレーズのような言い回し だというのはわかるのですが・・・ 「〜というのがわかる?」みたいな意味でしょうか?
某海外通販サイトでのやりとりでこういうメールが届いたんだけど The order has now gone into the warehouse, which means I am not able to make any further changes to the order. I can place a separate order for the items with no shipping charge using the same cc that was used on this order if you would like. (注 ccはCredit Card の略だと思う)
> appointment > [a. OF. apointement: see APPOINT v. and -MENT. > In 15-16th c. often assimilated to med.L. appunct{amac}-, > appunctu{amac}-mentum.] > > appoint, v. > [a. OFr. apointe-r, -ier, f. à point to the point, > into condition: see POINT. Sometimes refashioned > after med.L. appunct{amac}re, whence also > some of the senses were taken. The chief senses > were already developed in OF., and did not appear > in logical order in Eng.] > > disappointment > [f. DISAPPOINT v. + -MENT: cf. F. désappointement > (14-15th c. in Hatz.-Darm.); also DISPOINTMENT.] > > disappoint, v. > [ad. F. désappointer (14th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), > f. des- (DIS- 4) + appointer to APPOINT. See also DISPOINT.]
>>301 disappoint 1434, from M.Fr. desappointer "undo the appointment, remove from office," from des- "dis" + appointer "appoint." Modern sense of "to frustrate expectations" (1494) is from secondary meaning of "fail to keep an appointment." http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?search=disappoint&searchmode=none
There was no chattering or singing among them here, and they moved about over the huge black camera slowly and carefully . move about overというのがよくわかりません。theyは小人のウンパールンパーたち、
They didn’t do a thing, you know. After all, the good professor says at the end of the report that Japan (the entire country?) has to understand things about the etiquette of public discourse and that cluelessness in not an excuse. Bad Japan! Bad! You inexcuseably clueless people!
すいません、かなり誤読してたかもしれません It’s fascinating how (movements on) the blogoshere can blow things out of proportion. I hope that this CNN report and everything that led up to it doesn’t encourage blame on the Japanese people just because of one commercial produced by one company.
>>325 もし「AがBに使われている」がA is used to Bなら、能動態にすれば use A to B ジーニアスを見れば 1[SVO]〈人などが〉〈道具・場所・表現など〉を〔…のために/…するために/…として〕使う,用いる,使用する,利用する〔for/for doing/as〕 プログレッシブを見れば 2 …を(…するために)利用する, 役立てる, 不当に利用する((to do, for ...));…を(…として)利用する((as ...));〈電話・トイレなどを〉借りる いずれにしてもto名詞の形は無い。 inやonなら考えられなくもないが、toが普通に使われると考えているなら、 自分の英語力を根本から疑った方がいい。
Instead of inoculating cattle with a pesticide to control disease, so that consumers eat the poison along with their steak,it may be possible to produce in the animals a natural and inheritable immunity to ceartain disease by employing DNA techology.
2行目のwith their steakで一つの文が終わっているような気もするんですが どうして.ではなく,になるんですか?
海外のロックバンド The Early November の「Outside」という曲の歌詞で 「Oh three due in time with the love of love gives life」 のところの意味をどうしても捉えることが出来ません。 特に「three」が一体何なのか、ご教示いただければ幸いです。 ちなみに全歌詞は下記URL先にあります。 ttp://www.lyricsdepot.com/the-early-november/outside.html よろしくお願いします。
>>390 Tom Sawyerの冒険からだね。 they wish they may die if they ever tell もししゃべってしまったら市んでもいい Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer promise they will never tell about this, and they wish they may die if they ever tell. Then each boy cut a finger and signed in blood, TS and HF.Tom helped Huck to write his H and F. Huck Finnは字が書けない設定なんだね。
>>413 relationship between A and B relationship between A and C を単純に一つにすると relationship between A and B and C になってしまいますが、 それだと BとCの関係という意味も含まれてしまうのでどうにかしたいのですが
「ポイントが付与されるのは、ポイント使用の(で支払う)値段分を除いた残りの値段に対してです」 と客に言いたいのですが、 The target for giving points is the other except price being used points. で通じますか?簡潔で正しい言い方を教えて下さい。
>>417 [a relationship between [the relationship between A and B] and [the relationship between A & C ]] になるな。どこぞのだれかさんみたいだけどw でも、まったく意味不明。英語っていうより論理学だわなぁ
まず、英辞郎にあった例文で "Don't get your panties in a bunch. " 「〈米俗〉つまらないことでむきになるな。/ちょ落ち着け」 a bunch の言う意味がよくわからないのですが、とりあえず パンツをその状態にするこ事が「つまらない事」といった理解で良いのでしょうか?
意味は文脈から同じだとわかる文章なのですが "Don't get your double helix in a straight" どんな意味(皮肉)を込めて、この流用をしたのか知りたいんです。
What are the science-related issues that the public will have to make decisions on in the future?By far the most urgent is that of nuclear weapons.Other global problems,such as food supply or the greenhouse effect , are relatively slow-acting.On the other hand , a nuclear war cuold mean the end of all human life on earth within days.The relaxation of East-West tensions has meant that the fear of nuclear war has decreased in the mind of the public.But the danger is still there as long as there are enough weapons to kill the entire population of the world more than once. Nuclear weapons are still aimed at all the major cities in the Northern Hemisphere.It would only take a computer error to start a global war. If we manage to avoide a nuclear war, there are still other dangers that could destroy us all. There is a sick joke that the reason we have not been contacted by an alien civilization is that civilizations tend to destroy themselves when they get to our level.But I have sufficient faith in the good sense of the public to believe that we can prove this wrong. 訳してくれないでしょうか?よろしくお願いいたします。
>>480 I must type this letter. タイプは話者の自らに課した義務 I have to type this letter. 他人の要請による義務 John says you must apologize. 話者がJohnの主張に同意している含みがある John says you have to apologize. Johnの主張を客観的に表現しているに過ぎない
「」部内の---especially not classmatesの部分がよくわかりません。いったいどうなっているのでしょうか。よろしくお願いします He enters the classroom, sits down, doesn't say anything. He looks at us, we look at him. At first, there are a few giggles, but Morrie only shrugs, and eventually a deep silence falls and we begin to notice the smallest sounds, the radiator humming in the comer of the room, the nasal breathing of one of the fat students. Some of us are agitated. When is he going to say something? We squirm, check our watches. A few students look out the window, trying to be above it all. This goes on a good fifteen minutes, before Morrie finally breaks in with a whisper. "What's happening here?" he asks. And slowly a discussion begins---as Morrie has wanted all along--- about the effect of silence on human relations. Why are we embarrassed by silence? What comfort do we find in all the noise? 「I am not bothered by the silence. For all the noise I make with my friends, I am still not comfortable talking about my feelings in front of others---especially not classmates.」 I could sit in the quiet for hours if that is what the class demanded.
What are the science-related issues that the public will have to make decisions on in the future?By far the most urgent is that of nuclear weapons.Other global problems,such as food supply or the greenhouse effect , are relatively slow-acting.On the other hand , a nuclear war cuold mean the end of all human life on earth within days.The relaxation of East-West tensions has meant that the fear of nuclear war has decreased in the mind of the public.But the danger is still there as long as there are enough weapons to kill the entire population of the world more than once. Nuclear weapons are still aimed at all the major cities in the Northern Hemisphere.It would only take a computer error to start a global war. If we manage to avoide a nuclear war, there are still other dangers that could destroy us all. There is a sick joke that the reason we have not been contacted by an alien civilization is that civilizations tend to destroy themselves when they get to our level.But I have sufficient faith in the good sense of the public to believe that we can prove this wrong.
I loaded up with plastic containers from their fresh food take-away, things like vermicelli with vegetables and carrot soup and baklava. loadって他動詞でしょ。これloaded up plastic container with their fresh food take-away.にした方が良いのではないですか。load up A with Bみたいに。
>>521 > Hi!Unfortunately > I can't leaern japanese from you-your translator is awful, by the way. > But funny though やあ! 残念だけど、君に日本語を教えてもらうことは出来ないよ。 しかし君の翻訳者/翻訳ソフトウェアはひどいね。 結構笑わせてもらったけどね。
可哀想だから訳してあげる。foundの後ろにhimが抜けてるでしょう? > When I came to know him,I found to be as pleasant a person as I had ever known. 「私が彼を知るようになった時、 私は彼を、私がそれまで知り合ったなかで 最も感じ能力良い人だと思った。」 find A to be B 「AをBだと思う」です。
>>527 修正。 > >>526 > > 可哀想だから訳してあげる。foundの後ろにhimが抜けてるでしょう? > > When I came to know him,I found “him”to be as pleasant a person as I had ever known. > 「私が彼を知るようになった時、 > 私は彼を、私がそれまで知り合ったなかで > 最も感じ能力良い人だと思った。」 > find A to be B > 「AをBだと思う」です。
>>483>>466 まず基本的な区別として、willはあらたまった場面でよく用いられる 中立的予測の表現であり、相対的に遠い未来を示す。 特にin the future、one of these days、sometime、some day、sooner or later などのような漠然とした未来を示す副詞がある場合にはwillが用いられる傾向がある。 一方be going toと進行形は口語的であり、相対的に近接未来を示す。 未来の場面が実現するための条件が整っている場合にはbe going toが用いられる。 The glue is going to be dry in half an hour. この膠は30分で乾きます。 未来の場面の実現に確信のある場合、ないしは、それを実現させる強い 意志を持っている場合には進行形が用いられる。 willは、そういう意志で計画はしてあっても、あくまで未来のこととして 現在とは切り離された事柄を示す。従って、意志が発生したその場での 発話において用いられる場合が必然的に多くなる。 be going toは、その形式の通り、進行形を含んでおり、動詞の表す 動作を意図して既に何らかの行動を起こしている感じが強く出る。
pebble cobble boulder stone は rock のかけらで,あまり大きくない石; rock は地球の表面を形成している大きな岩石; gravel は stone より小さい石で,道路に敷いたりする; pebble は水の作用で丸くなった小石; 《米》 では rock を石の意にも用いる》._
Two unrelated studies have shown that ( a week・between・ can significantly・ fast walking・for ・hours・reduce・ the chances・ two and three) of developing heart disease.
It ( for the long lifespans・ has been・the reasons・ one of・ suggested that) in the Mediterranean region is midday naps.
What are the science-related issues that the public will have to make decisions on in the future? (一般の)人々が将来決定を下さらなければならない社会関連問題はいったい何か? By far the most urgent is that of nuclear weapons. もっとも緊急を要しているものは、核兵器の問題である。 (ここでのthatが何を示しているのでしょうか?) Other global problems,such as food supply or the greenhouse effect , are relatively slow-acting. 食糧供給、温室効果のような他の世界的な問題は、比較的ゆっくりと進んでいる。 On the other hand , a nuclear war cuold mean the end of all human life on earth within days. その他一方、核戦争は数日以内に地球上の私たち人類すべての生命の終わりを意味するだろう。 The relaxation of East-West tensions has meant that the fear of nuclear war has decreased in the mind of the public. この東西間の緊張のゆるみは核戦争の恐怖が(一般の)人々の心の中で薄れていく(減っていく) ことを意味してきている。 (ここでのthatは接続詞のthatでしょうか?つまりthink that と〃thatでしょうか?)
But the danger is still there as long as there are enough weapons to kill the entire population of the world more than once. しかし、二度以上、世界全体の人口を殺すのに十分な武器がある限り、その危険は まだある。(thereをどのように訳せば自然な日本語訳になりますか)
Nuclear weapons are still aimed at all the major cities in the Northern Hemisphere.It would only take a computer error to start a global war. 核兵器は、いまだに北半球の大部分のすべての市をねらっている。
If we manage to avoide a nuclear war, there are still other dangers that could destroy us all. もし、私たちがなんとか核戦争を避けようとしても、まだ私たちすべてを破滅させて しまう他の危険がある。
あと、 If we manage to avode a nuclear war, ~. の部分ですが、訳し方が自信ありません。譲歩として訳さないと 自然じゃなかったので譲歩で訳しました。 普通に訳すと 私たちがなんとか核戦争を避けようとするなら、、私たちすべてを破滅させてしまう 他の危険がまだ残っている。 と成りますよね…
There is a sick joke that the reason we have not been contacted by an alien civilization is that civilizations tend to destroy themselves when they get to our level. Bこの文章の構文が把握できません。 But I have sufficient faith in the good sense of the public to believe that we can prove this wrong. しかし、私は私たちがこの間違いを証明できるということを信じている the good sense of the publicに十分な信頼をもっている。
@the good sense of the publicの訳し方が分かりません。 また、 Ato believe~ wrong.はどの部分にかかるのでしょうか?
> (1)関連のない2つの研究によって、1週間に2時間から3時間、早足で歩くことで、 > 心臓病になる可能性が大幅に減ることが示された。 > > Two unrelated studies have shown that ( 6a week・3between・ 7can 8significantly・ > 1fast walking・2for ・5hours・9reduce・ 10the chances・ 4two and three) > of developing heart disease. > > > (2)地中海沿岸で見られる長寿の理由は昼寝であると指摘されている。 > > It ( 5for the long lifespans・ 1has been・4the reasons・ 3one of・ > 2suggested that) > in the Mediterranean region is midday naps.
I loaded up with plastic containers from their fresh food take-away, things like vermicelli with vegetables and carrot soup and baklava. loadって他動詞でしょ。これloaded up plastic container with their fresh food take-away.にした方が良いのではないですか。load up A with Bみたいに。
>>568 この際は自動詞。 I loaded up with plastic containers from their fresh food take-away, things like vermicelli with vegetables and carrot soup and baklava. I loaded up.だけでも文は成り立つ。 私は弁当箱に買ってきたミミズのように細いスパゲッティにニンジンと野菜スープとbaklavaをかけたのを詰めた。
~~~~~~ Now, the truth is, that tape recorder was more than nostalgia. I was losing Morrie, we were all losing Morrie---his family, his friends, his ex-students, his fellow professors, his pals from the political discussion groups that he loved so much, his former dance partners, all of us. And I suppose tapes, like photographs and videos, are a desperate attempt to steal something from death's suitcase. But it was also becoming clear to me---through his courage, his humor, his patience, and his openness--- that Morrie was looking at life from some very different place than anyone else I knew. A healthier place. A more sensible place. And he was about to die. If some mystical clarity of thought came when you looked death in the eye, then I knew Morrie wanted to share it. And I wanted to remember it for as long as could.
If some mystical clarity of thought came when you looked death in the eye, then I knew Morrie wanted to share it. And I wanted to remember it for as long as I could.
I looked him in the eye.の場合、eyeは彼のeyeになりますから(theは体の一部をさす)、文中のeyeもdeathのeyeということになりますか?なんか変だなあ。deathにeyeなんてあるわけない。
>>584 tape recorder was more than nostalgia. tape recorderは過去を懐かしむ心以上の物だ。 And I suppose tapes, like photographs and videos, are a desperate attempt to steal something from death's suitcase. 私が思うにはtape recorderは、写真とかビデオのように死のスーツケースから大事な物を盗み出そうとする 必死の試みだ。死にものぐるいの試みだ。 つまり死と共に消え去る物が如何に多いか大きいかを嘆いている。 そのうち少しでも後生に残せるのがtape recorder 写真 ビデオだと言ってるのかも。
>>567 But I have sufficient faith in the good sense of the public to believe that we can prove this wrong. の文章で、in the good sense of the publicは何を修飾しているのでしょうか? haveにかかる副詞節でしょうか?
>>590 But I have sufficient faith in the good sense of the public しかし私は人々の良識に十分は信頼を置いていて to believe that we can prove this wrong. 私たちはこのことは悪いことであると照明できると信じている。
The first time I saw Morrie on "Nightline," I wondered what regrets he had once he knew his death was imminent. Did he lament lost friends? Would he have done much differently? Selfishly, I wondered if I were in his shoes, would I be consumed with sad thoughts of all that I had missed? Would I regret the secrets I had kept hidden? When I mentioned this to Morrie, he nodded. "It's what everyone worries about, isn't it? What if today were my last day on earth?" He studied my face, and perhaps he saw an ambivalence about my own choices. I had this vision of me keeling over at my desk one day, halfway through a story, my editors snatching the copy even as the medics carried my body away. 文中のWhat if today were my last day on earth?はyour last dayが適切ではないですか?君が今日死ぬとすればどうするか?と聞くべきではないですか。その証拠にI had this vision of以下は私が取るであろう行動が書かれています。
>>631 切り取りでは意味通らないよ。全文コピペしよう。検索してみた。 And that’s when I suddenly become aware that our car has not only fallen dead silent (Japanese hardly ever talk on the train anyway) but also that more than a few people are eyeing us sideways with strange looks on their face. The disruption in the wa is so major that even a dirty gaijin like me can feel something is fucked up.
"What interests you?" he says. We bat it back and forth, until we finally settle on, of all things, sports. I begin a year-long project on how football in America has become ritualistic, almost a religion, an opiate for the masses. アメリカではフットボールはどのようにとらえられいているのですか
As the boy grew older he ceased being timid and developed considerable poise. And where he had once been clumsy and fumbled things, he became a real athlete.
>>674 "Tuesdays with Morrie"読んでるの? ありゃいい本だよね。 iTunes Music Storeで著者が朗読してるオーディオブックが買えるよ。 モリー先生の肉声つきだよ。
> I begin a year-long project on how football in America has become > ritualistic, almost a religion, an opiate for the masses. アメリカにおいて、フットボールがどのようにして儀式的な、 ほとんど宗教、もしくは大衆にとってのアヘンといってもいいような 存在になったかについて、1年間にわたる研究を始めた。
"But there are days when I am depressed. Let me not deceive you. I see certain things going and I feel a sense of dread. "What am I going to do without my hands? What happens when I can't speak? Swallowing, I don't care so much about---so they feed me through a tube, so what? But my voice? My hands? They're such an essential part of me. I talk with my voice. I gesture with my hands. This is how I give to people."
about --- so theyのsoがよくわからない。ここは「だって」「というのは」と訳すと上手くいくのですけどsoにそんな意味無いもんね。
"But there are days when I am depressed. Let me not deceive you. I see certain things going and I feel a sense of dread. "What am I going to do without my hands? What happens when I can't speak? Swallowing, I don't care so much about---so they feed me through a tube, so what? But my voice? My hands? They're such an essential part of me. I talk with my voice. I gesture with my hands. This is how I give to people."
English newspapers in Japan frequently carry letters to the editor telling how objects lost in trains and public place were returned by Japanese individuals. 訳お願いできますか?
>>714 Swallowing, I don't care so much about---so they feed me through a tube, so what? I don't care so much about swallowing---so they feed me through a tube, so what? 飲み込むことはうまくできないので だから 彼らはチューブを通して食べ物を与えた、それがどうしたと言うの?
“‘I lost my mother when I was a child . . . and it was quite a blow to me ... I wish I'd had a group like yours where I would have been able to talk about my sorrows. I would have joined your group because. . .” His voice cracked. “Because I was so lonely” "Morrie," Koppel said. "that was seventy yeans ago your mother died. The pain still goes on?" “You bet," Morrie whispered
that was seventy yeans ago your mother died.のところ it was seventy years ago that your mother died.じゃないの?
>>723 英語の字面じづらにピッタリした日本語を当てるしかない。 Swallowing, I can care so much about I can care so much about Swallowing飲み込むこと 飲み込むことに対して十分ケア出来る。十分かまうことが出来る。飲み込める。 上記の否定 Swallowing, I don't care so much about
Although conflicts in Darfur, Somalia, and other places tragically remain violent and unresolved, it is worth noting the considerable progress that African states are making on many fronts and the role that the United States has played in supporting African efforts to solve the continent's greatest problems.
何ですかこれは? it is worth noting (that) S+...の後のVが無いんですけど。
> It is worth noting the admission of many nuclear experts, > including Mike Levi of King's College of London, > that "it is impossible to enrich uranium to weapons > grade in bomb quantities using the pilot facilities > that the Iranians have". http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/HA18Ak02.html
> worth preposition > 2 be worth (doing) something > b) used to say that someone should do something > because they will gain something from it > it is worth doing something > It's worth checking the details of the contract before you sign it. > It's well worth getting there early if you want a good seat. (LDOCE Online)
> Unlike finite clauses, -ing clauses occur very naturally > in ordinary subject position: > Teaching her to drive turned out to be quite enjoyable. > Extraposed -ing clauses are uncommon outside informal speech, > and they often seem to be untidy afterthoughts: > It turned out to be quite enjoyable(,) teaching her to drive. (Greenbaum & Quirk, 1990, p. 417)
When any diviation of structure often appears, and we see it in the father and child, we cannot tell whether it may not be due to the same causes having acted on both; but when amongst in individuals, apparently exposed to the same conditions, any very rare deviation, due to some extraordinary combination of circumstances, appears in the parent--say, once amongst several million individuals--and it reappears in the child, the mere doctrine of chances almost compels us to attributes its reappearance to inheritance.
の最後の部分の "the mere doctrine of chances almost compels us to attributes its reappearance to inheritance." というところが全く分りません。詳しく言うと "compels us to attributes its reappearance to inheritance" が 「我々はこれらの再現が遺伝によるものであるとせざるを得ない」 という意味になるのは分ります。しかしその前の "the mere doctrine of chances almost" がちんぷんかんぷんです。 この部分が、どういう構造になっているのかを教えてください。
>>744 そんなに難しい? Although conflicts in Darfur, Somalia, and other places tragically remain violent and unresolved, it is worth noting 以下の事はなんの価値も見いだせない the considerable progress that African states are making on many fronts and the role that the United States has played in supporting African efforts to solve the continent's greatest problems.
> Although conflicts in Darfur, Somalia, and other places > tragically remain violent and unresolved, it is worth noting > the considerable progress that African states are making on > many fronts and the role that the United States has played in > supporting African efforts to solve the continent's greatest > problems. > > 何ですかこれは? > it is worth noting (that) S+...の後のVが無いんですけど。 >
note の目的語が節である必要ないでしょ? itは動名詞notingをうける形式主語で noteの目的語がthe coosiderable fact〜と the role〜だよ。 ライスはああいう人だけど 英語はちゃんとしたものを話してるみたいだよ。
Maybe she felt obliged to do the right things in front of otheres,but deep down inside didn't really believe in the whole process of caring about the enviroment.
“‘I lost my mother when I was a child . . . and it was quite a blow to me ... I wish I'd had a group like yours where I would have been able to talk about my sorrows. I would have joined your group because. . .” His voice cracked. “Because I was so lonely” "Morrie," Koppel said. "that was seventy yeans ago your mother died. The pain still goes on?" “You bet," Morrie whispered
「that was seventy yeans ago your mother died.」のところ 「it was seventy years ago that your mother died.」じゃないの?
"Come on," he said to his brother. "Get up." "I can't." "What do you mean?" David's face was panicked. "I can't - . . . move." He had polio. Of course, the rain did not cause this. But a child Morrie's age could not understand that. 「a child Morrie's age」について。 aはどの名詞のためについているか?childかageか? childは形容詞的にMorrieにかかるのか?ageにかかるのか? それともa child [of] Morrie’s ageと考えるのか?
Maybe she felt obliged to do the right things in front of otheres, but deep down inside she didn't really believe in the whole process of caring about the enviroment. she didn't really believe in the whole process 全過程を実際には信じていない 全過程=caring about the enviroment=環境を保護すること ではダメなの?
>You might have helped me when I asked.:頼んだ時助けてくれてもよかったのに それはちょっと堅い、というか、むしろ意味が曖昧になります。 〜くれても良かったのに、だったら、おおよそ might as well haveなどと言います。 そして、もっと普通に言いたければ、shoud haveぐらいしか使いません。
care調べてみました。 プログレッシブ 1 [I[副]] 〈人が〉(…を)気づかう, 心配する, 案じる;(…に)気をもむ, 留意する;(…に)関心がある((for, about ...)). ▼進行形不可 ・I care about his safety. 彼の安否が気にかかる ・All he cares about is money. 彼は金のことしか頭にない.
研究社英和中辞典 b +about+(代)名〔…のことを〕気にする.She doesn't much care [She cares nothing] about being ladylike. 彼女は淑女らしくするということをあまり[全然]気にかけていない 《★much, nothing は副詞》.
ジーニアス 1[SV (about O)]〈人が〉(〈人・物・事〉を)気づかう,心配する,(…に)関心がある《◆(1)しばしば否定・疑問文で用いる. 平叙文ではa lot,greatlyなどの程度の副詞を伴うことが多い.(2)aboutの代りにforは《まれ》》 ¶When he lost his watch, he didn't seem to care. 時計をなくしても彼は気にしていない様子だった ¶She cares a lot about her personal appearance. 彼女は自分の身なりにとても気をつかっている ¶I don't care about what they say. 彼らが何と言おうと気にしない
OALD 1 ~ (about sth) to feel that sth is important and worth worrying about: [v] She cares deeply about environmental issues. I don’t care (= I will not be upset) if I never see him again! He threatened to fire me, as if I cared!
Merriam-Webster 1 a: to feel trouble or anxiety b: to feel interest or concern <care about freedom>
Maybe she felt obliged to do the right things in front of otheres, 彼女は人の見ているまでは環境に関心あるように振る舞うのを余儀なくされているが but deep down inside didn't really believe in the whole process of caring about the enviroment. 心の奥底では本当には環境に関心持つことのすべてを信じていない。
ここでいいのかわからないのですが、英語なのでここで質問させてください。 william labovのthe social stratification english in New York について知っている人いましたら詳しく教えていただきたいです。 スレ違いの場合でしたらどこへ質問するべきか教えていただけると嬉しいです。
They are using satellite based cameras to look for forest fires, and hoping that early detection from space will allow firefighters to extinguish fires far from civilization, in remote Siberia, before they grow too large.
extinguish ... from ...という構文があるのかな ないよね far from civilization文明からはるか離れた とはどゆこと
Governments, corporations and individuals spend hundreds of millions of yen each year developing network security systems to prevent precisely this kind of system failure.
ネットセキュリティーの話 While it is terribly important for us to protect ourselves, do you ever wonder what is lost when we build stronger walls between people, even if just electronic ones? ifの後の主語+be動詞 の省略にていて 主語は「失われるもの」ですよね
アシモフのロボット工学の3原則 第一条 ロボットは人間に危害を加えてはならない。また、その危険を看過することによって、人間に危害を及ぼしてはならない。 A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
It is possible that an IC will eventually emerge to perform the function but, until then, the following description should allow people to develop their own system.
ネットセキュリティーの話 While it is terribly important for us to protect ourselves, do you ever wonder what is lost when we build stronger walls between people, even if just electronic ones?
>>990 While it is terribly important for us to protect ourselves, 私たちにとって我々自身を守ることは非常に重要なことであるが do you ever wonder what is lost 如何に多くの物が失われているか考えたことがありますか? when we build stronger walls between people, 私たちが人々の間により強固な壁を築いたときに even if just electronic ones? もしそれ より強固な壁 が電子機器についてだけに限られたとしても。